Module 2 My home town and my country 提升练 (含解析)

2023-2024 学年八年级英语上册(外研版)
Module 2 My home town and my country(提升练)
Part 1:语法+完型+ 阅读+短填 Part 2: 单元话题满分写作:介绍某个地方
(2022 秋 · 八年级单元测试)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,
London is one of the largest cities in the world. What other facts do you know about it Do you know there are
three “Londons”
One is the City of London, the oldest part of London. It has a very 1 history. It is the country’s financial (金融的)center. The City is crowded in the day. Lots of people are busy 2 there. But at night, it is 3
quiet place. Most people can’t live 4 there.
Another is the West End 5 lots of popular shops and hotels. It’s the finest part of London. There are great theaters, cinemas, museums, long streets, fine shops and parks. So many people around the world 6 the West End every year. The Houses of Parliament, Whitehall and the Buckingham Palace are also in the WestEnd. Whitehall
is an important street. You 7 find most of government offices(政府机构) there.
8 the City is the “money” of London and the West End is the“goods(商品) ” of London, then the East End is the “hands” of London. There are 9 factories in the East End, and many people work there. Many of
10 live a simple life.
1 .A .long B .longer C .longest D .the longest
2 .A .to work B .working C .worked D .works
3 .A .a B .an C ./ D .the
4 .A .cheap B .cheaply C .cheaper D .cheapest
5 .A .on B .at C .with D .about
6 .A .will visit B .visit C .visited D .visits
7 .A .can B .should C .need D .must
8 .A .After B .Although C .Because D .If
9 .A .hundred B .hundreds C .hundred of D .hundreds of
10 .A .they B .them C .their D .theirs
(2022 春 ·广东 · 八年级统考期末) 通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要
Mike Robinson is a 11 American boy and his sister Clare is fourteen. At the moment, Mike and Clare
are in Cairo in Egypt, one of 12 and busiest cities in Africa.
They 13 here with their parents two years ago. Their father, Peter, works for a very big company. The company has offices in many countries, and it has sent Peter to work in Germany, France and China before. Peter usually stays in a country 14 about two years. Then the company moves him again. His family always goes
with him.
The Robinsons love seeing the world. They 15 many interesting places. For example, in Egypt, they have seen the Pyramids, travelled on a boat on the Nile River, and visited the palaces and towers of ancient kings and
Mike and Clare have also begun 16 the language of the country, Arabic. This language is different from English in many ways, and they find 17 hard to spell and pronounce the words. However, they still enjoy learning it. So far they 18 to speak German, French, Chinese and Arabic. Sometimes they mix the languages.
“It’s really fun,” said Clare.
The Robinsons are moving again. 19 company has asked Peter to work back in the US. Mike and Clare are happy about this. They have friends all over the world, 20 they also miss their friends in the US. They
are counting down the days.
11 .A .15 year old B .15-years old C .15-year-old D .15-years-old
12 .A .big B .bigger C .biggest D .the biggest
13 .A .move B .moved C .will move D .have moved
14 .A .for B .in C .at D .during
15 .A .have gone to B .have been to C .have been in D .went to
16 .A .learn B .to learning C .to learn D .learned
17 .A .it B .its C .this D .that
18 .A .learned B .will learn C .are learning D .have learnt
19 .A .A B .An C .The D ./
20 .A .and B .but C .so D .or
(2023 秋 · 八年级单元测试) Suzhou is a beautiful city in Jiangsu Province. It’s my hometown. 21 it is not as big as Beijing, most people in China know this beautiful place. People 22 it as “Venice of the East
(东方威尼斯) ”.
Suzhou has a long history. There are many ancient Chinese 23 in Suzhou. Now these beautiful gardens
are becoming famous places that attract tourists all over the world.
In the past thirty years, Suzhou has changed rapidly in many 24 . The biggest change is the living environment. On the one hand, many people here don’t live in the 25 houses anymore. They have 26 the new high buildings and are enjoying the comfortable life. On the other hand, nowadays builders have 27 thousands of modern buildings of different styles. I think this change is great 28 it has made Suzhou become
more modern and more beautiful.
To be honest, almost everything has changed in my 29 . I think you should think about 30 the
beautiful city. I am sure you will love it.
21 .A .Although B .Because C .If D .Unless
22 .A .check B .accept C .control D .regard
23 .A .gardens B .towers C .pictures D .walls
24 .A .places B .styles C .ways D .houses
25 .A .expensive B .cheap C .new D .old
26 .A .changed to B .moved into C .gave up D .worked in
27 .A .set up B .given away C .given out D .cleaned up
28 .A .so B .because C .if D .while
29 .A .home B .school C .country D .hometown
30 .A .protecting B .holding C .visiting D .achieving
(2023 春 · 八年级单元测试)It can take you a day out to Singapore by plane. Singapore is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. There are lots of visitors 31 to the country every year. But were you there years ago Great changes have taken place in the country. For many Chinese tourists(游客), this small island country
in 32 Asia is a wonderful place to take a 33 . On the one hand, more than three 34 of people
are Chinese. 35 you can simply speak Chinese with most of the local people. On the other hand, Singapore
is an English-speaking country, so it is also a good place to 36 your English.
Did you ever try Chinese food outside China Maybe you are afraid that you won’t be able to find anything to eat in a foreign country. In Singapore, however, you’ll find a lot of 37 from China. You won’t have any problems 38 rice, noodles or dumplings. And if you like different food, Singapore is an excellent place to
try new food. Whatever you like, such as, Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you’ll find it in Singapore.
