
2023--2024 学年上期高三年级第三次月考 英语试题
英 语 试 卷
(总分:150分; 考试时间:120分钟)
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20分)
第一节 (共 5小题:每小题 1分,满分 5分)
听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳
选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅
1. What does the man probably mean
A. The woman’s getting fat.
B. The woman’s losing weight.
C. The woman’s kind to share her chocolate.
2. Where is Mary going tomorrow
A. To the movies. B. To a museum. C. To the hospital.
3. What will Joe do this Sunday
A. Go hiking. B. Buy some clothes. C. Do some housework.
4. What does the woman think of the painting
A. It’s just so-so. B. It’s excellent. C.It’s terrible.
5. How much did the man tip the woman
A. $100. B. $10. C. $1.
第二节 (共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选
项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完
后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段对话,回答第 6和第 7两个小题。
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Good friends. B. Co-workers. C. A couple.
7. What is the man’s reason for being absent
A. He was sick. B. His wife was sick. C. He was on vacation.
听下面一段对话,回答第 8和第 9两个小题。
8. Where is Tanya now
A. At her desk. B. In a meeting. C.At the downtown office.
9. How does the woman suggest contacting Tanya
A. By calling her cell phone.
B. By sending her an e-mail.
C. By visiting her office.
听下面一段对话,回答第 10至第 12三个小题。
10. When did the speakers last see each other
A. One year ago. B. Two years ago. C. Three years ago.
11. What was the woman doing in Asia
A. Traveling. B. Studying Japanese. C. Teaching biology.
12. What do we know about Kathy Morris
A. She is a Japanese girl. B. She is the woman’s workmate.
C. She is the man’s wife.
听下面一段对话,回答第 13至第 16四个小题。
13. What was Uncle Marco’s former job
A. A solider. B. A doctor. C. A government clerk.
14. What happened to Uncle Marco twenty years ago
A. His grandmother died.
B. He was shot in the leg.
C. He got an award for helping others.
15. What does the woman think of Uncle Marco
A. A little crazy. B. Very kind. C. Quite humorous.
16. How long had Uncle Marco been away this time
A. For six weeks. B. For six months. C. For seven months.
听下面一段独白,回答第 17至第 20四个小题。
17. What evidence was there that a thief had entered the house
A. Amessy room. B. A broken window. C. Amark from a person’s shoe.
18. What is the second step to protecting your home
A. Hiding your money carefully.
B. Having your neighbors look after your house.
C. Locking all the doors and windows.
19. Where should you never leave a house key
A. In the neighbor’s house. B. In a drawer. C. In the mailbox.
20. What should you do if you hear strange sounds in your house
A. Seek for the thief. B. Call the police. C. Hide under your bed.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Waynesville,North Carolina Travel Guide
About 25 miles southwest of Asheville,Waynesville is the perfect western Carolina mountain
town with real charm.So why not visit it
Best Things to Do in Waynesville
·Make the short drive to Waterrock Knob,where you’ll find one of the best trails and views
in Western North Carolina.At 5,820 feet,it’s the highest visitor center along the Blue Ridge
·Go to Cataloochee Valley to see the elk(麋鹿).The valley is filled with wildlife and
·Visit Haywood’s Farmers Market,filled with local products from produce to cheese to
crafts.Fill up your bag with fresh fruit and sweet treats for a picnic around Lake Junaluska.
· Explore the Frog Level District located on Richland Creek,which features one-and
two-story brick and frame buildings from the early 1900s.
Best Time to Visit
Fall is the most popular time for Waynesville tourism.The bright oranges,yellows,and reds
of the fall leaves draw crowds from near and far— so you can expect the cost to mirror the
demand.Spring,however, is the best time to visit Waynesville if you want to enjoy pleasant
weather,and various fairs and festivals.
Where to Stay in Waynesville
You’ll feel at home instantly you pull up to The Yellow House on Plott Creek Road.Built in
the late 1800s.the hotel sits on five rolling acres of land,surrounded by walking paths,two ponds
and a stream.There’re ten rooms and suites and each has its own private bath,fireplace and sitting
How to Get There
Asheville Regional Airport is the closest airport.If you’re flying into the area,you’ll need
your own transportation to travel around Waynesville.Downtown Waynesville is walkable but
exploring further out into the Blue Ridge Mountains requires a car.
21.Where will you most probably have a chance to admire ancient buildings
A.Waterrock Knob. B.Cataloochee Valley.
C.Frog Level District. D.Haywood’s Farmers Market.
22.What makes fall the most popular time to visit Waynesville
A.The competitive cost. B.The local cultures.
C.The agreeable weather. D.The natural beauty.
23.What had you better do in order to have a nice time around Waynesville
A.Rent a car. B.Feed some wildlife.
C.Hike on foot. D.Grow fresh fruits.
