
阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从 1—15 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Dear Mum,
Today is my first birthday I have spent far away from home. We haven’t seen each other 1 two months ago. I miss you very much.
A few days ago, we 2 the famous line in a poem “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” Miss Li told us that her primary school teacher made a huge 3 in her life. She would tell her teacher how thankful she was if she had a chance. 4 she lost the chance forever. This made me think a lot, especially when I’m 5 kilometres away from home. I am writing you this letter to let you 6 how much I love you.
When I was 3 years old, you held my hand and counted steps with 7 . I also remember that in our small flat, you read 8 at your desk and I played with my toys on the bed nearby. On cool autumn mornings, we walked along the street, 9 about something interesting and laughing together. My childhood was full 10 these warm memories.
Time flies! But you have been always by my side. 11 I won the swimming prize, you were proud of me. When I failed my maths exam, you said I would do it 12 the next time. Your words told me what I 13 do with all my difficulties. Now when I have problems, I always think of your words.
I’m always living 14 happy life and it’s all because of you. 15 lucky girl I am to be your child! Thank you, Mum.
1.A.for B.within C.since D.from
2.A.learn B.learned C.learning learn
3.A.different B.differently C.difference D.differences
4.A.But B.And C.So D.Or
5.A.thousand B.thousand of C.thousands D.thousands of
6.A.know B.knew C.knows D.knowing
7.A.I B.mine D.myself
8.A.quiet B.quietly C.quieter D.more quietly B.talking C.talks D.talked
10.A.with C.for D.of
11.A.When B.After C.Before D.Until
12.A.good B.better D.the best
13.A.must B.might C.ought D.should
14.A.a C.the D./
15.A.How B.How a C.What D.What a
Miss White is a successful language teacher. She told us her own learning experience in today’s English class.
When Miss White was a child, she had 16 in speaking. She couldn’t speak until she was more than three years old. Her parents just thought she was 17 , not strange. Her mum spent much time teaching her how to speak, read and write. Her dad often said to Miss White, “Dear, if you really want to learn the language, you can make it. Imagine yourself 18 the language confidently, and think you can do that.”
“The road to success is always full of thorns(荆棘). You need to fight against many difficulties and move on 19 ,” Miss White said. Hard work leads to success.
It 20 much time. Miss White could still remember how early she got up, how hard she practised, and how much time she spent reading and listening. “Sometimes, I found that I needed a person to 21 me. That kind of push was needed especially when I felt 22 and had the idea of giving up,” Miss White added.
23 always goes hand in hand with pain(痛苦). Her teachers and classmates gave her lots of help and 24 on learning. When she did well, they would give her praise. For her, language learning also became 25 . She got care, warmth and friendship. These made her feel so good.
16.A.interest B.trouble C.success D.skill
17.A.special B.worried C.careful D.excited B.teaching C.typing D.using
19.A.quickly B.correctly C.bravely D.easily
20.A.wastes B.kills C.saves D.takes
21.A.push B.change C.check D.join
22.A.angry B.tired C.silly D.sorry
23.A.Accident B.Education C.Experience D.Happiness
24.A.time C.respect D.advice
25.A.difficult B.enjoyable C.popular D.strange
Mr. Ratchett enjoyed a good grumble(牢骚). He got plenty of practice because he lived next door to the Goat family. The Goat family liked making trouble. They butted and bleated. They nibbled(啃)his hedge. Sometimes they put their horns down and chased his cat. It didn’t matter. Mr. Ratchett enjoyed having something to grumble about. One day, he put on his grumpy gardening clothes and his special moaning boots and went out to garden and grumble. What was this Things were very quiet. Things were too quiet. Mr. Ratchett looked over the hedge. He saw a furniture van. The Goats’ grandfather clock was being loaded into it by two furniture movers. Then the movers loaded the Goats’ television set. The moving van drove away. Up in the high hills, the Goat family was jumping around. “It’s very quiet up here,” said Father Goat. He sounded rather sad. “It’s too quiet,” said Mother Goat. “There is no one to tease,” said the little Goats sadly. Back in his garden, Mr. Ratchett sighed to himself, “It’s going to take me a long time to get to all this peace and quiet. A man needs a bit of grumbling to bring a sparkle(火花)to his eyes.” Rrrrm! Rrrrm! Went something next door. Mr. Ratchett looked over the fence. The furniture van was coming back again. Out of it leapt the Goat family. “You again!” shouted Mr. Ratchett. Under his grumpy gardening clothes his heart was singing for joy. “We couldn’t stay away!” shouted the little Goats. They began to butt and bleat and make a big noise. “We like making trouble and we need a scratchy neighbour close by.” “Fiddle-faddle!” shouted Mr. Ratchett, but he smiled as he said it. What a lot of wonderful grumbling he would be able to do tomorrow! When the Goat family couldn’t see him, he did a little grumbler’s tap dance in his grumpy gardening clothes and his moaning boots.