One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature doesn’t change a lot all year 39 . You needn’t
wear 40 clothes because it is warm in all seasons.
31 .A .visiting B .travelling C .living D .reaching
32 .A .North-east B .North-west C .South-east D .South-west
33 .A .bus B .photo C .holiday D .look
34 .A .members B .quarters C .halves D .thousands
35 .A .So B .Because C .Although D .But
36 .A .practice B .protect C .listen D .provide
37 .A .drinks B .meat C .food D .fruit
38 .A .find B .finding C .to find D .found
39 .A .most B .fast C .day D .round
40 .A .thick B .thin C .cool D .cold
(2023 春 · 八年级单元测试)When Chinese people find out that someone comes from London, they often say, “London is a foggy city, isn’t it ” British people who visit China often have to say that London is not a foggy city at all! But if London is not foggy, 41 do so many people in China think it is In fact, London used to be a foggy city, 42 it isn’t any more. In London lots of fog came from factories, but a lot of it came from coal (煤)because people used it in their houses 43 warm during the winter. By the 1950s, air pollution had become so 44 that the government decided to do something to clean up the air. A new rule was made. It said that 45 was allowed to burn(燃烧) coal in any British city. Just a few years 46 , the air became much
Now many Chinese cities meet the same kind of 47 with air pollution that London met forty or fifty years
ago. However, this problem is more difficult for Chinese cities to 48 . First, more of the pollution comes from
big factories than from coal that people use in their houses. If these factories are suddenly closed, lots of people 49 their jobs. Second, cleaner fuels (燃料) are quite expensive. However, the air in many cities is already slowly becoming cleaner, because the government and ordinary people are trying to make pollution 50 . As a result,
the air in Beijing is getting cleaner and cleaner.
41 .A .what B .when C .which D .why
42 .A .and B .but C .so D .or
43 .A .to keep B .keeping C .kept D .keep
44 .A .well B .good C .badly D .bad
45 .A .somebody B .anybody C .nobody D .everybody
46 .A .before B .ago C .later D .after
47 .A .problem B .question C .accident D .discussion
48 .A .find B .answer C .solve D .save
49 .A .lost B .lose C .would lose D .will lose
50 .A .little B .less C .much D .more
(2023 春 · 八年级单元测试)When you are in England, you must be very careful in the street because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then the left. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. People on foot can cross the road carefully. If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go and people on foot must not cross. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the
streets are very busy.
When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. Have a look first or you will go the wrong way. In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can
sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city well. It is very interesting.
51 .When you are in England, you must be more careful in the street because .
A .there are many cars and buses on the road B .there are no traffic lights
C .the buses and cars move on the left D .people on foot may cross the road
52 .In England, before you cross a street, you must look to first and then .
A .the right; the left B .the left; the right
C .the front; the back D .the back; the front
53 .If the traffic lights are green, can go, and mustn’t cross.
A .people on foot; the traffic B .the traffic; people in cars
C .buses; cars D .the traffic; people on foot
54 .In many cities in England, there are big buses .
A .with a lot of people in them B .with lots of seats in them
C .with two floors D .with interesting colors
55 .Which is the best title of this passage
A .Traveling in England B .Buses in England
C .Traffic in England D .Traffic lights in England
(2023 春 ·全国 · 八年级专题练习)Although Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world, you will
be surprised that there are still some free activities in Tokyo.
★Free Temples
There are many temples and shrines(神庙) in Tokyo. The most famous is Meiji Jingu. This is the most important
shrine in Tokyo. If you visit it, you can know more about Japanese history. Of course, it’s free.
★Free Museums
If you go to the Kanto Earthquake Museum, you can see the exhibitions and the memorial to the people who
died in the 1923 earthquake disaster.
★Free Parks
There are two famous parks in Japan. They are Yoyogi Park and Ueno Park. Yoyogi Park is one of the largest parks in Tokyo. It is now a great place to see street performers. Ueno Park is popular with many Japanese people and
foreign visitors.
★Free Snacks
To be honest, Japanese food is delicious and healthy. You can try different kinds of snacks before spending
money on them. You don’t need to pay for them when you try them.
56 .If you visit the shrine, you can .
A .know more about Japanese history
B .see the exhibitions for people who died in the 1923 earthquake disaster
C .enjoy the cherry blossom season
D .try different kinds of snacks
57 .What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “disaster”
A .灾区 B .事故 C .灾难 D .区域
58 . is a good place to see street performers.
A .Yoyogi Park B .Ueno Park C .Meiji Jingu D .The Kanto Earthquake Museum
59 .According to the passage, which of the following is NOT right
A .Tokyo is an expensive city in the world.
B .You can visit some places for free in Tokyo.
C .There are four free activities mentioned in the passage.
D .If you want to try snacks, you need to pay for them first.
60 .What’s the best title for the passage
A .The Best Places to Visit B .Visiting Tokyo for Free
C .The Museums and Parks in Tokyo D .The Famous Buildings in Tokyo
(2022 秋 ·广东广州 · 八年级校考开学考试) Have you ever been to Chicago It is a famous city in the USA.If
you have a chance to visit the USA, it’s a good idea to pay a visit to Chicago.
Chicago is the third largest city in the USA .It is home to people who have migrated from all over the world. People move to Chicago from different places to live with their families or friends who arrived here first. They come
by train, plane and boat to live in this great city.
The center of Chicago is called the Loop. You can see many tall buildings here, even some of the tallest in the world. As you travel away from the Loop, there are communities of different foreign cultures. But you can’t travel
east out of the Loop because of Lake Michigan.
