高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 9 Learning Section ⅠTopic Talk课时基础+综合双向提升

高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 9 Learning Section ⅠTopic Talk课时基础+综合双向提升
1.assume; assumption
I won't make an    that is not based on facts.
It is    that most drivers obey speed limits.
【解析】【分析】assume动词,“假设”; assumption名词,“设想”。
2.impress; impressive; impression
What is the most    ad you have ever read
Both his teacher and classmates    with his excellent performance in the match.
He seems to be giving the    that he didn't enjoy himself in Paris. On the contrary, he had a wonderful time.
【答案】impressive;were impressed;impression
【解析】【分析】impress动词“给.....留下印象”; impressive形容词,“印象深刻的”; impression名词,“印象”。
(2)句意: 他在比赛中的出色表现给他的老师和同学留下了深刻的印象。此处是谓语动词,both his teacher and classmates和impress之间是被动关系,应用被动语态;结合句意可知用一般过去时,故填were impressed 。
3.argue; argument
I got into an    with the other driver.
I am not going to    with you, but I think you are wrong.
【解析】【分析】argue动词“争论”; argument名词,“争论”。
(2)句意:我不想和你争论,但我觉得你错了。be going to后接动词原形,故填argue。
4.exist; existence
Pakistan came into    as an independent country after the war.
Most scientists believe that water doesn't    on the surface of the moon.
【解析】【分析】exist动词“存在”; existence不可数名词,“存在”。
(1)句意:战后巴基斯坦作为一个独立国家成立。此处名词作介词宾语,come into existence固定短语,“形成”,故填existence。
(2)句意:大多数科学家认为月球表面不存在水。doesn't 后接动词原形,故填exist。
5.promote; promotion
I have every confidence that he'll get a    soon.
The area is being    as a tourist destination.
【解析】【分析】promote动词,“促进,宣传”; promotion不可数名词,“提升,宣传”。
(1)句意:我完全相信他很快就会升职。不定冠词后接单数名词,此处作宾语,故填 promotion。
(2)句意:这个地区被宣传为旅游胜地。此处是谓语动词,根据句意和空前的is being,可知应用现在进行时的被动语态,故填promoted。
partner; geometry; in short; at the heart of; brush up; be based on; end up; automatic; work out; reflect on
6.He    on some language points before the exam.
7.At first he refused to admit his fault but    apologising.
8.I feel that    is a difficult subject.
9.Our customers are    everything we do.
10.Breathing is an    function of the body.
11.Spain has been one of Cuba's major trading    .
12.I've    your share of the expense at $10.
13.Science fiction is a type of writing that    fantasy.
14.As people get older, they will    the past.
15.He hoped for greater trust between the two nations, more trade, more cultural exchanges—   , a lasting peace.
【答案】6.brushed up
7.ended up
9.at the heart of
12.worked out
13.is based on
14.reflect on
15.in short
6.句意:考试前他复习了一些语言知识。根据句意可知表示“复习”,用固定短语brush up,说明过去的动作,用一般过去时态,故答案为brushed up。
7.句意:起初他拒绝承认自己的错误,但最后还是道歉了。根据句意可知表示“以……告终”,用固定短语endup,和前句时态一致,谓语动词用过去式,故答案为ended up。
9.句意:我们的客户是我们所做一切的核心。根据句意可知表示“……的核心”,用固定短语at the heart of,故答案为at the heart of。
11.句意:西班牙一直是古巴的主要贸易伙伴之一。根据句意可知表示“伙伴”,根据空前有one of修饰,可知用名词复数partners,故答案为partners。
12.句意:我已经计算出了你应分担的费用是$10。根据句意可知表示“计算出”,用固定短语work out,和助动词have构成现在完成时态,用过去分词,故答案为worked out。
13.句意:科幻小说是一种基于幻想的写作。根据句意可知表示“基于”,用固定短语be based on,和主句时态一致,用一般现在时态,关系代词that代指先行词a type of writing,为单数概念,所以be动词用is,故答案为is based on 。
14.句意:随着年龄的增长,人们会反思过去。根据句意可知表示“反思”,用固定短语reflect on,will后用动词原形,故答案为reflect on。
15.句意:他希望两国之间有更大的信任,有更多的贸易,有更多的文化交流,总之,有一个持久的和平。根据句意可知表示“总之”,用固定短语in short,故答案为in short。
I use my running time as a time of    (reflect), and you should use
your alone time similarly if you can.
The research group produced two reports    (base) on the survey, but neither contained
any useful suggestions.
【解析】【分析】句意:研究小组根据调查结果编写了两份报告,但都没有任何有用的建议。two reports和 base在逻辑上构成动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作定语,故填based。
Climate changes threaten the    (exist) of some species.
The    (argue) seemed to be about who
was going to take the cat to the vet.
