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1. —I think English is ________ unimportant subject.
—I don’t think so. It is ________ useful tool when we talk with foreigners.
A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an
2. Tony will become _________ when he grows up.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
考查形容词比较级。tall高的;taller更高的;tallest最高的;the tallest最高的。根据“when he grows up”可知,此处是Tony会变得更高,此处用比较级。故选B。
3. —I don’t know how to use this machine.
—It doesn’t matter. You can read the ________.
A. instructions B. competitions
C. information D. advertisement
考查名词辨析。instructions说明;competitions比赛;information信息;advertisement广告。根据“I don’t know how to use this machine.”可知想要知道如何使用这台机器,应该看说明。故选A。
4. — What will the weather be like this afternoon, Anna
— It ________ be fine. But who knows It’s always changing quickly.
A. must B. will C. may D. need
考查情态动词。must必须,一定;will将会;may可能;need需要。根据“But who knows It’s always changing quickly.”可知,此处表示“可能”,是一种不确定的推测,应用may。故选C。
5. —Your handwriting is beautiful.
—Thank you, I write________ than before.
A. careful B. more careful C. more carefully D. carefully
考查副词比较级辨析。careful细心的,形容词,more careful是其比较级;carefully细心地,副词,more carefully是其比较级。write写,动词需用副词修饰,可排除前两项。than比,用于比较;根据句意结构,可知本句需用比较级,故选C。
6. You’d better ________ all the main language points in your note book.
A. turn down B. write down C. cut down D. come down
考查动词短语。turn down关小;write down写下;cut down砍倒;come down下来。根据“all the main language points in your note book”可知是在笔记本上写下要点。故选B。
7. The Internet will go wrong if ________ people download(下载)programmes at the same time.
A. ten million of B. million of C. millions of D. ten millions of
考查大数表达法。基数词+million,表示“几百万”;millions of“数以百万计”。所以C选项符合,故选C。
8. — You hurt your right leg How did that happen
— Bad luck! I was walking along the road an e-bike hit me from behind.
A. while B. as C. when D. before
【解析】句意:——你的右腿受伤了?是怎么发生的?——倒霉!我正走在路上,一辆电动自行车从后面撞到我。考查连词辨析。A. while当…时候,通常与延续性动词连用,且从句和主句的动作同时发生,两句都用过去进行时;B. as因为;C. when当…时候,接延续性动词和短暂性动词,且主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时;D. before在…之前。根据I was walking along the road an e-bike hit me from behind.可知句意为“我正走在路上,一辆电动自行车从后面撞到我。”hit是短暂性动词,而且主句用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时,所以应用when引导,故答案选C。
9. —I hate my schoolwork. It's too hard. And I'm just not as smart as you or mom.
—________, you have a higher IQ. You just need to kick your laziness, Dan.
A. First of all B. For example C. As a result D. In fact
考查副词短语。First of all首先;For example例如;As a result结果;In fact事实上。根据“I’m just not as smart as your or mom.”和“you have a higher IQ”可知,Dan不笨,事实上更聪明,智商更高。故选D。
10. — Could you help us ________ some Christmas lights, Jimmy
—No problem. It’s a good idea to set an exciting feeling with colored lights.
A. put up B. put away C. put in D. put out
考查动词短语辨析。put up搭建,挂起;put away把……收起来;put in安装;put out扑灭。根据“No problem. It’s a good idea to set an exciting feeling with colored lights.”可知,此处是你能帮我们安装一些圣诞灯来营造气氛。故选C。
11. Our teacher often advises us homework alone .
A. finishing B. finish C. to finishing D. to finish
【解析】句意:我们的老师经常建议我们独自完成作业。advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事,动词不定式作宾语补足语,故答案为D。
12. The sentence structure of “We think John the best student.” is ________.
考查句子结构。分析句子可知,we主语;think谓语;John宾语;the best student宾语补足语。故此句子结构是主谓宾宾补。故选C。
13. —I’m really sorry to know that people fish too often in this area.
—Yes. This means some rare birds will have ________food.
A. less and less B. fewer and fewer C. bigger and bigger D. more and more
考查比较级辨析。less and less越来越少,修饰不可数名词;fewer and fewer越来越少,修饰可数名词;bigger and bigger越来越大;more and more越来越多。根据情境可知,食物变少了,food是不可数名词,应该使用“less and less”。故选A。
14. —What were you doing at this time yesterday
—We ________ in the office.
A. work B. was working C. were working D. are working
考查时态。根据“What were you doing at this time yesterday”可知此处表示昨天的这个时候正在工作,用过去进行时was/were doing。故选C。
15. —We are going to have a picnic in Shanghai Botanical Garden this Sunday.
A. You are welcome. B. Enjoy your time there.
C. That's all right. D. It's hard to say.
A. 不用谢;B. 玩的开心;C. 没关系;D. 很难说;根据前句句意理解可知,这里表达的是“祝福对方要玩的开心”,故选B。
All the people gathered in the court (法庭) now, and Injun Joe was in. “Take the witnesses (证人).” a voice came.
Potter, who was sitting in the dock (被告席), raised his eyes, but ____1____ them when hearing his own lawyer’s words. “I have no questions to ask this witness.”
Instead, the lawyer continued, “Your honor, at first, we decided to prove (证明)that Potter did this terrible thing because of drinking wine. But now we have ____2____ our mind. Call Tom Sawyer!”
Tom Sawyer came up. He looked very nervous, for he was ____3____.
“Tom Sawyer, where were you on 17 June, about the hour of midnight ” the lawyer asked. Tom noticed Injun Joe’s ____4____ face and stopped. But soon he got himself back, said softly, “In the graveyard (墓地)!”
“A little bit ____5____, please. Don’t be afraid. You were…in the graveyard.”
A ____6____ smile was across Injun Joe’s face.
“Were you anywhere ____7____ the grave at that time ”
“Yes, sir. Near as I am to you.”
“Were you hidden, or not If so, ____8____ ”
“Behind the trees on the edge of the grave.” Injun Joe stood up ____9____.
