
Grand Sichuan 229 9th Ave New York, NY 10001 (212) 620-5200 Jan. 1st, 2023 Table: 15 8:30 pm Guest: 2 Gongbao chicken 1 $ 18.00 Mapo tofu 1 $ 12.00 Vegetable soup 1 $ 5.00 Orange juice 4 $ 16.00 Rice 2 $ 5.00 Subtotal (小计): $ 56.00 Tax (税): $ 5.00 Total (总计): Thanks for coming to Grand Sichuan! Open 7days a week 11:30 am-11:00 pm Online order at www.grand-sichuan.com
Mr. and Mrs. Wang are at Grand Sichuan.
1.What time do Mr. and Mrs. Wang eat at Grand Sichuan
A.At 8:30 am. B.At 8:30 pm. C.At 11:00 am. D.At 11:00 pm.
2.How many cups of juice do they have
A.1. B.2. C.4. D.6.
3.What is the total price (总价)?
A.$ 51. B.$ 56. C.$ 61. D.$ 66.
4.What can we know from the text (文本)
A.Grand Sichuan is in China. B.They have some rice and bread.
C.Grand Sichuan opens 6 days a week. D.They come to Grand Sichuan on New Year’s Day.
5.What kind of text is it
A.A bill (账单). B.A letter. C.A menu (菜单). D.An ad (广告).
Today is a fine Saturday. At 9:30 am, Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith take their sons Alan and John to the zoo by car. They play there for four hours.
After lunch, they go to a big shop to do some shopping. Mr. Smith buys a toy car for little John. It is 5 dollars. Alan wants a pair of shoes and he finds a white pair, but the shoes are too small. Then he finds a blue pair. The blue shoes look cool. They are 50 dollars. Alan loves the pair of blue shoes very much. Mrs. Smith buys the shoes for Alan. Then Mrs. Smith buys two coats. One is for Alan and the other is for John. The Smiths pay 95 dollars for all the things.
Then the family go out of the shop, but Mr. Smith can’t find his car key (钥匙). They look for it here and there. Then John is sleepy (困倦的) and he gives his toy car to his father. Mrs. Smith finds the key in the toy car. How naughty John is! At last, they get in the car and go home for dinner.
6.Who does Mrs. Smith buy the shoes for
A.John. B.Alan. C.Mr. Smith. D.Mrs. Smith.
7.Where do they find the car key at last
A.In the toy car. B.In the shop.
C.In the blue coat. D.In the white shoes.
8.What does Paragraph (段落) 2 mainly tell us
A.Mrs. Smith loves shopping. B.The clothes in the shop are very cool.
C.Alan and John don’t like old clothes. D.The Smiths buy some things.
9.What does the underlined word (划线的单词) “naughty” mean in Chinese
A.懂事的 B.聪明的 C.淘气的 D.虚弱的
10.What can we infer (推断) from the passage (文章)
A.John doesn’t like his toy car. B.The two new coats are 40 dollars.
C.Alan doesn’t like the white shoes. D.Alan and John are good boys.
Everyone has a family name. In China, the family name is the first name, but in the UK the family name is the last name. Do you know how English people get their family names And what do they mean English people usually get their family names in these ways.
Some family names come from the places (地方) of their homes. A man live on or near a hill (山), his family name may be Hill. In the UK, people’s names may be Lake because they live near the lake.
Some family names come from a person’s job (工作). If a man is a cook, his family name may be Cook.
And many people get their family names from their father’s family names. If his name is “Jackson”, you can know that he is the son of Jack.
11.In the passage, English people usually have ______ ways to get their family names.
A.two B.three C.four D.five
12.Jack’s family name is Lake. His family name may come from the ______.
A.job B.color C.place D.father
13.A boy’s family name is Jackson. He may be ______.
A.Jack’s father B.Jack’s best friend
C.the grandfather of Jack D.the son of Jack
14.The passage is mainly (主要地) about the ______ of English people.
A.family names B.family tree
C.hills and lakes D.jobs and homes
15.What is the right structure (结构) of the passage
A. B. C. D.
I love English. My teachers and classmates think I speak good English. 16 OK, let me tell you.
I have a good friend. Lisa. We are in different schools. 17 We talk about different topics (话题) in English. We always have a good time.