They decided to drive to York and ended up    (get) lost.
【解析】【分析】句意:他们决定开车去约克,结果迷路了。end up doing固定短语,“结果.......”,故填getting。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及动名词作宾语以及固定短语end up doing。
If you keep paying too much attention to your inner voice, you risk    
important information.
【解析】【分析】句意:如果你一直过于关注你内心的声音,你可能会错过重要信息。risk doing固定短语,“冒险做......”,动名词作宾语,故填missing。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及动名词作宾语以及固定短语risk doing。
All want to make a good first    (impress) in the interview.
Medical evidence shows that men are more likely    (have) heart disease than women.
【答案】to have
【解析】【分析】句意:医学证据表明男人比女人更容易得心脏病。be likely to do固定短语,“可能做”,故填to have 。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,以及固定短语be likely to do。
She worked hard and performed very well and as a result she    (promote)
【答案】was promoted
【解析】【分析】句意:她工作努力,表现出色,因此很快就升职了。此处是谓语动词,she 与promote是动宾关系,应用被动语态;再根据She worked hard and performed very well的时态,可知用一般过去时,故填was promoted。
To learn    (efficient), you should take part
   the learning process actively and
reflect    what you have learnt.
【解析】【分析】句意:为了有效地学习, 你应该积极参与学习过程,反思你所学到的东西。第一空副词修饰动词learn,作状语,故填efficiently ;第二空是固定短语take part in固定短语,“参加”;第三空是固定短语reflect on固定短语,“反思”,故填:efficiently ;in和on。
【点评】考查副词和介词,本题涉及副词修饰动词以及固定短语take part in和reflect on。
In South Sudan, girls face many barriers (障碍) to education. Some girls cannot 26. to attend school because their parents cannot meet the costs, and there is also 27. housework for girls, which takes up their time. Therefore, their parents don't 28. their daughters to go to school.
Another problem is that girls can be married off early, often 29. force. We don't have the 30. to choose the person we wish to marry. Our parents 31. us to the one who pays the highest price in cows. Now more people are going hungry and marrying off girls to get cows to 32. . This happened to me. My parents married me off when I was studying, and I had to 33. school.
Luckily, my brother helped me come to ASEW, which 34. to help girls finish school.
I saw that the headteacher was a woman and that 35. me. ASEW was a school without punishment and schoolfees (学费). It was a day school, not boarding school (寄宿学校), that gave me 36. to help at home. The curriculum was 37. so we could complete our education more quickly. It was also 38. ,protected from outsiders. It is extremely dangerous for women and girls 39. there is fighting all around Rumbek.
At ASEW, I studied hard and passed with a high score of 77 percent. I wish other girls could have 40. like me to go back to school.
26.A.wait B.afford C.refuse D.promise
27.A.heavy B.easy C.little D.dangerous
28.A.invite B.order C.allow D.train
29.A.by B.for C.through D.at
30.A.ability B.right C.patience D.energy
31.A.lend B.show C.give D.introduce
32.A.study B.move C.hide D.live
33.A.quit B.attend C.start D.finish
34.A.wants B.prefers C.stops D.remembers
35.A.worried B.satisfied C.saved D.encouraged
36.A.time B.money C.power D.courage
37.A.added up B.broken up C.speeded up D.mixed up
38.A.free B.beautiful C.large D.safe
39.A.as B.unless C.though D.before
40.A.dreams B.skills C.chances D.duties
26.句意:有些女孩因为父母负担不起学费而上不起学。A.wait等待;B.afford付得起;C.refuse拒绝;D.promise承诺。根据下文的"because their parents cannot meet the costs(因为他们的父母无法承担费用)"再结合空前的cannot"不能"可知,设空处需填"付得起"。故选B。
27.句意:女孩也有繁重的家务,这占用了她们的时间。A.heavy重的;B.easy容易的;C.little小的;D.dangerous 危险的。根据"housework"和"takes up their time"可知,繁重的家务占据了很多学习的时间。故选A。
28.句意:因此,他们的父母不允许他们的女儿上学。A.invite邀请;B.order命令;C.allow 允许;D.train 训练。根据上文描述"In South Sudan, girls face many barriers (障碍) to education. (在南苏丹,女孩在教育方面面临许多障碍。)"可知,父母不允许女孩上学。故选C。
29.句意:另一个问题是,女孩可能会被提前嫁出去,通常是被迫的。A.by靠近,在……旁边;B.for为了;C.through通过;;D.at在(某时间或时刻)。根据by force为固定短语,意为"强迫地",符合句意,故选A。
30.句意:我们没有权利选择我们想要结婚的人。A.ability能力;B.right权力;C.patience耐心;D.energy精力。根据上文"often force"可知,女孩子们没有选择结婚对象的权力。故选B。
31.句意:我们的父母把我们交给奶牛中出价最高的人。A.lend借出;B.show展示;C.give给;D.introduce介绍。根据"who pays the highestpricein cows"可知,父母会把女孩们交给为奶牛支付价格最高的人。故选C。