“ ____10____ with you ”
“Yes, sir. I went there with…”
“Wait, wait a moment. Never give its ____11____. Now, my boy, tell us everything you saw—don’t ____12____ anything.”
Tom began slowly at first, but then his words came more easily and ____13____ its climax (高潮) soon. “The doctor hit Potter down, and Injun Joe jumped with the knife and…”
The quiet court ____14____ and became noisy.
Crash! Quick as a ____15____ through a window, Injun Joe was gone!
1. A. touched B. closed C. dropped D. opened
2. A. lost B. changed C. kept D. agreed
3. A. in fear B. in danger C. in need D. in trouble
4. A. cold B. warm C. smiling D. kind
5. A. louder B. slower C. bigger D. quicker
6. A. happy B. slight C. big D. hopeful
7. A. near B. in C. under D. on
8. A. which B. where C. what D. whose
9. A. happily B. sadly C. quietly D. excitedly
10. A. Someone B. Anyone C. Everyone D. No one
11. A. address B. name C. hobby D. looks
12. A. ask B. mix C. accept D. miss
13. A. reached B. forgot C. prepared D. planned
14. A. came out B. looked out C. broke out D. took out
15. A. flood B. thunder C. lightning D. fire
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. C
【解析】本文选自《汤姆索亚历险记》,讲述了Tom Sawyer在法庭上证明Injun Joe杀死Robinson医生的片段。
touched触碰;closed合上;dropped低下;opened打开。根据“raised his eyes, but …”可知,是抬起眼又低下了。故选C。
lost丢失;changed改变;kept保持;agreed同意。change one’s mind“改变主意”,固定短语。故选B。
in fear害怕;in danger处于危险中;in need急需;in trouble处于困境。根据“He looked very nervous”可知,紧张是因为害怕。故选A。
4句意:汤姆注意到Injun Joe冷漠的脸,停了下来。
cold冷漠的;warm温暖的;smiling微笑的;kind友善的。根据“…face and stopped.”可知,停下来是因为看到Injun Joe冷漠的脸。故选A。
louder更大声;slower更慢;bigger更大;quicker更快。根据“said softly”可知,他声音不大,对方让他大点声。故选A。
6句意:Injun Joe脸上掠过一丝微笑。
happy快乐的;slight稍微;big大的;hopeful有希望的。根据“…smile was across Injun Joe’s face.”可知,是轻微一笑。故选B。
near在……附近;in在……里面;under在……下面;on在……上面。根据“Near as I am to you.”可知,是在坟墓附近。故选A。
which哪个;where哪里;what什么;whose谁的。根据“Behind the trees”可知,问的是在哪里。故选B。
9句意:Injun Joe默默地站了起来。
happily快乐地;sadly伤心地;quietly安静地;excitedly兴奋地。根据“Injun Joe stood up…”可知,听了Tom的话,Injun Joe默默地站了起来。故选C。
Someone某人;Anyone任何人;Everyone每个人;No one没有人。根据“…with you ”可知,句子是疑问句,问是否有人一起,用anyone。故选B。
address地址;name名字;hobby爱好;looks外貌。根据“I went there with”可知,是不让说出名字。故选B。
ask问;mix混合;accept接受;miss错过,漏掉。根据“tell us everything you saw”可知,不能漏掉任何事。故选D。
reached到达;forgot忘记;prepared准备;planned计划。根据“…its climax (高潮) soon.”可知,到达了高潮。故选A。
came out出版;looked out向外看;broke out爆发;took out带出去。根据“and became noisy”可知,法庭爆发出声音。故选C。
15句意:Injun Joe跑了,就像闪电穿过窗户一样快!
flood洪水;thunder雷;lightning闪电;fire火。根据“Quick as a…”可知,是像闪电一样快。故选C。
阅读下列内容, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
At least 151 people were killed and 82 were hurt in a stampede (踩踏) accident during a Halloween gathering in South Korea, in 2022. A survey from People’s Daily shows that the worst accidents were results of stampedes, fires and traffic.
As a student, what should you do if there is a fire at school Do you know how to protect yourself in a large crowd When facing an accident, the first and most important rule is to stay calm. But different accidents mean different ways of dealing with (处理) them.
A stampede happens in a place where a large crowd gathers. When students around you begin to push, stand still, try to hold onto something, or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves and cover your head with both hands. Lean to one side, curl your body and bend your legs.
When there’s a fire, stay calm and follow teachers’ orders. Leave the classroom and use a piece of cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you don’t breathe in smoke.
If you take a school bus on your way home or to school, remember to fasten your seatbelt and not to walk around when the bus is moving.
If you walk to school or go by bike, follow traffic rules. Wait for the green traffic lights, and look left and right for cars before you cross the road.
1. What needn’t we do when there is a stampede
A. Hold onto something strong. B. Lean to one side.
C. Stay against the wall in a corner. D. Cover your mouth and nose.
2. Among the following actions, which may cause a terrible result
A. Staying calm when there is an accident.
B. Falling over among a large group of students.
C. Walking around after the school bus stops.
D. Waiting for the green traffic lights on the way to school.
3. What’s the best title of the passage
A. The results of accidents B. The reasons for accidents
C. The ways of dealing with accidents D. The problems with dealing with accidents
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. C
1细节理解题。根据“When students around you begin to push, stand still, try to hold onto something, or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves and cover your head with both hands. Lean to one side, curl your body and bend your legs.”可知,当你周围的学生开始推挤时,站着别动,试着抓住什么东西,或者待在角落里,直到人群离开,并用双手捂住头。身体向一侧倾斜,身体弯曲,双腿弯曲。D选项不属于,故选D。
2推理判断题。根据“At least 151 people were killed and 82 were hurt in a stampede (踩踏) accident during a Halloween gathering in South Korea, in 2022”可知,在踩踏事件中,如果摔倒了很容易造成可怕的后果。故选B。
3最佳标题题。根据“When facing an accident, the first and most important rule is to stay calm. But different accidents mean different ways of dealing with (处理) them.”可知,文章主要讲述了面对事故时应该如何处理。故选C。
I’m very thankful to the cat and it always makes me think of the time I was with him. Five years ago, when my father was dying, I travelled a thousand miles from home to be with him in his last days. I felt very sad and it was one of the most difficult and painful times in my life.
