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注意事项 1、答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准证号填写清楚,并认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名。 2、选择题部分必须使用2B铅笔填涂:非选择题部分必须使用0.5毫米及以上书写黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3、请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。 4、保持卷面清洁,不折叠,不破损。 贴 条 形 码 区
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此 区 域 请 勿 作 答
How to Keep a Healthy Life
听力:A B A C A
单选:C A C B B
31.B 32.B 33.A 34.A 35.C 36.C 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.D
worry about担心;take part in参加;take care of照顾;find out找到。根据“an eating competition”可知,此处指的是参加比赛,故选B。
beat打败;win赢得;lose失去;miss错过。根据“You could become famous and...prizes”可知,此处指的是“赢得奖品”,故选B。
most最多的;worst最差的;best最好的;fewest最少的。根据“pieces of chicken or the biggest number of eggs”可知,吃最多的鸡块,故选A。
probably可能;only只有;especially特别;hardly几乎不。根据“If you like a food, there’s...an eating competition for it.”可知,可能会有一场比赛,故选A。
if如果;after在……之后;because因为;when当……时。根据“Top eaters can eat an amazing amount of food. That’s...they train to stretch(撑大) their stomachs.”可知,他们吃惊人数量的食物时因为经过了训练,故选C。
filled装满;discovered发现;held举行;hid隐藏。根据“the eating competitions were...at county fairs”可知,饮食比赛是在县集市上举行的,故选C。
arms胳膊;faces脸;legs腿;hands手。根据“So the competitions were messy.”可知,参赛者不能用手,故选D。
business生意;program项目;life生活;health健康。根据“a hot dog restaurant wanted to promote...”可知,热狗店想要推广自己的生意,故选A。
read读;watch观看;guess猜测;hear听。根据“on TV”可知,此处指的是“在电视上观看”,故选B。
feel感觉;appear出现;seem似乎;stay维持。根据“eaters do exercise to...slim(苗条的)”可知,通过锻炼来保持苗条身材,故选D。
41-45:F B E A D
46: symbols 47: on 48:called 49: stand 50: snow
51: means 52: friendship 53: popular 54: least 55: successful
56-60: D B B D A
61-65: B C A A C
66-70: D C A D B
71-75: B E D A C
71: is leaving for/is going to leave for/will leave for
72: Smoking is bad for
73: ask him to
74: early to rise/early to get up
75: doesn’t worry about/isn’t worried aboutA. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes she does. C. We don’t know.
听第 12 段材料,回答第 13 至 15 小题。听之前你有 5 秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后。你有 5 秒钟时间作
本试题卷共 8 页,全卷满分 120 分,考试用时 120 分钟。 答。
★祝考试顺利★ 13. What did Michael play with yesterday
注意事项∶ A. An accident. B. His bike. C. His skateboard.
1.考生答题全部在答题卷上,答在认题卷上无效。 14. Which leg did Michael hurt
2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卷上所粘贴条形码的姓名、准考证号码是否与本人相符合,再将自已的姓名、 A. The left one. B. The right one. C. Both.
准考证号码用 0.5 毫米的黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卷及试题卷上。 15. What will they do
3.选择题作答必须用 2B 铅笔将答题卷上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用像皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答 A. To visit Michael. B. To play with skateboard. C. To call Michael.
案。非选择题作答必须用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水答宇笔写在答题卷上指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。 第四节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
4.做听力部分时,先将答案标在试题卷上。录音内容结束后,再将试题卷上的答案转涂到答题卷上。 听短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出所给问题的答案,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听短文
5.考生不得折叠答题卷,保持答题卷的整洁。考试结束后,请将试题卷和答题卷一并上交。 前你有 15 秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有 10 秒钟时间作答。短文读两次。
16. When shall people exercise according to the material(材料)
第一部分 听力(共四节,满分 25 分) A. After dinner. B. Before getting up. C. When the daytime comes..
17.Which part is exercise good for in this material
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) A. Our heart . B. Our legs. C. Our hands.
根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语.并标在试题卷的相应,位置。听完每个句 18.How often does the speaker suggest us to exercise
子后你有 4 秒钟时间作答和阅读下一小题。每个句子读两次。 A. Twice a week. B. Every day. C. Every two days.
