2023年小学英语六年级上册- 补全对话与短文30篇 提高卷 牛津上海版(三起)(含答案)

2023年小学英语六年级上册- 补全对话与短文30篇 提高卷 牛津上海版(三起)
cartoon, chat show, documentary, drama series, interesting, exciting, funny, boring, enough, comedy
When I was young, I liked watching (1). because they were very (2). . After I went to the primary school, I found action films (3). and I watched this type of films every week. When I became a secondary school student, I liked watching (4). . I thought they were very (5). and they made me laugh a lot. I have studied in a high school since last year. I find (6). and (7). are not interesting, exciting or funny. In fact, they are (8). . And I find (9). are very popular and lots of people enjoy watching them day and night. However, they are too long. We students don’t have (10). time to watch them all.
A.Thank you for providing a wonderful home for me!
B.Where are you going this winter
C. Are there many trees in Hainan
D.See you!
E. That is a warm place.
There was an old tree on the top of the mountain. Many birds built houses in it.
Tree: The winter is coming. 2
Bird: I am going to Hainan. 3 I heard it is warm all year.
Tree: That’s a good idea! 4
Bird: Yes! There are many trees and many kinds of fruits.
Tree: That’s a wonderful place! Good luck!
Bird: Thank you, Mr Tree. 5
Tree: No big deal. Take care of yourself. 6
Bird: See you!
A.he is my little cousin, Jack
B.at that time she was young and thin
C. Who’s the little boy
D.He has achieved his dream.
E. he is an English teacher
Sally: Look, this is my family album (相册).
Tim: Wow! Is this your mother
Sally: Yes, 7 .
Tim: 8
Sally: Oh, 9 . Do you remember him
Tim: Oh, yes. He was so cute!
Sally: And now he is very handsome. He graduated this year, and now 10 .
Tim: Good for him! 11 He wanted to be a teacher when he was a primary school student.
actress, angel, attracted, career, earned, insisted, lifetime, model, beauty, appearance
Audrey Hepburn was one of Hollywood’s greatest actresses. She had been a (1). before she became an (2). . Her successful (3). lasted for about forty years. In 1951, while acting in Monte Carlo Baby, she met Colette, a famous writer. The writer was (4). by Hepburn’s (5). and charm. She (6). that Hepburn was the right person to play the lead role in Gigi, a play based on her novel. Shortly after, Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role in Roman Holiday, and it (7). her an Oscar for Best Actress. She also won a Tony Award for the play on line. During her (8). Hepburn earned four more Oscar nominations. She made her final (9). in her last film Always in 1989 and played the role of an (10). .
saw, was, showed, on, number, dinner, hungry, with, happy, hers
Last Friday afternoon I went shopping 13 my mum. We were very 14 After shopping. So Mum took me to a restaurant for 15 . Just before we left (离开) the restaurant, I 16 a handbag on the floor under my chair. I 17 it to my mum. She said, “You should give it to the waiter in the restaurant.” So I gave him the handbag. He asked me for my address (地址) and telephone 18 . A week later the phone rang. My mum called me, “Daisy, there’s a woman 19 the phone for you. She is Mrs Lee.” I 20 surprised because I didn’t know a lady called Mrs Lee. I spoke to the woman. The handbag was 21 ! She was very 22 to have her handbag back and asked me for my name. Two days later I got a thank-you letter from Mrs Lee.
Joe:Hello,Sally.I have a ball in my hand. (1)
Sally:No,it’s not mine. (2) It’s under my desk.
Joe: (3)
Sally:No,it isn’t.Peter’s ball is yellow.And he’s playing with it now。
Joe: (4)
Sally:Yes,she does.
Joe: (5)
Sally:Hers is purple.
Joe:Oh.The ball in my hand is purple,too. (6)
Sally:Let’s go and ask Jill together.
Joe:OK.Let’s go.
A.What should I do B.What's wrong with you C. Let me have a look. D.And you shouldn't eat too much candy in future.
Doctor: (1).
Mike: I have a toothache, and I can't eat or sleep well.
Doctor: That's not too bad.(2).
Mike: (3).
