
第二部分 阅读(共三节,满分40分)
How do you spend your free time Playing sports or seeing movies Do you want to live a different after-school life How about getting yourself into elements of intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产元素) Here are three examples.
Li Chen, an 11-year-old girl, is in No.2 Middle School in Yinchuan. Her school brings traditional Chinese culture into the after-school care services. Li is interested in tie-dye (扎染). She can make dolls and dresses after learning for more than a year. “In the past, I had too much homework to do. But now I can do what I want to do in my free time, I enjoy it.” she said.
When Antonie, an international student from Rwanda (卢旺达),first watched the dragon dance, he was surprised and could not wait to join it. However, the training was not easy. He kept practicing the basic skills day by day to perfectly do the jumps and turns and lift the dragon body high in the air. In 2015, Antonie built the first international student dragon dance team in his school. Now the team has about 100 students from different countries.
A group of children of all ages are following Zhu Wei in Zimbabwe(津巴布韦). Zhu, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor and the captain of the Chinese medical team in Zimbabwe, teaches them Tai-chi. These children like Tai-chi. In their opinions, Tai-chi helps them keep healthy and focus on study. It’s a mind-body exercise.
( ) 21. What does Li Chen make by using tie-dye
A. Dolls and clothes. B. Clothes for dragon dance. C. Animals and flowers.
( ) 22. What can we learn about Antoine
A. He comes from America. B. He practiced hard on dragon dance.
C. He built a dragon dance team seven years ago.
( ) 23. Which of the following can be the theme of the three passages
A. Foreign students enjoy traditional Chinese culture.
B. The world is beautiful because of different cultures.
C. Traditional Chinese culture lights up the after-school life.
What will travel be like in 2070 Maybe travel will become smarter and easier by that time. Here are some amazing predictions about traveling that might happen in 2070.
At the airport
You will use “heartbeat passports(护照)” at the airport. And passport checks will not be used any more, because everyone’s heartbeat is different and it can tell you who you are and where you will go. Also, it provides more personal information.
On the airplane
Airplane seats could fit a person’s body shape, size and even temperature. There will be more screens on the airplane. With a futuristic device(未来设备), you can watch many kinds of movies on the airplane right before your eyes.
In the hotel
3D print technology(打印技术)will develop surprisingly fast. It can print almost everything like clothes and food. Therefore, when you get to the hotel, the suitcase will not be needed any more.
During the trip
The trip will become interesting and colorful. Many kinds of services will be provided
during the trip. If you want to see what happened in the Ming Dynasty or the first Olympic Games, you can just wear a special headset(听筒)or glasses.
( ) 24. What will travel might be like in 2070 according to the passage
A. Smarter and easier. B. More expensive. C. More difficult.
( ) 25. You will use at the airport instead of passport checks
A. heartbeat passports B. personal information C. 3D print technology
( ) 26. What can 3D print technology do
A. help us to check passports B. provide many kinds of movies
C. print almost everything like clothes and food
( ) 27. What’s the best title of the passages
A. Heartbeat Passports B. A futuristic device C. Travel in 2070
Hangzhou held the 19th Asian Games from September 23rd to October 8th, 2023. The Games are very “smart” , thanks to the use of many exciting technologies (技术).
The place for the tennis finals is called the “Small Lotus”. On the top of the stadium, there are eight “petals (花瓣)”. Each petal weighs 160 tons. They can open and close freely. It takes 15 minutes for each petal to open and close. It is built this way for different kinds of weather.
If the players are hurt during the games and need help, what will happen Drones (无人机) can be used to send things over. They can fly to places 20 kilometers away and travel 16 meters in one second.
Every dish at the Asian Games should be safe and healthy to eat. In the kitchen of the players’ village in Hangzhou, there is a special system that can tell people’s faces. If a “stranger” goes into the kitchen, an alarm will make a sound to let people know.
