Module 1 How to learn English 提升练 2023-2024八年级英语上册(外研版)(含解析)

2023-2024 学年八年级英语上册(外研版)
Module 1 How to learn English(题型组合提升练)
Part 1:语法+完型+ 阅读+短填 Part 2: 单元话题满分写作:英语学习
(2020 秋 · 广东东莞 · 八年级校考期中)Do you hope to do a lot of homework every evening Are you 1 in your English classes Who do you want to teach you Maybe you have lots of questions to think about 2
school starts.
Well, I want to give you some good 3 on these problems. First, don’t worry about all the questions you
have. Put yourself into learning, and you can find something you are interested in. Do it actively.
Second, try your best to finish your homework 4 . Don’t spend a lot of time on it. Do more reading or writing in English. Think about the problems you have and work 5 out at once. Don’t stay up late, or you
can’t study well the next day.
Third, invent something instead of copying or repeating. If you can remember the words 6 your way, you can tell your teachers you don’t like 7 way of copying them again and again. Be sure that you must 8
the test. I think your teachers will agree with you. And they can give you some interesting work to do.
School is really a good place for us 9 . Believe in your teachers and yourself. You are the 10 one
and you can do everything well.
1 .A .interest B .interested C .interesting D .interests
2 .A .after B .before C .when D .if
3 .A .advice B .advices C .advise D .advises
4 .A .quickly B .quick C .more quickly D .the most quickly
5 .A .it B .them C .you D .yourself
6 .A .in B .with C .by D .through
7 .A .a B .an C .the D ./
8 .A .passing B .passed C .passes D .pass
9 .A .learn B .to learn C .learning D .learned
10 .A .good B .better C .best D .well
(2022 秋 · 广东茂名 · 八年级校联考阶段练习)There is some advice for you to follow in order to learn English well. Firstly, it’s a good way 11 your English by reading, so do more reading every day, but 12 try to translate every word when you read 13 English article. Secondly, you 14 do more listening exercises. You should repeat the sentences 15 you hear them. It’s good for your 16 . Sometimes, we offer(提供)exercises to you to number the pictures in the right order you hear them, or find the mistakes in the sentences and then correct 17 . Thirdly, try to speak to foreigners. Don’t be afraid of 18 mistakes. Take a deep breath 19 start a conversation with them. Always remember to enjoy yourself in English
learning, and you will surely be 20 at it sooner or later.
11 .A .improve B .to improve C .improves D .improving
12 .A .not B .not to C .doesn’t D .don’t
13 .A .a B .an C .the D ./
14 .A .could B .may C .would D .should
15 .A .when B .before C .while D .since
16 .A .pronounce B .pronounces C .pronouncing D .pronunciation
17 .A .they B .them C .themselves D .theirs
18 .A .make B .makes C .making D .to make
19 .A .and B .or C .but D .so
20 .A .good B .well C .best D .the best
(2022 秋·广东惠州· 八年级校考阶段练习)My English learning began in primary school. At that time, it was something new for me and I felt very proud (骄傲的) of being able to speak some 21 like: “What’s your
name ” and to 22 this question with “My name is Renato” .
I felt I was not a little boy any more 23 I was able to”understand”a foreign language. And English was attractive (有吸引力的) to me and I 24 got bored during the English classes. For the first time, I was able
to understand what my favourite English singer (歌手) was saying in his 25 . I was very happy!
After finishing middle school, I 26 afford (付得起) to study in an English school. Then, I had to study
by myself. I started reading things in English and using songs as a way of learning English.
Three years later I got a(n) 27 at Bang Burguer, a fast food shop. Sometimes, I talked to some foreign
customers. But that was all. “Luckily”, one day I 28 my job. I decided to get back to school. I saw, then, that I could choose English as my lesson. I remembered all my love for this language and I was 29 to choose
English as my lesson.
Now, I still love English and study it often. I use the TV, music and Internet to have an English learning
environment (环境). These things help me to 30 both my listening and speaking.
21 .A .conversations B .sentences C .languages D .vocabularies
22 .A .search B .check C .answer D .find
23 .A .or B .till C .but D .because
24 .A .never B .often C .soon D .almost
25 .A .book B .game C .song D .film
26 .A .can B .can’t C .could D .couldn’t
27 .A .secret B.job C .fact D .idea
28 .A .forgot B .wanted C .lost D .changed
29 .A .happy B .tired C .careful D .afraid
30 .A .collect B .try C .save D .improve
(2022 秋 · 广东深圳 · 八年级深圳实验学校校联考期末)I often hear some students say English is difficult,
and it gives them a 31 . But English is very easy for me. I’m good at it. I’m very glad to give some 32 .
First, I think it is important to have interest in English. When I began 33 English, it was fresh for me. I was 34 in it, so I worked very hard. Soon we had an English exam and I 35 a very good mark. After that, I learn
English harder and harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, and the songs sounds 36 .
Second, English is a foreign language and we should learn to 37 help. I ask teachers and classmates when
I have questions. I must make it clear 38 asking other people.
Besides, I often read English books, 39 they help me understand the meanings of some words well. Doing more reading is an important way to learn English well. And I also keep diaries in English. English has become a
close friend of 40 .
31 .A .headache B .stomachache C .fever D .heart attack
32 .A .opinion B .suggestion C .advice D .ideas
33 .A .to learn B .speaking C .speak D .learn
34 .A .poor B .interested C .confident D .surprised
35 .A .lost B .caught C .improved D .got
36 .A .fantastic B .similar C .silly D .trouble
37 .A .put for B .take for C .ask for D .pay for
38 .A .with B .by C .about D .through
39 .A .because of B .because C .as a result D .so that
40 .A .I B .myself C .me D .mine
(2021 秋 ·广东广州 · 八年级广州市黄埔军校纪念中学校考期中) 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所
给的 A 、B 、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
We are all language learners and we always keep our eyes open for new apps for learning foreign languages.
