
2023-2024 (上) 高一12月份阶段测试 英语答案
1-5 AABCC 6-10 ACCAB
11-15 BABCB 16-20 CBCCC
21-25 CDCBB 26-30ADBAD
31-35 BBADA
36-40 GECFA
41-45 CDCBA 46-50 DBACC
51-55 DCBAD
56.the 57.lying 58.beautifully 59.original 60.to protect 61.purposes 62.which 63. was done 64.is 65.to
【语篇解读】 文章介绍了四个活动,青少年可以根据自己的兴趣爱好选择参与。
21.C 细节理解题。由Summer Leadership Camp介绍中的“The summer camp experience is a rewarding opportunity for young people to learn leadership skills.”可知,这个活动的对象是想学一些领导技巧的年轻人。
22. D 推理判断题。由Rein Community Service的介绍可知,孩子们在这里主要从事社区志愿者工作,能培养孩子富有爱心。
23. C细节理解题。由Green River Preserve介绍中的“Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina”可知,这个活动和大自然有关。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。丈夫和“我”很早就梦想着带孩子们一起去旅游,享受美景和家人陪伴的时光。十四年后,我们实现了梦想。
B 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“My husband and I always dreamed about taking our kids on a trip around the world.”可推知,14年前,“我”和丈夫梦想着带孩子们环游世界,故B项正确。
B 词义猜测题。根据上文可知,“我”和丈夫梦想着带孩子们环游世界,结合第三段第二句“It was time to make good on those plans.”可推知,是实行这些计划的时候了。由此可推知,画线部分意为“实行”,故B项正确。
A 段落大意题。根据第三段的内容可知,该段主要介绍了实行旅游计划,和三个孩子一起去旅游的情况,故A项正确。
27. D 细节理解题。根据第四段“But there was something more than that:What we really wanted is to slow down time.”可知,作者最希望的是时间能慢下来,故D项正确。
【语篇解读】 孩子在成长的过程中会面对很多竞争,而教会孩子们坦然面对失败是必要的。
29. A推理判断题。第二段指出要教导孩子为别人的成功喝彩。第三、四段指出教孩子学会适应失败。由此可知,作者认为失败是可以接受的。
30. D主旨大意题。综合全文,文章论述让孩子学会坦然面对失败的重要性,即让孩子学会如何健康竞争。
31. B 文章出处题。文章是关于教会孩子坦然面对失败,属于教育的范畴。
阅读D 【语篇解读】文章通过举用垃圾创作雕塑作品来反映环保问题的艺术家Schult的例子,号召每个普通人要关注环保问题,创作环保作品,尝试成为环保艺术家。
B推理判断题 根据第一段中的“We are living in a time of garbage,” says Schult “I created a thousand sculptures of garbage. They are a mirror of ourselves. 可知,Schult 的雕塑是用垃圾来制作的,这反映了我们这个时代是(充满)垃圾的时代,环境问题应引起重视。
A 推理判断题 根据第二段中的“They are social sculptures,”he explained. “They are not only the sculptures to spread the idea that we live in a time of garbage.” 可知,真正的艺术家要有艺术责任感,通过艺术反映社会问题。
34 D 推理判断题 根据最后两段中的 Maybe it’s because we all have our own presumption(设想) of what art is and isn’t or whom artists are or should be. 和You can be artist like Schult if you try. 可知,普通人也可以成为艺术家
35 A标题归纳题 文章通过举用垃圾创作雕塑作品来反映环保问题的艺术家Schult的例子,号召每个普通人要关注环保问题,创作环保作品,尝试成为环保艺术家。A项既概括了文章内容又能吸引读者,适合作为文章标题。
36.G【解题思路】空前句意:但有很多人对自己仍很陌生,为什么呢?空后句意:对于一个想要拥有好生活的人,了解自己非常重要。由此可知,G 项“并不是每个人都有足够有勇气实现更好的自我了解”符合上下文。
37 .E【解题思路】空前句意:花一点时间写下你非常了解自己的一些事情,你的兴趣、喜好、厌恶、偏爱、爱好、强项、弱点、希望、恐惧、梦想等。根据上文意思可知,E 项“思考这些品质,然后找到它们如何影响你的全部生活”符合上下文。
39.F【解题思路】空前句意:通过别人对你的认识来更了解自己。空后句意:有时候你认 为你已经足够了解自己了,但是其他人从他们的角度来看你,可以为你提供关于你如何行动和被他人理解的见解。故 F 项“关注你的家人、朋友、同事对你的评价”符合上下文。
40.A【解题思路】此空是本段的主题句。根据下文所提到的是不断地了解自己,这是一个一生的过程可知,A 项“不断地了解你是谁”符合语境。
C 根据上文wedding reception 可知, Michael 和Linda 是一对夫妻couple
D 根据上文”had decided that instead of playing host to their friends and family with a traditional feast reception” 可知,相对于传统的盛宴,他们更喜欢(preferred)给地震灾区无家可归的人提供事物。refuse拒绝;apply,申请;pretend假装。