26.How did Mr. Ratchett feel about the trouble made by the Goat family
A.He didn’t mind it. B.He didn’t like it.
C.He was unhappy with it. D.He wanted to keep it off.
27.What can we infer from the talk among the Goat family
A.They liked the quiet place.
B.They missed their old home.
C.They wanted to find a new friend.
D.They had a good time in the hills.
28.Which of the following shows the correct order of the story
a. The Goat family jumped around in the high hills.
b. Two furniture movers helped the goats move away.
c. Mr. Ratchett always grumbled the noisy Goat family.
d. Mr. Ratchett was sad and lonely in his garden.
e. Mr. Ratchett was happy to see the Goat family again.
A.b-a-c-d-e B.c-b-e-a-d C.b-e-a-c-d D.c-b-a-d-e
The Flowbee was invented in the late 1980s. What is it It is a special kind of machine. It cuts hair with little mess. The Flowbee was made by an American man who built things with wood.
In 1987, Rick Hunt was working in his wood shop. A lot of wood was cut in the shop, so little pieces of wood were everywhere. They were on the ground, on Hunt’s shirt and even in his hair. The shop had a big vacuum(真空吸尘器) for cleaning. Hunt used it to clean not only the shop, but also himself.
The pieces of wood were easily sucked( 吸 ) from his clothes and his hair. As Hunt used the vacuum to clean his hair, he got an idea. “This would be a good way to cut hair with less mess,” he thought.
He added some special parts to a common vacuum. In this way, the first Flowbees were born. Those first Flowbees were sold out of Hunt’s home. Then, a fall festival was held near Hunt’s home. He took all of his Flowbees there, and a lot of people bought them. Next, Hunt went on television with the Flowbee. More and more Flowbees were sold.
More than a million Flowbees were sold in America over the next ten years. Today, this interesting machine is sold to people around the world. Hunt’s clever way to cut hair really works. Sometimes great ideas come from surprising places.
29.What kind of machine is the Flowbee
A.A funny machine to dry hair. B.A useful machine to cut hair.
C.A modern machine to cut wood. D.A smart machine to clean the floor.
30.Paragraph 2 mainly talks about ________.
A.when the Flowbee was invented B.what the Flowbee was used for
C.where the Flowbee was invented the idea of the Flowbee came
31.Which of the following about the Flowbee is TRUE
A.Hunt added some parts to a vacuum to invent the Flowbee.
B.Thousands of Hunt’s Flowbees were sold out of his house.
C.A million people knew about Flowbees at the fall festival.
D.People around the world could buy Flowbees in the 1980s.
32.What can we learn from the story
A.Practice makes perfect.
B.It’s never too old to learn.
C.Where there is a will, there is a way.
D.Success may come from creativity.
letter I V X L C D M
value 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000
Roman numbers are the number system with hundreds of years’ history. They were created by the Romans with seven letters: I, V, X, L, C, D and M. Their meanings are as follows.
Hand signals( 手 势 )may tell us how Roman numbers were invented. “I”, a single line, is one finger, and “V” means five fingers. “X” is two hands showing two fives with thumbs(拇指) crossed, like the shape “X”.
Roman numbers are read from left to right.
The order of the letters is important. There are two main rules.
If a letter comes before a letter of greater value, you use subtraction. For example, IV is 4 and XC is 90.
If one or more letters come after a letter of greater value, you add them. For example, XII equals 12; CXIII means 113.
Roman numbers have played an important part in Roman times. People used them in everyday business, engineering and maths. People in Europe kept using them until the 15th century. Later, people realized the Arabic numbers were easier when they had to calculate larger numbers. Also, zero was not in the Roman number system. It was a big problem in maths.
However, Roman numbers are still used on watches and clocks to show people the time. In the names of streets and buildings, you can also see them. Subjects like chemistry and music might still use them. Besides, they are used to refer to kings and queens, such as Queen Elizabeth II. While they are not the main number system in modern maths, they are still around us.