Every week I go to English Corner (英语角) in our school. 18 She is from America. I teach her Chinese and she teaches me English. Linda is nice. We are friends now.
19 They are fun and watching them helps me a lot with my pronunciation (发音).
20 Hope(希望) they can help you.
A.How can I do that
B.I often talk with Linda there.
C.What do you think of my ways
D.Every Sunday, we meet in the park to speak English.
E.I watch English cartoons (动画) in my free time.
My name is Tina. Emily, David, Sam, Sandy and I are good 21 at school. In the morning, Emily 22 us to go for a picnic tomorrow. That would be very 23 . We’re all happy to go 24 her. David would like to go, but he isn’t 25 . He has to 26 his grandparents tomorrow.
We decide (决定) to have the picnic 27 a farm. Before we go there, we have to 28 something we need, 29 we do some shopping in a big shop. We need to buy different 30 . Sam buys a kite. He’d like to fly a kite. Sandy buys some 31 like apples, oranges and bananas. She likes to eat them very much. Emily buys our favorite food, chicken and potatoes (土豆). She can cook 32 . She will cook lunch for 33 tomorrow. I don’t know 34 to buy. So I 35 buy some drinks.
All of us look forward to the picnic tomorrow.
21.A.girls B.boys C.friends D.teachers
22.A.calls B.helps C.speaks D.meets
23.A.kind B.cute C.clever D.nice
24.A.to B.with C.of D.from
25.A.free B.sorry C.happy D.cool
26.A.play B.visit C.look D.watch
27.A.on B.in C.at D.for
28.A.think B.know C.buy D.give
29.A.if B.and C.but D.so
30.A.foods B.drinks C.things D.clothes
31.A.vegetables B.fruit C.juice D.bread
32.A.good B.fine C.many D.well
33.A.her B.him C.us D.them
34.A.what B.who C.whose D.when
35.A.again B.right C.very D.just
根据短文内容, 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空, 使文章通顺、完整。(每词限用一次, 每空填一个单词。)
all and have back at do they give Ken strong
It’s a quarter to five in the morning. It’s very quiet (安静) in 36 zoo. Ken 37 five monkeys, two tigers, an elephant and many rabbits. He prepares (准备) breakfast for 38 now. “It’s six o’clock. It’s time to get up, my animal kids!” He 39 the monkeys some bananas. Meat is for the tigers. They are 40 . They like meat very much. What 41 the big elephant eat It eats tree leaves (叶子). Now, it’s half past nine. Kids and their parents come to see the animals in the zoo. They are very happy 42 the animals are very happy, too. Rabbits are so cute, and 43 the kids like them. Animals have lunch 44 one o’clock in the afternoon. People go 45 home at four in the afternoon. Mr. Ken likes his animals and people like the zoo.
Hi, I’m Lisa. Here 46 a box, and some nice things are in it. This is 47 eraser. It’s my sister’s. And the color pencils are 48 , too. My sister likes the color pencils very much. Look, this is my toy tiger, it’s nice, 49 it’s too old. I want a new one. Look at this new cap, it’s 50 my dad. Dad’s birthday (生日) is coming, I think he will be happy when he sees the cap.
A: Bil!
B: Yes
A: Mom is not at home. 51 .
B: OK. What would you like for lunch
A: Rice, eggs and vegetables.
B: But we don’t have any eggs. 52
A: Sure, I’d like to go. 53
B: Three kilos.
A: OK. And I’d like some bottles of Coke.
B: But Coke is not good for us.
A: I see. 54
B: OK. Apples are good for us. Two kilos of apples.
A: Three kilos of eggs and two kilos of apples. 55
B: Yes, I think so.
A: OK. I’ll go now.
