
1. 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
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4. 本卷命题范国:外研版必修第一册~选择性必修第二册。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. When will Jim return
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
2. Which is included in the rent
A. Electricity. B. The Internet. C. Parking.
3. Where is George now
A. On the plane. B. In a car. C. At home.
4. What will the speakers do next
A. Book a table. B. Cook a meal. C. Order takeout food.
5. How does the man sound
A. Excited. B. Doubtful. C. Anxious.
6. What is May learning to do
A. Write Chinese characters. B. Collect art works. C. Paint nature scenes.
7. What does May say about her teacher
A. He is smart. B. He. is strict. C. He is patient.
8. Where does this conversation take place
A. In an office. B. On the phone. C. At a bank.
9. What does the woman want to do
A. Deliver some goods. B. Get her money back. C. Buy an office chair.
10. What kind of clothes did Molly sell online at first
A. Women’s clothes. B. Children’s clothes. C. Men’s clothes.
11. When did Molly start her business
A. When she was at university.
B. When she was in training.
C. When she was at work.
12. Why is Molly unwilling to open a physical store
A. To protect her design features.
B. To cut the cost of the operation.
C. To keep her business growing.
13. How did Carl feel about the result yesterday
A. Disappointed. B. Unconcerned. C. Relieved.
14. What do we know about Carl’s first test
A. He forgot it. B. He failed it. C. He enjoyed it.
15. What is Carl going to do
A. Call his instructor. B. Have a second try. C. Take the road test.
16. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Their new sessions. B. The man’s driving test. C. The woman’s exam.
17. Who is the speaker probably talking to
A. New staff. B. Tour guides. C. Tourists.
18. How often is the safety meeting held
A. Every month. B. Every two weeks. C. Every week.
19. What are the listeners allowed to wear in the lab
A. Jackets. B. Loose belts. C. Sports shoes.
20. Why does the speaker give the talk
A. To come up with new ideas.
B. To introduce rules in the lab.
C. To invite some suggestions.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Famous People Who Begin With Difficulties
Oprah Winfrey
Probably having one of the most famous success stories, Oprah was born into a poor family in Mississippi, raised by a single mother living on welfare. She was physically, and mentally abused during her childhood. Despite her initial struggles as a young girl, she turned herself into one of the most successful talk show hosts of our time.
Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey has been the star of some of the most successful movies of all time. But Carrey grew up extremely poor in Canada. When he was a teenager, his family took security jobs in a factory to help pay the bills. And during his first stand-up comedy performance, he was booed off (喝倒彩) the stage. Not shortly after, he made it big on In Living Color and then went on to star in Dumb & Dumber, The Mask, and Ace Ventura in the same year!
James Dyson
If you thought Thomas Edison’s failures were bad, let me introduce you to James Dyson, the famous inventor of the Dyson vacuums (真空吸尘器) you see all over the television. Dyson developed over 5,000 failed prototypes (原型) before finding the bagless vacuum brand. Not only that, he put his entire savings account into his prototypes over fifteen years! Luckily, the bagless vacuum worked.
Stephen King
Before Stephen King became known as a great living writer—having written over 60 novels, many of which have been adapted for film and television—King was rejected over and over again. In his memoir, On Writing, King describes how he used to post his rejection letters on the wall for inspiration. His first novel, Carrie, was rejected 30 times.
21. What do Oprah and Jim have in common
A. They were abused by parents. B. They grew up in poor families.
C. They were hired as comedians. D. They found jobs in a factory.
22. What did James Dyson do
A. He repaired the failed prototypes. B. He developed over 5,000 brands.
C. He put all efforts into marketing. D. He invented the bagless vacuum.
23. Who is a novelist
A. Stephen King. B. Oprah Winfrey. C. James Dyson. D. Jim Carrey.
The Open Book, a bookstore, is the idea of American writer Jessica Fox, a former NASA employee who packed in her Californian lifestyle at the age of 24 after dreaming of another life in Wigtown—Scotland’s National Book Town. Fox fell in love with Wigtown and its bookshops. She never looked back.
“It’s not just me. I think the people who come to the Open Book have a very similar reaction to Wigtown,” said Fox, now in her 30s. “It’s a magical place, which has all the things you could hope for on a trip to Scotland.”