After he passed away, I stayed alone in his flat. There were so many things to deal with. I was lonely and I hated the silence of the flat.
But one evening the silence (寂静) was broken: I heard crying outside. I opened the door to find a little cat on the steps. He was thin and poor. He looked the way I felt. I brought him inside and gave him a can of fish. He ate it and then almost immediately fell asleep.
The next morning I checked with neighbors and learned that the cat had been left by his owner. His owner had moved out, so the little cat was there all alone, just like I was. As I walked back to the flat, I tried to work out what to do with him. Having something else to take care of seemed like the very last thing I needed. But as soon as I opened the flat door, he ran to me and jumped into my arms. It was clear from that moment that he didn’t want to go anywhere. I started calling him Willis in order to remember my father’s best friend.
From then on, things grew easier. With Willis in my lap, time seemed to pass much faster. When the time finally came for me to return home, I had to decide what to do about Willis. There was absolutely no way I would leave without him.
It’s been five years since my father died. Over the years, several people have said how nice it was of me to rescue (营救) the cat. But I know that we rescued each other. I may have given him a home but he gave me something greater.
1. As soon as the writer saw the cat, she _________.
A. had pity on him B. showed no interest in him
C. felt very afraid D. felt angry with his crying
2. The cat rescued the writer by ________.
A. telling her what real life was B. helping her tidy the flat every day
C. helping her finish the tasks on time D. making her feel better in her hard times
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE
A. The cat didn’t like staying in the writer’s flat.
B. The writer and the cat were both homeless.
C. Willis was also the name of the writer’s father’s friend.
D. The cat was left by his owner because of an accident.
4. What’s the best title for the passage
A. A lovely cat B. My father and a cat
C. What I got from a cat D. How to take care of a cat
【答案】1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C
1细节理解题。根据第三段“ I opened the door to find a little cat on the steps. He was thin and poor. He looked the way I felt. I brought him inside and gave him a can of fish.”可知,作者看到那只小猫就像她自己一样的孤独、可怜,所以把猫带到了家里,给他东西吃。由此可知作者非常的同情那只猫,故选A。
2推理判断题。根据第五段“From then on, things grew easier. With Willis in my lap, time seemed to pass much faster. ”从那时起,事情变得简单了,威利斯坐在我的腿上,时间似乎过得更快了;可知这只猫拯救了作者是通过在她困难的时刻让她变得更好。故选D。
3细节理解题。根据第四段“I started calling him Willis in order to remember my father's best friend”我开始喊他威利斯为了记住我父亲最好的朋友;可知,威利斯是我的父亲的朋友,故选C。
4最佳标题题。根据最后一段“But I know that we rescued each other. I may have given him a home but he gave me something greater”以及全文可知,因为这只猫,在作者的父亲去世后,她的生活得到了改观;因此C项“我从一只猫那里得到了什么”最符合文意,故选C。
Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history Many people would think of Confucius (孔子) whose birthday was September 28. Although he lived over 2,000 years ago, people still remember and respect him for his contribution (贡献) to the education today.
Confucius lived in the Kingdom of Lu, which was in Shandong Province. He lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. He had a hard childhood. His father died when he was only 3. His mother brought him up. As a child, he had to work to help his mother, but young Confucius didn’t give up studying. He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports.
Later, he became a teacher and started the first public school in Chinese history. At that time only children from wealthy families could go to school, but Confucius believed everyone should go to school if they wanted to learn. He had about 3,000 students in his lifetime and traveled with his students from state to state.
Today, people still follow Confucius’ lessons. He told us that we all have something worthy to be learned. “When I am with three people, one of them must be better than me in some areas. I choose their good qualities and follow them.”
He also taught us that thinking is very important in study. “All study but no thinking makes people puzzled (困惑的). All thinking but no study makes people lazy.”
Confucius is not only a great teacher, but also a famous thinker with wise thoughts about the world and society. His most important teachings are about kindness and good manners. “A person should be strict with himself, but be kind to others.” he said.
1. Confucius learned music, history, poetry and sports __________ when he was a child.
A. by teaching himself at home B. with the help of his mother
C. by going to school D. by visiting many famous teachers
2. Why do people still remember and respect Confucius today
A. Because he learned music, history, poetry and sports.
B. Because he lived during the Spring and Autumn Period.
C. Because he traveled with his students from state to state.
D. Because he made a great contribution (贡献) to the education.
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage
A. No one has something worthy to be learned.
B. All thinking but no study makes people lazy.
C. All study but no thinking makes people puzzled.
D. A person should be strict with himself, but be kind to others.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage
A. Confucius’ teaching methods B. Person who travels around China
C. Confucius—great teacher and thinker D. Great man with happy childhood
【答案】1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C
1细节理解题。根据“He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports.”可知他通过拜访名师,学会了音乐、历史、诗歌和体育。故选D。
2细节理解题。根据“Although he lived over 2,000 years ago, people still remember and respect him for his contribution to the education today.”可知时至今日人们仍然铭记和尊敬孔子是因为孔子对教育作出了巨大贡献。故选D。
3细节理解题。根据“He told us that we all have something worthy to be learned.”可知,人人都有值得学习的东西,A项错误。故选A。
Trick 1: Cheese Touch
When I got to school today, everybody was acting all strange around me, and at first I didn’t know what was up. Then I remembered: I still had the Cheese Touch from last year. I got the Cheese Touch in the last week of school, and over the summer I forgot about it.
The problem with the Cheese Touch is that you’ve got it until you can pass it on to someone else. But nobody would even like to get close to me and talk to me. Every time they saw me, they screamed “Ah~ Greg Heffley is coming!” I knew the Cheese Touch would stick with me for the whole school year. Luckily, a new kid named Jeremy Pindle was in the classroom, so I passed the Cheese Touch to him.