32.句意:现在越来越多的人挨饿,为了养牛而把女孩嫁出去。A.study学习,研究;B.move 移动;C.hide 隐藏;D.live 居住,生活。根据上文"who pays the highest priceincows"可知,嫁女儿是为了能够活下去。故选D。
33.句意:我父母在我读书的时候把我嫁出去了,我不得不退学。A.quit放弃;B.attend参加;C.start开始;D.fnish完成。根据"Myparents married me off when Iwas studying"可知,作者因为结婚不得不辍学。故选A。
34.句意:幸运的是,我哥哥帮我来到了ASEW,该组织旨在帮助女孩完成学业。A.wants想要;Bprefers更喜欢;C.stops停止;D.remembers记住。根据"to help girls fnish school"可知,这个学校帮助女孩子们完成学业。故选A。
35.句意:我看到校长是位女性,这让我很受鼓舞。A.worried担心;B satisfled 使满意;C.saved拯救,节省;D.encouraged 鼓励。根据"the headteacher was a woman"可知,校长是女性这件事鼓励了作者。故选D。
37.句意:课程被加快了,所以我们可以更快地完成我们的教育。Aaddedup总计达;B.broken up 分解;C.speeded up使加速;D. mixed up 混合。根据"so we could complete our education more quickly"可知,课程的进度加快了。故选C。
39.句意:对于妇女和女孩来说,这是非常危险的,因为伦贝克周围到处都是战斗。A.as当·····时候;B. unless除非;C.though尽管;D.before在……之前。根据"there is fighting all around Rumbek可知,这是这对妇女和女孩来说是极其危险的原因。故选A。
The US government has recently helped people learn more about the dangers of earthquakes by publishing a map. This map shows the chances of an earthquake in each part of the country. The areas of the map where earthquakes are most likely to occur are called earthquake belts. The government is spending a great deal of money and is working hard to help to discover the answers to these two questions:
Can we predict earthquakes
Can we control earthquakes
To answer the first question, scientists are looking very closely at the most active fault (断层) systems in the country, such as the San Andreas fault in California. A fault is a break between two sections of the earth's surface. These breaks between sections are the places where earthquakes occur. Scientists look at the faults for changes which might show that an earthquake was about to occur. But it will probably be many years before we can predict earthquakes correctly. And the control of earthquakes is even farther away.
However, there have been some interesting developments in the field of controlling earthquakes. The most interesting development concerns the Rocky Mountain Arsenal earthquakes. Here water was put into a layer of rocks 4, 000 metres below the surface of the ground. Shortly after this injection (注射) of water, there was a small number of earthquakes. Scientists have decided that the water which was injected into the rocks worked like oil on each other.
When the water "oiled" the fault, the fault became slippery and the energy of an earthquake was given out. Scientists are still experimenting at the site of these earthquakes. They have realized that there is a connection between the injection of the water and the earthquake activity. They have suggested that it might be possible to use this knowledge to prevent very big, dangerous earthquakes, that is, scientists could inject some kind of fluid like water into faults and change one big earthquake into a number of small, harmless earthquakes.
41.Earthquakes belts are ________.
A.maps that show where earthquakes are likely to occur
B.zones with a high probability of earthquakes
C.breaks between two sections of the earth's surface
D.the two layers of earth along a fault
42.The San Andreas fault is ________.
A.an active fault system
B.a place where earthquakes have been predicted correctly
C.a place where earthquakes have been controlled
D.at the foot of the Rocky Mountain
43.What did scientists learn about earthquakes at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
A.They occur at about 4, 000 metres below ground level.
B.The injection of water into earthquake faults prevents earthquakes from occurring.
C.They are usually caused by the oil in the faults.
D.Harmful earthquakes could be prevented by causing harmless earthquakes.
44.What can be said about the experiments at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
A.They have no practical value in earthquake prevention.
B.They may have practical value in earthquake prevention.
C.They are certain to have practical value in earthquake prevention.
D.Nothing is told about their practical value in earthquake prevention.