Doctor: Take this medicine twice a day. (4).
Mike: Thank you.
John: Hello, Mike! Nice to see you!
Mike: Hi!(1).
John: Mike, welcome to my new home.
Mike: Thanks. (2).
John: This is my study. (3).
Mike: And it's so big. We can read and write here together.
John: Yes, let's do our homework now.
A.It's very quiet. B.Nice to see you too! C. Your home looks beautiful.
A.Where did you go yesterday B.What did you see at the car museum C. Would you like to go with me D.Yes, and I like caravans best. E. There are different kinds of cars there.
Peter: 26
Kitty: I went to a car museum with my parents.
Peter: Wow! Do you like the museum
Kitty: Yes. It is very big. 27
Peter: 28
Kitty: I saw some trucks, caravans (旅行拖车), Jeeps and motorbikes.
Peter: Do you like them
Kitty: 29 I hope to travel in the caravan with my family in the future. 30
Peter: Of course!
A.What's the story about
B.I also want to read Snow White.
C. Finally, a handsome prince saved her.
D.Which story would you like to read
E. He was ugly at first.
Miss Brown: 31
Kitty: I'd like to read The Ugly Duckling.
Miss Brown: 32
Kitty: It is about an ugly duckling. 33 But he became a beautiful swan after he grew up. .
Miss Brown: What else do you want to read
Kitty: 34 Snow White is a beautiful princess. But the queen wanted to kill her. 35
teacher; advice; feeling; write; make; with; problem; your; especial ; diary; all ; way
Finding Help
It’s a good idea to talk to someone about your problems with school. Your mom, dad, relatives, teachers, or school counselors will be able to help (1). . It’s (2). important to tell an adult if the problem is that you’re being bullied or someone hurts you physically.
Another good idea is to write down your (3). about school in a diary. You can use a day book or (4). or just write in an ordinary notebook. It’s a great (5). to let out feelings that may be stuck inside you. And you don’t have to share what you’ve (6). with others.
If you feel upset or you can’t keep up with your school work, your (7). will want to help you. Teachers want and expect you to ask for help learning things. If (8). of your subjects seem really hard, a school teacher can help you. Special help (9). schoolwork is useful if you need it.
Try not to let the (10). go on too long. It’s easier to catch up on one chapter than the whole book.
shopping usually grandparents likes visit
John: Look! This is a photo of my (1). .
Alice: Do they live with you
John: No, they live far from my home. I often (2). them at the weekend.
Alice: What do you (3). do with them
John: I often go (4). with my grandma. She likes shopping.
Alice: How about your grandpa What does he like doing
John: He 5. fishing. I sometimes go fishing with him.
A.Not yours B.is this your cap
C. Mum will be angry. D.There is a ball under the bed.
E. Mum will be happy too.
Linda: Oh, Kevin, look at your room! What a mess! (1)
Kevin: Yes, I think so. Can you help me tidy it up
Linda: Sure. Let’s put the books on the desk first.
Kevin: OK. And I can put these toys in the box.
Linda: Kevin, (2)
Kevin: Yes, it’s mine. Let me put it on the bed.
Linda: (3) Is it yours, Kevin
Kevin: Oh, it’s not my ball, Linda.
Linda: (4) Whose is it
Kevin: It’s Steven’s.
Linda: So put it beside the door. Don’t forget to give it to Steven.
Kevin: Sure.
Linda: Whose crayons are these
Kevin: They’re mine. Let me put them in the box.
Linda: Oh, the room is clean and tidy now.
Kevin: I am happy. (5) Thank you, Linda.
Linda: You’re welcome.
A.Where did you go last week
B.I visited my grandparents.
C. Did you eat delicious food
D.How long did it take to get to Shenzhen from here
E. Shall we visit Shenzhen together next summer
Alice: Good morning, Joe! 39
Joe: Good morning, Alice! I went to Shenzhen.
Alice: 40
Joe: I went to Shenzhen by train. It took about four hours.
Alice: How about by plane
Joe: Sorry, I don’t know. Maybe it would be faster.
Alice: What did you do there
Joe: 41 They live near the sea.
