
(全卷满分100分 90分钟完卷)
( ) 1.
( ) 2.
( ) 3.
( ) 4.
( ) 5.
( ) 6. A. Yes, I did. B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. What about you
( ) 7. A. My cousin. B. He is two years older than I.
C. We watched a talk show at home.
( ) 8. A. It has the worst service. B. I go there myself.
C. Because it is the closest to my home.
( ) 9. A. Yes. She usually does that. B. At least three times a month.
C. I have lunch at school.
( ) 10. A. It was too expensive. B. A large bowl of noodles.
C. I don’t like ice-cream.
( )11.Jim is______excellent student. He dreams of going into_____university in the future.
A. an; a B. a; / C. an; / D. the; the
( )12.Did your mother cook _________ for you on your birthday?
A.everything different B.different something C.anything different D.different anything
( )13.Mr. Bean enjoys __________ jokes and he often makes us__________.
A.to tell;to laugh B.telling;laugh C.tells;laugh D.telling;laughing
( )14. I can’t stand housework every day.
A. do B.doing C. to do D.of doing
( )15.--"_____does your teacher come to help you with your English?" --“Twice a week”
A. How much B.How long C. How often D.How many times
( )16.I think eating more_____food can help you keep____.
A.health,health B.health,healthy C.healthy,health D.healthy,healthy
( )17. The Yellow River is the second river in China.
A.long B.longer C. longest
( )18.I don’t want to _____ today, so I decide _____ my bicycle to work.
A. to walk, to ride B. walking, to ride C .walking, riding D. to walking, to ride
( )19.Doing morning exercises is good ________ your body.
to B. for C. at D.with
( )20. — I think math is as as English. — I don't think so. I feel English is much easier.
useful B.important C.good D. difficult
Many students have some __21_ For example, some students do not learn their school subjects__22_. Some are good at 23 and do well in many exams, _ 24_ they are doing very badly in sports and they do not have strong bodies. So their classmates always call___ 25___ bookworms" (书虫). So many students suffer from (遭受) stress(压力). The good news_26___that there are some ways to deal with (处理)stress.
Firstly,___ 27___ a healthy diet (饮食), getting enough sleep and doing exercise are very important. How can we be happy if we are unhealthy
As for schoolwork, making plans can be helpful. Making a list of the things they need to do and planning 28 to do them can help students organize (组织) their time. If you are weak (弱)in one subject, study hard and_ 29 a teacher for help.
Finally, 30 is useful and important for students to share their problems with their friends and family members.
21. A. friends B. problems C. happiness
22. A. good B. well C.great
23. A. learns B. learn C.learning
24. A. so B. and C. but
25. A. them B. they C. him
26.A. are B. were C. is
27. A. eating B.eat C. to eat
28. A. good B. weak C. strong
29. A. asking B. ask C. asks
30. A. it B. its C. that
Violin Player Wanted(招聘) Are you a lover of music Can you play he violin Can you sing or dance Join our Sunshine Rock Band(摇滚乐队). Please call Mike at5487-6598 or send an email to sunshine@ yahoo.
Hot Club Do you like to play table tennis Do you want to play it well Mr. Zhang is a good teacher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2: 30 to 5: 30. Telephone: 8665-7868 Address: Room 15, Lantian Hotel
Swimmer Wanted Can you swim Do you like children Can you teach them to swim on Sundays Come and join us. Call Joe at 8472-9999 for more information.
Summer Job Do you like to talk with people Do you like to work for a magazine?Then come and work as a reporter. Please call Karen at 5561-8823
31. What does Sunshine Rock Band need
A. A reporter. B. A violin player.
C. A swimming coach(教练) D. A table tennis coach.
32. If you can swim very well and like children very much, you will be more interested in the____ad(广告).
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
33. If you like writing, you can call_______for a job.
A.8472-9999 B.5561-8823 C.8665-7868 D.5487-6598
34. Your classmate wants to learn table tennis, so you can advise her to call________.
A. Joe B. Mr. Zhang C. Karen D. Mike
35. Where are the above ads probably from
A. A science book B. A history book C. A storybook. D. A newspaper.
Mary is reading something about how to keep healthy on the Internet.
Good sleep is important for your health. You need about seven hours’ sleep a night. Don’t eat or read in bed. Go to bed at the same time before midnight(午夜) and get up at the same time every day. For more information(信息), please visit www..
How often do you exercise If you want to stay healthy, try to exercise for 30 minutes a day, three or four times a week. For more information, please call Health Line at 180-2000.
Studies show that the cold or flu virus(流感病毒) can live on our hands for long. So you should wash your hands often with soap. For more ways to prevent(预防) the cold or flu, please call Health Line at 180-1313.
Brush your teeth twice a day and see a dentist at least(至少) once a year. The oral examination(口腔检查) is not only for the health of teeth, but the whole body. Please visit www. for more information.
( ) 36. If you want to get good sleep, you should _____.
A.go to bed at the same time every day B. get up late
C. read in bed D. eat something in bed
( ) 37. It’s good for you _____ if you don’t want to have a cold.
A. to take less exercise B. to brush your teeth twice a day
C. to go to bed late every night D. to wash your hands often
( )38. You should see a dentist at least once a year because _____.
