适用于新高考新教材2024版高考英语二轮复习专项能力提升练“应用文 读后续写”组合练1(10份打包)

你校英文报Teenage Life专栏本期的主题为“Sports and Health”。请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
For the most part,Hank,a two-year-old cat,is a homebody—and for good reason.But on November 6th,Bushong,his owner,spotted Hank resting on a branch near the top of a neighbor’s tree.
Bushong believed Hank got frightened by some dogs.The more scared he got,the higher he climbed.“Cats have an amazing ability to climb up trees,but they aren’t that good at climbing down,” said Dan D’Eramo,director of field services for the Humane Rescue Alliance (HRA).
Bushong then asked the HRA to help,but it was no easy task.HRA called the fire department,but it refused to help because of safety concerns.Then Bushong called a construction company to ask about renting scaffolding(脚手架) but was told she would have to book the equipment 48 days in advance.Next she reached out to a local tree company,Casey Trees.But the crew said it wasn’t safe for a person to go up into the tree.Bushong became very sad.
Then neighbors came to help.Ed Baptiste,whose tree Hank had climbed,let Bushong sit in his backyard and called to Hank.Another neighbor donated a can of fish,hoping it might attract the cat to come down.Nearby dog owners took their pets on walks instead of letting them out in their yards to avoid further frightening Hank.Another neighbor suggested Bushong call a local business,which had a tall ladder.Unfortunately,their 42-foot ladder proved too short.
By day five,nothing had worked.That’s when another neighbor suggested creating a pulley(滑轮) system by throwing a sandbag attached to the rope to a branch higher than Hank.It will form a pulley system as the sandbag hangs down by gravity.Then raise a basket with some of the owners’ personal items.The cat may be attracted by the familiar scents and climb into the basket.
Bushong decided to have a try.______________________________________________
Carefully,they lowered Hank down.__________________________________________
Learning that the column Teenage Life of our school English newspaper is committed to casting a light on the topic of “Sports and Health”,I am more than thrilled to express my view.
The reasons why we should work out regularly are that not only does it build up our bodies,but it boosts our learning efficiency.Based on such a meaningful theme,a wide variety of activities are highly recommended.Additionally,several health professionals can be invited to give some lectures about how to do daily exercise properly after all the competitions.
Only by raising the awareness of taking exercise and participating actively can we truly enjoy the benefits it brings.I believe every participant will achieve something amazing.
(1)Learning that the column Teenage Life of our school English newspaper is committed to casting a light on the topic of “Sports and Health”,I am more than thrilled to express my view.(that引导的宾语从句)
(2)The reasons why we should work out regularly are that not only does it build up our bodies,but it boosts our learning efficiency.(why引导的定语从句)
Bushongdecidedtohaveatry.She filled a small basket with some of Hank’s favourite things.She called it Hank’s party pack.With the help of volunteers from Casey Trees,they used a special equipment and shot a sandbag attached to a rope high into the tree.They got lucky on the first try.The rope caught a branch directly above Hank.Pulling on the other end of the rope,they positioned Hank’s party pack just beneath him.To their great delight,he jumped in.
Carefully,theyloweredHankdown.Once Hank reached the ground,Bushong took Hank into her arms,hugging him hard.Afterward,they went inside and ate,and Hank rested in his favourite chair.Hank’s adventure taught Bushong a lesson about neighbors helping neighbors.“I can’t believe so many people went out of their way to help me with this cat,” she said.“It made me feel good that I live in a neighborhood where people would do whatever they could to get him down.It gave me hope.”
③到达:reach/landon/arrive at
②开心地:to one’s delight/delightedly
(1)I can’t believe so many people went out of their way to help me with this cat...(运用了省略that的宾语从句)
(2)It made me feel good that I live in a neighborhood where people would do whatever they could to get him down.(运用了that引导的主语从句和where引导的定语从句以及whatever引导的宾语从句)组合练(二)
Dear Mike,
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
Since I began introducing animals into my child psychotherapy(心理治疗) practice fifteen years ago,my life as a doctor has been full of wonders.Animals always help me in my work communicating with children in need.
Diane,a dark-haired five-year-old,came to me with a problem.Although she was a chatterbox(话匣子) in the house and with her family,no one had ever heard Diane say a word outside her home environment.Not one word.Diane’s parents tried to work with her to overcome her selective mutism(缄默症).Yet nothing they did seemed to make any impression on her.Diane refused to talk when she was outside her family circle.
Diane’s parents contacted me and I agreed to see her.It was a Friday afternoon.They were seated in the waiting room with my six-year-old dog,Puppy,and I walked out to greet them.Diane sat with her head down,making no move to look up or acknowledge our entrance.
Puppy went straight towards Diane.Because Diane’s head was bowed,Puppy was just three feet from Diane when the girl finally caught sight of her.Startled by the unexpected sight of a large golden dog,the girl’s eyes became huge and then her mouth curved slowly into a smile.Puppy stopped directly in front of Diane and laid her head in the girl’s lap.
I introduced myself and Puppy,but Diane didn’t respond.Instead,she began to silently pet Puppy’s head,running her hands softly over Puppy’s ears and nose.She was still obviously nervous at my office,but she was smiling and seemed to be enjoying her interaction with Puppy.I was speaking quietly with Diane’s parents when an idea hit me.
I spoke Puppy’s name quietly and gave her a hand signal to come towards me and continue back into the inner office.Puppy immediately started walking towards me.As Puppy walked away,I watched Diane’s face fall and her eyes take on a sad and disappointed look.I said,“Oh,I’m sorry.I didn’t realize you wanted Puppy to stay with you.All you have to do for her to come back is say,‘Puppy,come.’”
Diane’s parents stared at me,their expressions skeptical.__________________________
I knew that I had to seize the moment.________________________________________
Ⅰ.Dear Mike,
How time flies!It’s too bad that you have to leave soon.No words can express my gratitude to you for what you have done in our school.
To express my appreciation,I chose the paper-cut as a gift,a reminder of our unforgettable time here.The vivid pictures cut out from common colorful paper are a traditional yet popular choice for decoration in my country.
As one of your guides,I hope you’ll like the small gift and come back to experience more traditional Chinese culture.
With best wishes!
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
(1)No words can express my gratitude to you for what you have done in our school.(运用了what引导的名词性从句作宾语)
(2)To express my appreciation,I chose the paper-cut as a gift,a reminder of our unforgettable time here.(运用了动词不定式作目的状语)
Diane’sparentsstaredatme,theirexpressionsskeptical.For a few tense seconds,Diane sat debating what to do,her lower lip quivering.Then,in a soft voice,she called,“Puppy,come;please come,Puppy.” Her parents’ eyes flew to their daughter and their jaws dropped in astonishment.I gave Puppy the signal to go and she whirled around and ran over to Diane who slid off her chair to the floor,and kneeling,hugged Puppy tightly around the neck.We watched,Diane’s parents in tears,as Diane and Puppy snuggled happily together.
IknewthatIhadtoseizethemoment.Sitting on the floor beside Puppy and Diane,I tried to engage Diane in conversation.Hoping to keep the miracle going,I asked her what she liked about Puppy.She hesitated momentarily and then replied,“She is soft and funny.” As we talked,Puppy sat leaning against Diane,the little girl’s fingers laced through Puppy’s fur.As the session drew to a close,Diane embraced Puppy again and said,“Good-bye.” Her voice was soft yet clear.I was deeply pleased as she had made a remarkable breakthrough.And it was all thanks to Puppy,who had worked her magic again.
②尝试做:try to do/makeanattempttodo/attempttodo
(1)Sitting on the floor beside Puppy and Diane,I tried to engage Diane in conversation.(运用了现在分词作状语)
(2)And it was all thanks to Puppy,who had worked her magic again.(运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)组合练(三)
One day,Reuben,a 12-year-old boy,saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing.The price—five dollars—was beyond his means,but he went in the shop anyway.
Poorly dressed,he went in and told the shopkeeper what he wanted,adding,“I don’t have the money right now.Will you please keep it for me for some time ”
“I’ll try,” the shopkeeper smiled.“Folks around here don’t usually have money to spend on such things.It should keep for a while.”
Reuben decided to raise the five dollars by himself.Walking along a side street,he had an idea.People built their own houses in his town,using nails purchased in Hessian sacks (粗麻袋)from a local factory.The sacks were sometimes thrown away.Reuben knew he could sell them back to the factory for five cents a piece.
Every day after school,Reuben went around the town,collecting nail sacks.When school closed for the summer,he still wandered in the town,searching for his treasures.Often he was tired and hungry,but the thought of the object in the shop window kept him going.Sometimes his mother Dora would ask:“Reuben,where were you We were waiting for you to have dinner.”
Dora would look at him in his face and shake her head.Boys!
One day in spring,he counted his coins and found he needed twenty cents more.He had to find four sacks and sell them before the day ended.Late in the afternoon,just before the buyer was about to close up,Reuben arrived and sold the four sacks.With the coins in his hand,he murmured a thank you and ran away.
Clutching the five dollars,he headed for the shop._______________________________
Dora opened it carefully and a lovely jewel box appeared.________________________
An activity named “Housework,I can do it” was launched by our school last week.The purpose of this event was to promote awareness of the importance of doing housework.
Participants of the event were encouraged to complete different tasks to raise the awareness of the value of completing these chores.The event included several activities,such as a discussion session and a bed-making competition.Through these activities,participants learnt more about the significance of completing family chores,as well as techniques to make housework cleaner.
The event was enthusiastically received by the students.Many expressed their appreciation for the event,stating that they had gained a better understanding of the importance of doing housework.
(1)An activity named “Housework,I can do it” was launched by our school last week.(运用了过去分词短语作后置定语)
(2)Many expressed their appreciation for the event,stating that they had gained a better understanding of the importance of doing housework.(运用了现在分词短语作伴随状语和that引导的宾语从句)
Clutchingthefivedollars,heheadedfortheshop.“I’ve got the money!” Reuben declared to the shopkeeper.The man put the necklace into a delicate box,wrapped it in brown paper,and then placed the box in Reuben’s hands.Holding the box,Reuben’s eyes glittered with joy.After exchanging goodbyes with the shopkeeper,Reuben rushed home to surprise his mother.“Mom!It’s for you!” Reuben exclaimed as he ran to her side.He placed the box in her hand.
Doraopeneditcarefullyandalovelyjewelboxappeared.She couldn’t believe her eyes.She took the pearl necklace out and cautiously put it on,tears of happiness beginning to blur her vision.Dora had never received such a precious gift.It was the best Mother’s Day gift she had ever received.Yes,she was indeed not rich,but she was indeed happy.With tears rolling down her weather-beaten face,she smiled and took her son into her arms.
③赶回家:rushhome/hurry home
(1)“Mom!It’s for you!” Reuben exclaimed as he ran to her side.(由连词as引导时间状语从句)
(2)It was the best Mother’s Day gift she had ever received.(由省略的关系代词that引导的限制性定语从句)组合练(四)
Dear Jason,
Li Hua
Mary’s husband died a few years ago from an accident.To make ends meet,she had to take on several jobs and bring up her five children alone.Fortunately,her oldest children understood her and helped to look after the younger kids.Mary always felt terrible about that,but there was nothing she could do.She dreamed of having a van to transport goods for others so that she could have another source of income.
In the mornings,Mary cleaned the houses for some families,and worked as a cashier at a supermarket the rest of the afternoon.At night,she worked at a gas station’s convenience store.Every night,she came home tired,and most of the kids had been asleep by then.
One afternoon,Mary was walking to the supermarket to start her duty when she saw an old man staring at the window of the bakery next door.The smell of fresh-baked bread permeated (弥漫) the air.However,the man merely sighed and started walking away.
Mary felt awful for some unknown reason and stopped the man.“Hey,sir.I think I’ve seen you before at the store,”she said.“Yes.I’m Hector.Nice to see you,” the old man nodded at her and started to walk away.
“Wait,do you need anything ” Mary said,smiling kindly.
“Honestly,there was a leak in my roof this month,and I had to spend my entire month’s pension (退休金) on it.I don’t have much money for desserts,” he said.“I don’t know when I’ll be able to buy some again.”
