Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands词汇专练(精编word版 带答案)

2023—2024学年人教版英语九年级Unit 10—词汇专练
Name___________ Grade___________
第一节 词汇。
1. Drums are b     to African music. People there play them often.
2. The two old classmates were both excited to meet each other and e    addresses and phone numbers.
3. This lovely girl is Mr. King’s g    . She is playing in the garden.
4. They all went to have a picnic near the lake e     me last weekend.
5. She’s been b     in a respectful way.
6.London, Paris and Rome are c     cities.
7.My mother was m     when I broke her favorite glass.
8.We should be there by n    . So we need to start earlier.
9.The local clubs are making every e    to interest more young people.
10.The report talked about the v     of a preschool education.
11.The bus wasn’t crowded. There were many e     seats on it.
12.I hear someone k     at the door. Will you go and see who it is
13.Have you talked to Mr. Black about your plan I think it’s well w     a try.
14.When you eat with foreigners, you are supposed to pay attention to your m    .
15.Jack, can you get some c     for me I want to write something on the blackboard.
16.It's important to v________ what you have now.
17.Last week, they paid a visit to Paris, the c________ of France.
18.The local clubs are making every e________ to interest more young people.
19.After swimming, we usually feel happy and r________.
20.The clock strikes twelve times at n________.
21. As students,we must v________ our study time.
22. The book cost me money but it's w________ it.
23. You must p________ well before the guests.
24. Dalian is a beautiful city by the c________.
25. If you want to drive well, you must master these b________ skills.
26. What are you s________ to do if you don't know the way
27. I i________ him to go to the movie with me,but he refused.
28. This is her ________(two) time to come to China.
29. Do you know a famous singer ________(call) Song Zuying
30. I don't know when to s________ hands with others and when not to.
31. The little boy often k________ his mother's face. It makes her happy.
32. You will make m________ if you do things in a hurry.
33. Jim came out of his room and g________ Mr. Wang by shouting a friendly “hello”.
34. I thought they all had to b________ to the king.
35. She r________ home after work and made a cup of coffee for herself.
36. New York is not the c________ of the USA,but Washington D.C. is.
37. Will the v________ of houses and land continue to increase
38. The workers ate lunch at n________.
39. My friends were m________ at me for waking them up so early.
40. Listening to smooth music can make me feel r________.
41. It is well-known that there are four s________ in a year.
42. Everyone else in my class was invited e________ me, but I don't know why.
43. It's polite to k________ on the door before entering a room.
44. Some students have to wear glasses in class because they can't see the b________ clearly.
45. Our teacher has given us some advice that is well w________ considering.
46.Drums are b     to African music. People there play them often.
47.The two old classmates were both excited to meet each other and e     addresses and phone numbers.
48.Tomorrow we are going to celebrate my dear g     birthday.
49.If he really cared for you, he wouldn't b     like that.
50.These dresses were the same e     mine.
51.We walked five miles along the c    . It made us feel comfortable and relaxed.
52.Could you please show me your p    , young men
53.Sometimes you can experience two or three s     in one day in England.
54.A little girl was drawing on the wall with a piece of c    .
55.Don't draw anything on the b     before class.
56. The waiter g________ everyone with a smile. The smile makes everyone pleased.
57. By reading this article,we can learn about table m________ .
58. Harbin is a big city in the ________(north) part of China.
59. Alice doesn't know how to solve the problem. She needs some s________ .
60. Mike e________ address and Christmas gift with his new friend.
2023—2024学年人教版英语九年级Unit 10—词汇专练
参 考 答 案
第一节 词汇。
1.basic   2.exchanged  3.granddaughter 4.except  5.behaving
6.capital  7.mad  8.noon 9.effort  10.value
11.empty  12.knocking  13.worth 14.manners  15.chalk
16.value  17.capital  18.effort 19.relaxed  20.noon
21. value  22. worth  23. behave  24. coast  25. basic
26. supposed  27.invited   28. second  29. called  30. shake
31. kisses  32. mistakes  33. greeted  34. bow  35. returned
36. capital  37. value  38. noon  39. mad  40. relaxed
41.seasons  42.except  43.knock  44.blackboard  45.worth
46.basic  47.exchanged 48.granddaughte's 49.behave 50.except
51.coast  52.passports 53.seasons  54.chalk 55.blackboard 
56. greets  57. manners  58. northern  59. suggestions 60. exchanged
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Unit 5 Dinner is ready 课时测评(含答案)