Trick 2: The First Letter
My first class was Maths, and the teacher put me right next to Alex Aruda, the cleverest kid in the whole class. If the kids’ last names start with the first few letters of the alphabet, the teacher will call them most, and that’s why they end up being the cleverest. Some people think that’s not true, but I can prove it. You see the picture on the left Alex Aruda is a top student, while Christoper Ziegel is different.
I can only think of one kid. He broke the last-name rule, and that’s Peter Uteger. Peter was the cleverest kid in the class all the way up until the fifth grade.
When we kept saying his first letter out loud, it sounded funny. This gave Peter a difficult time. These days, Peter doesn’t put up his hand at all, and he’s pretty much a C student. I feel a little bad about the whole P.U. thing and what happened to Peter.
1. What is the Cheese Touch according to the passage
A. A kind of food. B. A school course. C. A piece of paper. D. A popular trick.
2. If someone gets the Cheese Touch, ________.
A. he is dangerous to others B. others may keep away from him
C. he should pass it on to someone else D. it will stick with him for the whole school year
3. What did Peter Uteger think of those kids when they kept saying “P.U.!” out loud
A. Active but strange. B. Noisy and impolite.
C. Humorous but impolite. D. Crazy and impatient.
4. What can you infer (推断) from the passage
A. Peter Uteger broke the class rule in the fifth grade.
B. The kids in the class don’t play with Jeremy Pindle now.
C. Christoper Ziegel is among the cleverest kids in the class.
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. B 4. B
1细节理解题。根据“Trick 1: Cheese Touch”可知Cheese Touch是一种恶作剧,故选D。
2推理判断题。根据“But nobody would even like to get close to me and talk to me. Every time they saw me, they screamed ‘Ah~ Greg Heffley is coming!’”可知没有人喜欢接近作者,他们看见作者会喊“Greg Heffley要来了”,所以推断一个得到Cheese Touch的人,大家都想逃离他,故选B。
3推理判断题。根据“When we kept saying his first letter out loud, it sounded funny. This gave Peter a difficult time.”可知当其他孩子们一直喊他名字的首字母时,听起来很滑稽,Peter觉得当时是一个难熬的时刻,所以推测他当时应该感觉嘈杂而不礼貌,故选B。
4推理判断题。根据“Luckily, a new kid named Jeremy Pindle was in the classroom, so I passed the Cheese Touch to him.”可知作者把Cheese Touch传给了Jeremy Pindle,由上文可知其他人会逃避得到Jeremy Pindle的人,所以推测班里的孩子们现在不会和Jeremy Pindle玩了,故选B。
D. Jeremy Pindle got the Cheese Touch in the last week of school.
1. Many people are killed in traffic _______ (事故) in the world every day.
2. All the buses are running towards the same _______ (方向) on the high way.
3. He often listens carefully to my problems and _______ (提供) me lots of help.
4. My bike broke down and I was late for school. What an _______ (糟糕的) day!
5. I like to stay in _______ (自然的) world to spend my holiday.
【答案】1. accidents 2. direction 3. offers 4. awful 5. natural
“事故”译为“accident”。根据空前“in traffic”可知此处要用复数形式。故答案为accidents。
“方向”译为“direction”。根据空前“the same”可知是说同一个方向,用单数形式。故答案为direction。
根据句子结构可知此处“提供”译为“offer”,构成offer sb. sth.结构;and前后谓语动词表并列,此处用第三人称单数形式。故答案为offers。
6. I was surprised to see that my pet cat was still _______ (live) after the fire.
7. It is always _______ (sun) here in winter. The sun shines brightly.
8. Without dropping any milk, the little boy put the glass on to the table _______ (care).
9. Our monitor told us _______ (not make) any noise in the classroom.
10. The temperatures are in the _______ (twenty). You needn’t wear such a warm coat.
【答案】6. alive 7. sunny 8. carefully 9. not to make 10. twenties
分析句子结构可知此处用形容词作表语;结合备选词“live”及空后“after the fire”可知此处要用alive表示“活着,在世”。故答案为alive。
分析句子结构可知要用副词修饰动词put;结合提示词“care”和题干中“Without dropping any milk”可知要用carefully表示“小心地”。故答案为carefully。
tell sb. not to do sth.意为“告诉某人不要做某事”,是固定搭配。故答案为not to make。
结合题干中“in the _______ (twenty)”可推出此处用基数词的复数形式,构成短语“in the twenties”表示“在二三十度”。故答案为twenties。
An aged man lived in a nice village with a large garden. People often saw him looking after his flowers all the time.
One day a young painter went by this garden. He was attracted (吸引) by the beautiful flowers. Then suddenly he found the old gardener wasn’t able to see.
The painter asked in surprise, “Why are you busy looking after these flowers which you can’t see ”
The gardener smiled, answering, “I can tell you the reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I like this job. Second, although I can’t see these flowers. I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s you.”
“Me But you don’t know me. ”
“Yeah, it’s true that I don’t know you. I know many people who show enthusiasm (热情) in life would stop by and the beauty of my garden will get them into a good feeling. At the same time, it also gives a chance to me to have a word with you here, and to enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us. ”
I believe every flower has eyes with which they can see the kindness of the old man’s heart and the sweetness of his soul (灵魂). He grows flowers in his heart. Although he couldn’t see the beauty of blossoming (开花), he surely can hear the voice of it.
1. Was the gardener able to see
2. Why did the young painter stop
3. How many reasons did the gardener give
4. What did the beauty of the old man’s garden get people into
5. What do you think of the gardener
【答案】1. No, he wasn’t.
2. Because he was attracted by the beauty flowers.
3. Four./Four reasons./He gave four reasons.
4. A good feeling.
5. He is a man full of kindness./He is kind/friendly.
1根据“Then suddenly he found the old gardener wasn’t able to see.”可知老人看不见。故填No, he wasn’t.
2根据“He was attracted by the beautiful flowers.”可知年轻人被美丽的花吸引而驻足。故填Because he was attracted by the beauty flowers.
3根据“First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I like this job. Second, although I can’t see these flowers. I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s you.”可知老人一共给了年轻人四个理由。故填Four./Four reasons./He gave four reasons.
