
1. When did the man arrive ( B )
A. In May. B. In June. C. In July.
2. What color is the dress ( C )
A. Pink. B. Purple. C. Red.
3. Where is the girl now ( C )
A. In the museum. B. In the school. C. In the hospital.
4. What can we know about Harry's holiday ( B )
A. He had a holiday at the beach.
B. He felt bad about the holiday in the mountains.
C. He spent most of his time at home during the holiday.
5. What's the relationship between the two speakers ( B )
A. Mom and son. B. Father and daughter. C. Brother and sister.
6. What did the boy do yesterday ( C )
A. He went to Anna's house. B. He had a cooking lesson. C. He made Russian soup.
7. What will the girl do tomorrow morning ( A )
A. Learn to cook the soup. B. Go shopping. C. Have a birthday party.
8. Why isn't the boy going to be a computer programmer ( C )
A. Because his teacher asks him not to do so.
B. Because his parents don't agree him to do so.
C. Because he thinks computer science is too hard.
9. What is the boy going to be ( B )
A. An engineer. B. A football player. C. A scientist.
10. How old was Sam when he started to play basketball ( B )
A. 6. B. 7. C. 8.
11. Who does Sam always play basketball with after school ( C )
A. His classmate. B. His brother. C. His father.
12. When does Sam watch the NBA ( A )
A. Every weekend. B. Every Friday. C. Every Tuesday.
听下面一段对话,回答第 13至第 15 三个小题。
13. Why does Amy like Lucy ( C )
A. Because Lucy wears cool clothes.
B. Because Lucy makes Amy laugh.
C. Because Lucy is a good listener.
14. Who is more outgoing ( B )
A. Lucy. B. Amy. C. The man.
15. What does Lucy look like ( C )
A. She has short curly hair. B. She has long straight hair. C. She has long curly hair.
16. C
17. A
18. D
19. E
20. B
Today, we are going to make a simple cake. Here are the materials (材料) and ways. Let's have a try!
Materials 1 cup of white sugar 1/2 cup of butter 2 eggs 2 spoons of vanilla extract (香草香精) 1 and 1/2 cups of flour (面粉) 1 and 3/4 spoons of baking powder (发酵粉) 1/2 cup of milk Ways ◆First, you should preheat (预热) your oven. Then you should cover a pan (平底锅) with oil and flour. ◆You should mix up the sugar and butter in a medium bowl. Then you can add the eggs, one at a time. Next, you can add the vanilla extract, flour and baking powder to it and mix well. Finally, you should add the milk. Then pour it into the prepared pan. ◆Bake for 30 to 40 minutes in the oven. If you want to make cupcakes, you can bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
21. How much sugar do we need to make a cake ( A )
A. 1 cup. B. 1 and 1/2 cups. C. 2 spoons. D. 1 and 3/4 spoons.
22. How many kinds of materials do we need to make a cake ( C )
A. 3. B. 5. C. 7. D. 9.
23. What should we do before we add the eggs to the bowl ( D )
A. Add the milk. B. Add baking powder.
C. Add the vanilla extract. D. Mix up the sugar and butter.
24. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text ( D )
A. It's not necessary to preheat your oven.
B. You can add all eggs in the bowl at one time.
C. It takes at least 40 minutes to bake a cupcake.
D. You should cover a pan with oil and flour before you mix up the materials.
25. In which part of a magazine can you see the text ( B )
A. Stories. B. Food. C. News. D. Sports.
May was coming soon and Sophie couldn't wait. It was her favorite time of the year. She loved November and December because she could have a school trip. August was great, too. Spending time at the pool was a lot of fun. But for Sophie, May was strawberry picking time. She wanted to go to a strawberry farm on vacation. She kept visiting the website (网站) of her favorite strawberry farm to see when its strawberry picking would start. Finally, they made it May 7th. She showed her mom what she saw on the farm's website.
