人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Learning About Language 同步练习(含解析)

Part II Learning About Language
Ⅰ. 单词拼写
1. Animal rights advocates argue that zoos are really animal prisons and very often c      (残忍的).
2. In an attempt to find the lost treasure,they made a t      (彻底的) search of the house.
3. We thought of selling this old f      (家具),but we’ve decided to hold on to it. It might be valuable.
4. U      (不幸地),her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and 1940s.
5. If you put on d      (潮湿的) clothes in such weather,you will probably catch cold.
6. All the family members need to have their own interests and r      (娱乐活动).
7. I would like to apply for the position which was a       (做广告) in yesterday’s newspaper.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成句子
1. The morning sun rises in the east,casting its rays               (向四面八方).
2. I was very          (对……热情) the lecture,but his remark on it made me disappointed.
3. Mr. Johnson was grateful for and           (为……感到骄傲) his son’s remarkable performance.
4. We decided to               (尽力) to solve the problem,however difficult it was.
5.               (在他的指导下),the workers finally managed to solve the problem ahead of schedule.
6. Organized games can teach us how to                    (团队合作) and get along with others.
7. All of us were shocked to hear the boy talking                    (以粗鲁的方式).
8. You have to learn to take down the key points          (即使) you don’t take them in.
Ⅲ. 单句语法填空
1. I’m sure you will do better in the test because you       (study) so hard this year.
2. Tom       (work) in the library every night over the last three months.
3. —We’ve spent too much money recently.
—Well,it isn’t surprising. Our friends and relatives       (come) around all the time.
4. Mother wanted to be a good provider,a role she        (shoulder) since her marriage to father.
5. —Why,Jack,you look so tired!
—Well,I       (paint) the house and I must finish the work tomorrow.
6. Joseph       (go) to evening classes since last month,but he still can’t say“What’s your name ”in Russian.
7. —Why do you want to work for our company
—This is the job that I       (look) for.
8. —Where is Peter I can’t find him anywhere.
—He went to the library after breakfast and        (write) his essay there ever since.
9. —Sir,I’m here.
—Please listen. I       (consider) asking your parents to come to our school,but I’d like to hear your opinion first.
10. Little Tom should be up because he       (sleep) for nine hours.
Ⅳ. 根据汉语提示完成句子
1. My sister                    (一直在寻找) a job for three months,and this is her formal interview.
2. The kids are dirty all over because they               (一直在玩) in the mud all the morning.
3. —I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.
—I think so. He                     (一直在做准备) it for months.
4. —I have got a headache.
—No wonder. You               (一直坐在) in front of that computer too long.
5. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School,where she          
    (一直在学习) English for a year.
6. It’s hard to tell exactly how many people agree with him,but research indicates that the numbers     
         (一直在上升) for some time.
I 1 (hear)a strange sound for a while. It’s a deep,loud roar,like a lion’s. But there aren’t any lions here... Or are there Soon I see what 2    (make)the noise:a howler monkey. Now I feel less worried. Realising that something 3    (move)on my shoulder,I turn my head to look at it. Oh no! It’s a giant spider! I brush it off and it runs under some leaves. I try to bat away the huge insects,which 4    (fly)around my head in a black cloud for quite a while. I pull off the headset and I’m back in my living room. Thank goodness! I
5 (give)the latest virtual reality headset and,for the last twenty minutes,I 6    (use)it to explore the Amazon. This is an amazing experience and a reminder of how many species there are in the rain forest. We must do all we can to protect it
It 1 _______________(estimate) that over 30 million people worldwide have lost arms or legs,and many of them fail to get the help that they need. For some time,they 2_______________(hope) for better-quality artificial limbs. Fortunately,one exciting new advance could help these physically disabled people lead a normal life again: robotic limbs.
Over the last few years,scientists 3_______________(develop) new kinds of artificial limbs to help people overcome their disabilities. Robotic limbs can do much more than conventional artificial limbs. Some of the earliest artificial limbs were made of wood and leather,and until recently,artificial limbs 4_______________( only serve) basic functions. With the advancement in robotic technology,artificial limbs can now perform much more complex tasks and come closer to real human limbs. Not only can they make a much wider range of movements,but they can also be controlled directly by the brain and feed sensory information back into it.
David Jones is one of a team of scientists devoted to making even better robotic limbs. “ We 5_______________( do) everything we can to advance this technology and we will not take out a patent on it,” said David. “Hopefully,more and more people in need of robotic limbs will be equipped with them and enjoy a higher quality of life.”
Part II Learning About Language
Ⅰ. 1. cruel  2. thorough 3. furniture 4. Unfortunately 5. damp  6. recreations  7. advertised 
Ⅱ. 1. in all directions 2. enthusiastic about 3. proud of 4. try our best 5. Under his guidance 6. work as a team 7. in a rude manner 8. even though
Ⅲ. 1. have been studying 句意:我确信你将在这次考试中做得更好,因为这一年你一直用功学习。根据时间状语this year可知,这里是时间段;study这个动作表示一直持续到现在,还要继续下去,所以用现在完成进行时。
2. has been working/has worked 句意:在过去的三个月里,汤姆每天晚上都在图书馆里学习。根据时间状语over the last three months可知,句子应用现在完成进行时或现在完成时。
3. have been coming 句意:“我们最近花了太多钱。”“嗯,这并不奇怪。我们的朋友和亲戚一直来访。”根据all the time可知,此处用现在完成进行时。
4. has been shouldering 句意:母亲想成为一个好当家,自从她和父亲结婚以来,她就承担了这样一个角色。根据since her marriage to father可知,此处要用现在完成进行时。
5. have been painting 后文句意:嗯,我一直在给房子上油漆,而且必须在明天完成它。paint所表示的动作由过去开始,一直持续到说话之时而且还要继续下去,所以用现在完成进行时。
6. has been going 句意:约瑟夫从上个月开始上夜校,但他仍然不能用俄语说“你叫什么名字?”。根据时间语境可知,此处用现在完成进行时。
7. have been looking 后文句意:这就是我一直寻找的工作。表示从过去某个时刻发生的动作一直持续到现在,并且有可能持续下去,应用现在完成进行时。
8. has been writing 句意:“彼得在哪里 我到处都找不到他。”“他吃过早饭后去了图书馆,从那时起一直在那里写文章。”根据时间状语ever since可知,设空处表示动作从过去开始一直持续到现在且还在进行,故用现在完成进行时。
9. have been considering 句意:“老师,我在。”“请听好。我一直在考虑让你父母来我们学校,但我想先听听你的意见。”have been considering是现在完成进行时结构,表示从过去开始的一个动作一直持续到现在并且还在进行。
10. has been sleeping 由语境可知,睡觉的9个小时应该持续到现在,而且在这9个小时里“他一直睡觉”,强调动作的持续进行,所以用现在完成进行时。
Ⅳ. 1. has been looking for 2. have been playing 3. has been preparing for 4. have been sitting
5. has been studying 6. have been rising
V.A 1. have been hearing 2. has been making 3. is moving 4. have been flying 5.have been given 6.have been using
B 1. has been estimated 2.have been hoping 3.have been developing 4.have only been serving
5.have been doing



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