Unit 6 Bird watching Task and self assessement 同步练习(含答案)

Unit6 Bird watching Task and self assessement
1. Thank you for offering me the __________________ (address) of our old friends.
2. Red-crowned cranes can find food __________________ (easy) in Yancheng Nature Reserve.
3. Did the __________________ (speak) make a wonderful speech the day before yesterday
4. Binoculars can help you see the stars __________________ (clear) at night.
5. --- How many hours do you spend rending English every morning
--- (little) than half an hour,
6. There are many __________________ (hen) on his grandfather's farm.
7. Yao Ming, one of China's best ever (曾经) basketball __________________ (play) is more than 2 metres tall.
8. Look! Some __________________ (fisherman) are fishing near the beautiful lake.
9. Millions of __________________ (tour) come to China from all over the world every year.
10. It's _______________ (nature) that we love our English teacher because she always helps us.
( )1. You can call me___________5534 7968 or e-mail me____________tom@.
A.at; in B.at; on C.on; at D.in; at
( )2. It’s important for us__________________ good manners.
A.having B.have C.to have D.had
( )3. If you want to join the Singing Club, you should fill the_____________ form.
A.application B.instruction C.competition D.action
( )4. Could you speak in a loud voice I can’t hear you_________________
A.quickly B.happily C.slowly D.clearly
( )5. I’ll be at home_______________ Sunday morning. You can phone me then.
A.on B.in C.at D.to
( )6. ---What do you think of the question
---I find it quite___________. I can find out the answer____________.
A.easy; easily B.easily; easily C.easily; easy D.easy; easy
( )7. ---Wild animals need our help.
---Yes. We should everything we can___________ them.
A.protect B.protecting C.to protect D.to protecting
( )8. Through the stories behind the idioms (成语), we would be able to fully__________
China’s culture, history and tradition (传统).
A.understand B.search C.compare D.imagine
( )9. ---Why don’t you take some water ---You see, there is_________ space in my bag.
A.little B.a little C.a few D.few
( )10.Let’s______________a noise. Someone is sleeping.
A.not make B.not making C.not to make D.make
1. 我希望成为观鸟协会的一员,以便更多地了解鸟类。
I hope to__________ _______ __________ ________the Birdwatching Society in order to________ __________ _________ birds.
2. 你愿意参加世界读书日的活动吗?
Would you like______ _______ ______ _____the activities of World Book and Copyright Day.
3. 请保持安静。李老师将把一位著名的钢琴家介绍给同学们。
Please_________ _________. Miss Li will__________ ______ __________ __________ _____________the students.
4. 他们想做点儿事来帮助那些老师。
They want to_________ ____________ _________ ___________ those teachers.
5. 我认为天然食物对我们的健康有好处。
I think___________ __________ __________ _________ ___________ our health.
A few years ago, my father b___1___ a parrot. It has black feathers and is very clever. My dad teaches it to speak everyday. Now it can s___2___many words. Every morning, it g___3___ my parents warmly. This brings the great h___4___ to my parents.
My parents live in the countryside. They have three sons——my two brothers and me. However, all of us are in different cities. For my parents, the happiest time of the year is the y___5___ gathering (聚会) at the Spring Festival. For m___6___ of the year, my parents only speak to each other, so they feel a bit lonely sometimes. With the parrot at home, they feel much b___7___. The parrot is like their fourth son. It usually s___8___ in a cage. Sometimes my parents let it fly out of the cage, but it always returns to the cage i___9___. In the daytime, it talks a lot and talks loudly. But at night when my parents fall asleep (睡着), it always k___10___ quiet.