33.Which of following stands for “subtraction” in Paragraph 4
A. B. C. D.
34.What does the Roman number LXXII mean
A.28 B.32 C.68 D.72
35.Why were Roman numbers important in Roman times
A.Because they were easier than the Arabic numbers.
B.Because Europeans had to calculate larger numbers.
C.Because people widely used them in their daily life.
D.Because the number zero brought a problem to maths.
36.What does “they” in the last paragraph refer to
A.Arabic numbers. B.Roman numbers. C.Subjects like music. D.Watches and clocks.
The 8th Art Festival is coming! Many activities will be held to celebrate this important and meaningful festival at Xinhua Junior High School! There will be 10 artistic events including a musical show and an art show and so on. The events will last until the end of December. We will hold our opening ceremony(开幕式) in the Harrington Center on Friday, Dec. 3rd. It will be a day of laughs and lots of fun. It’s the time to get together for an enjoyable two-hour activity. Look forward to your coming! Students’ Union
Our school is hosting the Musical Show on Dec. 19th at Harrington Center, Bank Road at 9 a.m. All students are welcome to try out for the show at the audition (试演), which will be held on Dec. 8th in the school’s Music Club. Grade 7: 9:30~11:30 a.m. Grade 8&9: 1:40~3:40 p.m.
Art works are made by students in Grades 8-9. It opens on Dec 21st. Visual arts show in the school’s Central Hall. Enjoy until the last day of December, weekdays. If you are interested in buying one, you can pay by WeChat or cash. Please call Ms. Carlee Green at 632-336-0945.
37.Where should you go if you want to take part in the opening ceremony
A.In the Music Club. B.In the Harrington Center.
C.In the Central Hall. D.In the school library.
38.Lucy, an 8th grader, can go at ________ if she would like to try out for the musical show.
A.10:30 a.m. on Dec 8th B.3:00 p.m. on Dec 19th
C.9:00 a.m. on Dec 19th D.2:40 p.m. on Dec 8th
39.What can you know from the passage
A.Some works of art will be made by 7th graders.
B.Only 7th graders can take part in the musical show.
C.Students can buy some of the art pieces in the art show.
D.Students can see the art show any time before December.
40.What is the purpose of this passage
A.To introduce Art Festival to parents.
B.To show students how to make music.
C.To ask students to join in the Art Festival.
D.To tell students where to go at weekends.
A good photographer is a little bit like an artist or a writer. 41
Like all good artists, a photographer has to make a visual image(视像). It makes people feel something. 42
And like all good writers, a photographer needs to be able to tell a story with his or her photos. 43 You may ask “What are they doing ” or “Where was that photo taken ” or “Who is that person ”
44 Get closer or step back, shoot your picture from up high, or get down low to find a different angle(角度). Then, check what’s in the background. Remember to hold the camera steady. 45
A good photographer also needs to keep an eye for the tiny things because they can make or break a good picture.
A.A good photo should make you think and ask questions.
B.He or she uses a camera to paint a picture or tell a story.
C.Finally, find a point of interest to make your photos amazing.
D.If you want to become a good photographer, try something different.
E.If a photo makes you feel something, the photographer has done a good job.
In stories, most women in ancient China were weak. They d 46 on their men.
However, Hua Mulan was different. She was strong and brave.
Hua Mulan was the eldest child in her family. Her father was old and ill. When a man from every family was wanted to join the a 47 , she decided to dress up like a man to fight instead of her father. N 48 knew she was a woman. Mulan fought bravely in w 49 and got great success. This made her family proud and g 50 .
Lucy is Sarah.
They’re educational exchange students. , they in our school for 3 weeks.
Lucy told us, “ pass the application and exam.”
54.“能来中国学习我们真的很兴奋!”Sarah 补充说。
“ we are to study in China!” Sarah added.
If you’re interested in educational exchange, you ask for their advice.
56.假设你是李华,你们学校的交换生Eric为了方便学习,需要挑选合适的平板,并咨询你的建议。请你根据下面的信息给Eric写一封邮件,向他推荐这款你在网上浏览的 HappyPad。
1. 需包括下图所有要点(“参数”部分除外),并自行补充2个推荐理由;
2. 词数80词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);
3. 不得透露学校等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。
Dear Eric,
I would like to introduce this pad to you.