Sweet Berry Farm Strawberry Picking Opening Day May 7th 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
On the big day, Sophie and her mom got up early and went to the farm just after breakfast. After arriving at the farm, Sophie and her mom got two large bags and started picking. The sun was warm on their backs. After about an hour, their bags were full of red strawberries. They paid for their strawberries, and then went into the farm store. In it there was lots of nice food made from strawberries. Sophie and her mom bought a strawberry pie (草莓馅饼) for Sophie's dad and strawberry cupcakes for Sophie's brothers. Then Sophie and her mom each ordered a strawberry ice-cream.
On the way home, they talked about all the delicious things they would make with the strawberries. Sophie wanted to make smoothies (水果奶昔). Her mom had a new way of cooking strawberry cakes and she wanted to try.
26. Which month did Sophie like best ( A )
A. May. B. August. C. November. D. December.
27. What can we know from the picture ( C )
A. How to get to the farm. B. What to make on the farm.
C. When to go for strawberry picking. D. How much to pay for strawberry picking.
28. What did Sophie and her mom do on the farm ( C )
A. They ate lots of strawberries.
B. They got lots of strawberries for free.
C. They picked strawberries for about an hour.
D. They got one large bag to put strawberries in.
29. What did Sophie and her mom buy for Sophie's brothers in the farm store ( B )
A. Strawberry pies. B. Strawberry cupcakes.
C. Strawberry smoothies. D. Strawberry ice-creams.
30. How do you think Sophie and her mom felt on the way home ( D )
A. Tired. B. Bored. C. Lucky. D. Happy.
What is going to happen in the future Will robots control (控制) our world Will computers become smarter than us Probably no. But here are some things that scientists say that will happen in 10-30 years from now, according to the BBC.
Bionic (仿生的) eyes are no longer something only in a movie. Now we have them in real life. People who are blind would be able to see things clearly by wearing bionic eyes.
A blind eye can't see things, but a bionic eye can use a machine to “see” the environment and send information to the mind.
Now we can use WeChat Pay (微信支付) or Alipay (支付宝) to shop. That means we are already using digital (数字的) money. People only need to take a phone wherever they go. Using these ways is much easier than looking for money in our pockets. However, some people don't like using it. They think it is not safe enough. In fact, it is not true at all. The truth is that digital money is even safer.
There are many self-driving cars on the road. Some machines on the car can make the car follow the rules of the road and keep a safe space from other cars. This would make the road safer. You can even take a short rest when the car drives itself. In the future, self-driving cars would be used by many people.
31. Where do the bionic eyes send information ( A )
A. To the mind. B. To the heart.
C. To the computer. D. To the environment.
32. What does the underlined word “blind” in Paragraph 2 mean ( B )
A. Can not hear. B. Can not see. C. Can not jump. D. Can not speak.
33. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to ( A )
A. Digital money is not safe enough.
B. We are already using digital money.
C. WeChat Pay and Alipay are digital money.
D. Some people don't like using digital money.
34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text ( C )
A. Bionic eyes can only appear in a film.
B. Everybody in the world likes using digital money.
C. We can have a short rest when using self-driving cars.
D. Self-driving cars don't have to follow the rules of the road.
35. What is the text mainly about ( D )
A. The importance of phones. B. How to help the blind people.
C. Self-driving cars in the future. D. Some new things in the future.
Lots of us have dreams. We know what makes us happy and what we'd love to do. 36 Here is some advice.
Dream your future. What does your dream job look like Here are some questions you might ask before finding jobs. What time do you want to wake up every morning 37 How much money do you want to make The answers to these questions may help you find a dream job.
Set your goals (目标).We have heard this one over and over again. 38 Lots of people don't know what they want to be. It's your life! So decide what you want and go after it.
Learn to use your time. Many people may think that they have no time to do everything. Often, the problem is that there is time everywhere. 39 The more time you save, the more time you'll have.
40 Once you get started, the key to making your dream come true is to keep doing it. You should remember that it's never easy to achieve (实现) any goals. Putting in the hours and the sweat (汗水) is the way you achieve your goals.
A.The first thing you must do is to have goals.
B.But we may not know how to make our dreams come true.
C.Always work on your goals.
D.Where do you want to live
E.However, if you work smartly, you'll save lots of time.
36. B
37. D
38. A
39. E
40. C
It was Jess's birthday. She decided to invite all her 41 to a big party to celebrate the happy day.