And now I’d like to introduce my favorite app.
Memrise is a fantastic app that can help you learn a language for 41 . There are different lessons for you
to train the 42 such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. You can also find 43 on
vocabulary(词汇) . Some games are according to the textbooks, while others are according to how often the words
are used. Some lessons help you to finish reading a 44 book like Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
Memrise is great fun. Firstly, the app uses a way that creates funny or 45 stories with new words. Lessons are often with games. These games help 46 the vocabulary. Then, everyone can share their own story or 47 themselves in the app. And people can even cheer for their favorite learners. You can either follow a learner to do the same thing or choose(选择)whatever you like. You can also 48 a game and
become the winner.
Memrise is really 49 to language learners and most things on it are free. I have used it for two years.
And my English has improved a lot. More 50 , it makes learning really interesting.
41 .A .fun B .gold C .space D .power
42 .A .skills B .planets C .instructions D .numbers
43 .A .inventors B .facts C .reports D .games
44 .A .smart B .convenient C .famous D .boring
45 .A .nervous B .surprising C .strict D .possible
46 .A .copy B .remember C .decide D .include
47 .A .forget B . operate C . show D . realize
48 .A .take care of B . take part in C . look forward to D . make fun of
49 .A .expensive B . ordinary C . major D . helpful
50 .A .importantly B . beautifully C . patiently D . carefully
(2022 秋 · 八年级单元测试)Spoken English is very important for your work. If you work in business or go
abroad, you will find it quite useful. How can we improve our spoken English I will give you some advice.
Speak out loud.
The best way to improve your spoken English is by speaking the language. You will improve your spoken
English quickly when you practise it with your friends.
Try to imitate (模仿) the speakers you like.
Listen to the speeches and repeat them out loud. Repeat them until you feel good about them. When you often do it, you will start enjoying it. This will also help you get good pronunciation (发音). Watch television shows like Seinfeld. It is important that you enjoy what you are watching. This will be a great help to your spoken
Download (下载) the English songs you like and sing along.
You can listen to English songs and sing along when you are tired or taking a break.
Read more.
Exercising without having food will not be helpful. Think of reading and listening as input (输入) to your brain
and speaking and writing as output (输出) from your brain. So get more input to your brain by reading and listening.
And read books written by different writers.
51 .What can be put in the blank(空白处)
A .Use your body language. B .Watch the TV shows you like.
C .How to understand dialogues. D .Know about some famous actors.
52 .What does the underlined word “This” refer to
A .Imitating the speakers you like. B .Listening to the speeches.
C .Singing your favourite songs. D .Reading more books.
53 .What can we do to help improve our spoken English
A .Sing along to English songs. B .Take a break when we are tired.
C .Watch TV programmes. D .Imitate singers’ voices.
54 .What can we know from the passage
A .We should practise speaking English with our friends.
B .Seinfeld is the best television show in America.
C .Listening doesn’t help you improve your spoken English.
D .We can’t read books to improve our spoken English.
55 .Why does the writer write the passage
A .To introduce some English books.
B .To show us the reasons to learn English.
C .To encourage us to practise more.
D .To introduce some ways to improve spoken English.
(2023 春 · 全国 · 八年级专题练习)Language students often think they have memory problems. They worry because they can’t remember words. In fact, the problem usually isn’t with their memory. The problem is with how
they study.
To remember words better, you need to understand how memory works. There are two kinds of memory: short term and long term. When you see, hear, or read something, it goes first into short-term memory. But short-term memory lasts for only a few seconds. You will only remember something longer if it goes into long-term memory. Your long term memory is like a very big library with many, many books. And like a library, it’s organized(有条理 的). When you put away a book—or memory—you can’t just leave it anywhere. You have to choose a place where
you can find it again.
How can you do this with vocabulary The answer is to work with the word and think about the word in new ways. You can do this by writing new sentences that include it. Even better, you can invent a little story about the word, with people or places that you know. Another way is to make a picture in your mind with the word. For example, if the word is “height”, you can think of the tallest person you know and try to guess his or her height. All of these activities are good ways to think about words. They make the meaning of words stronger in your long-term memory.
And they give a way to find a word when you need it.
56 .In the writer’s opinion, students can’t remember words because .
A .they are too worried
B .they don’t use a proper way
C .they have memory problems
D .they don’t like to study
57 .The underlined words “long-term” means in Chinese.
A .长的学期 B .长期的 C .长的术语 D .长的条款
58 .The long-term memory .
A .lasts for only a few seconds
B .is like a very big lake with lots of fishes
C .is like a very big library with many, many books
D .is bad for students’ study
59 .According to the passage, you can memorize vocabulary by .
A .reading as often as possible
B .writing emails to the people you know
C .taking many photos about them
D .making pictures in your mind with the words
60 .This passage mainly tells us about .
A .how to improve ways to remember words
B .language students’ problems in study
C .short term and long term memory
D .how to make the meaning of words stronger
(2022 秋 · 八年级单元测试) Where do I start Before you begin studying English, ask yourself one question. Why do I want to study English Is it because you want to, or because someone else wants you to Studying English
must be something you want to do.
Set goals if you know why you want to study. Usually, people set goals to improve certain skills they need. For example, maybe you want to travel to an English-speaking country. Your goal might be learn “Survival ( 生存) English”. Perhaps you want to do business with foreigners, then your goal might be to learn “Business ( 商务)
English”. Whatever your goals are, write them down.
