新目标(Go for it)版九年级精彩练习 Unit 9 第二课时 Section A(3a-3c)

新目标(Go for it)版九年级精彩练习 Unit 9 第二课时 Section A(3a-3c)
2.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has a happy     (结尾). The prince and the princess live happily together.
3.Mr. Miller drank so much wine that he forgot the    (对话)with his guests last night. He didn't remember anything that he said.
4.There is    (大量)of rain in the south in summer. Sometimes it results in floods.
5.In the movie people regard the Spiderman as a    (超级英雄).
He is     (沮丧) and upset. Let's cheer him
7.Don't forget to    (粘贴)the stamp on the envelope before throwing it into the mailbox.
8.With these angry words, he    (关闭)the door heavily and left.
9.The Blue Planet is a great series of    (纪录片)made by BBC.
10.The actress learned how to act in a    (戏)school in New York.
11.I became a teacher because I    (更喜欢)books and people to machines.
After seeing the movie, I felt even     (sad) than others.
The sick boy doesn't feel like     (eat) anything.
14.The dish is too    (salt). Please give me some water.
15.    (dance) to music sounds relaxing and exciting.
16.Tony enjoys    (tell)jokes that make others laugh.
17.George is an English teacher who     (love)mountain-climbing.
18.The police told me the phone number of the man who   (send)back my handbag.
19.The dress that    (be)hung in the middle costs five hundred dollars.
20.With the money that    (be)made, he went on with his studies at school.
21.The songs that    (be)played in the restaurant are very popular.
What power does music have Band of Hope, a student band in the US, once again brought joy with their music to young patients at a local children's 22. . "The children really get a lot from 23. with other children in the community, "said Ashley Boguszewski, a specialist at Pediatric Specialty Care (a nursing specialty organization for children).
The seventh and eighth graders at Hopewell Junior High School formed the band 24. . On May 27, they were already playing their sixth concert, performing to 20 children at the hospital. The band members 25. hosted a story time for the patients and brought small 26. for them to play.
The band's 27 members meet once a week for a 27. practice after school. Each month, the band heads to Pediatric Specialty Care to perform a mini 28. . They play popular music such as songs from the movies Frozen and The Little Mermaid.
Eighth-grader Liam Watters, 13, plays the baritone(男中音)in the band. During one concert, he 29. that one of the patients 30. to listen to the singing, so he and a few other band memberswent back to the patient's room and 31. to him.
"That was really 32. , "Liam said. ""They had big smiles 33. their faces. "
"We're hoping that it's something that grows and becomes an even 34. part of our culture here, "said Kerry Wilson, director of the band. "It really 35. a sense that we're all one community and good citizenship 36. . "
22.A.hospital B.school C.community D.charity
23.A.dealing B.communicating C.comparing D.connecting
24.A.mainly B.suddenly C.recently D.closely
25.A.still B.also C.only D.just
26.A.candies B.cards C.flowers D.instruments
27.A.two-minute B.two-hour C.two-day D.two-week
28.A.concert B.class C.operation D.play
29.A.thought B.expected C.wondered D.learned
30.A.like B.hate C.hates D.likes
31.A.said B.listened C.sang D.explained
32.A.amazing B.boring C.lasting D.interesting
33.A.at B.in C.on D.with
34.A.bigger B.biggest C.big D.more big
35.A.rises B.sees C.loses D.creates
36.A.as if B.as well C.as long as D.as so
There are many different kinds of music in the world. Now let's study some of them.
Classical music Classical music is a form of music which needs high musical skills. If you want to learn this kind of music, you have to go through proper training.
Heavy metal music Heavy metal music came out after World War Ⅱ. The melody(旋律)of the song is heavily influenced by the structure of it. It is also known as"information music". In heavy metal music, song writing is based on a form.
Hip-hop music This kind of music always includes the use of instruments such as the guitar, violin, piano, bass(低音电吉他), drums and so on. In this kind of music, the bass is the main instrument. It was first played by a group of traveling singers and poets of West Africa.
Opera music It first appeared in Italy in the 1600s. It has a great mixture of theatrical(戏剧的)art and musical invention and is used in theaters.
Jazz music This kind of music has strong and complex melodies. The main musical instruments are the cornet, trumpet and violin, which help carry the melody.
Besides these, there are many other kinds of music such as the blues, new-age music, Celtic music, religious music, and chamber music.
37._______music needs high musical skills.
