四川省成都市成实外教育集团2023-2024高三上学期12月联考英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

1. What does the man think of the woman’s old apartment
A. Comfortable. B. Noisy. C. Convenient.
2. Where did the woman leave her mobile phone
A. On the table. B. In her bag. C. On the chair.
3. How did James contact the woman yesterday
A. By postcard. B. By phone. C. By email.
4. What are the speakers probably talking about
A. A pet. B. A job. C. An appointment.
5. Who is the man most probably going to work with
A. Teenagers. B. Pre-school kids. C. The disabled.
6. What does the man intend to do in Namibia
A. To host a program. B. To learn about wildlife. C. To work as a volunteer.
7. Which is one of the requirements of the program
A. The applicant must be over 20.
B. The applicant should be moderately fit.
C. The applicant ought to speak more than one language.
8. What business are the speakers in
A. Athletic shoes. B. Sports clothes. C. Sports equipment.
9. What is the second choice of sport in the 36-to-45 age group
A. Jogging. B. Skiing. C. Tennis.
10. What does the woman think of a career in tourism
A. Fulfilling. B. Challenging. C. Promising.
11. What skill will the woman mainly learn from the course in Tourism
A. Financial planning. B. Note-taking. C. Time-management.
12. What extra course will the woman probably take
A. Travel and Business. B. Public Relations. C. Medical Care.
13. Who provided the man with the most valuable information
A. The staff. B. The students. C. The cleaners.
14. What waste was most commonly seen in the university
A. Copying paper. B. Paper cups. C. Plastic cups.
15. What proportion of the interviewees were worried about waste
A.55%. B.45%. C.30%.
16. What does the woman suggest to raise people’s awareness
A. Holding an exhibition. B. Putting up a poster. C. Delivering a lecture.
17. Which month is it now
A. May. B. June. C. July.
18. What will be shown second
A. Women’s fashion. B. Men’s fashion. C. Children’s fashion.
19. What can we know about the show
A. Sportswear is its highlight.
B. Some fashion models will join in it
C. High street stores offer most clothes.
20. How does the speaker suggest booking the tickets to get a free drink
A. By visiting the college website.
B. By calling the admissions office.
C. By going to the college bookstore.
If you want to learn something new at your leisure, here are some choices for you.
My Gym of Brentwood
My Gym is the expert in children’s fitness. It has good programs and facilities designed to help children
6 weeks through 13 years of age develop physically and mentally. Our structured, age-appropriate, weeks classes are tailored to the multiple ways that kids learn, including music, dance, games, special rides,gymnastics, sports and more. Children have loads of fun as they gain strength, balance, coordination and flexibility while developing social skills and confidence.
Melody Music Studios
Melody Music Studios offers exciting music and voice lessons, in the student’s home or the instructor’s personal studio. We offer all styles, traditional and/or by ear, in a fun and positive environment (There’s a grace period (宽限期)of three business days to cancel after the trial lesson, and if you’re not satisfied, it’s FREE! So you have nothing to lose to sign up today!
Artistic Elements Dance
615-472-9471 |
Artistic Elements’ aim is to develop dancers with excellent, professional technique, humble character and team spirit. We offer Beginner to Pre-Professional Level Classes to dancers from 18 months to adults in the styles of ballet,jazz,musical theatre,hip hop and more! Our experienced teachers all well-trained are willing to share the love of dance with each student who walks through our doors and ensure our dancers train safely in a positive environment. In addition to group classes, Artistic Elements offers private lessons, open master classes and birthday parties.
21.How are kids at My Gym of Brentwood divided into different groups
A. By gender. B. By nationality. C. By age. D. By capability.
22. What can we learn about Artistic Elements Dance from the passage
A. It is suitable for dancers of all ages.
B. It provides various classes in different forms.
C. Its teachers will ensure dancers, develop a positive personality.
D. It only focuses on developing dancers’ professional dancing skills.
23. Where does the passage most probably come from
A. An advertisement. B. An exhibition guide.
C. An art show review. D. A school announcement.
Velcro is a hook-and-loop (粘扣的) device that is commonly found on a wide range of products, such as shoes, jackets, and a lot of other equipment in offices, kitchens, and garages. It’s also the name of the company that originally created the "thing"generally known as Velcro.
George de Mestral, a Swiss electrical engineer, is the inventor of Velcro. How he came to the idea of actually making this thing that we call Velcro is a truly incredible story.