4根据“I know many people who show enthusiasm in life would stop by and the beauty of my garden will get them into a good feeling.”可知花园的美丽会带给人们美好的情感。故填A good feeling.
5开放性作答,符合题目和材料即可。参考答案为He is a man full of kindness./He is kind/friendly
We always get selfless love from people, especially from our mothers. Here’s a story which expresses what’s a mother’s love.
“Can I see my baby ” the h____1____ new mother asked.
The doctor gasped(抱给)her the baby, then t____2____ around quickly and looked out of the tall hospital window. The mother realized something, but she didn’t stop. She m____3____ the cloth to look upon her baby’s tiny face the first time. And she the first time knew the baby had no e____4____ She cried, knowing her baby would have a h____5____ life.
Time says that the baby’s hearing was perfect. It was only his looks that was s____6____, and it always hurt him because he was called a freak(怪物)by other children. Every time it happened, the mother would tell her son to believe in himself, and had a strong feeling of k____7____ in her heart.
“You can do n____8____ to help my son ” The boy’s father met with an ear expert(专家)one day.
“I think I can graft(移植)on a pair of outer ears when it’s possible, ” the expert decided. Two years went by. One day, the father said to his son, “You’re going to the h____9____, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need.”
“Who gives me so much ” the boy asked.
“But the agreement(合同)is that you are not to know. It’s a s_____10_____,”said the father. The operation (手术)was a great success, and a new person grew.
The years kept their secret until the day came. The boy stood with his father over his mother’s bed. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair to show that she had no outer ears.
【答案】1. (h)appy 2. (t)urned 3. (m)oved 4. (e)ars 5. (h)ard 6. (s)trange 7. (k)indness
8. (n)othing 9. (h)ospital 10. (s)ecret
1句意:“我可以看看我的宝宝吗?”初为人母的她开心地问道。结合语境,根据前一句““Can I see my baby ””可知,妈妈想看看自己的刚出生的宝宝,所以可以推测,妈妈很开心。表达“开心的”用单词happy。故填(h)appy。
2句意:医生把婴儿抱给她,然后快速地转过身,从高高的医院窗户向外看。根据前一句“The doctor gasped(抱给)her the baby,”可知,医生把婴儿抱给妈妈。根据后半句“and looked out of the tall hospital window.”可知,医生从高高的医院窗户向外看,所以可以推测,医生把孩子给妈妈后转身向窗外看。表达“转身”用短语turn around,因为这是一个故事,所以用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(t)urned。
3句意:她第一次把布移开去看她婴儿的小脸。根据前文“The doctor gasped(抱给)her the baby…he mother realized something, but she didn’t stop.”可知,妈妈从医生那里抱到自己刚出生的婴儿,妈妈要看自己的孩子,按常理,要把裹着婴儿的布移开。表达“移开”用单词move,结合上下文是一般过去时,所以用move的过去式。故填(m)oved。
4句意:而且她第一次知道婴儿没有耳朵,她哭了。根据下文“‘I think I can graft(移植)on a pair of outer ears when it’s possible…Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need.’”可知,刚出生的婴儿没有耳朵。故填(e)ars。
5句意:知道她的孩子会过得很艰难。根据“And she the first time knew the baby had no…”可知,妈妈意识到自己的孩子没有耳朵,所以意识到自己的孩子会过得很艰难。表达“艰难的”用单词hard。故填(h)ard。
6句意:仅仅因为他的奇怪的外貌总是伤害他,因为他被其他孩子称为怪物。根据后半句“…and it always hurt him because he was called a freak(怪物)by other children.”可知,其他人觉得他是怪物,所以此处想要表达“外貌很奇怪”。表达“奇怪的”用单词strange。故填(s)trange。
8句意:你帮不了我儿子?根据下文“The boy’s father met with an ear expert(专家)one day. “I think I can graft(移植)on a pair of outer ears when it’s possible, ” the expert decided.”可知,爸爸遇到专家后,想问问专家是否能帮到儿子,因为是陈述句的语序,所以用这种反问的语气。故填(n)othing。
9句意:你将要去医院,儿子。根据下一句“Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need.”可知,爸爸妈妈已经找到给儿子捐赠耳朵的人,所以儿子要去医院做手术。表达“医院”用单词hospital。故填(h)ospital。
10句意:那是一个秘密。根据前一句“But the agreement(合同)is that you are not to know.”可知,在协议中,你不可以知道。所以此处要表达“那是一个秘密”,表达“秘密”用单词secret。故填(s)ecret。
A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)
1. 今年寒假期间我们将休息20多天。
【答案】We’ll have over 20 days off during this winter holiday
【解析】分析句子可知,此句时态为一般将来时,结构为:will+do。“我们”we,作主语,“休假”have off,“二十多天”over 20 days,“在……期间”during,介词,“这个寒假”this winter holiday。故填We’ll have over 20 days off during this winter holiday。
2. 当地震发生时,你最好保持冷静。
【答案】You’d better keep calm/calm down when earthquakes happen/when an earthquake happens.
【解析】你:you;最好:had better;保持冷静:keep calm/calm down;当……时候:when,引导时间状语从句;地震:earthquakes/an earthquake;发生:happen。结合语境可知,此题为一般现在时,是一个含有when引导的时间状语从句的复合句。当earthquakes作主语时,谓语happen用原形;当an earthquake作主语时,谓语happen用第三人称单数形式happens,所以从句表达为:when earthquakes happen/when an earthquake happens。故填You’d better keep calm/calm down when earthquakes happen/when an earthquake happens.
3. 我要买一把新剪刀而不是再修这把旧的。________________________________.