Mary asked Hector to wait and she went into the bakery._________________________
One day,Mary saw a new van in the driveway with Hector standing next to it._________
Ⅰ.Dear Jason,
Thrilled to learn that a group hiking trip is scheduled by our school,I am writing to invite you,a nature lover,to join us.
We’re to gather at the school gate at 8 a.m.this Saturday and leave for our destination—South Mountain Park,a nature lover’s paradise.There we will hike through towering redwoods,marveling at the natural wonders.To make the 3-hour hike delightful,remember to prepare some essentials,such as snacks,drinks,and sunscreen.Also,you are supposed to wear comfortable and durable shoes to ensure your safety.
Looking forward to spending time with you.
Li Hua
(1)Thrilled to learn that a group hiking trip is scheduled by our school,I am writing to invite you,a nature lover,to join us.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
(2)There we will hike through towering redwoods,marveling at the natural wonders.(运用了现在分词作状语)
MaryaskedHectortowaitandshewentintothebakery.She bought some bread for Hector.“Here you go,” she said,handing him the bag when she exited the bakery.“I can’t accept this,” he tried to reject,but Mary insisted.“Please,let me do something for you today,” she continued.Hector thanked Mary and then walked away.In the following days,Mary would see Hector daily and bring him something to eat.With time going by,they became good friends.They even chatted about everything with each other.
Oneday,MarysawanewvaninthedrivewaywithHectorstandingnexttoit.“Surprise!This van is for you!” Hector said.Mary couldn’t believe that.“Mary,you have helped me a lot.I can never repay that,but I had an old watch.It was worth a pretty penny,” he said.“I can’t take this.You need money,too,” Mary refused.“Accept the van,and you can quit one or two of your jobs to accompany your children,” Hector said.Mary was deeply moved and she hugged Hector tightly,thanking him for his kindness.
②感谢某人:thank sb.for/showappreciationfor
(1)With time going by,they became good friends.(运用了with复合结构)
(2)Mary was deeply moved and she hugged Hector tightly,thanking him for his kindness.(现在分词短语作状语)考点分类练(一) 小标题类
Criticism hurts even when it’s constructive. 1  Do you pretend you didn’t hear or do you argue back to defend yourself In fact,there are actually other ways of handling criticism!The next time someone gives you feedback,try doing the following things instead.
Getting angry can happen really fast.Sometimes all it takes is a misplaced word or the wrong one.While it’s normal to feel this way,try to cool off and stay calm. 2 After all,you don’t want to say something you’ll end up regretting later!
Sometimes the best thing to do is take a quick step back and assess the criticism:who said it and why  3 Or are they just trying to be mean Taking a step back allows you to determine if perhaps the criticism has some real value you hadn’t seen before,or if it’s better to just brush off the comment.
Remember that sometimes people do things not to attack you personally,but to vent anger or frustration.So calm down and be as understanding as you can. 4  Meanwhile,let the other person know that their criticism was uncalled for.
If the criticism does actually have some truth to it,then the best thing to do is figure out how you can use it to improve.Get straight to the point and ask the person which part of your work they’d improve and how.That way you not only show you are interested in doing things better,but you are also involving the person who criticized you.
A.So how do you react
B.Use it to your advantage.
C.Polish your work carefully.
D.How about negative feedback catching us by surprise
E.Give yourself some time to process what you’ve heard before reacting.
F.Are they trying to help you,but did not communicate their point of view nicely
G.Choosing to take the right path is doing yourself a favor and not getting angry.
Left-handed people make up around 12% of the global population.One really interesting fact that I picked up was from a scientist who believed that left-handed people tended to be more independent as a result of having to adapt to a world that is largely built for right-handed individuals. 1 
A study found that left-handed people were 11 times more likely to suffer from allergies than right-handed folk. 2 
 3  meaning that the right side controls the left side of the body and the other way around.Hence there is a well-known saying “only left-handed people are in their right minds”.The right-hand side of the brain is thought to control the left side of the body and tasks to do with the arts and creativity.
 4  One 2007 study “Effect of handedness on intelligence level of students” shows that lefties are more likely to have higher IQ.However,another 2010 study “The relationship between hand preference,hand performance,and general cognitive ability” suggests the exact opposite!
Experiments showed that when given two tasks to complete simultaneously (同时),lefties performed best.This is because right-handed people tend to solve problems by breaking them down into parts and analyzing each piece one at a time.While left-handed people tend to look at the problem as a whole and use pattern-matching to try and solve it.
A.Better at multitasking
B.Smarter than the right-handed
C.As we know,the brain is cross-wired,
D.This one varies depending on how dated your source is!
E.Here are a few more fascinating left-handed people facts!
F.Mixed-handed children are more likely to experience language issues.
G.And lefties were two and a half times more likely to suffer from sleep disorders.
Anxiety is a healthy and normal emotion that everyone often feels.Anxiety may,however,develop into a mental disorder that reduces your capacity to cope with daily stress.When trying to overcome it,you should not try to get rid of your feelings of anxiety but should aim to develop your coping abilities when you do feel anxiety. 1  Here come some useful tips to develop your anti-anxiety abilities.
 2  Do not start beating yourself up about it,or tell yourself unhelpful things such as “I will never be able to get out of this” or “I am incapable”.Understand that you can overcome this,and you will.
Whether you have a panic attack or a sudden round of worry and fear,it is important to determine what is causing your anxiety.Is something in your environment the primary source  3 
If you know what your fear is,the next step is to determine if it is something you can deal with,or something that only time can manage.If your fear is largely imagination or can’t be dealt with now, 4  If your worry is something that needs to be dealt with,take steps to create a course of action.
If your fear is mind-consuming,take a moment to think about the honest and absolute worst thing that could happen as a result of it.Perhaps you’re getting ready to do a huge presentation,and you begin to panic.Stop and think “what is the worst that could happen ” No matter how creative your response may be,thinking critically will lead to find that should it occur,there are few endings that can’t be dealt with in a reasonable manner.
A.Consider the worst
B.Think out of the box
C.Understand and acknowledge that you are anxious.
D.make the conscious effort to put it out of your mind.
E.You can handle anxiety more easily when you are clear about what it is.
F.Having the ability to cope with the anxious thought is the key to overcoming it.
G.try whatever it takes to solve the problem because you cannot get away with it.
Composing essays is an art that you must master to score good marks.For any paragraph written,you must be able to link that with the former or the latter. 1 
Teachers suggest the habit of reading to enhance your quality of writing. 2  Note how the essay uses linking words and the careful selection of them.Pay special attention to the flow and the professional manner in which the essay is presented for readers.
 3  but their use must also be known carefully.Before using them for your purpose,remember that a good essay should essentially rely on these words to help readers understand the logic and make it look more coherent (连贯).
Just that some words connect ideas in your essay doesn’t mean you can use them as you like.For showing likeness or agreeableness,use words like again,too,also,as well as,of course,and so on.If you show contradiction,use regardless,even so,but,nonetheless,besides and so on.For causes and conditions,if,since,so that,due to,are words you must fall back upon.
If you wish to see how your essay stands,make a draft and read it thoroughly. 5  Ask yourself questions if the points have been explained well or are they relevant to the context.If you feel few aspects need more emphasis,check for the linking words and correct them accordingly.
A.Stick to the logic
B.Pick words carefully
C.If stuck,you can take help from the following 4 tips.
D.That way,you will be able to find your own mistakes and correct them.
E.Reading through a number of sample essays will help you design better essays.
F.Signposts refer to linking words or phrases associating one paragraph with some others,
G.Keep these 4 tips in mind and you will face no trouble linking paragraphs to the essay.
考点分类练(一) 小标题类
1.A 根据空后内容“Doyoupretendyoudidn’thearordoyouarguebacktodefendyourself ”可知,下文提到的是面对批评的时候,你会有何反应。A项“Sohowdoyoureact ”引出下文的答句,与下文内容保持一致。
2.E 根据空前内容“Whileit’snormaltofeelthisway,trytocooloffandstaycalm.”可知,作者建议当生气的时候我们要试着冷静下来。E项 “Giveyourselfsometimetoprocesswhatyou’veheardbeforereacting.”与上文内容保持一致,同时引出下文“Afterall,youdon’twanttosaysomethingyou’llendupregrettinglater!”,因为只有给自己一些时间来消化所听到的内容才能让自己不会说出后悔的话。
3.F 根据上文“whosaiditandwhy”以及下文“Oraretheyjusttryingtobemean ”可知,上下文都是和批评相关,围绕对批评进行的评估和提问。F项 “Aretheytryingtohelpyou,butdidnotcommunicatetheirpointofviewnicely ”也是提问,同时也和批评相关,符合上下文主要内容。
4.G 根据空前内容“Rememberthatsometimespeopledothingsnottoattackyoupersonally,buttoventangerorfrustration.Socalmdownandbeasunderstandingasyoucan.”可知,作者建议当我们被批评的时候,要冷静下来尽可能去理解对方。G项 “Choosingtotaketherightpathisdoingyourselfafavorandnotgettingangry.”与上文内容一致,都是建议我们要选择不生气、冷静。
5.B 设空处位置为小标题。根据下文内容可知,作者建议我们,当批评确实有道理的时候,我们可以选择利用批评找到提升自己的方式,所以本段的主要内容就是利用批评。B项 “Useittoyouradvantage.”符合本段内容。
1.E 根据上文可知,研究发现左撇子更独立,浏览下文可知接下来文章主要讲的是左撇子的一些有趣的事情,全文是总—分的结构,由此推知,空处承上启下。E项“Hereareafewmorefascinatingleft-handedpeoplefacts!”承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。
2.G 根据本段标题“Morelikelytohaveallergiesandsleepdisorders”可知,本段主要讲的是左撇子更容易有过敏和睡眠障碍。根据空前“Astudyfoundthatleft-handedpeoplewere11timesmorelikelytosufferfromallergiesthanright-handedfolk.”可知,此处讲的是左撇子更容易患过敏症,所以可以推断接下来应该讲的是睡眠障碍问题。G项“Andleftiesweretwoandahalftimesmorelikelytosufferfromsleepdisorders.”指出了左撇子更容易患有睡眠障碍,符合上下文语境。
3.C 根据本段小标题“Left-handedpeopleusetherightsideofthebrainthemost”可知,本段主要讲的是左撇子更容易使用右脑。根据空后“meaningthattherightsidecontrolstheleftsideofthebodyandtheotherwayaround”可知此处是在对左右脑的交叉控制这一事实进行解释,所以空处应该指出大脑是交叉控制的这一事实。C项“Asweknow,thebrainiscross-wired,”符合上下文语境。
4.D 根据本段小标题“Areleft-handedpeoplesmarter ”可知,本段主要围绕着左撇子是不是更聪明来展开。根据空后内容可知,关于左撇子的智商问题,不同日期的研究结果是不一样的。空处位于段首,应是对全段的概括,所以空处应该讲关于左撇子是不是更聪明这个问题的答案与消息来源的日期有关。D项“Thisonevariesdependingonhowdatedyoursourceis!”既回答了小标题的提问,同时也概括了全段,而且D项中的Thisone指代小标题的问题,符合上下文语境。
