Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?SectionB练习(含解析)

Unit 3 Section B
5.it is important to do sth.
6.become better at
7.in some situations
8.your e-mail address
9.P me, could you please tell me where to park my car
10.Usually p questions are longer and include expressions such as “Could you please... ” or “Can I ask… ”
11.Smoking in public is i (不礼貌的).
12.There's an u parking lot over there.
13.You will study the new c (课程).
14.—Could you please tell me ______
—Because it's very helpful.
A.why you like English
B.why you liked English
C.which you like of all subjects
D.how did you learn English
15.She’s not strong enough ________walking up mountains.
A.to go B.going C.go D.went
16.You will spend a lot of time ______ the forest.
A.walk across B.walking across C.walk through D.walking through
17.—You're very ______, aren't you
—Yes. Our team has won the game.
A.happy B.worried C.sad D.afraid
18.—Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow
—Well, it all ________ the weather.
A.belongs to B.happens to
C.depends on D.concentrate on
19.—Would you like to tell me ______
—Sure. Practice makes perfect.
A.how can I study English well
B.why do you learn English well
C.how I can study English well
D.why I learn English well
20.—This is ______ useful book, I think.
—So it is, and it's ______ unusual one.
A.an; / B.an; an C.a; an D.a; a
21.—Chongqing is ______ than ______ city in the north of China. —I think so. It's the hottest city ______ the southwest of China.
A.more hotter; any; to
B.hotter; any; in
C.hotter; any other; in
D.hotter; other; on
22.The number of teachers in our school is larger than ______ of theirs.
A.it B.this C.that D.those
23.There is little milk in the fridge, ______
A.is there B.isn't there C.isn't it
24.Jack finds it difficult to pronounce some English words (correct).
25.Tom thinks people will help him if he asks for help (polite).
26.It's fun (play) football.
27.China is one of the countries with the (long) history.
28.The boy is old enough to (dress) himself.
29.The weather in Beijing is quite (difference) from that in Guangzhou.
(An old woman is standing at the side of the road, near the traffic l 30 . Liu Mei is on her way to the cinema, but she stops. )
Woman: Oh, dear! What shall I do
Liu Mei: What's the m 31 , Granny Can I help you
Woman: I'm on my way to see my h 32 . He's ill in hospital.
Liu Mei: Which hospital
Woman: I don't know! The address was on a p 33 of paper, but I can't find it now.
Liu Mei: Is it in your pocket M 34 you put it there.
(The woman finds the paper.)
Woman: Could you tell me how I can get to the hospital I don't k 35 the way. Which is the way to the hospital
Liu Mei: Go down this street until you r 36 the second traffic lights. Turn right; at the end of the r 37 you'll see the hospital. It'll take you about half an hour.
Woman: Half an hour That's too l 38 ! Is there a bus
Liu Mei: Yes, the No. 72 bus will take you there. There's a stop right o 39 the hospital. I'll go with you.
Woman: How kind you are! Thank you.
Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great① woman. When Helen was a baby, she got very sick. After many weeks, the doctor said, “She is better, but now she can't see and can't hear②.” Her mother and father were very sad.
After a few years, things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didn't understand anything. Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was very bright and she learned to spell her first word③. When she was older, she went to college. Helen was very famous. She helped many blind and deaf(聋) people. She traveled around the world and helped many people. Helen was a very old woman when she died. The world remembers her today as a brave(勇敢) and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear④.
40.下列A、B、C、D中哪一项不能替代①: .
She can see hear.
Helen was bright she learned to spell her first word.
clever(同义词) know(同音词)
bad(比较级) one(序数词)
she was blind and deaf, she found a way to see and hear.
1.ask for help 2.for example 3.spend time doing sth. 4.depend on 5.做某事是重要的 6.在某方面更擅长 7.在一些情况下 8.你的电子邮件地址
【解析】1.ask for“请求,要求”,help“帮助”,是不可数名词,故填ask for help。
2.for example“举例”,故填for example。
