
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
1. W: It’s three o’clock now. The meeting has been on for twenty minutes.
M: Oh, sorry, the traffic is heavy.
2. M: There are so many cars in the streets. It’s dangerous for people to walk there.
W: I agree with you. The cars make so much noise and pollute the air.
3.W: You have finished reading the book, Mark. How can you finish it in one morning It’s amazing.
M: When the subject is interesting, it’s easy.
4. W: Shall we have lunch at a restaurant near the beach
M: That’s interesting. But I think having it in the open air is more interesting.
W: Good idea. Let’s go.
5. M: A lot of rich land has changed into desert.
W: But how can that be stopped
M: Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
W: Tom, would you like to go to the club with me
M: Club What kind of club
W: It’s about how to recycle old things. For example, we can use old bottles to make decorations. We can also use paper boxes to make model planes.
M: Sounds wonderful! Let’s go.
M: Hi, Amy. How long have you worked in this factory
W: I have worked here for five years.
M: How are your working conditions
W: Very noisy.
M: Do you think working under noisy conditions is harmful to your health
W: Yes, I think so. Sometimes it makes me bored and angry. Now I can hear no better than 60-year-old people do.
M: Has the factory done anything to control the noise
W: Not yet. But the boss said he would solve the problem as soon as possible.
There have been great changes in Li Mei’s hometown. In the past, her family lived in an old small house. Now they live in a new big house. In the past, the roads in the village were narrow and dirty. Now the roads are wide and clean. In the past, they went shopping on foot or by bike. Now they have a new car and they often go shopping by car. Li Mei is happy to see her hometown becoming better and better.
听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15 三个小题。
(phone bell rings)
M: Hello, Lisa. This is Bill.
W: Hi, Bill. Where are you now I haven’t seen you for a long time.
M: I’ve been in Australia for two months.
W: Sounds great! How is the weather there
M: It’s sunny and warm. What about the weather in America today
W: It’s rainy and cool. By the way, when will you come back
M: Next Sunday. I must go back to take part in a meeting about population of the world.
W: Good. I will also take part in the meeting. See you then.
M: See you.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
Would you like to be a greener person I think every one would like to. What should you do if you want to be a greener person Miss Green will give you some advice: First, you ought to turn off the lights when you are not using them. It will save electricity. Second, you’d better walk or ride a bicycle instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you’re traveling a short distance. It will save energy and reduce air pollution. Third, take a cloth bag when you go shopping. Don’t use plastic bags. Fourth, grow your own fruit and vegetables if possible. Fifth, plant more trees and flowers when spring comes. Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away and prevent the water from washing the earth away. If you follow these pieces of advice, you’ll become a greener person.
一、1-5 BBCCA 6-10 BACBA 11-15 ABBCC 16-20 BDAEC
二、21-25DCBDB 26-30BDCAD 31-35BDABB 36-40BDECA
三、41-45DBACD 46-50BBCDC 51-55BADCB
四、56. increased 57. reason 58. rule 59. offer 60. orders
61. produces 62. in 63. if 64.bigger 65. only
66. a 67. as 68. to 69. has 70.What
五、71. When did you come back
72. How was your trip /What do you think of your trip/How do you like your trip...
73. I’m planting trees/cleaning the park/I’m planning to plant trees...
74. How often do you have an activity
75. Here is a telephone number
六、 Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I’m so glad to be here.Sorting waste is meaningful to our daily life.I would like to share the ideas about how to do it with you all.
As we know, sorting waste can help us recycle something useful.So we can save energy.Waste sorting can also reduce pollution and help protect our environment.
Sorting waste is so important that we should do it at once.I think we should form a habit of waste sorting. And remember to put different kinds of waste into different dustbins.Actions speak louder than words.Let’s take these simple actions today for our future.
Thanks for listening!2023-2024学年度上期期中学业质量监测
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
1. When did the meeting begin
A. At 2:20. B. At 2:40. C. At 3:00.
2. How many problems may cars cause
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
3. What does Mark mean
A. He reads books quickly. B. It’s easy to read a book in one morning.
C. He can read a lot when he’s interested.
4. Where will the two speakers have lunch
A. On the beach. B. At a restaurant. C. In the open air.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. The environment. B. The movies. C. The families.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Where are they going
A. To a gym. B. To a club. C. To a concert.
7. What can they use to make model planes
A. Paper boxes. B. Old bottles. C. Old newspapers.
8. How are the working conditions in this factory
A. Very hot. B. Very dirty. C. Very noisy.
9. What did the boss say
A. Too much noise will make people bored and mad.
B. He will do something to control the noise as soon as possible.
C. Working under noisy conditions is harmful to people’s health.
10. Where did Li Mei’s family use to live
A. In an old small house. B. In a new big house. C. In a new tall building.
11. How are the roads in the village now
A. Wide and clean. B. Narrow and dirty. C. Busy and dangerous.
12. How do they usually go shopping now
A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot.
