人教新目标版英语九年级全册 Unit10 You're supposed to shake hands. SectionB(1a-1d)同步练习题(无答案)

Unit 10 Section B 1a-1d 同步达标练习题
1.young_______________(比较级)_______________(最高级)2.stick________(pt) _________ (pp)3.polite _________ (否定词)4.hit_______________ (pt) _______________ (pp)5.chopstick _______________(pl)6.old_______________(比较级)_______________(最高级)7.manner_______________(pl)8.excite_______________ , _______________ (adj)9.allow_______________ (pt) _______________ (pp)10.usual_______________ (否定词)
1.空的;空洞的 2.把..插进
1.It's impolite _____________(use) your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl.
2.It's_____________ (polite) to put at anyone with your chopsticks.
3.I used ________ (pick) up him by bike.
4.The mountain is ________ (water) by plane.
5..The Chinese is ________ (translate) into Japanese.
6..I was made ________ (do) many things.
7..I ________ (spend) five days in Nanjing last month.
8..Thanks for ________ (give) me the message.
9..Before ________ (go) home, we did some shopping in the supermarket.
10..There are many different ________ (manner) in different areas.
11.You have to ________ (cut) it off.
12..I find it difficult ________ (remember) French.
1.The box is ________ (空的), and we need to fill it up.
2.They're ________ (基本的) rules.
3.We often ________ (交换) our information.
4.They ________ (举止) properly in the hall.
5.I have many________ (建议) about the project.
Steve is excited about leaving for _______________tomorrow, but he is a little nervous, because he doesn’t know_______________ chopsticks very well and he doesn't know how to behave_______________ either. Yang Ming gives him some advice on table manners. He says in China you're_______________ to start eating first if there are_______________ at the table though it doesn’t matter in_______________ . It’s also impolite to stick your chopsticks into_______________ .You shouldn't _______________anyone with your chopsticks, either. And you're not supposed _______________when you're eating dinner.
Steve is _____________(excite) about leaving for China tomorrow, but he is a little nervous, _____________ he doesn’t know how to usechopsticks very _____________(good) and he doesn't know how _____________(behave) at the dinner table,either. Yang Ming gives him some advice on table manners. He says in China you're not supposed to start _____________(eat) first if there are old people at the table though it doesn’t matter in the United States. It’s also_____________(polite) to stick your chopsticks _____________ your food .You shouldn't point at anyone with your chopsticks, _____________. And you're not supposed_____________(talk)when you_____________(eat) dinner.
Maria is an exchange student. Last night, she went to a party in an American friend's house. Now she is talking about this with Tom.
Tom: Hi,Maria. 1 _______________________________________________
Maria: Oh, Tom. It was terrible.
Tom: What happened
Maria: I made mistakes in time.
Tom:2 _______________________________________________
Maria: I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but I arrived at 8:00.
Tom: Oh, you were so late.
Maria: Yeah, but in my country it is different. When you are invited for seven, you are
expected to come later.
Tom:I see.
Maria: And I greeted Paul's mother the wrong way. I kissed her.
Maria: In America they are supposed to shake hands.
Tom: I think you must feel embarrassed.
Maria:Yes. And I wore a fancy dress.
Tom: 4 _______________________________________________
Maria: It was an outdoor party, Everyone else was in a T-shirt and jeans.
Tom: I think next time you should ask what you are supposed to wear.
Maria: I agree with you.




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