C 根据下文”For the past few years, the organization has handed out __44__ meals to thousands of people who’ve ___45___ natural disasters”可知, Michael 的父亲在土耳其救济组织做志愿者。call喊,search 寻找;volunteer 自愿无偿服务;work工作。
B 根据下文 “meals to thousands of people who’ve _____ natural disasters” 可知,在过去的几年里,该组织已经向数千名遭受灾害的人分发了日常膳食。daily meals 日常饮食。
A suffer from 遭受,think about 考虑,思考, set up 创立,建立, turn over 翻转,移交
D 根据上文“suggested that the family cover part of the cost of feeding them for the day”可知,儿子对他的建议(suggestion)感到惊讶,但很快就同意了。order命令;result 结果;comment 评论
B根据下文on Thursday to spend the day serving food and taking photographs with their grateful recipients 可知,当他把这件事告诉Linda时,她真的很震惊,但最终还是接受了,因为在土耳其东南部,有一种真正的与有需要的人分享的文化。 consider考虑;doubt 质疑;fail失败
A根据上文 Last Thursday, Michael and Linda were distributing (分发) meals to 4,000 homeless people for their wedding reception (婚宴) in the border of town of Kilis. 可知,这对夫妻与无家可归的人分享食物。这是一种真正的与有需要的人分享的文化。In common 共同的,in sickness 生病的;in danger 处于危险中的。
C food 食物;experience经验;happiness快乐
C根据下文 “So, they arrived at the __51__ on Thursday to spend the day serving food and taking photographs with their grateful recipients.”可知, Linda对此很感兴趣,所以后来亲自参与。amazed吃惊的;disappointed失望的;annoyed 烦恼的。
D 根据前文可知,这对夫妇决定给地震灾区无家可归的人提供事物,因此他们到达救济站relief station给有需要的人分发食物。accommodation住所;hotel宾馆;company公司。
C根据上文”their wedding reception“可知,他们是新(newly)婚夫妇。
B 根据第一段中”instead of playing host to their friends and family with a traditional feast reception“ 和”feed the homeless people from an earthquake- stricken area” 可知,这对夫妇放弃了quit他们个人的婚礼庆祝活动。hold抓住;organize组织;remember记得。
A 这对夫妇所做的是善良的行为,一个小小的善意(kindness)的举动会产生很大的影响。Happiness 快乐;rudeness 粗鲁;selfishness n.自私
D根据下文this will give the start for other wedding dinners to be held here with our brothers and sisters in need可知,结尾表示期望,希望hopefully 越来越多的婚礼晚宴能够以这种救济灾民的形式来庆祝。Thankfully 谢天谢地;surprisingly 令人吃惊地;finally 最后。
the 形容词的最高级前用定冠词the
lying The castle与lie之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词做后置定语
beautifully 该空所填词修饰preserved, 故用副词修饰
original 该空所填词修饰castle, 故用origin的形容词形式
to protect 防御诺曼人是目的,此处用动词不定式表达目的
purposes 根据空前的many 可知,此处purpose用复数
which 该空引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是a terrible fire, 关系词在从句中做主语,故填purposes
was done
repair work和do 之间是被动关系,且发生在过去的动作,故填was done
is 主语为the castle,且表示现在的情况,故填is
be closed to 不对...开放
第三部分 写作
One possible version:
Dear Tony:
I ‘m writing to express my gratitude to you for your help and encouragement during my stay in hospital.
Undoubtedly, if it were not the fact that you helped me learn English online every day, I couldn’t have made my English study go smoothly as usual. It’s your constant encouragement and positive attitude towards life that guide me out of low spirits and help me deal with my illness, study and life in such a sound way.