The idea for the Open Book was sparked (触发) by Fox’s love for Wigtown, which hosts the popular Wigtown Book Festival each September. “I’d never been to Scotland. I’d only seen it in films,” recalled Fox. “I went from a heavily populated place with a car, and stuck in traffic a lot, to a place with hardly any people, amazing scenery, and no car. I absolutely loved it.”
The community of Wigtown welcomed her as one of their own when Fox settled in the town. She realized she was living the fantasy that had formerly played in her head. “I thought I couldn’t be the only crazy American who dreams of working in a bookshop by the sea in Scotland. There has to be more of us,” she laughed.
While Fox was considering this idea, one of Wigtown’s bookstores announced it was closing shop. . It seemed serendipitous (偶然的). “Finn MeCreath, who is on the Board of the Festival, and I decided to take it over and try out my idea of having a bookshop holiday,” she said. Five years later, the Open Book is a runaway success. It’s booked up online until years ahead, and there’s an extensive waiting list.
24. What do the underlined words “packed in” in paragraph 1 mean
A. Gave up. B. Ran across. C. Wondered at. D. Prepared for.
25. What does Wigtown feature according to the text
A. The high-paying job. B. The film industry.
C. The large population. D. The book festival.
26. How did Fox find the life in Wigtown
A. Boring. B. Peaceful. C. Busy. D. Stressful.
27. What can we know about the Open Book
A. It upsets customers. B. It partners with a school.
C. It is well received. D. It can be easily accessible.
I started considering the power of dogs during one of my daily walks around my neighborhood. Almost invariably, I’ll run into at least one person walking his dog. It’s a joyous moment to approach the dog and pet it. I always walk away from these exchanges feeling just a bit more relaxed and happy. And that got me wondering: Could these short interactions with other people’s dogs actually be good for me
“Absolutely. I think it is safe to say that animals are beneficial to our mental and physical health,” says Nancy Gee, a professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University. Gee says there’s some evidence that the act of actually touching a dog might be an important part of the calming effect. For instance, one study done in Canada found college students reported less stress and reduced feelings of homesickness after brief interactions with dogs, and that the effect was much bigger in those who actually got to pet the animals.
Now, the therapy (治疗) dogs used in research are screened for things like friendliness, good behavior and responsiveness to their handler’s cues (提示). And of course, not everyone is a dog person. “Pets are not a panacea (灵丹妙药),” Gee says. “They’re not necessarily going to be great for every single person. But for people who really connect with the animals, they can make a big difference.”
Research on the health benefits of human interactions with animals, especially with dogs, has exploded in recent years, thanks to the support of the National Institutes of Health and the Waltham PetCare Science Institute. Though the field is still young, Gee says the quality of the evidence is improving all the time, including more randomized controlled trials looking at short interactions. “We’re seeing really nice effects,” she says. “We actually saw those effects one month later. And there’s some evidence that they may exist six months later.”
28. Why does the author mention his interactions with dogs
A. To praise his neighbor. B. To erase people’s doubts.
C. To introduce the topic. D. To voice his views on life.
29. What did the study done in Canada find about the students interacting with dogs
A. They disliked raising pets. B. They enjoyed much respect.
C. They were very academic. D. They became less homesick.
30. What can be inferred about the research on human-animal relationships
A. It has seen sound development. B. It cuts the cost of saving animals.
C. It ensures humans a bright future. D. It makes some medicine affordable.
31. Which is the most suitable title for the text
A. Walking Improves the Quality of Life B. Petting Dogs Can Boost Your Health
C. Animals Might Lift Patients’ Spirits D. Happiness Lies in Helping Others
Self-driving cars are hitting city streets like never before. In August the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) granted (授予) two companies, Cruise and Waymo, permits to run driverless robo-taxis 24/7 in San Francisco and to charge passengers for those rides. This was just the latest in a series of green lights that have allowed progressively more freedom for autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the city in recent years.
Almost immediately, Cruise was criticized for its vehicles behaving unpredictably. One blocked the road outside a large music festival, and another got stuck in wet concrete. The incidents have brought renewed attention to the potential difficulties of integrating self-driving cars into the urban environment.
