Unit 5 Look into Science Lesson 25 Let's do an experiment!易错题专练(含答案及部分解析)

冀教版九年级全册Unit 5 Lesson25 同步练习
1.Do you know the     (正确的) way to shut the machine down
2.Miss Guo tells us that there're different     (方法) to improve our memory.
3.The Red Army were     (迫使) to have the Long March.
1.Do you often do (experiment) in your science class
2.To keep healthy, we should exercise in a (science) way.
3.Just now we (conclude) that we would finish the work in five groups.
4.Who can tell me the c answer to the question
5.When it rains, you can put on your r . You will not easily get wet.
1.Will Danny get wet if Brian ______ the experiment
A.will do B.do
C.does D.did
2.Li Lei is ______ to carry this box.
A.too strong B.enough strong
C.strong too D.strong enough
3.Are you sure ______ the coming football match
A.to B.with
C.of D.for
4.The ______ of the air keeps the water in the jar.
A.force B.forces
C.pressures D.Water
1. so,I,think,don't
2. books,his,filled,room,with,is
5G networks have been considered as one big thing for this century. They allow people to get faster services. Downloading information takes only seconds, instead of minutes.
5G phones are able to be used now. Users will need an adapter to bring in 5G signals. There's completely no need for users to worry about the safety of 5G signals.
Where will we probably see 5G first The answer is in our living rooms. The speeds, about 20 times faster than the standard home Internet connection, are very likely to do wonders in our living rooms. Many users are tired of spending $100 or more monthly in booking cable(有线的) TV. They no more choose cable TV and begin to use streaming(在线播放) services connected to their broadband(宽带) service instead.
Besides faster access, connectivity might get a little cheaper in future for users only if a complete 5G network is set up. However, the cost of programs and apps will go up. Meanwhile, users are in great need of ordering more monthly par atively speaking, users are likely to pay more for 5G services.
So far, it's mainly used at home…
(  )1.People can feel 5G's advantage directly by its .
A.surprising speed
B.comparatively low cost
C.powerful function
D.convenient Internet connection
(  )2.What will the users need to bring in 5G signals
A.An adapter. B.Cable TV.
C.Broadband. D.An app.
(  )3.What will the writer probably write about next
A.5G's role.
B.5G's history.
C.5G's influence.
D.5G's development.
(  )4.Where does this passage probably come from
A.A storybook.
B.A science fiction.
C.A popular science book.
D.A research report.
Today we did 1. experiment. It was interesting. First, I2. (fill) a jar with water. I covered the top 3. a piece of cardboard and 4. (hold) it there. Then I5. (turn) the jar upside down and took my hand 6.o
the cardboard. To my 7. (surprised), the water stayed in the jar. Why?8.B the force of the air is strong enough to keep the water inside the jar. Through experiments, we can test 9. (theory). We call them 10. (science) methods. From this experiment, I became more interested in science than before.
冀教版九年级全册Unit 5 Lesson25 同步练习
(A)1.The     (正确的) answers can be found on the next page、
2.Tony wants to do an     (实验) to test his theory、
3.You can’t     (迫使) others to do what they hate、
4.I think this is the best     (方法) to solve the problem、
5.Betty, you’d better take your     (雨衣). The weatherman said it would rain this afternoon.
4.The factory shouldn't     (pour)waste water into the river.
5.Li Lei read the story of Yu Gong and     (conclude) that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.
1.—I think the show is too boring.
—    . Go on watching, and you'll find it interesting.
A. I'm afraid so B. I'm not sure
C. That's for sure D. I don't think so
2.This is the first birthday gift     I received. I've kept it many years.
A. which    B. that
C. who D. what
3.—I'll be away for a long time.
—Don't worry. She can look after your pet    .
A. careful enough B. enough careful
C. carefully enough D. enough carefully
4.—What will you remember most after leaving junior high school
—I will always remember     .
A. how my friends and teachers used to help me
B. when did my friends and teachers arrive
C. where could my friends and teachers meet
D. what did the teachers say to me
5.Excuse me, could you please     your suit It's hot here.
A. take off B. take down
C. take over D. take up
Chang'e 5    the container    rocks and dirt from the moon.
Take an umbrella, or you will          .
Students          of the school after school, talking and laughing.
Dandan     the book     the desk and found a quiet place to read it.
You can't     the room         .
put on, be sure, discover, pressure, be ready
1.     to give your family my regards.
2.All the students     for today's test.
3.While feeling    , many students don't want to sleep or eat anything.
4.Scientists around the world are working to     a cure for AIDS.
5.You'd better     your coat. It's very cold outside.
1.take, with, you, a, you, raincoat, should
2.method, can, find, I, sure, he, a, am
3.ready, you, the speech, for, are
4.the, the, let's, lab, experiment, in, do
5.students, to, our, large, enough, is, classroom, hold, sixty
Do you like science Many young kids 1.     (love) it. They do many 2.    (experiment) to prove something. And 3.     course they can get many theories through the experiments. Some of 4.    (they) are dangerous, so you must use 5.    (science) methods. And you'd better 6.    (ask) your teachers for some advice. Do every step 7.    (careful), and maybe you will find something important. No matter what you'll find, that's 8.     good way to learn about the world. Thomas Edison 9.    (have) a famous saying: Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration(汗水) 10.     one percent inspiration(灵感).