Make a schedule. How long do you need to study to achieve your goals The answer is different for every student. The important thing is to be realistic (现实的). If you work 60 hours per week, don’t plan to spend another 40 hours a week studying English. Start slowly, but study regularly. Use material that is challenging, but not too difficult. After you have studied for a few weeks, adjust (调整) your study schedule. Do you study best at night or on the bus on your way to school Do you like to study alone in a quiet place, or with friends If you are sure you are ready to
begin studying, make a promise and keep it.
Have fun learning English! The things we do best in life are the things we enjoy doing. If you aren’t having fun learning English, you are not studying in the right way! You can be a serious student who has fun at the same time!
61 .What should you do before you begin learning English
A .Find some books. B .Find out why you learn English.
C .Ask an English teacher. D .Make a schedule.
62 .Why should we set goals when learning English
A .To travel to a beautiful country. B .To know many useful phrases.
C .To improve speaking abilities. D .To improve certain skills we need.
63 .Which is NOT important for making a schedule
A .How much time you need. B .To be realistic.
C .Planning to spend more hours. D .Adjusting your study schedule.
64 .How should you feel when you learn English according to the writer
A .Bored. B .Nervous. C .Happy. D .Sad.
65 .What does the passage mainly tell us
A .Why to learn English. B .How to learn English.
C .When to make a schedule. D .How to set goals.
(2022 秋 · 八年级单元测试) 阅读下面这篇文章, 在所给的每个空格中填入一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。
Do you know “Action English” I’d like to recommend(推荐) the 66 interesting and useful English programme to you. It is 67 English teaching programme on CCTV-8. Anyone who has ever watched it would say it is really great. The hosts(主持人) are really excellent. 68 excellent spoken English, interesting
hosting styles(风格) and natural expressions(表情) are great. You should 69 from them. Why not try this
programme It’s a wonderful thing to learn English while you are enjoying excellent movies and 70 to wonderful music. The most important thing is that you can learn American English from it. And you can use one or
two sentences 71 day.
The programme 72 at 7:00 pm every day. It is about 20 minutes 73 each time. It wants to help English learners to 74 their English and learn different cultures. It has four parts. If you have no free time
to watch the programme at that time, books on “Action English” are also on sale in bookshops.
I think it is necessary 75 an English learner to watch “Action English” every day.
(2023 春 · 八年级单元测试)Climbing a mountain is hard work. But one step after another finally brings a person to the t 76 . Along the way, he can stop and look a 77 . And the higher he climbs, the more w 78 views there will be. If he k 79 climbing, he will have a new world before him. He will have a new way of seeing everything. Now learning a 80 language is something like climbing a mountain. This new language gives you a new view(观点) of life. And it is more than a book on the surface(表面) of things. It can o 81 the way into people’s minds and hearts, into a culture which is very d 82 from the one of your own. This will make you g
83 at things that money can’t buy.
Like the mountain climber who stops now and then e 84 the beauty around him, everyone who is interested
in reading will find f 85 in books as he tries to learn more and more about that new language.
(2023 春 · 八年级课时练习)根据短文内容及首字母提示填空,使短文意思完整、连贯。
Maybe everyone has trouble in learning new words. It is not easy to remember and use them c 86 . The
following s 87 will help you a lot.
It can be a good idea to divide (划分) the new words into g 88 according to the meanings. T 89 about the connections (联系) between words may help you to remember them. The more you practice, the b 90 you will use them. You can also write a list of some new words. Express your ideas w 91 them and discuss
the uses of these words as much as possible. However, there is one more thing you should pay a 92 to. Don’t
try to learn too many words at one time. Choose several important o 93 to you. Repeat their pronunciations, spellings as well as their meanings in your mind. Learn a little every day and you will learn a l 94 in a few
It is the skills that can make you learn new words e 95 . It is the skills that can help you know more words
96 .(2023 春 · 八年级单元测试)约翰是一名来自澳大利亚的留学生,他发现在课堂上他听不懂老师用 汉语讲课。假如你是王林,请给他写封 e-mail,简单介绍你学习英语的方法和体会,并希望对他有所帮助。
提示词语: study with a group, think, help, listen to, watch
要求: 1. 词数不少于 60。
1. 提示词语仅供选用。
2. 文中不得写出自己的真实姓名和所在班级。
Dear John,
I’m sorry to hear that you have some trouble learning Chinese.
Wang Lin
97 .(2021 秋 · 八年级单元测试)很多同学因为词汇量少而感觉英语学习很吃力,你是怎样记单词的呢?
请你以“How to remember English words”为题写一篇 80 词左右的短文。
How to remember English words
98 .(2022 秋 · 八年级单元测试)假如你是来自八年级十一班的李思雨,你校英语广播站负责人杨老师 (Miss Yang)邀请你到广播台为七年级的新同学介绍一下你学习英语的方法。请根据下面的内容提示,写
(2)你的建议(至少 2 条);
(2)语句连贯,词数 80 个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear new schoolmates,
I’m very glad to share my ideas on how to learn English well with you.
That’s all. Thank you for your listening.