Yet despite some ongoing opposition, self-driving car companies have continued to expand testing and operations to more US cities. Many supporters say these vehicles could offer a safer alternative to human drivers, make transportation accessible to more people, improve traffic flows around cities and decrease the environmental impact of cars. So far, though, most of those promised benefits remain squarely in a possible future. Meanwhile, here in the present, complications have become plainly apparent.
AVs, such as those operated by Cruise and Waymo, shouldn’t be confused with commercially available cars, such as electric cars, which come with some driver-assistance features. Unlike those vehicles, which require a human driver to oversee control at all times, robo-taxis run on the road without a person monitoring and managing each movement from behind a steering wheel (方向盘). This is made possible by a very detailed internal map.
Waymo and Cruise maintain that their AVs are safer than human drivers. Both companies have released data that they claim support this, yet some researchers have their doubts. “I actually think there is not yet enough data available to the public, including researchers like me, to be able to judge relative safety,” says Steven Shladover, an engineer at the University of California.
32. What is the CPUC’s main purpose of issuing the permits
A. To promote autonomous vehicles. B. To advocate sustainable practices.
C. To upgrade public transportation. D. To reduce traffic at peak periods.
33. Why do people oppose self-driving cars
A. They have charged passengers too much.
B. They occupy private parking spaces.
C. They badly affect the urban environment.
D. They consume large amounts of fuel.
34. How do robo-taxis differ from electric cars
A. They require more qualified human drivers.
B. They are more dependent on the internal map.
C. They will meet customers at a lower price.
D. They are smarter to handle a difficult situation.
35. What message does Shladover want to express in the text
A. We should give freedom to car producers.
B. Driverless cars will improve city planning.
C. All researchers support driverless robo-taxis.
D. It’s too early to declare AVs are safe enough.
Balcony (阳台) gardens can be quite valuable for those living in urban areas with little outside space. They might not be big, but when they are carefully designed, balcony gardens can be truly magical space, bringing nature to the heart of a city. 36 .
Consider the balcony’s aspect
The aspect of a balcony—which direction it faces—will determine how much sun it receives. . In the northern hemisphere (北半球), a south-facing balcony gets plenty of sun but can dry out quickly in the heat of summer. An east-facing balcony will get morning light only, while a west-facing one will get sun during the afternoon. 37 .
Make full use of space
38 . And in small space, it is especially important to make sure with our designs that we are making the most of every inch of space. Vertical (垂直的) gardening techniques can be important to unlock the potential of any balcony garden. Vertical gardens can employ planting pockets, shelving, towers, and hanging containers for climbers.
Container gardening is likely to be the main method of growing in a balcony garden. But to really make a balcony garden the best it can be, you should use your imagination and think outside the box to make containers. Many different recycled items and materials might be used as you create your balcony garden.
Think about weight
As you decide on methods, containers, and other items for your balcony garden, one important consideration is how much all the elements will weigh. 40 . You should consider what you intend to put. Remember that water will add extra weight as well.
A. Grow different kinds of plants
B. Most balconies have limited space
C. Be creative when it comes to containers
D. Make sure that the balcony is structurally sound
E. If you have a balcony, here is what to think about
F. Those without outside space can rent small pieces of land
G. A north-facing balcony will be in the shade for much of the day
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
When Caleb was eight, he adopted his first rabbit Snickers. They were inseparable. But Snickers died less than a year later, and Caleb was 41 . He went online looking for another rabbit and was 42 to see hundreds available, abandoned after Easter. He made a presentation to his parents about 43 more rabbits. “It really 44 me that people couldn’t commit to a rabbit’s 10-year life span (寿命),” he said. “So I 45 as many as I could.” There wasn’t room at his family’s house. 46 , a farm family nearby let Caleb keep his rabbits in their barn (谷仓).
By the time he was 14, Caleb knew he wanted his rabbits to not only live out their lives in a 47 place but also help others. One day, he discovered a deserted island on the Mississippi and 48 the owner to allow him to raise his rabbits there for a few months. It was the perfect 49 to train these rabbits-quiet, and safe. After securing an investor to help him buy the 50 online, Caleb needed to 51 money for the rabbits’ care plus other costs. So Caleb started the Peacebunny Foundation to 52 donations and hosted educational activities.