Lab work is fun but you must be careful. Listen carefully when your teacher reads and explains the rules before your first lab lesson.
Throughout the Lesson *Do not enter the science lab without the teacher's permission(允许).*No food or drinks are allowed in the science lab.
Before the Experiment *Read all instructions(说明) carefully before every experiment.*Prepare all pieces of apparatus(仪器)and put them in right places so that you will not knock them over while doing the experiment.
During the Experiment *If you are unsure of how to use any apparatus or how to operate, ask your teacher for help.*Never smell or taste chemicals unless your teacher gives permission.
After the Experiment *Wash all pieces of apparatus after using and returning them to the places where they were.*Throw waste materials into proper waste baskets.
First Aid *Report all accidents to your teacher immediately.* If you spill any chemicals onto your body or clothing, wash with plenty of water and report it to your teacher.
1.You must know the LAB RULES     the first lab lesson.
A. before B. since
C. during D. after
2.It is necessary for you to     before every experiment.
A. read all instructions carefully
B. take enough food and drinks
C. smell chemicals immediately
D. talk with your classmates
3.If you are not sure of how to use any pieces of apparatus,     .
A. read the rules carefully
B. try them again and again
C. ask your teacher for help
D. return all pieces of apparatus to the places where they were
4.What does the underlined word "spill" mean in Chinese
A. 照射 B. 伤害
C. 摔下 D. 洒出
5.When you are in the science lab, you mustn't    .
A. be careful in order to prevent injury
B. listen carefully when your teacher explains the rules
C. taste chemicals without the teacher's permission
D. throw waste materials into proper waste baskets
冀教版九年级全册Unit 5 Lesson25 同步练习
1.correct/right 句意:你知道关掉这台机器的正确方法吗
2.methods 根据空前的"there're different"可知,空处应填method的复数形式methods。
3.forced 句意:红军被迫进行了长征。根据句意及空前的were可知此处用一般过去时的被动语态,故填force的过去分词forced。
4.pour 句意:工厂不应该往河里排放废水。情态动词后接动词原形,故填pour。
5.concluded 根据read可知,空处应用一般过去时。
二:1.experiments 2.scientific 3.concluded 4.correct 5.raincoat
四:1. I don't think so.
2.His room is filled with books.
3.He takes his hand off the box.
4.Does the water stay in the jar
5.What can you conclude
六:1. an 2.filled 3.with 4.held 5.turned 6. off 7.surprise8.Because9.theories 10.scientific
冀教版九年级全册Unit 5 Lesson25 同步练习
一:1.correct 2.experiment 3. force 4. method 5.raincoat
1.D ——我认为这个表演太无聊了。——我不那么认为。继续看吧,你会发现它是有趣的。根据"boring"和"and you'll find it interesting"可知,后者表示不赞同前者观点,故I don't think so"我不这么认为"符合题意。
2.B 句意:这是我收到的第一份生日礼物。我保存了很多年了。先行词birthday gift是物,关系代词应用that或which;又因先行词前有序数词修饰,故用that。
3.C ——我将离开很长时间。——不要担心。她能足够细心地照顾你的宠物。空处修饰look after,要用副词; enough修饰副词时,要置于其后,故选C。
4.A 分析句子结构可知,空处为宾语从句,要用陈述语序,故选A。
5.A 根据题干中的"It's hot here"可知,空处表示"脱下",应用take off。
1.filled; with
2.get wet
3.pour/poured out
4.took; off
5.turn; upside down
1.Be sure 句意:务必代我向你的家人问好。be sure"务必,一定"。
2.are ready 句意:所有的学生都为今天的测试做好了准备。主语为"All the students",故be动词用are。
3.pressure 句意:当感觉到压力的时候,很多学生不想睡觉或吃任何东西。
4.discover 句意:全世界的科学家都在努力寻找治疗艾滋病的方法。discover"发现"。
5.put on 句意:你最好穿上你的外套。外面很冷。根据题干中的"It's very cold outside" 可知用put on。
1.You should take a raincoat with you
2.I am sure he can find a method
3.Are you ready for the speech
4.Let's do the experiment in the lab
5.Our classroom is large enough to hold sixty students
1.love   2.experiments   3.of 4.them
5.scientific 6.ask 7.carefully 8.a
9.had  10.and
1.A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段"Listen carefully when your teacher reads and explains the rules before your first lab lesson" 可知答案。
2.A 细节理解题。根据Before the Experiment一栏中的"Read all instructions(说明) carefully before every experiment"可知选A。
3.C 细节理解题。根据During the Experiment一栏中的"If you are unsure of how to use any apparatus or how to operate, ask your teacher for help"可知答案。
4.D 词义猜测题。根据表格最后一栏中的"wash with plenty of water"可推知,此处说的是如果你洒出了任何化学品,故画线词意为"洒出"。
5.C 细节理解题。根据During the Experiment一栏中的"Never smell or taste chemicals unless your teacher gives permission"可知答案。



上一篇:Unit6 Lesson33 The fisherman and the Goldfish同步练习(2课时 含答案)
