
1. 本试卷共七大题,满分100分(不含听力口语30分)、考试用时100分钟;
2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡和对应的位置上,并认真校对条形码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人相符合;
3. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动、请用橡皮擦干净后、再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题;
4. 考生答题必须答在答题卡上、答在试卷和草稿低上一律无效。
第I卷(客观题 共45分)
第一部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
She was a smart dog. I taught her to play hide and seek. We would play for hours, spending our days learning and growing together.
Eleven years we were together, best of friends. Arthritis(关节炎) and old age set in on her. My parents knew what had to be done, but they stood back and let me find and make the 1 myself.
She was suffering so much and the medicine didn’t seem to help anymore. She could 2 walk. I looked 3 those deep brown eyes and realized it was time to let her go.
I carried her into the vet’s office, placed her on the table. She leaned her head forward, gave a lick(舔) to my hand, 4 to say she understood. Her tail was wagging(摇摆) in circle as it always did.
The vet gave her a sedative(镇定剂) first. She first went to sleep, but her tail still wagged. Then the vet asked before giving the final shot, “Are you sure ” With a 5 heart and tear filled eyes, I 6 yes.
I wrapped her up in her favorite blanket. I took her home and buried her in the grass, 7 she loved playing, and chasing rabbits. It was the 8 thing I have ever done.
Many years later, I went back to her. Growing on her grave(坟墓) was a single wild flower. I sat and 9 it swaying(摇摆) in the wind, and realized that it was swaying in a 10 , just like her tail. I know now that, that special friend will be with me always.
1.A.decision B.description C.dividing D.decoration
2.A.nearly B.almost C.hardly D.indeed
3.A.up B.down C.upon D.into
4.A.in order B.as if C.even though D.as a result
5.A.bright B.broken C.light D.brief
6.A.nodded B.spoke C.talked D.told
7.A.what B.which C.where D.that
8.A.easiest B.happiest C.longest D.hardest
9.A.looked B.saw C.watched D.enjoyed
10.A.hurry B.mess C.circle D.minute
第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Studying is not always the most interesting task within your day, but it is a necessary one. Even though it is required, everyone has got bored at one time or another while studying. Although this is a common problem, here are some tips for you to keep boredom away while you are studying.
Find a suitable place to study.
Make sure you are in a place that is free of distraction (分心). Distractions will actually cause you to become more bored because you are reminded of the things you could be doing other than studying.
Make a ▲ plan.
Plan first. List what you need to get completed and how long you need to complete it. If you know when you can go back to play sports or talk to your friends, you will be more likely to fix your attention on studies.
Mix up your topics.
Change up the topics that you are studying. Mix up what you study every half an hour to an hour or so to avoid boredom. For example, study history for 45 minutes, maths for 45 minutes, and English for 45 minutes. Make sure you don’t spend all your time on one subject.
Take notes as you go.
Take a notebook out and write down important notes while you are reading an article in a textbook. Not only will it help keep you engaged, you will also be learning more because you process the information once as you read it and then again as you synthesize the information to write down.
11.Which part of a magazine is the passage most probably taken from
A.Study. B.Health. C.Science. D.Culture.
12.Which word is the most suitable for ▲
A.trip B.time C.business D.lunch
13.The passage is mainly about ________.
A.how to learn different subjects B.how to study without getting bored
C.how to read an article in a text book D.how to choose a proper place to study
Researchers at China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, a State-owned defense contractor, have developed and made the world’s first robot whale shark(鲸鲨).
The robotic shark has been on display in an aquarium(水族馆)at Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park since January.
A whale shark is a slow-moving carpet shark and the largest known living fish.
Designed and built by engineers at the Shenyang-based No 111 Factory, the underwater robot is 4.7 meters long, weighs 350 kilograms and can move 42 meters a minute.
Powered by a lithium battery, it can swim, turn, float and dive like a real shark by moving its mechanical fins(鳍). The mouth and gills(鳃)can also open and close like a shark’s. The biomimetic shark is made of sensors(传感器), multi-joint fins, batteries, and systems which enable it to avoid what’s in the way in all directions.