When you travel south of the Loop, you will find areas like Chinatown. There, people from China celebrate many of the same holidays as their hometowns do, for example, the Chinese New Year. They also celebrate the
holidays of the USA .
Chicago is also called the Wind City, so don’t forget to take more clothes with you.
61 .The underlined word “migrated” means in Chinese.
A .生长 B .移居 C .逃离 D .迁徙
62 .The third paragraph mainly talks about of Chicago.
A .the people B .the weather C .the center D .the holiday
63 .Chinatown is in the of the Loop.
A .South B .north C .cast D .west
64 .After reading the passage, we can know .
A .Chicago is the second largest city in the USA .
B .people can’t take boats to Chicago
C .some people in Chicago celebrate the Chinese New Year
D .we cannot see tall buildings in Chicago
65 .If we can read the passage in a magazine, the name of the magazine may be .
A .Famous Cities B .Public Holidays C .Beautiful Countries D .Holidays & Celebrations
(2021 秋 ·广东阳江 · 八年级统考期中)Dongguan is a modern city. Now you can enjoy your life comfortable and conveniently (方便地) in Dongguan. If you want to 66 shopping, you have many choices. There are many shopping malls in the city center and every town in Dongguan, such as Wan da Plaza, One Mall, One City and so on. You can shop in one of 67 all day and find almost everything there. Of all the shopping malls, I think Wan da Plaza is the most convenient 68 it is the closest to the subway stations. There are a lot of wonderful
69 and you can enjoy your meals there.
As for movie theaters, I think Bingo Cinema is the best. You can 70 the newest moves there. Bingo
Cinema has the most comfortable seats. It 71 has the biggest screens (屏幕).
One more thing I want to introduce to you is Dongguan’s cafe. You can have not only fresh coffee and juice, but also yummy cakes and bread there. They are fantastic places to enjoy afternoon tea. Among them, Star bucks from the US is the most 72 with people. Many people like to go to Star bucks for coffee. Because it gives them good services. Some singers from foreign countries sing beautiful 73 in the bar. Many people like to
deal with the business, spend time 74 friends or even just do some reading in this kind of situation.
Dongguan is a fantastic city. People can find what they want easily and have 75 good time in
(2022 春 · 八年级单元测试)根据短文内容及所给提示,在空白处填上适当的单词补全短文。
Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. It lies on North Island 76 a population of a million people. This seaside city is 77 (consider) as an important center for business and industry. It 78 (be) also
the most exciting city in New Zealand. It also has people of many different cultures 79 (live) there.
Its history goes back over 650 years. 80 (Europe) settlement (定居) began in 1840 after the British’s arrival. Auckland once became the 81 (capital) of New Zealand for some time. S 82 1945, Auckland
has grown and it now has large modern suburbs.
Famous sights include Mt. Eden 83 Auckland Harbor Bridge. In the city, you can enjoy an amazing view from the Sky Tower 84 is the city’s tallest tower. You can also see many traditional 85 (dance)
at the Auckland Museum.
(2022 秋 · 八年级课时练习)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整
Welcome to Cape Town!
Cape Town isn’t the capital city and it isn’tthe l 86 city in South Africa either, but it is the most popular city. Every year, millions oft 87 visit Cape Town. From the beautiful beaches to great s 88 centres,
Cape Town has something for everyone.
For outdoor or sports fans, Cape Town provides fantastic activities l 89 hiking and climbing. The
beautiful beaches are good for water sports, including surfing. If you are brave e 90 , you can even try to go down into the deep sea and get eye to eye w 91 a great shark in the cage! But of course, it’s also a good choice
for you to walk a 92 the wooden roads and enjoy natural sights around if you are not so brave.
The w 93 in Cape Town is pleasant. In summer, the local temperature is about 26°C . And remember mid-summer here is January! And the winter temperatures don’t usually fall below 10°C . Two of the main l 94
here are Xhosa and English. The population of Cape Town is about 3.5 million.
Cape Town is the city that has e 95 . It will make your vacation unforgettable.
96 .(2023 秋 · 八年级单元测试) 假设你是当地的导游, 请你写一篇题为“Have You Ever Been to Australia ”的
3.澳大利亚还有许许多多让你流连忘返之处, 例如那些令人惊奇的海洋公园, 以及各种各样有趣的户外活动。
2.条理清晰,意思连贯,词数 70 个左右。
参考词汇:悉尼歌剧院 the Sydney Opera House 海洋公园 the Ocean Park
Have You Ever Been to Australia
97 .(2022 春 · 八年级单元测试)假如你是李华,你的美国朋友 Eric 计划暑假来中国旅游。请你根据以
(3)80 词左右(开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
Hi, Eric,
I’m glad to know that you’re planning to go on a trip around China this summer vacation. I’d like to invite you
to my hometown.