5.A 根据本部分内容可知,左撇子在解决问题时更倾向于整体解决问题。空处为本段小标题,所以空处应该讲的是左撇子的另外一个有趣的事实——更善于把问题看作一个整体来解决。A项“Betteratmultitasking”指出左撇子善于处理多项任务,符合上下文语境。故选A项。
1.F 上文“Whentryingtoovercomeit,youshouldnottrytogetridofyourfeelingsofanxietybutshouldaimtodevelopyourcopingabilitieswhenyoudofeelanxiety.”说明克服焦虑的关键是提升处理情绪的能力。F项“Havingtheabilitytocopewiththeanxiousthoughtisthekeytoovercomingit.”中“theabilitytocopewiththeanxiousthought”照应上文“copingabilitieswhenyoudofeelanxiety”,衔接恰当。
2.C 下文“Donotstartbeatingyourselfupaboutit,ortellyourselfunhelpfulthingssuchas ‘Iwillneverbeabletogetoutofthis’ or ‘Iamincapable’.”说明了面对焦虑时,不能自我怀疑和否定,要正视问题,而不是逃避它。C项“Understandandacknowledgethatyouareanxious.”说明正视焦虑是一个很好的开始,符合句意。
3.E 上文“Issomethinginyourenvironmenttheprimarysource ”说明要弄清楚焦虑的根源。E项“Youcanhandleanxietymoreeasilywhenyouareclearaboutwhatitis.”说明了弄清楚焦虑来源有助于更好地处理焦虑,故选E项。
4.D 上文“Ifyourfearislargelyimaginationorcan’tbedealtwithnow”提出了一种假设,D项“maketheconsciousefforttoputitoutofyourmind.”提出了应对虚拟问题或者不能立刻解决的问题的应对方法,故选D项。
5.A 根据下文“Ifyourfearismind-consuming,takeamomenttothinkaboutthehonestandabsoluteworstthingthatcouldhappenasaresultofit.”并结合下文举例可知,本段主要说明要考虑到最糟糕的情况。故选A项。
1.C 上文“Composingessaysisanartthatyoumustmastertoscoregoodmarks.Foranyparagraphwritten,youmustbeabletolinkthatwiththeformerorthelatter.”阐述了写作中段落之间衔接的重要性;由本文标题“Howtolinkparagraphsinanessay”以及通读下文可知,文章阐述了写作中衔接段落的一些策略和建议;C项“Ifstuck,youcantakehelpfromthefollowing4tips.”承上启下,阐明了文章的主旨,符合语境。
2.E 由小标题“Read,read,read”以及设空处上文“Teacherssuggestthehabitofreadingtoenhanceyourqualityofwriting.”可知,本段建议多阅读;E项“Readingthroughanumberofsampleessayswillhelpyoudesignbetteressays.”承接上文,阐述认真通读范文对写作的益处;下文“Notehowtheessayuseslinkingwords...essayispresentedforreaders.”阐述了阅读范文时要注意衔接词的使用以及文章流畅性和专业性。故选E项。
3.F 由小标题“Beawareaboutsignposting”以及下文“Beforeusingthem...logicandmakeitlookmorecoherent.”可知,本段的建议是使用好路标词,使文章具有逻辑性和连贯性;F项“Signpostsrefertolinkingwordsorphrasesassociatingoneparagraphwithsomeothers”,解释了什么是路标词,选项中的“Signposts”切合小标题中的“signposting”;下文“buttheirusemustalsobeknowncarefully”与选项构成转折关系,指出路标词虽然起到衔接作用,但是必须仔细了解路标词的用法,故选F项。
4.B 分析文章结构可知,设空处为小标题;由下文内容可知本段阐述的是衔接词的使用要根据表达的内容仔细选择,不是随心所欲的;B项“Pickwordscarefully”能够概括本段主旨,适合作为本段小标题。
5.D 上文“Ifyouwishtoseehowyouressaystands,makeadraftandreaditthoroughly.”建议先拟一份草稿,通读一下;D项“Thatway,youwillbeabletofindyourownmistakesandcorrectthem.”承接上文,阐述了先打草稿的原因与益处,选项中的“Thatway”指代上文中的“makeadraftandreaditthoroughly”。
1.(Passage 1)criticism n.批评
2.(Passage 1)argue back反驳
3.(Passage 1)cool off平静下来
4.(Passage 1)frustration n.挫折,沮丧
5.(Passage 2)make up占
6.(Passage 2)suffer from遭受……
7.(Passage 3)capacity n.能力
8.(Passage 3)cope with处理
9.(Passage 4)enhance vt.提高;增强;改善
10.(Passage 4)thoroughly adv.仔细地
1.(Passage 2)One really interesting fact that I picked up was from a scientist who believed that left-handed people tended to be more independent as a result of having to adapt to a world that is largely built for right-handed individuals.
分析:本句为复合句。that I picked up为that引导的定语从句;who believed that left-handed people tended to be more independent as a result of having to adapt to a world为who引导的定语从句,该从句中又含有that引导的宾语从句;that is largely built for right-handed individuals为that引导的定语从句。
2.(Passage 3)No matter how creative your response may be,thinking critically will lead to find that should it occur,there are few endings that can’t be dealt with in a reasonable manner.
分析:本句为复合句。No matter how creative your response may be为no matter how引导的让步状语从句;that should it occur,there are few endings that can’t be dealt with in a reasonable manner为that引导的宾语从句,该从句中should it occur为省略if采用倒装形式的虚拟条件句,that can’t be dealt with in a reasonable manner为that引导的定语从句。
句意:无论你的回应多么有创意,批判性思考会让你发现,如果这种情况发生,很少有结局是不能以合理的方式处理的。考点分类练(二) 词汇复现类
It’s always exciting to begin a new job.But among the frenzy (激动) of meeting new colleagues,starting new projects,and building new skills,there can be a stressful pressure to succeed.A big part of your success is determined by how quickly you are able to digest lots of information,which can be very hard. 1 
*Manage yourself
When you notice information overload,don’t ignore it and don’t panic.Say to yourself,“I’m in a new job and there is plenty to learn here.It’s okay to feel this way.” 2  Remember that emotions can help you better understand yourself and your values.
*Sort your information
 3  It keeps what it needs more immediately in our short-term memory,and it mixes together information we may need to use in the future to store in our long-term memory.For the information that’s not needed,our brain acts like a garbage management,recycling,and deleting it.
* 4 
Organizations often have digital knowledge management systems to store and take important information.You can do the same to reduce brain burden.I recommend creating a Word or Google document in which you write down information that your brain doesn’t need to remember or store.
*Reduce task-switching
Multitasking isn’t good for you physically or mentally and is worse for your productivity and cognition (认知). 5 You can go for longer than that,but be sure to take a break.Focused activity is less taxing than multitasking,but you can’t keep working endlessly.
A.Respond positively
B.Use technology to help
C.That problem is much easier to understand and solve.
D.Here are some methods to deal with the information overload.
E.For greater results,focus on one task for around 25 minutes.
F.Our brain is like a clever piece of equipment that “takes in information”.
G.This self-talk helps normalize the situation and makes the emotions easier to handle.
Many people describe volunteering as merely an unpaid job where you put in the effort and get nothing in return. 1 Actually,volunteering has many benefits and you are always encouraged to volunteer your time to do what you are passionate about.
 2  Volunteering time to enrich your community is a great way to broaden your perceptions of the world.It will enrich your life,familiarize you with your community,and connect you to people and ideas that will positively impact your perspective for the rest of your life.And by surrounding yourself with people who are dedicated to making the world better,you can learn so much about how the world works.
It is statistically proven that people who volunteer regularly are healthier both physically and mentally.Individuals who have volunteered throughout their lifetime typically live longer and have better psychological well-being.In addition to the health benefits,volunteering gives people a unique sense of purpose by serving those around them. 3 
Besides,working alongside individuals who also care about improving their surroundings will allow you to broaden your network of friends. 4 Additionally,it will help you better understand the circumstances of other members.
Whether you’re passionate about animal rights or helping the homeless,you can find a valuable way to donate your time. 5 They can be a great place to find opportunities to give back to the place you call home.Besides,you can check websites like Volunteer-Match or Idealist for volunteer opportunities that fit your interests and abilities.
A.However,it is not true to a certain extent.
B.How can you get involved in your community
C.Many towns and cities have community centers.
D.Why is it important for you to volunteer your time
E.Volunteering may even help you develop the expertise.
F.You’ll have more opportunities to meet lots of new people.
G.The sense of giving back and contributing to society is unequalled.
Too much stuff,too much to do,too much stress...These are weighing people down and breaking their spirit. 1  Here are several things to help you get started.
The first step is to sort out your possessions.To live a simple life,you need a simple living space.So take some time to tidy your living area.Focus on keeping things that you value deeply and throw away things that you don’t need any longer. 2  Finally,you will be shocked to see how few possessions you actually use in your daily life.
 3  As humans we tend to think what we are used to as naturally right.However,there could be problems in the million little things that bother us as we go about our day.The best skill you can develop in your life is the ability to take a step back and look at things objectively by raising doubts about what is seemingly the way it is supposed to be.
We should always stay mindful and live with intention.If there is something in your life that you don’t love,change it!Cut out the things that aren’t serving you.You can write down what an ideal day would look like for you in five years’ time.Then outline what things you want more in your life and what things you want less. 4 
Managing your time wisely counts. 5  Instead,take some time to think about whether it’s something that you are excited about attending.Be intentional with how you spend your time and take control of what you do.This is how you can guarantee yourself a flexible schedule and do everything in an unhurried way.
A.Minimalists live intentionally.
B.Complete the process in several sweeps.
C.Don’t reply “yes” to everything you’re invited to.
D.With that in hand,you have a goal to work towards.
E.From time to time you need to question about your lifestyle.
F.That’s why there is a growing interest in the minimalist lifestyle.
G.Having a flexible schedule depends on you taking control of things.
Want to lower your blood pressure,lose weight and reduce the risk of diseases Go take a walk.
Walking,as a simple activity most of us do without much thought,offers a host of vital health benefits. 1  It also contributes to improved bone strength,energy and mental health,among other things.Despite these advantages,our busy lives can be roadblocks.But there are simple ways to help you put one foot in front of the other.
Make it a habit. 2  For busy folks who might forget to walk,you’d better put it in your calendar.Laterally give yourself an appointment—schedule it as “me time”.Over time,you will make walking one of your habits.
 3  To avoid predictability or boredom,get others to join you.Whether it’s a co-worker,a family member or a friend,having someone else by your side can be a big encouragement.
Make it work.Office types needn’t be confined (限制) to your desks.If circumstances allow,consider a walking meeting.Group discussions can take place during a walk.Or,when you can,walk around the building during phone calls. 4 
Make use of technology.There’s no shortage of high tech fitness tools and apps designed to follow your every move.And it’s certainly fine to keep score. 5  Instead,use those that count the amount of time you’re walking ideally 10 minutes or more in a given stretch.
With these tips to help you,you are sure to benefit a lot from walking.
A.Make it a group outing.
B.Make it a family activity.
C.Repetition is the mother of routine.
D.Seeing these scores can get you inspired.
E.And instead of sending email,walk over to talk to them.
F.But don’t choose trackers that simply monitor your step numbers.
G.For example,walking just 30 minutes a day can lower your risk of cancer.