1. A. Not bad. B. And you C. Maybe. 19.How long does the speaker suggest us to exercise a day
2. A. I can do it. . B. Michael, I am sorry for what I said. C. Never mind. A. An hour. B.30 mins. C.As much as possible.
3. A. Speaking. B. I’m Mike. C. Yes, I do. 20.Which kind of exercise is not mentioned in this material
4. A. I think so. B. I will. C. See you. A. Walk. B. Run C. Jump.
5. A. I hope so. B. Wish you success! C. You are so clever!
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 第二部分 语言运用(共四节,满分 30 分)
听 5 段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试题卷的相应位置。 第一节(共 10 小题,每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分)
听完每段对话后,你有 5 秒钟时间作答和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 请从下列各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个可以填人空白处的最佳选项。
6. What is Lily good at 21. YaoMing played for the Houston Rockets in the NBA.
A. Running. B. Jumping C. Skating. Yes, he is one of most famous basketball players.
7. What caused the headache A. a B. an C. the
A. Staying up late.. B. Watching TV. C. The cold. 22. Does Wang Junfeng prefer rowing swimming
8. How many pills will the girl take a day A. to B. than C.as
A. Two. B. Three. C. Six. 22.Would you mind not playing basketball in our classroom
9. Why is the boy reading in the sun .
A. Because he enjoys it. B. The article is interesting. C. Reading in the sun is good for his eyes. A. Not too bad. B. Thanks. C, Sorry, I won’t.
10. Where may they be 24. Michael, I am sorry for just now.
A. The classroom. B. The library. C. The playground. A. what I say B. what I said C.I said what.
第三节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 25. With years history, it is popular with all the ages now.
听两段长对话,每段对话后分别有几个小题.从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案.并标在试题卷的相应位置。 A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. two hundreds of
每段对话读两遍。 26.Don’t shout me like that.
听第 11 段材料,回答第 11 至 12 小题。听之前你有 5 秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有 5 秒钟时间作答. A.at B.in C. on
11.What's wrong with the young man 27. When shall we meet -----Let’s it half past six.
A. He has a backache. B. He has a headache. C. He has the flu. A. meet B.do C, make
12.Does the girl suggest Kangkang to see a doctor 28. The five rings the five parts of the world.
A. stand for B. stand by C. stand with A. rest B. medicine C. wrong
29. Mom , this apple is bad. Please give me one. D. follow E. matter F. dentist.
A. other B. others C. another 41. I am sorry to hear you had a toothache, I think you should see a .
30. Michael this book his, but it’s mine. 42. You may have a cold. You’d better take some .
A. regarded; to B. regarded; as C. regarded; like 43. What’s the with you ----I have a bad headache.
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 44. You look tired, mom. I think you should take a .
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 45. Please the teacher’s advice and you will do better next time.
Is there a food that you love to eat Can you eat a lot of it If you can, you could 31 an eating competition. You 第四节(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填人一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过 3 词)。
could become famous and 32 prizes.
Mascots(吉祥物)are great 46 (symbol) of sporting events. You may remember the five cute “Fuwa”
People eat all kinds of things in eating competitions. They try to eat the 33 pieces of chicken or the biggest
dolls from the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Now, get ready to meet two new mascots.
number of eggs. If you like a food, there 34 be an eating competition for it.
47 Sept 17, a giant panda with a white helmet(头盔)named “Bing Dwen Dwen”, and a red lantern baby
Top eaters can eat lots of food. That’s 35 they train to stretch(撑大) their stomachs. They train to eat fast, too.
48 (call)“Shuey Rhon Rhon”, will be the two mascots for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic
At first, the eating competitions were 36 at county fairs. People at those competitions tried to eat the most pies.
Games. The giant panda is a symbol of China, and the red lantern is important on Chinese New Year. At the same time,
Eaters weren’t allowed to use their 37 . So the competitions were messy.
the panda’s helmet(头盔) 49 (stand) for modern society and its white color is a symbol of the snow and ice of
Later, a hot dog restaurant wanted to promote(促进) their 38 . So, they had a hot dog eating competition. People
winter sports.
loved it. Now, they 39 it on TV every year. In 2016, the winner ate 70 hot dogs in 10 minutes. He took home $10,
“The two mascots both show traditional Chinese culture and a modern international style, as well as the
characteristics(特征)of ice and 50 sports”, Beijing 2022 Games executive president Chen Jining said.