Li Hua
98 .(2023 春 · 八年级单元测试)旅行是许多人的爱好,请根据下面的提示,写一篇英语短文,介绍一
提示: 1. Where have you been
2. How did you do there
3. How do you like it
要求:包括所有要点,可适当发挥;词数 70 左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Last summer, I went on a trip to
1 .A 2 .B 3 .A 4 .B 5 .C 6 .B 7 .A 8 .D 9 .D 10 .B
【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲大伦敦市的 3 个小“伦敦区” 的特点。
1 .句意:它有很悠久的历史。
long 长的,原级;longer 比较级;longest 最高级;the longest 最高级。根据“very...history”可知空格处由
“very”修饰,应用形容词原级,故选 A。
2 .句意:许多人在那里忙着工作。
to work 工作,不定式;working 现在分词;worked 过去式;works 三单形式。根据“busy”可知其后用动名词,
即 be busy doing sth,故选 B。
3 .句意:但是在晚上,它是一个安静的地方。
a 不定冠词,用在辅音音素前;an 不定冠词,用在元音音素前;/不填;the 是定冠词,表示特指。根据“quiet
place”可知是辅音音素开头,且表示泛指,故用“a”。故选 A。
4 .句意:大部分人并不能很廉价地住在那儿。
cheap 便宜的,形容词;cheaply 副词;cheaper 更便宜;cheapest 最便宜。根据“can’t live”可知修饰动词
“live”应用副词修饰,故选 B。
5 .句意:另一个是伦敦西区,那里有很多受欢迎的商店和旅馆。
on 在……上面;at 在;with 有;about 关于。根据“lots of popular shops and hotels”可知此处表示伴随,即商
店在伦敦西区,故选 C。
6 .句意:所以全世界很多人每年拜访伦敦西区。
will visit 将拜访;visit 原形;visited 过去式;visits 三单形式。根据“many people around the world”及“every
year”可知用一般现在时且动词用原形,故选 B。
7 .句意:你可以发现有很多政府机构在那儿。
can 能够;should 应该;need 需要;must 必须。 根据“find most of government offices(政府机构)there.”可
知是能够看到一些政府机构,故选 A。
8 .句意:如果伦敦是“金钱” 的城市,西区是“商品” 区,那么东区就是伦敦的“手”。
After 在 …… 之后;Although 尽管;Because 因为;If 如果。根据“and the West End is the‘goods(商品) ’of
London, then the East End...”可知此处是一个比喻句,即如果把伦敦比作一个“金钱” 的城市,故选 D。
9 .句意:在东区有成百上千的工厂。
hundred 百;hundreds 复数形式;hundred of 错误形式;hundreds of 成百上千。根据“There are...factories”可知
空前没有数词,应用“hundreds of”来修饰“factories”。故选 D。
10 .句意:他们中的许多人过着简单的生活。
they 他们,主格;them 宾格;their 他们的;theirs 他们的,名词性物主代词。根据“Many of”可知介词后用
宾格形式,故选 B。
11 .C 12 .D 13 .B 14 .A 15 .B 16 .C 17 .A 18 .D 19 .C 20 .B
11 .句意:迈克 · 罗宾逊是一个 15 岁的美国男孩,他的妹妹克莱尔 14 岁。
15 year old 表达有误;15-years old 表达有误;15-year-old 十五岁的;15-years-old 表达有误。空格后为“American
boy”,故应用 15-year-old 作定语,修饰“American boy”。故选 C。
12 .句意:目前,迈克和克莱尔正在埃及的开罗,埃及是非洲最大、最繁忙的城市之一。
big 大的,形容词原级;bigger 更大的,形容词比较级;biggest 最大的,形容词最高级;the biggest 最大的,
形容词最高级。空格前为“one of”,即“one of + the +形容词最高级+名词复数”结构。故选 D。
13 .句意:他们两年前和父母一起搬到这里。
move 移动,动词原形;moved 移动,过去式或过去分词;will move 移动,一般将来时;have moved 移动,
现在完成时。空格后为“two years ago”,故句子应用一般过去时,故动词 move 应用过去式。故选 B。
14 .句意:彼得通常在一个国家呆两年左右。
for 为了;in 在 …… 里;at 在(某处);during 在 …… 期间。根据下文“Then the company moves him again”可
知,彼得通常在一个国家呆两年左右, for 后接一段时间,故选 A。
15 .句意:他们去过许多有趣的地方。
have gone to 已经去了某地,人还没回来;have been to 曾经去过某地,人已经回来了;have been in 一直在 某地, 常与表示时间段的状语连用;went to 去, 一般过去时。根据下文“For example, in Egypt, they have seen the Pyramids, travelled on a boat on the Nile River, and visited the palaces and towers of ancient kings and queens”
可知,此处是指他们去过了许多地方,故选 B。
16 .句意:迈克和克莱尔也开始学习该国的阿拉伯语。
learn 学习,动词原形;to learning 学习, “介词+动名词”结构;to learn 学习,动词不定式;learned 学习,过
去式或过去分词。 begin to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“开始要做某事” ,符合句意,故选 C。
17 .句意:这种语言在许多方面与英语不同,他们发现这些单词很难拼写和发音。
it 它;its 它的;this 这个;that 那个。根据“they find...hard to spell and pronounce the words.”可知,空格处应
用 it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。故选 A。
18 .句意:到目前为止,他们已经学会说德语、法语、汉语和阿拉伯语。
learned 学习,过去式或过去分词;will learn 学习, 一般将来时;are learning 学习,现在进行时;have learnt
学习,现在完成时。根据句中“so far”可知,句子应用现在完成时,故选 D。
19 .句意:该公司已要求彼得回到美国工作。