考点分类练(二) 词汇复现类
1.D 设空处上文介绍了新工作所带来的压力和挑战——消化过多的信息;下文作者就如何处理大量信息提出四点建议;D项“Herearesomemethodstodealwiththeinformationoverload”承上启下,符合语境,选项中的“theinformationoverload”指代上文的“lotsofinformation”,“somemethods”指下文所给出的具体的解决方法。
2.G 由小标题“Manageyourself”可知本段的建议是管理好自己;上文“Whenyounoticeinformationoverload...It’sokaytofeelthisway.”介绍了面对大量信息时,如何调整自己的心态和情绪;G项“Thisself-talkhelpsnormalizethesituationandmakestheemotionseasiertohandle.”承接上文,说明自我对话所起到的作用。选项中的“Thisself-talk”指代上文“Saytoyourself,‘I’minanewjobandthereisplentytolearnhere.It’sokaytofeelthisway.’ ”;下文“Rememberthatemotionscanhelpyoubetterunderstandyourselfandyourvalues.”阐述了管理好情绪的重要性;由此可知,G项符合本段主旨和语境。
3.F 由下文“Itkeepswhatitneedsmoreimmediately...storeinourlong-termmemory.”可知句中“It”指代设空处所提到的某种存储信息的东西;结合本段最后一句“Fortheinformationthat’snotneeded,ourbrainactslikeagarbagemanagement,recycling,anddeletingit.”可知设空处提到是大脑。F项“Ourbrainislikeacleverpieceofequipmentthat ‘takesininformation’.”符合语境,选项中的“takesin”与下文中的“keeps”和“store”表达的意义一致。
4.B 分析文章结构可知,设空处为此段的小标题;由下文内容可知作者在本段建议运用Word或Google文档来帮大脑减负;B项“Usetechnologytohelp”能够概括本段主旨,适合作为小标题。
5.E 上文“Multitaskingisn’tgoodforyouphysicallyormentallyandisworseforyourproductivityandcognition.”阐述了同时处理多项任务的弊端;E项“Forgreaterresults,focusononetaskforaround25minutes.”针对上文所阐述的同时处理多任务的弊端提出了解决方法:专注于一项任务;下文承接E项,就专注于一项活动的时间进一步阐述,指出专注于一项工作时,时间不能太长,要注意休息。故选E项。
1.A 根据空前“Manypeopledescribevolunteeringasmerelyanunpaidjobwhereyouputintheeffortandgetnothinginreturn.”可知,A项“However,itisnottruetoacertainextent.”作为过渡句,表示与上句的转折关系,其中it指代的就是上句提到的内容,且空后“Actually,volunteeringhasmanybenefitsandyouarealwaysencouragedtovolunteeryourtimetodowhatyouarepassionateabout.”也是对A项的进一步解释。
2.D 根据本段空后内容可知,此处是在具体解释志愿服务的好处,这也是对D项“Whyisitimportantforyoutovolunteeryourtime ”问题的回答。
3.G 根据空前“Inadditiontothehealthbenefits,volunteeringgivespeopleauniquesenseofpurposebyservingthosearoundthem.”可知,此处的这种独特的使命感指的就是G项“Thesenseofgivingbackandcontributingtosocietyisunequalled.”中的回馈社会和为社会做贡献的感觉,且sense为词义复现。
4.F 根据空前“Besides,workingalongsideindividualswhoalsocareaboutimprovingtheirsurroundingswillallowyoutobroadenyournetworkoffriends.”可知,扩大朋友圈就是意味着交更多朋友,这与F项“You’llhavemoreopportunitiestomeetlotsofnewpeople.”内容一致。
5.C 根据空后“Theycanbeagreatplacetofindopportunitiestogivebacktotheplaceyoucallhome.”可知,此处的“They”指的就是C项“Manytownsandcitieshavecommunitycenters.”中communitycenters。建议人们可以去社区中心开展志愿服务工作,符合上下文语境。
1.F 根据空前的“Toomuchstuff,toomuchtodo,toomuchstress...Theseareweighingpeopledownandbreakingtheirspirit.”可知,太多的事情,太多的压力让人们不堪重负;空后“Hereareseveralthingstohelpyougetstarted.”讲述的是帮助你如何开始,由此可知,该空为过渡句,引出帮助人们开始过上的是什么样的生活。F项“That’swhythereisagrowinginterestintheminimalistlifestyle.”讲述的是人们对过极简生活方式感兴趣,与空前为因果关系,同时过渡到下文,起到了承上启下的作用。
2.B 根据空后的“Finally,youwillbeshockedtoseehowfewpossessionsyouactuallyuseinyourdailylife.”可知,最后你会对自己的成果感到惊讶,所以可推断,此空应表示打扫的工作已经完成。B项“Completetheprocessinseveralsweeps.”中的完成这一过程与下文内容衔接,符合逻辑。
3.E 根据空后的“Thebestskillyoucandevelopinyourlifeistheabilitytotakeastepbackandlookatthingsobjectivelybyraisingdoubtsaboutwhatisseeminglythewayitissupposedtobe.”可知,作者建议人们对看似应该是这样的事情提出质疑。E项“Fromtimetotimeyouneedtoquestionaboutyourlifestyle.”质疑当前的生活方式,与下文内容吻合。
4.D 根据本段主题句“Weshouldalwaysstaymindfulandlivewithintention.”可知,本段讲述的内容是建议我们带着目标生活。D项“Withthatinhand,youhaveagoaltoworktowards.”讲述的是我们有为之努力的目标,其中的goal与intention为同义词,且与主题吻合。
5.C 根据空后的“Instead,takesometimetothinkaboutwhetherit’ssomethingthatyouareexcitedaboutattending.”的Instead可知,此处讲述的内容是该如何做,所以空处应为不要做什么。C项“Don’treply ‘yes’ toeverythingyou’reinvitedto.”讲述的是不要事事都答应,内容符合题意且逻辑合理。
1.G 根据上文“Walking,asasimpleactivitymostofusdowithoutmuchthought,offersahostofvitalhealthbenefits.”可知,本段主要讲述的是步行带来的好处。G项“Forexample,walkingjust30minutesadaycanloweryourriskofcancer.”符合语境。
2.C 根据本段主旨句“Makeitahabit.”可知,本段建议让走路成为一种习惯。C项中的“routine”和“habit”对应。故选C项。
3.A 根据下文“Toavoidpredictabilityorboredom,getotherstojoinyou.”可知,本段建议人们为了避免枯燥无聊,让别人加入。A项“Makeitagroupouting.”符合语境。
4.E 根据上文“Officetypesneedn’tbeconfined...walkaroundthebuildingduringphonecalls.”可知,本段内容建议工作期间人们的活动范围不要局限于办公桌附近,要尝试大家一起散步,从而在散步中解决问题,也可以在打电话时迈开步子,所以此处也是建议人们离开办公桌多步行。E项“Andinsteadofsendingemail,walkovertotalktothem.”符合语境。
5.F 根据段落主题句“Makeuseoftechnology.”可知,本段建议人们使用高科技健身工具和应用程序来进行监测,因此F项“Butdon’tchoosetrackersthatsimplymonitoryourstepnumbers.”符合语境,和后句内容形成对比。
1.(Passage 1)digest vt.消化,理解,领悟
2.(Passage 1)panic vi. 恐慌,惊慌失措
3.(Passage 1)sort vt.整理,把……分类
4.(Passage 2)in return作为回报
5.(Passage 2)be passionate about对于……很热情
6.(Passage 2)be dedicated to致力于,献身于
7.(Passage 2)surround yourself with喜欢结交(某类人)
8.(Passage 3)raise doubts about对……提出质疑
9.(Passage 3)cut out删除
10.(Passage 4)circumstance n.情况
(Passage 1)I recommend creating a Word or Google document in which you write down information that your brain doesn’t need to remember or store.
分析:本句为复合句。in which you write down information为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句;that your brain doesn’t need to remember or store为that引导的定语从句。
句意:我建议创建一个Word或Google文档,在其中写下大脑不需要记住或存储的信息。考点分类练(三) 代词线索类
By the turn of 2022,I thought I was living mindfully and rather sustainably.I had been composting(施堆肥) fruit and vegetable leftovers,and repairing my own clothes.But as life was easing back into normal,certain aspects made me feel uncomfortable,like the amount of plastic being thrown away. 1 These feelings made me realize there was still room for improvement and I was up for it throughout the year.
Take up walking.The biggest change this year for me has been to take up walking wholeheartedly.Having spent so much time indoors,I wanted to have a gentle form of exercise where I could enjoy the outdoors.I started walking.Walking connected me to the beautiful creatures that live among us. 2 
Tackle plastic waste.It was only after I started composting that I realized how much organic waste even a small household could generate. 3  Luckily,our city offers a door-to-door dry waste recycling service that visits every two weeks and collects it.
 4  Refills are a great solution to single-use plastics and to reducing my waste footprint.Earlier this year I switched to ordering household goods from a company that supplies refills for organic kitchen cleaners,toilet cleaners,and even washing machine powder.
Establish a morning routine.Waking up early comes with its own set of benefits,namely a morning routine.I do some morning reading before I brush,followed by my walk.Then,I cycle for 20 minutes before I shower. 5  Meanwhile,they keep my evenings free so that I can meet friends,read,or connect with family,and slowly prepare my body to rest as night approaches.
A.Use less plastics.
B.Switch to refills.
C.It helped me to reflect upon life.
D.Household waste is easy to deal with.
E.These activities prepare me for the day.
F.I needed to find a solution to the waste.
G.I was also feeling unfit and unmotivated.
One of the best ways to practice forgiveness is with the REACH method.REACH stands for Recall,Empathize (移情),Altruistic (利他的) gift,Commit and Hold. 1 
Recall.The first step is to recall the wrongdoing in an objective way.The goal is not to think of the person in a negative light,but to come to a clear understanding of the wrong that was done. 2  Don’t push aside anything,especially if it makes you feel angry or upset.
Empathize.Try to understand the other person’s point of view regarding why he or she hurt you,but don’t minimize the wrong that was done.Sometimes the wrongdoing was not personal,but due to something the other person was dealing with. 3  They often don’t think clearly when they hurt others,and they just lose control.
Altruisticgift.This step is about addressing your own shortcomings.Recall a time when you treated someone unkindly and were forgiven. 4  Recognizing this helps you realize that forgiveness is an altruistic gift that you can give to others.
mit yourself to forgiveness.For instance,write about your forgiveness in a journal or a letter that you don’t send or tell a friend.
Hold.Finally,hold on to your forgiveness.This step is tough because memories of the event will often happen again.Forgiveness is not erasure (消除). 5  When bad feelings arise,remind yourself that you have forgiven and finally you want good for the offender.
A.How did it make you feel
B.Here is a look at each step.
C.Forgiveness is a character of the strong and wise.
D.How can you acquire the habit of showing kindness to others
E.Rather,it’s about changing your reaction to those awful memories.
F.Visualize the person and situation and all the feelings that come with it.
G.People who attack others are sometimes themselves in a state of fear and worry.
A major benefit of growing your own tomatoes is variety.If you visit a garden center,you will find seeds and small starter plants for yellow tomatoes,purple tomatoes,huge tomatoes,and even very small tomatoes.
 1  The most important things are to give the plants plenty of water,well-draining soil,heat and light.It is best to grow tomatoes in a place that receives at least six hours of sunlight each day.Removing weeds will keep pests and diseases away while giving the plants enough nutrients to produce fruit.
Tomatoes grow best in soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 6.8.If the pH reading is lower than 6.0,you can add about 2 cups of dolomitic lime (石灰) into the soil for each plant.
If you want to grow really big tomatoes,try following these seven tips from expert growers:Select tomato seeds with names like Big Zac or Bull’s Heart. 2 
Start seeds early indoors and re-plant them into larger containers several times before moving them outdoors. 3  removing leaves from the bottom one-third of plants and burying stems up to the next set of leaves.This will produce stronger plants.
Remove new flowers that develop at the top of the plant when older fruits near the bottom begin to grow. 4  Pay close attention!Observe the plants daily for pests and diseases.React quickly to prevent problems.
Remove the small growths where the plant’s stems and branches meet.This will prevent them from taking away nutrients and shading developing fruit under them.
 5  instead of letting them develop into a shorter,wider shrub (灌木).
Finally,water,fertilize and weed!
A.Plant them deep each time,
B.Rich soil benefits the growth,
C.Tomatoes are not difficult to grow.
D.Skills are demanding in growing tomatoes,
E.Cut back the plants to keep only one main branch,
F.They are genetically designed to produce large fruit.
G.This will force the plant to produce fewer but larger tomatoes.
Family meals are important and connect family members. 1 There is no need to worry about going to school,work and more.
Studies have shown family mealtime increases positive social skills,school engagement and decreases the frequency of negative behaviors. 2  Trying new food or not restricting on food is encouraged.Children who engage in family mealtime are less likely to have eating disorders.In addition,those who share frequent family meals are more likely to eat a larger number of fruits and vegetables and be less picky about food.
 3 For example,we need to consider the budget,the time for meal preparation,the availability of recommended foods or supplements(补充物品)at a typical grocery store. 4 Members may have various cultural or dietary preferences.In view of this,we should make sure that the eating plan offers nutritional value for different calorie and nutritional needs—for people of different ages,different activity levels and health conditions.
Healthy eating should be a family affair,and some recommended diets will help you reach that goal by highlighting eating plans that are safe,flexible and nutritious for everyone at the table.In addition,the foods in the diets can be purchased fresh,canned or frozen. 5 
A.They prefer junk food like hamburgers,fried chicken.
B.A team of health experts think family meals are difficult.
C.They can get people to relax and make their relationship closer.
D.It also offers an opportunity to set healthy eating habits for kids.
E.Thus,it is convenient and easy for families to have family meals.
F.We also considered how adaptable this diet would be for a whole family.
