Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands. 单元能力检测试题(精编word版 带答案)

Name___________ Grade___________
第一节 单项选择(本题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
( )1.It is such ______funny action movie that I want to see it ______second time.
A. a;a B. a; the C. /; the D. /; a
(  )2. He went ________ his way ________ some flowers for his mother.
A. out of;buying B. out of;to buy C. in;to buy D. out;to buy
( )3. —May we leave the classroom now
—No, you ________. You ________ to leave until the bell rings.
A. mustn’t; are allowed B. needn’t; aren’t allowed
C. don’t have to; are supposed D. can’t; aren’t supposed
( )4.Don’t be late next time. You________ earlier.
A. are supposed to come B. are supposed come
C. are supposed to coming D. suppose coming
( )5. Liu Jia usually goes to school without________ breakfast, he is really pale .
A. to eat B. eats C. eating D. eats
(  )6. —I'm very tired these days because of the senior high school entrance examination.
—Why not ________ music?It can make you ________.
A.to listen to;relaxed B. listen to;relaxed
C. listen to;relax D. to listen to;to relax
(  )7. He went ________ his way ________ some flowers for his mother.
A. out of;buying B. out of;to buy C. in;to buy D. out;to buy
( )8.     you talk to, you should try     polite to them.
A.Whenever; to be B.Whenever; being C.Whoever; being D.Whoever; to be
(  )9. —I'm sorry, sir. I can't finish the work on time.
—Never mind.________,the work is quite difficult.
A. At least B. For instance C. After all D. First of all
(  )10. —The game is too hard for me. I will certainly lose.
—    You never say no before you try.
A. Forget it! B. I’m sorry. C. Come on! D. Pardon me
第二节 阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)
  Birthdays are celebrated all over the world. Some ways to celebrate birthdays are rather similar from country to country: candles, cake and birthday wishes. But there are also different ways to celebrate birthdays. Here are a few:
Denmark A flag is flown outside a window to show that people in that house are having a birthday. Presents are placed around the child’s bed while he is sleeping so he will see them at once when he wakes up.
India Usually Indian children wear white to school. However, on their birthday children wear colored clothes to school and give out chocolates to everyone in the class. Their best friend helps them to do this.
Japan The birthday child wears new clothes to mark the special time. Certain birthdays are more important than others. These are the third and seventh birthdays for girls and the fifth for boys.
Holland The birthday child receives an especially large present. The family also put flowers on the birthday child’s chair to make it beautiful.
(  )11.When someone is having a birthday in Denmark, you can see    outside the window.
A.flowers B.presents C.a flag D.a chair
(  )12.In     flowers are put on the chair of the birthday child.
A.Japan B.Denmark C.India D.Holland
(  )13.In Japan, the birthday is more important for boys when they are     .
A.15 B.7 C.5 D.3
(  )14.According to the passage,     .
A.all kids put on new clothes on their birthday
B.gifts are put under a kid’s bed before his birthday in Denmark
C.in India chocolates are given to the birthday kid on his birthday
D.an especially big gift will be sent to the kid on his birthday in Holland
(  )15.The passage is mainly about     .
A.similar ways of celebrating birthdays in some countries
B.different ways of celebrating birthdays in some countries
C.children’s birthdays in Western countries
D.the importance of children’s birthdays
  In the USA, it is normal for men to shake hands when they meet, but it is quite unusual for men to kiss when they greet each other. Greetings are casual—a handshake, a smile and a “hello” will do just fine.
The British often simply say “hello” when they meet friends. They usually shake hands only when they meet for the first time. Social kissing, often just a peck(轻吻) on the cheek, is common in an informal(非正式的) situation between men and women and also between women who know each other very well.
In Japan, the common greeting for both men and women is to bow when they greet someone, instead of giving a handshake or a hug.
Hungarians like to greet in a friendly way—kiss each other on both cheeks. The most common way is to kiss from your right to your left. When men meet for the first time, a handshake is the norm.
In Albania, men shake hands when greeting one another. A kiss on the cheek may also be common if there is a close relationship. Women may shake hands or kiss each other on both cheeks.
In Armenia, by tradition, a woman needs to wait for a man to offer his hand for a handshake. Between good friends and family members, a kiss on the cheek and a hug are also common.
(  )16.In Britain, when two people meet for the first time, they usually     .
A.hug B.bow C.shake hands D.kiss on the cheek
(  )17.The underlined word “norm” in Paragraph 4 means “    ” in Chinese.
A.规范 B.意图 C.象征 D.结果
(  )18.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.In Japan, hugging is as common as bowing.
B.In Hungary, people usually kiss each other on the cheeks from left to right.
C.In Albania, it is unusual for men to kiss if there is a close relationship.
D.In Armenia, it is necessary for a woman to wait for a man to offer his hand for a handshake.