“The robot can reach a depth of 10 meters and work for as long as 10 hours,” said Fang Xuelin, a senior researcher in charge of the robot shark program.
“The shark can be remotely controlled and can also swim based on preset programs or its own sensors,” he said.
“We have built multiple kinds of robot fishes, and the robotic whale shark is the largest mechanical fish we have made so far,” Fang added. “Our robots are to serve three purposes—to perform in aquariums for entertainment, spread knowledge about the sea and aquatic(水生的)animals among youngsters, and carry out scientific tasks such as hydrological surveys, underwater photography and environmental inspection.”
“The factory now plans to develop more types of aquatic robots, including some extinct mammals(哺乳动物), for display in parks and schools. It will also promote the products to businesses engaged in fields such as underwater salvage and mineral prospecting,” he said.
14.The whale shark on display is ________.
A.the world’s first robot B.the largest living fish
C.a 7.4-meter-long shark D.a robotic shark
15.What does the underlined word “biomimetic”in Paragraph 5 mean
A.仿生的 B.虚拟的 C.杂交的 D.变异的
16.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.The shark is the first mechanical fish made at the factory.
B.Powered by a lithium battery, the shark can swim without stopping.
C.The factory has built multiple kinds of robot fishes including the shark.
D.The factory has developed some extinct mammals for display in parks.
17.What does Paragraph 8 mainly talk about
A.The limits of the aquatic robots. B.The purposes of the aquatic robots.
C.The progress in making aquatic robots. D.The steps to developing aquatic robots.
A spoon of pickles (榨菜) can sometimes make a meal taste way better. Recently, a new type of pickle is being discussed: “digital pickled vegetables”. It stands for the videos people watch while eating that make their food more delicious.
______①______. The topic received more than 16 million clicks on Sina Weibo and about 100,000 people joined in the discussion. Instead of having a good time with friends and family during a meal, many young people in China keep their eyes on TV shows or short videos. Many believe that their food is tastier with the digital pickles.
______②______. Can this habit influence your diet According to a research paper published in 2019, you may eat more without noticing it. The international research team asked 62 volunteers to follow different eating habits on four different days. The habits included eating while looking at the mobile phone, reading magazines and without distraction (干扰). After studying their diets, the team discovered that eating with a distraction increased caloric intake by about 15 percent.
______③______. To find out the reason, the team invited two groups of people: one group ate while listening to sounds about another person eating and the other listened to sounds that helped them imagine themselves eating. The results showed that the second group ate less since they paid more attention to their meals. When eating with the “digital pickles”, our attention can be distracted, which leads to eating more than expected.
______④______. A research project led by the University of Sussex, UK, pointed out that activities which need lots of attention trick many people into overeating. The team invited 120 people to do different tasks while providing them with drinks and snacks. “Our study shows that if you’re eating or drinking while your attention is distracted by a difficult task, it is less possible for you to tell how full you feel,” one of the researchers Martin Yeomans explained.
18.Which of the followings is a kind of digital pickles
A.Drinks. B.Snacks. C.Videos. D.Tasks.
19.What can we know from Paragraph 3
A.Eating with digital pickles may make people get fatter.
B.Reading magazines while eating is a good eating habit.
C.Different eating habits made little difference to people’s diet.
D.Volunteers were divided into four groups by the research team.
20.Where can you put the sentence “This works not only for eating meals but other difficult tasks as well.”
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
21.What is the best title for the article
A.Finish tasks while eating B.Imagine yourself eating
C.Eat less and exercise more D.Enjoy dinner with a show
I was pleased at running away from Long John Silver though I knew he was still somewhere nearby on the island.
As I was trying to find a safer place to hide myself, I heard some men talking close by. It was Silver and Tom.
“I want you with me!” Silver shouted, “when we have the treasure, there’s gold for you too.” “No,” cried Tom, “I told you. I’m not a murderer. You’re guilty, all of you!” Sadly, these were the last words of Tom. It was a gunshot, Silver’s gun.