【答案】I’ll/want to buy a new pair of scissors instead of repairing the old ones
【解析】want to do sth“想要做某事”;buy“买”;a new pair of scissors“一把新剪刀”;instead of doing sth“而不是做某事”;repair the old ones“修这把旧的”,此句可以用一般将来时will do的结构也可以用一般现在时,故填I’ll/want to buy a new pair of scissors instead of repairing the old ones。
4. 不但我,而且我的表弟也经常花很多时间研究鸟类。
【答案】Not only I, but also my cousin spends much/a lot of time studying the birds
【解析】此句用“not only...but also...”意为“不仅……而且……”固定句式,时态为一般现在时,“我”主格为I,“我的表弟”为my cousin,“花费时间做某事”spend time doing sth.,“很多,大量”much/a lot of,“研究”study,“鸟类”the birds。故填Not only I, but also my cousin spends much/a lot of time studying the birds。
5. 今天早晨我骑车上学时,看见了一起交通事故。
【答案】I saw a traffic accident when/while/as I was riding to school this morning
【解析】今天早晨:this morning,作时间状语,置于句末;我:I;看见:see,句子是一般过去时,动词需用其过去式saw;一起交通事故:a traffic accident;当……的时候:when/while/as,引导时间状语从句;骑车上学:ride to school,主句为一般过去时,从句用过去进行时was/were doing,主语是I,be动词用was。故填I saw a traffic accident when/while/as I was riding to school this morning。
B. 写作(计20分)
假设你是Danie,你的英国笔友Paul想要结交更多的朋友。你通过电子邮件,把你最好的朋友 Simon介绍给他。Simon的情况见下表:
姓名 Simon
年龄 15
外貌 高个子,大眼睛,方脸, 短发
个性 有很强的幽默感,他经常……
爱好 对DIY着迷,…… 喜欢英语,认为……
其他情况 对不同种类的鸟感兴趣,去年加入了观鸟协会,喜欢……最喜欢冬季,……
理想 长大后想成为……,因为……
Dear Paul,
I’m writing to introduce my best friend Simon to you.
Simon is fifteen.
I hope you can make friends with him as soon as you can. Maybe he can show you around our town at the Spring Festival.
Dear Paul,
I’m writing to introduce my best friend Simon to you.
Simon is fifteen. He is a tall boy with two big eyes. He has a square face and short hair. He has a good sense of humour. He often tells us funny jokes and makes us happy.
He’s crazy about DIY. He reads lots of books about it. Also, he likes English. He thinks it is great fun to learn English. He’s interested in different kinds of birds. He joined the Birdwatching Society last year.
Among the four seasons, he likes winter best because he likes having snowball fights and making snowmen with his friends.
He wants to be a teacher when he grows up because he wants to work with children.
I hope you can make friends with him as soon as you can. Maybe he can show you around our town at the Spring Festival.
1. 本试卷满分120分,考试时间为100分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
2. 答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,同时务必在试卷的装订线内将本人的姓名、准考证号、毕业学校填写好,在试卷第4页的右下角填写好座位号。
3. 所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上作答,选择题用2B铅笔作答、非选择题在指定位置用0.5毫米黑色水笔作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。
1. —I think English is ________ unimportant subject.
—I don’t think so. It is ________ useful tool when we talk with foreigners.
A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an
2. Tony will become _________ when he grows up.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
3. —I don’t know how to use this machine.
—It doesn’t matter. You can read the ________.
A. instructions B. competitions
C. information D. advertisement
4. — What will the weather be like this afternoon, Anna
— It ________ be fine. But who knows It’s always changing quickly.
A. must B. will C. may D. need
5. —Your handwriting is beautiful.
—Thank you, I write________ than before.
A. careful B. more careful C. more carefully D. carefully
6. You’d better ________ all the main language points in your note book.
A. turn down B. write down C. cut down D. come down
7. The Internet will go wrong if ________ people download(下载)programmes at the same time.
A. ten million of B. million of C. millions of D. ten millions of
8. — You hurt your right leg How did that happen
— Bad luck! I was walking along the road an e-bike hit me from behind.
A. while B. as C. when D. before
9. —I hate my schoolwork. It's too hard. And I'm just not as smart as you or mom.
—________, you have a higher IQ. You just need to kick your laziness, Dan.
A. First of all B. For example C. As a result D. In fact
10. — Could you help us ________ some Christmas lights, Jimmy
—No problem. It’s a good idea to set an exciting feeling with colored lights.
A. put up B. put away C. put in D. put out
11. Our teacher often advises us homework alone .
A. finishing B. finish C. to finishing D. to finish
12. The sentence structure of “We think John the best student.” is ________.
13. —I’m really sorry to know that people fish too often in this area.
—Yes. This means some rare birds will have ________food.
A. less and less B. fewer and fewer C. bigger and bigger D. more and more
14. —What were you doing at this time yesterday
—We ________ in the office.
A. work B. was working C. were working D. are working
15. —We are going to have a picnic in Shanghai Botanical Garden this Sunday.
A. You are welcome. B. Enjoy your time there.
C. That's all right. D. It's hard to say.
All the people gathered in the court (法庭) now, and Injun Joe was in. “Take the witnesses (证人).” a voice came.
Potter, who was sitting in the dock (被告席), raised his eyes, but ____1____ them when hearing his own lawyer’s words. “I have no questions to ask this witness.”
Instead, the lawyer continued, “Your honor, at first, we decided to prove (证明)that Potter did this terrible thing because of drinking wine. But now we have ____2____ our mind. Call Tom Sawyer!”
Tom Sawyer came up. He looked very nervous, for he was ____3____.
“Tom Sawyer, where were you on 17 June, about the hour of midnight ” the lawyer asked. Tom noticed Injun Joe’s ____4____ face and stopped. But soon he got himself back, said softly, “In the graveyard (墓地)!”
“A little bit ____5____, please. Don’t be afraid. You were…in the graveyard.”
A ____6____ smile was across Injun Joe’s face.
“Were you anywhere ____7____ the grave at that time ”
“Yes, sir. Near as I am to you.”
“Were you hidden, or not If so, ____8____ ”
“Behind the trees on the edge of the grave.” Injun Joe stood up ____9____.
“ ____10____ with you ”
“Yes, sir. I went there with…”
“Wait, wait a moment. Never give its ____11____. Now, my boy, tell us everything you saw—don’t ____12____ anything.”
Tom began slowly at first, but then his words came more easily and ____13____ its climax (高潮) soon. “The doctor hit Potter down, and Injun Joe jumped with the knife and…”
The quiet court ____14____ and became noisy.
Crash! Quick as a ____15____ through a window, Injun Joe was gone!