1. 内容应包括所有的提示信息,可以适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺、意思连贯、语法正确;
3. 100词左右 (邮件格式、开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear John,
How are you Let me tell you about my three meals a day (一日三餐). ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A
【导语】本文是一篇应用文,展示了王先生一家在Grand Sichuan餐馆吃饭的账单。
1.细节理解题。根据账单上“8:30 pm”可知,王先生一家晚上八点半在Grand Sichuan餐馆吃饭。故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据账单上“Orange juice…4”可知,王先生一家喝了四杯橙汁。故选C。
3.推理判断题。根据账单上“Subtotal: $ 56.00”以及“Tax: $ 5.00”可知,王先生一家需要支付56+5=61 (美元)。故选C。
4.推理判断题。根据账单上“Jan. 1st, 2023”可知,他们在元旦到Grand Sichuan餐馆吃饭。故选D。
5.推理判断题。通读全文可知,这是王先生一家在Grand Sichuan餐馆吃饭的账单。故选A。
6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B
6.细节理解题。根据“Mrs. Smith buys the shoes for Alan.”可知,史密斯太太给艾伦买了鞋子。故选B。
7.细节理解题。根据“Mrs. Smith finds the key in the toy car.”可知,他们在玩具车里找到了钥匙。故选A。
8.主旨大意题。根据“After lunch, they go to a big shop to do some shopping.”和“The Smiths pay 95 dollars for all the things.”可知,第二段主要介绍了史密斯一家买了一些东西,故选D。
9.词义猜测题。根据“Then the family go out of the shop, but Mr. Smith can’t find his car key (钥匙). They look for it here and there. Then John is sleepy (困倦的) and he gives his toy car to his father. Mrs. Smith finds the key in the toy car.”可知,约翰把汽车钥匙放在了玩具汽车里,导致大家都找不到钥匙,因此推断约翰是淘气的,故选C。
10.推理判断题。根据“The blue shoes look cool. They are 50 dollars. Alan loves the pair of blue shoes very much. Mrs. Smith buys the shoes for Alan. Then Mrs. Smith buys two coats. One is for Alan and the other is for John. The Smiths pay 95 dollars for all the things.”可知,史密斯一家买的一双鞋和两件外套和一个玩具车一共支付95美元,鞋花了50美元,玩具5美元,95-50-5=40美元,因此那两件大衣花了40美元,故选B。
11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.A
11.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Some family names come from the places of their homes.”以及第三段中“Some family names come from a person’s job.”以及第四段中“And many people get their family names from their father’s family names.”可知,姓氏来源于家的所在地、工作和父亲的姓氏,一共有三种方式获得姓氏。故选B。
12.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Some family names come from the places of their homes.”以及“In the UK, people’s names may be Lake because they live near the lake.”可知,Lake这个姓氏来源于家的所在地。故选C。
13.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“If his name is ‘Jackson’, you can know that he is the son of Jack.”可知,如果一个小男孩的姓氏为Jackson,他可能是Jack的儿子。故选D。
14.主旨大意题。根据第一段中“English people usually get their family names in these ways.”以及通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了英国人姓氏的由来。故选A。
15.篇章结构题。通读全文可知,第一段引出话题family name的起源,第二、三、四段分别论述了family name来源于家的所在地、职业以及父亲的姓氏。本文是“总分”结构,A选项符合题意。故选A。
16.A 17.D 18.B 19.E 20.C
16.根据空格后面句子“OK, let me tell you.”可知,上一句是询问怎么做到的,而选项A“我怎么做到的”符合语境,故选A。
17.根据“We are in different schools … We talk about different topics in English.”可知,我们在不同的学校,但是见面了会说英语,所以前面要提出我们会见面,而选项D“每个星期天,我们在公园里见面说英语”符合语境,故选D。