I moved away quickly and quietly. I ran fast, not thinking about the direction I was taking. Suddenly, I saw a figure move quickly from tree to tree. What it was, whether a bear or a man or a monkey Silver himself appeared less terrible to me now.
As the figure was getting closer to me. It was a man. “Who are you ” I asked.
“Ben Gunn,” he answered. “I’m poor Ben Gunn, and I haven’t spoken with a man these three years. Who are you, mate ” “Jim,” I told him.
“Now, Jim, tell me is that Flint’s ship ” he asked in fear, pointing to the ship which I ran away from.
“No, and Flint is dead. But there are some of Flint’s hands aboard.”
“Not a man… with one… leg ” Ben asked in a tremulous voice, with his pale face and scared eyes.
“You mean Silver He once worked as a cook on the ship.” I added. “Now, he is also on the island to find Flint’s treasure. He wants to kill us and take over the ship!”
“Good boy,” he said, “I was on Flint’s ship when he buried(埋)the treasure, he and six strong seamen. But, when he returned, he himself alone, and the six all died. How he made it, not a man except him could make out. It was a battle, a murder, and a sudden death—him against six.”
Suddenly, the noise of explosions(爆炸)stopped our talking…
22.According to the dialogue between Silver and Tom, we can infer Silver was ________.
A.cruel B.kind C.honest D.silly
23.The underlined word “tremulous” means ________.
A.激动的 B.洪亮的 C.温和的 D.颤抖的
24.Which of the following is the correct order of the plot according to the passage
a. Ben Gunn was once on the Flint’s ship.
b. Ben Gunn mistook the ship for Flint’s.
c. Ben Gunn lived on the island alone.
d. Flint killed six seamen who helped bury the treasure.
e. Jim met Ben Gunn while running away from Silver.
A.c-e-a-b-d B.c-a-b-d-e C.a-d-c-b-e D.e-c-b-a-d
25.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Silver killed Tom with a gun.
B.Flint was a man with one leg.
C.Ben Gunn didn’t know Silver before.
D.Jim was left on the island for three years.
第三部分 信息还原(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
There are not many nations that can say their national dish has become international. 26 Both are famous all over the world, and both have made the history of Italian food. People have been eating pizza, in one form or another, for centuries. They eat it everywhere-at home, in restaurants, or on street corners.
27 Long ago, pieces of flatbread, topped with mushrooms and herbs (香料), were a simple and tasty meal. They were mostly for those who didn’t have enough money to buy plates, or who were on the go. In the 18th century, Naples, in southern Italy, had become one of the largest cities in Europe, and it was growing fast. Lots of city people were poor and they were always rushing around to look for work. 28 Pizzas were cut to meet the customers needs. They were inexpensive, used easy-to-find ingredients (原料), and could be made with plenty of flavor.
It was in America that pizza found its second home. 29 Soon, pizza spread across the country with the rapid development of the city. It was increasingly considered as a fast food. People might like New York-style thin pizza, or Chicago deep-dish thick pizza. Some want extra cheese on their pizzas while others only like vegetables. 30
For a lot of people in western countries, when they cannot decide what to eat, they order pizzas.
A.Nobody knows where pizza came from.
B.The secret is, almost everyone likes pizzas.
C.Italy has two such dishes, spaghetti and pizza.
D.A number of people refused to eat pizzas in Italy.
E.They needed food that was cheap and easy to eat.
F.In 1905, the first pizzeria, Lombardi’s, was opened in New York City.
G.The word “pizza” came from the Latin word “pinsa” meaning flatbread.
第四部分 词汇运用(共13小题;每小题1分,满分13分)
第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
31.Have you considered (比较) the two models Maybe you’ll change your mind.
32.Scientists are always full of (发明) which makes much difference to our life.
33.We will have the paintings (悬挂) in the classroom as a celebration of May Day.
34.It appears that a (温度)of around 70℃ is effective at killing the virus.
35.Being overweight i the risk of having a heart problem. You’d better exercise more.
36.It’s said that the ancient bridge l in the northern part of our city in the past.
37.The balcony allows people to enjoy more n light from outside, lowering the need for electricity.
