
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
42. 43. 44.
A 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.
B 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.
56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
( )1. Where are the English books
A. On the desk. B. Under the schoolbag. C. In the bookcase.
( )2. Who has a yellow bag
A. Bill. B. Dale. C. Peter.
( )3. What does the boy mean
Jenny is his friend. B. Jenny is his sister. C. Jenny is Mary's sister.
( )4. Who is Grace
A. The girl's cousin. B. The girl's mother. C. The girl's sister.
( ) 5. Who is Linda's son
A. Ben. B. Jim. C. Mike.
( )6. What are in Mom’s bag
A. Her blue pencil and pen. B. Her ID card and notebook. C. Her pen and ID card.
( )7. Where’s Mom’s ring
A. On the table. B. On the bag. C. On the hat.
( )8. Where are the photos
A. On the map. B. On the book. C. On the desk.
( )9. Who is the man in the first photo
Jeff’s father. B. Jeff’s uncle. C. Jeff’s grandpa.
( )10. What is Jeff’s cousin’s name
A. George. B. Paula. C. Henry.
( )11. What color is the bag
A. Blue. B. Green. C. White.
( )12. What is in the bag
A. A green jacket and a blue watch. B. A blue jacket and a purple watch. C. A purple jacket and a blue watch. ( )13. What is Ruby’s telephone number
It’s 678-5770. B. It’s 678-5771. C. It’s 678-5772.
( )14. Where are Karl and Ruby now
In Classroom 5E. B. In the school library. C. In the computer room.
( )15. What is Karl talking about
A picture. B. A lost bag. C. Her bag.
Look! Here is a (16)_______ of a boy. Who is he Haha, it's me! What's (17)_______name Tony Hand. I'm in a primary school(小学) in New York, America. (18)_______people are in my family. They're my parents, my sister and me. (19)_______am I now I'm in the classroom. Some notebooks and (20)_______English book are on my desk. A pencil box is (21)_______it, too. My pen, pencil and my ID card are in the pencil box. But I can't (22)_______my schoolbag now. A watch, a baseball and a jacket are in it. Is it under my desk (23)_______, it isn’t. Where is it now I must find it. Please (24)_______me. My phone number is 333-4567 and my (25)_______address is tony 1122@. Thank you for your help.
( )16. A. map  B. book C.name D. photo
( )17. A.my  B. your C. its D. her
( )18. A. Three B. Four   C. Five D. Six
( )19. A. Who B. How C. What D. Where
( )20. A. a B.an C. the D. /
( )21. A.in B. on C.at D. under
( )22. A. meet B. help C. find D. know
( )23. A. No B. Yes C. OK D. Hi
( )24. A. say B. ask C. help D. thank
( )25. A. ring B. room C. e-mail D. card
Lost: I lost a baseball. It’s yellow. Please call Grace at 527-9126. Found: I found a blue ruler in Classroom7E. Is it yours My phone number is 337-1258. Call Tom.
Lost: I lost my white watch. Call Mike at 685-8118. Found: A black pen is in the school library. Is it yours I am Lucy. E-mail me at lucy556@.
( )26. _________lost a baseball.
A. Tom B. Grace C. Mike D. Lucy
( )27. What color is Mike’s watch
A. Yellow. B. Blue. C. White. D. Black.
( )28. Lucy found a _______________in the school library.
A. pen B. baseball C. ruler D. watch
Hello, my name is Linda Cook. I’m 13 years old. Here is a photo of my family.
This is my grandfather, John. He is in the middle of the photo. He is 64 years old. He is in a brown jacket.
That is my father. His name is Dale. He is my grandfather’s first son. He is 39. He is next to my grandfather. He has a telephone. What color is it It’s black. His telephone number is 4782-8719. My mother is next to my father. She is nice. Her name is Alice. She is 37. Her phone number is 2709-1164.
This is my brother, Jim. He is 11. And this is me. I have a white telephone, too. My telephone number is 2210-5472.
( )29. John’s jacket is ______________.
A. white. B. brown. C. black. D. blue.
( )30. Dale has _____________ and ____________.
A. a daughter; a son B. a daughter; two sons
C. two daughters; a son D. two daughters; two sons
( )31. Alice is _____________ years old.
A. 13 B. 37 C. 64 D. 39
( )32. We can know (知道) that _______________.
A. Linda is Alice’s mother. B. Dale is John’s last son.
C. Dale’s telephone is black. D. Jim is Linda’s cousin.
Hello! My name is Dale. I’m a Chinese boy. I’m 13 years old. I have a friend. His name’s Paul. He is 12 years old. He’s an English boy, but now he’s in China with his family. He has a big family. He has one brother and two sisters. His father is a doctor and his mother is an English teacher. She loves her students very much. Students love his mother and her classes very much. And at home she teaches me English, too. So my English is very good. Paul and I like playing basketball, So we usually play basketball together(一起) after school.
( )33. Paul is Dale’s________.