Alice: 42
Joe: Yes, I enjoyed seafood there.
Alice: 43
Joe: Sure, we can go swimming and enjoy the sunshine on the beach.
44 there were three rabbits and an owl. They lived 45 . The owl was very noisy, he made a lot of noise every night. “Don’t make noise 46 ,” said the rabbits. The owl did not listen. The rabbits could not sleep, they were very angry. One of the rabbits 47 . They dug a hole under the tree and slept in it. It was very quiet underground. They 48 .
A.at night B.had a good sleep C.Once upon a timeD.had an idea E.in the forest
A.I will read books with my mother in the library. B.I like seafood. C.I will go with my father. D.Can I go with you E.I’m going to stay at home. F.I will work on my computer.
Mr Lee:Hello,children.What are your plans for the weekend
Linda: (1)
Mr Lee:All Saturday and Sunday
Linda:Oh,no.On Saturday morning.We will read some books.We will buy some
books on Saturday afternoon.
Steven:Really I’m going to buy some books too. (2)
Linda:of course.
Mr Lee:And what else are you going to do,Steven
Steven:I’m going to go swimming at the beach.
Mr Lee:Who will you go-with
Steven: (3)
Linda:Are you going to eat seafood
Steven:Of course. (4)
Linda:What’s your plan,Mr Lee
Mr Lee: (5)
Linda:Stay at home What will you do Will you watch TV
Mr Lee:No,Linda. (6)
A.Try on the green one now, Tim.
B.I don’t like red, Mum.
C. Which one do you want to try
D.So let’s buy both!
E. Oh, you look cool in this blue T-shirt!
Next Sunday is Tim’s birthday. Mum wants to buy him a new T-shirt. Now they’re in a clothes shop.
Mum: Do you like this red T-shirt, Tim
Tim: (1)
Mum: So how about this blue one and this green one
Tim: Blue and green are my favourite colours. I like both.
Mum: (2)
Tim: Can I try both, Mum
Mum: Of course, Tim.
Mum: (3)
Tim: Really I like this blue T-shirt.
Mum: (4)
Tim: OK, Mum.
Mum: Oh, my boy. You look handsome in this green one.
Tim: I like this green T-shirt too
Mum: (5)
Tim: Thank you, Mum!
older, younger, friend, friends, playing, climbing, reading, three, two, longer, shorter, one
John is 12. He has 51 friends. They are Sarah, Amy and Mike. Sarah is 12 years old. She has long hair. Sarah likes 52 the piano very much. Amy is 13. She is 53 year 54 than John. Her hair is not long. It is 55 than Sarah’s hair. Amy likes 56 books. Mike is 10. He is 57 years 58 than John. Mike and John like 59 mountains. They are good 60 .
stayed was did visited played ate went about were do
Teacher: Hello, Mike. I am your teacher. How 61 your holiday
Mike: Hi, teacher. It was fun. I 62 my grandparents in the countryside. I 63 swimming in the river and I 64 a lot of fruit. I also 65 with my cousins. They 66 short last year, but now they’re tall and strong. How 67 you What 68 you 69 during the holiday
Teacher: I 70 at home and watched TV.
A.pretty B.fitting room C. How D.What E. sweater
A: Excuse me. Can you help me
B: Of course. (1). can I help you
A.I am looking for a (2).
B: (3). size do you wear
A: Medium, I think.
B: Here. How do you like this one
A: It's (4). . Can I try it on
B: You can try it on in the (5). over there.
I am Emma. The Wus 72 (is / are) my neighbours. They are from Beijing. Mr Wu and Mrs Wu have a 73 (son / daughter), Mia. She often 74 (read / reads) books. Yesterday, she 75 (came / come) to my house and read books with me. We 76 (had / have) a good time.
Eva: Hello, Kevin. 77
Kevin: It was wonderful! I went to the science museum.
Eva: 78
Kevin: 79 Some of them could dance. They could move their heads and arms. Some could do the housework. There was a robot at the piano. It could play the piano. How amazing!
Eva: 80
Kevin: Yes. I bought a toy robot.