G.We should have a balanced diet and pay attention to what we have every day.
考点分类练(三) 代词线索类
1.G 空前“Butaslifewaseasingbackintonormal,certainaspectsmademefeeluncomfortable,liketheamountofplasticbeingthrownaway.”讲述的是作者对生活恢复正常后的感受。结合空后的“ThesefeelingsmademerealizetherewasstillroomforimprovementandIwasupforitthroughouttheyear.”可知,此空处应该是指的作者的某种感受,G项“Iwasalsofeelingunfitandunmotivated.”讲述的是作者的感受,also是关键信息,且与空后内容吻合。
2.C 根据空前的“Walkingconnectedmetothebeautifulcreaturesthatliveamongus.”可知,散步把作者与周围美丽的生物联系在一起。结合空格所处的位置,此处是对该段的总结,C项“Ithelpedmetoreflectuponlife.”中的It代指的内容为空前的Walking,且内容与本段相吻合。
3.F 根据本段小标题“Tackleplasticwaste.”以及空后的“Luckily,ourcityoffersadoor-to-doordrywasterecyclingservicethatvisitseverytwoweeksandcollectsit.”可知,此处讲述的内容与垃圾处理有关系。F项“Ineededtofindasolutiontothewaste.”讲述的是作者想找到处理垃圾的办法,与本段主题吻合,且与下文内容衔接恰当。
4.B 分析篇章结构可知,此空处应为本段的主题句,应为祈使句,结合空后的“Refillsareagreatsolutiontosingle-useplasticsandtoreducingmywastefootprint.”可知,本段讲述的内容与补充装材料相关;B项“Switchtorefills.”讲述的内容与本段内容一致,句式与其他段落主题一致。
5.E 根据空前的“IdosomemorningreadingbeforeIbrush,followedbymywalk.Then,Icyclefor20minutesbeforeIshower.”可知,这些是作者早上的一系列活动;E项“Theseactivitiespreparemefortheday.”中的Theseactivities指代的内容与空前内容一致。故选E项。
1.B 根据上文“OneofthebestwaystopracticeforgivenessiswiththeREACHmethod.REACHstandsforRecall,Empathize,Altruisticgift,CommitandHold.”可知,本文话题为REACH法,根据下文五个小标题可知,B项起到承上启下作用,统领下文。
2.F 本段小标题为Recall,根据上文“Thefirststepistorecallthewrongdoing...ofthewrongthatwasdone.”可知,通过回顾过失可以帮助了解这人错在哪里,复现词为theperson;F项“Visualizethepersonandsituationandallthefeelingsthatcomewithit.”具体表述怎么回顾,下文“Don’tpushasideanything,especiallyifitmakesyoufeelangryorupset.”中的feelangryorupset呼应F项中的allthefeelingsthatcomewithit,上下文衔接连贯。
3.G 根据下文“Theyoftendon’tthinkclearlywhentheyhurtothers,andtheyjustlosecontrol.”可知当他们伤害别人的时候,他们往往没有想清楚,他们只是失去了控制;They指代G项中的Peoplewhoattackothers,攻击他人的人有时因处于恐惧和担忧的状态而失控伤人,上下文衔接连贯顺畅。
4.A 根据上文“Recallatimewhenyoutreatedsomeoneunkindlyandwereforgiven.”可知回忆一下你对别人不友好而被原谅的经历。上文与A项为顺接关系,下文“Recognizingthishelpsyourealizethatforgivenessisanaltruisticgiftthatyoucangivetoothers.”中的this指代A项内容,上下文衔接连贯。
5.E 本段小标题为Hold,作为练习宽恕的最后一个环节,上文“Forgivenessisnoterasure.”可知宽恕不是抹去,上文与E项为转折关系;下文“Whenbadfeelingsarise,remindyourselfthatyouhaveforgivenandfinallyyouwantgoodfortheoffender.”承接E项内容,表达了面对不好的记忆、感觉,不是抹去,而是改变自己的态度、反应,上下文衔接连贯。
1.C 下文“Themostimportantthingsaretogivetheplantsplentyofwater,well-drainingsoil,heatandlight.Itisbesttogrowtomatoesinaplacethatreceivesatleastsixhoursofsunlighteachday.”描述如何种植西红柿,C项“西红柿不难种植”符合语境。
2.F 上文“Ifyouwanttogrowreallybigtomatoes,tryfollowingtheseseventipsfromexpertgrowers:SelecttomatoseedswithnameslikeBigZacorBull’sHeart.”提到,如果想种植出大西红柿,可以选择BigZac或Bull’sHeart这样的西红柿种子;F项“它们的基因设计都是为了结出大的果实”符合语境,F项中的“They”指代上文中的“BigZacorBull’sHeart”。
3.A 根据空后“removingleavesfromthebottomone-thirdofplantsandburyingstemsuptothenextsetofleaves”可知,要把西红柿种得深一些,A项“每次都要把它们种得很深”符合语境。
4.G 上文“Removenewflowersthatdevelopatthetopoftheplantwhenolderfruitsnearthebottombegintogrow.”提到,当底部附近的较为老的果实开始生长时,移除植物顶部发育的新花;G项“这将迫使植物生产更少但更大的西红柿”符合语境,描述这样做的原因。
5.E 根据空后“insteadoflettingthemdevelopintoashorter,widershrub”可知,E项“修剪植株,只保留一条主枝”符合语境;空处是描述避免让西红柿植株长成更短、更宽的灌木的方法。
1.C 根据上文“Familymealsareimportantandconnectfamilymembers.”讲述了家庭聚餐的重要性在于可以把家庭成员联系起来。因此空处承接上文,讲述家庭聚餐的意义。C项中的They指代上文的“Familymeals”,符合题意。
2.D 上文“Studieshaveshownfamilymealtimeincreasespositivesocialskills,schoolengagementanddecreasesthefrequencyofnegativebehaviors.”提到了家庭进餐时间的作用。因而空处承接上文,讲述家庭进餐时间的其他作用。D项“它也为孩子们建立健康的饮食习惯提供了机会。”It指代上文的“familymealtime”,承接上文,符合题意。
3.B 下文“Forexample,weneedtoconsiderthebudget,thetimeformealpreparation,theavailabilityofrecommendedfoodsorsupplementsatatypicalgrocerystore.”通过事例列举出了家庭聚餐时,我们需要考虑的问题,因此作为段落主题句应表达,举办家庭聚餐是困难的。B项“一组健康专家认为家庭聚餐是困难的。”切题。
4.F 上文“Forexample,weneedtoconsiderthebudget,thetimeformealpreparation,theavailabilityofrecommendedfoodsorsupplementsatatypicalgrocerystore.”列举了在家庭聚餐时,我们需要考虑的问题。因此空处承接上文,讲述我们还应考虑饮食要满足家人的胃口。F项“我们还考虑了这种饮食对整个家庭的适应性。”切题。
5.E 上文“Inaddition,thefoodsinthedietscanbepurchasedfresh,cannedorfrozen.”说明了准备的食物的来源,所以空处承接上文,讲述这样做可以为家庭聚餐带来方便。E项“因此,对于家人而言,家庭聚餐这样做是简单方便的。”切题。
1.(Passage 1)take up开始从事
2.(Passage 1)tackle vt.应付,解决
3.(Passage 1)generate vt.产生
4.(Passage 1)routine n.常规,惯例
5.(Passage 2)recall vt.回想起
6.(Passage 2)address vt.设法解决
7.(Passage 2)hold on to 坚持
8.(Passage 2)arise vi.出现
9.(Passage 4)engage in从事于,参加
10.(Passage 4)in view of鉴于
(Passage 2)Try to understand the other person’s point of view regarding why he or she hurt you,but don’t minimize the wrong that was done.
分析:本句为并列复合句。but前第一个分句为复合句。why he or she hurt you为why引导的宾语从句;but后第二个分句为复合句,that was done为that引导的定语从句。
句意:试着理解对方为什么伤害你的观点,但不要把错误最小化。考点分类练(四) 逻辑关系类
Instead of cluttering(乱堆放)our homes,garages and the planet,setting up a Library of Things allows neighbours to borrow and share huge,pricey goods. 1  But instead of borrowing books,local people are borrowing drills,pasta makers and guitars for an affordable fee.Here’s how to start your own:
 2  Do they feel their home is too cluttered Do they want to do their bit for the environment and spend less money Link into local networks and ask people to vote on a “wish list” of items they could borrow.
Start small in someone’s garage or local market to see what items are most popular.Then find space in buildings in urban areas with high footfall such as libraries or community hubs. 3 
We were living in a small house and needed some tools to put up shelves.We didn’t want to own the tools and hiring them was expensive! 4  Inspired by tool libraries in the US and lending libraries in Berlin,we started a small Library of Things locally and seven years later we’re running five Library of Things locations across London.
We’ve run very successful events led by borrowers such as mending meetups,sewing classes,DIY classes. 5  Borrowers have previously tested out new food businesses at the market by using our items.And for every £10 someone spends on borrowing,£8 stays locally,creating local jobs and supporting the local community spaces.
A.Find out if local people need a sharing library.
B.The Library of Things has a multiplier effect locally.
C.You’ll need some money to set up your sharing library.
D.But in rural areas,a mobile sharing library could work.
E.We were also getting annoyed about waste we were creating.
F.Speak to others who have done it and are willing to share their knowledge.
G.Affordable,convenient and environmental-friendly,sharing libraries are popping up.
My heart went out to the drama teacher I read about in a recent news item.Each parent from her class insisted that she cast their own child as Snow White.This reminded me of my seventh grade musical —“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.I desperately wanted to play the role of Becky,the female lead who was Tom’s girlfriend. 1 
For starters,Becky had to sing numerous solos,and I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.I also didn’t have long blonde curls like pretty Linda Wright who won the part.
I was assigned the non-singing role of Miss Watson,the maid.I had to wear an ugly dress.And I had only one line to learn,“That’s what I say.” 2  Miss Watson was onstage in quite a few scenes,and got to repeat “That’s what I say” throughout the play.
At last,our production was put onstage.Imagine my surprise when Miss Watson made the audience laugh out loud each time I piped in with “That’s what I say”.I hadn’t known that she — or I — could be funny,or that her character was important in moving the plot along. 3 
That night,I began to understand that being the star may not be any more fun than being a stand-out in a supporting role.Each person,onstage and backstage,is essential in theater.Without everyone doing their part,the play would be dull as dirt. 4  If everyone’s a star then nothing gets done.It’s all noise and chaos.
And so I believe all children should get the opportunity to play Miss Watson,to become someone they didn’t know they wanted to be. 5 
A.So it is in life.
B.It was not to be.
C.It was anything but a great part.
D.My Miss Watson turned out to be a hit.
E.It took the entire cast to make a good show.
F.There was an advantage,in my opinion,though.
G.I would hope all children could be a hit in life.
The benefits of walking are many,but deciding how many miles to cover and how much time to spend walking each day is another matter.
Studies have shown that the average American takes between 3,000 and 4,000 steps daily doing everyday things — about 1.5 to 2 miles. 1  But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises most adults to aim for 10,000 steps a day or about 5 miles.And the recommendation contributes to more positive health outcomes.
 2  You can measure your efforts in quantities of time instead.“As a walker,you should aim for at least 30 minutes per day,or a total of 150 minutes per week,” says Austin,a licensed psychotherapist.What’s more,if 30 minutes of walking is unrealistic for you to do all at once,then breaking it up into three short,10-minute sessions. 3 
It may also be helpful to health to make walking a part of one’s daily routine.People can take the stairs instead of the elevator,park at the other end of the lot and walk a further distance to a store’s entrance when shopping. 4  Then walk the rest of the way home.All these additional steps can be acquired creatively,beyond fixed walking time.
On top of such physical benefits,walking has been shown to improve sleep and mental health including mood and self-esteem. 5  Therefore,it is free and well accepted by the majority of people.If one is ready to improve overall levels of fitness,walking ticks all the right boxes.
A.Combine walking with everyday routine.
B.They will provide the same health benefits.
C.What if counting results by miles isn’t your thing
D.Still,why not get off public transportation a stop early
E.Walking sessions should be continuous to be beneficial.
