
( )1. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound
A. idea price B. hobby front C. music club
( )2.In the following words, which underlined letters have a different sound from the others
together B. three C. think
( ) 3. Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others
visit B. postcard C. tonight
( ) 4. --What’s he going to do tomorrow
--He’s going to ___________ his grandparents.
A. visits B. visiting C. visit
( ) 5. --___________ are you going, Tom
--To the park.
A. When B. Where C. What
( ) 6. --How do you usually go to school
A. By bus B. In car C. On bus
( )7. ___________ beautiful flowers they are!
A. How B. Where C. What
( )8. --That’s an __________ film. Do you want to watch it
--Yes, thank you.
A . interest B. interesting C. interested
( )9. Don’t ____________ in the lake. I t’s too dangerous.(危险的)
A. swimming B. swims C. swim
( )10. Everyone must pay more attention to _______________ the traffic rules.(规则)
A. follow B. follows C. following
( )11 .My mother ____________ me a story about Chang’e.
A. tells B. says C. talks
( )12. ________________ the morning of December 21 , people will have a big party.
A. On B. At C. In
( )13.--Listen! The music sounds _____________.
--So it is! I like it very much.
A. well B. nice C. badly
( )14.The boys want to ____________ the English club.
join B. join in C. joins
( )15. –-What’s your pen pal’s hobby
--His hobby is __________ . He really enjoys it,
A. does kung fu B. doing kung fu C. do kung fu
( )16. There is going to ___________ a party in our school.
A. have B. has C. be
( )17. –It’s raining !
--Don’t worry. I can ______________ my umbrella with you.
A. put B. show C. share
( )18. –-Why not __________ an email to your pen pal
--That’s a good idea.
A. write B. writing C. to write
( ) 19. When we walk on the road, we shouldn’t ____________ .
play football with friends
run quickly
cross the street at the green light
listen to music with headsets(耳机)
walk on the sidewalk(人行道)
A.①②⑤ B.②③④ C. ①②④
( ) 20. In Guanghua Middle School, 900 students go to school on weekdays. Look at the table below, ________________students go to school by school bus.
By bike By school bus By car On foot
150 100 400
A.200 B.250 C.100
Mr. Smith __21__ from London. Now he is in China. He is __22__. He teaches English in Xinhua Middle School. The school is very __23__ , so he has to take the subway to work. He works very hard. His students like __24__ very much. He can __25__ a little Chinese. His students often teach him Chinese __26__ Sunday morning. Mr. Smith’s hobby is playing football. He often plays football with his students after school.
Mr. Smith has a son. His name is Jack. He is a student. He goes to a __27__ school, Zhenhua Middle School. He goes to school__28__ bike every day. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes __29__ TV in the evening. All the family share their funny stories at their dinner time. __30__ happy family they have!
( )21. A. come B. comes C. are
( )22. A. a teacher B. a worker C. a driver
( )23. A. near B. far C. nice
( )24. A. he B. him C. she
( )25. A. say B. talk C. speak
( )26. A. on B. in C. at
( )27. A. same B. interesting C. different
( )28. A. rides B. by C. in
( )29. A. watch B. watches C. watching
( )30. A. What an B. What a C. How
( )31.The students have an art class on ________.
Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday
( )32.The students have _______Chinese classes every week.
six B. four C. five
( )33.The students will rest (休息) for during the lunch break.
60 minutes B.70 minutes C. 80 minutes
( )34.The students have classes only on Monday and Wednesday.
P.E. B. music C. biology
( )35.Which of the following is TRUE according to the information(信息) above
The students have 3 physics classes every week.
The students have 2 Chinese classes on Thursday.
The students have a class meeting every day.
The warm sun and the cold north(北) wind are good friends. But one day they quarrel about who is stronger(更强壮).” I am stronger than you.” the north wind says.” No. I’m stronger than you.” the warm sun answers.
Just then they see a man. He is walking along the road. The wind says he can let the man take off his hat. But the sun thinks he can do that, too. So they have a good idea: the one who can let the man take off his hat first is stronger. The sun lets the winds try first. When the wind blows hard, the man feels very cold. He doesn’t take off his hat. Then the sun tries it. When he comes out and shines warmly, the man feels hot. He takes off his hat first and then even his coat.
“I see! “ the wind says.
( )36.The underlined word “quarrel” probably means .
思考 B.谈论 C.争吵
( )37.Who lets that man take off his hat first
The North wind B. The warm sun C. Both of them
( )38.The north wind and the sun are .
good friends B. brothers C. sisters
( )39.Which of the following is NOT TRUE
The warm sun tries(尝试) first.
The wind can’t make the man take the hat off.