A.Classical B.Heavy metal C.Hip-hop D.Opera
38.The main instrument in hip-hop music is the _______.
A.guitar B.violin C.piano D.bass
39.The _______ is used in both hip-hop music and jazz music.
A.piano B.violin C.trumpet D.cornet
40.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Heavy metal music appeared after World War Ⅱ.
B.Only after proper training can you learn classical music.
C.Opera music first appeared in Italy.
D.People call jazz music"information music".
41.What's the best title for the passage
A.Different Kinds of Music B.Our Favorite Musicians
C.We Love Music Best D.Welcome to the Music Club
1.【答案】(1)stick to
(2)depend on
(3)cheer me up
(4)try one's best
(5)provide plenty of information
(6)once in a while
【解析】【分析】(1)坚持,stick to,动词短语,后接动词doing。故答案为stick to。
(2)取决于,depend on,动词短语,后接动词doing。故答案为depend on。
(3)使某人开心,cheer sb up,固定搭配。使我开心,cheer me up,故答案为cheer me up。
(4)尽力,try one's best,固定搭配。故答案为try one's best。
(5)提供,provide,动词。很多,plenty of,固定词组。信息,information,名词。所以提供很多信息是provide plenty of information,故答案为provide plenty of information。
(6)偶尔地,once in a while,固定搭配。用来作状语,故答案为once in a while。
【解析】【分析】句意:《白雪公主和七个小矮人》有一个美好的结局。 王子和公主幸福地生活在一起。结尾,ending,名词。前面有冠词a修饰,所以用单数即可,故答案为ending。
【解析】【分析】句意:米勒先生喝了太多酒,以至于忘记了昨晚与客人的对话。 他不记得他说过什么。对话,dialogue,名词。复数为dialogues。根据Mr. Miller drank so much wine that he forgot the1 (对话)with his guests last night.可知,此处用名词单数和复数都可以,故答案为dialogue(s)。
【解析】【分析】句意:夏季南方多雨。 有时它会导致洪水。大量,plenty of,固定搭配,后可以接不可数名词。故答案为plenty。
【点评】考查单词拼写。注意识记固定搭配:大量,plenty of,固定搭配。
【解析】【分析】句意: 他很沮丧很不安,让我们让他振作起来。is系动词后是形容词,沮丧,down是形容词,故填down。
【解析】【分析】句意:在将信封扔进邮箱之前,不要忘记将邮票贴在信封上。粘贴,stick,动词。forget to do sth,忘记做某事,固定搭配。所以此处用动词原形stick即可,故答案为stick。
【点评】考查单词拼写。注意识记短语:forget to do sth,忘记做某事,固定搭配。
【解析】【分析】句意:《蓝色星球》是 BBC 制作的一系列精彩纪录片。纪录片,documentary,名词。复数为documentaries。a series of,一系列,后接可数名词复数,故答案为documentaries。
【点评】考查单词拼写。注意 series of,一系列,后接可数名词复数。
【解析】【分析】句意:我成为一名教师是因为我更喜欢书籍和人而不是机器。更喜欢,prefer,动词。过去式为preferred。根据 I became a teacher because I … (更喜欢)books and people to machines.可知,句子时态是一般过去时,所以动词prefer要用过去式preferred,故答案为preferred。
【解析】【分析】句意: 看完这部电影后,我比其他人更难过。than是比较级标志,sad是形容词,故填sadder。
【解析】【分析】句意: 这个生病的男孩不想吃任何东西。feel like doing,固定搭配,想要做某事,故填eating。
【点评】考查语法填空,注意feel like doing的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:这道菜太咸了。 请给我一些水。salt,盐,名词。形容词为salty,咸的。is后要用形容词做表语,故答案为salty。
【解析】【分析】句意: 听音乐跳舞听起来轻松而刺激。动名词做主语,故填Dancing。
【解析】【分析】句意:托尼喜欢讲让别人发笑的笑话。tell,告诉,动词。现在分词为telling。enjoy doing sth,喜欢做某事,固定搭配。故答案为telling。
【点评】考查语法填空。注意识记一些搭配:enjoy doing sth,喜欢做某事,固定搭配。
【解析】【分析】句意:乔治是一位热爱爬山的英语老师。love,热爱,动词。单三形式为loves。根据George is an English teacher可知,主语为单数,所以此处动词要用单三形式loves,故答案为loves。
【解析】【分析】句意:警察告诉了我送回我手提包的那个人的电话号码。send,发送,动词。过去式为sent。根据 The police told me the phone number of the man who1(send)back my handbag.可知,句子的时态为一般过去时,所以动词send要变为过去式sent,故答案为sent。