1._____________2.______________ 3.______________ 4.______________ 5.______________
6. ____________ 7. ______________8. ______________9. _____________ 10. _____________
Unit6 Bird watching Task and self assessement
1. The ____________(说话人) explain these questions one by one.
2. If you want to join the club, please fill in these_______________(表格) as soon as possible.
3. In our first lesson, our English teacher__________________(介绍) herself to us.
4. Who is the_________________(主席) of the students’ union in your school
5. What’s your home__________________(地址)
6. Jim, could you please introduce_______________(you) to us in Chinese
7. My dad and mum don’t let me_______________(stay) out late in the evening.
8. You should be careful when you do outdoor_________________(activity).
9. It is _______________(nature) for mother birds to do their best to protect their eggs.
10. Helen was interested in__________________(paint) when she was young.
1. There will be great _____________ (变化) in the weather, Please take good care of yourself.
2. Kate is very active, __________________ (然而) her sister is quiet and shy.
3. My grandmother goes to the __________________ (市场) to buy vegetable every morning.
4. There is something wrong with the plane's lefts ______________ (翅膀). It's very dangerous.
5. His father wants to be a member of the local business __________________ (协会).
6. Who will __________________ (领导) the party in the next election(选举)
7. Can __________________ (介绍) myself I'm Daniel.
8. Listen, the student are __________________ (描述)their new English teacher.
9. This film can help you __________________ (理解) the differences between the two countries.
10. Your painting is __________________ (完美的). Everyone likes it.
1. Jiangsu is __________.
A. on the cast-south of China B. at the south-east of China
C. in the south-east of China D. to south-east of China
2. --- Excuse me, May I know your __________
--- Sure, It's No.1 Zhongshan Street.
A. address B. place. C. area D. house
3. Birds are our friends. They are __________ of our lives.
A. another B. whole C. part D. rest
4. Xiao Ming is a little weak, so his father often makes him __________ for half an hour after supper.
A. walking B. walk C.to walk D. walked
5. I heard your daughter __________ in the next room at ten last night.
A. sang B. sing C. singing D. sings
6. The boring trip __________ me two hours and __________ me much money. Bad Luck!
A. took; cost B. cost; took C. spent; paid D. paid; spent
7. It’s hard for Daniel and __________ work without a car.
A. she to go B. she going C. her to go D. her going
8. Mother told the visitor _________ walk quietly and _________ wake the baby up.
A. to; to B. not to; not to C. not; not to D. tor not to
9. This piano is too big. Can you made _________ for it
A. a space B. some spaces C. some more rooms D. some space
10. Mr. Li’s student can call him ________ 57684051 or email him________ Lihua @ .
A. on; at B. on for C. at; on D. in; at
11. There will be _______ space for wildlife if we do _______ to protect the environment(环境).
A. more and more; everything B. fewer and fewer; anything
C. less and less; nothing D. less and less; something
12. Who is the girl with _________ hair
A. long B. a longer C. longer D. longest
13. Do you need more people _________ you _________ the vegetables
A. help; water B.to help: water C. help; watering D. to help; watering
14. There are many _________ places in Nanjing and most of us are _________ in visiting them.
A. interested; interesting B. interested; interested
C. interesting; interesting D. interesting; interested
15. There are _________ in the world.
A. lots of wetlands B. lot of wetlands
C. lots of wetland D. a lot wetlands
16. The wetland __________ food and cover _________ wildlife.
A. makes; for B. provides; for
C. grows; to D. plants; to
1. Would you like __________________ (go) to the cinema with me at the weekend
2. Zhao Benshan always tells funny stories.ne am ___________ (make) us ___________ (laugh).
3. If we __________________ (not provide) them with money, they can't go to school.
4. Thanks for __________________ (invite) me to your birthday party today.
5. __________________ (not speak) here in the reading room. Everyone is studying.
6. The boy __________________ (not want) to be a doctor when he grows up.
7. She always asks her son __________________ (not be) late for school,
8. They __________________ (build) a new school in the village next year, aren't they
Unit6 Bird watching Task and self assessement
1.You should go out to enjoy the     (nature) world.
2.Fill in the     (form) as soon as possible. We need them very much.