After a competition, eaters do exercise to 40 slim(苗条的). It helps them keep competing and winning.
The two mascots’ names show Chinese people’s understanding of the Olympic spirit(精神). “Bing” and “Shuey”
31.A.worry about B.take part in C.take care of D.join
are equal to “ice” and “snow” in English. “Dwen Dwen” 51 “lively” and “Rhon Rhon” means “tolerance(包
32.A.beat B.win C.lose D.miss
容)” and “integration(融合)”. “They both show the Olympic spirit, such as passion(激情), 52 (friend)and
33.A.most B.worst C.best D.fewest
mutual understanding,” Chen said.
34.A.may B.must C.should D.had better
Because of the cute looks of the two mascots, they are 53 (p pj l (r))with all ages in China. Nowadays,
35.A.if B.after C.because D.when
people often buy one or two as a gift for their friends. Children like them best. Most children are proud to have at
36.A.filled B.did C.held D.loved
54 (less)one of them. In terms of appearance-design, “Shuey Rhon Rhon” and “Bing Dwen Dwen” are the most
37.A.arms B.faces C.legs D.hands
55 (success)of all the mascots.
38.A.business B.visitors C.life D.health
39.A.read B.watch C.guess D.hear 第三部分 阅读理解( 共两节.满分 40 分)
第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)
40.A.feel B.look C.sound D.taste 从每题所给的 A、B、C.、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
第三节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) There are 30 students in Jim’s class. But on Monday morning, his teacher found some of them were not feeling well
选项中有一个是多余的。) and didn’t come to school. What’s the matter
When it healthy or not. Read on and check your habits now. Here are five good eating habits for you.
Name What the matter was The doctor’s advice
started Drink plenty of water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You may need even more water after exercising.
Don’t miss breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of a day. You will have more energy after eating
Last Take the medicine three times a day and stay in bed for four
Jane Have a stomachache breakfast.
Friday days.
Eat a light lunch every day. If you don’t have time to go out, take a sandwich with you for a quick lunch. Don’t eat
Last lunch which has too much oil. Too much oil will be bad for your health.
Jack Have a headache Take the medicine twice a day and rest for three days.
Saturday Eat fruits and vegetables. We should eat fruits and vegetables every day. Add a banana to your breakfast, have some
salad at lunch, eat some vegetables at dinner.
Last Take the medicine four times a day, drink lots of water and
Kate Have a cold
Don’t eat dinner late. Try to have dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. Your body needs time to digest most
Friday rest for five days.
of the food before you rest for 8 hours.
Bob Have a fever Take the medicine four times a day and rest for two days. 61.After exercising, you need ________.
A.8 glasses of water B.more than 8 glasses of water
Last C.no water D.less than 8 glasses of water
Eric Have a sore throat Drink a lot of water and rest for five days.
Thursday 62.If your friend Jack doesn’t like to eat carrots or onions, you can ask him to follow ________ in the passage.
56.Why didn’t Bob go to school A.the second habit B.the third habit C.the fourth habit D.the fifth habit
A.Because he had a stomachache. B.Because he had a cold. 63.The underlined word “digest” means ________ in Chinese.
C.Because he had a sore throat. D.Because he had a fever. A.消化 B.休息 C.品尝 D.控制
57.If Jack went to see a doctor on Saturday, when can he go to school according to the doctor 64.The writer asks us not to ________.
A.Monday. B.Tuesday. C.Thursday. D.Friday. A.miss breakfast B.eat dinner early C.eat fruits D.eat lunch
58. How many students in Jim’s class are in school according to the table 65.Here are some people and their eating habits. Which one is not healthy
A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 5. A.Tony drinks at least 8 glasses of water a day.
59. According to doctor’s advice, who will rest for the longest(最长的) time? B.Tom eats fruits and vegetables every day.
A . Jane. B. Eric. C. Kate. D. Both B and C. C.Lisa doesn’t have time to go out for lunch and she never eats lunch.
60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage D.Rose always goes to bed at 10: 00 p. m. and has dinner at about 7: 00 p. m.
A.Jane and Kate fell ill on the same day. B.Jack and Eric should take some medicine twice a day.
