
1.(10分)Mike has been called "father of migratory bird (候鸟)".He(1)   care of birds for the past 15 years at the National Nature Reserve (保护区).
Mike started working at(2)    reserve in 2007.He helps and takes care of migratory birds there.The work is harder in winter(3)    the temperature falls to about ﹣35 C.Usually he looks after the birdhouse alone during winter.His co﹣workers (同事) arrive(4)
   him from early summer to autumn.
Mike also cares for wounded birds.They are usually(5)   wounded because of accidents or being attacked by other birds.Some of them(6)   by local villagers and sent to the reserve.He looks after (7)   with great care.Every time he feels pleased to see(8)
   the birds have the ability to fly again.
His job is meaningful not only to himself,but to the birds,who may die(9)    the necessary help.Because of his work,he has had many(10)   and knowledge about birds.It's also lovely to hear the wonderful birdsong every morning.
(1)A.takes B.took C.has taken
(2)A.a C.the
(3)A.when B.though
(4) B.helped help
(5)A.badly B.worse C.worst
(6)A.found B.are found C.will be found
(7)A.they B.them C.themselves
(8)A.that C.whether
(9)A.from B.without C.for
(10)A.experience B.experiences C.experiences'
2.(15分)Shane started fighting cancer from the early 2000s.In 2016,he knew he was dying.One day,he came home with a broken car with the hope of (1)   the car with his family.He thought the project would be a good way for the family to spend time together,leaving good (2)   .
Shane passed away in 2022.His family knew finishing the project would be (3)   .But they could not imagine (4)   the car because it was Shane's hope to finish fixing the car.
Bob,a friend of the family, (5)   automotive technology(汽车技术)in California.After knowing about the car,he thought perhaps his (6)   could finish the project.To his joy,they (7)   the idea.So did Shane's family.
Finishing the car was a(an) (8)   project.It took 22 students 15 months to fix all the(9)   .The students worked on the car during their free time or even during the summer months. "They were so hard﹣working," Bob said with a smile. "I'm really (10)   my students."
Finally,they (11)   the repaired car to the family. "It was very (12)   .I know they will have that car for a long time.It feels rewarding(值得的) to see our work (13)   ." said 17﹣year﹣old Judy.
Shane's family were (14)   . "They had no idea who we were,but they did it.This was(15)   a work of love." Shane's wife said.
(1)A.working on B.looking for C.getting on away
(2)A.abilities B.memories C.cultures D.wonders
(3)A.normal B.helpful C.hard D.strange
(4) up B.handing in C.dealing with up
(5)A.improves B.introduces C.sells D.teaches
(6)A.friends B.relatives C.students
(7)A.refused B.loved C.shared D.feared
(8)A.big B.simple C.impossible D.dangerous
(9)A.designs C.problems D.results
(10)A.proud of B.afraid of C.good with D.strict with
(11)A.bought B.lent C.presented D.described
(12)A.creative B.general C.private D.meaningful
(13) off B.take off C.sell out D.end up
(14)A.regretful B.known C.polite D.thankful
(15)A.hardly B.truly C.normally D.nearly
Halloween is coming!While it's only one day at the end of October,it's common for Halloween lovers to start decorating (装饰) their houses with jack﹣o'﹣lantern (南瓜灯) during the whole month of October. To make your Halloween decorations different from the traditional pumpkin lanterns,here's a quick how﹣to for making a watermelon jack﹣o'﹣lantern! What to prepare At first,you need a watermelon,a spoon,a pen and a candle to start creating. How to make a DIY watermelon jack﹣o'﹣lantern The first step is to make a hole in the watermelon.Make sure the hole is big enough for your candle.Then,use the spoon to take out the pulp ( 果 肉 ).Keep it and this will make a great snack for later!After that,to further improve your work,place the candle inside the jack﹣o'﹣lantern.Now,you can sit back to admire your cheerful creation. So,why not start making unforgettable memories today with this watermelon lantern?If you're interested,you can click on for more information.
(1)Why does the writer suggest making a watermelon jack﹣o'﹣lantern?    
A.Because it is traditional.
B.Because it lasts longer.
C.Because it is different.
D.Because it looks scary.
(2)How many things are needed to make a watermelon jack﹣o'﹣lantern?    
(3)What is the second step of making a DIY watermelon jack﹣o'﹣lantern?    
A.To make a hole.
B.To take out the pulp.
C.To draw a face.
D.To cut out the design.
(4)Where do people place the candle after finishing the lantern?    
A.On the lantern.
B.In the lantern.
C.Under the lantern.
D.Next to the lantern.
(5)Where is this passage most probably from?    
A.A storybook.
B.A science magazine.
C.A novel.
D.A website.
4.(10分)Imagine taking a flying taxi to the airport at rush hour,getting where you want to go faster than you could in a car.Believe it or not,it may be sooner than you think.In June
The air taxis will be flown by a pilot,and can carry four other passengers.They can fly as fast as 200 miles per hour and can go around 100 miles before it needs to be recharged ( 充电).
By 2025,the company hopes to start carrying passengers for money.They've created a program to fly people from their homes to the airport.The program is expected to start first in some big cities.It is expected that their air taxis will provide a ride﹣sharing service in the air.Just like you might use an app to order a car to pick you up,you could use an app to order an air taxi.
Compared with helicopters (直升机),the company says their taxis are both quieter and cheaper.But there's still a lot to do before air taxis become common.For one thing,governments need to make rules about where,and how these taxis can fly.And some people have concern about them.The taxis may be quieter,but they'll still be adding noise and traffic to our skies.Some people worry that only rich people will be able to afford to use them.