41.细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“The areas of the map where earthquakes are most likely to occur are called earthquake belts. (地图上最有可能发生地震的区域称为地震带。)”可知地震带就是最有可能发生地震的区域,故选B。
42.细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“To answer the first question, scientists are looking very closely at the most active fault (断层) systems in the country, such as the San Andreas fault in California.(为了回答第一个问题,科学家们正在密切关注美国最活跃的断层系统,比如加利福尼亚州的圣安德烈亚斯断层。)”可知圣安德烈亚斯断层是一个活跃的断层系统,故选A。
43.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的“They have suggested that it might be possible to use this knowledge to prevent very big, dangerous earthquakes, that is, scientists could inject some kind of fluid like water into faults and change one big earthquake into a number of small, harmless earthquakes.(他们提出,有可能利用这些知识来防止非常大的、危险的地震,也就是说,科学家可以向断层中注入某种液体,比如水,把一次大地震变成一系列无害的小地震。)”,可知向地震断层注水可以把一次大地震变成一系列无害的小地震。故选B。
44.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的“They have suggested that it might be possible to use this knowledge to prevent very big, dangerous earthquakes, that is, scientists could inject some kind of fluid like water into faults and change one big earthquake into a number of small, harmless earthquakes.(他们提出,有可能利用这些知识来防止非常大的、危险的地震,也就是说,科学家可以向断层中注入某种液体,比如水,把一次大地震变成一系列无害的小地震。)”,可知,落基山的实验在防震方面可能具有实用价值。故选B。
Theatre audiences usually rise to their feet only during breaks or when the curtain comes down. For a special production of Shakespeare's Hamlet, however, getting up and moving around is required if you want to catch all of the action.
The production is staged in the James J. Hill House in St. Paul, Minnesota. The action takes place in several rooms on several levels of the 36, 000 square foot building.
This is not the first time that the Wayward Theatre Company has chosen a special place to stage a theatrical production. Co founder and director Sarah Nargang said that the group prefers to perform (表演) in untraditional spaces. She noted, "It allows people to communicate with these spaces, as well as the text, in new and interesting ways."
Besides the James J. Hill House, the group has performed at the Minnesota Transportation Museum, in hotel rooms, and in the back of a brewery (酒厂).
"We usually choose a play and then find a place for it," Nargang said. "But we try to choose historic places as much as we can."
The James J. Hill House was built for a railroad businessman of the same name. The five story mansion (豪宅) sits on a large area of land overlooking the city of St. Paul and the Mississippi pleted in 1891, in what was known as the Gilded Age, it is now owned by the Minnesota Historical Society.
"The James J. Hill House allowed us to stage Hamlet during the Gilded Age and show much of rich people's lives of that time," Nargang said.
Performing Hamlet in a mansion affected the way the production was choreographed (为……编舞). "Entering and exiting are more difficult because you don't have many choices of where you can go," said Tim McVean, who plays the role of Hamlet.
"There's a lot more running around," added actor Tim Perfect, who plays Claudius, the ruler who marries Hamlet's mother. "But there's no way any stage could compete with this place for beauty."
45.What is special about the production of Hamlet in the James J. Hill House
A.It is performed by very famous actors.
B.It has attracted the largest audience ever.
C.It is produced in a new and humorous way.
D.The audience must move around to watch it.
46.The Wayward Theatre Company prefers to perform in ________.
A.open areas B.traditional spaces
C.historic places D.high rise buildings
47.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 6 refer to
A.The Gilded Age. B.The city of St. Paul.
C.The Mississippi River. D.The James J. Hill House.
48.What does Tim Perfect think of performing in a mansion
A.Difficult but enjoyable. B.Traditional but interesting.
C.Comfortable and exciting. D.Relaxing and helpful.
46.细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“the group has performed at the Minnesota Transportation Museum, in hotel rooms, and in the back of a brewery (酒厂).(他们在明尼苏达交通博物馆、酒店房间和啤酒厂后面表演过)”可知,该公司喜欢在非传统的地方演出,尤其是有历史意义的场所。故选C。
47.词义猜测题。根据文章第六段中的“The James J. Hill House was built for a railroad businessman of the same name. The five story mansion (豪宅) sits on a large area of land overlooking the city of St. Paul and the Mississippi pleted in 1891, in what was known as the Gilded Age, it is now owned by the Minnesota Historical Society.(詹姆斯·希尔住宅是为一位同名的铁路商人建造的。这栋五层的豪宅坐落在一大片土地上,俯瞰着圣保罗市和密西西比河。它完工于1891年,也就是所谓的镀金时代,现在归明尼苏达历史学会所有。)”可知这介绍了故居的基本情况,原本是为一位名叫詹姆斯·希尔的铁路商人而建,于1891年建成,现在属于明尼苏达州历史学会。因此,it指代詹姆斯·希尔故居。故选D。
48.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“"There's a lot more running around," added actor Tim Perfect, who plays Claudius, the ruler who marries Hamlet's mother. "But there's no way any stage could compete with this place for beauty."(“Claudius是哈姆雷特母亲的丈夫,他的扮演者Tim Perfect补充道。”“但在美丽方面,任何舞台都无法与这个地方竞争。”)”可知,他认为在这里演出较以往相比活动量更大,但这个地方的美是其他的舞台不能与之媲美的。故选A。
高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 9 Learning Section ⅠTopic Talk课时基础+综合双向提升
1.assume; assumption
I won't make an    that is not based on facts.