18.根据空格后面句子“She is from America. I teach her Chinese and she teaches me English.”可知,空格处为作者经常交流英语的一位朋友,而选项B“我经常在那里和琳达交谈”符合语境,故选B。
19.根据空格后面句子“They are fun and watching them helps me a lot with my pronunciation”可知,作者观看一些有趣的影片,这些影片可以帮助作者改善发音,而选项E“我空闲的时候还看英文动画片”符合语境,故选E。
20.根据空格后面句子“Hope (希望) they can help you.”可知,最后总结全文,希望自己的英语学习方法能够帮助大家,选项C“你觉得我的方式怎么样”符合语境,故选C。
21.C 22.A 23.D 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.C 31.B 32.D 33.C 34.A 35.D
girls女孩;boys男孩;friends朋友;teachers老师。根据“Emily, David, Sam, Sandy and I are good…at school.”可知,艾米丽、大卫、萨姆、桑迪和“我”在学校是好朋友,此处应填名词friends“朋友”。故选C。
calls打电话;helps帮助;speaks讲话;meets见面。根据“In the morning, Emily…us to go for a picnic tomorrow.”可知,艾米丽叫“我们”去野餐,此处应填动词calls“打电话”。故选A。
kind友好的;cute可爱的;clever聪明的;nice愉快的。根据下文“We’re all happy to go…her.”可知,此处指的是那太好了,应用形容词nice“愉快的”作表语。故选D。
to朝;with和;of属于……的;from来自。根据“We’re all happy to go…her.”可知很高兴和她一起去,go with sb.“和某人一起去”,为动词短语,此处应填介词with。故选B。
free空闲的;sorry难过的;happy快乐的;cool凉爽的。根据“David would like to go, but he isn’t…He has to…his grandparents tomorrow.”可知,此处指的是大卫想去,但他没空,应填形容词free“空闲的”作表语。故选A。
play玩;visit拜访;look看;watch观看。根据“He has to…his grandparents tomorrow.”可知,此处指的是他必须去看望他的祖父母,应用动词visit“拜访”。故选B。
on在……上;in在……里面;at在……时刻;for为了。根据“We decide to have the picnic…a farm.”可知,“我们”决定在农场野餐,on a farm“在农场”,为固定短语,此处应填on。故选A。
think认为;know知道;buy买;give给予。根据下文“We need to buy different…”可知,此处指的是“我们”必须买一些需要的东西,应填动词buy“买”。故选C。
if如果;and并且;but但是;so所以。根据“Before we go there, we have to…something we need…we do some shopping in a big shop.”可知,此处指的是在“我们”去那里之前,“我们”必须买一些“我们”需要的东西,所以“我们”在一家大商店购物;前半句与后半句为因果关系,应用连词so“所以”。故选D。
foods食物;drinks饮料;things东西;clothes衣服。根据下文“Sam buys a kite. He’d like to fly a kite. Sandy buys some…like apples, oranges and bananas.”可知,此处指的是“我们”需要买不同的东西,应填名词things“东西”。故选C。
vegetables蔬菜;fruit水果;juice果汁;bread面包。根据“Sandy buys some…like apples, oranges and bananas.”可知,桑迪买了一些水果,像苹果、橘子和香蕉,此处应填名词fruit“水果”。故选B。
good令人愉快的;fine好的;many大量的;well好地。根据“She can cook…”可知,此处指的是她做饭做得很好,应用副词well“好地”作状语来修饰动词cook。故选D。
her她;him他;us我们;them他们。根据“She will cook lunch for…tomorrow.”可知,此处指的是她明天将为“我们”做午饭,应用宾格us“我们”。故选C。
what什么;who谁;whose谁的;when什么时候。根据下文“So I…buy some drinks.”可知,此处指的是“我”不知道买什么,应用what“什么”。故选A。
again再次;right正确的;very非常;just就。根据“So I…buy some drinks.”可知,我就买了一些饮料,应填副词just“就”。故选D。
36.Ken’s 37.has 38.them 39.gives 40.strong 41.does 42.and 43.all 44.at 45.back
【导语】本文介绍了Mr. Ken的动物园里的动物和一天的时间表。
36.句意:Ken的动物园里非常安静。根据“It’s very quiet in…zoo.”以及备选词可知,此处指的是Ken的动物园里,应用名词所有格Ken’s来修饰后面的名词zoo。故填Ken’s。
37.句意:Ken有五只猴子、两只老虎、一头大象和许多兔子。根据“ Ken…five monkeys, two tigers, an elephant and many rabbits.”以及备选词可知,Ken有五只猴子、两只老虎、一头大象和许多兔子,句子时态为一般现在时,Ken作主语,谓语动词应用三单形式,此处应填动词have“有”的三单形式。故填has。
38.句意:他现在为它们准备早餐。根据“He prepares breakfast for…now.”以及备选词可知,他现在为它们准备早餐,空前为介词for,其后接宾语,此处应用人称代词they“它们”的宾格。故填them。