听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15 三个小题。
13. How long has the man been in Australia
A. For two weeks. B. For two months. C. For two years.
14. What’s the weather like in America today
A. Sunny and warm. B. Snowy and cold. C. Rainy and cool.
15. What will the man come back for next Sunday
A. For his business. B. For his wife’s birthday.
C. For a meeting about the population of the world.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
16. _______ 17. _______ 18. _______ 19. _______ 20. _______
It’s important to learn to protect our environment. Here is a 5R rule for you.
Reduce If you want to reduce waste, you should use your brain (脑子). Just buy what you need when shopping. Make good use of everything and don’t waste anything. Reducing waste is a good way to protect the environment.
Reuse You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your old clothes you do not use or the ones which are too small to others. You may pass on such clothes to young brothers or sisters.
Recycle Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled, and many other things can be recycled too. By doing so we can save lots of time and money.
Recover When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten (腐烂的) apples. You could cut off the rotten parts and eat the good parts. In this way you are recovering the eatable parts of food. So you see, “Recover” is using the things that can be used.
Repair If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it instead of throwing it away. If you want to change for a better one, it is better for you to sell the old thing or give it to other people who can use it after doing some repair.
21. What should we do to “Reduce”
A. Using things many times. B. Going shopping less.
C. Using fewer things. D. Using things wisely (明智地).
22. What can be easily recycled
A. All waste. B. Little waste.
C. Much waste. D. Only bottles, cans and paper.
23. Which is NOT the right way to deal with broken things
A. Send them to others. B. Throw them away.
C. Sell them. D. Repair them.
24. Which of the following is TRUE
A. “Make good use of things” is reusing things.
B. “Give your old toys to your little brother” is “recycle”.
C. To reduce waste, we should not go shopping any more.
D. “Recover” rule requires us to use the good parts of things.
25. Which of a website does the text most probably come from
A. National geography. B. Population and environment.
C. Outdoor photography. D. Popular science.
The population aging has become a serious problem in many countries in the world. How to take good care of the old becomes a big problem. The care homes in London come up with an amazing way to stop old people feeling lonely—giving them hens to look after.
The project is dreamed up by a local charity(慈善机构)to reduce loneliness and improve happiness among the old. It’s also used to help patients with dementia, a serious illness of the mind. Workers in care homes have reported a reduction(减少) in the use of medicine where hens are in use.
Among those taking part in the project is 80-year-old Ruth Xavier. She said, “I used to keep hens when I was younger and had to prepare their breakfast each morning before I went to school. I’m enjoying the creative activity, and it feels great to have done something useful.”
Wendy Wilson, a care manager at 60 Penfold Street, one of the first to take up the project, said, “People really welcome the idea of the project. We are looking forward to the advantages and fun the project can bring to people here.”
Lynn Lewis, director of Notting Hill Pathways, said, “We are happily take part in the project. It will really help bring our people together through a shared interest and creative activities.”
There are now 700 old people looking after hens in 20 care homes in the northeast. And now the charity is working hard to raise money for the project across the country.
26. What does the underlined word “them” refer to(指代)
A. Care homes. B. Old people. C. Patients. D. Workers.
27. The purpose of the project is to help the old .
A. improve their health B. reduce the use of medicine
C. fight against a mind illness D. reduce loneliness and improve happiness
28. What can we know about the three people in the passage
A. They all used to keep hens at a young age.
B. They are in the same community.
C. They all like the project.
D. They are all in their eighties.
29. What might the passage talk about next
A. How the charity raises money.
B. What other people think of the project.
C. How old people look after hens.
D. How the charity builds care homes around the country.
30. What’s the text
A. A story. B. A poem. C.An ad. D. An introduction.
In order to create paper and other wood products, people cut down millions of trees each year. So we should try our best to save paper to protect our environment. One useful way is to find paper substitutes(替代品). Here are some things that can replace paper products.
Use reusable cloths instead of paper products. Around the house, a lot of paper is wasted every year on things like paper towels. If you use lots of paper products for cleaning and drying, you can save plenty of paper by using reusable cloths.
Use real dishes instead of paper. Paper dishes may be convenient(方便的), but they aren’t good for the environment. Most paper plates just end up in the dustbin, meaning the paper isn’t even recycled properly. When you have a party or any time paper plates come out, ask people to use the real dishes instead.
Use your own cup instead of paper cups. One - off (一次性的) paper cups from coffee shops and restaurants are another way that lots of paper is wasted every year. Like paper plates, many paper cups end up in the dustbin and being hard to recycle. Why not use your own cup It’s green and healthy.
Send e - cards instead of paper cards. Lots of people like to send greeting cards for birthdays, holidays and other events, and this leads to plenty of paper waste. Not only the card itself is paper, but also it’s sent in a paper envelope (信封). Instead of sending paper greeting cards to all your friends and family in the mail, send e- cards for future celebrations.
31. Which of the following is an example of the second suggestion
32. are the suggestions mentioned in the passage.
① Use some cloths to clean tables. ② Send e - cards to greet friends.
③ Drink water with your cups in the restaurant.
④ Read some e- books online.
A. ②③④ B.①③④ C. ①②④ D. ①②③
33. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Most paper plates end up being wasted.
