2023-2024度第一学期人教Go for it七年级期中英语评估卷(含答案)

( ) 1. -Excuse me, Helen.What's this in English -It's ______ tomato.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 2. -Whose iPhone 10+ is it -______. I'm looking for it here and there.
A. I B. Me C. Mine D. Myself
( ) 3.-______ is she -She's my aunt.
A. What B. How C. Who D. Where
( ) 4.-______ that your pencil box -______, it's his pencil box.
A. Is; Yes B. Is; No C. Are; No D. Are; Yes
( ) 5.“UN” is the abbreviation(缩写) of “______" in Chinese.
A.中央电视台 B.英国广播公司 C.千克 D.联合国
( ) 6. I'm John Smith. I'm an English teacher. Students call me ______.
A. Mr.John B. Mr.Smith C. Mr.John Smith D. Ms.Smith
( ) 7. Thanks ______ your great love, Mom!
A. of B. for C. in D. /
( ) 8. ______ are good friends.
A. I and Amy B. Amy and I C. Her and Amy D. I and her
( ) 9.-Are these your pencils -Yes, ______.
A. I am B. these are C. it is D. they are
( ) 10.-Where ______ your keys -______ on the table.
A. is; It's B. are; It's C. is; They're D. are; They're
( ) 11.The underlined part(部分)in the word"teacher" is pronounced(发音)as_____.
A. /i/ B. /i:/ C. /u/ D. /u:/
( ) 12.-What's your phone number
A. This is 535-2346. B. That is 535-2346.
C. It is 535-2346. D. I don't know.
( ) 13. ______ CDs are in the bookcase.
A. A B. An C. One D. Some
( ) 14. -______ -J-E-N-N-Y, Jenny,
A.How do you spell your name B. Are you Jenny
C.What's your name D.Is this your name
( )15. ______! We’ll be late!
A. Hello B. Come C. Go D. Come on
Good morning, boys ___1___ girls. From now on(从现在起), I ___2___ your English teacher. My name ___3___ Alice Brown. Alice is my ___4___ name, Brown is my last name. Look, what's this Yes, you are right. It's a photo of my___5___. The man is my husband. His name is Bob ___6___. What does he do Well, he is a teacher, __7____. But he is not in our school. This is my son, ___8___name is Jim. How old is he Well, he is nine. He likes red. His model car is red and he is in red, too. And this is
my daughter. Her name is Gina. __9____ likes white. More(更多的)questions What's my __10____ number, yes Well, my QQ number is 88653188.
( ) 1.A. or B. but C. and D. to
( ) 2.A. am B. is C. are D. be
( ) 3.A. call B. calls C. spells D. is
( ) 4.A. first B. that C. family D. one
( ) 5.A. school B. son C. husband D. family
( ) 6.A. Miller B. Smith C. Brown D. White
( ) 7.A. to B. too C. and D. two
( ) 8.A. He B. She C. His D. Her
( ) 9.A. She B. He C. His D. Her
( ) 10.A. QQ B. ID C. phone D. game
Lost: My new bike. It's red. My name is Jimmy. Please call 678-2190. Found: Is this your ring Please call Betty. Phone number:892-2311.
Lost: My baseball. My name is Bruce. Please call 708-2097. Found: Is this your schoolbag Please call David. Phone number:291-2845.
Found: Is this your watch My phone number is 439-6175. Call me. Paul
( ) 1. Who lost a bike
A. Betty. B. Jimmy. C. Bruce. D. David.
( ) 2. Is the ring Betty's
A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. No, it's Paul's. D. No, it's David's.
( ) 3.What color is the schoolbag
A. Red. B. Green. C. Black. D. We don't know.
( ) 4. Who can you call for the watch
A. Betty. B. Jimmy. C. Paul. D. David.
( ) 5. What's Bruce's phone number
A. 678-2190. B. 892-2311. C. 708-2097. D. 291-2845.
Hello, everyone, I'm Xing Fei. I'm from China. My family name is Xing. I live in Beijing. My family is very large. In my family, my grandfather is eighty years old. And my grandma is eighty two years old. They have four children, my uncle, my father and my two aunts. I'm their grandson. My parents have two children, my sister and me. And I have four cousins. Now, I'm a student in No.10 Middle School. And my sister is only five years old. My parents are both teachers. They love my family very much. So they work hard. We go to the park every morning. My mother says that it
can help us keep healthy(健康的).