A 不定冠词,表泛指,用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;An 不定冠词,表泛指,用于以元音音素开头的单词
前;The 定冠词,表特指;/零冠词。根据上文“The company has offices in many countries … Then the company
moves him again”可知,此处特指彼得工作的公司,表示特指,故选 C。
20 .句意:他们在世界各地都有朋友,但他们也想念他们在美国的朋友。
and 和;but 但是;so 因此;or 或者。根据前后句意可知,此处存在转折关系,故应用表转折的并列连词
but,意为“但是” ,符合句意,故选 B。
21 .A 22 .D 23 .A 24 .C 25 .D 26 .B 27 .A 28 .B 29 .D 30 .C
21 .句意:虽然它不像北京那么大,但大多数中国人都知道这个美丽的地方。
Although 虽然;Because 因为;If 如果;Unless 除非。根据“ is not as big as Beijing, most people in China know
this beautiful place”可知,前后是让步关系,虽然不像北京那么大,但是人们都知道这里,故选 A。
22 .句意:人们把它称为“ 东方威尼斯”。
check 核对; accept 接受; control 控制; regard 把…… 当做。根据“it as ‘Venice of the East (东方威尼斯)
可知,人们把它当作“ 东方威尼斯” 。regard…as…“把…… 当做 ……”,故选 D。
23 .句意:苏州有许多中国古代园林。
gardens 花园;towers 塔;pictures 图片;walls 墙。根据后一句“Now these beautiful gardens are becoming famous
places that attract tourists all over the world”可知,这里提到的是花园,故选 A。
24 .句意:在过去的三十年里,苏州在很多方面都发生了迅速的变化。
places 地方;styles 方式;ways 方面;houses 房屋。in many ways“在许多方面” ,强调苏州变化很大,故选
25 .句意: 一方面,人们不再居住在老房子里了。
expensive 贵的;cheap 便宜的;new 新的;old 旧的。根据“the new high buildings”可知,人们搬去新的高楼
大厦了,不再住在老房子里了,故选 D。
26 .句意:他们已经搬进了新的高楼,享受着舒适的生活。
changed to 变成;moved into 搬进;gave up 放弃;worked in 工作。根据前文描述可知,不再住在老房子里,
所以是搬进了新房子里,故选 B。
27 .句意:另一个方面,现在的建筑者建立了上千种现在建筑的不同造型。
set up 建立;given away 赠送;given out 分发;cleaned up 清扫。根据“thousands of modern buildings of different
styles”可知,建筑了许多不同风格的现代建筑,故选 A。
28 .句意:我认为这个变化是很棒的,因为它使苏州变得更现代,更美丽。
so 因此;because 因为;if 如果;while 当 …… 时。根据“it has made Suzhou become more modern and more
beautiful”可知,空格后解释认为变化很不错的原因,故选 B。
29 .句意:说实话,我的家乡几乎一切都变了。
home 家; school 学校; country 国家; hometown 家乡。根据“I think you should think about…the beautiful city”
可知,认为这座美丽的城市,也就是自己的家乡发生了很大的变化,故选 D。
30 .句意:我认为你应该考虑来这个漂亮的城市旅游。
protecting 保护;holding 举办;visiting 拜访,参观;achieving 实现。根据“the beautiful city”及“I am sure you
will love it.”可知,你会爱上这座城市的,说明你应该来这里旅行,故选 C。
31 .B 32 .C 33 .C 34 .B 35 .A 36 .A 37 .C 38 .B 39 .D 40 .A
31 .句意:每年有大量的的游客来这个国家旅行。
visiting 参观,访问; traveling 旅行; living 居住; reaching 到达。根据“lots of visitors”可知,每年有大量的
的游客来这个国家旅行,空后有介词 to ,不能用 visit。故选 B。
32 .句意:这个东南亚的小岛国是一个度假的好地方。
North-east 东北;North-west 西北;South-east 东南;South-west 西南。 根据地理知识可知,新加坡是东南
亚的小岛国。故选 C。
33 .句意:这个东南亚的小岛国是一个度假的好地方。
bus 公交车;photo 照片; holiday 假日;look 外貌/看。根据“Asia is a wonderful place to take a...”可知,人们
来到新加坡是为了度假, have a holiday“度假” ,动词短语。故选 C。
34 .句意: 一方面,超过四分之三的的人是中国人。
members 成员;quarters 四分之一;halves 二分之一,一半;thousands 数千。根据“three...of people ”可知,
此处是指四分之三的人是中国人。故选 B。
35 .句意:所以你可以跟大多数的当地人讲汉语。
So 所以;Because 因为;Although 虽然;But 但是。 前后句之间是因果关系,此处说明结果,用 so 引导。
故选 A。
36 .句意:因此它也是一个练习你英语的好地方。
practice 练习;protect 保护;listen 听;provide 提供。根据“Singapore is an English-speaking country”可知,此
处是指练习英语。故选 A。
37 .句意:然而在新加坡,你会发现很多来自中国的食物。
drinks 饮料;meat 肉;food 食品;fruit 水果。根据“rice, noodles, or dumplings”可知,有很多中国的食物。故
选 C。
38 .句意:你会很容易找到米饭、面条和饺子。
find 找到;finding 现在分词/动名词;to find 动词不定式;found 过去式/过去分词。 have some problems doing
sth 是一个固定结构,意为“做某事有困难” 。故选 B。
39 .句意:新加坡很棒的一点是,全年气温变化不大。
most 大多数的;fast 快的;long 长的;round 圆的。all year round“一年到头,全年” ,是固定短语。故选 D。
40 .句意:你不必穿厚衣服,因为一年四季都很暖和。
thick 厚的;thin 薄的;cool 凉爽的;cold 冷的。根据“because it is warm in all the seasons”可知,不需要穿厚
衣服。故选 A。
41 .D 42 .B 43 .A 44 .D 45 .C 46 .C 47 .A 48 .C 49 .D 50 .B
41 .句意:但如果伦敦没有雾,为什么那么多中国人会这么认为呢?
