2023-2024辽宁省重点中学高二上学期第二次月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

答题时间:120分钟 满分:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What makes the man feel surprised
A. The long queue. B. The fancy goods. C. The high price.
2. What is the woman doing
A. Talking to a friend. B. Introducing a city. C. Asking for directions.
3. What does the woman plan to do
A. Go fishing. B. Go for a run. C. Do a drawing.
4. Who is probably the man
A. A tour guide. B. A teacher. C. A shopkeeper.
5. What will the speakers do next
A. Drive to Grandma’s. B. Make a call. C. Go hiking.
6. What does the man probably do
A. He’s a delivery man. B. He’s a policeman. C. He’s a taxi driver.
7. What can we learn about the woman
A. She asked her friend for a gift.
B. She can’t find her ID card.
C. She’s signed for many deliveries.
8. What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Apply for a higher position. B. Meet customers in person. C. Steady her nerves.
9. Why couldn’t the man get through to his sister
A. His phone is dead. B. His phone bill is unpaid. C. He dialed a wrong number.
10. What do we know about the jacket
A. It was unsuitable for the man.
B. It was large for the man’s son.
C. It was bought at a reduced price.
11. What does the woman ask the man for
A. The jacket. B. The receipt. C. The credit card.
12. What will the man do next week
A. Get his money back. B. Take a credit note. C. Visit the store again.
13. What did Paul do after he left school
A. He opened a shop.
B. He did several different jobs.
C. He got a job as a chef in a restaurant.
14. What was Paul’s first restaurant job like
A. Difficult but beneficial. B. Boring but well-paid. C. Enjoyable but demanding.
15. What does Paul’s current job involve
A. Managing the whole kitchen.
B. Cooking every day.
C. Assisting chefs.
16. What does Paul think makes a restaurant successful
A. Inventing new dishes. B. Using quality food. C. Creating less stressful environment.
17. What is the speaker’s job related to
A. Medicine. B. Wild animals. C. Artificial intelligence.
18. What was the main goal of Project Skylark
A. To create a system for healthcare.
B. To open up possibilities of finance.
C. To teach a machine to identify different birds.
19. What is the program MediScan used for
A. Analyzing data. B. Detecting diseases. C. Producing reports.
20. What is the speaker’s attitude towards Al in general
A. Worried. B. Positive. C. Unconcerned.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Thanks For Giving 4 Miler
Thurs. November 23, 2023
The Event
Sign up today for the 2023 Thanks For Giving 4 Miler and Kids Dash that will take place this Thanksgiving in New Albany! Come out and join us for a fun kick off to Thanksgiving Day festivities! As always, 100% of our net proceeds go to help those in need.
All are welcome, including competitive runners, joggers, and walkers wanting to enjoy time with friends and loved ones. Registration ends on November 22, 2023.
The Fee
There is no official race fee. You can give as much or as little as you want. However-a $40 minimum donation is required to get our soft T-shirt. Our goal is to feed as many families in Central Ohio as we can. You can help by running our race, spreading the word, or making a donation. You may bring any donation you want, from a can of soup to cash. Let’s make a difference.
Event Day Timeline
6:30 am: Race day check-in begins.
8:00 am: Opening ceremony (仪式) begins!
8:15 am: Kids Dash begins!
8:30 am: The Thanks For Giving 4 Miler kicks off!
The top three overall male and female finishers will receive a gift certificate. The top three male and female finishers in each of the following age groups will receive a pumpkin (南瓜) pie: 14 and under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 and above. Every participant of the kids race receives a finisher’s medal!
For safety, please no bicycles, skateboards, inline skates, or participation with pets.
1. What is Thanks For Giving 4 Miler and Kids Run
A. A marathon race. B. A charity event.
C. A kid-targeted activity. D. A holiday get-together.
2. What will a man ranking second in his age group be sure to win
A. A soft T-shirt. B. A pumpkin pie.
C A gift certificate. D. A finisher’s medal.
3. What is required for participation
A. Bringing a donation.
B. Reaching a certain age.
C. Registering in advance.
D. Wearing safety equipment.
【答案】1. B 2. B 3. C
细节理解题。根据第一段中的“As always, 100% of our net proceeds go to help those in need.(一如既往,我们100%的净收益将用于帮助那些需要帮助的人)”可知,感谢给予4英里和儿童短跑是一个慈善活动。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“The top three male and female finishers in each of the following age groups will receive a pumpkin (南瓜) pie(以下年龄组的前三名男女选手将获得一个南瓜派)”可知,在他的年龄组中排名第二的人一定会赢得一个南瓜派。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Registration ends on November 22, 2023.(登记截止日期为2023年11月22日)”可推知,参加活动需要提前登记。故选C。
That gentle attendant might have said something like, Excusez-moi Or Pardon But I could not even register (表达出) that he was speaking to me. I, in Paris for the very first time, was apparently deaf to even the cues (提示) of vocal tone and facial expression. Though I knew that my French was not good, it was then that I realized just being able to count to 15 and say “Je m’appelle Kyla” was not going to work.
I had tried very hard to learn some French before I went on my long-weekend. Despite all the available resources, I’d really had no intention of studying French in a meaningful way until I was in Paris. But as soon as I’d made up my mind, I ran into a roadblock. As a teenager. I’d learned Spanish almost passively, never receiving less than an A. Meanwhile, I’d taken Russian for a year, and learning a new alphabet and its grammar had given me an almost unshakable sense of confidence. So why, when trying to take up French, a language closest to English, could I not even remember how to use the most ordinary verb, etre
When, months after my trip, I still hadn’t gotten much further, I started to wonder... am I bad at this And though I was only in my 30s, was my lack of facility a result of aging
Yet alongside my frustration (沮丧), a surprising feeling emerged. Not discouragement—but delight in my failure. At 32, having lived in the same city for over ten years, having finished school and started a career, having achieved many of the milestones of young adulthood, it had been so long since I’d been an absolute beginner that being bad at something actually felt refreshing.
What so many people experience when they travel is the realization of how big the world is and how much more of it there is than you could have imagined. That’s what I gained—an expanded sense of belief, not limited by what I had already seen; a humble belief in the power of what I didn’t yet know.
4. What prevented the author understanding the attendant
A. The attendant’s accent. B. The author’s disability.
C. The author’s poor French. D. The attendant’s low tone.
5. How did the author feel about the lack of progress in learning French
A. Disappointed and embarrassed. B. Delighted and refreshed.
C. Indifferent and unconcerned. D. Confident and motivated.
6. What did the author gain from the travel experience in Paris
A. An increased ability to speak French. B. A desire to go abroad for-further study.
C. A sense of openness to unknown world. D. A feeling of accomplishment in career.
7. What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A. To share an unexpected blessing. B. To tell about an unpleasant trip in Paris.