Do you want to walk around at the stadiums but can’t make it in person You can try the Hangzhou Asian Games’ metaverse(元宇宙)! You can try it with an app on Alipay(支付宝). Inside, it’s like an online cartoon world. You can enjoy the charm of the stadiums both from the outside and inside.
It will be sad if you can’t find your way. AR(增强现实)is here to help. There’s a mini-program called the Hangzhou Asian Games AR service. You can simply turn on your phone’s camera, and it will see where you are and then show you the way.
( ) 28. How much do all the petals weigh
A.160 tons. B. 640 tons. C. 1280 tons.
( ) 29. What does the underlined word “stadium” mean
A. 天台 B. 底座 C. 体育馆
( ) 30. The special system in the kitchen of the players’ village is used for _______.
A. food safety B. cleaning the kitchen C. weighing the food
( ) 31.Why are the 19th Asian Games“smart”
A. Because Hangzhou is a smart city. B. Because Small Lotus is very smart.
C. Because of many exciting technologies.
Have you ever stopped to think about your life goals (目标) Life goals are the things you'd like to achieve in order to be who you want to be. Without at least one goal to make progress, you won't experience much personal development. 32.______.
Find what you love doing.
It's never too late to find your true calling. Look carefully everywhere around you. 33._____. Your calling is somewhere close.
Start taking care of yourself.
Let this be one of the personal goals you set to finally make more time for yourself. Self-care is a way of life. It can begin by writing a diary, or starting a sport program.It can be daily walks in the park to breathe some fresh air. 34._______. All this will make you stronger and you'll take action to do better in life.
Study hard to improve your abilities.
In order to make sure that you have the ability to make your dreams come true, you have to keep studying hard. It's one of the basic(基本的) tips for you to be successful. 35. _______.
Devote (奉献) yourself to others.
36._______ . You can be always ready to help those people in need.
A. It also can be your plan for the next following days
B. Giving doesn't mean giving money or something
C. Doing your own things well is also the basis of success
D. Be honest (诚实的)about what you enjoy and what you don't like
E. Luckily for you, the followings are how to set life goals that will make you successful
"Ancient(古老的)books are the carrier of Chinese civilization (文明) " said Yin Guanghua, who has been restoring(修复) ancient books for about 40 years.
According to Yin, ancient books are books written or printed before 1912.These books need to be restored so that people in the future have a chance to see them and know what people in the past did and thought.
The work is so difficult that it takes time, patience and a lot of hard work. Yin always begins by checking the ancient books to decide the degree of damage(损坏). Then she works out a plan. After that, she chooses proper paper that looks like the ancient paper in color and then starts working on the books.
In Yin's opinion, ancient book restoring is a careful job. Sometimes, it can take her a whole day just to repair one or two pages of an ancient book. Because of this, few people would like to take up this job.
During the past years, Yin has restored many important ancient books. Today, there are still many ancient books waiting for her to restore.
Since she will retire (退休) in a few years, she hopes to find someone to learn her restoration skills and join her in protecting China's ancient books.
How long has Yin Guanghua been restoring(修复) ancient books
What is the first step of Yin Guanghua’s restoration work
Are there many people would like to take up restoration work
What does Yin Guanghua expect to do before her retirement
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分30分)
第一节(共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。
The Little Prince(王子) is a famous story written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It tells the story of a young boy who lives on a small 41._______ called Asteroid B-612.
One day, the Little Prince decides to 42._______ and he travels to different planets. On each planet, he meets a special character. 43._______ , there is a king who expects to rule over everything and there is a trader who writes down the number of the stars in the sky so that he thinks they are his 44._______ . Finally, the Little Prince arrives on Earth and finds himself in the middle of a large desert. There, he meets a pilot who has something wrong with his plane. The pilot doesn’t 45._______ in the Little Prince’s story at first, but after knowing 46._______ , the pilot becomes interested in his experiences of other planets and the important lessons he has learned along the way. 47._______ their conversations, the Little Prince shares his understanding about the importance of love and friendship.