Melba Mebane never thought she’d retire from the department store she worked at for 74
years—until the traffic on her commut(e 通勤)became unbearable.The Dillard’s where she worked
in Tyler,Texas,was only a 15-minute drive from her house,but traffic could sometimes double the
commute,for which Mebane,now 91,no longer had the patience.Thus,she retired from her job
at Dillard’s.
Mebane began working as an“elevator girl”at the Mayer & Schmidt department store in 1949
when she was seventeen, through a work-study program at Tyler High School.The store was
acquired by Dillard’s in 1956.
She moved to the men’s clothing department,and later the cosmetics(化妆品)counter,
where she stayed until she retired.“There were gift baskets one of the girls just couldn’t sell,”says
Mebane.“They asked me to try,so I stepped out and talked to people about the baskets…I sold
every single one.So I was told that’s where I was staying.”
Mebane followed the same morning routine for 74 years:Waking up at 6:00 am,making a pot
of coffee,preparing a quick breakfast,and then getting to Dillard’s at 9:00 am sharp.“I loved
going to work every day.”says Mebane.“If you’re content with what you’re doing,why not keep
doing it ”
Her best advice for finding a good career is not to take a job simply because it pays well,
because“money can disappoint you,”Mebane warns.“Finding something you’re good at and
people you enjoy working with is so much more important.”
Since she started working at Dillard’s,Mebane had opportunities to become a manager,but
she always turned the offers down.“Nobody likes management,because they have to make tough
decisions,”she says.“I liked my friends at work,and I wanted to keep them,so I just focused on
being the best salesperson I could be.”
Many of Mebane’s former co-workers visit her in the retirement village where she has recently
moved,taking her out to lunch,the movies or shopping.
24.Why did Mebane decide to retire
A.She was bored with driving. B.She couldn’t stand the traffic.
C.She was impatient at work. D.She had difficulty communicating.
25.What do we know about Mebane from paragraph 3
A.She changed jobs frequently. B.She had strong responsibility.
C.She owned the sales potential. D.She was lucky in finding jobs.
26.What made Mebane devoted to her work at Dillard’s
A.Her interest. B.Her education.
C.The high pay. D.The chance for promotion.
27.What is Mebane’s suggestion for people wanting to be happier at work
A.Overcoming their weaknesses. B.Improving management skills.
C.Making decisions quickly. D.Focusing on their relationships.
Depleted forests are never out of the headlines, but do you know that several tech-led
techniques are being employed to improve reforestation and bring these lungs of nature,a key
source of oxygen in the atmosphere,back to life Nature news website,Mongabay, recently
devoted a mini-series to exploring the newest technological solutions that support worldwide
reforestation efforts,but not without pointing out that reforestation efforts often have weaknesses.
This Mongabay review speaks frankly about the blemishes of labor-intensive reforestation
efforts as poor planning leads to underreported tree planting outcomes.For example,perhaps trees
were planted where they didn’t suit the chosen habitats.
According to Mongabay, the challenge is to match rising demand for restoration with
ecologically sound,scalable(可扩展的)reforestation methods.“Scale is the biggest challenge to
restoration and reforestation projects worldwide,”said Charlotte Mills,chief ecologist at AirSeed
Technologies in Australia.The good news is that new tech solutions can help make tree planting at
scale easier,faster and more successful.
For instance,solar-powered,seed-planting robots,able to plant up to 600 trees in a morning,
are being carried out by conservationists working in the Peruvian Amazon.Drones(无人机)are
employed to drop seeds in precise areas,especially at remote and difficult-to-access sites.One
company operating them is Mast Reforestation,a Seattle-based one working on North America’s
conifer(针叶树)forests destroyed by logging,insects and wildfire
The Globe and Mail reports on how Canadian start-up,Flash Forest,uses drones that fire seeds
at a high speed into the soil.It has a great goal to go beyond changing forestry to slow down climate
change and finally conserve ecological diversity.
Sending people out on field monitoring to assess the health of new trees which take years to
mature is time-consuming and costly.Here,satellites are stepping up to provide large-scale data sets
over time on how huge reforested sites are going.Food giant Nestle announced in April 2023 that it’
s working to monitor its reforestation efforts long-term using satellites.
28.What does the underlined word“blemishes”in paragraph 2 mean
A.Dangers. B.Disadvantages. C.Features. D.Results.
29.Why does the author mention Charlotte Mills
A.To criticize the underdeveloped technologies.
B.To tell the rising demand for restoration.
C.To call on practicable reforestation methods.
D.To show the trouble with global reforestation.
30.What is Flash Forest’s biggest ambition
A.Preserving biodiversity. B.Making a change to forestry.
C.Dropping seeds at remote areas. D.Driving drones at high speeds.