C. To offer advice on traveling abroad. D. To recommend ways to learn a language.
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A
细节理解题。由文章第一段中“I, in Paris for the very first time, was apparently deaf to even the cues (提示) of vocal tone and facial expression. Though I knew that my French was not good, it was then that I realized just being able to count to 15 and say “Je m’appelle Kyla” was not going to work. (我第一次来到巴黎,显然连声音和面部表情的暗示都一无所知。虽然我知道我的法语不好,但那时我才意识到,仅仅能够数到15,然后说“Je m 'appelle Kyla”是行不通的。)”可知,作者的法语很差,因此作者没能理解服务员的意思。故选C。
细节理解题。由文章第四段中“Yet alongside my frustration (沮丧), a surprising feeling emerged. Not discouragement—but delight in my failure. (然而,在我沮丧的同时,一种令人惊讶的感觉出现了。不是气馁,而是为失败而高兴。)”和“it had been so long since I’d been an absolute beginner that being bad at something actually felt refreshing (我已经很久没有成为一个绝对的初学者了,所以在某件事上表现不佳实际上让我感到耳目一新。)”可知,作者对法语学习缺乏进展这件事高兴又精神抖擞。故选B。
细节理解题。由文章最后一段中“That’s what I gained—an expanded sense of belief, not limited by what I had already seen; a humble belief in the power of what I didn’t yet know. (这就是我所获得的——一种扩展的信念,不受我已经看到的东西的限制;谦卑地相信未知事物的力量。)”可知,作者从巴黎的旅行经历中获得一种对未知世界的开放感。故选C。
推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是由文章最后一段“What so many people experience when they travel is the realization of how big the world is and how much more of it there is than you could have imagined. That’s what I gained—an expanded sense of belief, not limited by what I had already seen; a humble belief in the power of what I didn’t yet know. (许多人在旅行时所经历的是意识到世界有多大,比你想象的要多得多。这就是我所获得的——一种扩展的信念,不受我已经看到的东西的限制;谦卑地相信未知事物的力量。)”可知,作者从巴黎的旅行经历中获得一种对未知世界的开放感,故作者写这篇文章的目的是分享一个意想不到的祝福。故选A。
Removing gender bias
Tailors worked out long ago that men and women have different shapes. Yet this message has failed to enter many other areas of design. Car seat belts, for example, which date back to the 1880s, are often still more suitable for men, who tend to sit farther back than women when driving. And today the most forward-looking tech companies on Earth are still placing old-school bias (偏见;成见) into new products. Consider smart phones. Most are too big to fit comfortably into the average woman’s hand, as are many video-game controllers.
An obvious part of the explanation for their design problem is that men control most of its companies—male-run firms receive 82% of venture-capital (VC) funding. Male bosses may be unaware of the problems women face. They may not flag up obvious areas of concern, or ask the right questions when doing their research for a new product design. And once an idea gets the green light, it will then be handled by product-design and engineering teams, three-quarters of whose members are men. These teams often use data to make decisions, but mixing all users together means they may fail to spot trends based on sex differences. Dependence on historical data, and the lack of data on underrepresented groups, can also create bias in algorithms (算法).
Next comes testing. Naturally, designers test original models on their intended customers, but they may not get feedback from a broad enough group of people. There is also the risk of confirmation bias—designers may listen to what they want to hear, and ignore negative reactions from some groups of users.
Tech’s design bias needs fixing for moral, safety and business reasons. The ethical importance is obvious: it is wrong that women have to make do with a “one-size-fits-men” world, as Caroline Criado Perez, a writer, puts it. As for safety, regulators can tackle that by banning things that are dangerous to women—including seat belts—because they are no! designed properly.
But there is also a powerful business case for avoiding design bias, because huge opportunities are being missed. Women are 50% of the population, and make 70—80% of the world’s consumer-spending decisions.
Change is coming. The first voice-recognition systems struggled to understand female voices, but most now manage just fine. “Femtech” start-up companies, which focus on women’s health and well-being, may raise MYM 1 billion by the end of this year. VC funds and tech firms are hiring more women. Ensuring that products are designed for everyone would lead to happier and safer customers. For the companies that get it right, that means higher profits. What is holding them back
8. The underlined part in Paragraph 2 means ________.
A. hits the market B. gets approval
C. becomes successful D. comes into being
9. What is discussed in Paragraphs 2 and 3
A. Why tech’s design bias needs to be fixed.
B. How gender bias is affecting tech companies.
C. Where gender bias in product design is rooted.
D. Who is to blame for gender bias in tech companies.
10. We can learn from the passage that ________.
A. tech companies are unwilling to change
B. design bias may result in missed opportunities
C. male workers benefit more in engineering teams
D. tech companies are poor at making user-friendly products
11. How does the author feel about the future of bias-free product design
A. Uncertain. B. Sceptical.
C. Positive. D. Negative.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. B 11. C
词义猜测题。根据划线短语的主语“an idea”意为“想法;主意”,结合后文“ it will then be handled by product-design and engineering teams, three-quarters of whose members are men.”(然后,它将由产品设计和工程团队来处理,其中四分之三的成员是男性。)可知,这个想法或创意应是先被批准,才将由产品设计和工程团队来处理。由此可推知,划线短语“gets the green light”应是“获得批准”含义,与选项B“gets approval(得到批准)”表达含义一致。故选B项。
主旨大意题。通过阅读文章第二,三段内容可知,第二段中“An obvious part of the explanation for their design problem is that men control most of its companies—male-run firms receive 82% of venture-capital (VC) funding.”(其设计问题的一个明显原因是男性控制了大部分公司。男性经营的公司获得了82%的风险投资。)为该段的主旨句,由此可知,第二段主要讲述了产品存在性别偏见的原因是男性控制了大部分公司,并且在进行决策是,往往使用的是缺乏普适性的数据。第三段的主旨句为“Naturally, designers test original models on their intended customers, but they may not get feedback from a broad enough group of people.”(当然,设计师会在他们的目标客户身上测试原始模型,但他们可能无法从足够广泛的人群中获得反馈),由此可知,第三段讲述了在进行产品测试时,设计师们无法从足够广泛的人群中得到反馈,且往往忽略一些用户群体的负面反馈。由此可知,第二,三段主要讲述了在产品设计过程中,哪些环节出现了问题。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据文章第五段内容“But there is also a powerful business case for avoiding design bias, because huge opportunities are being missed.”(但也有一个强大的商业理由来避免设计偏见,因为巨大的机会正在被错过。)可知,设计偏见可能会导致错过巨大的商机。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段开头句“Change is coming.”可知,在作者看来,改变(产品性别偏见)即将到来,且后文“ ‘Femtech’ start-up companies, which focus on women’s health and well-being, may raise MYM 1 billion by the end of this year. VC funds and tech firms are hiring more women. Ensuring that products are designed for everyone would lead to happier and safer customers. For the companies that get it right, that means higher profits.(专注于女性健康和福祉的“Femtech”初创公司可能在今年年底前筹集到10亿美元的MYM资金。风投基金和科技公司正在雇佣更多的女性。确保产品是为每个人设计的,将会带来更快乐和更安全的客户。对那些做对了的公司来说,这意味着更高的利润。)”列举了一些产品的设计考的女性用户的例子以及公司会雇佣更多的女性能够带来更高的利润。由此推断作者对于无偏见产品设计的未来持有积极的态度。故选C项。
Of all the problems that people face today, depression proves to be one of the hardest to pinpoint. People often suffer secretly, not wanting to admit their need of professional help. They continue with their normal routines and, many times, unhealthy eating habits. Now, health professionals are actually linking diet and depression and have found success in using diet to treat the disorder.
