牛津译林版八年级上册 Unit 6 Bird watching reading 同步练习(含答案共3课时)

Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
4.记录他们的种类和数量上的变化 二、根据句意及提示写单词
1. The ground is very ________(湿的) because it rained last night.
2. Uncle Sam _____________(提供) money for my schooling.
3. There isn’t enough (空间) in this room for 30 students.
4. Every year, lots of (旅行者)go to the small town to watch birds.
5.This area provides food and ___________(庇护所) for wild animals.
6. We will help them understand the (重要性)of the question.
7. This is another lesson(教训)from (大自然). We must remember it.
8. Laurel was a (完美的)girl in every way.
9. He gets tired (容易地) and he must be out of shape.
1. Every year, a lot of _____________(tour) go to the Great Wall for a visit.
2. Do you know the ______________(important) of _______________(learn) English
3. We should do something ______________ (help) the birds.
4. There are ___________(many) books in our library than in theirs.
5. Why is it important (protect) the wild animals
6. Do you know the (change) of the birds in the numbers
7. China is one of the world’s ____________(big) countries.
8. Little Tom is sleeping, so we must walk__________(quiet) and talk gently.
9. The river is so clear that you can see a lot of _______(fish) swimming in the river.
10. I spend ________(little) time on computer games than my partner.
11. The boss made the people _________(work) for a long time every day.
12. There are lots of local (fisherman) living area for wildlife.
13. We should prevent people from (kill) wild animals.
( )1. There will be ________ red-crowned cranes in the world.
A. less and less B. a little C. more and many D. fewer and fewer
( )2. This math problem is not_____ for us to solve.
A. easy enough B. enough easy C. easily enough D. enough easily
( )3. The red-crowned crane is one of_____ in the world.
A. a rare animal B. the rare animal C. the rarest animal D. the rarest animals
( )4. I think______ necessary for us to protect wildlife.
A. it B. its C. that D. that’s
( )5. Japan is______the east of China and _____ the east of Asia.
A. in, in B. in, to C. to, in D. to, to
( )6. Do you need more people_______ you_______ the bird count
A. help; do B. to help; do C. help; to do D. to help; doing
( )7.--Cranes need more people’s help.
--Yes. People working in the reserve are doing something __________ these birds.
A. protect B. protecting C. to protecting D. to protect
( )8.If more and more wetlands disappear(消失), there __________ space for plants and animals.
A. will going to be fewer and fewer B. is more and more
C. will be less and less D. is going to be fewer and fewer
( )9.I hope __________ finish your homework first.
A. you to B. you C. to you D. that
( )10.Hurry up, there’s no time __________.
A. leaving B. left C. leaves D. leave
( )11.The parents __________ food and clothes.
A. provide the children to B. provide the children for
C. provide the children against D. provide the children with
( )12.Please tell me the change __________ the number of students in our school.
A. in B. into C. to D. with
4. 观鸟俱乐部的成员正忙于研究那些不同种类的鸟。
5. 越来越多的人开始明白湿地的重要性。
6. 那些孩子可以终年住在那里。
7. 卧龙自然保护区为大熊猫提供了一个重要的生存区域。.
8. 许多人带手机是为了拍照和听音乐。
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
1. 一个自然保护区___________________________ 2. 全年_____________________________________
3. 世界上最重要的湿地之一___________________ 4. 理解湿地的重要性_________________________
5. 去那儿作短暂停留_________________________ 6. 它们数量上的变化_________________________
7. 越来越少的空间___________________________8. 中国政府________________________________
1. I will take a notebook to_____________(记录) the birds.
2. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I will go_________________(钓鱼) by the river.
3. Daniel is happily________________(描述) his winter vacation.
4. Everyone ran for_________________(庇护所)when it started to rain.
5. Can you_________________(数数) from one to one hundred
6. We should prevent people from_________________(kill) wild animals.
7. Finally, his carelessness_______________(lead) to his failure.
8. I will go to Beijing______________(visit) my old friend this winter.
( ) 1.---What do you think of the hotel
---Great! It can provide us_______ hot water and provide nice food________us.
A.for; for B.with; with C.for; with D. with; for
( ) 2.The government made laws to___________people having picnics in the wetlands.
A.provide B.prevent C.protect D.prepare
( ) 3.Lucy invited me_____________ with her when her parents were not at home.
A.stay B.stayed C.staying D.to stay
( ) 4.We hope the number of the birds in Zhalong will be in the next few years.