A. you have a toothache B. you don’t often brush your teeth
C. the oral examination is important D. you don’t often exercise
( )39. Which of the following is NOT true
A. To keep healthy, you should brush your teeth every day.
B. Taking more exercise is good for your health.
C. Washing your hands often can prevent the flu.
D. Five hours’ sleep a night is enough(足够的) for you.
( ) 40. You can _____ if you want to learn more ways to prevent the flu.
A. visit www. B. call Health Line at 180-1313
C. visit www. D. call Health Line at 180-2000
It was Sunday yesterday. Bruce went to play football with his friends. Soon he felt hot and took off his coat. On his way home, he forgot to put it on again. This morning he felt unwell and couldn’t go to school. His mother told him to stay in bed and then went to buy some medicine for him. An hour later he wouldn’t lie there, so he stood by the window. The sun was shining and the birds were singing in the trees. Soon his mother came back and said, “It’s warmer outside. Go to sun yourself after you take the medicine. ”
Bruce went out and sat on a step and played alone. At that time a salesman (推销员)came up to him and asked, “Has your mother come back, my little friend ”
“Yes, sir,”answered the boy.
The man began to ring the doorbell, but nobody answered. He rang it for a long time and became angry.
“I don’t think you are an honest(诚实的)boy, ”said the salesman. “There’s no one in the house. You’ve played a joke on(捉弄)me! ”
“I don’t think so, sir,”said Bruce. “The house isn’t ours.”
( )41. Bruce caught a cold ______.
A. when he was playing football B. when he returned home
C. after he went to bed D. after he got up this morning
( )42. This morning Bruce didn’t go to school because ______.
A. their holiday began B. it was very cold
C. his mother made him stay at home D. he was ill(生病) and had to lie in bed
( )43. Bruce played alone this morning because _____.
A. he had no friends B. his friends were all at school
C. he had nothing to do at home D. his friends were all ill in bed
( )44. The word“sun”in the story means “______”.
A. 太阳 B. 月亮 C. 晒 D. 晒干
( )45. The salesman came to ______.
A. sell something to Bruce’s mother B. tell something important to Bruce’s mother
C. see Bruce’s mother D. help Bruce’s mother
Tony: Hello, Mike. The weekend is coming. 46 .
Mike: Yes, l'd love to. 47.
Tony: What about the Palace Museum There is a great show there.
Mike: That's really a wonderful place to visit. 48
Tony: We can see fine works of art there.
Mike: That sounds great. 49 .
Tony: The best way is to take the subway. It takes only 20 minutes.
Mike: All right. 50 .
Tony: Shall we meet at my home at 8 AM tomorrow
Mike: OK, see you tomorrow.
Tony: See you.
A. Would you like to go on a trip with me
B. How can we go there
C. When and where shall we meet
D. Then what can we do there
E. But where do we go
English is very important today. How can we learn English 51 (good) Different people have different 52 (idea). Our teacher,Miss Wang thinks reading English every day is very useful. My classmate Fangfang says that 53 (learn) English songs on the radio is 54 ( a ) good way to learn English words. Allen likes watching English films and TV programs 55 (because) he thinks they are useful for learning English. Betty thinks that taking notes is good 56 (for) English learning.She usually 57 (write) down all the key points in her notebook and studies them often. Henry tells 58 (we) to remember English grammar.He thinks it's good for us 59 .(make) up English conversations often. If we follow their advice(建议), we can improve our English 60 (real) fast. Let's have a try together!
51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60
六.阅读填空 (10分)
I’m a girl from Jiangxi。My favorite thing from childhood(童年)is my music box. I like it very much because it makes very beautiful music and it’s special to me.I put it on my desk and often play with it. My mother gave it to me when I was nine years old.
When I was a small child, my mother went to Shenzhen for work. I stayed in the countryside with my grandparents.I missed her very much.“I miss you, too,” my mother said to me on the phone. She said she would buy me a special gift when she came back.
I remember it was one winter. My mother went back home by train with a gift in her bag. When she opened the music box, it played very beautiful music。I liked it very much. “If you miss me,you can open the music box,” said my mother.
Time went by quickly。The holiday was so short and it was time for my mother to leave again. When I sent(送)her to the train station, I saw her eyes full of tears(泪水) “Don’t cry, Mom.Thank you for giving me a nice week. I will open the music box when I miss you,” I said. My mother said yes and got on the train.I knew the box would be the best gift in my life.
Passage outline Supporting details
Why does the writer like the music box Because it makes very 61 music and it's 62 to her。
Who gave the writer the music box? Her 63
Who did the writer live with when she was a small child Her 64
How did the writer’s mother go back home? By 65
61. 62. 63. 64. 65
Name Quality(质量) Prices Service
Meet you best high friendly
Kaiji good low not friendly
Morning better lowest friendlier
1——5 CBBAA
6——10 AACBA
11——15 ACBBC 16——20 DCABD
21——25 BBCCA 26——30 CAABA
31——35 BCBBD 36——40 ADCDB 41——45 DDCAA
46——50 AEDBC
51、well 52、ideas 53、learning 54、a 55、because
56、for 57、writes 58、us 59、to make 60、really