1 .B 2 .B 3 .A 4 .A 5 .B 6 .A 7 .C 8 .D 9 .B 10 .C
1 .句意:你对英语课感兴趣吗?
interest 兴趣,名词;interested 感兴趣的,常用来修饰人;interesting 有趣的,常用来修饰事物;interests 业
余爱好,可数名词。由“Are”和“in”可知,此处为 be interested in 的固定搭配,意为“对 …… 感兴趣”。故选
2 .句意:在开学前,你可能有很多问题要考虑。
after 在……之后;before 在……之前;when 当…… 时;if 如果。 联系实际可知,考虑这些问题一定是在开
学前进行的。故选 B。
3 .句意:我想就这些问题给你一些好的建议。
advice 建议,不可数名词;advices 语法错误;advise 建议,动词原形;advises 动词三单。根据 some 可知,
后面跟可数名词复数或不可数名词。故选 A。
4 .句意:第二,尽最大努力迅速地完成你的家庭作业。
quickly 快地;quick 快的; more quickly 更快地;the most quickly 最快地。修饰动词 finish 应用副词。故选
5 .句意:想想你遇到的问题,然后马上解决这些问题。
it 它;them 他们,她们,它们;you 你,你们;yourself 你自己。分析句子可知,此处指代上文提到的
problems,故用 them。故选 B。
6 .句意:如果你能用你的方式记住这些单词, 那么你可以告诉你的老师, 你不喜欢一遍又一遍地抄写单词。 in 以……(方式);with 具有,带有;by 通过……(方式);through 穿过。此处为固定短语 in one’s way“以某人
的方式” 。故选 A。
7 .句意:如果你能用你的方式记住这些单词, 那么你可以告诉你的老师, 你不喜欢一遍又一遍地抄写单词。 a 一个, 不定冠词, 用于以辅音音素开头的单词前; an 一个, 不定冠词, 用于以元音音素开头的单词前;the 这(些),那(些),表示特指;/零冠词。根据“way of copying them again and again”可知,此处特指“一遍又
一遍抄单词” 的方式。故选 C。
8 .句意: 确保你一定能通过考试。
passing 通过,动名词或现在分词;passed 动词过去式;passes 动词三单;pass 动词原形。must 是情态动词,
后跟动词原形。故选 D。
9 .句意:学校是学习的好地方。
learn 学习,动词原形;to learn 动词不定式;learning 动名词或现在分词;learned 动词过去式。分析句子可
知,此处为动词不定式作后置定语,修饰 place。故选 B。
10 .句意:你是最好的,你能做好每一件事。
good 好的;better 更好的;best 最好的;well 好地。根据“You are”可知,此处应用形容词最高级
best,表示你是最好的。故选 C。
11 .B 12 .D 13 .B 14 .D 15 .A 16 .D 17 .B 18 .C 19 .A 20 .A
11 .句意:首先,这是一个很好的方法通过阅读来提高你的英语。
improve 提高,动词原形;to improve 提高,动词不定式;improves 提高,动词第三人称单数形式;improving 提高,现在分词形式。根据固定用法“a good way to do sth”(做某事的好方法)可知,空处使用动词不定式
形式。故选 B。
12 .句意:但是当你阅读英语文章的时候,不要试图翻译每一个单词。
not 不;not to 不去;doesn’t 不,助动词,用于主语是第三人称单数时;don’t 不,助动词。根据“but…try to
translate every word”可知空处句子为祈使句,构成为“don’t+动词原形” 。故选 D。
13 .句意:但是当你阅读英语文章的时候,不要试图翻译每一个单词。
a 不定冠词,表示泛指,用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;an 不定冠词,表示泛指,用在以元音音素开头的单
词前;the 定冠词,表示特指;/零冠词。根据空前“but don’t try to translate every word”可知,空处表示泛指,
使用不定冠词。 “English”以元音音素开头,使用不定冠词 an 。故选 B。
14 .句意:第二,你应该做更多的听力练习。
could 可以;may 可能;would 将要;should 应该。根据下文“You should repeat the sentences when you hear
them.”可知,此处表建议,填“应该”符合语境,故选 D。
15 .句意:当你听到这些句子时,你应该把它们重复一遍。
when 当…… 时;before 在…… 以前;while 当…… 时;since 自从。根据空前“You should repeat the sentences…you
hear them.”及选项可知,空处填“ 当…… 时”符合语境,由动词“hear”可知为一般现在时,故选 A。
16 .句意:这对你的发音有好处。
pronounce 发音,动词;pronounces 发音,动词第三人称单数形式;pronouncing 发音,动名词形式;pronunciation
发音,名词。根据空前有形容词性物主代词“your”,可知空处使用名词。故选 D。
17 .句意:有时,我们会为你提供练习,按照你听到的正确顺序对图片进行编号,或者找出句子中的错误,
they 它们,人称代词主格;them 它们,人称代词宾格;themselves 它们自己,反身代词;theirs 它们的,名
词性物主代词。根据空前“or find the mistakes in the sentences and then correct”可知找出句子中的错误,所以 此处应是改正错误,空处应表示“ 它们”。根据空前动词“correct”,可知空处使用人称代词宾格形式。故选
18 .句意:不要害怕犯错误。
make 制造,动词原形;makes 制造,动词第三人称单数形式;making 制造,动名词形式;to make 制造,动
词不定式形式。根据空前的介词“of”,可知空处使用动名词形式。故选 C。
19 .句意:深呼吸,开始与他们交谈。
and 和,表示并列或者顺承;or 或者,表示选择;but 但是,表示转折;so 因此,表示结果。根据空前“Take
a deep breath”及空后“start a conversation with them”可知,前后是顺承关系,应使用连词 and。故选 A。
20 .句意:永远记得在英语学习中享受自己,你迟早会擅长的。
good 好的,形容词;well 好,副词;best 最好的,最高级形式;the best 最好的,最高级形式。根据上文“you
will surely be…at it sooner or later.”可知,空处考查短语 be good at“擅长于” 。故选 A。