39.句意:他给猴子一些香蕉。根据“He…the monkeys some bananas.”以及备选词可知,他给猴子一些香蕉,句子时态为一般现在时,第三人称He作主语,谓语动词应用三单形式,此处应填动词give“给予”的三单形式。故填gives。
40.句意:它们很强壮。根据“Meat is for the tigers. They are…”以及备选词可知,此处指的是老虎很强壮,应填形容词作表语,strong“强壮的”。故填strong。
41.句意:大象吃什么?根据“What…the big elephant eat ”以及备选词可知,此处指的是“大象吃什么”,the big elephant作主语,应用助动词do的三单形式does。故填does。
42.句意:他们很开心,动物们也很开心。根据“They are very happy…the animals are very happy, too.”以及备选词可知,他们很开心,动物们也很开心;前半句与后半句为递进关系,应用连词and“并且”。故填and。
43.句意:兔子很可爱,所有的孩子都喜欢它们。根据“Rabbits are so cute, and…the kids like them.”以及备选词可知,兔子很可爱,所有的孩子都喜欢它们,此处应用all“所有”来修饰the kids。故填all。
44.句意:动物们在下午一点钟吃午饭。根据“Animals have lunch…one o’clock in the afternoon.”以及备选词可知,此处指的是在下午一点钟,空后为one o’clock,具体的时间点前应用介词at“在……时刻”。故填at。
45.句意:人们下午四点回家。根据“People go…home at four in the afternoon.”以及备选词可知,人们下午四点回家,go back home“回家”,为固定短语,此处应填back。故填back。
46.is 47.an 48.hers 49.but 50.for
46.句意:这里有一个盒子,里面有一些漂亮的东西。根据“Here…a box”可知,这里有一个盒子,句子时态为一般现在时,空后为a box,空处应用be动词的单数is。故填is。
47.句意:这是一块橡皮。根据“This is…eraser.”可知,这是一块橡皮,空前为可数名词eraser,是以元音音素开头的单词,空处应用不定冠词an表泛指。故填an。
48.句意:并且彩色铅笔也是她的。根据“It’s my sister’s. And the color pencils are…too.”可知,彩色铅笔也是她姐姐的,此处应填名词性物主代词hers“她的”替代her color pencils。故填hers。
49.句意:看,这是我的玩具老虎,它很漂亮,但是太旧了。根据“Look, this is my toy tiger, it’s nice…it’s too old.”可知,此处指的是玩具老虎很漂亮,但是太旧了;前半句与后半句为转折关系,应用连词but“但是”表转折。故填but。
50.句意:看这顶新帽子,这是给我爸爸的。根据“Look at this new cap, it’s…my dad.”可知,看这顶新帽子,这是给“我爸爸”的,此处应填介词for“给”,表示用途。故填for。
51.Let’s make lunch 52.Could you go shopping/Could you help me do some shopping 53.How many eggs do we need 54.What about apples/Why not buy some apples 55.Is that all
51.根据上句“Mom is not at home.”以及下文“OK. What would you like for lunch ”可知,妈妈不在家,两个人打算自己做午饭,此处应填“我们一起做午饭吧”。故填Let’s make lunch。
52.根据上句“But we don’t have any eggs.”以及答语“Sure, I’d like to go.”可知,家里没有鸡蛋,因此打算去买鸡蛋,此处应询问“你能帮我买点东西吗”。故填Could you go shopping/Could you help me do some shopping。
53.根据上文“But we don’t have any eggs.”以及答语“Three kilos.”可知,家里没有鸡蛋,打算去买鸡蛋,此处应询问买多少鸡蛋。故填How many eggs do we need。
54.根据下文“OK. Apples are good for us. Two kilos of apples.”可知,此处应询问苹果怎么样或为什么不买一些苹果。故填What about apples/Why not buy some apples。
55.根据答语“Yes, I think so.”可知,此处应询问“就这些吗”。故填Is that all。
Dear John,
How are you Let me tell you about my three meals a day.
For breakfast, I have an egg, some bread and a glass of milk. I don’t drink juice in the morning. I have rice, fish and some vegetables for lunch. I don’t eat hamburgers. I think they are bad for me. After lunch, I eat some bananas or apples. And for dinner, I eat chicken and jiaozi. They are nice. I don’t have any milk in the evening.
What about your three meals a day Tell me about them.
Li Hua
① 题材:本文是一篇应用文,为电子邮件;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,注意不要遗漏要点,可适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
① a glass of 一杯
② be bad for 对……有害
① I think they are bad for me.(省略that的宾语从句)



上一篇:人教版初中物理 八年级上册 第一单元 机械运动 单元测试卷(含解析)