First, she went to Ava's 42 but she wasn't there. “Never mind,” thought Jess. “I'll go and see 43 Julia's in.” But Julia was not found 44 , either! Jess was disappointed. Then she went to look for Sky, but she 45 a note on the door. It said, “Very busy. Do not disturb (打扰)! ” Jess felt that she would be 46 today. “I'll go home and make some strawberry juice for 47 !” said Jess. When she went home and opened the door, she got a big 48 . All her friends were there, 49 for her! “Happy birthday, Jess!” they all shouted. In the garden, there was a huge (巨大的) 50 , full of delicious food. The trees had been decorated (装饰) beautifully. Jess couldn't 51 her eyes! She said to her smiling friends, “I'm so happy! I thought everyone had 52 my birthday!”
Then Ava walked up to Jess with a beautiful 53 ,“Here's a gift from all of us to you, our friend!” Inside the box was a wonderful photo of all the friends. “What a wonderful 54 !” said Jess happily. “I'm so 55 to have such beautiful friends!”
41. ( C )A. neighbors B. relatives C. friends D. fans
42. ( A )A. place B. party C. class D. meeting
43. ( C )A. when B. how C. if D. why
44. ( C )A. everywhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. nowhere
45. ( B )A. wrote B. found C. posted D. received
46. ( B )A. bored B. sad C. busy D. careful
47. ( B )A. herself B. myself C. himself D. themselves
48. ( A )A. surprise B. idea C. tree D. table
49. ( B )A. looking B. waiting C. asking D. caring
50. ( A )A. table B. chair C. tent D. hole
51. ( A )A. believe B. cover C. open D. touch
52. ( D )A. marked B. celebrated C. known D. forgotten
53. ( A )A. box B. photo C. song D. flower
54. ( D )A. smile B. note C. cake D. gift
55. ( D )A. careful B. helpful C. new D. lucky
many cook step how we quick from idea feel one
Mom and I were just going out when it began to rain. We had to stay at home, and I 56 quite bored. Mom got an 57 . She suggested (建议) teaching me to make dumplings. I thought it could be fun, so I said OK. Mom cut the meat and cabbages into small pieces 58 . Then she showed me 59 to mix them with salt and oil. “Mixing is the most important of all the 60 ,” she said. I also made some other preparations with her help. When everything was ready, Dad came back home 61 his office. Together the three of 62 made dumplings. At last, we 63 them. They were so delicious that I ate 64 than twenty. That was the 65 time I learned to make dumplings. It was enjoyable!
56. felt
57. idea
58. quickly
59. how
60. steps
61. from
62. us
63. cooked
64. more
65. first
Dear Anita,
I have a lovely time here in Egypt (埃及). I stayed in Cairo in a nice hotel 66 my family. I saw many wonderful things yesterday. Tomorrow morning we are going to see the Pyramids. They 67 amazing. Then we are going 68 visit Alexandria. In the evening we 69 go to a restaurant and we will taste traditional food. I'm sure I'll like it. Egypt is 70 exciting country.
Best wishes.
66. with
67. are
68. to
69. will
70. an
A: Morning, Andy! You're running again. 71.
B: I run every morning.
A: Are you trying to lose weight
B: 72. . I love starting the day with some exercise. It gives me more energy. So, what's new with you these days, Sarah
A: Well, I'm in a school to learn yoga.
B: I've never done yoga. My doctor told me it might help sleep better, though.
A: 73. . Hey, you should come to the school. The teacher gives lessons for free twice a week.
B: 74.
A: On Mondays and Wednesdays.
B: That's great! 75. . I can go tomorrow.
71. How often do you run
72. No/ Not really/exactly
73. It certainly will/ I think so/ I agree
74. When does the teacher give lessons
75. It is Sunday/Tuesday today/ Today is Sunday/Tuesday
假如你是英语俱乐部的成员,本周你们将围绕“My Friend and I”这个话题进行讨论,请你根据写作要点和写作要求,写一篇英语短文为此做准备。
2.写作要求: 1)文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;
One possible version:
Hello, everyone! Let me tell you something about my friend and me. My friend's name is Li Lei. We are in the same class and are the same height. We both like sports. Li Lei is more outgoing and better at math than I am. He often helps me with my math. I'm good at telling jokes, and I'm one of the funniest students in my class. I like to watch talent shows, because I can see other people show their talents. But Li Lei doesn't like them. He likes to watch the news. Because he can know what is happening all over the world.