21 .B 22 .C 23 .D 24 .A 25 .C 26 .D 27 .B 28 .C 29 .A 30 .D
21 .句意:那时候,这对我来说是一件新鲜的事情,我感到非常自豪,能够说一些句子,比如:“你叫什么
名字? ,并用“我叫雷纳托”来回答这个问题。
conversations 回话 ;sentences 句子 ;languages 语言 ;vocabularies 词汇 。根据后面 的例子“‘What’s your
name ’”可知,给出的例子是一个句子。故选 B。
22 .句意:那时候,这对我来说是一件新鲜的事情,我感到非常自豪,能够说一些句子,比如:“你叫什么
名字? ,并用“我叫雷纳托”来回答这个问题。
search 调查;check 检查;answer 回答;find 找到。根据“‘What’s your name ’”与“‘My name is Renato.’”可知,
此处指回答“你叫什么名字”这个问题。故选 C。
23 .句意:我觉得我不再是一个小男孩了,因为我能够“理解”一门外语。
or 或者,表选择;till 直到;but 但是,表转折;because 因为,表原因。分析句子可知, “我觉得我不再是一 个小男孩了, ”与“我能够“理解”一门外语”前后句之间是因果关系, 此处强调原因, 因此使用 because 引导原
因状语从句。故选 D。
24 .句意:而且英语对我很有吸引力,在英语课上我从不感到无聊。
never 从不; often 经常; soon 很快; almost 几乎。根据前半句“And English was attractive (有吸引力的) to me”
可知,英语对我很有吸引力,因此在英语课上不会感到无聊。此处使用 never 符合语境。故选 A。
25 .句意:第一次,我能够理解我最喜欢的英国歌手在他的歌里说什么。
book 书; game 游戏; song 歌曲; film 电影。由“singer”可知,此处指歌曲。故选 C。
26 .句意:中学毕业后,我负担不起在英语学校学习的费用。
can 能;can’t 不能;could 能, can 的过去式;couldn’t 不能, can’t 的过去式。根据下文“Then, I had to study by myself.”可知,作者不得不自学,由此说明作者负担不起学校的费用; 因本文讲述过去发生的事情,时态为
一般过去时。故选 D。
27 .句意:三年后,我在 Bang burger 快餐店找到了一份工作。
secret 秘密;job 工作;fact 事实;idea 想法。根据下文“one day job.”可知,作者在快餐店找到了一份
工作,此处使用job 符合语境。故选 B。
28 .句意: “幸运的是” ,有一天我丢了工作。
forgot 忘记;wanted 想要;lost 丢失;changed 改变。根据下文“I decided to get back to school.”可知,我决定
回到学校。由此推断,作者失去了那份工作。故选 C。
29 .句意:我记得我对这门语言的热爱,我很高兴选择英语作为我的课程。
happy 高兴的;tired 累的;careful 仔细的;afraid 害怕的。根据前半句“I remembered all my love for this
language...”可知,作者热爱英语,因此,能选择英语课,他感到很高兴。故选 A。
30 .句意:这些东西帮助我提高我的听说水平。
collect 收集;try 尝试;save 拯救;improve 提高。根据“I use the TV, music and Internet to have an English learning environment (环境).”可知, 作者利用电视、音乐和网络来学习英语, 这些东西帮助作者提高了他的听说水平。
故选 D。
31 .A 32 .C 33 .A 34 .B 35 .D 36 .A 37 .C 38 .B 39 .B 40 .D
31 .句意:我经常听到一些学生说英语很难,这让他们很头疼。
headache 头疼;stomachache 胃痛;fever 发烧;heart attack 心脏病发作。根据“I often hear some students say English
is difficult,”可知, 一些学生认为英语让他们头疼。故选 A。
32 .句意:我很高兴能给你一些建议。
opinion 观点;suggestion 建议(单数);advice 建议(不可数名词);ideas 主意。根据“I’m good at it. I’m very glad to give some…”可知, 作者擅长英语, 故应该是给出建议, some 后接可数名词复数或不可数名词, advice
符合题意。故选 C。
33 .句意:当我开始学习英语时,它对我来说是新鲜的。
to learn 学习(不定式);speaking 讲(现在分词/动名词);speak 讲(动词原形);learn 学习(动词原形)。 根据“When I began…English, it was fresh for me”可知,作者介绍了刚开始学习英语时的情况, start to do sth.“开
始做某事” 。故选 A。
34 .句意:我对它很感兴趣,所以我很努力。
poor 贫穷的;interested 感兴趣的;confident 自信的;surprised 惊讶的。根据“First, I think it is important to have interest in English.” 以及“so I worked very hard”可知,作者对英语很感兴趣, be interested in“对……感兴趣”。
故选 B。
35 .句意:很快我们有一个英语考试,我得到了一个很好的分数。
lost 失去;caught 抓住;improved 提升;got 得到。根据“I…a very good mark.”可知,应该是得到了一个很好
的分数。故选 D。
36 .句意:我们的英语老师经常教我们英语歌曲,这些歌曲听起来很棒。
fantastic 非常棒的;similar 类似的;silly 愚蠢的;trouble 麻烦。根据“Our English teacher often teaches us English
songs,”可知,英语老师放的歌曲听起来很棒。故选 A。
37 .句意:第二,英语是一门外语,我们应该学会寻求帮助。
put for 提出;take for 误认为;ask for 请求;pay for 支付。根据“I ask teachers and classmates when I have
questions.”可知,应该学会寻求帮助。故选 C。
38 .句意:我必须向别人打听清楚。
with 和;by 通过;about 关于;through 穿过。根据“ …asking other people”可知,通过问别人把问题弄清楚。
故选 B。
39 .句意:此外,我经常读英语书,因为它们帮助我很好地理解一些单词的意思。