One fine morning in 1948, Mestral went for a walk with his dog. After returning from the walk, he found that some seeds got stuck to the dog’s fur. However, the man’s attention was turned to his own trousers, where many similar seeds were also attached.
Upon closer examination, he noticed that there were many small hooks in the seeds that stuck firmly to the loops in the fabric of his trousers. The first idea for what would eventually become Velcro struck him like lightning. If he could artificially recreate the same thing, by making pairs of hooks-and-loops that stick to each other firmly, then there would be almost no need to tie things up all the time to secure them, nor would zippers, which were quite popular in those days, be necessary any longer. He decided to call the product he formed Velcro.
Like many inventions, Velcro also faced a great deal of criticism,but Mestral stood by his design and continued to make structural changes to enhance its bonding strength. He worked with a Frenchmah to come up with a perfect hook-and-loop device. Mestral patented Velcro in 1955.
Velcro didn’t do very well initially; much of that was due to its lack of aesthetic appeal. It came in dull colors and often looked quite "unattractive". But soon, even NASA helped to boost Velcro’s image by using it in a lot of equipment that went into space along with astronauts.
24. What can we know about Velcro according to the passage
A. It’s been replaced by zippers.
B. It’s a nature-inspired product.
C. It’s an established shoe brand.
D. It’s a hook commonly used in offices.
25. Which of the following best describes George de Mestral
A. Talented. B. Considerate. C. Sympathetic. D. Innovative.
26. How did the public originally react to Velcro
A. They were critical of it.
B. They paid no attention to it.
C. They thought of it as a practical item.
D. They were dissatisfied with its function.
27. What is the text mainly about
A. A controversial device. B. A brilliant creation.
C. An unexpected discovery. D. An unforgettable experience.
As I walked into the George Eastman Museum’s Dryden Theater, I felt as though I had stepped into a time machine. On the way to the traditional, old-timey box office, tons of vintage(复古的)movie posters and the theater entrance made me feel like I was on Broadway. As everyone took their seats, an older gentleman who looked like he walked straight out of the 1920s gave the attendees a historical background of the film we were seeing—The Barker.
The film itself, which was released in 1928, is considered a "part-talkie". Before films included synchronized(同步的)sound, films were played with live accompaniment and contained subtitles to add context. With the invention of synchronized sound, films slowly added talking dialogue in scenes throughout the film; these films were considered "part-talkies".
The Barker, which explores the lives of carnival workers, is the talking debut(首次登场)of all of the main cast. The film was revolutionary not only for the technology but also for the actors. My film experience consists of mostly talkies, so when I finished The Barker, I felt like I witnessed something brand new for the first time.
The experience I had at Dryden Theater was unlike any movie-going experience I had ever had. The music, the film, and the atmosphere itself were completely unique! Since viewing films has gradually been switched to streaming services, especially since the pandemic, this has both increased the accessibility of films and stripped us of reliance on a social experience to watch a movie—one that attending The Barker reminded me of.
"Barbenheimer", a phenomenon that contrasts the obvious differences in the recently released movies Barbie and Oppenheimer, allowed us to return to the movie-going adventure. Finally, everyone wanted big screens and surround sound rather than the tiny screens in bedrooms. More importantly, we were all able to interact with a piece of content alongside other people. "Barbenheimer" brought back the pastime of going to the cinema—one that I think we should continue to engage in. I say we take a page out of the 1920s playbook and return to the cinema.
28. Who made the audience of The Barker know better about its background
A. A star who was cast in the movie.
B. A man who had a look of the past.
C. A staff member working at the box office.
D. A gentleman walking from the last century.
29. Which of the following is true of "part-talkies"
A. The Barker is a "part-talkie".
B."Part-talkies"are totally silent.
C."Part-talkies"involve live accompaniment.
D. The films before The Barker are "part-talkies".
30. What does the underlined word "stripped" in paragraph 4 mean
A. Accused. B. Informed. C. Robbed. D. Warned.
31. What does the author suggest
A. Watching movies at home.
B. Seeing the film The Barker.
C. Having more big screen experiences.
D. Interacting more with people around us.
Birds rely on their keen sense of hearing to detect prey(猎物)and identify other birds on the basis of their songs. In fact, birds have better hearing than humans, so they hear with much more detail. So how do birds hear
Birds and humans both have an inner ear and a middle ear. However, birds differ from humans in that they lack an external ear structure. Where humans have an outer ear organ, birds have a funnel-shaped opening that functions as their outer ear, located on each side of their head. These openings are usually positioned behind and slightly below a bird’s eyes and are protected by soft feathers.