38.—I find there are more and more bird species in Taihu Lake.
—It must have something to do with the success our city has a in wetland protection.
第二节 请阅读下面短文,将方框中单词或短语的正确形式填入答题卡标有题号的横线上。每空格限填一个单词或短语,每个单词或短语只能填一次。
if; choose; tradition; consider; so that
Now is a great time to think about getting your garden, balcony or other open space ready for spring. Growing plants is good for the planet. However, sometimes 39 gardening can still harm the planet. So, why not see 40 you can change how you garden If you need compost(堆肥), the peat-free(无泥炭的)one is your best 41 . It has been used as a base for making gardeners’ compost, but it’s better for the environment to leave it in the ground. You should also try to avoid 42 using plastic on plots(小块土地). Use some environmental-friendly ones 43 the soil won’t be harmed. If you buy plants in plastic pots, clean them up and be sure to recycle them correctly.
第五部分 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Animals were performing at the circus in West Park! I am 44 (write) to express how angry I am about this. I 45 (agree)with your speech. Animals should not be 46 (allow)to perform in circuses!
Wild animals like elephants, monkeys and tigers should live in their 47 (nature)world, which is the forest. It was clear that the performing animals were unhappy. For example, the tiger seemed to be crying while it was jumping 48 the circle. I think we should set circus animals free.
Secondly, the trainers are beating the animals to make them do tricks. I know this fact 49 I saw once there was an elephant with a lot of 50 (wound)on its side while it was dancing. Its rider was hitting it with a stick in the very same place. Also, the Animal 51 (protect) Society finds that three quarters of circus animals are 52 (bad)treated.
In conclusion, if any readers are thinking of buying tickets for the circus next week, I advise them to think again. You want to see wild animals Please go to 53 wildlife park, not to a circus.
Yours sincerely,
J Gomez
第六部分 阅读表达(共3小题;1题2分,2题2分,3题3分,满分7分)
If you are going to study abroad, which country would you like to go to Chinese students are searching for the best country.
A growing number of Chinese students are studying in Asian universities, especially during the recent years, China Daily reported. Take Singapore for example. The 2021 Report on Chinese Students Overseas Studies showed that the percent of Chinese students interested in studying in the country has risen from 9% to 12% in the past three years. Other Asian countries like Thailand, South Korea and Malaysia are also winning Chinese students’ hearts.
The growth of quality education in the area is the main reason for the change. According to the latest QS World University Rankings 2022, more than 10 universities in Asian countries (except China) are listed in the top 100. The two leading universities are the National University of Singapore(NUS) in 11th place and Nanyang Technological University, also in Singapore, in 12th place.
Zhang Mila, 28, graduated from NUS in 2018. She chose the university for its high standard of education. She joined the volleyball team at NUS, took part in competitions and made good friends through rich social activities. “The diversified(多元化的) courses might not help me in my future career, but it opened my eyes and knowledge,” Zhang told China Daily.
The lower cost, geographical advantages and similar cultures in Asian countries are other reasons attracting Chinese students. For example, if you study in South Korea, the cost is about $16,000 per year(about 114,000 yuan), compared with the $50,000 it costs to study in the UK for a year and $100,000 in the US.
Chinese students have taken studying abroad as a choice for higher education. Now, the study destinations(目的地) are also becoming more diversified, said Pan Jie, chief officer at Liyuan Education, an overseas education consulting company in Shenzhen, Guangdong.
54.What was the percent of Chinese students interested in studying in Singapore three years ago
55.Why have Chinese students chosen to study in Asian countries recently
56.If you have a chance to study abroad, where would you like to go, the West or the East Why
第七部分 书面表达(共1题;满分25分)
57.生活中,困难与挫折在所难免。但既然命运给了我们挑战,我们就迎难而上。你们学校英文校报以“That day, I faced a challenge”为题正在开展征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿。
1. What challenge did you face
2. How did you deal with the challenge
3. What did you learn from this experience
1. 词数100,开头已经给出,不计入总词数;
2. 内容涵盖所有要点,可适当发挥;
3. 请勿提及真实校名、姓名等信息。
That day, I faced a challenge
Everyone faces challenges in life. That day, I faced a challenge that I would never forget.