Several researchers and Australian institutions at Deakin University in Victoria, Australia, set out to evaluate the direct link between diet and depression. They carried out the study over a 12-week period and observed 67 patients with moderate to severe depression. For their control group, the patients received social support rather than switching their eating habits to a well-balanced diet. The other patients then received dietary counseling sessions where they were advised to eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. After the trial period, over 30 percent of the patients had gone into remission with their depression. Only 8 percent of the control group actually experienced this same improvement. This trial has greatly helped researchers understand and better help patients suffering from depression.
Most Americans today do not associate their diet and depression together. Nearly 60 percent of Americans eat over processed foods. 90 percent of added sugar comes from these processed foods. For people with depression, this diet might give a short energy burst, but it will eventually cause energy to sink, bringing happy moods down with it. Many people also love caffeine, drinking multiple cups each day. Again, they consume extra sugar. However, the caffeine can also disrupt sleep and cause anxiety. In addition, people with depression may have a tendency to turn to alcohol Unfortunately, alcohol depresses the central nervous system, which will directly influence a person’s mood for the worse, especially those dealing with depression.
According to the research, diet and depression do go hand in hand. Those suffering from depression should do away with processed foods as much as possible. With a few simple changes in lifestyle, these patients can improve their mental health and return to normal activities with renewed energy and joy.
12. What prevents patients from being identified according to the passage
A. Their reluctance to ask for treatment. B. Lack of professional help.
C. Unawareness of their diet problems. D. Inadequate social support.
13. What do we know about the study conducted at Deakin University
A. The patients in the study came from different parts of the world.
B. Two groups were divided on the basis of their levels of depression.
C. The control group enjoyed a better improvement in their mood.
D. The study helps researchers find a better treatment for depression.
14. How do processed foods influence those dealing with depression according to the study
A. Chemicals in them will weaken patients’ central nervous system.
B. Added sugar from them will finally lessen patients’ happiness.
C. They can make patients more likely to be addicted to alcohol.
D. They will reduce essential mood-boosting nutrients in patients.
15. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. What you need is just a right diet B. What is your depression killer
C. Is your diet making you depressed D. It’s time to change your life style
【答案】12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C
推理判断题。根据第一段“People often suffer secretly, not wanting to admit their need of professional help. (人们常常暗自痛苦,不愿承认他们需要专业帮助)”可知,不愿承认需要专业帮助,不愿寻求治疗是妨碍患者被识别的原因。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第二段“Several researchers and Australian institutions at Deakin University in Victoria, Australia, set out to evaluate the direct link between diet and depression.(澳大利亚维多利亚州迪肯大学的几位研究人员和澳大利亚研究机构开始评估饮食与抑郁之间的直接联系)”和“This trial has greatly helped researchers understand and better help patients suffering from depression.(这项试验极大地帮助研究人员了解并更好地帮助抑郁症患者)”可推知,迪肯大学进行的这项研究帮助研究人员找到更好的治疗抑郁症的方法。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Nearly 60 percent of Americans eat over processed foods. 90 percent of added sugar comes from these processed foods. For people with depression, this diet might give a short energy burst, but it will eventually cause energy to sink, bringing happy moods down with it.(近60%的美国人过度食用加工食品。90%的添加糖来自这些加工食品。对于抑郁症患者来说,这种饮食方式可能会让他们的精力短暂爆发,但最终会导致精力下降,快乐的情绪也随之下降)”可知,90%的添加糖来自深加工食品,添加的糖分最终会降低患者的幸福感。故选B。
主旨大意题。通读全文,并结合文章第二段“Several researchers and Australian institutions at Deakin University in Victoria, Australia, set out to evaluate the direct link between diet and depression(澳大利亚维多利亚州迪肯大学的几位研究人员和澳大利亚研究机构开始评估饮食与抑郁之间的直接联系)”和最后一段“According to the research, diet and depression do go hand in hand.(根据这项研究,饮食和抑郁确实密切相)”可知,文章主要介绍了对饮食与抑郁之间是否有关联的研究,C项“ Is your diet making you depressed (你的饮食习惯让你抑郁吗?)”是最佳标题。故选C。
Many of us set goals, but sometimes we fail to achieve them. There are many causes why we don’t manage to realize our goals.____16____There is a way, though, to help address this problem: set reminders. People employ a psychological strategy called cognitive (认知的) offloading, where we use a physical action to reduce demands on our brain. Specifically, we may outsource our intentions from being stored in our brains to reminders outside our head.____17____
Understanding the benefits of cognitive offloading can improve our ability to remember and follow through with our intentions. The biggest benefit is simply that it improves memory performance. It increases the probability that we will work towards the goals we need to reach. ____18____“The more we offload unimportant information, such as items on a shopping list, the more we can use our brain for those more significant cognitive tasks, such as creativity,” said Sam Gilbert, professor at the University College London.
____19____Still, there are potential negative parts for it. We are more likely to forget what we offloaded if we no longer access our storage, such as when our smartphone dies. We also tend to offload the important things we most want to remember. In a surprise test where their reminders were wiped clean, the participants were more likely to forget the important items and recall the unimportant ones, that is, the more important the intention we want to remember, the more likely we are to offload it—and to forget it.
We’d better tend to create reminders when we think we need them, but not necessarily when we do need them. ____20____“If our understanding of our memory ability is wrong, this suggests that we will either overuse or underuse reminders,” Gilbert said. “We can learn by noticing the times that we have forgotten to do something and could have used reminders to help.”