The position of a bird’s head also plays a role in its hearing abilities. Scientists have determined that noises register at different frequencies on each side of the bird’s head. Depending on the angle from which the noise originates, it registers with a certain frequency in the left eardrum but with a different frequency in the right eardrum. This allows the bird to locate a sound’s origin.
For example, owls are known for their extremely accurate hearing, which helps them locate prey at night. This hearing ability is due in part to the unbalanced arrangement of the ear openings, with one opening being lower than the other. Sounds register in these openings at slightly different times. Owls can use this time difference, which is only 30 millionths of a second, to determine whether the sounds are coming from their left or their right. Other birds of prey have flaps in front of their ears that help them determine whether sounds are coming from above them or below them. Some owls do appear to have ears on the top of their head, but those are actually feathers controlled by small muscles under the skin that do not affect their hearing at all.
32. What is the difference between birds and humans according to paragraph 2
A. Ears’ structure. B. Ears’ function.
C. Ears’ position. D. Ears’ sensitivity.
33. What does the underlined word "This" in paragraph 3 probably refer to
A. The angle of noise sources.
B. The bird’s unique ear structure.
C. The intensity of the sound around the bird.
D. The difference in frequencies between the eardrums.
34. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. The flaps of birds of prey have little impact on their hearing.
B. Owls determine the direction of sound based on their feathers.
C. Different birds have varying abilities to judge the direction of sound.
D. Many birds have unbalanced positions of the ear openings besides owls.
35. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. The Secret of Owls’ Hearing B. Special Ear Structure of Birds
C. Different Hearing Systems of Birds D. Remarkable Hearing Abilities of Birds
With climate change continuing to worsen, our situation is beginning to feel increasingly serious.___36___Is it right Maybe not.
Techno-optimism can be defined as a belief that future technologies will solve all of our current problems. This definition reinforces(强化)the idea that there’s no reason to panic or change our current energy-intensive(能源集中型)lifestyle.All society needs to do is look to green technology to work its magic. ___37___
One of the best examples of this optimistic misconception is the electric car. Despite being highly regarded as an eco-friendly way to get around, electric cars are not the end for the future of transport. Batteries in electric cars use chemical elements which we could be seeing a shortage of by mid-century.___38___Techno-optimism has led many to believe that if everyone just switched to driving electric vehicles, we would be making incredible steps towards sustainability. However, the reality is that the amount of resources and energy needed to produce enough electric vehicles for everyone is not even remotely sustainable.
___39___Investing in public transportation and moving away from individually owned vehicles.Producing fewer cars. Improving recycling practices of old batteries. The solutions we seek should not be rooted in new technology, but be about changing the way our society functions.
Techno-optimism puts too much emphasis on technology and not enough on what we can do right this minute. Unfortunately, people seem to like the picture that techno-optimism paints. ___40___Until we are ready to face the need for a less complex life, we cannot make true progress towards sustainability.
A. People used to fall into this trap.
B. So where should we look for answers instead
C. The modern world’s simple solution is technology.
D. Moreover, they are more energy-intensive to produce.
E. Unfortunately, this is an incredibly dangerous opinion to hold.
F. There is no doubt that we are heading towards a greener future.
G. Nevertheless, the truth is, we need a widespread change in our lifestyles.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
"We are not chefs. We are just grandmothers sharing our cultures," Maral Tseylikman said so as she sat in the___41___room at Enoteca Maria, where she has___42___for seven years.
The New York eatery has a unique___43___: No one cooks a meal___44___than a grandmother. The restaurant is home to a rotating cast of grandmothers, who cook the meals they’ve been providing for their families for___45___.
It has become the first restaurant that___46___real grandmothers from all over the world as chefs to cook the dishes that represent the culture of the country where they were born and___47___.
In its beginnings, the Italian restaurant brought together several grandmothers from different regions of Italy, but over time, it___48___bringing together grandmothers from all over the world. Thanks to the___49___diversity, it has a wide variety of foods that include pasta, pizza, meat, spices and vegetables from different countries such as Italy, Azerbaijan and Sri Lanka. Granny Diana said she wanted to___50___diners to her Palestinian culture, which is not well___51___in the New York area.