1. A. touched B. closed C. dropped D. opened
2. A. lost B. changed C. kept D. agreed
3. A. in fear B. in danger C. in need D. in trouble
4. A. cold B. warm C. smiling D. kind
5. A. louder B. slower C. bigger D. quicker
6. A. happy B. slight C. big D. hopeful
7. A. near B. in C. under D. on
8. A. which B. where C. what D. whose
9. A. happily B. sadly C. quietly D. excitedly
10. A. Someone B. Anyone C. Everyone D. No one
11. A. address B. name C. hobby D. looks
12. A. ask B. mix C. accept D. miss
13. A. reached B. forgot C. prepared D. planned
14. A. came out B. looked out C. broke out D. took out
15. A. flood B. thunder C. lightning D. fire
阅读下列内容, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
At least 151 people were killed and 82 were hurt in a stampede (踩踏) accident during a Halloween gathering in South Korea, in 2022. A survey from People’s Daily shows that the worst accidents were results of stampedes, fires and traffic.
As a student, what should you do if there is a fire at school Do you know how to protect yourself in a large crowd When facing an accident, the first and most important rule is to stay calm. But different accidents mean different ways of dealing with (处理) them.
A stampede happens in a place where a large crowd gathers. When students around you begin to push, stand still, try to hold onto something, or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves and cover your head with both hands. Lean to one side, curl your body and bend your legs.
When there’s a fire, stay calm and follow teachers’ orders. Leave the classroom and use a piece of cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you don’t breathe in smoke.
If you take a school bus on your way home or to school, remember to fasten your seatbelt and not to walk around when the bus is moving.
If you walk to school or go by bike, follow traffic rules. Wait for the green traffic lights, and look left and right for cars before you cross the road.
1. What needn’t we do when there is a stampede
A. Hold onto something strong. B. Lean to one side.
C. Stay against the wall in a corner. D. Cover your mouth and nose.
2. Among the following actions, which may cause a terrible result
A. Staying calm when there is an accident.
B. Falling over among a large group of students.
C. Walking around after the school bus stops.
D. Waiting for the green traffic lights on the way to school.
3. What’s the best title of the passage
A. The results of accidents B. The reasons for accidents
C. The ways of dealing with accidents D. The problems with dealing with accidents
I’m very thankful to the cat and it always makes me think of the time I was with him. Five years ago, when my father was dying, I travelled a thousand miles from home to be with him in his last days. I felt very sad and it was one of the most difficult and painful times in my life.
After he passed away, I stayed alone in his flat. There were so many things to deal with. I was lonely and I hated the silence of the flat.
But one evening the silence (寂静) was broken: I heard crying outside. I opened the door to find a little cat on the steps. He was thin and poor. He looked the way I felt. I brought him inside and gave him a can of fish. He ate it and then almost immediately fell asleep.
The next morning I checked with neighbors and learned that the cat had been left by his owner. His owner had moved out, so the little cat was there all alone, just like I was. As I walked back to the flat, I tried to work out what to do with him. Having something else to take care of seemed like the very last thing I needed. But as soon as I opened the flat door, he ran to me and jumped into my arms. It was clear from that moment that he didn’t want to go anywhere. I started calling him Willis in order to remember my father’s best friend.
From then on, things grew easier. With Willis in my lap, time seemed to pass much faster. When the time finally came for me to return home, I had to decide what to do about Willis. There was absolutely no way I would leave without him.
It’s been five years since my father died. Over the years, several people have said how nice it was of me to rescue (营救) the cat. But I know that we rescued each other. I may have given him a home but he gave me something greater.
1. As soon as the writer saw the cat, she _________.
A. had pity on him B. showed no interest in him
C. felt very afraid D. felt angry with his crying
2. The cat rescued the writer by ________.
A. telling her what real life was B. helping her tidy the flat every day
C. helping her finish the tasks on time D. making her feel better in her hard times
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE
A. The cat didn’t like staying in the writer’s flat.
B. The writer and the cat were both homeless.
C. Willis was also the name of the writer’s father’s friend.
D. The cat was left by his owner because of an accident.
4. What’s the best title for the passage
A. A lovely cat B. My father and a cat
C. What I got from a cat D. How to take care of a cat
Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history Many people would think of Confucius (孔子) whose birthday was September 28. Although he lived over 2,000 years ago, people still remember and respect him for his contribution (贡献) to the education today.
Confucius lived in the Kingdom of Lu, which was in Shandong Province. He lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. He had a hard childhood. His father died when he was only 3. His mother brought him up. As a child, he had to work to help his mother, but young Confucius didn’t give up studying. He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports.
Later, he became a teacher and started the first public school in Chinese history. At that time only children from wealthy families could go to school, but Confucius believed everyone should go to school if they wanted to learn. He had about 3,000 students in his lifetime and traveled with his students from state to state.
Today, people still follow Confucius’ lessons. He told us that we all have something worthy to be learned. “When I am with three people, one of them must be better than me in some areas. I choose their good qualities and follow them.”
He also taught us that thinking is very important in study. “All study but no thinking makes people puzzled (困惑的). All thinking but no study makes people lazy.”
Confucius is not only a great teacher, but also a famous thinker with wise thoughts about the world and society. His most important teachings are about kindness and good manners. “A person should be strict with himself, but be kind to others.” he said.
1. Confucius learned music, history, poetry and sports __________ when he was a child.
A. by teaching himself at home B. with the help of his mother
C. by going to school D. by visiting many famous teachers
2. Why do people still remember and respect Confucius today
A. Because he learned music, history, poetry and sports.
B. Because he lived during the Spring and Autumn Period.
C. Because he traveled with his students from state to state.
D. Because he made a great contribution (贡献) to the education.
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage
A. No one has something worthy to be learned.
B. All thinking but no study makes people lazy.
C. All study but no thinking makes people puzzled.
D. A person should be strict with himself, but be kind to others.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage
A. Confucius’ teaching methods B. Person who travels around China
C. Confucius—great teacher and thinker D. Great man with happy childhood
Trick 1: Cheese Touch
When I got to school today, everybody was acting all strange around me, and at first I didn’t know what was up. Then I remembered: I still had the Cheese Touch from last year. I got the Cheese Touch in the last week of school, and over the summer I forgot about it.
