Unit 6 Bird watching reading 同步练习(含答案)

Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
1. The man is tall and strong. He has ____________________ (宽宽的) shoulders.
2. It’s not very cold in _____________________(南方的) countries in winter.
3. The Chinese ____________________ (政府) pays much attention to air pollution.
4. Zhalong is one of the most ____________________ (重要的) wetlands in the world.
5. We all know the ____________________ (重要性) of being honest.
6. He often ____________________ (提供) those poor children with school things.
7. Can you _____________________ (描述) the beautiful view of Mountain Tai
8. The pot made in Song Dynasty is ____________________ (罕见的).
9. Did you enjoy your ____________________ (停留) in Beijing last month
10. When there is thunder and lightning, you’d better find ____________________ (庇护所).
1.In autumn, there are many yellow _________________ on the ground. ( leaf )
2. It was____________ (possible) to eat watermelons in winter in the past.
3. Do you know the ______________ (important) of learning English
4. The birds can catch the worms for food ___________ (easy) than before.
5.How many__________________come to visit the Great Wall every day (tour)
6.________________________ do a lot of research on birds in the nature reserve.(science)
7.Han Mei acted (active) than any other girl at the party.
8. (write) down what you see, take a notebook with you.
1.I think it important __________ ___ (protect) the environment.
2. Sandy and Daniel, ___________ (not be) late next time.
3. I don’t know if he______________(come) to have a meeting tomorrow.
4. A little girl is lost and her family____________(search) for her everywhere these days.
5.We should prevent fire__________________________ (burn) the house at once.
( )1._______ Zhalong helps us learn more about wildlife.
A. Study B. Studies C. Studying D. Studied
( )2.Shenongjua is an ideal home _____ different kinds of animals____live in.
A. for, for B. to, to C. to, for D. for, to
( ) 3. He is writing to his friend about _________ wild animals.
A. to protect B. protected C. protecting D. protection
( ) 4. The water in the river is becoming ________________.
A. more cleaner B. clean C. more and more clean D. cleaner and cleaner
( )5.This kind of camera looks____and sells______in the shop.
A. nice,well B.good,good C.nicely, well D .good,nice
( )6. Shanghai is bigger than _______ city in China.
A. any other B. any C. all of D. the other
( )7. At last Helen made the baby ________ and began to laugh.
A. stop to cry B. to stop to cry C. stop crying D. to stop crying
( )8. No hurry, we still have _______ time to go there.
A. little B. much C. many D. no
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
一、 根据中文提示和句意完成单词
1 Just as people can’t live without water, birds can’t fly without (翅膀)
2.Please tell me your (地址),boys and girls. In this way, we can help you find your mothers.
3.Many boys in our class are interested in working as a (主席)
4.The city____________________is trying to provide good environment for the people.(政府)
5.Most of us didn’t know Lily___________________the details of the accident.(描述)
6.___________ _________make a living by fishing.(渔民)
7 A lot of__________________ (观光者)come to the Great Wall every year.
8. The hotel always _________________(提供)good service for all kinds of people.
1. Do you know who is ______________ first person to go into ______________ space
A. a; / B. the; the C. the; / D. a; the
2. He is an excellent college teacher, _______________, a famous writer.
A. except B. moreover C. however D. otherwise
3. There is not enough ______________ for birds here because people build too many houses.
A. ground B. food C. are D. space
4. --- What ______________ the number of the students in your school
--- About two thousand. A number of them ______________ from England.
A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. a; a
5. Heilongjiang is ______________of China. It’s cold there in winter.
A. in the north-east B. to the north east
C. in the east-north D. to the east-north
6. In our class, most boys like football ______________ girls are usually fond of volleyball.
A. while B. for C. with D. if
7. The company always provides the 007 ______________ a modern car in the movie.
A. of B. for C. with D. in
8. Sixty per cent of her pocket money ______________ from her grandparents.
A. are B. buys C. coming D. is
9. Most giant pandas live in Wolong Nature Reserve ______________.
A. all the year B. around the year
C. all year round D. the around year
10. We need ______________ at the hotel for ______________ because of the heavy snow.
A. stay; short stay B. to stay; a short stay
C. to stay; short stay D. staying; a short stay
11. The students used their eyes too much, ______________, they became short-sighted.
A. as a result B. in order that C. in a word D. after all
12. ______________ buy a house in the big city, he has to work day and night.
A. As a result B. In order C. In order that D. So that
1. The heavy rain stopped us _____________________ (play) football.
2. Every year, a lot of foreigners go to Beijing _____________________ (visit) the Great Wall.
3. Too much work usually makes him _____________________ (feel) very tired.
4. The Smiths from the UK _______________ (travel)in Hangzhou now. They have fun there.
5. He’s inviting Jim ____________________ (come) to his home for his birthday party.
6. ____________________ (live) in Zhalong is good for different kinds of birds, I think.
7. We should do what we can _______ (prevent) the weather __________ (get) hotter and hotter.
8. There are not many cranes ____________________ (leave) in the world.
1、自然护区在中国东北部的黑龙江省 edaina3es)
Zhalong Nature Reserve is ____________________________________________________.
The ___________ people in ____________________________________________ money.
The ________-__ is very good. We can _________________________________________.
Carelessness _______________________________________________________________.
English is ______________ the ________________________________________________.
_____________________ birds live in _____________________________________ space.
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
1. broad 2. southern 3. government 4. important 5. importance
6. provides 7. describe 8. rare 9. stay 10. cover
二.根据英文提示和句意完成单词1leaves 2impossible 3 importance 4 more easily 5 tourists 6 Scientists 7 more actively 8 Write
三.用动词的适当形式填空1to protect 2 don`t be 3 will come 4 are searching 5 burning
四、单项选择:CDCDA ACB
1Daniel is a good swimmer and his brother is good at tennis. 2. Many countries now have laws in place to stop people from killing wild animals. 3. Many people don't know the importance of staying healthy. 4. Thank you for providing food and drinks to our teachers and students. 5. Yancheng Nature Reserve covers an area of more than 4,350 square kilometers
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
一、 根据中文提示和句意完成单词`1wings 2addresses 3 chairman 4 government 5 described 6 Fishermen 7 tourists 8 provides
1. C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.A12.B
1. playing 2.to visit 3.feel 4.are travelling
5. to come 6.Living 7. to prevent; getting 8. left
1. in Heilongjiang Province in North-east China
2. government provides: poor areas with
3. weather here; swim all year round
4. can lead to failure
5. one of; most useful languages in the world
6. More and more: less and less




下一篇:人教版 初中物理 八年级上册 第五章 透镜及其应用周测评(含解析)