
新田县 2023 年“学生平安保险”杯学生学科竞赛
九年级 英语 参考答案
sound 2. understand 3. hamburger 4. medical 5. sugar 6.necessary
usual 8. move 9.active 10.expect 11.just 12.discover
fever 14. reach 15.smart 16. quiet 17.washroom
guard 19.down 20.hero
女性,雌性 22,方便的 23,欣赏,尊重 24,肌肉 25, 闹钟
外套,罩衣 27,闹鬼的 28,表面 29,气球 30,船长,队长
31,蜘蛛 32,公平的,展览会 33,努力, 力量,精力 34,酸的
lay 36.nearly/ almost 37.brain 38.process 39.alien 40.patient 41.warmth 42.attract 43.physics 44.chemistry 45.material 46.boil
lift 48. support 49.secret 50.wisely
保持联系 52,取得进步 53,...短缺;缺少 54,几个 55,对 ...有害
由...制成 57,远离...,与...保持距离 58,一般来说 59,只要 60,意外地
61--65 DBBBA 66--70 ABDBD 71--75 CACCC 76--80 DBACB
development 82. Knife 83. ability 84. provide 85. information
86. population 87. breathe 88. products 89.Whenever 90. doubt
was sitting. 92. himself 93. valuable 94. to spread 95. on
96. was influenced 97. French 98.a 99. Although 100. harder新田县 2023 年“学生平安保险”杯学生学科竞赛
九年级 英语
时间:60分钟 分值:100分
/sa nd/
/ nd 'st nd/
3./'h mb ɡ (r)/
4./'med kl/
5./' ɡ (r)/ 6./'nes s ri/ 7./'ju u l/
9./' kt v / 10./ k'spekt/
11. /d st/
12. /d 'sk v /
13. /'fi v /
14. /ri:t /
15. /smɑ t/
16. /'kwa t/
17. /'w rum/
18. /ɡɑ d/
19. /da n/
20. /'h r /
26. blouse
27. haunted
28. surface
29. balloon
32. fair
35. v.放置;下蛋
36. adv.几乎
37. n.大脑
38. v. 加工;处理
39. n.外星人adj.外国的;外星的
40. adj.有耐心的 n.病人
41. n.温暖
42. v.要求;请求
43. n.物理学
44. n.化学
45. n.原材料,原料
46. v. 煮沸
47. n./ v. 举起
48. v. 支持
49. adj. 秘密的,保密的
50. adv. 明智地,聪明地
keep in touch with____________
52. make a progress ______________
53. be short of _________________
54. a couple of___________________
55. be harmful to_________________
56. be made from ________________
57. keep away from_______________
58. in general ___________________
59. as long as____________________
60. by accident__________________
( ) 61. Be careful when you are crossing the street.
A. Go fast B. Don't stop C. Don't run D. Look out
( )62. We have enough time and we needn’ t do the work in such a hurry.
A. many B. plenty of C. great D. plenty
( )6 3. Take the medicine before you go to bed, please.
A. Smell B. Have C. Taste D. Sell
( ) 64. He wondered who was making faces.
A. didn't know B. wanted to know C. asked D.asked to know
( ) 65.Liu Fang joined the League last month.
A. became a League member B. went into the League
C. took part in the League D. came in the League
( ) 66.If you understand your teacher’s ideas, please reply to his questions in class.
A.answer B.tell C.say back D.talk
( ) 67.There are many shops on either side of the street.
A.neither side B.both sides C.every side D.all sides
( ) 68.Trees are very important to our environment. They can stop wind from blowing the earth away.
A.kept B.put C.take D.prevent
( ) 69.—Hi, have you found your lost watch
—Not yet, I have looked for it everywhere, but I still haven’t found it.
A.at those places B.here and there C.somewhere D.over there
( ) 70.Your schoolbag is similar to mine. I don’t know which one to take.
A.liking B.different C.likely D.almost the same as
( ) 71. Mr Green's got a big mouth. How can you believe him
一张大嘴 B. 吃的多 C. 爱吹牛 D. 樱桃小嘴
( ) 72. –Why can’t you trust me Not everything you heard is true.
–Maybe not. But there is no smoke without fire.
无风不起浪 B. 行动胜于雄辩 C.眼不见,心不烦 D. 祸不单行
( ) 73. The old man was once a lion in his country.
狮子 B. 脾气暴躁的 C. 有名望的 D.暴徒
( ) 74. Last week they cleaned the house against your coming.
A. 等着你来说 B. 反对你来 C. 等你再来 D.听说你来
( )75.---Why did the soldier run away ---They all saw the red light.
红灯 B. 红光 C. 危险信号 D.红霞
( )76. We can’t go out at all, because it is raining cats and dogs outside.
有猫和狗 B. 下猫和狗雨 C. 到处是猫和狗 D.大雨倾盆
( )77. As a student in Grade 9, you should put our shoulder to the wheel.
学习开车 B. 努力学习 C. 把肩膀放在轮子上 D.放下轮子
( )78. I can't find something new in the this fair, it’s new wine in old bottle.
毫无创新 B. 毫无生机 C. 酒好不怕巷子深 D.酒醉心明
( )79. Stop horsing around and get to work!
A. 骑马 B. 遛马 C. 嬉闹 D.马上来
( )80. I’m very sorry that I really put my foot in my mouth this time.
A. 做错了 B. 说错了话 C. 开玩笑 D. 吃了脚
81. With the d________ of China, all the children can go to school.
82. K is used for cutting things.
83. Everyone is born with the a to learn.
84. We are here to p________ the public with a service.
85. We can search for i on the intenet.
86. China has a p____________ of about 1.3 billion.
87. The bad air makes my chest hurt and it’s difficult for me to b______________.
88. He found it interesting that so many p in the local shops were made in China.
89. W____________ you go there, please telephone me. I’ll go with you.
90. There’s no d______________ that computers are widely used by workers.
In an old building in Peking University, a yellow light shone into the old and dark hours of the night. The famous translator Xu Yuanchong 91 (sit) behind the window and staring at the computer screen. He enjoyed working by 92 (he) from 10:00 p. m. to 4:00 a. m. For him, the quiet night was a 93 (value) time to focus on translation. He was exploring how 94 (spread) Chinese culture abroad by translating Chinese beauty into Western beauty.
Xu was born into a literary family in Nanchang 95 April 18th, 1921. When he was little, he 96 (influence) by his mother who was interested in literature. Xu began to translate Chinese poetry into both English and 97
(France) . when he was still a teenager. He soon learned that Chinese and European languages were very different. Only about half of the words in these languages could be translated word-for-word. This is why translators should have 98 creative mind. They are always trying to improve their translations to make sure they are correct and beautiful.
Xu's motto is: Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better; you’re your better best. 99 Xu was widely considered to be the best, he never stopped trying to become better.
The more you learn and the 100 (hard) you study, the better you will become. There is always room for improvement.




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