Eva: 81
Kevin: It takes about fifteen minutes.
Eva: Oh, it's not far. I want to go to the science museum too.
A.Did you buy anything there
B.How long does it take to get there from your home by bus
C.How was your weekend
D.What did you see there
E.I saw many different kinds of robots on the second floor.
One morning I got up late. I quickly jumped out of the bed, washed my face, then hurried to the bus stop. As soon as I got on the bus, it started raining. Suddenly the bus stopped. Something was wrong with it. (1). , so I ran to school.
I reached the classroom but I was all wet. The physics teacher had already begun his lesson. (2). . All the students were a little afraid of him. I liked neither him nor his physics lessons. (3). . “I’m very sorry, Mr. Smith. I’m late,” I said with a red face.
“It’s you, Jim,” Mr. Smith said angrily. “I’ve told you not to be late, but you...” he suddenly stopped and looked at my wet clothes. He turned to the class and said, “I’m very sorry, my boys and girls.” (4). . Now take off your wet coat and put on this one or you’ll catch a cold,” he said kindly.
I went to my seat with Mr. Smith’s jacket on. (5). . I found, for the first time, physics was so interesting and how well I could understand it!
A.It was Mr. Smith B.I had no time to wait for the next bus C. I stood for a moment and then opened the door D.It was a bit large for me but I felt very warm in it E. With these words he quickly took off his own jacket and handed it to me
83.Read and choose.读一读,选择合适的句子,完成对话。
A.You should brush your teeth twice a day. B.Oh, I will go to bed early tonight.
C. What else should I do D.I have a bad toothache.
E. It’s bad for your teeth.
Mr. Lee has a toothache. He is in hospital now.
Dentist: What’s wrong with you, Mr. Lee
Mr. Lee: Oh, (1)
Dentist: Let me have a look. Open your mouth. Oh, you should have some medicine.
Mr. Lee: OK. (2)
Dentist: You should keep your teeth clean.
Mr. Lee: What should I do to keep my teeth clean
Dentist: (3)
Mr. Lee: OK. And can I eat sweet food
Dentist: You can, but you shouldn’t eat too much. (4)
Mr. Lee: What should I do this evening
Dentist: Take the medicine before you go to bed. Take a good rest too!
Mr. Lee: (5)
Dentist: That’s right!
Mr. Lee: Thank you.
Dentist: You’re welcome.
Ben: 84 , Kitty Are you crying
Kitty: I’m not crying. 85 It’s the smoke.
Ben: 86
Kitty: It’s from the cars and buses.
Ben: 87 It makes the air dirty.
Kitty: Let’s go to the park, Ben. 88
Kitty: 89
Ben: Yes, there are a lot of trees in the park. 90
A.Where is the smoke from
B.What is the matter
C.The air is clean there.
D.Look at the smoke from the factory.
E.My eyes hurt.
F.Trees keep the air clean.
G.The air is so fresh here.
John: Hello, Mike! Nice to see you!
Mike: Hi! 91
John: Mike, welcome to my new home.
Mike: Thanks. 92
John: This is my study. 93
Mike: And it's so big. We can read and write here together.
John: Yes, let's do our homework now.
A.It's very quiet.
B.Nice to see you too!
C.Your home looks beautiful.
94.read and choose.读一读。
A.I will go with my father.
B.I will read books with my mother in the library.
C. Can I go with you
D.I’m going to stay at home.
E. I will work on my computer.
F. I like seafood.
Mr. Lee: Hello, children. What are your plans for the weekend
Linda: (1)
Mr. Lee: All Saturday and Sunday
Linda: Oh, no. On Saturday morning. We will read some books. We will buy some books on Saturday afternoon.
Steven: Really I’m going to buy some books too. (2)
Linda: Of course.
Mr. Lee: And what else are you going to do, Steven
Steven: I’m going to go swimming at the beach.
Mr. Lee: Who will you go with
Steven: (3)
Linda: Are you going to eat seafood
Steven: Of course. (4)
Linda: What’s your plan, Mr. Lee
Mr. Lee: (5)
Linda: Stay at home What will you do Will you watch TV
Mr. Lee: No, Linda. (6)
A.No wonder the air in our hometown is becoming dirtier and dirtier.
