
一、从下列每组单词中选出一个不同类的单词。 (10分)
( ) 1. A.window B.blackboard C.candy
( ) 2. A.brother B.grandma C.thin
( ) 3. A.desk B.clean C.open
( ) 4. A.five B.nine C.rice
( ) 5. A.tall B.strong C. nose
1.Let me clean the .(教室)
2.What’s in your (书包)
3.The (门)is orange.
4.I lost my (笔记本).
5.My friend has black (眼镜).
例:(风扇afn) fan 1.(图片ricptue)
2.(头发ahir) 3.(玩具yot)
4.(故事)( ysotr) 5.(窗户wdowin)
四、用“have, has”和be动词的正确形式填空。(20分)
1.He______big eyes and a small mouth. His shoes____blue.
2.I______a new friend and she______brown hair.
班级__________ 姓名 ___________ 学号 ____ 等级_______
3.John______a big nose. He____friendly.
4.This_____my classroom. It_____six windows.
5.Look! My dog_______four little shoes. They_____so cute!
( )1. ––What color is your desk
–– _______
A. It’s a door B. It’s green.
( )2. –– Where is my maths book
–– _______
A. Good idea! B. It’s near the door.
( )3. My friend_____thin and he____short hair.
is, have B. is , has
( )4. ______John
A. He am B. Is he
( )5. –– How many books do you have?
A. He has six. B. I have six.
( )6. ––What’s in your box ––_______
No, I don’t. B. It’s a book
( )7.––Let me help you!
A.Yes. B. Thank you.
( )8. ––______are you
––I’m in the classroom.
A. Where B.What
( )9. —What’s his name
––_______name is Bob.
A. His B. his.
( )10. Let ____ clean the teacher’s desk.
is B. me
六、 选择正确的答案,将序号填在句子前的括号里。(10分)
1. ( ) Who’s that man A. It’s red.
2. ( ) Where are my gloves B. Her name is Amy.
3. ( ) What colour is your bag C. He is my father.
4. ( )Is she your mother D. No, she isn’t .
5. ( ) What’s her name E. They are on the table.
七 、连词成句,注意字母大小写和标点符号。(10分)
1. schoolbag, is, My, heavy ( . )
2. classroom,your,in,is,What( )
3. your, book, under, English, Put, your, desk (.)
4. have, Chinese, a, We, friend( . )
5. is, Zhang Peng , tall, strong, and( )
Look! It’s a picture. It’s our new classroom. It’s big. We clean the classroom every week. Look here! Bob cleans the blackboard. Lucy cleans the teacher’s desk.Lily cleans the windows. Adam cleans the floor. Bob is my new friend. He is tall and thin. Adam is my new friend, too. He is an English boy. Lucy has two big eyes. Lily has long hair. I love our new classroom. I love my friends.
( ) 1.Lucy cleans the teacher's desk.
( ) 2.Lucy is my new friend.
( ) 3. Lily has two big eyes and long hair.
( ) 4.Adam is an English boy.
( ) 5. Bob and I are good friends.



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