Unit5 My future Lesson29 同步练习(1课时含解析)

Unit5 Lesson29 Our ambitions and …同步练习
The students in Class One have .
Some people are doing their homework, and are reading.
Our teacher encourages us .
They are very their children.
The thing is the right path for you.
6.Where do you want to go, Guilin, Dalian or Guangzhou You only have one (choose).
7.These days we are talking about (ambition).
8.We need to know (us).
9.There are three (path) to Jim's house.
10.Tina is going to be a football (play).
1.My grandfather is a f . He hopes to catch a lot of fish every day.
2.Lynn's sister works at a police office. She is a young p .
3.Peter is good at painting. His dream is to be an (艺术家).
4.Judy's parents are (严厉的) with her. She has to finish her homework before dinner every day.
5.The boy made a mistake, but his mother didn't (惩罚) him.
(  )16.Miss White Sarah for eating in English class.
A.punished B.encouraged
C.moved D.helped
(  )17.These live on a small island. They live by fishing.
A.artists B.fishermen
C.policemen D.managers
(  )18.—Oh, my God. We have missed the last bus. What shall we do
—I'm afraid we have no but to take a taxi.
A.advice B.choice
C.plan D.project
(  )19.My parents are often strict me.
A.in B.by
C.with D.of
(  )20.My cousin's ambition is to be a dancer she is older.
A.because B.when
C.if D.but
21.well, you, do, how, know, yourself

22.you, basketball, a, going, are, to, be, player

23.hope, I, be, to, good, teacher, a
24.singing, good, my sister, is, at
25.is, to, it, hard, choice, a, right, make
As teenagers, you have many 26. (dream). These dreams can be very big, such 27. winning the Nobel Prize or they can be small—you may just want to become the 28._________(good) student in your class. Once(一旦) you find a dream, what do you do with it
You may think that you're not very good 29. some school subjects or it's impossible for you to become a 30. (write). These kinds of thoughts stop you from 31. (get)your dream. In fact, everyone can make his dream 32. (come) true. You must never give up your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty comes from 33. ________ (you). You need to decide what is 34. most important.
Without dreams, you won't 35. (make) up your mind to learn more skills and find new interests.
Most people have ambitions. An ambition is 36 we want to do or want to have. A student's ambition, for example, may be to 37 his or her exams and then get a good job. A player's ambition is to 38 an important competition. A businessman's ambition is usually to 39 a lot of money.
However, not all ambitions are 40 success at work. Some people just want to be good people, have a happy family or help others.
Ben's ambition is to be a sports 41 . He writes reports about sports for the school newspaper. He likes most sports, 42 swimming and football are his favourites. Judy's ambition is to be a pianist like Lang Lang. She is very serious about it and 43 paino every day with her best friend Lily. Harry's ambition 44 every day! Today he wants to be an actor. The next day he wants to be a pop singer. The third day he wants to drive a race car. His mother would be 45 if his ambition was to get up in time for school every day!
(  )36.A.something B.anything
C.nothing D.everything
(  )37.A.learn B.pass
C.give D.have
(  )38.A.have B.lose
C.beat D.win
(  )39.A.keep B.save
C.make D.borrow
(  )40.A.for B.about
C.with D.to
(  )41.A.reporter B.runner
C.artist D.player
(  )42.A.because B.or
C.and D.so
(  )43.A.talks B.practices
C.plays D.acts
(  )44.A.changes B.appears
C.pulls D.spells
(  )45.A.boring B.tired
C.loving D.happy
Unit5 Lesson29 Our ambitions and …同步练习
I.1.clear goals 2.others 3.to study/work hard 4.strict with 5.main; to choose
Ⅱ.6.choice 7.ambitions 8.ourselves 9.paths 10.player
IIⅠ.11.fisherman 12.policewoman 13.artist 14.strict 15.punish
Ⅳ.16.A 17.B
18.B 句意:“哦,天啊!我们错过了末班车。我们该怎么办?”“恐怕我们别无选择,只能乘坐出租车了。”have no choice but to do sth. 意为“别无选择只能做某事”。
19.C be strict with sb. 意为“对某人严格”。
Ⅴ.21.How well do you know yourself
22.Are you going to be a basketball player
23.I hope to be a good teacher
24.My sister is good at singing
25.It is hard to make a right choice
Ⅵ.26.dreams 27.as 28.best 29.at
30.writer 31.getting 32.come
33.yourself 34.the 35.make
Ⅶ.36.A 37.B 38.D 39.C 40.B
41.A 根据下句“他为校报写关于运动的报道”可推知横线处表达“记者”的意思。reporter意为“记者”;runner意为“跑步者”;artist意为“画家”;player意为“运动员”。故选A。
42.C 43.B 44.A 45.D



上一篇:2.3 化学反应的速率 同步练习题(含解析) 2023-2024高二上学期化学鲁科版(2019)选择性必修1

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