It is    that most drivers obey speed limits.
2.impress; impressive; impression
What is the most    ad you have ever read
Both his teacher and classmates    with his excellent performance in the match.
He seems to be giving the    that he didn't enjoy himself in Paris. On the contrary, he had a wonderful time.
3.argue; argument
I got into an    with the other driver.
I am not going to    with you, but I think you are wrong.
4.exist; existence
Pakistan came into    as an independent country after the war.
Most scientists believe that water doesn't    on the surface of the moon.
5.promote; promotion
I have every confidence that he'll get a    soon.
The area is being    as a tourist destination.
partner; geometry; in short; at the heart of; brush up; be based on; end up; automatic; work out; reflect on
6.He    on some language points before the exam.
7.At first he refused to admit his fault but    apologising.
8.I feel that    is a difficult subject.
9.Our customers are    everything we do.
10.Breathing is an    function of the body.
11.Spain has been one of Cuba's major trading    .
12.I've    your share of the expense at $10.
13.Science fiction is a type of writing that    fantasy.
14.As people get older, they will    the past.
15.He hoped for greater trust between the two nations, more trade, more cultural exchanges—   , a lasting peace.
I use my running time as a time of    (reflect), and you should use
your alone time similarly if you can.
The research group produced two reports    (base) on the survey, but neither contained
any useful suggestions.
Climate changes threaten the    (exist) of some species.
The    (argue) seemed to be about who
was going to take the cat to the vet.
They decided to drive to York and ended up    (get) lost.
If you keep paying too much attention to your inner voice, you risk    
important information.
All want to make a good first    (impress) in the interview.
Medical evidence shows that men are more likely    (have) heart disease than women.
She worked hard and performed very well and as a result she    (promote)
To learn    (efficient), you should take part
   the learning process actively and
reflect    what you have learnt.
In South Sudan, girls face many barriers (障碍) to education. Some girls cannot 26. to attend school because their parents cannot meet the costs, and there is also 27. housework for girls, which takes up their time. Therefore, their parents don't 28. their daughters to go to school.
Another problem is that girls can be married off early, often 29. force. We don't have the 30. to choose the person we wish to marry. Our parents 31. us to the one who pays the highest price in cows. Now more people are going hungry and marrying off girls to get cows to 32. . This happened to me. My parents married me off when I was studying, and I had to 33. school.
Luckily, my brother helped me come to ASEW, which 34. to help girls finish school.
I saw that the headteacher was a woman and that 35. me. ASEW was a school without punishment and schoolfees (学费). It was a day school, not boarding school (寄宿学校), that gave me 36. to help at home. The curriculum was 37. so we could complete our education more quickly. It was also 38. ,protected from outsiders. It is extremely dangerous for women and girls 39. there is fighting all around Rumbek.
At ASEW, I studied hard and passed with a high score of 77 percent. I wish other girls could have 40. like me to go back to school.
26.A.wait B.afford C.refuse D.promise
27.A.heavy B.easy C.little D.dangerous
28.A.invite B.order C.allow D.train
29.A.by B.for C.through D.at
30.A.ability B.right C.patience D.energy
31.A.lend B.show C.give D.introduce
32.A.study B.move C.hide D.live
33.A.quit B.attend C.start D.finish
34.A.wants B.prefers C.stops D.remembers
35.A.worried B.satisfied C.saved D.encouraged
36.A.time B.money C.power D.courage
37.A.added up B.broken up C.speeded up D.mixed up
38.A.free B.beautiful C.large D.safe
39.A.as B.unless C.though D.before
40.A.dreams B.skills C.chances D.duties
The US government has recently helped people learn more about the dangers of earthquakes by publishing a map. This map shows the chances of an earthquake in each part of the country. The areas of the map where earthquakes are most likely to occur are called earthquake belts. The government is spending a great deal of money and is working hard to help to discover the answers to these two questions:
Can we predict earthquakes
Can we control earthquakes
To answer the first question, scientists are looking very closely at the most active fault (断层) systems in the country, such as the San Andreas fault in California. A fault is a break between two sections of the earth's surface. These breaks between sections are the places where earthquakes occur. Scientists look at the faults for changes which might show that an earthquake was about to occur. But it will probably be many years before we can predict earthquakes correctly. And the control of earthquakes is even farther away.
However, there have been some interesting developments in the field of controlling earthquakes. The most interesting development concerns the Rocky Mountain Arsenal earthquakes. Here water was put into a layer of rocks 4, 000 metres below the surface of the ground. Shortly after this injection (注射) of water, there was a small number of earthquakes. Scientists have decided that the water which was injected into the rocks worked like oil on each other.