【解析】【分析】句意:挂在中间的那条裙子要五百块钱。be,是,动词。根据The dress that1 (be)hung in the middle costs five hundred dollars.可知,句子时态为一般现在时,且主语The dress为单数主语,所以用is即可,故答案为is。
【解析】【分析】句意:用赚到的钱,他继续在学校学习。be,是,动词,过去式为was或者were。根据With the money that1 (be)made, he went on with his studies at school.可知,句子时态为一般过去时,且主语The dress为单数主语,所以用was即可,故答案为was。
【解析】【分析】句意:餐厅里播放的歌曲很受欢迎。be,是,动词。根据The songs that1 (be)played in the restaurant are very popular.可知,句子时态为一般现在时,且主语The songs为复数主语,所以用are即可,故答案为are。
22.句意:希望乐队,是美国的一个学生乐队,又一次用他们的音乐给当地儿童医院的小病人们带来了快乐。A:hospital,医院。B:school,学校。C:community,社区。D:charity,慈善机构。根据句中的once again brought joy with their music to young patients可知,这里说到了病人,所以应该是去儿童医院。下文中也提到了20 children at the hospital,故选A。
23.句意:从与社区里的其他孩子们交流中,这些孩子们真的学到了很多。A:dealing,解决。B:communicating,交流。C:comparing,比较。D:connecting,连接。根据句中with other children in the community可知,这个乐队的学生们去给社区的其他孩子表演,不是和他们相处,也是对比和连接,应该是和他们交流,故选B。
24.句意:最近Hopewell中学里7年级和8年级的学生们组成了这个乐队。A:mainly,主要地。B:suddenly,突然地。C:recently,最近。D:closely,紧密地。根据The seventh and eighth graders at Hopewell Junior High School formed the band可知,这句话说的乐队的组建情况,应填的是一个时间状语,其他副词不符合句意,故选C。
25.句意:这些乐队的成员也为病人们举行故事时间,并且带来一些小的乐器让他们玩。A:still,仍然。B:also,也。C:only,仅仅。D:just,仅仅。根据上面提到了they were already playing their sixth concert可知,乐队成员开演唱会,这里又补充说还讲故事,故选B。
26.句意:这些乐队的成员也为病人们举行讲故事时间,并且带来一些小的乐器让他们玩。A:candies,糖果。B:cards,卡片。C:flowers,花。D:instruments,乐器。根据句中for them to play可知,这四个名词中只有instruments是可以玩的,故选D。
27.句意:这个乐队的27名成员放学后一周见一次面进行两个小时的练习。A:two-minute,两分钟的。B:two-hour,两小时的。C:two-day,两天的。D:two-week,两周的。根据The band's 27 members meet once a week for a 6 practice after school.可知,乐队成员每周集合一次,进行练习,A选项时间太短,C和D不符合句意。故选B。
28.句意:每个月,这个乐队都去Pediatric Specialty Care表演一场迷你的音乐会。A:concert,音乐会。B:class,班级。C:operation,手术。D:play,玩。根据下句话They play popular music such as songs from the movies Frozen and TheLittle Mermaid可知,他们是去开演唱会,故选A。
29.句意:在一场音乐会中,他了解到其中的一名病人喜欢听唱歌,所以他和其他的一些成员回到病人的房间,为他唱歌。A:thought,认为。B:expected,期望。C:wondered,想知道。D:learned,学习。根据During one concert, he 8 that one of the patients 9 to listen to the singing, so he and a few other band memberswent back to the patient's room and 10 to him.可知,乐队成员和这个病人是不认识的,所以他是间接的了解到了这个情况,故选D。
30.句意:在一场音乐会中,他了解到其中的一名病人喜欢听唱歌,所以他和其他的一些成员回到病人的房间,为他唱歌。A:like,喜欢。B:hate,讨厌。C:hates,是第三人称单数形式。D:likes,是第三人称单数形式。根据so he and a few other band members went back to the patient's room and___10___to him可知,那个病人喜欢听歌,这里说的是一个客观事实,应用一般现在时态,主语one of the patients是单数形式,故选D。
31.句意:在一场音乐会中,他了解到其中的一名病人喜欢听唱歌,所以他和其他的一些成员回到病人的房间,为他唱歌。A:said,说,是say的过去式。B:listened,听。C:sang,唱歌。是sing的过去式。D:explained,解释,explain的过去式。根据上句话he___8___that one of the patients ___9___to listen to the singing可知,这个病人喜欢听歌,所以这个乐队的成员去他的病房为他唱歌,故选C。