C.Bob should take the medicine for four days. D.Jim is a teacher in a middle school. Scientists(科学家) find that music is important in preparing(准备) for a sports game. They say that listening to the
right music helps people train hard(努力训练) and feel good after training. A lot of sportspeople now use music to help
Everybody knows that healthy eating habits are important. You may want to know whether your eating habits are them prepare for sports games.
Listening to the right music is important for all of us. We all know that doing some exercise is important, but many James has been one of the most marketable players in sports, and he also started in a big movie. 73 But this
of us don’t like doing it. Listening to music can make exercise more interesting, and help people keep doing it. Every is just a little part of James’ plan of getting into Hollywood. He also set up his own film company(公司). It works with
evening I go running for exercise. Maybe I can make my exercise fun and easy this evening by listening to some music. Disney, cartoons and story films.
But not all sportspeople like listening to music in their training or games. One sportsman says that he needs to 74 James gets more hate tweet(s 推文) than any other player in the NBA.He got more than 100,000
concentrate(集中注意力) before a game, but he can’t do it when he is listening to music. hate tweets within a month. That’s about three times the next most-hated NBA player. 75 On the other
根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 hand, James has a special kind of popularity. Of the NBA’s top 25 most-watched games this season, 6 are James’
66.Listening to the right music can help sportspeople ________. team—the Los Angeles Lakers.
A.eat well B.sleep well C.finish training quickly D.prepare for a sports game A. Like most famous players, people either love James or hate him.
B. His hometown is Ohio, US, and he is 206 cm.
67.Why is it important for us to listen to the right music C. People hate him for his opinions and for always doing and saying what he likes.
①All the sportspeople like listening to music in their training or games. D. The movie made lots of money around the world.
E. He’s still making history by setting NBA records.
②It makes exercise more fun.
③It helps people keep exercising. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 25 分)
第一节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
④It helps people remember happy things. 根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。
A.①② B.③④ C.②③ D.②④ 76. 我叔叔明天将要动身前往恩施。(leave)
My uncle Enshi tomorrow.
68.What does the writer do every evening
77. 吸烟对我们的身体不好。(smoke)
A.He runs. B.He swims. C.He plays tennis. D.He plays basketball. our health
78. 我必须让他戒烟。(ask)
69.What does the underlined word ”it“ mean
I must give up smoking.
A.doing well in a game B.doing training for a game 79 早睡早起。(rise)
Early to bed .
C.knowing more about a game D.concentrating before a game
80. Sarah 一点都不担心她的健康。(worry)
70.What’s the best title(最好标题) of this passage Sarah her health at all.
第二节(共 1 小题;满分 15 分)
A.Fun Sports B.Music and Sports C.Relaxing Music D.Exercise and Health
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 学校广播站正在征集一些关于健康生活的文章,请你写一篇有关于如何健康生活的文章进行投稿,
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用入一次。 提示:1.养成良好的生活习惯,包括勤刷牙,勤换衣服,勤洗澡,勤剪指甲等等…
D 2.保持生活环境(教室,卧室……)的干净,保持空气清新等。
LeBron James has long been the heart of his team and the face of the NBA.His skills and personality have helped 3.坚持体育锻炼,不吸烟,不熬夜等
要求:作文必须包含以上所有的提示要点,可适当发挥。文章词数 80 词左右。
him become a global brand(全球品牌). James is, in his own words, “more than a player”.
How to Keep a Healthy Life
LeBron James’ birthday was Dec 30, 1984. 71 . _________________________________________________________________________________________________
James is in his 19th year as an NBA player. Most NBA fans still can’t get enough of him. He doesn’t let them down.
72 . _________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. How are you feeling
2. How about saying sorry to Michael
3. Hello, is Mike in
4. See you then.
5. I believe you will win.
W: Which sport will you take part in, Lily
M: I am good at jumping, so I would like to take part in the long jump.
W: You look tired. What’s wrong with you
M: I went to bed late last night, and I have a bad headache now.
M: Take two pills, three times a day.
W: OK, I will.
W: You shouldn’t read in the sun. It’s bad for your eyes.
M: Thank you, but this article is too interesting.
W: Would you mind passing me the ball again
M: Of course not!
听第11段材料,回答第11至12 小题。听之前你有5秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有5秒钟时间作答.
W : Did you go to bed very late, Kangkang You look so tired.