Thank you.
第 页期末质量评估卷
1. When did the man arrive ( )
A. In May. B. In June. C. In July.
2. What color is the dress ( )
A. Pink. B. Purple. C. Red.
3. Where is the girl now ( )
A. In the museum. B. In the school. C. In the hospital.
4. What can we know about Harry's holiday ( )
A. He had a holiday at the beach.
B. He felt bad about the holiday in the mountains.
C. He spent most of his time at home during the holiday.
5. What's the relationship between the two speakers ( )
A. Mom and son. B. Father and daughter. C. Brother and sister.
6. What did the boy do yesterday ( )
A. He went to Anna's house. B. He had a cooking lesson. C. He made Russian soup.
7. What will the girl do tomorrow morning ( )
A. Learn to cook the soup. B. Go shopping. C. Have a birthday party.
8. Why isn't the boy going to be a computer programmer ( )
A. Because his teacher asks him not to do so.
B. Because his parents don't agree him to do so.
C. Because he thinks computer science is too hard.
9. What is the boy going to be ( )
A. An engineer. B. A football player. C. A scientist.
10. How old was Sam when he started to play basketball ( )
A. 6. B. 7. C. 8.
11. Who does Sam always play basketball with after school ( )
A. His classmate. B. His brother. C. His father.
12. When does Sam watch the NBA ( )
A. Every weekend. B. Every Friday. C. Every Tuesday.
听下面一段对话,回答第 13至第 15 三个小题。
13. Why does Amy like Lucy ( )
A. Because Lucy wears cool clothes.
B. Because Lucy makes Amy laugh.
C. Because Lucy is a good listener.
14. Who is more outgoing ( )
A. Lucy. B. Amy. C. The man.
15. What does Lucy look like ( )
A. She has short curly hair. B. She has long straight hair. C. She has long curly hair.
Today, we are going to make a simple cake. Here are the materials (材料) and ways. Let's have a try!
Materials 1 cup of white sugar 1/2 cup of butter 2 eggs 2 spoons of vanilla extract (香草香精) 1 and 1/2 cups of flour (面粉) 1 and 3/4 spoons of baking powder (发酵粉) 1/2 cup of milk Ways ◆First, you should preheat (预热) your oven. Then you should cover a pan (平底锅) with oil and flour. ◆You should mix up the sugar and butter in a medium bowl. Then you can add the eggs, one at a time. Next, you can add the vanilla extract, flour and baking powder to it and mix well. Finally, you should add the milk. Then pour it into the prepared pan. ◆Bake for 30 to 40 minutes in the oven. If you want to make cupcakes, you can bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
21. How much sugar do we need to make a cake ( )
A. 1 cup. B. 1 and 1/2 cups. C. 2 spoons. D. 1 and 3/4 spoons.
22. How many kinds of materials do we need to make a cake ( )
A. 3. B. 5. C. 7. D. 9.
23. What should we do before we add the eggs to the bowl ( )
A. Add the milk. B. Add baking powder.
C. Add the vanilla extract. D. Mix up the sugar and butter.
24. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text ( )
A. It's not necessary to preheat your oven.
B. You can add all eggs in the bowl at one time.
C. It takes at least 40 minutes to bake a cupcake.
D. You should cover a pan with oil and flour before you mix up the materials.
25. In which part of a magazine can you see the text ( )
A. Stories. B. Food. C. News. D. Sports.
May was coming soon and Sophie couldn't wait. It was her favorite time of the year. She loved November and December because she could have a school trip. August was great, too. Spending time at the pool was a lot of fun. But for Sophie, May was strawberry picking time. She wanted to go to a strawberry farm on vacation. She kept visiting the website (网站) of her favorite strawberry farm to see when its strawberry picking would start. Finally, they made it May 7th. She showed her mom what she saw on the farm's website.