A.more B.fewer C.larger D.less
( ) 5.The number of the volunteers in our city________ 2,000. And sixty per cent of them_________ teachers and students.
A.is; is B.is; are C.are; is D.are; are
( ) 6.______birds are facing the living problem because there is_____ living space for them.
A.Less and less; more and more B.More and more; less and less
C.Less and less; less and less D.More and more; fewer and fewer
( ) 7.We should do what we can the hunters the animals.
A.to prevent; killing B.to prevent; to kill
C.prevent; killing D.prevent; to kill
( ) 8.---How do you like this plan ---_____________. I want to have it for a long time.
A.Perfect B.Better C. Bad D. Worse
Most birds are , so you can _________ watch them there.
Now the____________ ___________has made laws to ____________ all the things in Zhalong.
This means there will be and living space for ___________.
1.Great (change) took place in the small town last year.
2.In today’s (social), people’s lives are getting better and better.
( ) 1.It is an ideal home different kinds animals live in.
A.for; for B.to; to C.to; for D.for; to
( )2.Do you know who is first person to go into space
A.a; the B.the; the C.a; / D.the; /
There are many wetlands in China and some of them have become the world’s most important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are home to many different kinds of birds and animals. The world’s largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve is in them. More than 7,000 Milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-crowned Cranes Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands.
The temperature(温度) in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low. There is a lot of rain and sunshine too. They are really good places for wildlife. Offering food and home for some special kinds of animals and birds is not only the reason why we need to protect wetlands. Wetlands are important because they also prevent flood. But some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife.
Luckily, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of wetlands and wildlife. Every year, on February 2nd, many activities are held to tell people more about wetlands.
( ) 1.The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the _______ of China.
A.east B.south C.west D.north
( ) 2.Usually the weather in the wetlands is _______.
A.hot B.pleasant C.cold D.dry
( ) 3.The World Wetlands Day is on _______.
A.April 22 B.June 25 C.February 2 D.March 22
( ) 4.We must protect wetlands because _______.
A.they are home for wildlife
B.they can prevent flood
C.they can offer food to the animals and birds
D.all of the above
( ) 5.The best title for the passage is _______.
A.China‘s Wetlands Have All Entered the World’s List
B.Wetlands—Home for Wildlife and Human Beings
C.Special Animals in the Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands
D.Wetlands—Valuable Resources(珍贵资源) of Land on the Earth
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
government describe nature keep fishing society importance
1. They were discussing the problems of Western_________________
2. From the show Keep Running, we can learn the _____________ of team spirit.
3. Can you ______________ your feeling when you heard the terrible news
4. The ____________ is taking action to prevent the spread of the disease.
5. Mary has developed a new way of life by getting close to______________
1. We should do something to prevent him from ___________ (speak) out our secrets.
2. There are many_________ (tour) coming to visit the Great Wall every day.
3. However, it is unwise of you to give up __________ (easy).
4. Eighty per cent of the students ___________ (work) hard in our class.
5. He __________ (lead) us into the garden and left. We had no idea what to do next.
( )1. Many birds live in Zhalong Nature Reserve____________.
A. all round years B. all year round
C. round all year D. the all years round
( )2. It's parents' job to_____a clean and comfortable environment at home___ their children.
A. support; with B. offer; with
C. give; for D. provide; for
( )3. With the development of modern industry, there will be _______ living space for wild
A. fewer and fewer B. less and less
C. more and more D. bigger and bigger
( )4. We didn't have the picnic ________ the heavy rain, but we will have one next weekend.
A. because B. because of
C. without D. instead of
( )5. No one is __________. The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop.
A. careful B. generous
C. famous D. perfect
( ) 6. Today, the forests are getting fewer and fewer, and we must
A. keep people from cutting down more trees
B. stop people cutting down more trees
C. prevent people cutting down more trees
D. all the above
( ) 7. How dangerous! She is driving the car with one hand and holding an ice cream with
A. another B. other C. the other D. the others
( ) 8. It is the great moment for our team, and every minute _____. So let's go for it, buddies.
A. costs B. helps C. works D. counts
( ) 9.--Hi, Jack. I can't go birdwatching with you this Spring Festival.
--Oh, I will miss you very much.
A. and you B. dear!
C. what a shame! D. no problem
1. many all round in birds year reserve live the nature (.)
2. our getting and stronger country is stronger (.)