Now Caleb’s rabbits are 53 for short stays by families with children who have mental health challenges. He also visits senior centers with his rabbits to stop the elderly feeling 54 . “It takes a lot of effort,” said Caleb, who still can’t believe he’s guardian to hundreds of rabbits. “But rabbits bring so much 55 into the lives of others—and into mine as well.”
41. A. hardworking B. heartbroken C. well-educated D. absent-minded
42. A. relieved B. confident C. shocked D. honest
43. A. selling B. visiting C. delivering D. rescuing
44. A. interested B. stopped C. bothered D. fooled
45. A. put back B. took in C. gave up D. dug out
46. A. Gradually B. Secretly C. Naturally D. Fortunately
47. A. happy B. familiar C. remote D. scary
48. A. convinced B. forced C. promised D. helped
49. A. nation B. hill C. spot D. notice
50. A. boats B. rabbits C. tools D. firms
51. A. collect B. waste C. hide D. count
52. A. insist on B. cut off C. hand over D. appeal for
53. A. adopted B. treated C. ignored D. trapped
54. A. warm B. hopeful C. sorry D. lonely
55. A. credit B. attention C. comfort D. imagination
A Chinese animated film, Chang An, featuring some of China’s most well-known poets, has won praise for 56 (attract) interest in traditional Chinese poetry and has been a surprise hit at the box office. Since 57 (it) release on July 8, the film has fetched over 700 million yuan as of Monday.
The film is set in the Tang dynasty, an 58 (especial) prosperous (繁荣的) era of Chinese history from 618 to 907, and 59 (describe) some of the era’s most famous poets including Li Bai, Du Fu, and Gao Shi—all household names in China.
The film revolves (围绕) around the 60 (story) of Gao Shi and Li Bai, describing their struggles to better themselves and society in the Tang dynasty. Drawing inspiration from Chinese history and culture, 61 almost three-hour-long film features 48 well-known Tang poems, enabling audiences 62 (appreciate) traditional Chinese culture on the big screen.
Chang’an was the capital of the Tang dynasty, one of the world’s 63 (large) cities at the time. The movie’s Chinese name, 30,000 Miles from Chang An, is taken 64 a poem by Ming Dynasty poet Chen Zilong.
The final scene of the movie features one of Li Bai’s well-known poems, Leaving Baidi in the Morning, 65 was written by the poet to express his joy of returning home from exile (流放) following the An Lushan Rebellion.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
你校将以全国生态日(National Ecology Day)为主题,举办英语征文比赛,请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:
1. 生态环境的重要性;
2. 保护生态环境的倡议。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
A Greener World
Positive Action Fuels Hope
“I’m not going back to group therapy (治疗). I refuse to be treated like that.” The voice was so loud that I had to hold the phone away from my ear.
Alicia Gonzalez suffered from depression. This was her second month at the homeless shelter, where I work as a case manager.
Alicia had been a nurse for 10 years. Her work was intense and demanding, and she loved it. To her, the trauma (精神创伤) she’d suffered was that her son lost his life in a car crash. With her brain overloaded by the trauma, she couldn’t focus on her work. Finally, she had to quit her job. With no income, she couldn’t pay her rent. For almost three years, Alicia lived in her truck. Alicia told me all this at our first meeting.
“I want to help you,” I said. “There are lots of resources here. All I ask is that you tell me what’s going on with you. That way I can make sure you’re getting the services you need.”
“I’ll try,” she said. “It’s just hard. I used to feel as though what I did mattered. Now...” Her voice became quiet. Before I could say something, she stood and walked out of the room.
Two months later, I still felt as if I hadn’t gotten through to Alicia. Sometimes the things sending her into a violent anger were so minor—a piece of rubbish someone had dropped on the floor—it was hard for me to think of coping skills that didn’t sound like I was criticizing her.
Maybe this latest talk in group therapy was the last straw (稻草). “Finding something small you can feel good about can help you cope with anger,” I suggested. “It doesn’t need to be some huge thing.” Even as I said it, I wondered, “Was that really the best advice I could come up with ” Alicia took a long deep breath. “I know,” she said.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
A few weeks later, I saw her in the hallway with a rubbish bag. ________________________________________
In March, Alicia was offered a job doing housekeeping at the shelter. ___________________________________
(Text 1)
M: It’s Friday already. Jim’s supposed to come back today. Why isn’t he here yet
W: Oh, he decided to put off his return date. He’ll be back the day after tomorrow.