Li Hua
1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.D
for(表示一段时间)达,计;within在……之内;since自从;from来自。根据“two months ago.”及下文“I miss you very much.”可知,此处指自从两个月前就没有见过面了,我非常想念你。故选C。
learn学到,动词原形;learned一般过去时;learning现在分词;to learn动词不定式。根据时间状语“A few days ago”可知,时态为一般过去时。故选B。
different不同的,形容词;differently副词;difference差异,单数名词;differences复数名词。make a huge difference“产生巨大影响”,固定搭配。故选C。
But但是;And和;So因此;Or或者。根据“She would tell her teacher how thankful she was if she had a chance.”及后句“she lost the chance forever”可知,前后句存在转折关系。故选A。
thousand千,单数;thousand of错误形式;thousands千,复数,与of连用;thousands of成千上万。根据“kilometres”可知,是指几千公里。故选D。
know知道,动词原形;knew过去式;knows第三人称单数形式;knowing现在分词。let sb do sth“让某人做某事”,固定搭配,空处应用动词原形。故选A。
I我,主格;mine我的,名词性物主代词;me我,宾格;myself我自己,反身代词。根据“held my hand”可知,此处指和我一起数步数,with后面缺少宾语。故选C。
quiet安静的,形容词;quietly安静地,副词;quieter更安静的;more quietly更安静地。空处修饰动词read,用副词形式。故选B。
with和;in在……里面;for为了;of……的。be full of“充满”,固定搭配。故选D。
When当……时;After在……之后;Before在……之前;Until直到。根据后句“When I failed my maths exam”可知,此处用when引导时间状语从句。故选A。
good好的,形容词;better更好,比较级;best最好,最高级;the best最好的,表特指。根据“the next time”可知,是指下次会考得更好,此处存在比较级。故选B。
must必须;might也许;ought应该,与to连用;should应该。根据“Your words told me what with all my difficulties.”可知,此处指应该如何面对困难。故选D。
a一个,辅音音素前;an一个,元音音素前;the特指。根据“happy life”可知,此处指一种幸福的生活,happy是辅音音素开头的单词。故选A。
How多么,中心词为形容词或副词;How a错误形式;What多么,中心词为名词复数或不可数名词;What a多么,中心词为可数名词单数。中心词girl是可数名词单数,且lucky是辅音音素开头的单词,符合感叹句“What a+adj+名词单数+主语+谓语”的结构。故选D。
16.B 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.D 21.A 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.B
interest兴趣;trouble困难;success成功;skill技能。根据“She couldn’t speak until she was more than three years old.”可知,她小时候在说话方面有困难。故选B。
special特别的;worried担心的;careful小心的;excited兴奋的。根据“not strange.”可知,父母只是觉得她有些特别,但不奇怪。故选A。
giving给;teaching教;typing打字;using使用。根据“if you really want to learn the language, you can make it.”可知,此处是指使用语言。故选D。
quickly快地;correctly正确地;bravely勇敢地;easily简单地。根据“The road to success is always full of thorns”可知,成功的道路充满荆棘,需要勇敢前进。故选C。
wastes浪费;kills消遣;saves节约;takes花费。根据“Miss White could still remember how early she got up, how hard she practised, and how much time she spent reading and listening.”可知,此处是指花费很多时间。故选D。
push推;change改变;check检查;join加入。根据“That kind of push”可知,是指需要有人推动着我前进。故选A。
angry生气的;tired累的;silly傻的;sorry抱歉的。根据“when I felt ... and had the idea of giving up”可知,是指在感到很累,想要放弃的时候。故选B。
Accident事故;Education教育;Experience经历;Happiness快乐。根据后文“She got care, warmth and friendship. These made her feel so good.”可知,本段是介绍学习语言中所获得的快乐。故选D。
time时间;money金钱;respect尊重;advice建议。根据“on learning.”可知,是老师和同学给了她学习上的建议。故选D。
difficult困难的;enjoyable令人愉快的;popular受欢迎的;strange奇怪的。根据“She got care, warmth and friendship. These made her feel so good.”可知,她从学习语言中感受到了愉快。故选B。
26.A 27.B 28.D
26.细节理解题。根据“It didn’t matter. Mr. Ratchett enjoyed having something to grumble about.”可知,雷切特先生对于山羊家制造的麻烦不介意,故选A。