When the water "oiled" the fault, the fault became slippery and the energy of an earthquake was given out. Scientists are still experimenting at the site of these earthquakes. They have realized that there is a connection between the injection of the water and the earthquake activity. They have suggested that it might be possible to use this knowledge to prevent very big, dangerous earthquakes, that is, scientists could inject some kind of fluid like water into faults and change one big earthquake into a number of small, harmless earthquakes.
41.Earthquakes belts are ________.
A.maps that show where earthquakes are likely to occur
B.zones with a high probability of earthquakes
C.breaks between two sections of the earth's surface
D.the two layers of earth along a fault
42.The San Andreas fault is ________.
A.an active fault system
B.a place where earthquakes have been predicted correctly
C.a place where earthquakes have been controlled
D.at the foot of the Rocky Mountain
43.What did scientists learn about earthquakes at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
A.They occur at about 4, 000 metres below ground level.
B.The injection of water into earthquake faults prevents earthquakes from occurring.
C.They are usually caused by the oil in the faults.
D.Harmful earthquakes could be prevented by causing harmless earthquakes.
44.What can be said about the experiments at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
A.They have no practical value in earthquake prevention.
B.They may have practical value in earthquake prevention.
C.They are certain to have practical value in earthquake prevention.
D.Nothing is told about their practical value in earthquake prevention.
Theatre audiences usually rise to their feet only during breaks or when the curtain comes down. For a special production of Shakespeare's Hamlet, however, getting up and moving around is required if you want to catch all of the action.
The production is staged in the James J. Hill House in St. Paul, Minnesota. The action takes place in several rooms on several levels of the 36, 000 square foot building.
This is not the first time that the Wayward Theatre Company has chosen a special place to stage a theatrical production. Co founder and director Sarah Nargang said that the group prefers to perform (表演) in untraditional spaces. She noted, "It allows people to communicate with these spaces, as well as the text, in new and interesting ways."
Besides the James J. Hill House, the group has performed at the Minnesota Transportation Museum, in hotel rooms, and in the back of a brewery (酒厂).
"We usually choose a play and then find a place for it," Nargang said. "But we try to choose historic places as much as we can."
The James J. Hill House was built for a railroad businessman of the same name. The five story mansion (豪宅) sits on a large area of land overlooking the city of St. Paul and the Mississippi pleted in 1891, in what was known as the Gilded Age, it is now owned by the Minnesota Historical Society.
"The James J. Hill House allowed us to stage Hamlet during the Gilded Age and show much of rich people's lives of that time," Nargang said.
Performing Hamlet in a mansion affected the way the production was choreographed (为……编舞). "Entering and exiting are more difficult because you don't have many choices of where you can go," said Tim McVean, who plays the role of Hamlet.
"There's a lot more running around," added actor Tim Perfect, who plays Claudius, the ruler who marries Hamlet's mother. "But there's no way any stage could compete with this place for beauty."
45.What is special about the production of Hamlet in the James J. Hill House
A.It is performed by very famous actors.
B.It has attracted the largest audience ever.
C.It is produced in a new and humorous way.
D.The audience must move around to watch it.
46.The Wayward Theatre Company prefers to perform in ________.
A.open areas B.traditional spaces
C.historic places D.high rise buildings
47.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 6 refer to
A.The Gilded Age. B.The city of St. Paul.
C.The Mississippi River. D.The James J. Hill House.
48.What does Tim Perfect think of performing in a mansion
A.Difficult but enjoyable. B.Traditional but interesting.
C.Comfortable and exciting. D.Relaxing and helpful.