(Text 2)
W: Sir, does the rent cover all the expenses. including the use of electricity and heating
M: Yes, but you have to pay extra for parking.
(Text 3)
W: How was your flight, George
M: Thanks for picking me up. I had a sound sleep during the flight, just like at home.
W: No wonder you look so refreshed. We can head for the company directly.
(Text 4)
M: I’m starving, have you got lunch ready
W: Not yet. I have been working at my desk all morning and I’m too tired to cook.
M: That’s OK. We can order takeout food.
(Text 5)
M: Guess what I’ll start my new job next month.
W: That’s great. Congratulations.
M: Thank you for always supporting me.
(Text 6)
M: What have you been doing these days. May
W: Nothing. I’m just taking classes in art.
M: Is it painting class
W: Not really. I’m learning how to write Chinese characters.
M: You are very smart and perseverant. Speaking Chinese is hard, let alone writing Chinese characters with a writing brush.
W: It does take a lot of practice. My teacher is in his late fifties. He never loses temper easily for my slow progress, though and he makes it fun to study.
M: Will you show me a little
W: Not until I’m better at it. I just started last month.
(Text 7)
M: Hello, this is customer service. What can I do for you
W: Hi, I recently returned an office chair. I’m just calling to ask you when I will be able to get my money back.
M: When did you return it
W: A week ago.
M: According to the rule. our company will pay back the money within five days of us receiving the retuned item.
W: Oh, I see. Have you already received the returned goods
M: Just a minute, please. Let me check. Oh, it arrived two days ago. I’ll arrange for you as soon as possible.
(Text 8)
M: Molly, tell us about your business.
W: Well. I sell women fashion clothes designed by myself through a website.
M: Did you have any sort of training in design
W: No one taught me. As you can see. I’m very tall and I couldn’t find clothes that fit me in ordinary shops, so I started making my own.
M: How did you get started in this business at such a young age
W: When I was in university, some classmates got to know I made my own clothes. They liked my styles so much that they asked me if I would make clothes for them. So I started my business at that time.
M: Really, that’s unbelievable! I know your business grew rapidly after graduation. Do you intend to open a physical store
W: No. I’ll keep things online to keep cost down, but I will add more styles for men and kids.
M: Wish you success, Molly.
(Text 9)
W: Carl. how did your driving theory test go
M: I prepared it as much as I could. Yesterday, right after the test, they printed out my result. It was such a relief to pass.
W: I knew you could do it. Congratulations!
M: Thanks. You know it was my second try. I was afraid of a second failure.
W: Anyway, good job for passing it. Now, all you have to do next is your road test. Have you had any lessons yet
M: Yes. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait for my next session.
W: How’s your instructor Is he strict
M: He is very understanding. This time I’ll need to make a lot more practice and hopefully it will be successful the first time.
W: Well, good luck.
(Text 10)
M: Hello, welcome to the lab! It will be your workplace from now on. Please remember some rules I explain to you today. My name is Tony. I am your guide for this lab tour. As you may have been told already, there is a safety meeting once a week. I expect you to know the lab safety rules. There will be a brief test every two weeks. How you perform in this test will be noted in your personnel file and could affect your salary. The most important information I want to give you now is about safety and cleanliness. First of all, the only acceptable shoes are sports shoes: don’t wear jackets, necklaces or loose belts: you should wear full-protected clothing in the lab. Second, everything must be kept clean. Wash your hands before handling any equipment. This is extremely important. Tools and jars should be kept absolutely clean and avoid any pollution. OK. Any questions