A. Cognitive offloading has noticeable benefits.
B. One common reason is that we simply forget them.
C. Besides, it can free up our limited cognitive resources.
D. A good example can be documents on our smartphone calendars.
E. The process of cognitive offloading helps us identify false information.
F. Our beliefs about how good our memory is directly influence whether we set them.
G. Other experts say it’s too soon to understand how cognitive offloading affects our brains.
【答案】16. B 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. F
根据前文“There are many causes why we don’t manage to realize our goals.(我们无法实现目标的原因有很多)”可知,此处是说明无法实现目标的原因,所以B项“One common reason is that we simply forget them.(一个常见的原因是我们只是忘记了它们)”符合主题,并引出下文“There is a way, though, to help address this problem: set reminders.(不过,有一个方法可以帮助解决这个问题:设置提醒)”。故选B项。
根据前文“People employ a psychological strategy called cognitive (认知的) offloading, where we use a physical action to reduce demands on our brain. Specifically, we may outsource our intentions from being stored in our brains to reminders outside our head.(人们采用一种叫做认知卸载的心理策略,即我们用身体动作来减少对大脑的需求。具体来说,我们可能会把我们的意图从储存在大脑里外包给大脑外的提醒)”可知,此处讲述了设置提醒具体方法,所以D项“A good example can be documents on our smartphone calendars.(一个很好的例子就是我们智能手机日历上的文档)”是对此方法的具体举例,符合文意。故选D项。
根据前文“Understanding the benefits of cognitive offloading can improve our ability to remember and follow through with our intentions. The biggest benefit is simply that it improves memory performance. It increases the probability that we will work towards the goals we need to reach.(了解认知卸载的好处可以提高我们的记忆能力和贯彻我们的意图的能力。最大的好处就是提高了记忆性能。它增加了我们朝着我们需要达到的目标努力的可能性)”可知,此处在讲述了解认知卸载的好处,根据后文““The more we offload unimportant information, such as items on a shopping list, the more we can use our brain for those more significant cognitive tasks, such as creativity,” said Sam Gilbert, professor at the University College London.(伦敦大学学院的教授山姆·吉尔伯特说:“我们越不去想那些不重要的信息,比如购物清单上的东西,我们就越能把大脑用于那些更重要的认知任务,比如创造力。”)”是在讲述另一个好处,所以空处应是C项“Besides, it can free up our limited cognitive resources.(此外,它可以释放我们有限的认知资源)”符合文意,描述另一个好处,引出下文。故选C项。
分析设空,位于段首,根据后文“Still, there are potential negative parts for it.(不过,它也有潜在的负面影响)”可知,空处应是承上启下的作用,由上文介绍好处,转到讲述缺点,所以A项“Cognitive offloading has noticeable benefits.(认知卸载有明显的好处)”符合文意,承接上文,并和后文构成转折关系。故选A项。
根据前文“We’d better tend to create reminders when we think we need them, but not necessarily when we do need them.(当我们认为我们需要提醒时,我们最好创建提醒,但不一定是在我们确实需要的时候)”以及后文““If our understanding of our memory ability is wrong, this suggests that we will either overuse or underuse reminders,” Gilbert said.(吉尔伯特说:“如果我们对记忆能力的理解是错误的,这表明我们要么过度使用提醒,要么使用不足。”)”可知,空处应是过渡句,所以F项“Our beliefs about how good our memory is directly influence whether we set them.(我们对自己记忆力好坏的看法直接影响到我们是否能记好)”是对前文的进一步说明,并引出下文。故选F项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Francis Kéré is the first African to win the Pritzker Prize, known as the Nobel Prize of architecture. However, his journey to the top of his field was far from ___21___ . Growing up in a village where there was no kindergarten, he was ___22___ into an extremely hot classroom with over 100 students until seven years old. This experience of poor building facilities promoted his earliest ___23___ to improve the educational lives of local children, using architecture.
His early reputation came in helping ___24___ a school in his village after graduating from college. He ___25___ the whole village to provide ideas and drew the ___26___ on sand for all to see. ___27___ , he employed them to construct the school, using local wood and local clay (黏土).
The result of their hard work was a welcoming structure with a “floating” roof that ___28___ passive ventilation (通风) in a hot climate and wall openings that bring ___29___ for students to learn even without electricity. He showed the villagers that ideas to ___30___ climate or other challenges are always at hand.
In this process, local people learned ___31___ skills that they could later use to find work. By cooperating with them, Kéré ___32___ the idea that climate solutions started with big institutions. He ___33___ that everyone could contribute to addressing the major issues related to education and climate and ___34___ a global impact by acting locally.
Employed by architects in dozens of countries, his ___35___ is rooted in the “unique” aspects of each community now.
A. reliable B. rewarding C. simple D. professional
A. accompanied B. crowded C. persuaded D. forced
A. confidence B. patience C. appetite D. ability
A. design B. donate C. integrate D. occupy
A. forbade B. warned C. commanded D. encouraged
A. plot B. draft C. gesture D. clue
A Merely B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Moreover
A. blocks B. affects C. lowers D. allows
A. hope B. light C. desire D. imagination
A. deal with B. bring about C. find out D. leave off
A. physical B. practical C. educational D. commercial
A. challenged B. implied C. formed D. advocated
A. doubted B. opposed C. promised D. demonstrated
A. receive B. access C. create D. witness
A patent B. innovation C. expectation D. guess
【答案】21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. B
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。介绍非洲著名建筑师Francis Kéré是第一位获得被称为建筑界诺贝尔奖的普利兹克奖的非洲人,他通过设计更加实用的学校来帮助改善当地儿童的教育生活。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,他在这个领域的巅峰之旅远非如此简单。A. reliable可靠的;B. rewarding有意义的;C. simple简单的;D. professional专业的。根据下文“Growing up in a village where there was no kindergarten(在一个没有幼儿园的村庄长大)”可知,Francis Kéré出生贫寒,因此可推测他的建筑领域之路坎坷崎岖,并没有那么简单。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他在一个没有幼儿园的村庄长大,直到7岁,他才被挤在一间酷热的教室里,教室里有100多名学生。A. accompanied 陪伴;B. crowded 挤满;C. persuaded 说服;D. tricked 欺骗。根据下文“with over 100 students”可知,一个教室容纳一百多个学生,教室里面应该是人挤人。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这段简陋的建筑设施的经历激发了他最初的兴趣——用建筑来改善当地儿童的教育生活。A. confidence自信;B. patience耐心;C. appetite食欲,兴趣,爱好;D. ability能力。根据后文“to improve the educational lives of local children, using architecture.”指这段简陋的建筑设施的经历激发了他对建筑改善教育生活的兴趣,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他早年的名声来自于大学毕业后在村里帮助设计的一所学校。A. design设计;B. donate捐献;C. integrate合并;D. occupy使用。根据上文“to improve the educational lives of local children, using architecture”可知,他改善儿童教育生活的方式是建筑,及设计更合适的建筑。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他鼓励全村人提供想法,并在沙子上绘制草图,让所有人都能看到。