Sweet Berry Farm Strawberry Picking Opening Day May 7th 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
On the big day, Sophie and her mom got up early and went to the farm just after breakfast. After arriving at the farm, Sophie and her mom got two large bags and started picking. The sun was warm on their backs. After about an hour, their bags were full of red strawberries. They paid for their strawberries, and then went into the farm store. In it there was lots of nice food made from strawberries. Sophie and her mom bought a strawberry pie (草莓馅饼) for Sophie's dad and strawberry cupcakes for Sophie's brothers. Then Sophie and her mom each ordered a strawberry ice-cream.
On the way home, they talked about all the delicious things they would make with the strawberries. Sophie wanted to make smoothies (水果奶昔). Her mom had a new way of cooking strawberry cakes and she wanted to try.
26. Which month did Sophie like best ( )
A. May. B. August. C. November. D. December.
27. What can we know from the picture ( )
A. How to get to the farm. B. What to make on the farm.
C. When to go for strawberry picking. D. How much to pay for strawberry picking.
28. What did Sophie and her mom do on the farm ( )
A. They ate lots of strawberries.
B. They got lots of strawberries for free.
C. They picked strawberries for about an hour.
D. They got one large bag to put strawberries in.
29. What did Sophie and her mom buy for Sophie's brothers in the farm store ( )
A. Strawberry pies. B. Strawberry cupcakes.
C. Strawberry smoothies. D. Strawberry ice-creams.
30. How do you think Sophie and her mom felt on the way home ( )
A. Tired. B. Bored. C. Lucky. D. Happy.
What is going to happen in the future Will robots control (控制) our world Will computers become smarter than us Probably no. But here are some things that scientists say that will happen in 10-30 years from now, according to the BBC.
Bionic (仿生的) eyes are no longer something only in a movie. Now we have them in real life. People who are blind would be able to see things clearly by wearing bionic eyes.
A blind eye can't see things, but a bionic eye can use a machine to “see” the environment and send information to the mind.
Now we can use WeChat Pay (微信支付) or Alipay (支付宝) to shop. That means we are already using digital (数字的) money. People only need to take a phone wherever they go. Using these ways is much easier than looking for money in our pockets. However, some people don't like using it. They think it is not safe enough. In fact, it is not true at all. The truth is that digital money is even safer.
There are many self-driving cars on the road. Some machines on the car can make the car follow the rules of the road and keep a safe space from other cars. This would make the road safer. You can even take a short rest when the car drives itself. In the future, self-driving cars would be used by many people.
31. Where do the bionic eyes send information ( )
A. To the mind. B. To the heart.
C. To the computer. D. To the environment.
32. What does the underlined word “blind” in Paragraph 2 mean ( )
A. Can not hear. B. Can not see. C. Can not jump. D. Can not speak.
33. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to ( )
A. Digital money is not safe enough.
B. We are already using digital money.
C. WeChat Pay and Alipay are digital money.
D. Some people don't like using digital money.
34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text ( )
A. Bionic eyes can only appear in a film.
B. Everybody in the world likes using digital money.
C. We can have a short rest when using self-driving cars.
D. Self-driving cars don't have to follow the rules of the road.
35. What is the text mainly about ( )
A. The importance of phones. B. How to help the blind people.
C. Self-driving cars in the future. D. Some new things in the future.
Lots of us have dreams. We know what makes us happy and what we'd love to do. 36 Here is some advice.
Dream your future. What does your dream job look like Here are some questions you might ask before finding jobs. What time do you want to wake up every morning 37 How much money do you want to make The answers to these questions may help you find a dream job.
Set your goals (目标).We have heard this one over and over again. 38 Lots of people don't know what they want to be. It's your life! So decide what you want and go after it.
Learn to use your time. Many people may think that they have no time to do everything. Often, the problem is that there is time everywhere. 39 The more time you save, the more time you'll have.
40 Once you get started, the key to making your dream come true is to keep doing it. You should remember that it's never easy to achieve (实现) any goals. Putting in the hours and the sweat (汗水) is the way you achieve your goals.
A.The first thing you must do is to have goals.