what 什么;when 什么时候;which 哪一个;why 为什么。根据“When Chinese people find out that someone comes
from London...But if London is not foggy”和“do so many people in China think it is”可知,此处表示,如果伦敦
没有雾,为什么那么多中国人会这么认为呢,询问原因。故选 D。
42 .句意:事实上,伦敦过去是一个多雾的城市,但现在不是了。
and 并且;but 但是;so 所以;or 或者,否则。根据“London used to be a foggy city”和“it isn’t any more”可知,
空格前后为转折关系。故选 B。
43 .句意:在伦敦,很多雾来自工厂,但也有很多来自煤,因为冬天人们在家里用煤取暖。
to keep 保持,动词不定式;keeping 现在分词或动名词;kept 过去式或过去分词;keep 动词原形。根据“people
used it”可知, use sth. to do...“用某物来做某事” ,故应用动词不定式。故选 A。
44 .句意:到了 20 世纪 50 年代,空气污染变得如此严重,政府决定做点什么来净化空气。
well 好, 副词;good 好的, 形容词;badly 糟糕地, 副词;bad 糟糕的, 严重的, 形容词。根据“the government decided to do something to clean up the air”可知,空气污染变得很严重,根据“had become”可知,空格处应用
形容词作表语。故选 D。
45 .句意:它规定,在英国任何城市都不允许烧煤。
somebody 某人;anybody 任何人;nobody 没有人;everybody 每个人。结合语境和“was allowed to burn(燃
烧) coal in any British city”可知,没有人被允许烧煤,故应用 nobody。故选 C。
46 .句意:仅仅几年之后,空气就变得干净多了。
before 在……之前,后接时间;ago 在……之前,前面接时间;later 在……之后,前面接时间;after 在…… 之后, 后面接时间。根据“By the 1950s, air pollution had become...was allowed to burn(燃烧) coal in any British city” 和 “the air became much cleaner” 可知 ,是几年后空气变干净 多 了 ,根据 “a few years” 可知 , 时 间
+later“在……之后” 。故选 C。
47 .句意:现在许多中国城市都遇到了四五十年前伦敦遇到的空气污染问题。
problem 问题,棘手的问题;question 问题,有疑问的问题;accident 意外,事故;discussion 讨论。根据“with
air pollution”和“this problem”可知,是遇到了空气污染问题,应用 problem。故选 A。
48 .句意:然而,这一问题对于中国城市来说更难解决。
find 发现,找到;answer 回答;solve 解决;save 拯救。根据“this problem”可知, solve the problem“解决这个
问题” 。故选 C。
49 .句意:如果这些工厂突然关闭,许多人将失去工作。
lost 失去,过去式或过去分词;lose 动词原形;would lose 过去将来时;will lose 一般将来时。根据“If these factories are suddenly closed”可知,句子为条件状语从句,此时应遵循“主将从现” 原则,故应用一般将来时。
故选 D。
50 .句意:然而,许多城市的空气已经慢慢变干净了,因为政府和普通人都在努力减少污染。
little 少的;less 更少;much 多;more 更多。根据“the air in many cities is already slowly becoming cleaner, because the government and ordinary people are trying to make pollution”可知,政府和普通人都在努力让污染变得比以
前更少,应用比较级“更少”less。故选 B。
51 .C 52 .A 53 .D 54 .C 55 .C
51.细节理解题。根据“When you are in England, you must be very careful in the street because the traffic drives on
the left.”可知,因为车辆都靠左行驶。故选 C。
52 .细节理解题。根据“Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then the left.”可知, 在你过
马路之前,你必须先看右边,然后再看左边,故选 A。
53 .细节理解题。根据“If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go and people on foot must not cross.”可知,
如果交通灯是绿色的,交通可以通行,步行的人不得穿过马路。故选 D。
54.细节理解题。根据“In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors.”可知, 在英国的许多城市里,
有两层楼的公交车,故选 C。
55 .最佳标题题。根据整个文章的理解可知,本文主要介绍了英国的交通规则,故选 C。
56 .A 57 .C 58 .A 59 .D 60 .B
56.细节理解题。根据“This is the most important shrine in Tokyo. If you visit it, you can know more about Japanese
history.”可知,如果你去参观神社,你可以更多地了解日本历史,故选 A。
57.词义猜测题。根据“If you go to the Kanto Earthquake Museum, you can see the exhibitions and the memorial to the people who died in the 1923 earthquake disaster.”可知,如果你去关东地震博物馆,你可以看到 1923 年地
震灾难中死亡的人的展览和纪念碑。所以单词“disaster”指的是“灾难” ,故选 C。
58 .细节理解题。根据“Yoyogi Park is one of the largest parks in Tokyo. It is now a great place to see street
performers.”可知,在 Yoyogi 公园里面可以看见很多的街道表演者,故选 A。
59.细节理解题。根据“You can try different kinds of snacks before spending money on them. You don’t need to pay for them when you try them.”可知, 在花钱之前, 你可以尝试不同种类的零食。当你尝试的时候, 你不需要付
钱。故选 D。
60.最佳标题题。根据“Although Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world, you will be surprised that there are still some free activities in Tokyo.” 以及整个文章的理解可知, 本文是介绍东京的一些免费的场所, 故
选 B。
61 .B 62 .C 63 .A 64 .C 65 .A
61 .词义猜测题。根据“People move to Chicago from different places to live with their families or friends who arrived here first.” 可知,人们从不同的地方搬到芝加哥,与最先来到这里的家人或者朋友住到一起。因此