A. forbade禁止;B. warned警告;C. commanded命令;D. encouraged 鼓励。根据下文“to provide ideas”和“The result of their hard work was a welcoming structure with a “floating” roof(他们努力工作的结果是,一个受欢迎的带有“浮动”屋顶的建筑)”可知推测村民们提出了自己的想法,而他们之所以能提出想法,应该是得到了Francis Kéré的鼓励。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他鼓励全村人提供想法,并在沙子上绘制草图,让所有人都能看到。A. plot情节;B. draft草稿;C. gesture手势;D. clue线索。根据上文“to provide ideas and drew”可知,要修建房子,画的肯定是所提出想法的草图。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,他还让他们参与建造学校,使用当地的木材和粘土。A. Merely仅仅;B. Otherwise否则;C. Therefore因此;D. Moreover此外。根据上文“He encouraged the whole village to provide ideas and drew the draft on sand for all to see.(他鼓励全村人提供想法,并在沙子上绘制草图,让所有人都能看到)”可知,他已经让村民们参与想法和草图制作,本句中还让他们参与实际的建造,与上文存在递进关系。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们努力工作的结果是建造了一个令人欢迎的建筑,它有一个“漂浮”的屋顶,可以在炎热的气候中通风,墙壁开口可以为学生提供光,即使没有电也可以学习。A. blocks 妨碍,堵塞;B. affects 影响;C. lowers降低;D. allows允许。根据上文“a “floating” roof”可知,因为屋顶是漂浮的,为通风提供了便利,即允许更好的通风。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们努力工作的结果是建造了一个令人欢迎的结构,它有一个“漂浮”的屋顶,可以在炎热的气候中通风,墙壁开口可以为学生提供光,即使没有电也可以学习。A. hope希望;B. light光线;C. desire渴望;D. imagination想象。根据下文“to learn even without electricity(在没电的情况下学习)”可知,这个学校的建筑能提供充足自然光。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:他向村民们展示了应对气候或其他挑战的想法。A. deal with应对;B. bring about引起;C. find out发现;D. leave off 停止。根据上文“allow ventilation (通风) in a hot climate”可知,这个在大家的想法中成型的建筑克服了气候因素等带来的挑战,即说明了一个道理:应对挑战的想法在我们手中。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在这个过程中,村民们学到了实用的技能,之后找工作时他们能够把这些技能用上。A. physical物理的,身体的;B. practical实用的;C. educational有教育意义的;D. commercial商业的。根据下文“they could later use to find work(之后找工作时他们能够把这些技能用上)”可知,在修建这所学校时学到的技能很实用。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过和他们合作,Kéré挑战了这一想法:气候问题的解决方案往往由大型机构牵头。A. challenged挑战;B. implied暗示;C. formed构成;D. advocated支持。根据下文“He demonstrated that everyone could contribute to addressing the major issues related to education and climate(他证明每个人都可以为解决与教育和气候有关的重大问题做出贡献)”可知,他的想法和传统的想法不一样,即“挑战”了传统观点。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他证明每个人都可以为解决与教育和气候有关的重大问题做出贡献,并通过在当地采取行动来创造全球影响。A. doubted怀疑;B. opposed反对;C. promised承诺;D. demonstrated证明。根据上文“Francis Kéré is the first African to win the Pritzker Prize, known as the Nobel Prize of architecture.( Francis Kéré是第一位获得被称为诺贝尔建筑奖的普利兹克奖的非洲人)”可知,他自己从一个贫困地区的孩子成长为著名建筑师,就是证明每个人都能做出贡献的典例。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他证明每个人都可以为解决与教育和气候有关的重大问题做出贡献,并通过在当地采取行动来创造全球影响。A. receive获得;B. access进入;C. create创造;D. witness目睹。根据下文“Adopted by architects in dozens of countries(被许多国家众多建筑师采用)”可知,他在家乡的举动最终创造了全球性的影响。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:几十个国家的建筑师都采用了他的创新,他的创新植根于每个社区“独特”的一面。A. patent专利权;B. innovation改革;C. expectation期待;D. guess猜测。根据上文“By cooperating with them, Kéré challenged the idea that climate solutions started with big institutions.(通过与他们的合作,Kéré挑战了气候解决方案始于大型机构的观点)”可知,他把自己的想法提出,并付诸实践成为建筑行业的创新。故选B。
If you were told to stop from breathing through your nose, could you do it Journalist Nestor made ____36____ for about 10 days, plugging up his nose and ____37____(breathe) only through his mouth as part of an experiment at Stanford University. The effects were systemic — sleeping troubles, high blood pressure and, of course, discomfort.
Breathing is so automatic an activity ____38____ most of us never think about doing it. But as Nestor shows through his own experiences and conversations with dozens of experts, the way we breathe ____39____ (make) a difference to the body’s overall health. Based on the results of the experiment, he published a book Breath:The New Science of a Lost Art, ____40____ he explores everything from the role our noses play ____41____ hormone regulation (激素调节) and digestion, to how some athletes build up the lung capacity (肺活量)____42____ (run) marathons in extreme conditions or dive in ____43____ (ice) water for more than an hour at a time. The topic is seemingly simple — an entire book about breathing. But ____44____ (actual) every chapter reveals new details about how body and breath work together at the same time.
Nestor’s daring attitude and _____45_____ (curious) were infectious: I not only noticed myself paying attention to my own breathing every time I sat down to read, but my new-found comfort with my own lungs even inspired me to go for my first jog in years.
【答案】36 it 37. breathing
38. that 39. makes
40. where 41. in
42. to run 43. icy
44. actually
45. curiosity
考查固定搭配。句意:作为斯坦福大学一项实验的一部分,记者Nestor堵住鼻子,只用嘴巴呼吸,坚持了大约10天。固定搭配:make it,意为“成功做某事”,符合本句句意。故填it。
考查非谓语动词。句意:作为斯坦福大学一项实验的一部分,记者Nestor堵住鼻子,只用嘴巴呼吸,坚持了大约10天。这里为非谓语动词担当状语,和主句主语“Journalist Nestor”之间存在主动关系,用现在分词形式。故填breathing。
考查时态和主谓一致。句意:但正如Nestor通过自己的经历和与数十位专家的对话所表明的那样,我们呼吸的方式对身体的整体健康有很大影响。这里为本句谓语动词,根据上下文可知,本句时态为一般现在时;主语为“the way”,单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填makes。
考查定语从句。句意:根据实验结果,他出版了《呼吸:一门失落的艺术的新科学》一书,在书中,他探讨了从我们的鼻子在激素调节和消化中的作用到一些运动员如何在极端条件下跑马拉松或一次在冰水中潜水超过一个小时的肺脏能力等方方面面。这里为定语从句的关系词,先行词为“a book Breath:The New Science of a Lost Art”,在非限制性定语从句中担当地点状语,用关系副词where。故填where。
考查固定短语。句意:根据实验结果,他出版了《呼吸:一门失落的艺术的新科学》一书,在书中,他探讨了鼻子在激素调节和消化中的作用,以及一些运动员如何增强肺活量,以便在极端条件下跑马拉松或在冰水中潜水一个多小时。固定短语:play a role in,意为:在……中起作用,符合句意。故填in。
考查非谓语动词。句意:根据实验结果,他出版了《呼吸:一门失落的艺术的新科学》一书,在书中,他探讨了鼻子在激素调节和消化中的作用,以及一些运动员如何增强肺活量,以便在极端条件下跑马拉松或在冰水中潜水一个多小时。非谓语动词担当目的状语用动词不定式形式。故填to run。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文(满分15分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的南非朋友Stephan今年暑假来中国旅游,最近中国开通了一条从上海到新疆的高铁专线。你向他推荐这趟专列。内容如下:
1. 选择高铁的优势;
2. 沿途的经历(领略自然风光等)
3. 你的祝愿
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:高铁high-speed rail line
【答案】Dear Stephan,
I am more than excited to hear that you will visit China this Summer vacation. I recommend you board the newly opened high-speed rail line to travel from Shanghai to Xinjiang.
Many benefits include short travel time, improved safety and comfort, support for environmentally sustainable development, as well as tourism. There are many great things along the way to feast your eyes on. You can feel the prosperity of China, experience the history and culture in Xi’an and enjoy spectacular natural scenery in Qinghai, to name a few.
Wish you a pleasant journey and a relaxing vacation here in China!
Li Hua
非常:more than→very
原句:There are many great things along the way to feast your eyes on.
拓展句:There are many great things along the way, which can make you feast your eyes on.