【解析】【分析】assume动词,“假设”; assumption名词,“设想”。
2.【答案】impressive;were impressed;impression
【解析】【分析】impress动词“给.....留下印象”; impressive形容词,“印象深刻的”; impression名词,“印象”。
(2)句意: 他在比赛中的出色表现给他的老师和同学留下了深刻的印象。此处是谓语动词,both his teacher and classmates和impress之间是被动关系,应用被动语态;结合句意可知用一般过去时,故填were impressed 。
【解析】【分析】argue动词“争论”; argument名词,“争论”。
(2)句意:我不想和你争论,但我觉得你错了。be going to后接动词原形,故填argue。
【解析】【分析】exist动词“存在”; existence不可数名词,“存在”。
(1)句意:战后巴基斯坦作为一个独立国家成立。此处名词作介词宾语,come into existence固定短语,“形成”,故填existence。
(2)句意:大多数科学家认为月球表面不存在水。doesn't 后接动词原形,故填exist。
【解析】【分析】promote动词,“促进,宣传”; promotion不可数名词,“提升,宣传”。
(1)句意:我完全相信他很快就会升职。不定冠词后接单数名词,此处作宾语,故填 promotion。
(2)句意:这个地区被宣传为旅游胜地。此处是谓语动词,根据句意和空前的is being,可知应用现在进行时的被动语态,故填promoted。
【答案】6.brushed up
7.ended up
9.at the heart of
12.worked out
13.is based on
14.reflect on
15.in short
6.句意:考试前他复习了一些语言知识。根据句意可知表示“复习”,用固定短语brush up,说明过去的动作,用一般过去时态,故答案为brushed up。
7.句意:起初他拒绝承认自己的错误,但最后还是道歉了。根据句意可知表示“以……告终”,用固定短语endup,和前句时态一致,谓语动词用过去式,故答案为ended up。
9.句意:我们的客户是我们所做一切的核心。根据句意可知表示“……的核心”,用固定短语at the heart of,故答案为at the heart of。
11.句意:西班牙一直是古巴的主要贸易伙伴之一。根据句意可知表示“伙伴”,根据空前有one of修饰,可知用名词复数partners,故答案为partners。
12.句意:我已经计算出了你应分担的费用是$10。根据句意可知表示“计算出”,用固定短语work out,和助动词have构成现在完成时态,用过去分词,故答案为worked out。
13.句意:科幻小说是一种基于幻想的写作。根据句意可知表示“基于”,用固定短语be based on,和主句时态一致,用一般现在时态,关系代词that代指先行词a type of writing,为单数概念,所以be动词用is,故答案为is based on 。
14.句意:随着年龄的增长,人们会反思过去。根据句意可知表示“反思”,用固定短语reflect on,will后用动词原形,故答案为reflect on。
15.句意:他希望两国之间有更大的信任,有更多的贸易,有更多的文化交流,总之,有一个持久的和平。根据句意可知表示“总之”,用固定短语in short,故答案为in short。
【解析】【分析】句意:研究小组根据调查结果编写了两份报告,但都没有任何有用的建议。two reports和 base在逻辑上构成动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作定语,故填based。
【解析】【分析】句意:他们决定开车去约克,结果迷路了。end up doing固定短语,“结果.......”,故填getting。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及动名词作宾语以及固定短语end up doing。
【解析】【分析】句意:如果你一直过于关注你内心的声音,你可能会错过重要信息。risk doing固定短语,“冒险做......”,动名词作宾语,故填missing。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及动名词作宾语以及固定短语risk doing。
23.【答案】to have
【解析】【分析】句意:医学证据表明男人比女人更容易得心脏病。be likely to do固定短语,“可能做”,故填to have 。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,以及固定短语be likely to do。
24.【答案】was promoted
【解析】【分析】句意:她工作努力,表现出色,因此很快就升职了。此处是谓语动词,she 与promote是动宾关系,应用被动语态;再根据She worked hard and performed very well的时态,可知用一般过去时,故填was promoted。
【解析】【分析】句意:为了有效地学习, 你应该积极参与学习过程,反思你所学到的东西。第一空副词修饰动词learn,作状语,故填efficiently ;第二空是固定短语take part in固定短语,“参加”;第三空是固定短语reflect on固定短语,“反思”,故填:efficiently ;in和on。
【点评】考查副词和介词,本题涉及副词修饰动词以及固定短语take part in和reflect on。
26.句意:有些女孩因为父母负担不起学费而上不起学。A.wait等待;B.afford付得起;C.refuse拒绝;D.promise承诺。根据下文的"because their parents cannot meet the costs(因为他们的父母无法承担费用)"再结合空前的cannot"不能"可知,设空处需填"付得起"。故选B。
27.句意:女孩也有繁重的家务,这占用了她们的时间。A.heavy重的;B.easy容易的;C.little小的;D.dangerous 危险的。根据"housework"和"takes up their time"可知,繁重的家务占据了很多学习的时间。故选A。
28.句意:因此,他们的父母不允许他们的女儿上学。A.invite邀请;B.order命令;C.allow 允许;D.train 训练。根据上文描述"In South Sudan, girls face many barriers (障碍) to education. (在南苏丹,女孩在教育方面面临许多障碍。)"可知,父母不允许女孩上学。故选C。
29.句意:另一个问题是,女孩可能会被提前嫁出去,通常是被迫的。A.by靠近,在……旁边;B.for为了;C.through通过;;D.at在(某时间或时刻)。根据by force为固定短语,意为"强迫地",符合句意,故选A。
30.句意:我们没有权利选择我们想要结婚的人。A.ability能力;B.right权力;C.patience耐心;D.energy精力。根据上文"often force"可知,女孩子们没有选择结婚对象的权力。故选B。
31.句意:我们的父母把我们交给奶牛中出价最高的人。A.lend借出;B.show展示;C.give给;D.introduce介绍。根据"who pays the highestpricein cows"可知,父母会把女孩们交给为奶牛支付价格最高的人。故选C。