The restaurant’s owner, Joe Scaravella, started the project___52___his own grandmother who has passed away. "These women are empty___53___, whose husbands have passed away and whose children have moved out,"Scaravella said. “So they’re really looking for an___54___and they have it here. And if they’re not hugging me, they’re hugging their customers.” Grandmas there, all___55___referred to as "nonnas", "grandmothers" in Italian, enjoy serving their happy regulars, saying friends and happiness___56___with the job and that they aren’t just doing it for themselves and their families, but for all the customers who come in the___57___.
With all the love these ladies are___58___at the restaurant, they say that they have, in fact,___59___their knowledge and love of cooking to not only their families, but also the customers from all over the country. “A granddaughter of my customer’s has___60___from me how to crack eggs like a professional,”Tseylikman said with a laugh.
41.A. laundry B. dining C. equipment D. guest
42. A. worked B. waited C. lived D. trained
43.A. imagination B. concept C. tradition D. appearance
44.A. wider B. easier C. faster D. better
45. A. celebrations B. benefits C. centuries D. generations
46.A. finds B. expects C. hires D. dismisses
47. A. educated B. assisted C. raised D. promoted
48. A. ended up B. put off C. kept on D. burst out
49. A. racial, B. cultural C. political D. social
50. A. limit B. reduce C. admit D. expose
51. A. performed B. organized C. represented D. recorded
52. A. in honor of B. in defense of C. in need of D. in favor of
53. A. roomers B. nesters C. wanderers D. shelters
54. A. outbreak B. input C. income D. outlet
.55. A. originally B. secretly C. desperately D. lovingly
56. A. come B. fade C. sink D. land
57.A. kitchen B. chimney C. bakery D. door
58. A. pursuing B. receiving C. following D. testing
59.A given away B. passed on C. shown off D. handed in
60.A. heard B. hidden C. learnt D. bought
The winners of the 2023 Hugo Awards___61___(announce)at the 2023 Chengdu World Science Fiction Convention this October, with Chinese writer Hai Ya’s The Space-Time Painter___62___(win)the Hugo Award for Best Novelette. Hai became the___63___(three) Chinese winner of this award, following Liu Cixin and Hao Jingfang.
Drawing___64___(inspire)from the painting masterpiece One Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains, Hai has written a thriller which combines the elements of traditional Chinese culture and history___65___sci-fi and detective genres(体裁). Hai has created the character of painting prodigy(奇才)Zhao Ximeng, who painted for an emperor about 1,000 years ago. After much misery and suffering, the painter’s mind abandons his physical body and enters a space___66___a modern police officer is investigating a case involving an ancient painting. The sci-fi narrative,connected___67___(close)to Chinese history, reveals the political power struggle of the period when the ancient painting was created.
Hai,also___68___financial worker, thinks himself more of a sci-fi enthusiast___69___a writer. “I have a very busy job, leaving me little time to write,”he said. “But I believe if I’m willing to put efforts in it, I ___70___(see)hopes and the dawn.”
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
I decided take a gap year and travel around the world. I worked hardly for months to save enough money on the trip. I started my trip in Paris, a capital of France. After that, I travelled down to the south of France, that is known for its lovely beaches. Then I was spent a month walking in the mountains in northern Italy. I then travelled to Rome, but stayed there for a week visiting some of the wonderful art gallery, churches and museums. From there I fly to Athens, Greece, and took a boat to a small Greek island. I had planned to meet a friend of me there and we took an apartment on a beach and had a wonderful time swimming and sunbathing.
假定你是高三学生李华,现为某国际学校中国民乐社(Chinese folk music club)社长。在该社的迎新大会上,你作为代表发言,内容包括:
Dear teachers and friends,
Thanks for your listening!
1~5 CABCB 6~10CBABC 11~15 ABCAB 16~20BAACC
21~25 CBABD 26~30 ABBAC 31-35 CADCD
36-40 CEDBG
41~45 BABDD 46~50CCABD 51~55 CABDD 56~60 ADBBC
61. were announced 62. winning 63. third 64. inspiration 65. with/and
66. where 67. closely 68. a 69. than 70. will see
I decided ∧ take a gap year and travel around the world. I worked hardly for months to save
to hard
enough money on the trip. I started my trip in Paris, a capital of France. After that, I travelled
for the
down to the south of France, that is known for its lovely beaches. Then I was spent a month
walking in the mountains in northern Italy. I then travelled to Rome, but stayed there for a week
visiting some of the wonderful art gallery, churches and museums. From there I fly to Athens,
galleries flew
Greece, and took a boat to a small Greek island. I had planned to meet a friend of me there and
we took an apartment on a beach and had a wonderful time swimming and sunbathing.



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