【点睛】[高分句型1] I am more than excited to hear that you will visit China this Summer vacation. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2] I recommend you board the newly opened high-speed rail line to travel from Shanghai to Xinjiang. (运用了that引导的宾语从句和虚拟语气,即recommend表“建议”,that从句用should+动词原形,should可以省略)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的故事。
Gifts for Jace
I’ll never forget the day that one of my students shyly raised his hand and said that he had never received a gift. My shocked fifth-graders were discussing a reading story about a boy who was not going to be getting anything for his birthday because money was tight that year. Even though this class was very open during reading discussions Jace’s honesty surprised even me. What was even more eye-opening was the fact that this sweet, fifth-grade boy had gone ten years and never experienced the joy and surprise of receiving a present.
I searched my mind for a reason that he might be saying this. Did he want attention from his peers No, that was definitely not his style. Was he exaggerating Again, he was not the type. Then I remembered his story. His mother was out of the picture and he lived alone with his dad. His father had a hard time holding down a job, and coming to think of it, I didn’t see his father at registration or parent-teacher conferences. Even though on the outside Jace was a bit untidy, he always came to school with a smile and sincere enthusiasm for learning.
A couple of weeks after Jace’s comment, he was absent from school due to the fact that he had moved away. This happened to be the day I was sending home the annual note about the classroom Christmas gifts exchange. Traditionally, each boy was to bring a gift for a boy in the three-dollar range and the same was true for each girl.
As we were discussing the specifics, a girl raised her hand and sincerely suggested that we do away with our traditional policy, and each buy a gift for Jace instead. The enthusiasm grew as the students discussed the kinds of things they knew Jace would like. We took a quick vote and consistently agreed to go ahead with this wonderful idea.
注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1: Days before our Christmas vacation, the gifts began to pour in.
Paragraph 2: As I drove down his road, I saw a light flashing, signaling which home was his.
Paragraph 1:
Days before our Christmas vacation, the gifts began to pour in. Students with bright eyes would eagerly tell me how they found the “perfect gift”. One student bought a complete art set, knowing Jace loved to draw. Another found toy aliens, remembering a paper Jace had written about aliens. I was amazed by their thoughtfulness and knew I couldn’t let them or Jace down. I found my information sheet and called the number listed. There was no response despite my continuous efforts. On Christmas Eve, I decided to try one last time. Amazingly, Jace answered the phone! The next thing was to drive to his home.
Paragraph 2:
As I drove down his road, I saw a light flashing, signaling which home was his. It took several trips back and forth to my car to get the gifts inside. Eyes fixed on the piles of carefully wrapped gifts, joy mingled with gratitude was written on his face. Unforgettable was Jace’s joyful smile that lit up the sky like a string of twinkle lights. Thinking about my thoughtful students and how excited I was to tell them about finding Jace, I had a smile of my own, and was thankful to be a part of one of the most important “lessons” of their lives.
①回忆:remember/ recall/ recollect
②知道、意识到:know/ recognize/ be conscious of/ be aware of
③尝试:try/ attempt/ have a try
①开心的笑:joyful smile/ happy smile/ elated smile/ merry smile
②让某人失望:let sb. down/ disappoint sb./ frustrate sb.
【高分句型1】Another found toy aliens, remembering a paper Jace had written about aliens.(运用了现在分词remembering作原因状语和省略关系代词的限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Unforgettable was Jace’s joyful smile that lit up the sky like a string of twinkle lights. (运用了“表语+系动词+主语”结构的完全倒装句和that引导的限制性定语从句)2023-2024学年度上学期高二年级英语科第二次月考试卷
答题时间:120分钟 满分:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What makes the man feel surprised
A. The long queue. B. The fancy goods. C. The high price.
2. What is the woman doing
A. Talking to a friend. B. Introducing a city. C. Asking for directions.
3. What does the woman plan to do
A. Go fishing. B. Go for a run. C. Do a drawing.
4. Who is probably the man
A. A tour guide. B. A teacher. C. A shopkeeper.
5. What will the speakers do next
A. Drive to Grandma’s. B. Make a call. C. Go hiking.
6 What does the man probably do
A. He’s a delivery man. B. He’s a policeman. C. He’s a taxi driver.
7. What can we learn about the woman
A. She asked her friend for a gift.
B. She can’t find her ID card.
C. She’s signed for many deliveries.
8. What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Apply for a higher position. B. Meet customers in person. C. Steady her nerves.
9. Why couldn’t the man get through to his sister
A. His phone is dead. B. His phone bill is unpaid. C. He dialed a wrong number.
10. What do we know about the jacket
A. It was unsuitable for the man.
B. It was large for the man’s son.
C. It was bought at a reduced price.
11. What does the woman ask the man for
A. The jacket. B. The receipt. C. The credit card.
12. What will the man do next week
A Get his money back. B. Take a credit note. C. Visit the store again.
13. What did Paul do after he left school
A. He opened a shop.
B. He did several different jobs.
C. He got a job as a chef in a restaurant.
14. What was Paul’s first restaurant job like
A. Difficult but beneficial. B. Boring but well-paid. C. Enjoyable but demanding.
15. What does Paul’s current job involve
A. Managing the whole kitchen.
B Cooking every day.
C. Assisting chefs.
16. What does Paul think makes a restaurant successful
A. Inventing new dishes. B. Using quality food. C. Creating less stressful environment.
17. What is the speaker’s job related to
A. Medicine. B. Wild animals. C. Artificial intelligence.
18. What was the main goal of Project Skylark
A. To create a system for healthcare.
B. To open up possibilities of finance.
C. To teach a machine to identify different birds.
19. What is the program MediScan used for
A. Analyzing data. B. Detecting diseases. C. Producing reports.
20. What is the speaker’s attitude towards Al in general
A. Worried. B. Positive. C. Unconcerned.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Thanks For Giving 4 Miler
Thurs. November 23, 2023
The Event
Sign up today for the 2023 Thanks For Giving 4 Miler and Kids Dash that will take place this Thanksgiving in New Albany! Come out and join us for a fun kick off to Thanksgiving Day festivities! As always, 100% of our net proceeds go to help those in need.
All are welcome, including competitive runners, joggers, and walkers wanting to enjoy time with friends and loved ones. Registration ends on November 22, 2023.
The Fee
There is no official race fee. You can give as much or as little as you want. However-a $40 minimum donation is required to get our soft T-shirt. Our goal is to feed as many families in Central Ohio as we can. You can help by running our race, spreading the word, or making a donation. You may bring any donation you want, from a can of soup to cash. Let’s make a difference.
Event Day Timeline
6:30 am: Race day check-in begins.
8:00 am: Opening ceremony (仪式) begins!
8:15 am: Kids Dash begins!
8:30 am: The Thanks For Giving 4 Miler kicks off!
The top three overall male and female finishers will receive a gift certificate. The top three male and female finishers in each of the following age groups will receive a pumpkin (南瓜) pie: 14 and under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 and above. Every participant of the kids race receives a finisher’s medal!
For safety, please no bicycles, skateboards, inline skates, or participation with pets.