because of 因为(后接名词性短语);because 因为(后接从句);as a result 结果是;so that 以便。根据“I often read English books,…they help me understand the meanings of some words well.”可知, 此处应该用 because 引导
原因状语从句。故选 B。
40 .句意:英语已经成为我的亲密朋友。
I 我(主格);myself 我自己(反身代词);me 我(宾格);mine 我的(名词性物主代词)。根据空后无名词
可知,此空应该填名词性物主代词。故选 D。
41 .A 42 .A 43 .D 44 .C 45 .B 46 .B 47 .C 48 .B 49 .D 50 .A
41 .句意: Memrise 是一个很棒的应用程序,可以帮助你在玩的过程中学习一种语言。
fun 乐趣;gold 金;space 空间;power 权力。根据文章最后一句“it makes learning really interesting”可知这个
应用程序可以让学习变得很有趣。故选 A。
42 .句意:有不同的课程可供你训练听、说、读和写等技能。
skills 技能;planets 星球;instructions 说明书;numbers 数字。根据“such as listening, speaking, reading, and
writing”可知听说读写都是技能。故选 A。
43 .句意:你也可以找到词汇游戏。
inventors 发明者;facts 事实;reports 报道;games 游戏。根据“Some games are according to the textbooks”可
知是一些词汇游戏。故选 D。
44 .句意:有些课程可以帮助你读完一本名著,比如《哈利 · 波特与魔法石》。
smart 聪 明 的 ; convenient 方 便 的 ; famous 著 名 的 ;boring 无 聊 的 。 根 据 “like Harry Potter and the
Philosopher’s Stone”可知这是名著。故选 C。
45 .句意:首先,该应用程序使用了一种用新词创造有趣或令人惊讶的故事的方式。
nervous 焦虑的;surprising 令人惊讶的;strict 严格的;possible 可能的。根据“creates funny or...stories”可知
是创造有趣的或令人惊讶的故事。故选 B。
46 .句意:这些游戏有助于记忆词汇。
copy 复制;remember 记得;decide 决定;include 包括。根据“These games help...the vocabulary”可知这些游
戏有助于记忆单词。故选 B。
47 .句意:然后,每个人都可以分享自己的故事或在应用程序中展示自己。
forget 忘记;operate 操作;show 展示;realize 意识到。根据“share their own story or...themselves in the app”可
知分享自己的故事,展示自己。故选 C。
48 .句意:你也可以参加比赛,成为胜利者。
take care of 照顾;take part in 参加;look forward to 期待;make fun of 取笑。根据“a game and become the
winner.”可知是参加比赛,成为获胜者。故选 B。
49 .句意: Memrise 对语言学习者很有帮助,而且大部分内容都是免费的。
expensive 昂贵的;ordinary 普通的;major 重要的;helpful 有帮助的。由上文的描述可知,这个应用程序对
语言学习者很有帮助。故选 D。
50 .句意:更重要的是,它让学习变得非常有趣。
importantly 重要地;beautifully 漂亮地;patiently 耐心地;carefully 认真地。根据“And my English has improved a lot. makes learning really interesting”可知这个应用程序不仅可以提高英语, 更重要的是, 还让学习
变得有趣。故选 A。
51 .B 52 .A 53 .A 54 .A 55 .D
51.推理判断题。根据“Try to imitate (模仿) the speakers you like.”和空后的“Listen to the speeches and repeat them out loud.... Watch television shows like Seinfeld.”可知,讲的是看自己喜欢的节目,听演讲并模仿说话者,B
项“看你喜欢的电视节目。 ”符合语境,故选 B。
52.词义猜测题。根据“Try to imitate (模仿) the speakers you like.” (试着模仿你喜欢的说话者。)和“Repeat them until you feel good about them. When you often do it, you will start enjoying it. This will also help you get good pronunciation (发音).”(重复它们,直到你感觉良好。当你经常这样做的时候,你就会开始享受它。这也会
帮助你获得好的发音),可知, this 指的是经常“模仿你喜欢的说话者”这一行为,故选 A。
53.细节理解题。根据“You can listen to English songs and sing along when you are tired or taking a break.”可知,
跟着唱英文歌可以帮助提升英语口语。故选 A。
54.细节理解题。根据“You will improve your spoken English quickly when you practise it with your friends.”可
知,我们应该和朋友练习说英语。故选 A。
55 .推理判断题。根据“How can we improve our spoken English I will give you some advice.”可知, 本文是为
了介绍一些提高英语口语的方法。故选 D。
56 .B 57 .B 58 .C 59 .D 60 .A
56.细节理解题。根据“In fact, the problem usually isn’t with their memory. The problem is with how they study.”
可知学生记不住单词是因为他们不知道如何学习,即没有合适的方法,故选 B。
57 .词义猜测题。根据“But short-term memory lasts for only a few seconds. You will only remember something
longer if it goes into long-term memory. Your long term memory is like a very big library with many, many books.”
