Unit 2 What time do you go to school?单元学情测评卷(含答案、音频及听力原文)

UNIT 2 学情评估
一、听说应用 (本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分;A、B、C、D部分为听力理解,E部分为情景对话)
A. 听句子(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
( )1. What does Cindy do at six thirty every morning
( )2. What does Mr. Smith like doing in the morning
( )3. What time does Mike have dinner in the afternoon
( )4. When does Susan usually do her homework
( )5. What time does Jack often go to school
B. 听对话(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
( )6. What exercise does the girl usually do on weekends
A. She plays tennis. B. She goes swimming.
C. She does some running.
( )7. When does the girl usually clean her room
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon.
C. In the evening.
( )8. Who goes to bed at 10: 00 p. m.
A. Walter's sister. B. Walter. C. Walter's father.
( )9. What food does the girl like for lunch
A. Ice cream and burgers. B. Burgers and fruit.
C. Vegetable salad and fruit.
( )10. What does Dave want to do after lunch
A. To walk the dog. B. To do his homework.
C. To take a shower.
( )11. Who works at a radio station
A. The boy. B. The girl's sister. C. The boy's sister.
( )12. What time is the radio show
A. From 6: 00 p. m. to 9: 00 p. m.
B. From 9: 00 a. m. to 12: 00 p. m.
C. From 9: 00 p. m. to 12: 00 a. m.
( )13. Who does Linda usually play tennis with after school
A. Her parents. B. Her friends. C. Her sister.
( )14. What time does Linda go home
A. At 5: 30 p. m. B. At 6: 00 p. m. C. At 6: 30 p. m.
( )15. What does Linda do after dinner
A. She watches TV. B. She cleans her room.
C. She takes a walk.
C. 听短文(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
( )16. What day is it today
A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.
( )17. What time does Mary run for exercise
A. At 6: 00 a. m. B. At 6: 30 a. m.
C. At 7: 00 a. m.
( )18. What does Mary have for breakfast
A. Eggs and milk. B. Apples and milk.
C. Eggs and meat.
( )19. What does Mary do in the afternoon
A. She plays soccer. B. She plays tennis.
C. She plays ping pong.
( )20. Where does Mary go in the evening
A. To a fruit store. B. To a bookshop.
C. To her grandparents' house.
D. 听填信息(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
Name Time Henry Bob
in the morning gets up at 21. ________takes a 22. ________eats breakfast gets up at 8: 45 doesn't eat breakfast is always late for 23. ________
lunchtime eats chicken and 24. ________ eats hamburgers
after school plays 25. ________ plays computer games
E. 情景对话(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
A: Hello, Susan. Can I ask you some questions
B: Sure.
A: 26. ________
B: He works in a swimming club.
A: Oh! It's an interesting job. 27. ________
B: He goes to work at seven thirty in the morning.
A: Does he usually have lunch there
B: 28. ________
A: What does your mother do?
B: 29. ________ She teaches English from Monday to Friday.
A: When does she leave for school
B: At about seven in the morning.
A: 30. ________
B: Because our home is a little far(远的) from the school, and she has to catch the early bus.
A. When does he go to work B. Yes, he does. C. Why does she leave for school so early D. I'm never late for school. E. Where does your father work F. She is a teacher.
My name is Mike. I'm____31__ 11 year old middle school student. I usually get up at 6: 10____32__ school mornings.
Then I brush my____33__ and wash my face. After that, I eat breakfast at 6: 30, and then I walk to school. I usually get to school at 7: 00. I get home at 6: 00 in the afternoon. I want____34__ good grades(成绩), so I study hard every day.
My brother studies hard,____35__. He is a high school student and he is____36__ at all subjects. He usually____37__ up at 6: 00 in the morning. Before breakfast, he often exercises for 30 minutes____38__ he thinks it's good for his health. It usually takes____39__ ten minutes to get to school by bus. He eats lunch at 12: 00. In the afternoon, he goes home at 5: 00. After finishing homework, he either watches TV____40__ listens to music.
( )31. A. the B. a C. an
( )32. A. in B. at C. on
( )33. A. tooth B. teeth C. toothes
( )34. A. to get B. getting C. get
( )35. A. too B. also C. either
( )36. A. good B. well C. best
( )37. A. get B. gets C. getting
( )38. A. so B. because C. but
( )39. A. him B. he C. his
( )40. A. and B. but C. or
Tommy is a student in a middle school. He usually____41__ at six o'clock. Then he gets dressed. He sometimes____42__ for an hour, and then he has breakfast at seven. He walks to____43__ at seven twenty. He doesn't want to be____44__ for school.
The first class starts(开始) at eight. In the morning, Tommy has four ____45__. Then he has lunch at about twelve o'clock. He____46__ eats hamburgers and vegetables for lunch. He likes the food at school. He has two classes in the ____47__. At fifteen past three, school finishes. Tommy usually goes to the ____48__ club after school. He can play tennis there. He usually gets home at about five thirty. And then he ____49__ his mother cook(烹饪) dinner. After dinner, he does his homework. Then he ____50__ a shower. He goes to bed at ten in the evening.