1. What is Thanks For Giving 4 Miler and Kids Run
A. A marathon race. B. A charity event.
C. A kid-targeted activity. D. A holiday get-together.
2. What will a man ranking second in his age group be sure to win
A. A soft T-shirt. B. A pumpkin pie.
C. A gift certificate. D. A finisher’s medal.
3. What is required for participation
A. Bringing a donation.
B. Reaching a certain age.
C. Registering in advance.
D. Wearing safety equipment.
That gentle attendant might have said something like, Excusez-moi Or Pardon But I could not even register (表达出) that he was speaking to me. I, in Paris for the very first time, was apparently deaf to even the cues (提示) of vocal tone and facial expression. Though I knew that my French was not good, it was then that I realized just being able to count to 15 and say “Je m’appelle Kyla” was not going to work.
I had tried very hard to learn some French before I went on my long-weekend. Despite all the available resources, I’d really had no intention of studying French in a meaningful way until I was in Paris. But as soon as I’d made up my mind, I ran into a roadblock. As a teenager. I’d learned Spanish almost passively, never receiving less than an A. Meanwhile, I’d taken Russian for a year, and learning a new alphabet and its grammar had given me an almost unshakable sense of confidence. So why, when trying to take up French, a language closest to English, could I not even remember how to use the most ordinary verb, etre
When, months after my trip, I still hadn’t gotten much further, I started to wonder... am I bad at this And though I was only in my 30s, was my lack of facility a result of aging
Yet alongside my frustration (沮丧), a surprising feeling emerged. Not discouragement—but delight in my failure. At 32, having lived in the same city for over ten years, having finished school and started a career, having achieved many of the milestones of young adulthood, it had been so long since I’d been an absolute beginner that being bad at something actually felt refreshing.
What so many people experience when they travel is the realization of how big the world is and how much more of it there is than you could have imagined. That’s what I gained—an expanded sense of belief, not limited by what I had already seen; a humble belief in the power of what I didn’t yet know.
4. What prevented the author understanding the attendant
A. The attendant’s accent. B. The author’s disability.
C. The author’s poor French. D. The attendant’s low tone.
5. How did the author feel about the lack of progress in learning French
A. Disappointed and embarrassed. B. Delighted and refreshed.
C. Indifferent and unconcerned. D. Confident and motivated.
6. What did the author gain from the travel experience in Paris
A. An increased ability to speak French. B. A desire to go abroad for-further study.
C. A sense of openness to unknown world. D. A feeling of accomplishment in career.
7. What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A. To share an unexpected blessing. B. To tell about an unpleasant trip in Paris.
C. To offer advice on traveling abroad. D. To recommend ways to learn a language.
Removing gender bias
Tailors worked out long ago that men and women have different shapes. Yet this message has failed to enter many other areas of design. Car seat belts, for example, which date back to the 1880s, are often still more suitable for men, who tend to sit farther back than women when driving. And today the most forward-looking tech companies on Earth are still placing old-school bias (偏见;成见) into new products. Consider smart phones. Most are too big to fit comfortably into the average woman’s hand, as are many video-game controllers.
An obvious part of the explanation for their design problem is that men control most of its companies—male-run firms receive 82% of venture-capital (VC) funding. Male bosses may be unaware of the problems women face. They may not flag up obvious areas of concern, or ask the right questions when doing their research for a new product design. And once an idea gets the green light, it will then be handled by product-design and engineering teams, three-quarters of whose members are men. These teams often use data to make decisions, but mixing all users together means they may fail to spot trends based on sex differences. Dependence on historical data, and the lack of data on underrepresented groups, can also create bias in algorithms (算法).
Next comes testing. Naturally, designers test original models on their intended customers, but they may not get feedback from a broad enough group of people. There is also the risk of confirmation bias—designers may listen to what they want to hear, and ignore negative reactions from some groups of users.
Tech’s design bias needs fixing for moral, safety and business reasons. The ethical importance is obvious: it is wrong that women have to make do with a “one-size-fits-men” world, as Caroline Criado Perez, a writer, puts it. As for safety, regulators can tackle that by banning things that are dangerous to women—including seat belts—because they are no! designed properly.
But there is also a powerful business case for avoiding design bias, because huge opportunities are being missed. Women are 50% of the population, and make 70—80% of the world’s consumer-spending decisions.
Change is coming. The first voice-recognition systems struggled to understand female voices, but most now manage just fine. “Femtech” start-up companies, which focus on women’s health and well-being, may raise MYM 1 billion by the end of this year. VC funds and tech firms are hiring more women. Ensuring that products are designed for everyone would lead to happier and safer customers. For the companies that get it right, that means higher profits. What is holding them back
8. The underlined part in Paragraph 2 means ________.
A. hits the market B. gets approval
C. becomes successful D. comes into being
9. What is discussed in Paragraphs 2 and 3
A. Why tech’s design bias needs to be fixed.
B. How gender bias is affecting tech companies.
C. Where gender bias in product design is rooted.
D. Who is to blame for gender bias in tech companies.
10. We can learn from the passage that ________.
A. tech companies are unwilling to change
B. design bias may result in missed opportunities
C. male workers benefit more in engineering teams
D. tech companies are poor at making user-friendly products
11. How does the author feel about the future of bias-free product design
A. Uncertain. B. Sceptical.
C. Positive. D. Negative.
Of all the problems that people face today, depression proves to be one of the hardest to pinpoint. People often suffer secretly, not wanting to admit their need of professional help. They continue with their normal routines and, many times, unhealthy eating habits. Now, health professionals are actually linking diet and depression and have found success in using diet to treat the disorder.
Several researchers and Australian institutions at Deakin University in Victoria, Australia, set out to evaluate the direct link between diet and depression. They carried out the study over a 12-week period and observed 67 patients with moderate to severe depression. For their control group, the patients received social support rather than switching their eating habits to a well-balanced diet. The other patients then received dietary counseling sessions where they were advised to eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. After the trial period, over 30 percent of the patients had gone into remission with their depression. Only 8 percent of the control group actually experienced this same improvement. This trial has greatly helped researchers understand and better help patients suffering from depression.
Most Americans today do not associate their diet and depression together. Nearly 60 percent of Americans eat over processed foods. 90 percent of added sugar comes from these processed foods. For people with depression, this diet might give a short energy burst, but it will eventually cause energy to sink, bringing happy moods down with it. Many people also love caffeine, drinking multiple cups each day. Again, they consume extra sugar. However, the caffeine can also disrupt sleep and cause anxiety. In addition, people with depression may have a tendency to turn to alcohol Unfortunately, alcohol depresses the central nervous system, which will directly influence a person’s mood for the worse, especially those dealing with depression.
According to the research, diet and depression do go hand in hand. Those suffering from depression should do away with processed foods as much as possible. With a few simple changes in lifestyle, these patients can improve their mental health and return to normal activities with renewed energy and joy.