32.句意:现在越来越多的人挨饿,为了养牛而把女孩嫁出去。A.study学习,研究;B.move 移动;C.hide 隐藏;D.live 居住,生活。根据上文"who pays the highest priceincows"可知,嫁女儿是为了能够活下去。故选D。
33.句意:我父母在我读书的时候把我嫁出去了,我不得不退学。A.quit放弃;B.attend参加;C.start开始;D.fnish完成。根据"Myparents married me off when Iwas studying"可知,作者因为结婚不得不辍学。故选A。
34.句意:幸运的是,我哥哥帮我来到了ASEW,该组织旨在帮助女孩完成学业。A.wants想要;Bprefers更喜欢;C.stops停止;D.remembers记住。根据"to help girls fnish school"可知,这个学校帮助女孩子们完成学业。故选A。
35.句意:我看到校长是位女性,这让我很受鼓舞。A.worried担心;B satisfled 使满意;C.saved拯救,节省;D.encouraged 鼓励。根据"the headteacher was a woman"可知,校长是女性这件事鼓励了作者。故选D。
37.句意:课程被加快了,所以我们可以更快地完成我们的教育。Aaddedup总计达;B.broken up 分解;C.speeded up使加速;D. mixed up 混合。根据"so we could complete our education more quickly"可知,课程的进度加快了。故选C。
39.句意:对于妇女和女孩来说,这是非常危险的,因为伦贝克周围到处都是战斗。A.as当·····时候;B. unless除非;C.though尽管;D.before在……之前。根据"there is fighting all around Rumbek可知,这是这对妇女和女孩来说是极其危险的原因。故选A。
41.细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“The areas of the map where earthquakes are most likely to occur are called earthquake belts. (地图上最有可能发生地震的区域称为地震带。)”可知地震带就是最有可能发生地震的区域,故选B。
42.细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“To answer the first question, scientists are looking very closely at the most active fault (断层) systems in the country, such as the San Andreas fault in California.(为了回答第一个问题,科学家们正在密切关注美国最活跃的断层系统,比如加利福尼亚州的圣安德烈亚斯断层。)”可知圣安德烈亚斯断层是一个活跃的断层系统,故选A。
43.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的“They have suggested that it might be possible to use this knowledge to prevent very big, dangerous earthquakes, that is, scientists could inject some kind of fluid like water into faults and change one big earthquake into a number of small, harmless earthquakes.(他们提出,有可能利用这些知识来防止非常大的、危险的地震,也就是说,科学家可以向断层中注入某种液体,比如水,把一次大地震变成一系列无害的小地震。)”,可知向地震断层注水可以把一次大地震变成一系列无害的小地震。故选B。
44.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的“They have suggested that it might be possible to use this knowledge to prevent very big, dangerous earthquakes, that is, scientists could inject some kind of fluid like water into faults and change one big earthquake into a number of small, harmless earthquakes.(他们提出,有可能利用这些知识来防止非常大的、危险的地震,也就是说,科学家可以向断层中注入某种液体,比如水,把一次大地震变成一系列无害的小地震。)”,可知,落基山的实验在防震方面可能具有实用价值。故选B。
46.细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“the group has performed at the Minnesota Transportation Museum, in hotel rooms, and in the back of a brewery (酒厂).(他们在明尼苏达交通博物馆、酒店房间和啤酒厂后面表演过)”可知,该公司喜欢在非传统的地方演出,尤其是有历史意义的场所。故选C。
47.词义猜测题。根据文章第六段中的“The James J. Hill House was built for a railroad businessman of the same name. The five story mansion (豪宅) sits on a large area of land overlooking the city of St. Paul and the Mississippi pleted in 1891, in what was known as the Gilded Age, it is now owned by the Minnesota Historical Society.(詹姆斯·希尔住宅是为一位同名的铁路商人建造的。这栋五层的豪宅坐落在一大片土地上,俯瞰着圣保罗市和密西西比河。它完工于1891年,也就是所谓的镀金时代,现在归明尼苏达历史学会所有。)”可知这介绍了故居的基本情况,原本是为一位名叫詹姆斯·希尔的铁路商人而建,于1891年建成,现在属于明尼苏达州历史学会。因此,it指代詹姆斯·希尔故居。故选D。
48.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“"There's a lot more running around," added actor Tim Perfect, who plays Claudius, the ruler who marries Hamlet's mother. "But there's no way any stage could compete with this place for beauty."(“Claudius是哈姆雷特母亲的丈夫,他的扮演者Tim Perfect补充道。”“但在美丽方面,任何舞台都无法与这个地方竞争。”)”可知,他认为在这里演出较以往相比活动量更大,但这个地方的美是其他的舞台不能与之媲美的。故选A。




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