Many thanks to you again. Wish you all the best.
Li Hua
One possible version:
The next morning, I delivered the paper to her as usual. On the way to her home, so nervous was I that I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. But to my surprise, I saw the broken glass had been repaired and she didn’t mention it. When I handed her the paper, she still greeted me and gave me some cookies as usual. Holding these cookies in my hand, I felt a sense of guilt sweep over me and I determined that I would save my paper delivery money to make up for the broken window.
After three weeks, I earned seven dollars and put them in an envelope. I secretly put it into her letter box. After doing this, I suddenly felt relieved. The next day, I handed the old lady her paper and thanked her for the bag of cookies. When I opened the bag, I was stunned. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said: “I am proud of you.” She knew it was me. But instead of blaming and punishing me, she chose to forgive me. Even so many years later, she is still deeply engraved in my mind, who taught me a valuable lesson in my life.
M: My mother’s coming to visit.
W: Oh, no! I ‘ve got to get ready, or she’s going to tell me that everything’s a mess!
Text 2
W: How long have you had this pain in your back
M: For a few weeks. I ‘ve been playing sports for years, but it really hurt when I was running last month.
W: Hi, I’d like to check out these books.
M: No problem, ma’am. I can help you with that. But unfortunately, you won’t be able to borrow all of these today. We have a 10-book limit.
M: Hey, do you want to go to gym with me on Saturday
W: Sure! When I try to go by myself, I always end up at the cafe eating brunch instead. I have no motivation to work out alone, so I’m glad to go with you!
W: Brian, why are you so late The train has just left. I have told your brother about the time change. He said he would tell you.
M: I’m sorry. He has a poor memory and got the time wrong.
M: 6 Sorry, I am late.
W: Never mind. The film started 10 minutes ago. What happened to you
M: Oh, I had problems getting here. The bus I’d taken broke down just outside town, so I had to run back home again to ask my dad to drive me here.
W: Then why have you got your bike with you
M: Well, Dad couldn’t find the key to his car.
W: 7. So you just rode your bike here, right
M: Yes. Now I ‘d like look for somewhere to park it.
Text 7
M: Hello.
W: Yeah, what do they look like
W: I don’t know if you like them as much as last season’s--- 8.you had white ones then, remember And the yellow picture on them made it easy to see you guys on the basketball field, didn’t it 8. But this year they’re just plain with no pictures. Same color, anyway. 9. I can bring them to your house to see what you think.
W: But it’s a bit like to change them now, I guess.
W: Hello, Mr Strong. This is Jenny speaking.
M: Hello, Jenny. Is there anything I can do for you
W: Well, 10 I’m calling to tell you there’s going to be a meeting in the hall this evening.
M: Do you know what the meeting is about
W: Yes. The headmasters will tell us what we will do in the new school year.
M: Well, Jenny. 11. I’m now in London and I can’t get back until early tomorrow morning. So I won’t be able to attend the meeting. Will you tell the headmaster about that?
W; OK,Mr Strong. By the way, 12 have you finished your report on how to help foreigners to learn English
M: Not yet, but I’ll finish it in about three days.
W: Will you please tell me when you finish it 12 I want to be the first one to read it.
Text 9
M: Today I’m talking to Amy, who played the piano for 10 years, Amy, how did you start
W: 13 I played classical music with my piano teacher every week until entering high school. Then I gave it up, even though my school music teacher Mrs. Jones said I should continue.
M: And then you started jazz. Did you enjoy playing jazz
W: Well, my school was starting a jazz band, and I joined. 14 I couldn’t understand the music at first, so I got quite annoyed about it. But after a while I began to love it, so far a year I studied all I could on jazz.
M: And you also write articles on the Internet
W: Yeah, it’s like a diary. I write about my favourite musicians. 15 And I talk about music shows I attend -- if they are good, I advertise them!
M:So what is it about music that you love
M: 16 Well, it communicates something to everyone whether they speak English or not. And music can sound just as great played by an older musician as it can by a younger person like me.
M: Amy, thanks very much.