12. What prevents patients from being identified according to the passage
A. Their reluctance to ask for treatment. B. Lack of professional help.
C. Unawareness of their diet problems. D. Inadequate social support.
13. What do we know about the study conducted at Deakin University
A. The patients in the study came from different parts of the world.
B. Two groups were divided on the basis of their levels of depression.
C. The control group enjoyed a better improvement in their mood.
D. The study helps researchers find a better treatment for depression.
14. How do processed foods influence those dealing with depression according to the study
A. Chemicals in them will weaken patients’ central nervous system.
B. Added sugar from them will finally lessen patients’ happiness.
C. They can make patients more likely to be addicted to alcohol.
D. They will reduce essential mood-boosting nutrients in patients.
15. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. What you need is just a right diet B. What is your depression killer
C. Is your diet making you depressed D. It’s time to change your life style
Many of us set goals, but sometimes we fail to achieve them. There are many causes why we don’t manage to realize our goals.____16____There is a way, though, to help address this problem: set reminders. People employ a psychological strategy called cognitive (认知的) offloading, where we use a physical action to reduce demands on our brain. Specifically, we may outsource our intentions from being stored in our brains to reminders outside our head.____17____
Understanding the benefits of cognitive offloading can improve our ability to remember and follow through with our intentions. The biggest benefit is simply that it improves memory performance. It increases the probability that we will work towards the goals we need to reach. ____18____“The more we offload unimportant information, such as items on a shopping list, the more we can use our brain for those more significant cognitive tasks, such as creativity,” said Sam Gilbert, professor at the University College London.
____19____Still, there are potential negative parts for it. We are more likely to forget what we offloaded if we no longer access our storage, such as when our smartphone dies. We also tend to offload the important things we most want to remember. In a surprise test where their reminders were wiped clean, the participants were more likely to forget the important items and recall the unimportant ones, that is, the more important the intention we want to remember, the more likely we are to offload it—and to forget it.
We’d better tend to create reminders when we think we need them, but not necessarily when we do need them. ____20____“If our understanding of our memory ability is wrong, this suggests that we will either overuse or underuse reminders,” Gilbert said. “We can learn by noticing the times that we have forgotten to do something and could have used reminders to help.”
A. Cognitive offloading has noticeable benefits.
B. One common reason is that we simply forget them.
C. Besides, it can free up our limited cognitive resources.
D. A good example can be documents on our smartphone calendars.
E. The process of cognitive offloading helps us identify false information.
F. Our beliefs about how good our memory is directly influence whether we set them.
G. Other experts say it’s too soon to understand how cognitive offloading affects our brains.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Francis Kéré is the first African to win the Pritzker Prize, known as the Nobel Prize of architecture. However, his journey to the top of his field was far from ___21___ . Growing up in a village where there was no kindergarten, he was ___22___ into an extremely hot classroom with over 100 students until seven years old. This experience of poor building facilities promoted his earliest ___23___ to improve the educational lives of local children, using architecture.
His early reputation came in helping ___24___ a school in his village after graduating from college. He ___25___ the whole village to provide ideas and drew the ___26___ on sand for all to see. ___27___ , he employed them to construct the school, using local wood and local clay (黏土).
The result of their hard work was a welcoming structure with a “floating” roof that ___28___ passive ventilation (通风) in a hot climate and wall openings that bring ___29___ for students to learn even without electricity. He showed the villagers that ideas to ___30___ climate or other challenges are always at hand.
In this process, local people learned ___31___ skills that they could later use to find work. By cooperating with them, Kéré ___32___ the idea that climate solutions started with big institutions. He ___33___ that everyone could contribute to addressing the major issues related to education and climate and ___34___ a global impact by acting locally.
Employed by architects in dozens of countries, his ___35___ is rooted in the “unique” aspects of each community now.
A. reliable B. rewarding C. simple D. professional
A. accompanied B. crowded C. persuaded D. forced
A. confidence B. patience C. appetite D. ability
A. design B. donate C. integrate D. occupy
A. forbade B. warned C. commanded D. encouraged
A. plot B. draft C. gesture D. clue
A. Merely B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Moreover
A blocks B. affects C. lowers D. allows
A. hope B. light C. desire D. imagination
A. deal with B. bring about C. find out D. leave off
A physical B. practical C. educational D. commercial
A. challenged B. implied C. formed D. advocated
A. doubted B. opposed C. promised D. demonstrated
A. receive B. access C. create D. witness
A. patent B. innovation C. expectation D. guess
If you were told to stop from breathing through your nose, could you do it Journalist Nestor made ____36____ for about 10 days, plugging up his nose and ____37____(breathe) only through his mouth as part of an experiment at Stanford University. The effects were systemic — sleeping troubles, high blood pressure and, of course, discomfort.
Breathing is so automatic an activity ____38____ most of us never think about doing it. But as Nestor shows through his own experiences and conversations with dozens of experts, the way we breathe ____39____ (make) a difference to the body’s overall health. Based on the results of the experiment, he published a book Breath:The New Science of a Lost Art, ____40____ he explores everything from the role our noses play ____41____ hormone regulation (激素调节) and digestion, to how some athletes build up the lung capacity (肺活量)____42____ (run) marathons in extreme conditions or dive in ____43____ (ice) water for more than an hour at a time. The topic is seemingly simple — an entire book about breathing. But ____44____ (actual) every chapter reveals new details about how body and breath work together at the same time.
Nestor’s daring attitude and _____45_____ (curious) were infectious: I not only noticed myself paying attention to my own breathing every time I sat down to read, but my new-found comfort with my own lungs even inspired me to go for my first jog in years.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文(满分15分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的南非朋友Stephan今年暑假来中国旅游,最近中国开通了一条从上海到新疆的高铁专线。你向他推荐这趟专列。内容如下:
1. 选择高铁的优势;
2. 沿途的经历(领略自然风光等)
3. 你的祝愿
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:高铁high-speed rail line
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的故事。
Gifts for Jace
I’ll never forget the day that one of my students shyly raised his hand and said that he had never received a gift. My shocked fifth-graders were discussing a reading story about a boy who was not going to be getting anything for his birthday because money was tight that year. Even though this class was very open during reading discussions, Jace’s honesty surprised even me. What was even more eye-opening was the fact that this sweet, fifth-grade boy had gone ten years and never experienced the joy and surprise of receiving a present.
I searched my mind for a reason that he might be saying this. Did he want attention from his peers No, that was definitely not his style. Was he exaggerating Again, he was not the type. Then I remembered his story. His mother was out of the picture and he lived alone with his dad. His father had a hard time holding down a job, and coming to think of it, I didn’t see his father at registration or parent-teacher conferences. Even though on the outside Jace was a bit untidy, he always came to school with a smile and sincere enthusiasm for learning.
A couple of weeks after Jace’s comment, he was absent from school due to the fact that he had moved away. This happened to be the day I was sending home the annual note about the classroom Christmas gifts exchange. Traditionally, each boy was to bring a gift for a boy in the three-dollar range and the same was true for each girl.
As we were discussing the specifics, a girl raised her hand and sincerely suggested that we do away with our traditional policy, and each buy a gift for Jace instead. The enthusiasm grew as the students discussed the kinds of things they knew Jace would like. We took a quick vote and consistently agreed to go ahead with this wonderful idea.
注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1: Days before our Christmas vacation, the gifts began to pour in.
Paragraph 2: As I drove down his road, I saw a light flashing, signaling which home was his.




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