The problem with the Cheese Touch is that you’ve got it until you can pass it on to someone else. But nobody would even like to get close to me and talk to me. Every time they saw me, they screamed “Ah~ Greg Heffley is coming!” I knew the Cheese Touch would stick with me for the whole school year. Luckily, a new kid named Jeremy Pindle was in the classroom, so I passed the Cheese Touch to him.
Trick 2: The First Letter
My first class was Maths, and the teacher put me right next to Alex Aruda, the cleverest kid in the whole class. If the kids’ last names start with the first few letters of the alphabet, the teacher will call them most, and that’s why they end up being the cleverest. Some people think that’s not true, but I can prove it. You see the picture on the left Alex Aruda is a top student, while Christoper Ziegel is different.
I can only think of one kid. He broke the last-name rule, and that’s Peter Uteger. Peter was the cleverest kid in the class all the way up until the fifth grade.
When we kept saying his first letter out loud, it sounded funny. This gave Peter a difficult time. These days, Peter doesn’t put up his hand at all, and he’s pretty much a C student. I feel a little bad about the whole P.U. thing and what happened to Peter.
1. What is the Cheese Touch according to the passage
A. A kind of food. B. A school course. C. A piece of paper. D. A popular trick.
2. If someone gets the Cheese Touch, ________.
A. he is dangerous to others B. others may keep away from him
C. he should pass it on to someone else D. it will stick with him for the whole school year
3. What did Peter Uteger think of those kids when they kept saying “P.U.!” out loud
A. Active but strange. B. Noisy and impolite.
C. Humorous but impolite. D. Crazy and impatient.
4. What can you infer (推断) from the passage
A. Peter Uteger broke the class rule in the fifth grade.
B. The kids in the class don’t play with Jeremy Pindle now.
C. Christoper Ziegel is among the cleverest kids in the class.
1. Many people are killed in traffic _______ (事故) in the world every day.
2. All the buses are running towards the same _______ (方向) on the high way.
3. He often listens carefully to my problems and _______ (提供) me lots of help.
4. My bike broke down and I was late for school. What an _______ (糟糕的) day!
5. I like to stay in _______ (自然的) world to spend my holiday.
6. I was surprised to see that my pet cat was still _______ (live) after the fire.
7. It is always _______ (sun) here in winter. The sun shines brightly.
8. Without dropping any milk, the little boy put the glass on to the table _______ (care).
9. Our monitor told us _______ (not make) any noise in the classroom.
10. The temperatures are in the _______ (twenty). You needn’t wear such a warm coat.
An aged man lived in a nice village with a large garden. People often saw him looking after his flowers all the time.
One day a young painter went by this garden. He was attracted (吸引) by the beautiful flowers. Then suddenly he found the old gardener wasn’t able to see.
The painter asked in surprise, “Why are you busy looking after these flowers which you can’t see ”
The gardener smiled, answering, “I can tell you the reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I like this job. Second, although I can’t see these flowers. I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s you.”
“Me But you don’t know me. ”
“Yeah, it’s true that I don’t know you. I know many people who show enthusiasm (热情) in life would stop by and the beauty of my garden will get them into a good feeling. At the same time, it also gives a chance to me to have a word with you here, and to enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us. ”
I believe every flower has eyes with which they can see the kindness of the old man’s heart and the sweetness of his soul (灵魂). He grows flowers in his heart. Although he couldn’t see the beauty of blossoming (开花), he surely can hear the voice of it.
1. Was the gardener able to see
2. Why did the young painter stop
3. How many reasons did the gardener give
4. What did the beauty of the old man’s garden get people into
5. What do you think of the gardener
We always get selfless love from people, especially from our mothers. Here’s a story which expresses what’s a mother’s love.
“Can I see my baby ” the h____1____ new mother asked.
The doctor gasped(抱给)her the baby, then t____2____ around quickly and looked out of the tall hospital window. The mother realized something, but she didn’t stop. She m____3____ the cloth to look upon her baby’s tiny face the first time. And she the first time knew the baby had no e____4____ She cried, knowing her baby would have a h____5____ life.
Time says that the baby’s hearing was perfect. It was only his looks that was s____6____, and it always hurt him because he was called a freak(怪物)by other children. Every time it happened, the mother would tell her son to believe in himself, and had a strong feeling of k____7____ in her heart.
“You can do n____8____ to help my son ” The boy’s father met with an ear expert(专家)one day.
“I think I can graft(移植)on a pair of outer ears when it’s possible, ” the expert decided. Two years went by. One day, the father said to his son, “You’re going to the h____9____, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need.”
“Who gives me so much ” the boy asked.
“But the agreement(合同)is that you are not to know. It’s a s_____10_____,”said the father. The operation (手术)was a great success, and a new person grew.
The years kept their secret until the day came. The boy stood with his father over his mother’s bed. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair to show that she had no outer ears.
A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)
1. 今年寒假期间我们将休息20多天。
2. 当地震发生时,你最好保持冷静。
3. 我要买一把新剪刀而不是再修这把旧的。________________________________.
4. 不但我,而且我的表弟也经常花很多时间研究鸟类。
5. 今天早晨我骑车上学时,看见了一起交通事故。
B. 写作(计20分)
假设你是Danie,你的英国笔友Paul想要结交更多的朋友。你通过电子邮件,把你最好的朋友 Simon介绍给他。Simon的情况见下表:
姓名 Simon
年龄 15
外貌 高个子,大眼睛,方脸, 短发
个性 有很强的幽默感,他经常……
爱好 对DIY着迷,…… 喜欢英语,认为……
其他情况 对不同种类的鸟感兴趣,去年加入了观鸟协会,喜欢……最喜欢冬季,……
理想 长大后想成为……,因为……
Dear Paul,
I’m writing to introduce my best friend Simon to you.
Simon is fifteen.
I hope you can make friends with him as soon as you can. Maybe he can show you around our town at the Spring Festival.