F.That amount alone has been shown to lower one’s death risk.
G.Walking requires no special equipment,gym membership or training.
If you want to memorize something quickly and thoroughly,repetition won’t cut it. 1 Below are some universal steps to mastering the art of recalling so that you can start memorizing a ton of data in a short amount of time.
Pay close attention to which environment you choose.For most people,this means choosing an area with few distractions.Figure out what is most beneficial to your learning so that you can get started.Next,start drinking some tea. 2 
This is especially useful if you’re trying to memorize information from a lecture.Use a tape recorder to track all of the acquired facts being spoken and listen to it.If you’re trying to memorize a speech,record yourself reading the speech aloud and listen to yourself speaking.
Before you start trying to recall everything from memory,write and re-write the information.Now that you have everything written down in one set of notes,separate them into sections.You can use color coding to differentiate between subjects.This will help you become more familiar with what you’re trying to memorize.
 4  As you memorize each set of the text,accumulate it by adding the new information to what you’ve just learned.This will keep everything within your short-term memory from fading.Keep doing this until you have memorized that section and you are able to recall the entire thing.Do not move on to another section until you have memorized that one completely.
The most effective method for me when I was in school was to teach the information to someone else. 5  If what you’ve learned needs to be recited literally,then do this in front of someone as well in order to get a feel for what it will be like to recite the text to the intended audience.
Finally,let your mind breathe.Go for a short time without thinking about what you just learned and come back to it later on.You’ll find out what you really know,of course,and this will help you focus on the sections you might be weakest at.
A.Recall entire sections.
B.However,recalling something will.
C.Write everything down and section your notes.
D.You can lecture the knowledge to someone sitting right in front of you.
E.For each line of the text,repeat it a few times and try to recall it without looking.
F.While doing unrelated tasks,go over the information by listening to your tape recordings.
G.Many scientific studies have confirmed green tea as a natural fuel for improving memory.
考点分类练(四) 逻辑关系类
1.G 上文“Insteadofclutteringourhomes,garagesandtheplanet,settingupaLibraryofThingsallowsneighbourstoborrowandsharehuge,priceygoods.”提到要建立物品馆,可知,空处承接上文,指出物品馆出现了,与G项“价格合理、方便且环保的共享物品馆正在涌现”符合,同时和下文“Butinsteadofborrowingbooks,localpeopleareborrowingdrills,pastamakersandguitarsforanaffordablefee.”构成转折关系,说明虽然共享物品馆涌现,但是人们没有去借书而是租借了其他物品。
2.A 根据下文“Linkintolocalnetworksandaskpeopletovoteona ‘wishlist’ ofitemstheycouldborrow.”可知,通过链接可以让人们对于可以借的物品进行投票是对A项“了解当地人是否需要共享物品馆”内容的承接,指出了解当地人是否对共享物品馆有需求这一问题的具体做法就是通过在网上让人们投票。
3.D 根据上文“Thenfindspaceinbuildingsinurbanareaswithhighfootfallsuchaslibrariesorcommunityhubs.”可知,上文介绍了在城市的哪些地方可以找到空间建立共享物品馆,与D项“但在农村地区,移动共享物品馆可以发挥作用”构成转折关系,表明在乡村地区共享物品馆的形式和城市中的情况有所不同。
4.E 根据上文“Wewerelivinginasmallhouseandneededsometoolstoputupshelves.Wedidn’twanttoownthetoolsandhiringthemwasexpensive!”可知,我们不想为搭架子的工具花钱,和E项“我们也对自己制造的浪费感到恼火”都是对小标题“为什么建立物品馆”的原因举例说明。
5.B 上文“We’verunverysuccessfulevents”及下文“Borrowershavepreviouslytestedoutnewfoodbusinesses...creatinglocaljobsandsupportingthelocalcommunityspaces.”是对B项“物品馆在当地具有乘数效应”中的 multipliereffect这一概念进行了解释说明,乘数效应是指在公共工程项目之后带来的消费水平和私人投资水平的上升,因为物品馆举办的活动使人们的就业机会增加并支持了当地的社区空间。
1.B 根据空前的“IdesperatelywantedtoplaytheroleofBecky,thefemaleleadwhowasTom’sgirlfriend.”可知,作者非常想扮演贝基这个角色,但是根据第二段内容可知,因为作者自身的条件,她演贝基这个角色是不可能的。由设空处上下文内容可知,此处应是一个承上启下的句子,所以B项“Itwasnottobe.”符合题意。
2.F 根据空后的“MissWatsonwasonstageinquiteafewscenes,andgottorepeat ‘That’swhatIsay’ throughouttheplay.”可知,作者虽然扮演的是个小角色,但是,作者认为对她来说是好事,因为她只需要说一句台词“那就是我说的”。所以F项“Therewasanadvantage,inmyopinion,though.”符合题意,空后的句子是对设空处句子的解释。
3.D 根据空前的“ImaginemysurprisewhenMissWatson...hercharacterwasimportantinmovingtheplotalong.”可知,作者扮演的沃森小姐很受欢迎、很成功。所以D项“MyMissWatsonturnedouttobeahit.”符合题意。
4.A 由空前的“Eachperson,onstageandbackstage,isessentialintheater.Withouteveryonedoingtheirpart,theplaywouldbedullasdirt.”可知,作者认为在戏剧中,台上和后台的每个人都是必不可少的。而根据空后的“Ifeveryone’sastarthennothinggetsdone.It’sallnoiseandchaos.”可知,作者把演戏和生活联系在一起,生活中也不可能人人都是明星。所以,设空处的句子应该是一个承上启下的句子,故选A项。
5.G 由第四段内容可知,作者扮演的沃森小姐很受欢迎、很成功。再由空前的“AndsoIbelieveallchildrenshouldgettheopportunitytoplayMissWatson,tobecomesomeonetheydidn’tknowtheywantedtobe.”可知,作者认为所有的孩子都应该有机会扮演沃森小姐,也就是说所有的孩子都有机会成功。故选G项。
1.F 根据空前“StudieshaveshownthattheaverageAmericantakesbetween3,000and4,000stepsdailydoingeverydaythings—about1.5to2miles.”可知,这里继续介绍每天走3000到4000步的好处——可以降低死亡风险。故选F项。
2.C 根据空后“Youcanmeasureyoureffortsinquantitiesoftimeinstead.”可知,如果不喜欢用多少英里计算步行,也可以用时间来衡量。所以C项 “Whatifcountingresultsbymilesisn’tyourthing ”符合上下文语境。
3.B 根据空前“What’smore,if30minutesofwalkingisunrealisticforyoutodoallatonce,thenbreakingitupintothreeshort,10-minutesessions.”可知,不管是连续步行30分钟还是分成三个10分钟完成都能达到同样的健康好处。所以B项“Theywillprovidethesamehealthbenefits.”符合上下文语境。
4.D 根据空后“Thenwalktherestofthewayhome.”可知,这里介绍日常生活中坐公共汽车可以提前一站下车,走着回家,达到步行锻炼的目的。故选D项。
5.G 根据空后“Therefore,itisfreeandwellacceptedbythemajorityofpeople.”可知,前后句是因果关系,说明步行免费的原因——不需要特殊的设备,也不需要会员资格或训练。故选G项。
1.B 上文“Ifyouwanttomemorizesomethingquicklyandthoroughly,repetitionwon’tcutit.”说明重复不会快速、彻底地记住某件事,与空格处是转折关系,因此B项“然而,回忆一些事情会的”符合语境。
2.G 上文“Next,startdrinkingsometea.”说明准备期间喝些茶,因此G项“许多科学研究已经证实绿茶是一种提高记忆力的天然燃料”符合语境。
3.C 下文“Nowthatyouhaveeverythingwrittendowninonesetofnotes,separatethemintosections.”说明要把事情记下来并且合理分组,因此C项“把所有的东西都写下来,并区分你的笔记”概括段意。
4.E 本段主旨句“Applyrepetitiontoaccumulatedmemorization.”强调重复的重要性,因此E项“对于每一行文本,重复几次,试着不看就回忆起来”符合语境。
5.D 上文“ThemosteffectivemethodformewhenIwasinschoolwastoteachtheinformationtosomeoneelse.”说明于作者而言,教授他人知识是最有效的方法,因此D项“你可以把知识传授给坐在你面前的人”符合语境。
1.(Passage 1)vote on就……进行投票表决
2.(Passage 1)put up建造
3.(Passage 1)test out测试
4.(Passage 2)cast sb.as sth.把(某人)描写成﹐将(某人)描述为
5.(Passage 2)desperately adv.非常,极其
6.(Passage 2)essential adj.必不可少的
7.(Passage 3)cover行走(一段路程)
8.(Passage 3)a total of总共
9.(Passage 3)on top of除……之外(还)
10.(Passage 4)accumulate vt.积累
(Passage 4)As you memorize each set of the text,accumulate it by adding the new information to what you’ve just learned.
分析:本句为复合句。As you memorize each set of the text为as引导的时间状语从句;what you’ve just learned为what引导的宾语从句。
句意:当你记忆每一组课文的时候,通过在你刚学过的内容上添加新的信息来积累它。文体分类练(一) 记叙文(1)
The suburb I live in backs on to a large nature reserve.One morning I saw a koala sitting in a pam tree in my front yard.I phoned around to ask what I could  1  this koala,but no one knew.I ended up  2  the koala out of my tree and we crossed the road  3  for him to return to the nature reserve.
I’ve always been befriending animals.As a young kid I used to pick up lizard eggs and 4  them.It stimulated my interest as to why there wasn’t anyone wanting to come and  5  this koala in my tree.After that,I signed up for all the  6  I could find.
Once I had accreditation (合格证),I volunteered with the RSPCA in 2014,rehabilitating wildlife.I was an ambulance driver, 7  overnight rescues.We rescued hundreds of animals and  8  more.
One day,I thought why not  9  my own rescue group focusing on my backyard I purchased a two-acre property and built enclosures on it to  10  injured animals.Last year,I planted 300 eucalyptus trees,with seven varieties to  11  the koalas.
I cut the leaves of the eucalyptus trees for the koalas to eat and look after the  12  wildlife at our centre.If they recover,they are  13  back to where they come from.
As a kid I would never have imagined doing this.I feel like I’m the 14  girl on the planet that I get to do what I love.I believe it’s my  15 .
1.A.learn from B.do about
C.require of D.save for
2.A.kicking B.shooting
C.coaching D.blowing
3.A.together B.illegally
C.angrily D.guiltily
4.A.roll B.sell
C.break D.hatch
5.A.rescue B.admire
C.purchase D.identify
6.A.courses B.races
C.fairs D.shows
7.A.watching B.attending
C.recording D.assessing
8.A.made out B.ran across
C.gave up D.cared for
9.A.leave B.start
C.dismiss D.advertise
10.A.house B.hunt
C.train D.amuse
11.A.confuse B.direct
C.feed D.test
12.A.aggressive B.hungry
C.deserted D.injured
13.A.sold B.released
C.thrown D.dragged
14.A.quietest B.greediest
C.noisiest D.luckiest
15.A.guess B.calling
C.treat D.fault
In 2019,I was staying at a fitness camp in Thailand.After doing 2.5 hours of kickboxing,I began to cough.Thinking it was probably from the intense workout,I brushed off the  1 .
But over the next few hours,I started struggling to 2 breathe and my heart began to  3 .I panicked and decided to get help.As I was  4 myself to the front desk,a Thai woman saw me and asked what was wrong.I tried to  5  that I couldn’t breathe.
The woman was so  6 .She was on the phone within 10 seconds, 7  a car to get me to a hospital.Another Thai woman came and talked to me for a few minutes, 8  me I would be okay at the hospital.Ten minutes later,the car came. 9 ,I was taken to a doctor’s office.The nurse couldn’t speak English but  10  me the whole time she examined me.Then she  11 “bronchitis(支气管炎)” on her phone and gave me some medications.
When I got back to the  12 ,many people asked me if I was okay.They checked in on me multiple times a day and brought me food.Over the next week,I  13 .
