
2023年广西三新学术联盟高一年级 12月高三联考
第一部分 听力
1-5.CBABC 6-10. BACAB 11-15.ACBCB 16-20. CBACA
第二部分 阅读理解
第一节 21-23. DCA 24-27. BCDA 28-3.1BCBA 32-35. ADDB
第二节 36-40. BCGFE
第三部分 语言知识运用
第一节 完形填空
41-45 CBACD 46-50 AADBC 51-55 BACBD
第二节 语法填空
56. forms 57. and 58. between 59. stopping 60. its
61. is managed 62. valuable 63. the 64. Invented 65. widely
第四部分 写作
Dear Jack,
Sorry to hear about your health issues due to an unhealthy lifestyle and too much stress, I am writing to
offer some suggestions.
Firstly, it’s important to get enough exercise. Regular physical activities not only strengthen your body
but also boost your mood. Secondly, you had better have a balanced diet, which can provide your body with
the nutrients it needs to function properly. Thirdly, it is a good idea to stay positive to cope with stress.
Focusing on the good things in life and practicing gratitude can help you develop a positive attitude.
May you have a healthy life, strong in body and positive in mind.
Li Hua
I gathered up my strength to speed up but suddenly fell to the ground. My world was clouded by total
darkness. I felt so much pain that I was on the verge of a breakdown. The word “failure” kept flashing in my
mind. Suddenly a deep voice came, “Don’t give up!” The boy ahead of me turned back and pulled me up,“Let’
s run to the finishing line together!” Encouraged by his powerful words, I willed my legs to keep going with
him shoulder to shoulder. Though it was hard, the second mile finally saw its end.
In the last mile, seeing the athletes passing us one by one, I asked the boy to run without me. “You can
win a place if you go by yourself.”I cried to him. Breathing heavily, the boy shook his head, “Winning a place
is not that important”. Then we smiled at each other as if we had been the only runners. We held our arms high
as we crossed the finishing line. I couldn’t believe it—we had made it! Exhausted but fulfilled, I knew this
experience had really opened my eyes to a new level of strength within myself — never giving up!
Text 1
M: Can you tell me how to get to the railway station from here (1)
W: I’d love to help you, but I’m a stranger here myself.
Text 2
W: Jim has a good memory. I wish he would be here on time. This is the third time we have had to wait
for him. (2)
M: Not surprising at all. That’s Jim.
Text 3
W:Why do you want to work here part-time
M: First, I want to get some money to pay for my school fees. (3) Second, I want to practice my English
with the foreign tourists.
Text 4
M: I hear you are moving into a new flat soon.
W: Yes, even though it is more expensive. My present neighbor plays the piano all night long. I can’t
stand it! (4)
Text 5
W: The Hilton Hotel, please. I have a 10:30 appointment (5).
M: You’ll be there in plenty of time... Here we are. You still have five minutes left before your meeting.
That’ll be $8.50, please.
W: Thank you. Here’s $10.00. Keep the change.
Text 6
M: The Harbin Ice Festival looks amazing this year.
W: Yes, did you see the huge tower made of snow I didn’t believe such a thing could be built. It’s
incredible. (6)
M: There are also snow animals and a giant clock.
W: We must go. It will be our loss if we don’t.
M: It’s a very long way to travel. It will take forever. (7)
W: Oh, we’ll be fine. Just pack some warm clothes. I don’t think it will be too expensive.
M: OK. It will be a new way to spend a holiday.
★ 哈尔滨冰雪节(Harbin Ice Festival):全称为哈尔滨国际冰雪节(Harbin International Ice and Snow
加拿大魁北克冬季狂欢节和挪威奥斯陆滑雪节并称世界四大冰雪节。它于 1985年 1月 5日创办,成为
世界冰雪盛会。目前,经地方立法,1月 5日已成为哈尔滨人的盛大节日。
Text 7
W: Hey! Funny running into you here. Are you getting food for dinner too
M: Yes, I’m in charge of the shopping today. (8) I want to make hamburgers tonight.
W: Oh, there’s a sale on beef! (8) It’s usually $10 a package, but today it’s half-price. (9) I just got 3 for
M: I saw! I just grabbed one as well! (8) (9) But now I need burger buns. Do you know where I can find
the bread section (10)
W:Yeah, just walk past the milk and eggs and you should see a lot of different kinds of bread.
M: Thanks! I’ll try them!
Text 8 (第 11题为推断题)
M: Can I go over to my friend Tyler’s house (12)
W: Do I know him
M: Yes, he’s on the basketball team.
W: Oh, right. But I thought I told you earlier, you can’t go anywhere until you clean your room, especially
now when you want to go to a party.
M: I’m not!We have a math test tomorrow and we’re going to study together. (12)
W: Even so, you need to clean your room first. (13) It’s a total mess! Your dirty clothes are all over the floor.
M: But I promise I’ll clean it when I come back. I’ll even do the dishes after dinner tomorrow.
W: No, sorry. Do it now, and then you can leave. You don’t even need to worry about the dishes. Your daddy
would do the dishes.