Text 10
W: Welcome to the Sea Life Center. This is really exciting place. There are so many things to see here. It costs $ 3.70 for grown-ups, 17 $2 for children and only $ 1.50 for people who are over sixty and school groups. 18 If you are in a group of six or more people, we can give you a special guided tour of the center.19 But you need to talk with someone at the information desk when you arrive. The latest attraction is a big glass tunnel you can walk through. It is right in the middle of the center. All around you, you will see fish swimming-- sometimes even over your head. You certainly have the clearest view of underseas world. When you get hungry, 20 there is a relaxed family during dining room in the northern part of the center serving food. That’s all. For more information, please phone 017- 5462. We hope you enjoy your time here. Thank you. 32023-2024 (上) 高一 12 月份阶段测试 高一英语
满分:150 分 考试时间:120 分钟
第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共 110 分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题对话有一个小题,从题中所给的 A, B, C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅
1. How does the woman sound
A. Nervous. B. Sad. C.Angry.
2. When did the man begin to feel a pain in his back
A. A few weeks ago. B. A few months ago. C. A few years ago.
3. Where dies this conversation take place
A. In a bookstore. B. In a library. C. In a classroom.
4. What will the speakers do on Saturday
A. Go to work. B. Eat brunch. C. Go to the gym.
5. Why is Brian late
A. He got up late.
B. He remembered the wrong time.
C. He was told the incorrect time.
第二节 (共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A, B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每
小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料, 回答第 6 ,7 题。
6. What happened to the man
A. He was late. B. He lost his key. C. He had a car accident.
7. How did the man get to the cinema
A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike.
高一英语 第 1 页 共 12 页
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 ,9 题
8. What color are the man’s basketball shirts
A. Yellow. B. Green. C.White.
9. What will the woman do next
A. Go to the man’s house.
B. Collect the new football shirts.
C. Have the basketball shirts changed.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
10. Why is the woman making the call
A. To ask where the man is.
B. To inform the man of a meeting.
C. To tell the man to call the headmaster.
11. When will the man be back from London
A. This evening. B.Tomorrow morning. C. Tomorrow evening.
12. What does the woman want to do
A. To read the man’s report first.
B. To help the man with a report.
C. To write a report on this man.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
13. When did Amy have lessons with her piano teacher
A. At the age of 10.
B. Before she started high school.
C. After getting advice from her school teacher.
14. How did Amy feel about jazz
A. Surprised. B. Interested. C. Annoyed.
15. What does Amy write in her articles
A. She tells people about her daily life.
B. She recommends music shows to people.
C. She shares her experience as a journalist.
16. Why does Amy love music
A. It brings people of different ages together.
高一英语 第 2 页 共 12 页
B. She meets people she likes through music.
C. People can understand it whatever their language is.
听第 10 段材料,回答 17 至 20 题。
17. How much should children pay to visit the Sea Life Center
A. $1.5. B. $2 C.$ 3.7.
18. Which group can get a special guided tour
A. A group of four or more people.
B. A group of five or more people.
C. A group of six or more people.
19. What should people do to get a special guided tour
A. Make a call before they come.
B. Make a reservation on the Internet.
C. Tell someone at the information desk when they arrive.
20. What can be found in the northern part of the center
A. A big glass tunnel. B.An exhibition hall. C. A family dining room.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节 (共 15 小题, 每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下面的短文,从每题中的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Summer Leadership Camp
Each July ,Missouri Military Academy ’ s Summer Leadership Camp welcomes young men from across the country to train ,compete and learn.The summer camp
experience is a rewarding opportunity for young people to learn leadership skills.
Rein Community Service
Join Rein Community Service and earn up of 80 hours of community service credit this summer.Choose the community service program that is right for you and have a lasting influence on the lives of others.Through their work with various non-profit agencies and volunteer organizations, our teen community service volunteers will experience the joy of improving the global community while having
the adventure of a lifetime.
Green River Preserve
高一英语 第 3 页 共 12 页
Green River Preserve is a non-competitive summer camp connecting children to nature.Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina ,Green River Preserve inspires campers to have a greater understanding of themselves , their
environment and their fellow man.
English Language Camp
At the camp ,children will build their confidence while also acquiring the basic skills of conversation ,vocabulary and grammar.Our class sizes are small ,allowing every child to receive the required personal attention from our fully qualified and professional teachers who all have a wealth of experience in coaching children from
all around the world.
21 .Missouri Military Academy's Summer Leadership Camp is mainly designed
for young people who .