1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.C
decision决定;description描述;dividing分开;decoration装饰。根据下文“...realized it was time to let her go”可知,应是让作者做决定要不要让宠物狗安乐死。故选A。
nearly差不多;almost几乎,差不多;hardly几乎不;indeed实际上。根据“She was suffering so much and the medicine didn’t seem to help anymore.”可知,药物对她的病没有效果,所以她几乎不能走路了。故选C。
look up查找;look down向下看,俯视;look upon看做;look into向里看,凝视。根据“those deep brown eyes”可知,是凝视着她的眼睛。故填D。
in order按顺序;as if似乎,好像;even though即使;as a result结果。根据“to say she understood”可知,此处把它拟人化,应用好像。故选B。
bright明亮的;broken破裂的;light轻的;brief简洁的。根据“tear filled eyes”可知,作者很伤心,故用broken heart。故选B。
hurry匆忙;mess脏乱;circle一圈;minute分钟。根据上文“Her tail was wagging(摇摆) in circle as it always did.”可知,野花像她的尾巴一样绕着圈摇摆。故选C。
11.A 12.B 13.B
11.推理判断题。根据“Although this is a common problem, here are some tips for you to keep boredom away while you are studying.”可知,此文与学习建议有关,因此在杂志的“学习部分”可以看到。故选A。
12.推理判断题。根据“List what you need to get completed and how long you need to complete it.”和图片内容可知,此处谈论时间计划,因此此处应该填“time”。故选B。
13.主旨大意题。根据“Although this is a common problem, here are some tips for you to keep boredom away while you are studying.”可知,主要讲述了一些关于如何学习而不感到无聊的建议。故选B。
14.D 15.A 16.C 17.B
14.细节理解题。根据第一段“the world’s first robot whale shark”可知,展览的是世界上第一个机器鲸鲨。故选D。
15.词义猜测题。根据第四段“Designed and built by engineers at the Shenyang-based No 111 Factory”及第五段“Powered by a lithium battery, it can swim, turn, float and dive like a real shark”可知,鲸鲨是工程师设计和制作出来的,像真实的鲨一样可以游泳,转弯,漂浮和潜水。“biomimetic”表达“仿生的”。故选A。
16.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“We have built multiple kinds of robot fishes, and the robotic whale shark is the largest mechanical fish we have made so far”可知,工厂已经建了很多种类的机器鱼,机器鲸是目前制作的最大的机械鱼。C选项表述准确。故选C。
17.段落大意题。根据“Our robots are to serve three purposes—to perform in aquariums for entertainment, spread knowledge about the sea and aquatic animals among youngsters, and carry out scientific tasks such as hydrological surveys, underwater photography and environmental inspection”可知,第八段主要讲述了制作水生机器鱼的目的。故选B。
18.C 19.A 20.D 21.D
18.细节理解题。根据“It stands for the videos people watch while eating that make their food more delicious.”可知数字榨菜是指人们在吃饭时观看的视频,这些视频使他们的食物更加美味,故选C。
19.推理判断题。根据“The habits included eating while looking at the mobile phone, reading magazines and without distraction (干扰). After studying their diets, the team discovered that eating with a distraction increased caloric intake by about 15 percent.”(这些习惯包括边吃边看手机、看杂志和没有干扰。在研究了他们的饮食后,研究小组发现吃饭时分心会增加15%的热量摄入。)可推知和数字榨菜一起吃可能会让人变胖。故选A。
20.推理判断题。根据“A research project led by the University of Sussex, UK, pointed out that activities which need lots of attention trick many people into overeating. The team invited 120 people to do different tasks while providing them with drinks and snacks.”(英国苏塞克斯大学领导的一项研究项目指出,需要大量注意力的活动会诱使许多人暴饮暴食。该团队邀请了120人做不同的任务,同时为他们提供饮料和零食。)可推知This works not only for eating meals but other difficult tasks as well(这不仅适用于吃饭,也适用于其他困难的任务)在此处符合,故选D。