M: OK, fine. (13) You win!
Text 9
M: You’re making tea Great! I haven’t had a good cup of tea in a long time.
W: I didn’t know you liked tea so much. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have been making coffee every morning.
M: That’s OK. I like coffee, too, but not as much as tea. (14)
W: Here you go. Sugar
M: No, thanks. Do you have any milk
W: Yeah, I do…You drink it with milk
M: Yeah, we usually do that in Hong Kong. (15)We learned it from the British.
W: Oh, you don’t get all the health benefits of tea or coffee when you add milk. (16)
M:Well, I’m more concerned about taste right now. But speaking of health, why do you add sugar to yours
W: Good point. Let’s just enjoy the tea. Would you like some banana bread with it
M: I’d love some, thanks. Did you make it yourself
W: Yeah. I heard it was your favorite.
M: It is!What a perfect Saturday morning! (17)
Text 10
Good morning, children. As you will no doubt know already, the school doctor will be visiting us to do
some checks on your fitness. As school head, it is my duty that all my students and teachers enjoy good
health. (18) Next week, it will be the turn of Years One, Two and Three, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
respectively. The week after, on the same days, the doctor will see Years Four, Five and Six. (19)I must say,
this is nothing to worry about. No pain will be involved. These will be simple checks of your sight, hearing
and heart rate. (20) I have written to your parents to inform them of the doctor’s visit. If any of you, for
whatever reason, are unable to have the checks, please let your parents inform me. If any of you have any
questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to ask your class teacher about them.
21. D由题干中的“Campus Pharmacy”可定位到文章相应小节,从该小节的"Semester break: Monday to
Thursday 8 am - 5:30 pm, Friday 8 am-5m”可知,正确答案为 D。
22. C由题干中的“Campus Store”可定位到文章相应小节,从该小节“Personalize your bear with a faculty
hood, a great gift for a proud graduate."可知,正确答案为 C。
23. A由题干中的“ATHOP cards"可定位到“Munchy Mart”,正确答案为 A。
24. B由第 2段题干中的 Liz and her husband decided to arrange sticky notes(便利贴) in the shape of a
smiley face on Meyer 's window to cheer him up.可知,答案为 B。
25. C由第三段题干中的 she had no idea who she was communicating with. She thought that was just fun in
the very beginning. 可知, 答案为 C.
26. D由最后一段中 Johnna once lost two older brothers to cancer. “That was kind of a personal connection
for me...可知,选择 D .
27. A由最有一段可知,作者认为一颗善良的心会有有很大的作用。
28.B 解题思路:细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,东京大学的一篇新论文显示:人们已经观察到老鼠
会随着Mozart、Lady Gaga、Michael Jackson等人的音乐节奏而摇头晃脑。更重要的是,这种动物
对音乐节奏的反 应似乎与人类跺脚的节奏一致。再结合下文内容 ,研究人员通过实验证明了老鼠
故选 B项。
29.C 解题思路:细节理解题。根据第三段中的"It was observed…around 132 bpm."可知,据观察,当音乐
以正速度播放时,即每分钟 132次左右,老鼠的头部动作最为明显。C项最接近 132bpm,故选C
30.B 解题思路:细节理解题。根据第四段中的"The study suggests…and move predictably to it."可知,这
与人类对音乐反应的不同之处在于老鼠不能预测音乐的节奏。故选 B项。
31.A 解题思路:推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,Aniruddh Patel表示:人类和鹦鹉会跟随节奏做出
乐有着同样的情感联系,但他相信 ,该项研究有助于揭示人类和其他一些动物是如何进化出节奏感
的。由此可推知,Patel对这项研究的态度是积极的。故选 A项。
32. A 有第一段 This fruit from the cactus is really good for you because it is helpful in fighting against many
diseases, and has many nutritional benefits(利益). 可知,答案选 A。
33.D 由第三段 The fruit can be gathered as food and the rest of the cactus can be used for taking in carbon
and can be used as biofuels according to biology professor Cushman.可知,答案选 D。