32.句意:Liam说:那真的是太令人惊讶了。A:amazing,令人惊讶的。B:boring,无聊的。C:lasting,持续的。D:interesting,有趣的。根据That was really 11, "Liam said. ""They had big smiles 12 their faces.可知,Liam觉得这个学生乐队可以给孩子们带来快乐,这是很令人吃惊的。故选A。
33.句意:在他们的脸上有大大的微笑。A:at,在具体时刻或地点。B:in,在……里面。C:on,在……上面。D:with,和……一起。根据They had big smiles 12 their faces.可知,微笑是挂在脸上的,故选C。
35.句意:它真的创造出一种感觉,那就是我们都是一个社会,也是好的公民。A:rises,上升。B:sees,看见。C:loses,失去。D:creates,创造。根据It really 14 a sense that we're all one community and good citizenship 15.可知,这种感觉是这个乐队给人们带来的,创造出来的,故选D。
36.句意:它真的创造出一种感觉,那就是我们都是一个团体,也是好的公民。A:as if,好像。B:as well,也,用于句末。C:as long as,只要。D:as so,形式错误。根据It really 14 a sense that we're all one community and good citizenship 15.可知,我们都是一个团体,也是好公民,故选B。
37.根据Classical music is a form of music which needs high musical skills.可知,古典音乐是一种需要很高音乐技巧的音乐形式。故选A。
38.根据In this kind of music, the bass is the main instrument. 可知,在这种音乐中,贝司是主要的乐器。故选D。
39.根据 This kind of music always includes the use of instruments such as the guitar, violin, piano, bass(低音电吉他), drums and so on.和The main musical instruments are the cornet, trumpet and violin, which help carry the melody.可知,hip-hop music and jazz music都有乐器小提琴,故选B。
40.根据 It is also known as"information music".可知,重金属音乐也被称为信息音乐,不是爵士音乐被称为信息音乐,所以D选项不正确,故选D。
新目标(Go for it)版九年级精彩练习 Unit 9 第二课时 Section A(3a-3c)
【答案】(1)stick to
(2)depend on
(3)cheer me up
(4)try one's best
(5)provide plenty of information
(6)once in a while
【解析】【分析】(1)坚持,stick to,动词短语,后接动词doing。故答案为stick to。
(2)取决于,depend on,动词短语,后接动词doing。故答案为depend on。
(3)使某人开心,cheer sb up,固定搭配。使我开心,cheer me up,故答案为cheer me up。
(4)尽力,try one's best,固定搭配。故答案为try one's best。
(5)提供,provide,动词。很多,plenty of,固定词组。信息,information,名词。所以提供很多信息是provide plenty of information,故答案为provide plenty of information。
(6)偶尔地,once in a while,固定搭配。用来作状语,故答案为once in a while。
2.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has a happy     (结尾). The prince and the princess live happily together.
【解析】【分析】句意:《白雪公主和七个小矮人》有一个美好的结局。 王子和公主幸福地生活在一起。结尾,ending,名词。前面有冠词a修饰,所以用单数即可,故答案为ending。
3.Mr. Miller drank so much wine that he forgot the    (对话)with his guests last night. He didn't remember anything that he said.
【解析】【分析】句意:米勒先生喝了太多酒,以至于忘记了昨晚与客人的对话。 他不记得他说过什么。对话,dialogue,名词。复数为dialogues。根据Mr. Miller drank so much wine that he forgot the1 (对话)with his guests last night.可知,此处用名词单数和复数都可以,故答案为dialogue(s)。
4.There is    (大量)of rain in the south in summer. Sometimes it results in floods.
【解析】【分析】句意:夏季南方多雨。 有时它会导致洪水。大量,plenty of,固定搭配,后可以接不可数名词。故答案为plenty。
【点评】考查单词拼写。注意识记固定搭配:大量,plenty of,固定搭配。
5.In the movie people regard the Spiderman as a    (超级英雄).
He is     (沮丧) and upset. Let's cheer him
【解析】【分析】句意: 他很沮丧很不安,让我们让他振作起来。is系动词后是形容词,沮丧,down是形容词,故填down。
7.Don't forget to    (粘贴)the stamp on the envelope before throwing it into the mailbox.