M: Yes, I watched TV for so long. And it was too cold last night.
W: So you had a cold, right
M:Yes, I have a bad headache. I need a good rest.
W: You should stay in bed and take some medicine, Drink enough boiled water. You will be better soon.
M: Do you know that Michael had an accident yesterday
W: I am sorry to hear that. What happened
M: He fell down from his skateboard and hurt his left leg.
W: How poor he is. Is he in hospital now
M: Yes, shall we visit him now
W: Let’s go.
听短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出所给问题的聂答案,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听短文前你有 15 秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有10 秒钟时间作答。短文读两次。
Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong.
When the daytime comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Exercise means doing things with the body. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: you have to like what you're doing. Exercise enough but not too much. It's good to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you.
Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise 2023年秋季学期咸丰县城区四校联考八年级英语试题卷
第一部分 听力(共四节,满分 25分)
1. A. Not bad. B. And you C. Maybe.
2. A. I can do it. . B. Michael, I am sorry for what I said. C. Never mind.
3. A. Speaking. B. I’m Mike. C. Yes, I do.
4. A. I think so. B. I will. C. See you.
5. A. I hope so. B. Wish you success! C. You are so clever!
6. What is Lily good at
A. Running. B. Jumping C. Skating.
7. What caused the headache
A. Staying up late.. B. Watching TV. C. The cold.
8. How many pills will the girl take a day
A. Two. B. Three. C. Six.
9. Why is the boy reading in the sun
A. Because he enjoys it. B. The article is interesting. C. Reading in the sun is good for his eyes.
10. Where may they be
A. The classroom. B. The library. C. The playground.
听第11段材料,回答第11至12 小题。听之前你有5秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有5秒钟时间作答.
11.What's wrong with the young man
A. He has a backache. B. He has a headache. C. He has the flu.
12.Does the girl suggest Kangkang to see a doctor
A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes she does. C. We don’t know.
13. What did Michael play with yesterday
A. An accident. B. His bike. C. His skateboard.
14. Which leg did Michael hurt
A. The left one. B. The right one. C. Both.
15. What will they do
A. To visit Michael. B. To play with skateboard. C. To call Michael.
第四节(共5小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分)
听短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出所给问题的答案,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听短文前你有 15 秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有10 秒钟时间作答。短文读两次。
16. When shall people exercise according to the material(材料)
A. After dinner. B. Before getting up. C. When the daytime comes..
17.Which part is exercise good for in this material
A. Our heart . B. Our legs. C. Our hands.
18.How often does the speaker suggest us to exercise
A. Twice a week. B. Every day. C. Every two days.
19.How long does the speaker suggest us to exercise a day
A. An hour. B.30 mins. C.As much as possible.
20.Which kind of exercise is not mentioned in this material
A. Walk. B. Run C. Jump.
第二部分 语言运用(共四节,满分30分)
第一节(共 10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)
21. YaoMing played for the Houston Rockets in the NBA.
Yes, he is one of most famous basketball players.
A. a B. an C. the
22. Does Wang Junfeng prefer rowing swimming
A. to B. than C.as
22.Would you mind not playing basketball in our classroom
A. Not too bad. B. Thanks. C, Sorry, I won’t.
24. Michael, I am sorry for just now.
A. what I say B. what I said C.I said what.
25. With years history, it is popular with all the ages now.
A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. two hundreds of
26.Don’t shout me like that.
A.at B.in C. on
27. When shall we meet -----Let’s it half past six.
A. meet B.do C, make
28. The five rings the five parts of the world.
A. stand for B. stand by C. stand with
29. Mom , this apple is bad. Please give me one.
A. other B. others C. another
30. Michael this book his, but it’s mine.
A. regarded; to B. regarded; as C. regarded; like
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Is there a food that you love to eat Can you eat a lot of it If you can, you could 31 an eating competition. You could become famous and 32 prizes.
People eat all kinds of things in eating competitions. They try to eat the 33 pieces of chicken or the biggest number of eggs. If you like a food, there 34 be an eating competition for it.
Top eaters can eat lots of food. That’s 35 they train to stretch(撑大) their stomachs. They train to eat fast, too.
At first, the eating competitions were 36 at county fairs. People at those competitions tried to eat the most pies. Eaters weren’t allowed to use their 37 . So the competitions were messy.