B.The playground has become a factory.
C. More and more people can afford cars nowadays (现在).
D.Have you heard the news
E. When we were young, the air was very clean.
Lisa and Ben live in a city. When they were young, they always played in the playground.
Lisa: 95
Ben: What’s news
Lisa: 96
Ben: Oh, my God! 97
Lisa: Yes. And one of the main reasons is those factories.
Ben: 98 That’s another reason.
Lisa: Yes. 99 But now the air sometimes smells bad.
was great were ate also visited
Amy: Hello, Joy. How was your summer holiday
Joy: Hi, Amy. It was fun. I 100 my aunt and uncle in Beijing. We went to Tian’anmen Square and 101 Beijing Roast Duck in Wangfujing Street. We had a 102 time. I 103 played with my cousins. They 104 short last year. But now they’re tall and strong.
Amy: It was wonderful. You had a good time.
105.Read and choose读一读,选择合适的句子,完成对话。
A.What will you be in the future
B.Where will I live
C. Is the machine fun
D.I will be tall too.
E. I’m good at singing.
John and Lucy want to know about their future, so they stand on a magic machine. They take photos and they are talking about the photos now.
John: Look, Lucy! I will be tall and handsome.
Lucy: Yes, John. (1). I won’t have long hair. I will have short hair.
John: But I will have long hair.
Lucy: (2).
John: I will be a singer!
Lucy: Oh, funny! You like singing, don’t you
John: Yes! (3). What will you be in the future
Lucy: I will be a doctor and I will live in Shanghai
John: You will live in Shanghai (4).
Lucy: Let me have a look. Oh, you’ll live in Shanghai too!
John: That’s good! We can play together at the weekend!
Lucy: Yes. (5).
John: Yes, it’s so fun! I love my future.
Lucy: Me too! I love my future too!

1. 1. cartoons 2. interesting 3. exciting 4. comedies 5. Funny 6. chat shows 7. documentaries 8. boring 9. drama series 10. enough
2.B 3.E 4.C 5.A 6.D
7.B 8.C 9.A 10.E 11.D
12. 1. model 2. actress 3. career 4. attracted 5. Beauty 6. insisted 7. earned 8. lifetime 9. appearance 10. angel
13.with 14.hungry 15.dinner 16.saw 17.showed 18.number 19.on 20.was 21.hers 22.happy
23.l.D 2.A 3.F 4.B 5.E 6.C
24. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D
25. 1.B 2.C 3.A
26.A 27.E 28.B 29.D 30.C
31.D 32.A 33.E 34.B 35.C
36. 1. you 2. especially 3. feelings 4. diary 5. way 6.written 7.teachers 8.all 9.with 10.problem
37. 1. grandparents 2. visit 3. usually 4. shopping 5. likes
38. (1) C (2) B (3) D (4) A (5) E
39.A 40.D 41.B 42.C 43.E
44.C 45.E 46.A 47.D 48.B
49.l.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.E 6.F
50. ( 1 ) B ( 2 ) C ( 3 ) E ( 4 ) A ( 5 ) D
51.three 52.playing 53.one 54.older 55.shorter 56.reading 57.two 58.younger 59.climbing 60.friends
61.was 62.visited 63.went 64.ate 65.played 66.were 67.about 68.did 69.do 70.stayed
71. 1.C 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.B
72.are 73.daughter 74.reads 75.came 76.had
77.C 78.D 79.E 80.A 81.B
82. 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.E 5.D
83. (1) D (2) C (3) A (4) E (5) B
84.B 85.E 86.A 87.D 88.C 89.G 90.F
91.B 92.C 93.A
94. (1) B (2) C (3) A (4) F (5) D (6) E
95.D 96.B 97.A 98.C 99.E
100.visited 101.ate 102.great 103.also 104.were
105. 1.D 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C





下一篇:安徽省合肥市蜀山区望龙中学2023-2024九年级上学期12月月考物理试题( 含答案)