27.推理判断题。根据“‘It’s very quiet up here,’ said Father Goat. He sounded rather sad. ‘It’s too quiet,’ said Mother Goat. ‘There is no one to tease,’ said the little Goats sadly.” 结合“He saw a furniture van. The Goats’ grandfather clock was being loaded into it by two furniture movers. Then the movers loaded the Goats’ television set. The moving van drove away.”可知,山羊一家搬到一个新地方,但是他们很想念老家,故选B。
28.细节理解题。根据“Mr. Ratchett enjoyed a good grumble(牢骚).”可知,雷切特先生总是抱怨吵闹的山羊一家。根据“He saw a furniture van. The Goats’ grandfather clock was being loaded into it by two furniture movers. ”可知,两个家具搬运工帮助山羊搬走了。根据“Up in the high hills, the Goat family was jumping around.”可知,山羊一家在高山上跳来跳去。根据“Back in his garden, Mr. Ratchett sighed to himself, ‘It’s going to take me a long time to get to all this peace and quiet. A man needs a bit of grumbling to bring a sparkle(火花)to his eyes.’”可知,雷切特先生在他的花园里感到悲伤和孤独。根据“but he smiled as he said it. What a lot of wonderful grumbling he would be able to do tomorrow!”可知,雷切特先生很高兴再次见到山羊一家。所以正确顺序是c-b-a-d-e。故选D。
29.B 30.D 31.A 32.D
29.细节理解题。根据“What is it It is a special kind of machine. It cuts hair with little mess. ”可知,它是一个有用的剪头发的机器。故选B。
30.段落大意题。根据“A lot of wood was cut in the shop, so little pieces of wood were everywhere. They were on the ground, on Hunt’s shirt and even in his hair. The shop had a big vacuum(真空吸尘器) for cleaning. Hunt used it to clean not only the shop, but also himself.”(商店里切了很多木头,所以到处都是小木头。它们在地上,在亨特的衬衫上,甚至在他的头发上。这家商店有一台大吸尘器用来清洁。亨特不仅用它来清洁商店,还用它来清洁自己。)可知,第二段主要讲述了Flowbee的想法是怎么来的。故选D。
31.细节理解题。根据“He added some special parts to a common vacuum. In this way, the first Flowbees were born. ”可知,亨特在吸尘器中添加了一些部件,发明了“Flowbee”。故选A。
32.推理判断题。根据“As Hunt used the vacuum to clean his hair, he got an idea. ‘This would be a good way to cut hair with less mess,’ he thought.”以及“He added some special parts to a common vacuum. In this way, the first Flowbees were born.”可知,里克是为了剪头发不那么乱发明了这个机器,所以成功可能来自于创造力。故选D。
33.B 34.D 35.C 36.B
33.词句猜测题。根据“If a letter comes before a letter of greater value, you use subtraction. For example, IV is 4 and XC is 90.”和表格内容可知,例如,IV为4,XC为90。两者都是后一个数字减去前一个数字的结果,所以subtraction的意思是“减法”,故选B。
34.推理判断题。根据“If one or more letters come after a letter of greater value, you add them. For example, XII equals 12; CXIII means 113.”和表格内容可知,如果一个或多个字母出现在一个值更大的字母后面,则做加法。例如,XII等于12;CXIII表示113。由此可知,LXXII=50+10+10+1+1=72。故选D。
35.细节理解题。根据“Roman numbers have played an important part in Roman times. People used them in everyday business, engineering and maths.”可知,罗马数字在罗马时代扮演了重要的角色。人们在日常商业、工程和数学中使用它们。故选C。
36.代词指代题。根据“Roman numbers are still used...In the names of streets and buildings...Subjects like chemistry and music might still use them. Besides, they are used to refer to kings and queens, such as Queen Elizabeth II.”可知,罗马数字应用于各处,此处they指的是“罗马数字”,故选B。
37.B 38.D 39.C 40.C
37.细节理解题。根据“We will hold our opening ceremony(开幕式) in the Harrington Center on Friday, Dec. 3rd.”可知,我们将于12月3日星期五在哈林顿中心举行开幕式。故选B。
38.推理判断题。根据“All students are welcome to try out for the show at the audition (试演), which will be held on Dec. 8th in the school’s Music Club.”和“Grade 8&9: 1:40~3:40 p.m.”可知,8年级的露西可以在12月8日下午1:40到3:40参加选拔。故选D。