( ) 6. How many cousins does Xing Fei have
A. Five. B. Four. C. Ten. D. One.
( ) 7. How old is his grandmother
A. 80. B. 82. C. 83. D. 81.
( ) 8. Xing Fei's parents are ______.
A. teachers B. doctors C. students D. workers
( ) 9. Is Xing Fei a boy or a girl
A.Yes, he is. B. A girl. C. A boy. D.We don't know.
( ) 10. Xing Fei has______.
A. one uncle and two aunts B. one uncle and four aunts
C. two uncles and one aunt D. two uncles and two aunts
A) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词,补全句子。
1. Your mother's or father's brother is your u________.
2.-Where's my baseball, Mom -It's u_________ your bed.
3.-What's this in English -It's a________(钥匙).
4.-Where's Li Ming -He is in the__________(教室).
5. I have a big____________(家庭).
B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。
6. We have two ____________(library) in our school.
7. _________(she) is my sister, _________(she) name is Mary.
8. Are the books __________(you)
9.“Where's my ruler " Gina always __________(ask).
10.What about ___________(help) me with my English
1. 这把尺子是什么颜色的
____________ ____________ is the ruler
2. 那是她的字典吗
____________ ____________ her ____________
3. 这些是我的兄弟。
____________ ____________ my ____________.
4. 感谢你的帮助。
____________ ____________ your help.
5. 桌子上有一串钥匙,是他的吗
There is______ _______ _______ ________on the desk. Is it ________
bookcase, are, bed, where, on, under, some of, but, they
This is a photo_______my room. It's not big _______very tidy. You can see a _______ next to the wall. There is a family photo _______ the wall. My desk and chair _______ next to the bed. _______ is my schoolbag Oh, it's _______ the desk. What's in my schoolbag Look! A pencil box, _______books and a baseball. Where are my CDs Are _______ on the desk No, they aren't. They're in the _______. I like my room very much.
Hello! I'm Paul. I'm a student in Class Four, Grade Seven. (A)My English teacher is Mr. Miller. Oh, this is his English-Chinese dictionary. My dictionary is in my schoolbag. (B)This is my ID card. That pen is black and white. It isn't my pen. I found it in Class One. If you lost the pen, please call me at 041-4728.
1. 在短文中提到过的物品下面打“√”
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2. 将(A)处画线句子翻译成汉语。
3. 将(B)处画线句子改为一般疑问句。
4. What's Paul's telephone number
5. Is the black and white pen Paul's
假如这是你的房间,请根据图片,写一篇短文来介绍自己的房间。要求60 词左右。参考词汇:light 灯; wall墙; kite 风筝; socks袜子
1-5 ACCBD 6-10 BBBDD 11-15 BCDAD
1-5 CADAD 6-10 CBCAA
1-5 BBDCC 6-10 BBACA
A) l. uncle 2. under 3. key 4. classroom 5. family
B) 6. libraries 7. She; Her 8. yours 9. asks 10. helping
1.What color 2.Is that; dictionary 3. These are; brothers
4.Thanks for 5.a set of keys;his
1. of 2. but 3. bed 4. on 5. are
6. Where 7. under 8. some 9. they 10. bookcase
1. B、C、D 2.我的英语老师是米勒先生。 3.Is this your ID card
4. (Its) 041-4728. 5. No,it isn't.
八、书面表达。(15分) One possible version:
Look, this is my room. It is tidy. A bed,a chair and a desk are in it. My socks are on the bed. Some books and a light are on the desk. There are two pictures and a kite on the wall. Oh,my schoolbag is on the chair. Where's my football Look, it's under the chair. I like my room.



