人教版英语九年级Unit 14 Iremember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B (2a-2e)练习(含答案解析)

人教新目标版英语九年级全一册Unit 14 Iremember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 课时5-阅读课2(2a-2e)
1.We can’t finish this (任务) in an hour.
2.As a (经理), you should be hard on yourself and care more about your staff.
3.He finished second in the championship four years (连续几次地).
4.The bicycles they produced a few years ago were not up to (标准).
5.Some young people were (在前面) of us and running to the beach fast.
6.Bob feels sad about his mistake. (对画线部分提问)
Bob about his mistake
7.I’m looking forward to going to senior high school. (对画线部分提问)
you looking forward to
8.I think he will come to our party in half an hour.(改为否定句).
I he come to our party in half an hour.
9.My mother sent me a new book as a birthday present. (改为被动语态)
A new book me as a birthday present by my mother.
10.I don’t know where I can find my pet dog.(改为简单句)
I don’t know find my pet dog.
11.It’s the ________ of every student to study hard.
A.responsible B.responsibility C.possible D.possibility
12.—Spending so much time on the computer screen is ________ to your eyes.
—I know. I try to control myself.
A.harmful B.thankful C.helpful D.useful
13.You must speak to Mr. Green in a louder voice because he is a little ________.
A.deaf B.hungry C.blind D.thirsty
14.The two students are fighting. You should ________ to ________ them.
A.jump in; divide B.jump in; separate C.jump on; divide D.jump on; separate
15.You’ll miss the plane if you don’t ________ right now.
A.turn out B.set out C.run out D.put out
16.—We are so lucky to have so many caring teachers.
—Yes, they are really lovely. I am thankful ________ them.
A.to B.for C.with D.about
17.The river ________ my hometown ________ that city.
A.wears; away B.breaks; down C.stretches from; to D.separate; to
18.— As we know, China is the ________ of tea.
— Yes, and Chinese tea, ________ with silk was known by the world long ago.
A.home; along B.house; just C.family; along D.house; /
19.How time flies! Three years ________ since we came to this school.
A.has gone by B.have gone away C.are going by D.went away
20.— You’ve changed a lot, Linda.
— Yes. I ________ very shy, but now I am more outgoing than before.
A.am used to being B.used to be
C.used to being D.was used to be
This year, a new math teacher and some new pupils came to the local school. One of the new kids was very 21 . He often made many stupid mistakes.
22 this boy arrived, math lessons were very boring. Now they had great fun. Encouraged by the new teacher, the children would listen to the new kid 23 , and they would have to correct his mistakes.
They all wanted to be the 24 to find his mistakes, and then think up the most original ways to explain them. To do this, they 25 all kinds of stuff:sweets, playing cards, oranges, paper planes. It didn't seem like any of this bothered(打扰) the new kid. 26 , little Lewis thought that would make him feel 27 . So, one day, he decided to 28 the new kid home after school. Lewis was sure he would see him crying.
After leaving school, the new kid walked to a local park, and there he waited for a while, 29 someone came along to meet him. It was the new teacher! The teacher gave the new kid a hug, and they went off. Lewis could hear they were talking about 30 . And that stupid new kid knew everything about it much more than anyone else in the class.
21.A.clever B.active C.stupid
22.A.Before B.Until C.When
23.A.slowly B.quietly C.carefully
24.A.best B.first C.last
25.A.made B.bought C.used
26.A.However B.As C.Although
27.A.happy B.sad C.excited
28.A.follow B.talk C.work
29.A.when B.while C.until
30.A.Chinese B.movie C.math
“Today I will give you a special test, ” said the English teacher with a smile on his face.
All the students sat up straight and waited for the test to begin. The teacher began to give the test papers to all the students. After he finished handing out the test papers, he asked them to begin.
The students were very surprised to see that there was not a question but a black dot (圆点) in the center of the paper. The teacher noticed the students’ surprise and said, “I want you to write about what you see there. At the end of the class, the teacher took all the students’ answer sheets and read the answers. All of them described the black dot. After reading all the answers, the teacher said, “Here everyone only paid attention to the black dot, but no one wrote about the white paper. ”
The whole class listened silently, because they were afraid to fail in the exam. Then the teacher said, “Don’t worry about your marks for this test. I just want you to think about our life. The white paper is like our whole life and the black dot in the center of the paper represents (代表) problems in our daily life.”Our life is a gift given to us by God, with love and care. However, we just pay attention to the problems like illness and poverty, and never see happy things in our life. So we should try to solve our problems and enjoy each moment life gives us.