Later, a hot dog restaurant wanted to promote(促进) their 38 . So, they had a hot dog eating competition. People loved it. Now, they 39 it on TV every year. In 2016, the winner ate 70 hot dogs in 10 minutes. He took home $10, 000.
After a competition, eaters do exercise to 40 slim(苗条的). It helps them keep competing and winning.
31.A.worry about B.take part in C.take care of D.join
32.A.beat B.win C.lose D.miss
33.A.most B.worst C.best D.fewest
34.A.may B.must C.should D.had better
35.A.if B.after C.because D.when
36.A.filled B.did C.held D.loved
37.A.arms B.faces C.legs D.hands
38.A.business B.visitors C.life D.health
39.A.read B.watch C.guess D.hear
40.A.feel B.look C.sound D.taste
A. rest B. medicine C. wrong D. follow E. matter F. dentist.
41. I am sorry to hear you had a toothache, I think you should see a .
42. You may have a cold. You’d better take some .
43. What’s the with you ----I have a bad headache.
44. You look tired, mom. I think you should take a .
45. Please the teacher’s advice and you will do better next time.
第四节(共 10小题;每小题1分,满分10 分)
Mascots(吉祥物)are great 46 (symbol) of sporting events. You may remember the five cute “Fuwa” dolls from the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Now, get ready to meet two new mascots.
47 Sept 17, a giant panda with a white helmet(头盔)named “Bing Dwen Dwen”, and a red lantern baby
48 (call)“Shuey Rhon Rhon”, will be the two mascots for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. The giant panda is a symbol of China, and the red lantern is important on Chinese New Year. At the same time, the panda’s helmet(头盔) 49 (stand) for modern society and its white color is a symbol of the snow and ice of winter sports.
“The two mascots both show traditional Chinese culture and a modern international style, as well as the characteristics(特征)of ice and 50 sports”, Beijing 2022 Games executive president Chen Jining said.
The two mascots’ names show Chinese people’s understanding of the Olympic spirit(精神). “Bing” and “Shuey” are equal to “ice” and “snow” in English. “Dwen Dwen” 51 “lively” and “Rhon Rhon” means “tolerance(包容)” and “integration(融合)”. “They both show the Olympic spirit, such as passion(激情), 52 (friend)and mutual understanding,” Chen said.
Because of the cute looks of the two mascots, they are 53 (p pj l (r))with all ages in China. Nowadays, people often buy one or two as a gift for their friends. Children like them best. Most children are proud to have at
54 (less)one of them. In terms of appearance-design, “Shuey Rhon Rhon” and “Bing Dwen Dwen” are the most
55 (success)of all the mascots.
第三部分 阅读理解( 共两节.满分40分)
第一节(共 15小题; 每小题2分,满分 30分)
从每题所给的 A、B、C.、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
There are 30 students in Jim’s class. But on Monday morning, his teacher found some of them were not feeling well and didn’t come to school. What’s the matter
Name What the matter was When it started The doctor’s advice
Jane Have a stomachache Last Friday Take the medicine three times a day and stay in bed for four days.
Jack Have a headache Last Saturday Take the medicine twice a day and rest for three days.
Kate Have a cold Last Friday Take the medicine four times a day, drink lots of water and rest for five days.
Bob Have a fever Last Sunday Take the medicine four times a day and rest for two days.
Eric Have a sore throat Last Thursday Drink a lot of water and rest for five days.
56.Why didn’t Bob go to school
A.Because he had a stomachache. B.Because he had a cold.
C.Because he had a sore throat. D.Because he had a fever.
57.If Jack went to see a doctor on Saturday, when can he go to school according to the doctor
A.Monday. B.Tuesday. C.Thursday. D.Friday.
58. How many students in Jim’s class are in school according to the table
A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 5.
59. According to doctor’s advice, who will rest for the longest(最长的) time?
A . Jane. B. Eric. C. Kate. D. Both B and C.
60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Jane and Kate fell ill on the same day. B.Jack and Eric should take some medicine twice a day.
C.Bob should take the medicine for four days. D.Jim is a teacher in a middle school.
Everybody knows that healthy eating habits are important. You may want to know whether your eating habits are healthy or not. Read on and check your habits now. Here are five good eating habits for you.
Drink plenty of water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You may need even more water after exercising.