In the Little Prince’s eyes, grown-ups never understand anything by 48._______ , and it is tired for children to be always and forever explaining(解释) things to them. When you tell them that you make a new friend, they never ask you any questions about important things. They 49._______ say to you, “What does his voice sound like What games does he love best Does he like butterflies ” However, they would ask: “How old is he How many brothers does he have How much money does his father make ” Only from these 50._______ do they think they have learned anything about him.
The story of the Little Prince tells us to enjoy the simple joys in life and take seriously what is really important for us.
( ) 41. A. plant B. planet C. plane
( ) 42. A. take a shower B. take a trip C. take a break
( ) 43. A. For example B. Such as C. Like
( ) 44. A. able B. rich C. own
( ) 45. A. believe B. discuss C. promise
( ) 46. A. others B. another C. each other
( ) 47. A. Though B. Thought C. Through
( ) 48. A. himself B. ourselves C. themselves
( ) 49. A. always B. never C. sometimes
( ) 50. A. questions B. numbers C. reasons
I was one of the most outgoing girls in my class. When I studied in a middle school, what I loved most was to make people laugh. I want to be an 51. _________ (act) who can make people laugh all the time. However, many people thought I was not 52. _________ (talent) in it. But I told myself nothing is 53._________(possible) if I decided to stick to my dream.
When I heard about the school’s talent show, I decided to take part 54. _______it. But when some of the students 55._______ (know) this, they laughed at me. I felt very sad and wanted to give up. But I remembered how much my friends liked my jokes. So I decided to prepare for 56.______ talent show. I practiced again and again. 57.______(lucky), I won the first prize in the show! From then on, I continued working towards 58. _______ (I) goal. Later, I got more and more chances 59. _________ (perform), and I was even invited to act in movies. I felt proud of myself and I was glad that I didn't give up my dream.
I think I got the 60._______(good) job in the world. And I will keep on doing what I love.
What is the most important thing in the world In my opinion, it is health. Even though you take away our money, houses, cars, or even our clothes, we can still keep alive. But if our health is taken away, we will surely die. 61. That is why we always try our best to eat healthily and often do exercise. Doing exercise every day helps us stay healthy. We can't study or work well without a healthy body. Doing exercise can help us study or work better. More and more people do exercise to keep healthy. We can do exercise whenever we want. As for students, 62. 他们可以在体育课上进行诸如跑步、跳跃和打篮球等运动.
What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's life. 63. I always feel better when I am with friends. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. When I am sad, I can also share my problems with my friends. As the saying goes, “A friend is easier lost than found.” We should value the time we spend with our friends.
All in all, by eating healthily and doing exercise, we can keep our body healthy. 64. 通过和朋友共度时光,我们可以保持心情愉悦。Physical and mental(心理的)health are both important to us. 65. If we care more about our physical and mental health, our life will get better and better.
第四部分 写作 (满分10分)
66. 未来的生活会是什么样的呢?它就像是一张画布,等待着我们用想象力和创造力来丰富它。假如你是李华,你校的英语俱乐部即将举办Life in the Future为主题的征文活动,请你根据以下内容提示,写一篇英语文章投稿,谈谈你畅想的未来生活。
第二部分 阅读
21-23 ABC 24-27 AACC 28-31CCAC 32-36 EDACB
37. For about 40 years.
38. Checking the ancient books to decide the degree of damage.
39. No.
40. She hopes to find someone to learn her restoration skills and join her in protecting China's ancient books.
第三部分 语言运用
41-45 BBACA 46-50 CCCBB
51. actress 52. talented 53. impossible 54. in 55. knew
56. the 57. Luckily 58. my 59. to perform 60. best
61. 那就是我们总是竭尽全力健康饮食并且经常锻炼的原因。
62. they can do all kinds of sports such as running, jumping and playing basketball in P. E. lessons.
64.We can keep happy by spending time with friends.