可知短期记忆只持续几秒,但是长期记忆能记住的时间更长,即“long-term”的意思是“长期的” 。故选 B。
58 .细节理解题。根据“Your long term memory is like a very big library with many, many books.”可知长期记忆
像一个图书馆,里面存了很多很多书,故选 C。
59 .细节理解题。根据“Another way is to make a picture in your mind with the word”可知另一种记单词的方式
是在脑海中想象一幅画面,故选 D。
60 .主旨大意题。根据“Language students often think they have memory problems. They worry because they can’t
remember words.”及下文可知本文主要讲提高记单词的方式,故选 A。
61 .B 62 .D 63 .C 64 .C 65 .B
61 .细节理解题。根据第一段“Before you begin studying English, ask yourself one question. Why do I want to
study English ”可知,在你开始学习英语之前,你应该找到你学习英语的原因。故选 B。
62.细节理解题。根据第二段“ Usually, people set goals to improve certain skills they need.”可知,设定目标是
为了提高我们所需要的某些技能。故选 D。
63.推理判断题。根据第三段“If you work 60 hours per week, don’t plan to spend another 40 hours a week studying English.”可知, 如果你每周工作 60 个小时, 就不要打算每周再花 40 个小时来学习英语。由此推知, C 选项
“计划花更多的时间”不是很重要。故选 C。
64.推理判断题。根据最后一The things we do best in life are the things we enjoy doing. If you aren’t having fun learning English, you are not studying in the right way!”可知, 作者认为学英语是在做我们喜欢做的事情, 我们
应该感到快乐。故选 C。
65.主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 本文针对“如何学习英语”提出了一系列建议, 作者建议读者要确定学习目
标、每天坚持练习英语,并且要以快乐的方式学习。因此最佳标题为 B 选项“如何学习英语” 。故选 B。
66 .most 67 .an 68 .Their 69 .learn 70 .listening 71 .every 72 .begins/starts
73 .long 74 .improve 75 .for
【导语】本文介绍了一个英语教学节目“Action English” 的一些好处,建议人们看节目学英语。
66 .句意:我想向你推荐最有趣、最有用的英语课程。空前有 the,结合语境可知,此处应用形容词的最高
级形式,故填 most。
67 .句意:这是中央电视八台的一个英语教学节目。此处表示泛指,应用不定冠词,English 是元音音素开
头的单词,应用 an 修饰,故填 an。
68.句意:他们出色的英语口语、有趣的主持风格和自然的表达方式都很棒。根据“The hosts(主持人) are really
excellent.”可知,此处指的是“hosts”,修饰其后的名词,应用形容词性物主代词,故填 Their。
69 .句意: 你应该向他们学习。根据“excellent spoken English, interesting hosting styles(风格) and natural expressions(表情) are great.”可知,好的方面应该向别人学习,learn“学习” ,should 后接动词原形,故填
70 .句意:在欣赏精彩的电影和听美妙的音乐的同时学习英语是一件美妙的事情。根据“to wonderful music” 可知,此处指“ 听音乐” ,listen to“听” ,结合“while you are enjoying excellent movies”可知,此处也用现在分
词形式,故填 listening。
71 .句意:你可以每天使用一到两个句子。结合应可知,此处指的是“每天” ,故填 every。
72 .句意:节目每天晚上 7 点开始。根据语境可知,此处指的是“节目开始于” ,begin/start“开始” ,是动词,
陈述事实用一般现在时,主语是单数名词,动词用三单形式,故填 begins/starts。
73 .句意:每次时长大约 20 分钟。根据“It is about 20 minutes”可知,这里说的是节目的播放时长,应用
long,故填 long。
74 .句意:它希望帮助英语学习者提高英语水平,并且学习不同的文化。根据“help English learners to...their English”可知, 帮助英语学习者提高他们的英语, improve“提升” ,空前有不定式 to ,此处用动词原形, 故填
75 .句意:我认为对一个英语学习者来说,每天看“Action English”是必要的。此处是 It is adj+for sb to do sth
的结构,形容词“necessary”用来修饰物,介词用 for,故填 for。
76 .(t)op 77 .(a)round 78 .(w)onderful 79 .(k)eeps 80 .(a)nother 81 .(o)pen
82 .(d)ifferent 83 .(g)ood 84 .(e)njoys 85 .(f)un
76 .句意:但是一步接一步,最终会把一个人带到顶端。根据句子“Climbing a mountain is hard work. ”可知
是谈论爬山是个困难的事情,结合首字母,应用 top 表示“顶端” ,即一步一步的走会到山顶。故填(t)op。
77 .句意:一路上,他可以停下来并游览一番。根据句子“Along the way, he can stop and look…”可知路上可
以停下来四处看看,结合首字母,应用 around,短语 look around 表示“游览” 。故填(a)round。
78.句意:并且他爬得越高, 就会有更好的风景。根据句子“And the higher he climbs, the more… views there will
be. ”可知表示爬的越高,风景越好,结合首字母,应用 wonderful 表示“极好的” 。故填(w)onderful。
79 .句意:如果他坚持爬,在他前面将会有一个崭新的世界。根据“ …he will have a new world before him.”可 知会有一个崭新的世界在他前方,可推知是要坚持往上爬,结合首字母,应用 keep 表示“坚持” ,此处应用
80.句意:现在, 学习另一门语言如同爬山。根据句子“Now learning … language is something …”可知 language 是可数名词单数形式,前面应有限定词修饰,结合首字母,应用代词 another 表示“另一个” ,此处表示学习
81 .句意:它可以打开进入人们思维和心灵的路径。根据“ It can … the way into people’s minds and hearts, ”
指可以打开通往思想和心灵的路径,结合首字母,应用动词 open 表示“打开” 。故填(o)pen。
82.句意:进入到一个不同于你自己的文化。短语be different from 表示“不同于 ……”,符合语境。故填(d)ifferent 。 83 .句意:这可以让你擅长一些金钱买不来的东西。短语(be) good at 表示“擅长” ,符合语境。故填(g)ood。 84 .句意:像现在停止然后欣赏周围风景的登山者。短语 enjoy the beauty 表示“欣赏美景” ,结合首字母应
用 enjoy 表示“享受,欣赏” ,此处应和 stops 并列,需用三单形式。故填(e)njoys。
85 .句意:对阅读有兴趣的每个人,随着他关于新语言努力学得越来越多,就会发现书本中的乐趣。根据 句子“everyone who is interested in reading will find… in books…”可知,对阅读有兴趣的人会发现书本中的乐
趣,结合首字母,应用 fun 表示“乐趣” 。故填(f)un。
86 .(c)orrectly 87 .(s)uggestions 88 .(g)roups 89 .(T)hinking 90 .(b)etter 91 .(w)ith
92 .(a)ttention 93 .(o)nes 94 .(l)ot 95 .(e)asily
86 .句意:要正确地记住和使用它们并不容易。根据“use them”及首字母可知,不容易正确地使用生词,副
词 correctly“正确地”修饰动词 use ,故填(c)orrectly。
87 .句意: 下面的建议会对你有很大帮助。根据“will help you a lot.”及首字母可知,下文提出了一些建议,
suggestion“建议” ,不止一个建议,应填复数形式,故填(s)uggestions。
88 .句意:根据词义将新单词分组是个好主意。根据“divide(划分) the new words into”及首字母可知,把生