(  )19.How many countries are mentioned in the passage
A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven.
(  )20.What’s the best title of the passage
A.Country and Culture B.Culture and People
C.Greeting Customs Around the World D.Body Language in Different Cultures
When was the last time you gave or received a hug Do your parents hug you before you go to school In Western countries, it is quite common to greet close friends or relatives with a hug.
You might hug your teammates after winning a basketball game. If one of your friends is having a bad day, you can hug them to cheer them up. Friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time will usually hug each other when meeting.
Of course, people in different countries have different opinions when it comes to hugging. After coming to China, I’ve noticed that people are generally more reluctant(不情愿的) to hug than they are in my home country, the US.
My Chinese friends told me that hugging is considered to be very intimate(亲密的) in their culture. It usually only happens between people who are really close to each other, like couples. Chinese people don’t usually hug in public, either.
But people’s attitudes(态度) towards hugging can also change. I remember watching a video story about a “hugging party” that was held in Shanghai. A local artist held the party, inviting strangers and asking them to hug each other.
The Chinese participants(参与者) clearly looked uncomfortable. However, after the party, several of them changed their minds. They decided that hugging doesn’t have to be awkward(尴尬的) and can actually be quite nice. So next time you see your mom or dad, give them a hug—see how it makes you feel.
(  )21.What usually happens between good friends when meeting in Western countries
A.Hugging. B.Nodding. C.Shaking hands. D.Smiling.
(  )22.The second paragraph tells us     .
A.the advantages of hugging each other
B.some situations in which people hug each other
C.the reasons why friends need to hug each other
D.how to cheer up our friends
(  )23.In Chinese culture, hugs usually happen between     .
A.friends B.classmates C.couples D.relatives
(  )24.What did people do at the “hugging party”
A.They were invited to hug each other. B.They watched a video about hugging.
C.They told stories about hugging. D.They listened to music about hugging.
(  )25.The writer wrote the last paragraph to     .
A.encourage people to be nice to strangers
B.explain why people feel uncomfortable while hugging
C.show how people can change their minds about hugging
D.encourage people to love their parents
第三节 阅读填空(本题共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)
In Western countries, you should be careful when giving gifts. Never give a gift in a job interview or at a business meeting.26.     or as a “thank you” for special invitations or events. When arriving at a special social gathering(聚会), you may give your gift to the host once the introductions are made. With gift giving, a few rules should be given much attention to.
27.    Do not buy too expensive gifts. A small but delicate(精致的) gift is a good choice. A special food from your country, a bottle of wine, candies, flowers are the best if you do not know the host very well, but be certain that your gift will not draw much attention.
28.    You can usually say something like, “I hope you will like it.” when you offer your gift.
29.     A bottle of wine is usually all right if you know your host drinks wine, but hard alcohol, such as whisky(威士忌) should only be given as a gift when you know the host well and are certain that he would welcome such a gift.
A small cultural gift from your country is usually very proper. 30.     A nice card with it will be better.
A.Be modest(不太贵的) with your gift.
B.It's impolite to take no gift,
C.Be careful of giving alcohol.
D.Make sure that your gift is packaged nicely.
E.You should not add another matter to the host.
F.Gifts are usually given during special holidays,
第四节 完形填空(本题共20小题,每小题1.5分,计30分)
India is a country rich in tradition and culture. If you are planning to travel to India, it would be helpful to know the following  31 .
You should not hold hands with, kiss or hug anyone in public,  32  your loved ones. As a conservative(保守的) country, India does not  33  public displays of affection(表露喜爱) such as hugging and kissing.
 34  Indian people’s eyes are big and considered the most beautiful in Asia, it is not proper to look straight into a person’s eyes while talking. Indian people make  35  eye communication than Western people do. However, this does not mean that Indian people are not honest. It is just part of their culture.
Another custom that you should  36  is that men shouldn’t touch Indian women. In fact, only their sons can touch  37  in public. When it comes to other people, however, a friendly knock  38  the back between people of the same gender(性别) is allowed. However, whatever you do, stay away from the  39 . According to Indian culture, the head is the most important part of the human body, and no one can touch it. So if you touch an Indian person’s head by accident, say  40  as soon as possible to prevent any trouble.
(  )31.A.customs B.signs C.stories D.places
(  )32.A.just B.even C.only D.maybe
(  )33.A.care B.refuse C.doubt D.welcome
(  )34.A.Although B.If C.Because D.Unless
(  )35.A.more B.less C.easier D.harder
(  )36.A.come up with B.pay attention toC.take pride in D.look forward to
(  )37.A.him B.her C.you D.them
(  )38.A.by B.with C.on D.into
(  )39.A.eyes B.back C.hands D.head
(  )40.A.sorry B.hi C.thanks D.goodbye
Japan is often considered more “Western” in culture than other Asian pared to the United States, there are 41 a lot of similarities. But Japan and the U.S.do have many cultural differences as well. Here are some of 42 .