39.细节理解题。根据“Art works are made by students in Grades 8-9 ... If you are interested in buying one, you can pay by WeChat or cash.”可知,可以在艺术展上买到一些艺术品。故选C。
40.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍学校第八届艺术节的相关信息,结合“Look forward to your coming!”可知,是邀请学生们来参加艺术节。故选C。
41.B 42.E 43.A 44.D 45.C
41.根据“A good photographer is a little bit like an artist or a writer.”可知,一个好的摄影师有点像艺术家或作家,艺术家会绘画,作家会写故事。选项B“他或她用相机来画一幅画或讲一个故事。”符合语境,故选B。
42.根据“Like all good artists, a photographer has to make a visual image(视像). It makes people feel something.”可知,像所有优秀的艺术家一样,摄影师必须制作视觉图像。它让人有感觉。此处提到照片和感觉,选项E“如果一张照片让你有某种感觉,那么摄影师就做得很好。”符合语境,故选E。
43.根据“You may ask ‘What are they doing ’ or ‘Where was that photo taken ’ or ‘Who is that person ’”可知,此处提到几个问题,选项A“一张好的照片应该能让你思考并提出问题。”符合语境,故选A。
44.根据“Get closer or step back, shoot your picture from up high, or get down low to find a different angle(角度). Then, check what’s in the background.”可知,靠近或后退,从高处拍摄,或从低处拍摄,寻找不同的角度,然后看看背景是什么。此处强调要多尝试,选项D“如果你想成为一名优秀的摄影师,尝试一些不同的东西。”符合语境,故选D。
45.根据“Then, check what’s in the background. Remember to hold the camera steady.”可知,然后,看看背景是什么。记得拿稳相机。此处介绍拍摄的最后步骤,选项C“最后,找到一个有趣的点,让你的照片令人惊叹。”符合语境,故选C。
46.(d)epended 47.(a)rmy 48.(N)obody 49.(w)ars 50.(g)lad
46.句意:她们依靠她们的男人。根据上文“In stories, most women in ancient China were weak.”和首字母提示可知,在故事中,中国古代的大多数妇女都很软弱,可推测此处是她们要依靠她们的男人,depend on表示“依靠”,时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式,depended为动词过去式。故填(d)epended。
47.句意:当每个家庭的一个男人被要求参军时,她决定打扮成一个男人代替她的父亲去打仗。根据下文“...she decided to dress up like a man to fight instead of her father.”和首字母提示可知,花木兰决定替父从军,去打仗,可推测此处是当每个家庭的一个男人被要求参军时,join the army表示“参军”。故填(a)rmy。
48.句意:没人知道她是个女人。根据上文“Hua Mulan was the eldest child in her family...she decided to dress up like a man to fight instead of her father.”和首字母提示可知,花木兰替父从军,可推测此处是没人知道她是个女人,空处需填复合不定代词,作主语,nobody表示“没有人”,位于句首,首字母n需大写。故填(N)obody。
49.句意:木兰在战争中英勇作战,取得了巨大的成功。根据“Mulan fought bravely in...and got great success.”和首字母提示可知,木兰英勇作战,可推测此处是在战争中,且是多次战争,in wars表示“在战争中”,空处需填名词复数,wars“战争”为名词复数形式。故填(w)ars。
50.句意:这让她的家人感到骄傲和高兴。根据“This made her family proud...”和首字母提示可知,这让她的家人骄傲,可推测此时让家人高兴,and连接并列关系,空处需填与形容词proud并列的形容词,glad“高兴的”,形容词。故填(g)lad。 tall as
【详解】as tall as“和……一样高”,固定短语,故填as tall as。
52. So far have studied
【详解】根据语境可知,一空处需填副词短语,so far表示“到目前为止”,位于句首,首字母s需大写,又因时态为现在完成时,二空处需填谓语,谓语应为“have/has+过去分词”的结构,主语为they,助动词用have,studied“学习”为动词study的过去分词。故填So far;have studied。
53.It’s not easy to
【详解】It’s not easy to do sth“做某事是不容易的”,故填It’s not easy to。
54.How excited
【详解】how excited“多么兴奋”,构成“How+adj+主谓!”句型,故填How excited。
55.had better
【详解】根据语境可知,had better do sth表示“最好做某事”,情态动词had better“最好”符合语境。故填had better。
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Li Hua
①all in all总之
②look through浏览
①This pad is as heavy as your English dictionary.(形容词原级比较)
②It’s very convenient for you to take it everywhere.(it作形式主语)




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