“migrate”的意思是“移居” 。故选 B。
62 .主旨大意题。根据“The center of Chicago is called the Loop.”以及第三段的内容可知,本段介绍了芝加哥
的中心。故选 C。
63 .细节理解题。根据“When you travel south of the Loop, you will find areas like Chinatown.”可知, 当你在环
路以南旅行时,你会发现像唐人街这样的地区。故选 A。
64 .细节理解题。根据“There, people from China celebrate many of the same holidays as their hometowns do, for example, the Chinese New Year. They also celebrate the holidays of the USA.”可知,在芝加哥的一些人庆祝中国
新年。故选 C。
65 .推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了美国著名的城市芝加哥,因此可能在《著名的城市》
杂志中看到。故选 A。
66 .go/do 67 .them 68 .because 69 .restaurants 70 .see/watch 71 .also 72 .popular
73 .songs 74 .with 75 .a
66 .句意:如果你想去购物,你有很多选择。根据“There are many shopping malls in the city center”可知这里
是说购物,固定短语: go/do shopping“购物” ,故填 go/do。
67 .句意:你可以在那里购物一整天,几乎可以找到所有的东西。 one of …“……之一” 。根据“You can shop
in… Of all the shopping malls”,可知应该是指购物中心,用宾格 them 代指,故填 them。
68 .句意:在所有的商场中,我认为万达广场是最方便的,因为它离地铁站最近。根据“it is the closest to the
subway stations.”可知最方便是因为它离地铁站最近,故填 because。
69 .句意:那里有很多很棒的餐厅, 你可以在那里享受美食。根据“you can enjoy your meals there”,可知应
该是很多餐厅,名词用复数,故填 restaurants。
70 .句意:你可以在那里看到最新的动作。根据“the newest moves”可知是看最新的电影,情态动词后接动
词原形,看电影可以用 see 或 watch,故填 see/watch。
71 .句意:它还有最大的屏幕。根据“You can see the newest moves there…the biggest screens.”,可知看最新
的电影,最舒适的座位,还有最大的屏幕, also“也,还” ,副词,故填 also。
72 .句意:其中,来自美国的 Star bucks 最受人们的欢迎。根据“Many people like to go to Star bucks for coffee. Because it gives them good services.”人们喜欢去这里, 可知应该是受欢迎, popular“受欢迎的”,形容词,
故填 popular。
73 .句意:一些来自外国的歌手在酒吧里唱着优美的歌曲。根据“Some singers from foreign countries sing”可
推知歌手应该是唱歌,名词应用复数表示一类事物,故填 songs。
74 .句意:在这种情况下,许多人喜欢处理生意,花时间和朋友在一起,甚至只是阅读。spend time with
sb.“与某人共度时光” ,故填 with。
75 .句意:人们可以很容易地找到他们想要的东西,在东莞过得很愉快。固定短语:have a good time“玩得
开心” ,故填 a。
76 .with 77 .considered 78 .is 79 .living 80 .European 81 .capital 82 .(S)ince
83 .and 84 .that/which 85 .dances
76 .句意:它位于北岛,有一百万人口。此处应填介词 with,表附带,附有,故填 with。
77 .句意:这个滨海城市被认为是重要的商业和工业中心。主语 this seaside city 和谓语 consider 之间为逻辑 上的动宾关系,应用被动语态,其谓语结构为“be+done” ,be considered as“被认为是”符合语境,故填
78 .句意:它也是新西兰最令人兴奋的城市。根据语境可知句子时态为一般现在时,而主语 it 为第三人称
单数,故填 is。
79 .句意:它也有许多不同文化的人们居住在那。此处为逻辑主语 people 主动进行的动作,应填动词的现
在分词,故填 living。
80 .句意:在英国人到来之后,欧洲人的定居在 1840 年开始。settlement 为名词,其前应用形容词作定语,
故填 European。
81 .句意:奥克兰曾经一段时间是新西兰的首都。 the capital of...“…… 的首都”符合语境,故填 capital。
82 .句意:自从 1945 年以来,奥克兰逐渐成长并且现在它拥有大的现代郊区。根据首字母和“has grown”为
现在完成时可知, since“自从”符合语境,故填(S)ince。
83 .句意:著名的景点包括伊甸山和奥克兰港口大桥。根据“Mt. Eden”和“Auckland Harbor Bridge”可知二者
为顺承的并列关系,故填 and。
84 .句意:在这个城市里,你能享受来自于城市最高塔天空塔的令人着迷的景色。此处应填定语从句的关
系词,定语从句的先行词 the Sky Tower 为“物” ,所以关系词用 that/which,故填 that/which。
85 .句意:你也能在奥克兰博物馆看见许多传统的舞蹈。根据“many”可知此处应填可数名词复数形式,故
填 dances。
86 .largest 87 .tourists 88 .shopping 89 .like 90 .enough 91 .with 92 .along
93 .weather 94 .languages 95 .everything
86.句意:开普敦不是首都, 也不是南非最大的城市, 但它是最受欢迎的城市。根据“but it is the most popular
city.”及首字母提示可知,这里说的是开普敦不是最大的城市。 largest“最大的” 。故填 largest。
87.句意:每年, 数百万游客访问开普敦。根据“visit Cape Town”和首字母提示可知, 这里说的是游客。tourist
为“游客” ,根据“millions of”可知,这里要用复数形式。故填 tourists。
88 .句意:从美丽的海滩到大型购物中心,开普敦为每个人都提供了一些东西。根据句意和首字母提示可
知,这里指的是 shopping centres“购物中心” ,故填 shopping。
89 .句意:对于户外或运动爱好者,开普敦提供徒步旅行和攀岩等精彩活动。根据“hiking and climbing”可
知,这里是举例说明开普敦提供什么样的精彩活动, like 为“例如,好比” ,符合语境,故填 like。
90 .句意:如果你足够勇敢,你甚至可以尝试深入深海,与笼子里的大鲨鱼对视!根据句意及首字母提示
可知,这里指的是“足够地勇敢” ,enough 为“足够地” ,副词,修饰形容词,故填 enough。
91.句意:如果你足够勇敢, 你甚至可以尝试深入深海, 与笼子里的大鲨鱼对视!根据“get eye to eye”及“a great
shark in the cage!”可知,这里指的是与鲨鱼对视, with 为“和……在一起” ,符合语境,故填 with。
92 .句意:当然,如果你不那么勇敢的话,沿着木制道路行走,欣赏周围的自然景观也是一个不错的选择。
根据“the wooden roads and enjoy natural sights...”及首字母提示可知, 这里指的是“沿着木制道路行走”,go along