31.What was in the center of the paper
A.A white dot. B.A black dot. C.A question. D.A gift.
32.Which of the following is wrong about the test
A.There was a black dot in the center of the papers.
B.Nobody paid attention to the black dot.
C.Students should not just care about their marks.
D.The students were very surprised when they saw the papers.
33.What did the teacher mainly want to tell his students
A.Our life is a gift given to us with love and care.
B.The black dot doesn’t mean any problem in our life.
C.Don’t worry about the marks for the test.
D.We should solve our problems and enjoy each moment in life.
34.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “poverty” in the last paragraph
A.污染 B.富有 C.贫穷 D.保险
35.Which is the right order of the story
①The teacher read all the answers.
②The teacher asked his students not to worry about their marks.
③The teacher wanted his students to think about life.
④The teacher began to hand out the test papers.
A.④①②③ B.①②③④ C.④①③② D.③②①④
In China most children are getting plenty of homework, because it is believed that the more homework children do, the better they will perform in exams. But one primary school in Northeast China has done just the opposite for the past 37 years.
That is Shenyang Railway No. 5 Primary School. Although its students don’t have to do homework, they are still getting high-standard education. This requires teachers to prepare their lesson plans well, so that students can learn as much as they can during class time.
Also, students from all grades will have a 15-minute mini class in the afternoon(most classes in China are 40 minutes), during which they can focus on developing some abilities such as memorizing, listening, or summarizing (总结).
However, not having homework doesn’t mean that students do nothing after school. In fact, they are encouraged to read books at night, or watch the news. They can also find and develop their interests by taking the more than 60 clubs at school, including technology, art, sports, and others.
Wang Hongliang, a former student of the school, said, “We really learned a lot from that experience. That’s what I found out during my later studies at middle school and high school.”
36.Does the underlined part “the opposite” in Paragraph 1 mean giving homework or not giving homework
37.What are teachers required to do to make sure students still get high-standard education
38.How long is a mini afternoon class in Shenyang Railway No. 5 Primary School
39.How can students find and develop their interests
40.Who is Wang Hongliang
3. in a row
【详解】句意:他连续四年获得冠军亚军。in a row“连续几次”,介词短语,故填in;a;row。
【详解】句意:他们几年前生产的自行车不符合标准。“标准”standard。up to standard“达到标准,合乎标准”。故填standard。
【详解】句意:一些年轻人在我们前面,飞快地跑向海滩。ahead of“在……前面”,是固定搭配,空格处应填ahead,故填ahead。
6. How does feel
7. What are
8. don’t think will
9. was sent to
【详解】句意:我的妈妈送给我一本新书作为生日礼物。考查主动语态和被动语态的转换。原句的时态为一般过去时,一般过去时的被动语态的谓语结构为“was/were+done”,主语a new book为第三人称单数,所以be动词应用was,send sb. sth.=send sth. to sb.,所以由“me”可知第三空应填介词to,故填was;sent;to。
10. where to
【详解】句意:我不知道在哪里可以找到我的狗。考查“疑问词引导的宾语从句”转变成“疑问词+动词不定式”结构。原句是含有where引导的宾语从句,变成简单句则是“where to do”结构。故填where;to。
考查形容词和名词辨析。responsible负责任的,形容词;responsibility责任,名词;possible可能的,形容词;possibility可能性,名词。根据冠词the可知,后面应该用名词,又因“study hard”努力学习这件事应该是每个学生的责任。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。harmful有害的;thankful感激的;helpful有帮助的;useful有用的。由“Spending so much time on the computer screen”可知,看屏幕太长时间是有害的,故选A。
考查形容词辨析。deaf聋的;hungry饥饿的;blind失明的;thirsty口渴的。根据“You must speak to Mr. Green in a louder voice...”可知,你必须大点声跟格林先生说话,由此推断,他有点聋,符合语境。故选A。