词分组, group“组” ,此空应填复数形式,故填(g)roups。
89 .句意: 思考单词之间的联系可以帮助你记住它们。 think about“思考” ,此空在句中作主语, 应填动名词,
90 .句意:你练习得越多,就能越好地运用它们。 the+比较级, the+比较级,表示“越…… ,就越 ……”,根
据“The more you practice, the …you will use them”及首字母可知,练习得越多就运用得越好,故填(b)etter。
91 .句意:用它们一起表达你的想法,并尽可能多地讨论这些词的用法。根据“Express your ideas…them”及
首字母可知,用它们一起表达想法, with“用” ,故填(w)ith。
92 .句意:然而,还有一件事你应该注意。 pay attention to“注意” ,固定搭配,故填(a)ttention。
93 .句意:选择几个对你来说重要的。根据“Don’t try to learn too many words at one time”及“Choose several
important”可知,要选择几个重要的,应填 ones 指代,故填(o)nes。
94 .句意:每天学一点,几年后你会学到很多。根据“you will learn a”及首字母可知,此处指学到许多,a
lot“许多” ,故填(l)ot。
95 .句意:正是这些技巧可以让你轻松地学习新单词。根据“make you learn new words”及首字母可知,此处
指轻松学生词,副词 easily“容易地,轻松地” ,修饰动词 learn,故填(e)asily。
96 .One possible version:
Dear John,
I’m sorry to hear that you have some trouble learning Chinese. I’d like to talk about how I learn English.
The best way to learn English is to use it. I try my best to use it in daily life, such as writing an English diary every day and reading English newspapers and magazines. Meanwhile, I also listen to English songs and watch English movies. Joining the English club is also a good way to practice spoken English. I often write English letters to my e-pals who live in America or England. Besides, I make English study plans so that I make good use of my time to study English, which really helps me a lot in my English study. I hope my ways of learning English will help
you with your Chinese.
Wang Lin
方法和体会,给他写封 e-mail,介绍自己是如何学习英语的,并希望对他有所帮助。
第三步:书写结语。表示“我希望我的英语学习方法能帮助你学习中文。 ”
①have some trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难。
②talk about 谈论
③try one’s best 尽最大努力
④a good way to do sth.做某事的好方法。
⑤live in 住在
①I’d like to talk about how I learn English.(how 引导的宾语从句)
②Joining the English club is also a good way to practice spoken English.(Joining the English club 是动名词作主
③Besides, I make English study plans so that I make good use of my time to study English, which really helps me a
lot in my English study.(which 引导的定语从句)
97 .参考范文
How to remember English words
Many students have trouble remembering English words. How can we remember them better and faster
I think a good way to remember words is to read them correctly. If you remember a word’s pronunciation, you’ll
remember its spelling easily.
Another good method for remembering words is to use cards. You can write a word and give an example
sentence on each card. Try to read the cards every day.
Practice makes perfect. You can’t remember words well unless you keep reading and using them.
① 题材:本文是一篇说明文写作;
② 时态:时态为一般现在时;
③ 提示:写作主题已给出,注意围绕主题说明方法及原因。
① have trouble doing 做某事有困难
② better and faster 又好又快
③ try to do 尽力做
① If you remember a word’s pronunciation, you’ll remember its spelling easily. (条件状语从句)
② Practice makes perfect. (谚语)
③ You can’t remember words well unless you keep reading and using them. (条件状语从句)
98 .参考答案:
Dear new schoolmates,
I’m very glad to share my ideas on how to learn English well with you.
As for me, I usually listen to the radio in English and watch English films. In English class, I listen carefully in class and take notes at the same time so that I can remember what the teachers talk about. In this way, I find my
English has improved a lot.
As the students of Grade Seven, why not learn to sing more English songs It’s good for your listening and speaking. When you are having English class, you should always speak English, and after class, try to speak to foreigners. It’s good for your listening and speaking. It’s also a good idea to read newspapers and magazines in
English. You can make a pen friend from England or America and write emails to each other.
Wish all of us can improve our English.
That’s all. Thank you for your listening.
至少 2 个学习英语的建议,可从听、说、读、写这四个能力提出相应的建议;
①as for sb 就某人而言
②at the same time 同时
③write emails to each other 互通电子邮件
①In English class, I listen carefully in class and take notes at the same time so that I can remember what the teachers
talk about.(so that 引导目的状语从句, what 引导宾语从句)
②It’s also a good idea to read newspapers and magazines in English.(it 作形式主语, 动词不定式作真正的主语)




下一篇:四川省内江市威远县重点中学校2023-2024高二上学期第二次月考(期中考试)英语试卷(无答案 无听力音频及听力原文)