1~5 CABCA 6~10 ACBBA 11~15 ABCBC 16~20 BACCB
21. B 细节理解题,根据Oprah Winfrey一节“...Oprah was born into a poor family in Mississippi...”及Jim Carrey一节“But Carrey grew up extremely poor in Canada.”可知,Oprah和Jim都生在穷苦家庭。
22. D 细节理解题,根据James Dyson一节“...let me introduce you to James Dyson, the famous inventor of the Dyson vacuums (真空吸尘器)... Luckily, the bagless vacuum worked.”可知,James Dyson成功研发出了无尘袋吸尘器。
23. A 细节理解题。根据Stephen King一节“Before Stephen King became known as a great living writer—having written over 60 novels…”可知,Stephen King是一位小说家。
本文是一篇记叙文,Jessica Fox原本在美国加利福尼亚州过着嘈杂喧嚣的都市生活,然而在24岁那年,她毅然放弃这样的生活,移居苏格兰小镇Wigtown,并将当地一家濒临倒闭的书店改造为阅读与旅游相融合的度假胜地。
24. A 词义猜测题。根据画线词后“after dreaming of another life in Wigtown... Fox fell in love with Wigtown and its bookshops. She never looked back.”可推断,画线词与Gave up的意思最接近。
25. D 细节理解题,根据第三段“The idea for the Open Book was sparked (触发) by Fox’s love for Wigtown, which hosts the popular Wigtown Book Festival each September.”可知,当地的图书节是Wigtown的一大特色。
26. B 推理判断题。根据第三段“...recalled Fox. ‘I went from a heavily populated place with a car, and stuck in traffic a lot, to a place with hardly any people, amazing scenery, and no car. I absolutely loved it.’”及第四段“The community of Wigtown welcomed her as one of their own when Fox settled in the town.”可推断,Fox认为Wigtown小镇生活宁静祥和。
27. C 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Five years later, the Open Book is a runaway success. It’s booked up online until years ahead, and there’s an extensive waiting list.”可推断,Open Book书店深受大众喜爱。
28. C 推理判断题。通读第一段,尤其是“And that got me wondering: Could these short interactions with other people s dogs actually be good for me ”并结合下文可推断,作者提及自己抚摸邻居的宠物狗是为了引出本文的话题。
29. D 细节理解题。根据第二段“For instance, one study done in Canada found college students reported less stress and reduced feelings of homesickness after brief interactions with dogs...”可知,在加拿大开展的这项研究发现,大学生在接触宠物狗之后想家的情绪有所缓解。
30. A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Research on the health benefits of human interactions with animals, especially with dogs, has exploded in recent years... Though the field is still young, Gee says the quality of the evidence is improving all the time…”可推断,人与动物关系方面的研究工作获得稳健的发展。
31. B 标题判断题。通读全文,尤其是第二段可知,本文主要介绍抚摸宠物狗可改善人的身心健康。
32. A 细节理解题。根据第一段“In August the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) granted (授予) two companies, Cruise and Waymo, permits to run driverless robo-taxis 24/7 in San Francisco... This was just the latest in a series of green lights that have allowed progressively more freedom for autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the city in recent years.”可知,加州公用事业委员会向Cruise和Waymo两家公司颁发无人驾驶汽车商业运营牌照是为了推动无人驾驶汽车的发展。
33. C 推理判断题。根据第二段可推断,无人驾驶汽车给城市环境带来了负面影响因而招致反对之声。
34. B 细节理解题。根据第四段“This is made possible by a very detailed internal map.”可知,与已经面市的电动汽车相比,无人驾驶汽车更依赖内置的导航地图。
35. D 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Waymo and Cruise maintain that their AVs are safer than human drivers. Both companies have released data that they claim support this, yet some researchers have their doubts. ‘I actually think there is not... to judge relative safety,’ says Steven Shladover...”可推断,Shladover认为目前无人驾驶汽车的安全性仍值得怀疑。
36. E 根据空前“Balcony (阳台) gardens... might not be big, but when they are carefully designed, balcony gardens can be truly magical space...”及下文可知,E项“如果你家有一个阳台,不妨从以下方面考虑一番”正好起到承上启下的作用。
37. G 根据本节小标题及空前“In the northern hermisphere (北半球), a south-facing balcony gets plenty of sun... An east-facing balcony will... while a west facing one will get sun during the afternoon.”可知,G项“朝北的阳台一天之中很难见到阳光”符合。