考查动词及动词短语。jump in不假思索地,欣然加入;jump on跳上。此处指“加入到”正在打架的学生中,目的是拉架,应用jump in。divide分开,指把一个整体分成若干部分;separate分开,指把混在一起的东西分开。此处指把两个学生拉开,不属于一个整体,应用separate。故选B。
考查动词短语。turn out结果是;set out出发;run out用光;put out扑灭。根据“You’ll miss the plane if you don’t...right now”可知如果现在不出发,会错过飞机。故选B。
考查介词辨析。to到;for为了;with和;about关于。形容词短语be thankful to sb表示“感谢某人”。故选A。
考查动词短语词义辨析。wear away磨损,消磨;break down打破;stretch from…to…从……延伸到……;separate to分离。根据语境可知,此处指从我的家乡延伸到那座城市,C项符合语境。故选C。
考查词语辨析。home发源地,故乡;house房子;family家庭;along沿着;just恰恰。根据“of tea”可知应是茶的发源地,而along with为“和”之意,符合语境,故选A。
考查时态和主谓一致。go by(时间)流逝;go away离开。根据“since we came to this school”可知要用现在完成时,结构为has/have done;时间作主语,助动词用has。故选A。
考查used to do sth.,be used to do sth.和be used to doing sth.的辨析。used to do sth. 过去经常做某事;be used to do sth.被用作做某事;be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事。根据“but now I am more outgoing than before”可知应是过去与现在作对比,故选 B。
21.C 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.B 28.A 29.C 30.C
clever聪明的;active活跃的;stupid愚蠢的。根据下文“He often made many stupid mistakes”可知,他经常犯许多愚蠢的错误,由此推测这里应该是“愚蠢的”。故选C。
before在……以前;until直到;when当……时。根据下文中“Now they were great fun”可知,现在他们很开心,由此推测“以前”的课应是乏味的。故选A。
make制造;buy买;use使用。结合上文“think up the most original ways to explain them”可知,他们“使用”糖果、扑克牌、橘子和纸飞机来用最新颖的方法解释这些错误。故选C。
happy快乐的;sad悲伤的;excited激动的。由下文中的“Lewis was sure he would see him crying”可知,刘易斯确信小男孩会哭,由此推测刘易斯认为那会使他难过。故选B。
Chinese中文;movie电影;math数学。根据下文“And that stupid new kid knew everything about it much more than anyone else in the class”可知,那个新来的笨孩子比班上任何人都知道得多,此处的课堂指数学课堂,故选C。
31.B 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.A
31.细节理解题。根据“The students were very surprised to see that there was not a question but a black dot (圆点) in the center of the paper.”可知,试卷中间有一个黑点,故选B。
32.细节理解题。根据“All of them described the black dot.”可知,所有人都描述了那个黑点,选项B表达的内容与之不符,故选B。
33.细节理解题。根据“So we should try to solve our problems and enjoy each moment life gives us.”可知,所以我们应该努力解决我们的问题,享受生活给予我们的每一刻。故选D。
34.词句猜测题。分析“ However, we just pay attention to the problems like illness and poverty, and never see happy things in our life.”可知,本词与illness并列,表达的是生活中遇到的困难,由此可推知,本词意为“贫穷”。故选C。
35.细节理解题。根据“The teacher began to give the test papers to all the students.”老师开始给所有学生发试卷,“At the end of the class, the teacher took all the students’ answer sheets and read the answers.”下课时,老师拿了所有学生的答题纸,并读了答案,“Don’t worry about your marks for this test.”不要担心你这次考试的分数,和“I just want you to think about our life.”我只是想让你想想我们的生活,可知,正确的顺序是④①②③,故选A。
36.Not giving homework. 37.To prepare their lesson plans well. 38.15 minutes. 39.By taking the more than 60 clubs at school. 40.He is a former student of the school.
36.根据“In China most children are getting plenty of homework, because it is believed that the more homework children do, the better they will perform in exams. But one primary school in Northeast China has done just the opposite for the past 37 years.”可知but表转折,这里的“the opposite”是指“不布置家庭作业”,故填Not giving homework.
37.根据“This requires teachers to prepare their lesson plans well, so that students can learn as much as they can during class time.”可知,这就要求教师准备好教案,以便学生在课堂上尽可能多地学习,故填To prepare their lesson plans well.
38.根据“Also, students from all grades will have a 15-minute mini class in the afternoon”可知,所有年级的学生都将在下午上一节15分钟的迷你课堂,故填15 minutes.
39.根据“They can also find and develop their interests by taking the more than 60 clubs at school, including technology, art, sports, and others.”可知,可以通过参加学校的60多个俱乐部,包括科技、艺术、体育等,找到并发展自己的兴趣,故填By taking the more than 60 clubs at school.
40.根据“Wang Hongliang, a former student of the school”可知,他以前是这所学校的学生,故填He is a former student of the school.




下一篇:浙江省嘉兴市桐乡市2020-2021三年级下学期英语期末试题( 含答案无听力原文 无音频)