Don’t miss breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of a day. You will have more energy after eating breakfast.
Eat a light lunch every day. If you don’t have time to go out, take a sandwich with you for a quick lunch. Don’t eat lunch which has too much oil. Too much oil will be bad for your health.
Eat fruits and vegetables. We should eat fruits and vegetables every day. Add a banana to your breakfast, have some salad at lunch, eat some vegetables at dinner.
Don’t eat dinner late. Try to have dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. Your body needs time to digest most of the food before you rest for 8 hours.
61.After exercising, you need ________.
A.8 glasses of water B.more than 8 glasses of water
C.no water D.less than 8 glasses of water
62.If your friend Jack doesn’t like to eat carrots or onions, you can ask him to follow ________ in the passage.
A.the second habit B.the third habit C.the fourth habit D.the fifth habit
63.The underlined word “digest” means ________ in Chinese.
A.消化 B.休息 C.品尝 D.控制
64.The writer asks us not to ________.
A.miss breakfast B.eat dinner early C.eat fruits D.eat lunch
65.Here are some people and their eating habits. Which one is not healthy
A.Tony drinks at least 8 glasses of water a day.
B.Tom eats fruits and vegetables every day.
C.Lisa doesn’t have time to go out for lunch and she never eats lunch.
D.Rose always goes to bed at 10: 00 p. m. and has dinner at about 7: 00 p. m.
Scientists(科学家) find that music is important in preparing(准备) for a sports game. They say that listening to the right music helps people train hard(努力训练) and feel good after training. A lot of sportspeople now use music to help them prepare for sports games.
Listening to the right music is important for all of us. We all know that doing some exercise is important, but many of us don’t like doing it. Listening to music can make exercise more interesting, and help people keep doing it. Every evening I go running for exercise. Maybe I can make my exercise fun and easy this evening by listening to some music.
But not all sportspeople like listening to music in their training or games. One sportsman says that he needs to concentrate(集中注意力) before a game, but he can’t do it when he is listening to music.
66.Listening to the right music can help sportspeople ________.
A.eat well B.sleep well C.finish training quickly D.prepare for a sports game
67.Why is it important for us to listen to the right music
①All the sportspeople like listening to music in their training or games.
②It makes exercise more fun.
③It helps people keep exercising.
④It helps people remember happy things.
A.①② B.③④ C.②③ D.②④
68.What does the writer do every evening
A.He runs. B.He swims. C.He plays tennis. D.He plays basketball.
69.What does the underlined word ”it“ mean
A.doing well in a game B.doing training for a game
C.knowing more about a game D.concentrating before a game
70.What’s the best title(最好标题) of this passage
A.Fun Sports B.Music and Sports C.Relaxing Music D.Exercise and Health
LeBron James has long been the heart of his team and the face of the NBA.His skills and personality have helped him become a global brand(全球品牌). James is, in his own words, “more than a player”.
LeBron James’ birthday was Dec 30, 1984. 71 .
James is in his 19th year as an NBA player. Most NBA fans still can’t get enough of him. He doesn’t let them down.
72 .
James has been one of the most marketable players in sports, and he also started in a big movie. 73 But this is just a little part of James’ plan of getting into Hollywood. He also set up his own film company(公司). It works with Disney, cartoons and story films.
74 James gets more hate tweets(推文) than any other player in the NBA.He got more than 100,000 hate tweets within a month. That’s about three times the next most-hated NBA player. 75 On the other hand, James has a special kind of popularity. Of the NBA’s top 25 most-watched games this season, 6 are James’ team—the Los Angeles Lakers.
A. Like most famous players, people either love James or hate him. B. His hometown is Ohio, US, and he is 206 cm. C. People hate him for his opinions and for always doing and saying what he likes. D. The movie made lots of money around the world. E. He’s still making history by setting NBA records.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 25分)
76. 我叔叔明天将要动身前往恩施。(leave)
My uncle Enshi tomorrow.
77. 吸烟对我们的身体不好。(smoke)
our health
78. 我必须让他戒烟。(ask)
I must give up smoking.
79 早睡早起。(rise)
Early to bed .
80. Sarah一点都不担心她的健康。(worry)
Sarah her health at all.
第二节(共1小题;满分 15分)
How to Keep a Healthy Life