为“进行,前进” 。故填 along。
93 .句意:开普敦的天气宜人。根据“In summer, the local temperature... temperatures don’t usually fall below
10°C. ”及首字母提示可知,这里说的是开普敦的天气, weather 为“天气” ,不可数名词。故填 weather。
94 .句意:这里的两种主要语言是科萨语和英语。根据“Xhosa and English”及首字母提示可知,这里说的是 语言,language 为“ 语言” ,可数名词, 又根据“Two of the main”可知, 这里要使用其复数形式, 故填
95 .句意:开普敦是一座拥有一切的城市。根据“Cape Town has something for everyone.”及“It will make your vacation unforgettable.” 以及首字母提示可知, 这里指的是开普敦这里什么都有, everything 为“ (有关的) 一切,
万事” ,故填 everything。
96 .例文:
Have You Ever Been to Australia
Have you ever been to Australia For many Chinese tourists, Sydney, the biggest city in Australia, is a wonderful place to take a holiday. On the one hand, you can visit the Sydney Opera House that is one of the most famous buildings in the world. On the other hand you can enjoy the beautiful beaches and the delicious food from all over the world. Besides Sydney, there are also many fascinating places for you. For example, the Ocean Park is amazing!
There are many interesting outdoor activities for you, too!
①on the one hand 一方面
②on the other hand 另一方面
③all over the world 全世界
① For many Chinese tourists, Sydney, the biggest city in Australia, is a wonderful place to take a holiday. (a
wonderful place to do sth 做…… 的好地方)
②On the one hand, you can visit the Sydney Opera House that is one of the most famous buildings in the world.
(that 引导定语从句)
97 .例文
Hi, Eric,
I’m glad to know that you’re planning to go on a trip around China this summer vacation. I’d like to invite you
to my hometown Hebei for a visit.
Hebei lies in the north of China and Shijiazhuang is its capital city. It has a population of over 75 million. There are many places of interest here. For example, it’s known for Chengde Mountain Resort, Yeshanpo,
Baiyangdian, Beidaihe and Xibaipo, which attract millions of tourists from all over the world.
If you come, you can enjoy the beautiful mountains, fresh air and clean water. They are all worth visiting.
Besides, you can enjoy all kinds of delicious food.
I’m looking forward to meeting you in Hebei.
Li Hua
① places of interest 名胜古迹
② For example 例如
③ be known for 众所周知
④ look forward to 期待
⑤ millions of 数百万的
⑥ Besides 除此之外
⑦ all over the world 全世界
⑧ be worth doing 值得
⑨ all kinds of 各种各样
① For example, it’s known for Chengde Mountain Resort, Yeshanpo, Baiyangdian, Beidaihe and Xibaipo, which
attract millions of tourists from all over the world. (非限制性定语从句)
② If you come, you can enjoy the beautiful mountains, fresh air and clean water. (条件状语从句)
98 .例文
Last summer, I went on a trip to Wuhan. I have been there several times. I think it’s a really beautiful city. I fell
in love with it when I first traveled there.
The traffic is fine. And the people are friendly. There are some beautiful parks such as Zhongshan Park. In the zoo, you can see many kinds of animals. You can easily buy what you want, because there are supermarkets
everywhere. You can see tall buildings everywhere. Buses and taxis can take you whoever you want to go.
Please travel to Wuhan. I think you are sure to have a good time.
① 题材:本文是一篇记叙文;
② 时态:时态以一般现在时为主;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意要用第一人称叙述,不要遗漏“提示信息” 中你去过哪里,在那里怎
第一步,表明写作意图。借用“去年夏天,我去了一趟武汉。 ”来引出重点介绍的内容;
第二步, 具体阐述写作内容。从“你去了哪里, 在那里做了什么, 你对那里的感觉”几方面重点介绍自己的这
第三步,书写结语。表达“请前往武汉。我想你一定会玩得很开心。 ”
① go on a trip to...到……去旅行
② several times 好几次
① I fell in love with it when I first traveled there.(when 引导的时间状语从句)
② You can easily buy what you want, because there are supermarkets everywhere.(because 引导的原因状语从



上一篇:人教版九年级物理全一册17.1 电流与电压和电阻的关系 同步练习(答案)