3.They     (introduce) themselves at the meeting this morning.
4.The     (chairperson) ties are different from each other.
5.Maybe you wrote wrong     (address), so receivers didn’t get the letters.
inviting, introduce, introduction,
natural world, call…on, playing
6.My family often go outside by bike to enjoy the       .
7.Why not       him       888 2700 if you want to speak to him
8.Could you please give us a general       about the changes in your life
9.Are you interested in       chess
10.Thank you very much for       me to the dinner.
(  )11.Our government tries to do everything they can     people live a better life.
A.to help B.help
C.helping D.helped
(  )12.—I’ll     a charity show this weekend. We’ll raise money for the poor sick people.
—Sounds great! Can I     you
A.join; take part in B.join; join
C.take part in; take part in D.take part in; join
(  )13. Trust     . You can do much better than you think.
A.you B.your
C.yourself D.yours
(  )14.Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beijing! And if you need any help, please call me     558 6390.
A.in B.on
C.with D.by
(  )15.There are many things to enjoy during travelling, including the     beauty and delicious food.
A.perfect B.awful
C.dangerous D.natural
There are many national parks in Africa where you can go on safari(旅游). For example, many 16.t     visit Kruger National Park in the north-eastern area of South Africa. This park was set up in 1936 to protect the wildlife of South Africa. It 17.c     an area of almost 2,000 square kilometres. Many kinds of plants and animals live in Kruger, including the famous “Big Five”. For hunters, these five animals are some of the most difficult and dangerous animals to 18.c    . Many tourists mainly think about seeing the Big Five while on safari. But there are many other interesting, and much smaller animals as well.
  Kruger National Park is a good place of many kinds of safaris for visitors. For example, in parks, you can rent a car and 19.d    around some areas on your own. There are also wilderness trails(小道) for safaris so you can walk on a path to see the animals. A guide comes with you to keep you 20.s     and tell you about the animals. There are also mobile safaris where you sleep in a tent. The campsite(营地) moves with you as you travel through the park.
Unit6 Bird watching Task and self assessement
1. addresses 2.easily 3.speaker 4.clearly 5.Less
6. hens 7.players 8.fishermen 9.tourists 10.natural
1. a member of; know more about
2. to take part in
3. keep quiet; introduce a famous pianist to
4. do something to help
5. natural food is good for
1. bought 2. say 3. greets 4. happiness 5. yearly
6. most 7. better 8. stays 9. itself 10. keeps
Unit6 Bird watching Task and self assessement
1. speakers 2. forms 3. introduced 4. chairperson
5. address 6. yourself 7. stay 8. activities 9. natural 10. painting
1. changes 2.while 3.market 4.wing 5.society
6. lead 7.introduce 8.describing 9.understand 10.perfect
1. C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.A11.C 12.C 13.B 14.D15.A 16.B
1. to go 2.to make; laugh 3.don’t provide 4.inviting
5. Don’t speak 6. doesn’t wan 7 not to be 8. are going to build
Unit6 Bird watching Task and self assessement
Ⅰ.1.natural 2.forms 3.introduced
4.chairpersons' 5.addresses
Ⅱ.6.natural world 7.call; on
8.introduction 9.playing
Ⅲ.11.A 考查非谓语动词。句意:我们的政府尽力做他们能做的一切来帮助人们过上更好的生活。“________ people live a better life”在此作目的状语,故应用动词不定式。故选A。
13.C 考查人称代词辨析。句意:相信你自己。你可以做得比你想象的好得多。本句是祈使句,主语是you,故要用反身代词yourself。故选C。
14.B 考查介词辨析。固定结构“call sb on+号码”表示“拨打……找某人”。故选B。
Ⅳ.16.tourists 17.covers
18.catch 19.drive



上一篇:人教版 初中物理 八年级上册 第四章第1节 光的直线传播 第2节 光的反射知识点梳理+测评(含解析)

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