Still,it seems likely that air taxis will be part of the future of travel.
(1)How many people can an air taxi take at most?    
(2)How can people order an air taxi?    
A.By making a call.
B.By using an app.
C.By writing a letter.
D.By sending an email.
(3)What does the underlined word "concern" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?    
(4)What can we learn from Paragraph 4 ?    
A.Everyone can afford to use air taxis.
B.Governments need to make rules for air taxis.
C.Air taxis won't cause noise problems to skies.
D.Air taxis are widely accepted in the world.
(5)Which can be the best title for the passage?    
A.Flying Taxis Are Starting to Take Off.
B.Selling New Air Taxis is Allowed.
C.Air Taxis Face Problems in the Future.
D.Flying Taxis Are Good for Travelling.
(1)   Sarah would like to go on holiday on an island where there are cute animals and beautiful flowers to see. (2)   Jane is going to have some fun this weekend.She wants to try different rides at an amusement park. (3)   Paul wants to explore the magic of nature.He hopes to see the northern lights one day. (4)   Tom is interested in history.Recently,he has studied the culture of ancient Egypt. (5)   Eric likes riding bikes very much.He wants to go somewhere with many bike paths. A.Dominica is famous for its waterfalls,hot springs,and volcanoes(火山)(环境友好的). B.Do you want to see the northern lights?Canada's Churchil,Manitoba,has great views of them for 300 nights a year. C.You'll find healthy grass and flowers on Kangaroo Island,off the coast of Australia.Animals including koalas and kangaroos are waiting for you to visit. D.There are more than 70 rides in Chimelong Paradise,the largest amusement park in China.There are U﹣shaped Slide,Golden Cup,Music Boat,etc. E.Vienna is named the world's most comfortable city.Austria's capital has more than a thousand miles of bike paths,and green spaces cover half of its area. F.Chyulu Hills is a group of mountains in Kenya,Africa.The tallest hill,more than a Mile high,offers views of Mount Kilimanjaro. G.The Grand Egyptian Museum opened in Egypt,with views of the Great Pyramid(大金字塔).The museum houses 100,000 works of ancient art.
At only 20 years old,a student called George,is able to speak 19 languages.Most people in George's hometown speak both French and English.So when he was little(1) 
speaking French at home and learning English in school.His grandmother,who speaks Arabic (阿拉伯语),helped George practice his (2)   language when he was 10.From there,his love(3)   learning new languages grew.
George told his parents he really loved learning Arabic with his(4)   .His parents told him that there were places online(5)   he wanted to learn more languages.Then he taught (6)    most of the languages by using the Internet.George listened to music and watched movies in(7)   languages.He also talked with some friends who speak other languages.It might (8)   him five to six months to learn a language,but some like Japanese,took longer.
George enjoys(9)   his language skills allow him to learn about different cultures. "You can understand the world so much(10)   and on a much deeper level," he said.He has also found his skills very useful for travelling.On a trip to Japan,he was able to translate for his family.
7.(10分)Chinese people have enjoyed the beauty of lanterns for years.Lantern shows are held throughout the country on the Lantern Festival.Yuyuan Lantern Show in Shanghai and Qinhuai Lantern Show in Nanjing are two famous shows.In Northeast China,shows are held on snow and ice,creating a fantastic world of light and color.
When talking about Chinese lanterns,people would think about a city in Southwest China's Sichuan province,Zigong(金属丝) and cloth.To add to its beauty,Zigong craftsmen(工匠),such as silk,bamboo(瓷器).
Many visitors come to Zigong to enjoy lanterns and other fun activities.The skillful hands of Zigong craftsmen have also taken this show abroad.The lantern shows have been held in more than 70 countries around the world.Zigong lanterns are now a name card for their hometown,as well as their motherland.
(1)Where are the lantern shows held in Northeast China?    
(2)Which city is known as the City of Lanterns?    
(3)When did the custom of enjoying lanterns on festivals begin?    
(4)How do Zigong craftsmen make lanterns more beautiful?    
(5)How many countries have the lantern shows been held around the world?    
假如你是李明,你校外教 Frank 很喜欢中国文化。下周学校即将举办"中国折扇周"活动,你想要邀请 Frank 来参加。请你根据以下思维导图内容提示用英文写一封信。
注意: (1)可在思维导图内容提示的基础上适当拓展信息。 (2)不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现真实校名、地名和考生的真实姓名。 (3)语句连贯,词数 80 左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上。
Dear Frank,
I know you love Chinese culture a lot._____
Li Ming
3.【答案】CCBBD 4.【答案】DBCBA 5.【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)B(4)G(5)E
6.【答案】(1)spent (2)third (3)for (4)grandmother (5)if (6)himself (7)different (8)take (9)how (10)better
7.【答案】(1)In Northeast China,the lantern shows are held on snow and ice.
(2)The city of Zigong.(3)In the Tang Dynasty.
(4)By using many other materials,such as silk,bamboo,and even porcelain.
(5)More than 70 countries.
8.【答案】Dear Frank,
I know you love Chinese culture a lot.Next week,the school will hold the "China Folding Fan Week" event,and I would like to invite you to participate.Chinese folding fans are made of paper and bamboo.In ancient times,it was not only used for fanning,but also for decoration and other purposes.In my event,we will visit an exhibition of folding fans.We will also learn how to make folding fans.Finally,we will also watch its historical videos.I am looking forward to your arrival.
Li Ming