B.But we may not know how to make our dreams come true.
C.Always work on your goals.
D.Where do you want to live
E.However, if you work smartly, you'll save lots of time.
It was Jess's birthday. She decided to invite all her 41 to a big party to celebrate the happy day.
First, she went to Ava's 42 but she wasn't there. “Never mind,” thought Jess. “I'll go and see 43 Julia's in.” But Julia was not found 44 , either! Jess was disappointed. Then she went to look for Sky, but she 45 a note on the door. It said, “Very busy. Do not disturb (打扰)! ” Jess felt that she would be 46 today. “I'll go home and make some strawberry juice for 47 !” said Jess. When she went home and opened the door, she got a big 48 . All her friends were there, 49 for her! “Happy birthday, Jess!” they all shouted. In the garden, there was a huge (巨大的) 50 , full of delicious food. The trees had been decorated (装饰) beautifully. Jess couldn't 51 her eyes! She said to her smiling friends, “I'm so happy! I thought everyone had 52 my birthday!”
Then Ava walked up to Jess with a beautiful 53 ,“Here's a gift from all of us to you, our friend!” Inside the box was a wonderful photo of all the friends. “What a wonderful 54 !” said Jess happily. “I'm so 55 to have such beautiful friends!”
41. ( )A. neighbors B. relatives C. friends D. fans
42. ( )A. place B. party C. class D. meeting
43. ( )A. when B. how C. if D. why
44. ( )A. everywhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. nowhere
45. ( )A. wrote B. found C. posted D. received
46. ( )A. bored B. sad C. busy D. careful
47. ( )A. herself B. myself C. himself D. themselves
48. ( )A. surprise B. idea C. tree D. table
49. ( )A. looking B. waiting C. asking D. caring
50. ( )A. table B. chair C. tent D. hole
51. ( )A. believe B. cover C. open D. touch
52. ( )A. marked B. celebrated C. known D. forgotten
53. ( )A. box B. photo C. song D. flower
54. ( )A. smile B. note C. cake D. gift
55. ( )A. careful B. helpful C. new D. lucky
many cook step how we quick from idea feel one
Mom and I were just going out when it began to rain. We had to stay at home, and I 56 quite bored. Mom got an 57 . She suggested (建议) teaching me to make dumplings. I thought it could be fun, so I said OK. Mom cut the meat and cabbages into small pieces 58 . Then she showed me 59 to mix them with salt and oil. “Mixing is the most important of all the 60 ,” she said. I also made some other preparations with her help. When everything was ready, Dad came back home 61 his office. Together the three of 62 made dumplings. At last, we 63 them. They were so delicious that I ate 64 than twenty. That was the 65 time I learned to make dumplings. It was enjoyable!
Dear Anita,
I have a lovely time here in Egypt (埃及). I stayed in Cairo in a nice hotel 66 my family. I saw many wonderful things yesterday. Tomorrow morning we are going to see the Pyramids. They 67 amazing. Then we are going 68 visit Alexandria. In the evening we 69 go to a restaurant and we will taste traditional food. I'm sure I'll like it. Egypt is 70 exciting country.
Best wishes.
A: Morning, Andy! You're running again. 71.
B: I run every morning.
A: Are you trying to lose weight
B: 72. . I love starting the day with some exercise. It gives me more energy. So, what's new with you these days, Sarah
A: Well, I'm in a school to learn yoga.
B: I've never done yoga. My doctor told me it might help sleep better, though.
A: 73. . Hey, you should come to the school. The teacher gives lessons for free twice a week.
B: 74.
A: On Mondays and Wednesdays.
B: That's great! 75. . I can go tomorrow.
假如你是英语俱乐部的成员,本周你们将围绕“My Friend and I”这个话题进行讨论,请你根据写作要点和写作要求,写一篇英语短文为此做准备。
2.写作要求: 1)文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;
第 页



上一篇:第一章 化学反应的热效应 (含解析)强基习题 2023-2024上学期高二化学人教版(2019)选择性必修1

下一篇:2.3 化学反应的速率(含解析) 同步练习题 2023-2024高二上学期鲁科版(2019)化学选择性必修1