Japanese people are usually more formal. The Japanese stand farther when talking than Americans,and last names with honorifics(敬语) are 43 . In America, good customer service is usually 44 and friendly. In Japan,it is formal. Waiters don't usually stop to ask customers how the food is, and strangers don't often talk 45 waiting for the bus.
Japanese people bow. Many Asian countries bow instead of 46 hands, but Japanese people bow in more situations than 47 sending greetings. Bowing can be done in apologizing and thanking.
No tipping(小费) in Japan! In Japan,tipping is not 48 or not done. If you leave a little money on the 49 after eating out,the waiter will run after you with your “forgotten” money. In America,tips are used to 50 thanks for the good service. Waiters are glad to receive a tip.
(  )41. A. hardly B. certainly C. luckily D. easily
(  )42. A. you B. yours C. them D. theirs
(  )43. A. used B. thought C. made D. found
(  )44. A. noisy B. boring C. cold D. warm
(  )45. A. before B. after C. while D. because
(  )46. A. washing B. shaking C. closing D. moving
(  )47. A. just B. always C. still D. almost
(  )48. A. unusual B. common C. impolite D. difficult
(  )49. A. dish B. hand C. bed D. table
(  )50. A. expect B. receive C. express D. think
第五节 词汇。(本题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
51.I won't forget you forever.I will v________ our friendship.
52.Thank you very much for giving me so many s________ about how to learn English.
53.Everyone went to Linda's birthday party e________ Jim because he was ill in hospital.
54.I think spring is the best s________ because everything begins to grow.
55.The book is very educational.It's w________ reading.
56.When Peter opened the box, he found nothing in it—it's e________.
57.His children studied hard and b________ well at school.
58.The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of c________.
59.Sydney is always misunderstood as the c________ of Australia because it's more famous than Canberra.
60.You should k________ at the door first before going into the teachers' office.
第六节 语法填空。(本题共10小题,每空1.5分,计15分)
 Different countries have different cultures and customs. Do you know about them The following will tell you a lot.
In both China and some Western countries, the rose is 61.    (regard) as a symbol of love. People think the rose stands 62.     love, peace, courage and friendship.
In some Asian countries, 63.    (stand) very close to the person you are talking with is quite common. 64.    , if you do this in Europe, some people might feel 65.    (comfortable).
In China, if someone says something good about you, 66.    is polite to answer “No, not at all!” In Britain or America, a person answers “Thank you!” with a big smile. This may not be common in China, but it is good manners in Britain and America.
In Korea, it is polite to pass something to an older person with both 67.    (hand). In Italy, you don’t make the OK sign with your fingers. In Thailand, you are not supposed 68.    (touch) a child on the head.
In Britain, it’s not polite to ask people “How 69.    (many) money do you earn ” In both Britain and America, it is not polite to ask people how old they are.
In 70.    word, it’s very helpful and useful to know something about cultures and customs from different countries.
第七节 书面表达。(共1小题,15分)
 澳大利亚的餐桌礼仪与中国的餐桌礼仪是大不相同的。请你根据以下内容,写一篇题为“Australian Table Manners”的英语短文。
Australian Table Manners
Australia is a beautiful country with the sea around it. There are some table manners about it.
If you go there one day, you need to know these and they can help you a lot.
参 考 答 案
第一节 单项选择(本题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
1-5 ABBAC 6-10 BBBAC
第二节 阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)
11-125 CDCDBC 16-20 CADCC 21-25 ABCAC
第三节 阅读填空(本题共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)
26-30 FAECD
第四节 完形填空(本题共20小题,每小题1.5分,计30分)
31-35 ABDAB  36-40 BDCDA 41-45 BCADC  46-50 BABDC
第五节 词汇。(本题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
51.value  52.suggestions  53.except 54.season  55.worth 
56.empty 57.behaved  58.chalk  59.capital 60.knock
第六节 语法填空。(本题共10小题,每空1.5分,计15分)
61.regarded  62.for  63.standing 64.However  65.uncomfortable
66.it  67.hands  68.to touch  69.much  70.a
第七节 书面表达。(共1小题,15分)
Australian Table Manners
Australia is a beautiful country with the sea around it. There are some table manners about it.
Everyone has breakfast at different times every morning. And the people over the age of thirteen must prepare the breakfast for themselves. If you are the last one to have breakfast, you need to put the bread, milk and so on back in the fridge.
The lunch is usually between 12:30 and 14:00. You can take your lunch bag to your school or factory to have your own lunch.
The dinner is often between 18:00 and 19:30. The dinner is usually about main dishes and desserts. Australians like drinking beer while having dinner.
Importantly, you must help to lay out the silverware before dinner and clean the table after dinner.
If you go there one day, you need to know these and they can help you a lot.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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