3. important action to for it's protect us to take birds (.)
4.1ed to less space less wildlife for and what ( )
5. is a to live for Dafeng place Milu deer Jiangsu perfect in (.)
Do you know all birds protect themselves by listening and watching out for d 1 At the smallest sign of it, they will fly away. Birds that cannot fly are often able to swim fast, or run q 2 . Some birds make themselves look bigger and more dangerous by fluffing their feathers.
Another important p 3 for many birds is their colours. Their feathers often have colours that match the things around their nests. Some birds c 4 colours with the seasons. In winter they are white to m 5 the snow. In summer they are brown to match the ground.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.___________
A baby snail asked his mother, "Why was I born with a shell (壳) It is so 1 and heavy."
His mother said, "Because we do not have 2 to hold us up. We can only 3 slowly, so we get a shell 4 us.'
The baby asked again, "The caterpillar(毛毛虫) has no bones 5 , and she can't move quickly. Why doesn't she carry a 6 "
The mother snail answered, "That's because a caterpillar will become a butterfly. She can 7 high into the sky. The sky can protect her."
The baby had 8 question, "But the earthworm (蚯蚓) crawls 9 us. He has no bones. And he can't turn into a 10 . Why doesn't he carry a hard and heavy shell "
His mother said, "He can dig(R) a hole into the ground, and the 11 can protect him."
The baby snail then 12 , "We are so 13 ! We have no protection from either the sky 14 the ground." His mother smiled at him, "That's why we have a shell. We don't depend on(依靠) the sky or the ground for protection. We depend on 15 "
( ) 1. A. hard B. difficult C. easy D. hardly
( ) 2. A. skins B. fur C. bones D. feet
( )3. A. fly B. move C. jump D. swim
( )4. A. to prevent B. preventing C. protecting D. to protect
( ) 5. A. too B. either C. also D. neither
( ) 6. A. basket B. shell C. wallet D. pocket
( )7. A. jump B. fly C. get D. run
( ) 8. A. other B. the other C. others D. another
( ) 9. A. unlike B. as C. like D. dislike
( ) 10. A. bee B. bat C. bird D. butterfly
( ) 11. A. earth B. sky C. tree D. flower
( )12. A. smiled B. cried C. moved D. laughed
( ) 13. A. lucky B. clever C. poor D. happy
( ) 14. A. or B. and C. but D. then
( ) 15. A. him B. her C. ourselves D. us
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
一、1.understand the importance of the wetlands
2.make more space for
3.one of the world’s most important wetlands
4.record their types and changes in their numbers
二、根据句意及提示写单词1wet 2provides 3space 4tourists 5shelter 6importance 7 nature 8 perfect 9 easily
三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1tourists 2 importance learning 3 to help 4 more 5 to protect 6changes 7biggest 8quietly 9 fishes 10 less 11 work 12fishermen 13killing
五、根据汉语提示完成句子1More and more birds are in danger. 2. China is getting stronger and stronger. 3. We think it is important for us to take measures to protect our birds. 4. Members of the Birding Club are busy studying those different species of birds. 5. More and more people are beginning to understand the importance of wetlands. 6. Those children can live there all the year round. 7. The Wolong Nature Reserve provides an important survival area for the giant pandas.. 8. Many people bring their mobile phones to take pictures and listen to music
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
词组翻译1A nature reserve 2. all year round 3. One of the most important wetlands4Understand the importance of wetlands5. Go there for a short stay 6The change in their number of 7. Less and less space 8Chinese Government
1. record 2. fishing 3. describing 4. cover
5. count 6. killing 7. led 8. to visit
1-5D B D C B 6-8B A A
1. active in the daytime; easily
2. Chinese government; prevent
3. less; less; wildlife
选做题 1.changes 2.society
拓展题 1-2DD
Unit6 Bird watching Reading同步练习
一, 1. society 2. importance 3. describe 4. government 5. nature
二, 1. speaking 2. tourists 3. easily 4. work 5. led
三,1. B 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. D
6. D 7. C 8. D 9. C
四,1. Many birds live in the nature reserve all year round.
2. Our country is getting stronger and stronger.
3. It's important for us to take action to protect birds.
4. What led to less and less space for wildlife
5. Dafeng in Jiangsu is a perfect place for Milu deer to live.
五, 1. danger 2. quickly 3. protection 4. change 5. match
六 ,l.A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B
6. B 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. D
ll.A 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. C