A .want to be soldiers
B .like to compete with others
C .want to develop leadership skills
D .are not good at expressing themselves
22 .At Rein Community Service ,children can learn to be .
A.Confident B.Competitive C.strong and brave D.loving and caring
23 .Which camp should a child choose if he wants to be close to nature
A .Summer Leadership Camp. B .Rein Community Service.
C .Green River Preserve. D .English Language Camp.
Recently,my husband and three kids were playing in the Mediterranean(地中海), swimming and floating in the picture-perfect sea.It was ridiculously beautiful in Majorca ,Spain.The way the sun danced across the water and how the blue horizon
was dotted with storybook sailboats which were such beautiful scenes.
My husband and I always dreamed about taking our kids on a trip around the world.It was one of the things we talked at length about.When we imagined our life
with the children ,we hoped we would have.
Fourteen years later,we had three boys who were growing up faster by the day.It
was time to make good on those plans.We renewed our passports,and then packed our
高一英语 第 4 页 共 12 页
bags.We showed our kids the world.It was about experiencing the dozens of flights and trains and taxis together.We showed them how wonderful,how diverse,and how fascinating the world is.We wanted them to learn all that we had learned ourselves,
through our own travels.
But there was something more than that:What we really wanted is to slow down time.We wanted the days to last a bit longer ,and the weeks to take their time.The years with our children are going too fast.We wanted to put the brakes on our busy lives for a year ,and just be with our kids.We wanted a break from the daily morning routine of making lunches , eating breakfast and going out the door in time for
school.We needed family time out.
It was the wonderful two months in Europe,full of incredible moments.When we look back at our lives,I know we'll be glad we did it.I know we'll be happy that this is
a chapter of the story of our family.
4 .What did the couple often dream of fourteen years ago
A .Going to the Mediterranean.
B .Travelling with their children.
C .Having some storybook sailboats.
D .Their children's growing fast.
5 .What does the underlined part“make good on”probably mean
A .Do good to. B .Carry out. C .Make up. D .Put off.
6 .What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A .The travel. B .The children.
C .The transportation. D .The beautiful scene.
7 .What was the most important in the writer ’ s eyes
A .Doing everything slowly.
B .Living a busy life.
C .Sticking to the routine.
D .Slowing down the time.
Last week was Sports Day at my daughter’s school.She was part of the Yellow House.She had to wear yellow and race for points.The Yellow House won.I was really
pleased for my daughter because last year the Green House won.In fact ,when the
高一英语 第 5 页 共 12 页
winning house was announced last year ,many little faces turned sour.There were
many tears and children were bitter because they had lost.
Losing is never fun.From a young age children know that winning is the best result.As parents ,we can talk to children about the importance of everyone having a chance to win; we can teach our children to be happy for their friends when a friend
As children grow older they will be exposed to more and more competition.It is important that we teach our children to learn to “bounce back” from losses , to experience loss in a positive way and to keep on going even when they don't achieve
the desired outcome.
By teaching children how to be resilient(适应性强的) ,we can prepare them for adult life in the future.Our children can learn to compete for fun and learn how to
bounce back from life's failures and disappointments.
We can talk to our children about competition.We can teach by examples and show our kids that losing a game or failing a test is not the end.Losing is simply a
chance to try again and a chance to become more successful.
Raising emotionally healthy children is very important for the future generation and by teaching our children the above principles we can help them to overcome the difficulties of life and they will learn to compete in healthy ways throughout their
28 .In the first paragraph ,the author intends to .
A .describe the sports event
B .introduce the topic of the text
C .show the cruelty of competition
D .make a comparison between winners and losers
29 .What kind of instruction will the author give to his children
A .You are allowed to fail.
B .Winning is the best result.
C .Competition is not healthy.
D .You should try your best to win.
30 .What is the text mainly about
A .Preparing children for future life.
B .Raising emotionally healthy children.
高一英语 第 6 页 共 12 页
C .Teaching children how to get along with others.
D .Teaching children about healthy competition.
31 .In which column of a newspaper is the text likely to appear
A .Health. B .Education. C .Science. D .Entertainment.
German artist HA Schult is an unusual artist who uses trash to make sculptures ( 雕 塑 ). “We are living in a time of garbage,” says Schult “I created a thousand sculptures of garbage. They are a mirror of ourselves. ” Here, Schult was talking
about his 1,000 trash sculptures in the form of humans.