3.spend“花费”,spend time doing sth“花费时间做某事”,故填spend time doing sth。
4.depend“依赖,依靠”,depend on“依赖,取决于”。故填depend on。
5.it is +形容词+ to do sth,it是形式主语,to do sth是真正主语,important“重要的”,故填:做某事是重要的。
6.become good at“擅长”,better是good的比较级,故填:在某方面更擅长。
7.situation“情况”,some“一些”,in some situations表示在一些情况下。
【详解】根据could you please tell me where to park my car 你能告诉我在哪里停车吗?可知是问别人事情,所以应用礼貌语,可以说pardon me或excuse me打扰一下或很抱歉打扰你,由首字母P,可知用pardon,故答案为Pardon。
【详解】句意:通常礼貌的问题比较长,包括例如这样的表达“请……好吗”或“我可以…… ”空格后接名词questions,所以空格处填形容词作定语。根据后文“include expressions such as “Could you please…?” or “Can I ask.. ””包括例如这样的表达“请……好吗?”或“我可以……?”,可知都是属于礼貌的问句,所以空格处填形容词polite,故填polite。
【详解】句意:那边有个地下停车场。修饰名词短语parking lot用形容词,根据开头字母u和句意,可知,此处表示地下停车场underground parking lot,故填underground。
【详解】句意:她不够强壮去登上那座山。A. to go动词不定式;B. going 动名词;C. go 动词原形;D. wen过去式。t根据题意可知, “形容词 + enough to do sth为固定搭配,意为“足够…做某事”。故动词不定式 to go 符合题意。故选A。
考查介词和非谓语动词。spend time /money (in)doing sth.花费时间/金钱做某事,因此第一空用动名词短语;介词across横过,指从表面经过,通常后跟the road/street/river/bridge; through指从内部穿过,通常后跟the forest/park/city/glass,第二空表示从森林穿过,用介词through。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。belongs to属于;happens to碰巧,偶然发生;depends on取决于,依赖于;concentrate on集中精力于,全神贯注于。根据the weather可知,能否野餐要取决于天气,故选C。
考查宾语从句语序及引导词。依据宾语从句的陈述语序,排除A、B;从引导词看,回答中“Practice makes perfect”所以用how来引导。故选C。
考查比较级及介词。hot的比较级要双写t, 再加-er;根据常识,Chongqing不在中国北方,故不用other;在中国西南用介词in。故选B。
考查代词辨析。it它,指代上文中出现的同一个;this这个,不用于比较级结构;that那个,可以指代不可数名词,尤其在比较级结构中,those那些,比较级结构中用来指代可数名词的复数。空格处指代上文提到的“the number”为可数名词单数,用that指代。故选C。
考查反意疑问句。当陈述部分中含有little等否定词时,疑问部分用肯定形式;there be句型的反意疑问句,疑问部分用be there,故选A。
【详解】句意:杰克发现有些单词发准音很难。修饰动宾短语pronounce some English words,要用副词,因此用correct的副词形式,故填correctly。
26.to play
【详解】句意:踢足球很有趣。固定句式:It is+形容词+to do sth.,it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式,故填to play。
【详解】句意:中国是历史最悠久的国家之一。根据“one of the countries”可知考查最高级,the后跟最高级,故填longest。
【详解】句意:这个男孩足够大能够自己穿衣服。形容词+enough to do sth. 表示“足够……能够做某事”。此处应该填动词原形。故填dress。
【详解】句意:北京的天气和广州的天气很不一样。考查搭配be different from和……不一样。故填different。
30.lights 31.matter 32.husband 33.piece 34.Maybe 35.know 36.reach 37.road 38.long 39.outside/opposite
30.句意:一位老妇人站在路边的红绿灯附近。由“An old woman is standing at the side of the road, near the traffic …”和所给的首字母判断,此处指的是靠近交通灯,light是可数名词,用复数。故填lights。
31.句意:老奶奶你怎么了?根据上文的“What shall I do ”和下文的“Can I help you ”判断,此处应该是刘梅问老奶奶“你怎么了”,故填matter。
32.句意:我正要去看我丈夫。根据下文的“He's ill in hospital.”可知老奶奶看的人是一位男性,而且此句话是老奶奶说的,再结合所给的首字母判断,老奶奶看的人应该是她的丈夫,才符合语境。故填husband。
33.句意:地址写在一张纸上,但我现在找不到了。a piece of paper一张纸,由空前面的冠词a可知,此处应该用单数。故填piece。
34.句意:也许你把它放在那里了。由句子“Is it in your pocket ”判断,此处是表示猜测,结合所给的首字母可知,需用maybe“可能”,首字母大写。故填Maybe。
35.句意:我不知道去医院的路。根据“Could you tell me how I can get to the hospital ”可知她不知道路。故填know。
36.句意:沿着这条路走,直到到达交通灯处。reach the traffic lights到达交通灯处,此处是由until引导的时间状语从句,应该用一般现在时,主语you是复数,需用动词原形。故填reach。
37.句意:右转,在路的尽头你会看到医院。根据“at the end of the …you'll see the hospital”可知,此处特指医院所在的路的尽头,因此用单数。at the end of the road在路的尽头。故填road。
38.句意:时间太长了。根据“Half an hour ”以及下文的“Is there a bus ”判断,老奶奶认为步行时间太长了,因为她的丈夫在住院,所以想做公共汽车。结合首字母可知,应该填long符合语境。故填long。
39.句意:公共汽车站点就在医院的外面/对面。此处应该填一个介词,由“Yes, the No. 72 bus will take you there. ”判断,在医院附近应该有一个公共汽车站的站点。结合所给的首字母可知,需用outside/opposite。故填outside/opposite。
40.D 41. neither nor 42. so that 43. bright no worse first 44.Though
【分析】这篇短文主要讲述了Helen Keller的生平,介绍她的生病——拜师——学习——成就的过程。
40.She was a great① woman.意思是“她是一位伟大的女士”,great在这里是一个褒义词,ABC三个选项都是褒义词,而D选项是贬义词,所以不能替代,故选D。
41.but now she can't see and can't hear意思是“但现在她看不见也听不见”;neither…nor….两者都不;这里是连接两个并列的动词,neither see nor hear“看不见也听不见”;故填neither;nor。
42.Helen was very bright and she learned to spell her first word意思是“海伦很聪明,她学会了拼写她的第一个单词”。可以用so...that从句“如此……以至于……”来替换,Helen was so bright that she learned to spell her first word“海伦如此聪明,她学会了拼写她的第一个单词。”故填so;that。
43.clever形容词,“聪明的”,同义词bright形容词,“聪明的,明亮的”;know的音标是/n /;单词no的音标也是/n /;bad形容词,“坏的”,比较级是worse“更坏的”;one基数词,一;序数词是first“第一”。故填bright;no;worse;first 。
44.She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear意思是“她又瞎又聋,但她找到了看和听的方法。”but连词,但是;引导的从句可以转换成though引导的从句,though“尽管,虽然”,不能和but连用;Though she was blind and deaf, she found a way to see and hear.“虽然她又瞎又聋,但她找到了一种看和听的方法。”故填Though。



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