【解析】【分析】句意:在将信封扔进邮箱之前,不要忘记将邮票贴在信封上。粘贴,stick,动词。forget to do sth,忘记做某事,固定搭配。所以此处用动词原形stick即可,故答案为stick。
【点评】考查单词拼写。注意识记短语:forget to do sth,忘记做某事,固定搭配。
8.With these angry words, he    (关闭)the door heavily and left.
9.The Blue Planet is a great series of    (纪录片)made by BBC.
【解析】【分析】句意:《蓝色星球》是 BBC 制作的一系列精彩纪录片。纪录片,documentary,名词。复数为documentaries。a series of,一系列,后接可数名词复数,故答案为documentaries。
【点评】考查单词拼写。注意 series of,一系列,后接可数名词复数。
10.The actress learned how to act in a    (戏)school in New York.
11.I became a teacher because I    (更喜欢)books and people to machines.
【解析】【分析】句意:我成为一名教师是因为我更喜欢书籍和人而不是机器。更喜欢,prefer,动词。过去式为preferred。根据 I became a teacher because I … (更喜欢)books and people to machines.可知,句子时态是一般过去时,所以动词prefer要用过去式preferred,故答案为preferred。
After seeing the movie, I felt even     (sad) than others.
【解析】【分析】句意: 看完这部电影后,我比其他人更难过。than是比较级标志,sad是形容词,故填sadder。
The sick boy doesn't feel like     (eat) anything.
【解析】【分析】句意: 这个生病的男孩不想吃任何东西。feel like doing,固定搭配,想要做某事,故填eating。
【点评】考查语法填空,注意feel like doing的用法。
14.The dish is too    (salt). Please give me some water.
【解析】【分析】句意:这道菜太咸了。 请给我一些水。salt,盐,名词。形容词为salty,咸的。is后要用形容词做表语,故答案为salty。
15.    (dance) to music sounds relaxing and exciting.
【解析】【分析】句意: 听音乐跳舞听起来轻松而刺激。动名词做主语,故填Dancing。
16.Tony enjoys    (tell)jokes that make others laugh.
【解析】【分析】句意:托尼喜欢讲让别人发笑的笑话。tell,告诉,动词。现在分词为telling。enjoy doing sth,喜欢做某事,固定搭配。故答案为telling。
【点评】考查语法填空。注意识记一些搭配:enjoy doing sth,喜欢做某事,固定搭配。
17.George is an English teacher who     (love)mountain-climbing.
【解析】【分析】句意:乔治是一位热爱爬山的英语老师。love,热爱,动词。单三形式为loves。根据George is an English teacher可知,主语为单数,所以此处动词要用单三形式loves,故答案为loves。
18.The police told me the phone number of the man who   (send)back my handbag.
【解析】【分析】句意:警察告诉了我送回我手提包的那个人的电话号码。send,发送,动词。过去式为sent。根据 The police told me the phone number of the man who1(send)back my handbag.可知,句子的时态为一般过去时,所以动词send要变为过去式sent,故答案为sent。
19.The dress that    (be)hung in the middle costs five hundred dollars.
【解析】【分析】句意:挂在中间的那条裙子要五百块钱。be,是,动词。根据The dress that1 (be)hung in the middle costs five hundred dollars.可知,句子时态为一般现在时,且主语The dress为单数主语,所以用is即可,故答案为is。
20.With the money that    (be)made, he went on with his studies at school.
【解析】【分析】句意:用赚到的钱,他继续在学校学习。be,是,动词,过去式为was或者were。根据With the money that1 (be)made, he went on with his studies at school.可知,句子时态为一般过去时,且主语The dress为单数主语,所以用was即可,故答案为was。
21.The songs that    (be)played in the restaurant are very popular.
【解析】【分析】句意:餐厅里播放的歌曲很受欢迎。be,是,动词。根据The songs that1 (be)played in the restaurant are very popular.可知,句子时态为一般现在时,且主语The songs为复数主语,所以用are即可,故答案为are。
What power does music have Band of Hope, a student band in the US, once again brought joy with their music to young patients at a local children's 22. . "The children really get a lot from 23. with other children in the community, "said Ashley Boguszewski, a specialist at Pediatric Specialty Care (a nursing specialty organization for children).