“They are social sculptures, ”he explained. “They are not only the sculptures to spread the idea that we live in a time of garbage.” So far, Schult’s social sculptures have been on the show in Paris, in Moscow’s Red Square, on the Great Wall of China,
and in the desert next to the Great Pyramid of Giza near Cairo.
HA Schult’s work is unforgettable. Although his work has had a big influence on the art world, Schult remains modest about his creation, “Artists have to learn every
time. We are not important. All that counts is the time in which we are living.”
Trash art has been around for years. But is seems that only the popular artists are regarded as true artists when working with trash. Why can’t ordinary people be considered artists when they use the same things and change them into some form of personal art Maybe it’s because we all have our own presumption(设想) of what art
is and isn’t or whom artists are or should be.
You can be artist like Schult if you try. Look at used metal cans. What might be done with them Imagine them in any number of new uses, or imagine them simply as an art form. What about boxes or clothing. Boxes can usually serve as new storage containers and houses for pets. And clothing Imagine taking old clothes and turning
them into hats or bags.
32.What do we know about Schult’s sculptures
A. They served as garbage containers.
B. They reflected environmental issues.
C. They were first shown in Paris.
高一英语 第 7 页 共 12 页
D. They were to raise economic awareness.
33.What can be learnt by HA Schult’s example.
A. An artist should be socially responsible.
B. An artist should be as knowledgeable as possible.
C. An artist should make garbage recyclable.
D. An artist must take diverse artist forms.
34. According to the last two paragraphs, what does the author probably agree
A. It takes talent to be a trash artist.
B. Presumptions are important to artists.
C. Trash art can’t be seen as a real art of form.
D. Average people can also make trash artists.
35. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. Could You Be a Trash Artist
B. What Are Social Sculptures
C. Do You Know about a New Form of Personal Art
D. How Can We Deal with Used Cans
第二节 (共 5 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项
How to Know Yourself Better
Most of us believe that we know ourselves better than anyone else in this world. But a lot of people are still strangers to themselves. Why 36 For a person to have a well-lived life, it is important that he knows himself well. If you are one of
those who are striving to know yourself better, these steps will guide you.
Take a moment to write down things that you know “very good” about yourself---your interests, likes, dislikes, preferences, hobbies, strengths, weaknesses, hopes, fears, dreams, ect. 37 -By creating a list of your personal attributes that
you are familiar with, you are keeping yourself in touch with yourself.
Take personality and psychological tests. This is another way to know yourself 高一英语 第 8 页 共 12 页
better. The Internet has a rich sources of free online personality and psychological
assessments and tests. 38
Know yourself better by understanding people’s perceptions about you. 39 Sometimes, you think you know yourself enough, but other people who see you from their point of view can offer you some insights how you act and get understood by others. Be careful, however, to balance both perceptions to come up with an objective
view of yourself.
40 It’s a lifetime process. Every day you will be given new insights about yourself.Writing a journal will help you keep track of these new discoveries. Maintaining that hunger to know yourself better will make you more self-aware,
opening up new opportunities to enrich your life.
A.Keep on learning who you are.
B.Remember that you are a worthy person.
C.By answering them, you will understand yourself better.
D.The better you know yourself, the easier it will be to love yourself.
E.Reflect on these qualities and find out how they impact your overall life.
F.Pay attention to what your family, friends, coworkers, ect. observe and say
about you.
G.Not everyone is courageous enough to travel the path within to achieve a
better self-understanding
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)
阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白
Last Thursday, Michael and Linda were distributing ( 分 发 ) meals to 4,000 homeless people for their wedding reception ( 婚宴) in the border of town of Kilis. The __41__ had decided that instead of playing host to their friends and family with a traditional feast reception, they __42__ to feed the homeless people from an
earthquake-stricken area.
高一英语 第 9 页 共 12 页
The idea came from Michael ‘s Michael ‘s father, Ted, who __43__ for a Turkish relief ( 救济) organization. For the past few years, the organization has handed out __44__ meals to thousands of people who ‘ve __45__ natural disasters. He called Adam, who was controlling the organization, and suggested that the family cover part
of the cost of feeding them for the day.