22.A 23.D 24.C 25.A
【导语】本文选自名著《金银岛》,讲述了“我”看到Silver杀死了Tom,然后遇到Ben Gunn的经过。
22.推理判断题。根据“Sadly, these were the last words of Tom. It was a gunshot, Silver’s gun.”可知,Silver用枪杀死了Tom,推测他是残忍的。故选A。
23.词义猜测题。根据“with his pale face and scared eyes”可知,他很害怕,所以声音是颤抖的,tremulous“颤抖的”。故选D。
24.细节理解题。根据“I was on Flint’s ship when he buried(理)the treasure”和“I’m poor Ben Gunn, and I haven’t spoken with a man these three years.”可知,Ben Gunn曾在弗林特号船上,然后他独自住在岛上。a在c之前,排除AB和D。故选C。
25.推理判断题。根据“Sadly, these were the last words of Tom. It was a gunshot, Silver’s gun.”可知,Silver用枪杀死了Tom,A正确。故选A。
26.C 27.G 28.E 29.F 30.B
26.根据“Both are famous all over the world, and both have made the history of Italian food.”可知,此处关于意大利的两种食物,选项C“意大利有两道这样的菜,意大利面和披萨。”符合语境。故选C。
27.根据“Long ago, pieces of flatbread, topped with mushrooms and herbs, were a simple and tasty meal.”可知,此处与面包片有关,选项G“ ‘披萨’这个词来自拉丁语‘pinsa’,意思是扁平面包。”符合语境。故选G。
28.根据“Lots of city people were poor and they were always rushing around to look for work.”以及“Pizzas were cut to meet the customers needs.”可知,披萨能够满足城市的穷人的需求,此处应该介绍他们需要什么样的食物,选项E“他们需要便宜易吃的食物。”符合语境。故选E。
29.根据“It was in America that pizza found its second home.”可知,此处与披萨在美国的发展历史有关,选项F“1905年,第一家披萨店伦巴第披萨店在纽约市开业。”符合语境。故选F。
30.根据“People might like New York-style thin pizza, or Chicago deep-dish thick pizza. Some want extra cheese...”可知,不同的人喜欢不同种类的披萨,说明大家都爱披萨,选项B“秘密是,几乎每个人都喜欢披萨。”符合语境。故选B。
【详解】句意:你考虑过比较这两种型号吗 也许你会改变主意。 根据中文提示可知,compare表示“比较”,consider doing sth“考虑做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填comparing。
【详解】句意:科学家们总是充满发明才能,这对我们的生活产生了很大的影响。根据“Scientists are always full of...”可知此处应用名词形式invention,根据“makes”可知此处invention是不可数名词,意为“创造力,发明才能”。故填invention。
【详解】句意:我们将把这些画挂在教室里庆祝五一节。have sth done“让某事被做”,此处动词hang“悬挂”与the paintings是被动关系,所以用过去分词作宾语补足语。故填hung。
【详解】句意:看来70℃左右的温度可以有效地杀死病毒。temperature“温度”,a temperature of“……的温度”,故填temperature。
【详解】句意:超重会增加患心脏病的风险。你最好多锻炼。分析“Being overweight i…the risk of having a heart problem.”可知,此处表示“增加”,可用increase表示,时态是一般现在时,主语是Being overweight,动词用三单,故填(i)ncreases。
【详解】句意:据说这座古桥过去坐落在我们城市的北部。根据“in the northern part of our city”可知,此处表示古桥坐落于我们城市的北部,lie“坐落于,位于”符合题意,又因为“in the past”可知,本句为一般过去时态,谓语动词用过去式,lie的过去式为lay,故填lay。
【详解】句意:阳台可以让人们享受更多来自室外的自然光,降低了对电力的需求。根据“lowering the need for electricity.”可知,此处表示让人们享受更多来自室外的自然光,结合首字母可知,natural“自然的”符合题意,形容词作定语,故填(n)atural。
【详解】句意:——我发现太湖的鸟类种类越来越多了。——这一定与我市在湿地保护方面取得的成就有关。根据“the success our city has … in wetland protection”及首字母可知,此处指与在湿地保护方面取得的成就有关,achieve“取得”,根据has可知,此空应填过去分词与其构成现在完成时结构,故填(a)chieved。
39.traditional 40.if 41.choice 42.considering 43.so that
41.句意:如果你需要堆肥,无泥炭的是你最好的选择。根据“If you need compost(堆肥), the peat-free(无泥炭的)one is your best”可知无泥炭是你最好的选择。choose的名词choice“选择”符合语境,故填choice。