( )41. A. talks with      B. thinks of     
C. comes on      D. gets up
( )42. A. eats B. runs
C. speaks D. brushes
( )43. A. home B. the center
C. school D. the station
( )44. A. clean B. late
C. funny D. interesting
( )45. A. books B. classes
C. things D. tests
( )46. A. usually B. really
C. early D. never
( )47. A. morning B. noon
C. afternoon D. evening
( )48. A. music B. chess
C. art D. sports
( )49. A. helps B. does
C. makes D. works
( )50. A. writes B. dresses
C. takes D. draws
( )51. What does Mary do first after she gets up
A. She has breakfast. B. She walks to school.
C. She runs. D. She has classes.
( )52. How far is it from Mary's home to her school
A. 10 minutes' walk. B. 10 minutes by car.
C. 20 minutes' walk. D. 20 minutes by car.
( )53. Where does Mary do her exercise in the afternoon
A. At home. B. At school.
C. On her way(路上)to school. D. On her way home.
( )54. When may Mary help her parents with housework
A. At 10: 00 am. B. At 4: 00 pm.
C. At 6: 55 pm. D. At 8: 30 pm.
( )55. What's Mary's time schedule(时间表) mainly about
A. Daily life. B. Meals.
C. Homework. D. Exercise.
Every morning it is difficult for Tony to get up. He always wants to lie(躺) in bed for a long time.
One morning, he goes to school late. Mrs. Smith, his teacher, isn't happy and asks, “What time do you usually get up in the morning, Tony?”
“I usually get up at six, Mrs. Smith,” answers Tony.
“But why are you late this morning?” asks Mrs. Smith.
“Because my ‘Father Clock' can't work this morning,” answers Tony.
“Your ‘Father Clock' What do you mean(意思是)?” asks Mrs. Smith in__surprise.
“Oh, I can't always get up early in the morning. So my mother helps me get up like(像) a clock every morning. But this morning, my mother is in my grandmother's home. It's my father's job to help me get up. Do you know He can't get up on time(按时), either,” says Tony.
( )56. What does Tony always want to do in bed for a long time
A. He wants to listen to music.
B. He wants to lie.
C. He wants to have a rest(休息).
D. He wants to play basketball.
( )57. Who usually helps Tony get up in the morning
A. Tony's father. B. Tony's clock.
C. Tony's grandmother. D. Tony's mother.
( )58. The underlined phrase “in surprise” means “____” in Chinese.
A. 惊讶地 B. 安静地
C. 高兴地 D. 激动地
( )59. This morning, Tony's father____.
A. gets up very early
B. helps Tony get up early
C. can't help Tony get up on time
D. is in Tony's grandmother's home
( )60. What can we infer(推断) from the story
A. There are five people in Tony's family.
B. Tony's mother doesn't like Tony's father.
C. The “Father Clock” can always help Tony.
D. Mrs. Smith doesn't like Tony to be late.
( )61. Alice gets fat because she often has cola and ice cream. And she doesn't like vegetables or fruit. ( )62. Mike is short sighted(近视的) now, because he often watches TV and plays computer games. ( )63. Lingling is a quiet girl. She never does sports in her free time. She thinks they are difficult. ( )64. John doesn't finish his homework on time. And he often copies(抄袭) his classmates' homework. ( )65. Daming always goes to bed late and gets up late. So he has no time for breakfast. A. Sports are very important for us to keep healthy. Why not begin with walking It's an easy and relaxing sport. B. It's important to remember(记住): eat well and stay healthy! Cola and ice cream are very sweet, and too much sugar(糖) is bad for us. We should have vegetables and fruit every day. C. A good student should always finish homework carefully after class. And it's really a bad habit to copy others' homework. D. Meat and fish are healthy food. Hamburgers are delicious but they aren't healthy. We shouldn't have them every day. E. It's healthy for us to go to bed early and get up early. A good breakfast helps us keep healthy. So have breakfast every morning!F. Friends are very important in our life. We can make more friends by joining the school clubs. G. It's really a bad habit for us to spend too much time on TV or the computer. It's bad for our eyes. We should let our eyes relax every 30 minutes.
五、短文填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)
we life speak the  tell  best  look  of  either  but job and
My name is Tom White. I'm 13 years old. I go to a middle school in London.
John Smith is our history teacher. He is very busy. He has lots 66. ________ classes every week, but he's never tired(疲劳的). He likes his 67. ________ very much. He teaches very well.
Mr. Smith is 48 years old but he 68. ________ very young and healthy. He lives a healthy 69. ________ and he really likes sports. In the morning he 70. ________ runs five miles(英里) or walks quickly for 30 minutes. After work he goes swimming every day. On 71. ________ weekend, he plays tennis with his sons.