Then he told his son, who was surprised by the __46__, but soon agreed. When he told that to Linda, she was really shocked but finally __47__ because in southeastern Turkey there is a real culture of sharing with people __48__. They love to share their __49__, their table and everything they have. And afterwards she was quite __50__ in it. So, they arrived at the __51__ on Thursday to spend the day
serving food and taking photographs with their grateful recipients (接受者).
On Tuesday evening, the __52__ married couple were still pleased with their decision to __53__ a personal celebration for one with greater good. Michael said, “A small act of __54__ could make a big difference.__55__, this will give the start for
other wedding dinners to be held here with our brothers and sisters in need.”
41,A. friends B.people C.couple D.students
42.A. refused B.applied C.pretended D.preferred
43. A. calls B.searchers C.volunteers D.works
44. A. real B.daily C.big D.personal
45.A. suffering from B.thinking about
C. setting up D. turning over
46.A. order B.result C.comment D.suggestion
47.A. considered B.accepted C.doubted D. failed
48.A. in need B.in common C.in sickness D. in danger
49. A. money B.experience C.food D.happiness
50. A. amazed B.disappointed C.interested D.annoyed
51. A. accommodation B.hotel C.company D.relief station
52. A. actually B.officially C.newly D.nearly
53. A. hold B.quit C.organize D.remember
54. A. kindness B.happiness C.rudeness D.selfishness
55. A. Thankfully B.Surprisingly C.Finally D.Hopefully
高一英语 第 10 页 共 12 页
第二节 (共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Windsor Castle is one of 56 most famous castles in the world and an important tourist spot in Great Britain. The castle __57__ (lie) in the town of
Windsor brings in nearly one million tourists a year.
Windsor Castle is __58__ (beautiful) preserved. It is notable for its long connection with the English and later British royal family. At first, the __59__ (origin) castle was built by William the Conqueror in the 11 th century __60__ (protect) against the Normans, but it has been serving many __61__ (purpose) since then. For almost 1,000 years, the castle is used as the family home of British kings and queens. It was also used as a prison during the English Civil War. However, in 1992, a terrible fire broke out, __62__ did great damage to the castle. Fortunately,
repair work __63__ (do), and the castle remains a popular tourist spot.
From March to October, the castle __64__ (be) open daily from 9:45 am to 5:15 pm. From November to February, the open time is from 9:45 am to 4:15 pm. The castle is closed __65__ the public on major public holidays. Tickets are needed to
enter the castle.
第Ⅱ卷 (共 40 分)
第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分 40 分)
第一节 (满分 15 分)
假如你是李华,你的英国笔友 Tony 在你生病住院期间经常在网上辅导你学 英语,并鼓励你积极面对病情。请你写封邮件表示感谢,内容包括:
2.回顾 Tony 对你的帮助
2.词数 80 左右。
第二节 (满分 25 分)
阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整 的短文。续写的词应为 150 左右。
The Power of Forgiveness
高一英语 第 11 页 共 12 页
I have already forgotten the name of that old lady. Yet I still remember the
matter as if it happened yesterday. It is she who teaches me a lesson in forgiveness.
It happened when I was twelve years old. That summer holiday, I planned to earn more pocket money by delivering the newspaper in our neighbourhood. And she was a customer on my paper route. She was a kind old lady and every time I gave her
the paper, she would give me some cookies.
On a mindless Saturday afternoon, a friend and I were throwing rocks onto the roof of the old lady’s house from a quiet spot in her backyard. The purpose of our play was to observe how the rocks changed to missiles( 导弹) as they rolled to the
roof’s edge and shot into the yard like comets(彗星) falling from the sky.
I found myself a perfectly smooth rock and sent it for a ride. The stone was too smooth, however, so it slipped from my hand as I let it go. Seeing that it headed straight for a small window on the old lady’s back porch (门廊),we stood there, numb with fear. The sound of broken glass awoke us from the fear and the next second, we
ran away from the old lady’s yard faster than any of our missiles flowing off the roof.
After coming back home, I was so scared of getting caught that I dared not go out that whole afternoon. I stayed at home, glancing at my front yard nervously from to time, feeling that lady would knock at door at any time. But until I went to bed, what I was afraid didn’t happen. At night, I wondered whether she didn’t discover the
broken window or she didn’t discover who had done it. That was a sleepless night.
1. 续写词数应为 150 词左右
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
高一英语 第 12 页 共 12 页




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