A. friend B. father C. cousin D. student
( )34. Where is Paul from
A. China B. the UK C. the USA D. Japan
( )35. What do Dale and Paul usually do after school
A. Play baseball B. Speak Chinese C. Speak English D. Play basketball
( )36. Which of the following is true(正确的)
A. Dale is an English boy. B. Paul’s father is a teacher.
C. Paul has one sister and two brothers. D. Dale’s English is very good.
I'm Jack. I am tidy. In my room, the books are always in the bookcase. My computer game is always there, too. My shoes are under the bed. My schoolbag is always on the sofa. Eric is my brother. Look at his room. It's in a mess now. The books are everywhere—on the bed, on the sofa and under the desk. Where's his hat Is it on the bed Is it on the wall No. I don't know.
( )37.Where are Jack's books
A. On the desk. B. In the bookcase.
C. On the table. D. On the wall.
( )38.The underlined word “mess”means(意思是)“________”。
A. 整齐 B. 破旧 C. 脏乱 D. 美观
( )39.Where's Eric's hat
A. Under the desk. B. On the bed.
C. On the wall. D. We don't know.
( )40.Which is NOT true?
A. Jack's shoes are under the bed. B. Eric is very tidy.
C. Eric's books are everywhere. D. Jack's computer game is in the bookcase.
试卷Ⅱ(非选择题 共40分)
( )41. A.name   B.bag   C.black   D.thank
( )42. A.he    B.me    C.these   D.bed
( )43. A.white   B.nice   C.quilt   D.like
( )44. A.old    B.box   C.clothes  D.photo
at he friend lost be
 45.The color of the pictures _______black.
46.This is Mike._______jacket is blue.
47.The three girls are my good _________.
48.Please call me ________896—5436.
49.I _______my pencil box this morning.
B. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。
Good morning! __50__ (欢迎) to our school. This is our classroom and that is the __51__ (图书馆) in our school. In our school, there is a Lost and Found case. It can help students find things like books, pens,ID cards and __52__(字典). If you can't find your thing, you can go there and ask the teacher __53__ (为了) it. But you should say“__54__ (原谅) me!”first. You can also send e-mail or call the teacher. When you find your lost thing, you should say “__55__(谢谢)!” to the teacher.
Hello,boys and girls!___56____(I)name is Jack.I am from Beijing.I’m___57___No.5 Middle School.My phone number____58___(be)305-6493.I have a good friend.She is ___59___English girl.___60____(she)name is Helen Miller.Helen is her ___61___name and Miller is her___62___name .___63___is her telephone number ___64____is 682-3715.She ___65____her parents are in China now.
阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共计5 分)
( )66. Tom is looking for his schoolbag. He wants to do his homework.
( )67. Mike can’t find the model plane. He is worried.
( )68. Linda lost her ID card. She is asking her friends about it.
( )69. An English book is in the teachers’ office. Is it yours
( )70. Some keys are in the computer room. Call Mary if you lost keys.
A. A nice model plane is on the playground. Is it yours E-mail me at hzl@. B. Tina lost some keys. She must find them. C. I have to read English. But where’s my English book Call Gina at 868-5598. D. An ID card is in the school library. Its number is 123456AM. Is it yours E. A bag is found in the computer room. There is only a computer game and some CDs in it. F. A bag with some books and a pencil box is in Classroom 1206. Is it yours
71.假如你是Alan Miller,请以自我介绍的形式,按照下表内容来介绍一下你的情况。
姓名:Alan Miller 性别:boy 国籍:中国 年龄:12岁 班级:Class 1, Grade 7 电话号码:87634960 家庭成员:5名 上周在学校捡到了黑色的游戏机,希望失主尽快认领。
Hello, everyone! ________________________________________________________
Li Hu三界片2023学年第一学期期中测试
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. W: Are your English books in the bookcase
M:No, they are on the desk。
2. W: Is this yellow bag yours,Bill
M:No,it’s Peter’s. My bag is red.
3. W: Is Jenny your sister
M:No, Mary .We are just good friends。
4. W: Look ,this is a photo of my family.
M: It’s nice. Is the girl your sister
W:No, she is my cousin Grace.
5. W: Good morning!
M:Hi! Linda. Are these your sons
W: Mike is my son, but Jim is not. He is Mike’s friend。
第二节 听较长对话,回答问题。从题中所给的A、B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话读两遍。
W: I can’t find my ring, Mike.
M: Is it in your bag, mom
W: No, it isn’t. My ID card and notebook are in it .But the ring isn’t.
M:Oh, the ring is on the hat ,mom. Here you are。
W:Jeff, here are two nice photos on the desk .Is this your father in the first photo
M: No, he is my uncle. My father is in the next photo.
W:Oh, is this your sister
M: Yes, she is my sister and her name is Paula.
W:Is the boy your brother
M: No, he is my cousin George.
Good afternoon! I am Karl Green. Here is a white bag. Is this bag mine No, it isn’t. I found it in the school library. A jacket and a watch are in it. The jacket is blue and watch is purple. Is this your bag My telephone number is six seven eight five seven seven one. Please call me. You can ask Ruby for it, too. She is my sister. Her phone number is six seven eight five seven seven two. We are in Classroom 5E now.
1-5: ACAAC 6-10:BCCBA 11-15:CBCAB
16-20:DABDB 21-25:BCACC 26-30:BCABA 31-35:BCABD
36-40: DBCDB 41-44:ADCB
45-49: is His friends at lost
50-55 :Welcome library dictionaries for Excuse Thanks
56-65: My in is an Her first last What It and
66-70 :FADCB




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