B. Most people don’t like using cloths at home.
C. E- cards are more popular than paper cards nowadays.
D. Real dishes are convenient and used widely.
34.What’s the structure(结构)of the passage
A. B. C. D.
35. The purpose of the passage is .
to call on people to plant more trees
B. to teach people how to use paper products less
C. to help people to give up using paper cards
D. to tell people the problem the earth faces
English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada. However, 36.______. It is the main language in over countries, including India, Singapore and many of the Caribbean and Pacific islands. In these places English is spoken as a second language.
37.______, like China and Japan. People in these countries use it for business, and travelers to these countries use English when they get there to communicate. Other people may learn English because they enjoy reading books in English, listening to British or American music or watching American films.
38.______. It is no longer right to talk about British English or American English if the speakers come or don’t come from those countries. People in Japan and Korea, for example, may use the American spelling but may not sound like Americans.
English will probably be the most widely used language in the world by the end of the 21st century. This language no longer belongs to British, American or Australian speakers.39.______. So, as a middle school student of English today, think about how you can use this language.40.______.
After you leave school, you will almost certainly need
English is spoken all over the
It belongs to anyone in the
English is also an international language in many other
English has changed a lot over the years and still goes on
Language is the bridge to communication. More than 3,000 languages are 41._____ on the earth today. Many of these languages are are spoken 42._____small groups of people. On the 43._____ hand, over 200 languages are spoken by one million or more people. Chinese is the language spoken by the 44._____ number of people in the world.
But English is most 45._____spoken in the world.
English is spoken by more than 400 46._____ people as their first language. It is spoken by most people in the U.S.A., Great Britain, Canada, Australia 47._____New Zealand. And it is 48._____ used very widely in many other countries of the world.
Look at the 49._____ of your watch. You may see the English words “Made 50._____ China, or Japan, even Germany.”English is the first language in 51._____ of these countries. Why are English words 52._____ on it That is 53._____ in the modern world English is widely used for business between different countries. So 54._____ language people speak, they need to know some English if they work in some fields. It is
55._____ that English language is becoming more important.
( ) 41. A. telling B. speaking C. told D. spoken
( ) 42. A. as B. by C. for D. with
( ) 43. A. other B. others C. another D. second
( ) 44. A. smallest B. bigger C. largest D. larger
( ) 45. A. wide B. wider C. widest D. widely
( ) 46. A. millions B. million C. hundred D. hundreds
( ) 47. A. but B. and C. when D. or
( ) 48. A. either B. as well C. also D. too
( ) 49. A. front B. left C. right D. back
( ) 50. A. with B. of C. in D. from
( ) 51. A. no one B. none C. nothing D. nobody
( ) 52. A. written B. wrote C. write D. writes
( ) 53. A. although B. if C. where D. because
( ) 54. A. however B. wherever C. whatever D. whenever
( ) 55. A. possible B. clear C. various D. necessary
第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
in big offer increase only produce order reason if rule
A report shows that the processing center has to deal with a lot of garbage every day. The garbage has 56._______ by over 2, 000 tons since last year. The main 57._______ for that is takeout food(外卖食品). To solve this problem, Beijing passed a rule last year. According to the 58.________, takeout food companies(公司), hotels, and restaurants
don’t 59.________ plastic boxes and bags for free any more.
Eleme, Meituan and Baidu, the three of China’s takeout food companies, receive about 60 million 60.________ every day. If each order 61.________ one plastic bag and two plastic boxes, the used boxes would be 2, 400 kilometers 62.________ a line. And 63.________we put the plastic bags together, they would cover 1. 2 million square meters—even 64.________ than 168 soccer fields. However, the government might need more methods to make the rule effective. But if customers ask takeout food companies to use plastic bags, what should the companies do So it is necessary to change people’s
eating habits, too. After all, we 65._______ have one earth.
56._______ 57._______ 58._______ 59._______ 60._______
61._______ 62._______ 63._______ 64._______ 65._______
第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整,每空限填一词。
Everyone may have a chance to make the world a better place. Teenagers can make 66._______ difference, too.
Kyle is a 16-year-old student in Wayne Hills High School. He joined a group called Right-to-Write 67._______ a volunteer. The group collect pencils and put them into bags. Then they give the bags to people who are traveling to poor countries. These travelers will give the pencils 68._______ people in need.One day, Kyle noticed a cleaner throwing a lot pencils away, so he began to go to different schools to collect pencils.So far, he 69.______ collected 3, 790 pencils in just one month. 70.______ a good job he has done!
66._______ 67._______ 68._______ 69._______ 70._______
A: Hi, Jim! How are you
B: Fine, thank you. And you
A: Fine, too. 71.________________
B: The day before yesterday. It was already 22:00 when I got home.
A: 72.________________
B: Great! I had a good time. The scenery there is very beautiful.
A: What are you doing now
B: 73._______________. I’m in an environment club. We do things to protect the environment regularly.
A: 74.________________
B: Once or twice a month.
A: Can I join the club
B: Of course. 75.________________. You can call it to join the club.
A: Thank you. Bye.
B: Bye.
Hello,ladies and gentlemen! I’m so glad to be here.
Thanks for listening!