The seventh and eighth graders at Hopewell Junior High School formed the band 24. . On May 27, they were already playing their sixth concert, performing to 20 children at the hospital. The band members 25. hosted a story time for the patients and brought small 26. for them to play.
The band's 27 members meet once a week for a 27. practice after school. Each month, the band heads to Pediatric Specialty Care to perform a mini 28. . They play popular music such as songs from the movies Frozen and The Little Mermaid.
Eighth-grader Liam Watters, 13, plays the baritone(男中音)in the band. During one concert, he 29. that one of the patients 30. to listen to the singing, so he and a few other band memberswent back to the patient's room and 31. to him.
"That was really 32. , "Liam said. ""They had big smiles 33. their faces. "
"We're hoping that it's something that grows and becomes an even 34. part of our culture here, "said Kerry Wilson, director of the band. "It really 35. a sense that we're all one community and good citizenship 36. . "
22.A.hospital B.school C.community D.charity
23.A.dealing B.communicating C.comparing D.connecting
24.A.mainly B.suddenly C.recently D.closely
25.A.still B.also C.only D.just
26.A.candies B.cards C.flowers D.instruments
27.A.two-minute B.two-hour C.two-day D.two-week
28.A.concert B.class C.operation D.play
29.A.thought B.expected C.wondered D.learned
30.A.like B.hate C.hates D.likes
31.A.said B.listened C.sang D.explained
32.A.amazing B.boring C.lasting D.interesting
33.A.at B.in C.on D.with
34.A.bigger B.biggest C.big D.more big
35.A.rises B.sees C.loses D.creates
36.A.as if B.as well C.as long as D.as so
22.句意:希望乐队,是美国的一个学生乐队,又一次用他们的音乐给当地儿童医院的小病人们带来了快乐。A:hospital,医院。B:school,学校。C:community,社区。D:charity,慈善机构。根据句中的once again brought joy with their music to young patients可知,这里说到了病人,所以应该是去儿童医院。下文中也提到了20 children at the hospital,故选A。
23.句意:从与社区里的其他孩子们交流中,这些孩子们真的学到了很多。A:dealing,解决。B:communicating,交流。C:comparing,比较。D:connecting,连接。根据句中with other children in the community可知,这个乐队的学生们去给社区的其他孩子表演,不是和他们相处,也是对比和连接,应该是和他们交流,故选B。
24.句意:最近Hopewell中学里7年级和8年级的学生们组成了这个乐队。A:mainly,主要地。B:suddenly,突然地。C:recently,最近。D:closely,紧密地。根据The seventh and eighth graders at Hopewell Junior High School formed the band可知,这句话说的乐队的组建情况,应填的是一个时间状语,其他副词不符合句意,故选C。
25.句意:这些乐队的成员也为病人们举行故事时间,并且带来一些小的乐器让他们玩。A:still,仍然。B:also,也。C:only,仅仅。D:just,仅仅。根据上面提到了they were already playing their sixth concert可知,乐队成员开演唱会,这里又补充说还讲故事,故选B。
26.句意:这些乐队的成员也为病人们举行讲故事时间,并且带来一些小的乐器让他们玩。A:candies,糖果。B:cards,卡片。C:flowers,花。D:instruments,乐器。根据句中for them to play可知,这四个名词中只有instruments是可以玩的,故选D。
27.句意:这个乐队的27名成员放学后一周见一次面进行两个小时的练习。A:two-minute,两分钟的。B:two-hour,两小时的。C:two-day,两天的。D:two-week,两周的。根据The band's 27 members meet once a week for a 6 practice after school.可知,乐队成员每周集合一次,进行练习,A选项时间太短,C和D不符合句意。故选B。
28.句意:每个月,这个乐队都去Pediatric Specialty Care表演一场迷你的音乐会。A:concert,音乐会。B:class,班级。C:operation,手术。D:play,玩。根据下句话They play popular music such as songs from the movies Frozen and TheLittle Mermaid可知,他们是去开演唱会,故选A。
29.句意:在一场音乐会中,他了解到其中的一名病人喜欢听唱歌,所以他和其他的一些成员回到病人的房间,为他唱歌。A:thought,认为。B:expected,期望。C:wondered,想知道。D:learned,学习。根据During one concert, he 8 that one of the patients 9 to listen to the singing, so he and a few other band memberswent back to the patient's room and 10 to him.可知,乐队成员和这个病人是不认识的,所以他是间接的了解到了这个情况,故选D。
30.句意:在一场音乐会中,他了解到其中的一名病人喜欢听唱歌,所以他和其他的一些成员回到病人的房间,为他唱歌。A:like,喜欢。B:hate,讨厌。C:hates,是第三人称单数形式。D:likes,是第三人称单数形式。根据so he and a few other band members went back to the patient's room and___10___to him可知,那个病人喜欢听歌,这里说的是一个客观事实,应用一般现在时态,主语one of the patients是单数形式,故选D。