Some students don't like history. They think it's boring, 72. ________ I think it's very interesting. Mr. Smith is also very funny. He often 73. ________ many fun stories and sometimes does interesting activities(活动)with us in class, and after class he often helps 74. ________ with our homework. He goes to our school trips with us and he knows a lot about historical sites(历史遗迹).
Mr. Smith is very nice and I think he's the 75. ________ teacher!
A. 回答问题(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
Hi! Do you know the three children They are in a happy family. Xiaoxue is a hard working girl. She likes studying. She studies very well. She gets up early and finishes her breakfast quickly. Then she rides her bike to school. Liu Xing is a little lazy. He gets up late and then washes his face, brushes his teeth in a hurry(匆忙地). Then he goes to the bus stop without breakfast. He usually plays basketball after school. In the evening, he seldom(很少)does homework. He goes to bed late. Xiaoyu is a lovely boy. He gets up very slowly and then he usually takes a shower before breakfast. His father often drives him to school. He likes watching TV in the evening.
76. How does Xiaoxue go to school
77. Does Liu Xing have breakfast every day
78. What does Xiaoyu usually do before breakfast
79. Who likes playing basketball
80. What do you think of their family
B. 书面表达(本题15分)
81. China Daily报社正在举行题为“My Day”的征文活动,请你根据以下思维导图内容提示用英文写一篇60词左右的英语短文,介绍自己的一天。(可在思维导图内容提示的基础上适当拓展信息。)
My Day
A. 听句子
1. Cindy takes a shower at six thirty every morning.
2. Mr. Smith likes taking a walk in the morning.
3. Mike has dinner at six o'clock in the afternoon.
4. Susan usually does her homework at 8: 00 in the evening.
5. Jack often goes to school at seven in the morning.
B. 听对话
Text 1
W: I like doing exercise and I usually play tennis on weekends. What about you
M: I either go swimming or run with my friends.
Text 2
M: Wow! Your room is clean and tidy!
W: Thanks. I usually clean the room after dinner. Sometimes I clean it in the afternoon.
Text 3
W: Walter, what time do your family usually go to bed
M: I usually go to bed early, at half past nine. My sister goes to bed at ten o'clock and my parents at eleven thirty.
Text 4
M: Let's have some ice cream and burgers for lunch! They taste good.
W: Thank you. But I don't like them. I like vegetable salad and fruit. I think they're healthy.
Text 5
W: Dave, can you walk Puppy after lunch I want to take a shower.
M: Sorry, Mom, I can't. I have lots of homework to do today. Dad is free.
Text 6
W: What does your sister do
M: She is a DJ.
W: Really It's an interesting job. Does she work at a radio station
M: Yes, she does.
W: What time is her radio show
M: From nine to twelve at night.
Text 7
M: What do you usually do after school, Linda
W: I usually play tennis with my friends.
M: What time do you go home
W: At half past five in the afternoon.
M: Do you take a walk after dinner
W: Yes. I like walking with my parents in the evening.
C. 听短文
W: My name's Mary. It's Saturday today. I am busy. I get up at 6: 00 in the morning. At 6: 30 I do some running. At 7: 00 I take a shower. At 7: 30 I have eggs and milk for breakfast. After that, I go to a fruit store with my mother. I do my homework at 1: 00 in the afternoon. And two hours later I go to school to play tennis with my friends. In the evening, I go to see my grandparents with my parents. We have a big dinner there.
D. 听填信息
Henry and Bob are brothers. Henry gets up at 7: 30. Then he takes a shower, eats breakfast, and goes to school. Bob gets up at 8: 45. Then he goes to school. He doesn't eat breakfast, and he's always late for school. Henry likes to eat chicken and rice for lunch. Bob eats hamburgers for lunch every day. After school, Henry usually plays sports, but Bob usually plays computer games. Who is healthy Who is unhealthy
一、(A)1~5: BAAAC
(B)6~10: ACACB 11~15: CCBAC
(C)16~20: BBABC
(D)21. 7: 30 22. shower 23. school 24. rice 25. sports
(E)26~30: EABFC
二、31~35: CCBAA 36~40: ABBAC
三、41~45: DBCBB 46~50: ACDAC
四、51~55: CCBDA 56~60: BDACD 61~65: BGACE
五、66. of 67. job 68. looks 69. life 70. either
71. the  72. but 73. tells 74. us 75. best
六、(A)76. By bike. /She rides a bike.
77. No. /No, he doesn't.
78. He takes a shower.
79. Liu Xing.
80. It's a happy family.
(B)81. One possible version:
My Day
Every morning I get up at six o'clock. I have breakfast at about seven. After that, I go to school. I get to school at about seven fifty. Classes begin at ten past eight. We have four lessons in the morning. I have lunch at school. In the afternoon we have two lessons. I go home at half past four. I have supper at about six o'clock. After supper, I do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV. At about nine o'clock I go to bed.