It is hard to describe the  14  that I felt at the time,as well as the relief and thankfulness I felt being surrounded by so many  15 strangers who took care of me.I don’t know what would have happened without them.
1.A.discomfort B.misfortune
C.tiredness D.challenge
2.A.still B.also
C.even D.ever
3.A.beat B.race
C.stop D.warm
4.A.recommending B.forcing
C.introducing D.dragging
5.A.explain B.claim
C.complain D.argue
6.A.patient B.efficient
C.confident D.innocent
7.A.purchasing B.driving
C.requesting D.stopping
8.A.assuring B.reminding
C.persuading D.showing
9.A.Certainly B.Hopefully
C.Obviously D.Thankfully
10.A.turned to B.smiled at
C.objected to D.stared at
11.A.saved B.marked
C.deleted D.translated
12.A.office B.home
C.camp D.hospital
13.A.recovered B.escaped
C.retired D.collapsed
14.A.surprise B.fear
C.sorrow D.regret
15.A.humorous B.ambitious
C.helpful D.trustful
For his entire life,Sergio Peralta dreamed about playing catch.When he was born,his right hand didn’t fully  1 .Ever since he was a child,his classmates have asked about his hand,and some have even  2  puter science teacher Jeff Wilkins noticed Peralta was the only student who  3  his mouse to the left side of his keyboard.He then saw Peralta didn’t have a right hand.
When Wilkins  4  Peralta and his mother about a prosthetic hand (假手),they expressed interest but knew building one could be  5  for a high school class.In early November,Wilkins  6  assigned three of his students to the project.“I didn’t want to get his  7  up.I’d rather under-promise and over-deliver than over-promise and under-deliver on something like this,” Wilkins said.The group did so while keeping their  8  a secret.They measured classmates’ hands to calculate Peralta’s  9  fit.
After working for about a week,the students used the school’s 3D printer to 10  a model.Students said they  11  Peralta wouldn’t like or use the hand,but as soon as he  12  the model,he could bend his fingers.Then Wilkins threw him a yellow rubber ball again and again.Students yelled in  13  when he finally caught the ball.Peralta said he only  14  the prosthetic hand when he sleeps.“This just showed me a different way to  15  the community,” said Jaramillo,a senior who involved in the class project.
1.A.raise B.develop
C.change D.connect
2.A.convinced B.defeated
C.teased D.admired
3.A.cycled B.reserved
C.moved D.kicked
4.A.approached B.promised
C.observed D.advertised
5.A.rewarding B.inspiring
C.approving D.challenging
6.A.randomly B.deliberately
C.temporarily D.secretly
7.A.fears B.hopes
C.demands D.doubts
8.A.attention B.memories
C.progress D.conflicts
9.A.typical B.ideal
C.normal D.familiar
10.A.create B.select
C.deliver D.save
11.A.remembered B.worried
C.argued D.regretted
12.A.turned up B.searched for
C.put on D.threw away
13.A.satisfaction B.excitement
C.hesitation D.anxiety
14.A.removes B.returns
C.researches D.replaces
15.A.fit B.move
C.view D.help
文体分类练(一) 记叙文(1)
1.B 根据下文中的“Iendedup 2 thekoalaoutofmytreeandwecrossedtheroad 3 forhimtoreturntothenaturereserve.”可知,此处指的是作者不知道如何“处理”在前院树上的考拉。
2.C 根据空后“outofmytree”以及“forhimtoreturntothenaturereserve”可知,此处指的是作者决定把考拉从树上“赶”下来。
3.A 根据上文中的“wecrossedtheroad”可知,此处指的是“我”们“一起穿过马路”。
4.D 根据上文中的“I’vealwaysbeenbefriendinganimals.”以及“pickuplizardeggs”可知,此处指的是“孵化”蜥蜴蛋,D项符合语境。
5.A 根据下文中的“Werescuedhundredsofanimalsand 8 more.”和语境可知,本文与野生动物保护相关,所以此处指的是“援救”考拉。
6.A 根据下文中的“OnceIhadaccreditation”可知,此处指的是作者报名学习一些“课程”。
7.B 根据上文中的“Iwasanambulancedriver”可知,作为救护车司机,作者经常“参加”夜间救援。
8.D 根据上文中的“rescuedhundredsofanimals”和语境可知,此处指的是“照顾”野生动物。
9.B 根据下文中的“Ipurchasedatwo-acrepropertyandbuiltenclosuresonitto 10 injuredanimals.”可知,作者购买2英亩的土地是为了“成立”一个救援小组。
10.A 根据上文中的“Ipurchasedatwo-acrepropertyandbuiltenclosuresonit”及常识可知,在地上建围栏是给动物“提供住宿”。
11.C 根据上文中的“Iplanted300eucalyptustrees”以及下文中的“Icuttheleavesoftheeucalyptustreesforthekoalastoeat”可知,考拉是以桉树叶为食,所以此处指的是供考拉“食用”。
12.D 结合语境以及上文中的“lookafter”可知,此处指的是“受伤的”野生动物。
13.B 根据上文中的“Iftheyrecover”以及语境可知,野生动物受伤后被治疗,痊愈后“释放”到它们来的地方。
14.D 根据下文中的“IgettodowhatIlove”可知,能够做自己喜欢做的事情,所以作者觉得自己是“最幸运”的人。
15.B 根据上文中的“AsakidIwouldneverhaveimagineddoingthis.IfeellikeI’mthe 14 girlontheplanetthatIgettodowhatIlove.”可知,作者觉得自己小的时候从未想过的事情,现在成了自己喜欢做的事情,所以,作者觉得这是她的“使命”。故选B项。
1.A 根据上文“Afterdoing2.5hoursofkickboxing,Ibegantocough.”可知,作者运动后咳嗽起来,即有了不适的感觉。
2.C 根据上文“Ibegantocough”和“Butoverthenextfewhours”可知,几个小时后,作者甚至出现了呼吸困难。
3.B 结合常识可知,人在呼吸困难时,心跳会加快。
4.D 根据上文“Istartedstrugglingto 2 breatheandmyheartbeganto 3 .”可知,作者当时的状态非常不好,所以应是拖着自己的身体到前台。
5.A 根据上文“askedwhatwaswrong”可知,作者向女士解释自己的情况。
6.B 根据下文“Shewasonthephonewithin10seconds”可知,女士的效率很高,马上就打电话让人送作者去医院。
7.C 根据“acartogetmetoahospital”并结合作者呼吸困难的情况可知,此处指女士要求一辆车送作者去医院。
8.A 根据“AnotherThaiwomancameandtalkedtomeforafewminutes”推知,另一位女士过来的目的是向作者保证作者会没事的。
9.D 根据“Iwastakentoadoctor’soffice”可知,在女士的帮助下,作者终于到达医院,这是不幸中的万幸,因此“谢天谢地”符合语境。
10.B 根据“Thenursecouldn’tspeakEnglish”和表示转折意义的but可知,护士虽然不会说英语但非常友好,一直对作者微笑。
11.D 根据上文“Thenursecouldn’tspeakEnglish”可知,护士不会说英语,因此需要在手机上将泰文翻译成英文。
12.C 根据上文“In2019,IwasstayingatafitnesscampinThailand.”可知,作者从医院出来后回了营地。
13.A 根据上文作者突发疾病,并被送往医院可知,此处指回到营地一周后,作者恢复了。
14.B 根据上文“Ipanickedanddecidedtogethelp.”可知,作者一开始非常害怕,陷入了恐慌。
15.C 结合上文提到前台女士、医生、护士和营友们对作者的帮助和关心可知,在作者看来他们都是乐于助人的人。
1.B 根据下文“HethensawPeraltadidn’thavearighthand”可知,Peralta右手残疾,由此推知他出生时右手没有完全发育。
2.C 根据上文“Eversincehewasachild,hisclassmateshaveaskedabouthishand”和even可知,Peralta右手残疾,同学一直问他,甚至取笑他。
3.C 根据下文“hismousetotheleftsideofhiskeyboard”可知,鼠标通常都是在键盘的右侧,而Peralta没有右手,他只能把鼠标移动到键盘左侧。
4.A 根据下文“Peraltaandhismotheraboutaprosthetichand”可知,Wilkins是找Peralta和他的母亲谈假手一事。
5.D 根据下文“InearlyNovember,Wilkins 6 assignedthreeofhisstudentstotheproject.”可知,Wilkins让他的学生参与制作假手的项目,对于高中生来说,这么一个项目是有挑战性的。
6.D 根据下文“Thegroupdidsowhilekeepingtheir 8 asecret.”可知,这项工作是秘密进行的。
7.B 根据下文“I’dratherunder-promiseandover-deliverthanover-promiseandunder-deliveronsomethinglikethis”可知,Wilkins担心承诺过度、兑现不足,不希望Peralta对此抱太大希望。
8.C 根据下文“Theymeasuredclassmates’handstocalculatePeralta’s 9 fit”可知,他们通过测量同学的手的方式计算出Peralta的合适尺寸,可推理出他们对工作的进展情况保密。
9.B 根据上文“Theymeasuredclassmates’handstocalculate”可知他们通过测量同学的手的方式,进行精确计算,目的是为了计算出Peralta的合适尺寸。
10.A 根据上文“3Dprinter”以及下文“amodel”可推理出学生使用3D打印机制作模型。
11.B 根据下文“Peraltawouldn’tlikeorusethehand”可知,学生们担心Peralta不会喜欢或使用这只手。
12.C 根据下文“hecouldbendhisfingers”可推理出他戴上了模型。
13.B 根据下文“whenhefinallycaughttheball”可知,Peralta使用假手接住了球,说明他们成功了,于是兴奋地大叫。
14.A 根据下文“whenhesleeps”可知,睡觉的时候不使用假手,需要摘下来。
15.D 根据下文“aseniorwhoinvolvedintheclassproject”可知这名学生参与了项目,因此此处指用不同的方式来帮助社区。
1.(Passage 1)end up doing sth.最终做某事
2.(Passage 1)nature reserve自然保护区
3.(Passage 1)stimulate my interest激发我的兴趣
4.(Passage 1)sign up for报名参加
5.(Passage 2)multiple times多次
(Passage 3)The group did so whilekeepingtheirprogressasecret.(状语从句的省略)
1.(Passage 2)Thinking it was probably from the intense workout,I brushedoffthediscomfort.
2.(Passage 2)ItishardtodescribethefearthatIfeltatthetime,aswellasthereliefandthankfulnessIfelt being surrounded by so many helpful strangers who took care of me.
3.(Passage 3)Students yelledinexcitement when he finally caught the ball.
当他终于接住球时,学生们兴奋地大叫起来。文体分类练(二) 记叙文(2)
Last May,my 15-year-old son,Benjamin,told my wife and me that he would attend a Kendrick Lamar concert.We 1  him that he was too young to go.But my son and his friend,Josh, 2  to take no for an answer.
Later I received a  3  from Josh’s father:“How about taking the boys to the Kendrick Lamar concert! ” While I felt  4  to attend a rap concert in my fifties,Josh’s father was as excited as the boys.He also knew how to get tickets and had started  5  the whole evening.By this  6  it was impossible to say no.I couldn’t imagine anywhere I would  7  less.
To learn about Mr Lamar and his  8 ,I downloaded and listened to all his songs days before heading down to the Scotiabank Arena.
The truth is that the concert was really 9 .The best part,of course,was how happy my son was.I stood when  10 .I didn’t dance,and occasionally my son gave me an encouraging,accepting nod. 11  Kendrick Lamar is still not my favourite artist,I’m glad my son  12  me to him,and I’m glad I went.
It’s so easy to sit in our towers, 13  by age or upbringing background. 14 ,we have children,like Benjamin,to expose us to new experiences.If,of course,we have the  15  to listen to them.