42.句意:你还应该尽量避免考虑在地块上使用塑料。根据“You should also try to avoid...using plastic on plots(小块土地)”结合选词可知是指避免考虑在地块上使用塑料。consider“考虑”,动词。avoid doing sth“避免做某事”,为固定短语,故填considering。
43.句意:使用一些环保的,这样土壤就不会受到伤害。根据“Use some environmental-friendly ones...the soil won’t be harmed”可知使用一些环保的目的是为了土壤不会受到伤害,应用so that引导目的状语从句,故填so that。
44.writing 45.disagree 46.allowed 47.natural 48.through 49.because 50.wounds 51.Protection 52.badly 53.a
45.句意:我不同意你的演讲。根据“how angry I am about this.”可知,是表示不同意,应用disagree“不同意”,动词,主语为I,动词用原形。故填disagree。
48.句意:例如,老虎在跳圈时似乎在哭。根据“while it was jumping...the circle.”可知,是指从圈子里跳过去,应用介词through“通过”。故填through。
49.句意:我知道这个事实,因为我曾经见过一头大象跳舞时身体一侧有很多伤口。根据“I know this fact...I saw once there was an elephant with a lot of...on its side while it was dancing.”可知,后句是前句的原因,应用because。故填because。
50.句意:我知道这个事实,因为我曾经见过一头大象跳舞时身体一侧有很多伤口。wound“伤口”,可数名词,a lot of后加可数名词复数或不可数名词,故填wounds。
53.句意:请去野生动物园,不要去马戏团。根据“Please go to...wildlife park, not to a circus.”可知,此处是建议去一个野生动物园,表示泛指,应用不定冠词,wildlife以辅音音素开头,用a。故填a。
54.9%. 55.Because of the growth of quality education, the lower cost, geographical advantages and similar cultures in Asian countries. 56.I want to go to the West. Because I want to learn about different cultures.(答案合理即可)
54.根据“Take Singapore for example. The 2021 Report on Chinese Students Overseas Studies showed that the percent of Chinese students interested in studying in the country has risen from 9% to 12% in the past three years”可知,在过去三年里,比例从9%上升到12%,也就是说三年前比例是9%,故填9%.
55.根据“The growth of quality education in the area is the main reason for the change”及“The lower cost, geographical advantages and similar cultures in Asian countries are other reasons attracting Chinese students”可知,该地区素质教育的增长是这一变化的主要原因,较低的成本、地理优势和相似的文化也是吸引中国学生的其他原因,故填Because of the growth of quality education, the lower cost, geographical advantages and similar cultures in Asian countries.
56.开放性题,答案合理即可。参考答案为:I want to go to the West. Because I want to learn about different cultures.
That day, I faced a challenge
Everyone faces challenges in life. That day, I faced a challenge that I would never forget.
I am not good at doing sports, so I always fail in the PE exam, especial in the 800-meter race. That day, when I was in an 800-meter race, I suddenly fell down and my left leg hurt badly. I was upset and wanted to give up. My classmates cheered me up and their sound encouraged me to continue running. When I finished it, I found the race was not so difficult as I expected.
From this experience, I understand if we don’t give up, we will deal with any challenge.
①be good at擅长
②fall down摔倒
③give up放弃
④cheer up使振作起来
①when I was in an 800-meter race, I suddenly fell down and my left leg hurt badly.(when引导时间状语从句)
②I understand if we don’t give up, we will deal with any challenge.(if引导条件状语从句)



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