31.What could be a suitable title for the text
A.Trees Are Suffering B.Forests Are Recovering
C.Technology for Trees D.Technique for Challenges
The sales temptation:Blue-light-blocking glasses are supposed to protect eyes from the effects
of short wavelength light emitting from our smartphones,computer screens and LED lights.Given
how much time we spend on our devices,this sounds like a smart investment,right After all,eye
strain(疲劳)is a real issue and can lead to poor sleep and even eye diseases.The glasses can cost
15 dollars all the way up to several hundred dollars.But do they work
Elizabeth Esparaz,an ophthalmologist(眼科专家)in Cleveland,Ohio,says the science that
manufacturers share as they promote these glasses can be confusing.For starters,blue light is not
just about tech devices.and it’s not always bad.“The sun emits a much higher intensity of blue
light than human-made devices,of course,and it’s actually beneficial,”says Dr.Esparaz.It helps
our mood,alertness and sleep-wake cycle.
The problem is blue light at night:It controls the release of melatonin(褪黑素).“Melatonin
helps regulate our circadian rhythms(生理节奏)and makes us sleepy,”says Dr.Esparaz.So in
theory,wearing blue-light-blocking glasses should help people who watch movies in bed or read
from a tablet at night to avoid sleeplessness.A 2021 review study from the University of Oklahoma
found that people affected by sleep disorders,jet lag and shift work fell asleep faster after using
these glasses.
As for eye strain, a 2021 Australian study showed that those wearing the glasses did not
experience less eye strain than those using clear glasses. And a 2018 review study also by
Australian researchers,found insufficient evidence that they prevent certain eye diseases.
“These glasses aren’t going to be harmful,”says Dr.Esparaz.But,she adds,a lack of
standardization in the industry means there’s no way to know if one pair is better than another.A
more reliable solution:Turn on the blue-light-filtering function on your devices and limit screen
time before bed.To help with eye strain,Dr.Esparaz suggests taking breaks and using lubricating
eye drops.
32.What can we learn about blue light from the first two paragraphs
A.It may facilitate sleep. B.It actually causes severe health issues.
C.It can be of benefit in some aspects. D.It merely comes from digital devices.
33.Who will benefit from the glasses according to the studies
A.People under great pressure B.People experiencing eye strain
C.People with eye diseases D.People suffering from sleep disorders
34.Australian studies found that wearing blue-light-blocking glasses_______.
A.doesn’t contribute to less eye strain B.benefits those affected by shift work
C.is not harmful to eyesight D.helps prevent eye disease
35.What might be the best title of this passage
A.Blue-light-blocking glasses:Your Best Choice
B.Blue-light-blocking glasses:Good or Bad
C.Blue-light-blocking glasses:AGood Business
D.Blue-light-blocking glasses:Smart and Cool
第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Are you trying to figure out what to write about for your college application essay To help
you get started in the essay writing process,here are a few suggestions that can help you work
through it.
Identify key themes you want to convey.
Are there two or three things you want to make sure the readers of your application know about
In answering this question,go beyond the obvious.Don’t just repeat information that can be found
elsewhere in your application. 36
Reflect on your most memorable life experiences.
37 A group of students just returned from a two-week tour of Europe with great pictures
and wonderful stories.Two years from now,when they begin writing their college applications,
they should reflect less on where they went and what they saw,but reflect more on how some
aspects of the experience shaped them.
You might rack your brain all day trying to come up with clever ideas,but the best stuff
emerges in those misty, subconscious moments just before you sleep! Push back the sleep long
enough to write down your new inspirations immediately.
Reveal—don’t tell.
It is best not to recite the facts of your life directly. 39 Not long ago,a college professor
told college applicants that US colleges value diversity of thought in their classrooms. The
application essay is your opportunity to reveal that element of diversity that can be found uniquely
within you.
Read a lot!
Quite often,essay writers are limited in their ability to understand their place in the world in
which they live.Break out of that shell by reading news stories and editorials. 40 Biographies
ale also great sources! I have found increasing inspiration from the life stories of people who have
risen from relative obscurity(默默无闻)to make significant contributions as thinkers and doers.
A.How have they shaped you
B.How can you overcome them
C.Correct the mistakes again and again.
D.Better yet,read books that make you think.
E.Keep a pen or pencil and paper beside your bed.
F.Instead,take the readers to understand you between the lines.
G.Take the opportunity to provide the most important messages.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处
During my stay at the University of Michigan,one of the senior professors asked me to join a
seminar on culture and emotion.In a general 41 of self-introductions,I introduced myself in
a(an) 42 way as one of those who are“interested in culture and emotion”.The professor
supplemented(补充)my self-introduction to 43 American standards,saying I was one of the
world’s experts on the 44 .In response,I looked down in 45 and thought that“expert”
was a big word.