38. B 根据本节小标题及空后“And in small space, it is especially important to...”可知,B项“大部分阳台的空间比较狭窄”符合。
39. C 根据本节下文“But to really make a balcony garden the best it can be, you should use your imagination and think outside the box to make containers. Many different recycled items and materials...”可知,C项“发挥你的创意来制作栽种植物的容器”适合作本节小标题。
40. D 根据本节小标题空前“... one important consideration is how much all the elements will weigh.”及空后“You should consider what you intend to put. Remember that water will add extra weight as well.”可知,D项“确保阳台结构稳固”符合。
41. B 但是不到一年,Snickers就死了。这让Caleb伤心不已(heartbroken)。
42. C 他在网上另找一只兔子,但是他震惊(shocked)于每年复活节后有成百上千只兔子被遗弃。
43. D 他跟父母表明了想拯救(rescuing)更多兔子的想法。
44. C 人们竟然可以置一只兔子短短十年的生命于不顾,这让Caleb坐立不安(bothered)。
45. B “我竭尽所能地收留(took in)这些兔子。”
46. D 幸好(Fortunately),旁边的一户农家愿意腾出他们的谷仓让Caleb饲养这些兔子。
47. A 十四岁那年,Caleb明白他不仅要让这些兔子快乐地(happy)生活,他还想以此惠及他人。
48. A 一天,他在密西西比河发现了一座蛮荒的小岛。于是,他说服(convinced)这座小岛的产权人同意他暂用这座小岛几个月以饲养兔子。
49. C 这里清净又安全,是培育兔子的绝佳之地(spot)。
50. B 在获得投资人担保帮助Caleb在网上购买兔子(rabbits),同时他亟需筹(collect)钱照料这些兔子并支付其他开支。
51. A 见上题解析。
52. D 因此,Caleb创建了Peacebunny基金会,呼吁(appeal for)人们慷慨解囊,并举办相关的教有活动。
53. A 如今,有些家庭为了缓解孩子的心理健康问题会来此临时领养(adopted)兔子。
54. D 他还会带着这些兔子来到老年人服务中心,帮助老人们减轻孤独感(lonely)。
55. C “但是这些兔子能给他人乃至我自己的生活带来些许慰藉(comfort)。”
56. attracting 考查非谓语动词。分析句子成分可知,此处填非谓语动词:根据空前has won praise for可知,此处用所给动词的动名词形式attracting作介词for的宾语。
57. its 考查代词。根据句意及空后the film可知,此处用形容词性物主代词。
58. especially 考查词形转换。根据句意及空后prosperous可知,此处用所给词的副词形式修饰其后的形容词。
59. describes 考查动词时态和主谓一致。根据上下文语境,空前The film is set in…及and可知,该句是描述一般性事实,且句子的主语为单数名词The film,故此处用所给动词的一般现在时的第三人称单数形式。
60. stories 考查名词复数,根据空后describing their struggles to better及句意可知,此处用所给名词的复数形式。
61. the 考查冠词。根据空后almost three-hour-long film features可知,此处用定冠词表示特指。
62. to appreciate 考查非谓语动词。enable sb to do sth意为“让某人做某事”,为固定搭配。
63. largest 考查形容词的最高级。根据句意和常识可知,此处用所给形容词的最高级。
64. from 考查介词。根据句意可知,take from表示“取自……”
65. which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,该空引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,且先行词是one of Li Bai’s well-known poems, Leaving Baidi in the Morning,故此处用关系代词which。
One possible version:
A Greener World
A healthy ecosystem provides us with clean water and fresh air, which are essential for our survival and well-being. However, our planet is facing numerous environmental challenges. Pollution and climate change are threatening the delicate balance of nature. It is crucial for us to take immediate action to protect our ecology.
By making small changes in our daily lives, such as reducing waste and conserving energy, we can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.
The National Ecology Day can serve as a reminder for all to protect the ecological environment. Let’s work together to build a greener world.
One possible version:
A few weeks later. I saw her in the hallway with a rubbish bag. She was picking up a candy wrapper on the floor. Her mouth wasn’t pressed into an angry line. Actually, she was smiling. What was going on She must have seen the question in my eyes. “Someone did it.” she said in a silky tone. We didn’t have a cleaning service at the shelter, but soon Alicia had the place shining. She cleaned the hallways and emptied the dustbins. She still called me a lot, but more and more it was to tell me how great a therapy session went.
In March, Alicia was offered a job doing housekeeping at the shelter. It’s a part of work therapy. She has found that housekeeping gives her the calm to learn coping skills. And she’s studying for the courses she’ll need to renew her nursing license. Her life again focuses on helping others. “I think I can make a difference.” she told me the other day. She’s right about that, but Alicia deserves a lot of the credit, too. I think of her when I’m struggling at work, and I remember that every journey starts with a single small step.




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