34 D 由本段可知,研究者正在研究 Opuntia stunting disease,which causes cactuses to grow smaller plants
and less fruits,可知,研究的目的是为了解决 smaller,less fruits 的问题,反之,prolific就是产量
高的意思,答案选 D。
35 B 主旨大意题,从文章第一段和最后一段可知,仙人掌的水果有可能成为新的 superfood 的庄稼。
36. B。通读全文可知,空白处概括全文内容,本文是针对高中生的一些学习建议,故选 B。
37. C。根据空白处上下文可知,即使不确定答案,你也要勇敢尝试,没有人是完美的,犯错是学习的
重要部分,故 C项符合语境。
38. G。空白处解释说明怎样记笔记。
39. F。下文讲述教师评语的作用,因此空白处为:确保你阅读了教师评语。
40. E。空白处承接上文,表明通读自己的笔记的作用。
41. C【解析】A. “焦虑的”,B “不确定的”,C “有希望的”,D “困惑的”。同时做了两份工作,能够改
善自己的财政状况,于是对未来充满希望,并且与 but后的困惑情感形成对比。故选 C。
42. B【解析】A. “申请”,B “应对,处理”,C “同意”,D “放弃”。同时“应对”两份工作,故选 B。
43. A【解析】A “困难的”,B “必需的”,C “危险的”,D “有趣的”。对松鼠来说,叼着一块面包在树
上爬是“很困难的”,故选 A。
44. C【解析】A “手”,B “眼”,C “意识,心里”,D “嘴”。我屏住呼吸,在心里为他加油,故选 C。in
my mind 在我的脑海里,在我的意识中。
45. D【解析】A “幸运”,B “惊喜”,C “自信”,D “小心”。松鼠的嘴里叼着面包,爬树时要“小心”移动,
故选 D。
46. A【解析】A “到达”,B “使干净”,C “留下,离开”,D “挖”。经过努力,松鼠从树上“到达了”地面,
故选 A。
47. A【解析】A “完成”,B “分享”,C “决定”,D“准备。根据下文 crossed the road,可知松鼠要过马
路,因此从树上爬到地面它的旅途还没有“完成”,故选 A。
48. D【解析】A “不可能的”,B “陌生的,奇怪的”,C “印象深刻的”,D “明显的”。松鼠和作者都要
同时应付两件事,“明显”有相同点,故选 D。
49. B【解析】A “搜寻”,B “携带,搬运”,C “打包”,D “隐藏”。作者把自己同时应对两份工作和松
鼠叼着面包爬上爬下进行类比,其中一份工作类似“搬运”面包,另一份工作类似爬树,故选 B。
50. C【解析】A“树”,B“马路”,C“窗户”,D“房子”。根据上文 looking out of the window可知,我从一
扇窗走到另一扇窗,就是为了跟着松鼠的行动进度,故选 C。
51. B【解析】A “创造,创作品”,B “进展,进度”,C “习惯”,D “训练”。作者的目光跟随着松鼠行
动的“进展”,故选 B。
52. A【解析】Amade it——“成功,做到”,B took “拿”,C. quit “离开,停止,退出”,D rent “租”。松
故选 A。
53. C【解析】A “突然地”,B “正常地”,C “安全地”,D “秘密地”。根据下文 he entered the bushes,
可知松鼠“安全地”过了马路,故选 C。
54. B【解析】A “仿佛,似乎”,B“尽管”,C“以便”(表目的),D“以防万一”尽管我已经看不到松鼠的
下一步行动,但是我依然为他欢呼喝彩。故选 B。
55. D【解析】A “选择”B “旅途”C“错误”D“挑战”。看到松鼠处理了他的两个挑战(有一定难度的任务),
我也对最初的困惑——“如何处理两个工作”有了信心,相信自己能够完成“挑战”,故选 D。
导语: 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了中国象棋的相关知识。
56. forms。考查名词复数。根据固定用法“one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数(最……的之一)”可知,应用
form的复数形式, 故填 forms。
57. and。 考查连词。 “It is a board game…” 与后面的“it's in the same family of games…”为并列关系的
两个句子,故此空应用连词 and连接。
58. between。考查介词。分析本句句子结构,空格处应填介词, between two armies意思是“敌对双方之
59. stopping。考查非谓语动词。空格处作介词 like的宾语, 应用 stop的动名词形式, 故填 stopping。
60. its。考查代词。此处用形容词物主代词作定语修饰 own governing league。
61. is managed。考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构,句子缺少谓语,故本空所填内容
在句中做谓语,Xiangqi与 manage 之间是被动关系, 故谓语动词需用被动语态,且句子描述的是客
观事实, 应用一般现在时, 故填 is managed。
62. valuable。考查形容词。空格处修饰名词短语 cultural heritage, 应用 value的形容词形式,故填 valuable。
63. the。考查冠词。由空后的“of ancient Chinese people”作 intelligence的定语,此处表示特指,故用定
冠词 the .
64. Invented。考查非谓语动词。所填非谓语动词作状语,且逻辑主语 Xiangqi and Go与 invent之间为被
动关系,应用 invent 的过去分词形式, 故填 Invented。
65. widely。考查副词。空格处修饰谓语动词 are accepted, 应用 wide 的副词形式, 故填 widely。
例:How much is the shirt
1.What is the man doing
A.Going to a bus station.
B.Offering help.
C.Asking the way.
2.What's Jim like
A.He is always positive.
B.He is often late
C.He is not patient
3.What does the man do
A.He is a student.
B.He is an English teacher.
C.He is an engineer.
4.Why is the woman moying
A.She wants a new flat with a piano
B.There is too much noise from her neighbor.
C.Her present flat is too expensive.
5.When will the meeting begin
6.What impressed the woman
A.The animals.
B.The tower.
C.The clock.
7.What is the man worried about
A.The long traveling time.
B.The cost of warm clothes.
C.The lack of food
8 Where does the conversation probably take place
A.At a restaurant.
B.At the gym.
C.At a supermarket.




下一篇:牛津译林版九年级上册 Unit 7 Films Grammar 易错题专练(无答案共3课时)