When I lived in North Carolina,my new friends came over to 46 .Conversations were
full of interest and energy,and there was a lot of 47 .At the end of the evening,when my
guests left,they thanked me for the dinner.My heart 48 ,because I was born and raised in the
Netherlands,where“thanking you for dinner”means the relationship is 49 .
Emotions are different enough to feel out of 50 when you move from one culture to
another.The professor at the University of Michigan meant to make me feel 51 ,but instead
made me uncomfortable.My friends meant to show 52 ,but they made me think they were
distancing themselves from me.
We think about emotions as feelings deep inside us,but in 53 ,our emotions happen in
interactions with others.In my own culture,it was hard to observe the 54 emotions of others,
but I was able to see them when I moved to the US—a different 55 from where I was raised.
41.A.Analysis B.State C.Letter D.round
42.A.modest B.interesting C.dramatic D.proud
43.A.set B.fit C.evaluate D.recommend
44.A.approach B.situation C.topic D.course
45.A.curiosity B.pity C.disappointment D.embarrassment
46.A.play B.dine C.work D.perform
47.A.support B.noise C.fun D.argument
48.A.sank B.melted C.raced D.opened
49.A.harmonious B.normal C.strong D.distant
50.A.date B.shape C.place D.sight
51.A.reliable B.good C.serious D.careful
52.A.gratitude B.respect C.admiration D.affection
53.A.total B.advance C.detail D.reality
54.A.unbelievable B.Pure C.invisible D.powerful
55.A.level B.culture C.standard D.value
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当
Named after the ancient city of Xi’an in Shaanxi province, the film Chang’ an lasts 168
minutes and brings to life some of the most famous 56 (figure)in Chinese literary history.
Since its release on July 8,the movie 57 (obtain)a rating of 8.1 out of ten on Douban,
one of the 58 (large)review websites in the country, strengthening its position as one of the
most praised animated blockbusters(动画大片)of the summer season.
Different from many movies and TV shows 59 (feature)Li Bai,the movie employs
a rather unconventional perspective,starting with the memories of Gao Shi,also 60 admirable
poet and friend of Li.Apart 61 Li and Gao,the movie features other famous poets and artists
of the time,including Wang Changling,known for military-themed poems,and Li Guinian,a palace
62 (music),as well as royal members 63 held significant influence within the circle,such
as Princess Yuzhen.
Interweaving(交织)the personal fates of these figures,the film shows the scenes of the Tang
dynasty.The movie also 64 (vivid)describes the free-spirited nature of the Tang dynasty.For
instance, in the national civil service examination of the Tang dynasty, the highest achievers
__65 (allow)the privilege to ride horses and pick the most beautiful flower from any residence in
the capital city.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节(满分 15分)
注意:1.写作词数应为 80个左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
My Favourite Food
第二节(满分 25分)
The annual Halloween arrived,during which kids dressed in traditional clothes went to
neighbors’houses to ask for candy.
Allison lived in a small town.That day after dinner,Allison put on her dress her father had just
bought for her.The dress was cheap and second-hand because her family was poor.But Allison still
thanked her dad and said.“Everyone will love my dress!”Then,she left for neighbors’houses to ask
for candy.
On the way,she came across Anna and her friends and wanted to join them.“No! Look at your
dress! It’s ugly!”Anna said.Her friends also laughed.“Look at our dresses,especially mine! It’s
new and beautiful,”Anna added.Her friends nodded,and in some way they were right.Anna’s
dress was shiny and looked expensive.She always had the best clothes because her parents were
Allison was shocked and sad.The kids not only disliked her dress but made fun of it.“You
can’t come with US!”Anna stressed.“We would never hang out with you!”The other kids agreed
and laughed.They all left to start collecting candy for the night while Allison was left alone,
embarrassed in the middle of the street.
Anyway,she knew all the neighbors.She often helped around carrying their groceries and
helping them with their gardens.People around there knew her.She didn’t need to hang out with
Anna or her friends. “I’ll go just alone,”the little girl said to herself and started walking.
She as well as Anna and her friends walked in the same direction:towards their first neighbor
Mrs Vaughan’s house.But Allison walked behind and kept her distance from them.And she
stopped when Anna and her friends were near Mrs Vaughan’s house.
Just then,Mrs Vaughan looked out of her window.She noticed that Allison was being
excluded by Anna and her friends.She knew it was probably because of Allison’s poor dress.She
immediately felt pity for Allison,who often helped her and other neighbors.She decided to give
Allison much more candy as a reward and teach Anna and her friends a lesson.
(1)续写词数应为 150左右;
( 2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
When Anna and her friends knocked on her door,Mrs Vaughan opened it.________________
Anna looked up and said. “Our clothes are more beautiful! But you gave Allison more candy!
Why ”__________________________________________________________________________




下一篇:宁夏吴忠市青铜峡市五中、铝业学校、峡口中学联盟考试2023-2024九年级上学期12月月考物理试题(pdf版 无答案)