Unit2 Ways to go to school Part A 同步练习5(含答案)

Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A同步练习
一、 选择不同类的一项。
(  ) 1. A. early B. bus C.bike
(  ) 2. A. sometimes B. often C. meet
(  ) 3. A. usually B. come C. walk
(  ) 4. A. how B. exercise C. where
(  ) 5. A. by B. at C.school
1. go to school _______ 2. by plane _______ 3. by car _______
4. 步行 _______ 5. 坐地铁 _______ 6. 坐出租车 _______
( ) 1. I come to school ______. It’s not far.
A. on foot B. by subway C. by plane
( ) 2. I often go to school ______ bus.
A. on B. buy C. by
( ) 3. Mike often comes by bike, ______ by bus.
A. sometime B. sometimes C. some times
( ) 4. I usually ______ to the park.
A. walk B. on foot C. goes
( )5. — _______do you get to Paris — By plane.
A. What B. How C. Where
( )6.My father_______ to work by bus
A. go B. going C. goes
1. How do you come to s________
2. Can you come h________ by bike
3. I o________ do my homework in the evening.
4. S________, we go to the bookstore on foot.
5. My home is near my school. So I u________ go to school on foot.
1. —How do you come to school
2. —Where do they want to go
3. —How will they go
4. —Does he go to school on foot
5. —What are they talking about
—_________________________________ (他们正在谈论一场运动会。)
A. Sometimes B. on foot C. by bus D. far E. can’t F.by taxi G. Usually
Sarah: How do you go to school
John: 1._______.I go to school2. _______
Sarah: Can you go there3. _______
John: No, I 4. _______. It’s too 5. _______, 6. _______ I go to school. 7. _______ but It’s too expensive(昂贵的).
1. come school how you do to ( )
2.1 come bike often by (.)
3. good that's exercise (.)
4. usually I to walk school (.)
5. is good that exercise (.)
6. I usually to come by taxi school (.)
Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A同步练习
( )1. A. usually B. often C. exercise
( )2. A. car B. by C. bus
( )3. A. sometimes B. come C. walk
( )4. A. good B. foot C. early
( )5. A. school B. park C. always
二、 选择正确的答 案。
(  ) 1. They are talking ________ a sports meet.
A. in
B. to
C. about
(  ) 2. Usually I come to school________ bike.
A. in
B. by
C. on
(  ) 3. ________ do you come to school
A. How
B. What
C. Where
(  ) 4. They will ________ on foot.
A. go
B. to go
C. goes
三、 根据上下文, 写出问句。
1. A: I often come to school by bus.
B: I usually come on foot. My home is not far.
2. A:___________________________________
B: We often go to school by bike.
3. A:___________________________________
B: My classmates often come to school by bus.
4. A:___________________________________
B: No, I never go to the library by taxi.I often go there by bus.
5. A:___________________________________
B: The students often come to school on foot.
6. A:___________________________________
B: His home is near the school. He goes by bike.
四、 连词成句。
1. do, come, how, you, school, to( )
2. is, exercise, that, good(.)
3. often, I, come, bike, by(.)
4. about, what, teachers, your( )
(  )1. Mike often comes to school by bus.
(  )2. Mike usually comes to school on foot.
(  )3. Amy often comes to school by bus.
(  )4. Chen Jie sometimes comes to school by bike.
(  )5. Wu Yifan usually comes to school on foot.
by bike by bus on foot
Mike S U
Amy S O
Chen Jie S O
Wu Yifan U S
U=usually S=sometimes O=often
Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A同步练习
一、 看图写单词。
2、 选择正确的单词填空。
by from to on
1. Usually I go to school ________ foot.
2. I get to the USA ________ plane.
3. Let’ s go ________ the nature park.
4. How do you get to the USA ________ China
三、 看图, 仿照例子写对话。
例: —How do you go to the bookstore from your home
—I go by bike.
2. —_______________________
四、 按要求完成句子。
1. go, I, the, to, bookstore, by, usually,bus(.) (连词成句)
2. good, walking, is, exercise(.) (连词成句)
3. I often take a bus to school.(改为同义句)
4. I get there by car from my school.(对画线部分提问)
5. We often go to the park by bike.(改为一般疑问句)
6. How do you usually come to school (按实际回答 )
五、 阅读表格, 补全句子。
1. Ben goes to the ________ from his home________ ________.
2. ________ goes to the post office from the cinema ________ ________.
3. Mike goes to the ________ from the ________ by bus.
Name From How To
Ben home on foot park
Amy cinema by subway post office
Mike bookstore by bus museum
Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A同步练习
一、1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 C
二、1.上学 2.乘飞机 3.坐小汽车 4. on foot 5. by subway 6. by taxi
四、1.school 2.here 3.often 4.Sometimes 5.usually
五、1. I come to school by bike.
2. They want to go to the hospital.
3. They will go by bus.
4. Yes, he does.
5. They are talking about a sports meet.
六、1.G2.C 3.B 4.E 5.D 6.A
七、1. How do you come to school
2.I often come by bike.
3.That's good exercise.
4.I usually walk to school.
5.That is good exercise.
6. I usually come to school by taxi.
Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A同步练习
二、1 C 2 B 3 A 4 A
1 How do you come to school
2 How do you often go to school
3 How do your classmates often come to school
4 Do you go to the library by taxi
5 How do the students often come to school
6 How does he go to school
1 How do you come to school
2 That is good exercise.
3 I often come by bike.
4 What about your teachers
五、1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F
Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A同步练习
一、1 taxi 2 bus 3 subway 4 plane
5 train 6 ship
二、1 on 2 by 3 to 4 from
1 How do you go to Xiamen from Shanghai
I go by train.
2 How do you go to the UK from China
I go by plane.
1 I usually go to the bookstore by bus.
2 Walking is good exercise.
3 I often go to school by bus.
4 How do you get there from your school
5 Do you often go to the park by bike
6 I usually come to school by bus.
1 park on foot
2 Amy by subway
3 museum bookstore




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