1.A.convinced B.informed
C.comforted D.promised
2.A.refused B.struggled
C.prepared D.expected
3.A.notice B.ticket
C.message D.gift
4.A.relieved B.guilty
C.embarrassed D.confident
5.A.singing B.sharing
C.planning D.welcoming
6.A.rule B.means
C.round D.point
7.A.fit in B.benefit from
C.care for   D.complain about
8.A.story B.music
C.family D.influence
9.A.creative B.formal
C.noisy D.impressive
10.A.appropriate B.bearable
C.useful D.convenient
11.A.As long as B.In case
C.Because D.While
12.A.compared B.referred
C.introduced D.recommended
13.A.divided B.threatened
C.broken D.tested
14.A.Eventually B.Consequently
C.Gradually D.Fortunately
15.A.hobby B.sense
C.right D.freedom
A video of Tommy Carroll skating near his home has been viewed millions of times around the globe,gaining him fame as a skateboarder.He can’t see,but he can pull off some of the most incredible 1  on his skateboard without showing any  2 .“I think everybody should know that everything happens for a reason and that there’s always a way to  3  an obstacle if you really want it enough,” Carroll said in the video.
Carroll was born with the retinal (视网膜) cancer and lost his  4 when he was two years old.He  5  to skateboard at the age of ten and has been on the board ever since.In the video,he explains how he uses sound to  6 ,listening for what’s around him and gaining a sense of his surroundings through his ears.
“I am always constantly using the sound of my wheels to  7  if there’s anything in my way and get my sense of  8 ,” he says.Carroll used to get lots of doubts from his classmates about his  9 for mastering the sports.“There were people who  10  me.” Carroll smiled,adding,“They considered it no way,taking it for granted that people like me,can’t skateboard.But I just  11  them.”
Though courageous,Carroll learns to be 12 .When he skateboards in the new location,he gradually  13  himself with the surroundings.After a number of rides he then starts trying tricks.“Falling is as  14  as the sport itself,” he said,“I have proved peers  15 .”
1.A.images B.tricks
C.rides D.jumps
2.A.curiosity B.complaint
C.fear D.interest
3.A.weaken B.spot
C.avoid D.overcome
4.A.vision B.patience
C.mind D.touch
5.A.hoped B.started
C.plotted D.hesitated
6.A.navigate B.transfer
C.balance D.distinguish
7.A.prove B.see
C.explore D.check
8.A.achievement B.security
C.direction D.danger
9.A.affection B.reason
C.talent D.capacity
10.A.discouraged B.misunderstood
C.motivated D.abused
11.A.forgave B.defeated
C.mouthed D.ignored
12.A.modest B.brave
C.safe D.confident
13.A.helps B.familiarizes
C.compares D.connects
14.A.demanding B.beneficial
C.complicated D.thrilling
15.A.childish B.wrong
C.impolite D.incompetent
“Dad,just touch the green button!The one with a little picture of a telephone on it!” I was shouting to my father as I  1  him on how to answer it.
My father is already in his eighties and lives alone.To communicate better and  2  his later life,I bought him an iPhone,but my father  3  resisted using it.After my repeated attempts of persuasion,he unwillingly  4  this strange device.
It took my father about a year to learn to answer and make calls.Fortunately,my father’s tech skills have  5  to FaceTime capability.During a FaceTime call,we had a rather  6  moment.As he couldn’t  7  me well,he held up the screen to his ear.This meant all I saw was his large  8 .For a long time,I could still  9  Dad’s ear emerging on the screen,which made me laugh.
Then this past summer I introduced him to Wordle — a popular word puzzle.He caught on fast and became  10  about it.Now he looks forward to  11  the puzzle as soon as the new game comes out after midnight.Every morning he sends me a text,telling me the  12  of the day.This has unexpectedly strengthened our bond.
It is quite 13  that at 89,my father has mastered the iPhone to the level that he can access and send emails and texts,and even do his banking online.
The  14  to smartphones has been blamed for damaging interpersonal relationships.However,I can say the iPhone has  15  our relationship.
1.A.cheated B.asked
C.coached D.followed
2.A.enrich B.fund
C.simplify D.save
3.A.slightly B.strongly
C.bravely D.successfully
4.A.threw B.bought
C.forgot D.accepted
5.A.turned B.progressed
C.replied D.contributed
6.A.humorous B.proud
C.urgent D.quiet
7.A.understand B.see
C.hear D.treat
8.A.eye B.ear
C.mouth D.hand
9.A.picture B.observe
C.prevent D.mind
10.A.angry B.cautious
C.crazy D.patient
11.A.searching for B.testing out
C.paying for D.figuring out
12.A.word B.news
C.routine D.weather
13.A.strange B.impressive
C.worrying D.easy
14.A.reform B.resistance
C.addiction D.limitation
15.A.complicated B.started
C.destroyed D.enhanced
文体分类练(二) 记叙文(2)
1.B 根据下文“himthathewastooyoungtogo”可知,此处指告诉儿子,他年纪太小,不能去。
2.A 上文“Butmysonandhisfriend,Josh”中But表示转折,说明儿子和他的朋友乔希拒绝接受这一回答。
3.C 上文“Ireceiveda”指收到信息,应用message。
4.C 根据下文“toattendarapconcertinmyfifties”可知,作者认为自己年纪大了,参加说唱音乐会感到尴尬。
5.C 根据上文“Healsoknewhowtogetticketsandhadstarted”可知,Josh的父亲开始安排这个夜晚。
6.D 结合上文可知Josh的父亲积极安排活动,所以到了这个时候,说不已经不可能了。
7.A 结合上文“anywhereIwould”指作者想不出还有什么地方比这里更适合自己。
8.B 根据下文“Idownloadedandlistenedtoallhissongs”可知,作者了解了拉马尔和他的音乐。
9.D 根据下文“Thebestpart,ofcourse,washowhappymysonwas.”可知,这场音乐会确实令人印象深刻。
10.A 根据下文“Ididn’tdance,andoccasionallymysongavemeanencouraging,acceptingnod.”可知,作者是配合儿子去听音乐会的,所以是在适当的时候站着。
11.D 引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然”应用While。
12.C 根据下文“metohim,andI’mgladIwent”指儿子给作者介绍了自己喜欢的歌手。
13.A 根据下文“byageorupbringingbackground”可知,指因为年龄或成长背景的不同而被分开。
14.D 根据下文“toexposeustonewexperiences”可知,指幸运的是,“我”们有像本杰明这样的孩子,让“我”们接触到新的体验。
15.B 根据下文“tolistentothem”以及上文作者陪儿子去音乐会,可知是有意识倾听孩子们的发言。
1.B 根据上文“AvideoofTommyCarrollskating...asaskateboarder.”可知,卡罗尔是一名滑板运动员,因此他的名声应该是来自他玩滑板的技术和表现。
2.C 根据本句前半句“Hecan’tsee”可知,一个看不见的人滑滑板,充满未知,应该会有害怕的情绪,但是卡罗尔却能练出自己的绝活,说明他战胜了恐惧,没有表露恐惧。
3.D 根据本句的搭配“obstacle”可知,使用动词overcome符合语境,即卡罗尔战胜了自己看不见这一障碍,成了滑板运动员。
4.A 根据上文“Hecan’tsee”可知,他失去了视力。
5.B 根据本句后半句“andhasbeenontheboardeversince”可知,他之所以从那以后能一直坚持玩滑板,前提是他从那时起开始学习滑板。
6.A 根据下文“listeningforwhat’saroundhimandgainingasenseofhissurroundingsthroughhisears”可知,卡罗尔看不见,所以他用“听”这一技能来玩滑板,玩滑板时之所以要了解周围的事物,是为了玩的时候有正确的方向和路线。
7.D 根据下文“ifthere’sanythinginmyway”可知,他利用轮胎声音来确定是否有东西挡路,即利用声音检查前方的路况。
8.C 根据上文“ifthere’sanythinginmyway”可知,他在探路,探路时可想而知也会确定自己的前进方向。
9.D 根据下文“masteringthesports”可知,掌握一项运动或者技能就是一个人的能力。
10.A 根据下文“Theyconsidereditnoway,takingitforgrantedthatpeoplelikeme,can’tskateboard.”可知,这些人认为卡罗尔无法玩滑板,显然会让他气馁。
11.D 根据下文“Ihaveprovedpeers 15 .”可知,虽然包括同学在内的许多人不相信他能玩滑板,但他还是坚持学。这说明他没有把大家的话放在心上,选择忽视这些言论。
12.C 根据下文“Afteranumberofrideshethenstartstryingtricks.”可知,他是在循序渐进地进行这项运动,因此可推测他懂得要保护自己的安全。
13.B 根据上文“Thoughcourageous,Carrolllearnstobe 12 .”可知,他是一个懂得保护自己安全的孩子,而在新地方玩滑板,要保证安全,必须先熟悉这个场地。
14.A 根据上文可知,在大家印象中玩滑板并非易事,甚至很难。而对他而言,这件事确实难,但他掌握了。反而因为他懂得如何安全地玩滑板,摔倒对他而言也是很难出现的事情。故他调侃玩滑板时摔倒对他而言也是“要求高,难以实现的”。
15.B 根据上文可知,卡罗尔成功成为滑板运动员,这与同龄人当时对他的看法完全相反,故他的成功也证明了别人的判断错误。
1.C 根据上文“Dad,justtouchthegreenbutton!Theonewithalittlepictureofatelephoneonit!”可知,作者在教父亲如何用手机接听电话,coached 符合语境。
2.A 根据上文“Myfatherisalreadyinhiseightiesandlivesalone.”以及第四段第一句“ThenthispastsummerIintroducedhimtoWordle—apopularwordpuzzle.”可知,作者给父亲买iPhone,以方便交流,使父亲多接触外面的世界,丰富(enrich)生活。
3.B 根据下文“Aftermyrepeatedattemptsofpersuasion,heunwillingly 4 thisstrangedevice.”可知,父亲原本对这个手机很排斥,再三劝说下还不是很情愿接受。strongly符合语境。
4.D 见上题解析。
5.B 根据上文“Ittookmyfatheraboutayeartolearntoanswerandmakecalls.”可知,在解锁使用iPhone技能的过程中,作者父亲在进步(progressed),已经从接电话、打电话到使用FaceTime聊天。
6.A 根据下文“Foralongtime,Icouldstill 9 Dad’searemergingonthescreen,whichmademelaugh.”可知,在通话中,因为父亲把耳朵贴在屏幕上聊天的样子令作者发笑。humorous符合语境。
7.C 根据后半句“heheldupthescreentohisear”可知,父亲听(hear)不清,所以要把耳朵凑过去。
8.B 根据上文“Ashecouldn’t 7 mewell,heheldupthescreentohisear.”可知,作者在和父亲FaceTime通话时,看不到父亲的脸,只能看见他的耳朵。
9.A 根据上文可知,作者和父亲FaceTime通话时,看到的总是父亲的耳朵,所以想到这个画面,作者会笑。picture符合语境。
10.C 根据下文可知,作者父亲每天等着公布新游戏,连夜解答词谜。crazy符合语境。
11.D 根据下文可知,作者的父亲能在早上发短信告知作者单词,说明他熬夜解答谜题。figuringout符合语境。
12.A 根据上文可知,作者的父亲痴迷字谜游戏“文字云”,每天想着游戏里的单词,还把每次的答案分享给作者。word符合语境。
13.B 根据下文可知,作者父亲尽管89岁高龄了,但是对 iPhone使用娴熟,能收发邮件短信,办理网上业务,令人印象深刻(impressive)。
14.C 对智能手机的沉迷被认为是破坏人际关系的罪魁祸首。addiction符合语境。
15.D 根据上文对智能手机的沉迷被认为是破坏人际关系的罪魁祸首可知,本句中However与上句为对立关系,作者父亲通过使用手机,反而增进了(enhanced)俩人的关系。故选D项。
1.(Passage 1)expose us to new experiences使我们接触新的体验
2.(Passage 2)pull off (成功或艰苦地)完成;赢得
3.(Passage 2)take...for granted认为……理所当然
4.(Passage 3)hold up举起
5.(Passage 3)interpersonal relationships人际关系
(Passage 3)Ittookmyfatheraboutayeartolearn to answer and make calls.(it takes sb.some time to do sth.)
(Passage 1)While I felt embarrassed to attend a rap concert in my fifties,Josh’s father was asexcitedas the boys.




下一篇:河北省唐山市第九中学2023-2024年上学期八年级物理10月月考试卷( 无答案)