The wind and the sun see a man walking along the road.
( )40.” “ can be the missing(缺失的) sentence in the passage
I am stronger than you.
We are both strong.
You are stronger than I.
Peter loves birds very much. One day, he finds a lovely bird in his garden. It is singing all the time .Peter decides to catch it with a net(网).With the help of his friend Tom, they catch the bird.
The bird looks so nice, a red mouth and yellow feather(羽毛).Peter puts the bird into a cage(笼子). However, the bird stops singing. Peter gives the bird some food and water, but the bird doesn’t eat anything. At the time, Peter’s grandpa comes over. ” Is the bird ill It can’t sing.”
Seeing the bird in the cage, the old man says,” Nature is his home, not the cage. You should let it go ! It will be happy in his home.”“Really ”says Peter. Peter follows his grandpa’s words. He opens the cage and lets the bird go. The bird flies out and flies up to the tree, singing the most beautiful song again.
( )41.Peter catches a bird with his father.
( )42.The bird stops singing when it is in the cage.
( )43.Peter gives the bird some water, but it doesn’t drink it.
( )44.The grandma opens the cage and lets the bird fly away.
( )45.The passage mainly tells us that we should let animals in nature.
Binbin: Hi, John. Is it Saturday today
A. Where is your home B. Yes, it is. C. How can we get to the park D. Which bus can we take E. What time is it now F. What time shall we meet at your home G. No, it isn’t.
John: __46__ It’s Sunday today.
Binbin: Let’s go to the park this afternoon.
John: Great! __47__
Binbin: It’s easy. Come to my home first. Then
we can go to the park by bus.
John: __48__
Binbin: My home is near the hospital. It’s not far.
John: __49__
Binbin: The No. 6 bus.
John: OK! __50__
Binbin: What about one o’clock
John: OK! See you then.
Binbin: See you!
46. _________ 47. _________ 48. _________ 49. _________ 50. _________
Amy : What are you going to do this afternoon, Mike
Mike : I’m going to have an __51__ lesson.
Amy : What are you going to do __52__ your lesson
Mike : We're going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.
Amy : Sounds great!
Mike : __53__ are you going?
Amy : I'm on my way to the __54__. I'm going to see a film with Sarah.
Mike : Why not go this weekend It’s half __55__.
Amy : Really Thank you! Why don’t you join us this weekend.
Mike : Sure!
51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
56. Oliver often _________ (stay) at home and does his homework on Sunday.
57. Going to school without _________ (have ) breakfast is not good for you.
58. Tom is good at _________ (scientist) .
59. I _________ (usual) come to school by subway.
60. There are many __________(visit) in Harbin every year .
61. So many _________(photo) of bikes. They are from my father.
62. You should drive your car _________(slow).
63. We are going to take a trip with some friends of _________(us).
64. --What is your _________(father) job --He is a doctor.
65. It is an __________ (amaze) story!
66. My father often goes to work by car. (对划线部分提问 )
______ does your father often _________ to work
67. Lily always helps me learn English. (改为同义句)
Lily always helps me __________ my _________
68.Tom has to do his homework first. (改为否定句)
Tom _______ ________ to do his homework first.
69. My uncle works at sea. (对划线部分提问)
_______ does ______ uncle work
70. Will your grandparents cook food by themselves (做否定回答)
No, _______ ________.
七、汉译英 完成下列句子。(本题共10分,每空1分)
71. 在中秋节我的家人打算聚会并且吃一顿大餐。
On Mid-Autumn Festival, my family are going to get_________ and have a big
_________ .
72. 我也能做他的笔友吗?
________ I also _________ his pen pal
73. Tom喜欢跑步和远足。
Tom likes running and _________ ________.
74. 我害怕水。
I am _________ _________ water.
In the USA , people _________ bikes must _________ a helmet.
名字:王宁(from Germany) 年龄:12
上学方式:步行 最喜欢的学科:英语
爱好:读书和打篮球 家庭成员及职业:爸爸--警察 妈妈--教师
这周末要做的事情:看电影 .........
1-5 AACCB 6-10 ACBCC 11-15 AABAB 16-20 CCACB
21-25 BABBC 26-30 ACBCB
31-35 AACAB 36-40 CBAAC 41-45 BAABA
46-50 GCADF 51-55 art in Where cinema price
56 -60 stays,having, science, usually, visitors,
61-65 photos, slowly, ours, father’s, amazing,
66 --70 How go , with English , doesn’t have Where your , they won’t.
71. together, dinner 72.Can be 73. going hiking 74. afraid of
75. on, wear



上一篇:Unit 2 This is my sister. 核心句式 讲练(含解析)

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