31.句意:在一场音乐会中,他了解到其中的一名病人喜欢听唱歌,所以他和其他的一些成员回到病人的房间,为他唱歌。A:said,说,是say的过去式。B:listened,听。C:sang,唱歌。是sing的过去式。D:explained,解释,explain的过去式。根据上句话he___8___that one of the patients ___9___to listen to the singing可知,这个病人喜欢听歌,所以这个乐队的成员去他的病房为他唱歌,故选C。
32.句意:Liam说:那真的是太令人惊讶了。A:amazing,令人惊讶的。B:boring,无聊的。C:lasting,持续的。D:interesting,有趣的。根据That was really 11, "Liam said. ""They had big smiles 12 their faces.可知,Liam觉得这个学生乐队可以给孩子们带来快乐,这是很令人吃惊的。故选A。
33.句意:在他们的脸上有大大的微笑。A:at,在具体时刻或地点。B:in,在……里面。C:on,在……上面。D:with,和……一起。根据They had big smiles 12 their faces.可知,微笑是挂在脸上的,故选C。
35.句意:它真的创造出一种感觉,那就是我们都是一个社会,也是好的公民。A:rises,上升。B:sees,看见。C:loses,失去。D:creates,创造。根据It really 14 a sense that we're all one community and good citizenship 15.可知,这种感觉是这个乐队给人们带来的,创造出来的,故选D。
36.句意:它真的创造出一种感觉,那就是我们都是一个团体,也是好的公民。A:as if,好像。B:as well,也,用于句末。C:as long as,只要。D:as so,形式错误。根据It really 14 a sense that we're all one community and good citizenship 15.可知,我们都是一个团体,也是好公民,故选B。
There are many different kinds of music in the world. Now let's study some of them.
Classical music Classical music is a form of music which needs high musical skills. If you want to learn this kind of music, you have to go through proper training.
Heavy metal music Heavy metal music came out after World War Ⅱ. The melody(旋律)of the song is heavily influenced by the structure of it. It is also known as"information music". In heavy metal music, song writing is based on a form.
Hip-hop music This kind of music always includes the use of instruments such as the guitar, violin, piano, bass(低音电吉他), drums and so on. In this kind of music, the bass is the main instrument. It was first played by a group of traveling singers and poets of West Africa.
Opera music It first appeared in Italy in the 1600s. It has a great mixture of theatrical(戏剧的)art and musical invention and is used in theaters.
Jazz music This kind of music has strong and complex melodies. The main musical instruments are the cornet, trumpet and violin, which help carry the melody.
Besides these, there are many other kinds of music such as the blues, new-age music, Celtic music, religious music, and chamber music.
37._______music needs high musical skills.
A.Classical B.Heavy metal C.Hip-hop D.Opera
38.The main instrument in hip-hop music is the _______.
A.guitar B.violin C.piano D.bass
39.The _______ is used in both hip-hop music and jazz music.
A.piano B.violin C.trumpet D.cornet
40.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Heavy metal music appeared after World War Ⅱ.
B.Only after proper training can you learn classical music.
C.Opera music first appeared in Italy.
D.People call jazz music"information music".
41.What's the best title for the passage
A.Different Kinds of Music B.Our Favorite Musicians
C.We Love Music Best D.Welcome to the Music Club
37.根据Classical music is a form of music which needs high musical skills.可知,古典音乐是一种需要很高音乐技巧的音乐形式。故选A。
38.根据In this kind of music, the bass is the main instrument. 可知,在这种音乐中,贝司是主要的乐器。故选D。
39.根据 This kind of music always includes the use of instruments such as the guitar, violin, piano, bass(低音电吉他), drums and so on.和The main musical instruments are the cornet, trumpet and violin, which help carry the melody.可知,hip-hop music and jazz music都有乐器小提琴,故选B。
40.根据 It is also known as"information music".可知,重金属音乐也被称为信息音乐,不是爵士音乐被称为信息音乐,所以D选项不正确,故选D。



