江苏省睢宁嘉国第一中学2023-2024九年级上学期11+月份英语月考试卷(含答案 含听力音频 无听力原文)

(止确填涂:■惜证: 国印)缺华口
□888888 88□
9 9 9 999999
1. B
6. ED
2. B
8. BaD
13.A□B D
4.LA B D
9.LA B D
14. B
19. BD
5.A BaD
15. ED
20. Em
31. D
22.A B c D
32.A]B c D
23.LA B c D]
28. a
33,A B cD
34. D
25.[A]B c D
36,[A B c [D]
42. BD□
43. B
48. aD
49.LA][B [c]D]
40. BCD
56.A □
53.A B C D
54.A B c D
64.A]B c D]
91.(20)There are many different types of TV programmes now.Different people have
their favourite programmes.

尝2页,共2页2022-2023 学年度第一学期嘉国一中 11 月月考卷英语试题
(考试时间:120 分钟 总分 140 分)
班级___________________ 姓名________________________ 考号______________________
二、 选择填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出可以填入的最佳选项
21. --It says your daughter is learning to play the violin these days.
-- Oh,I think it’s useful for a teenager to learn a musical _________ at present.
A invitation B introduction C instrument D instruction
22. We don’t want____ many books because they are _____ boring books .
A.so, so B.such , such C.so ,such D.such , so
23. — Why didn’t you answer my phone call this morning
— Oh, sorry. I _________ a TV series and didn’t hear it.
A. watched B. was watching C. had watch ed D. have watched
24. We are glad that___the students that join our club_______ growing larger.
A. the number of; is B. a number of ; are
C. the number of; are D. a number of; is
25. _________ wonderful news report he wrote! All of us were proud of him.
A. What a B. What C. How D. How a
26. — I think Paul is _______ a careful person that he seldom makes mistakes.
— But this time he did. He was _______ nervous that he made a tiny mistake.
A. so; such B. very; so C. such; such D. such; so
27. ____the teachers in our school is about 100,and half of them_____ women teachers.
A. A number of; is B. The number of ; is
C. The number of ; are D. A number of ; are
28. .He________ two years ago.He has been ________for two years.His________ made
his family very sad.
A. died; died; dead B. died; dead; death
C. dead; died; death D. death; dead; died
29. –I don’t know if Jack . If he , call me please. –All right.
A. comes; come B. will come; will come
C. will come; comes D. comes; comes
30. . My father runs every morning bad weather stops him.
A. when B. because C. unless D. since
31. You can fly kites with your partners if your homework______.
A. will finish B. will be finished
C. has finished D. is finished
32. I am very to have such a trip
A. pleased pleasant B. pleasant pleased
C. pleased please D. pleasing pleasant
33. —Oh, so many people are standing outside the hall. ________will the film start
—_________seven o’clock.
A. When; Not until B. How long; Not until
C. When; Until D. How long; Until
34. Did you notice that Jim ________ swimming
A.has a real gift as B.has a really gift for
C.has a real gift for D.has a really gift as
35. —Thank you for sharing your lunch with me.
—______. That’s what friends are for.
A. With pleasure B. Don’t mention it C. That’s not the case D. That’s right
三、 完型填空 (共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)徐州 2020 中考
根据短文内容,从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出可以填入的最佳选项
Long long ago, a man had a cat which he loved very, very much. He thought it was such an unusual
animal that he decided to name it Sky.
One day, a friend said to him, “Allow me to ______36______ to you that there is something
stronger than sky. I mean the clouds, for they ______37______ the sky.” “You are right,”
______38______ the man. “From now on, I’m going to give my most unusual cat the name Cloud.”
Sometime later, one of his neighbours was drinking tea at his house. “_______39_______ do
you call this unusual animal Cloud For there is ______40______ much stronger than the clouds. I
mean the wind that blows away the clouds _______41_______ it.” So from then on the man called
the cat of which he was so _______42_______ by the name of Wind.
But a week had not passed when the leader of the town noticed this quite unusual cat. “Wind,”
he said, “seems to me a ______43______ that is not worth the quality of this animal. The wind meets
his master every day. I mean the wall that it cannot ______24______through.” “Ah, so,” said the
________45________ of the cat, “my most beloved pet will be called Wall.”
A little later, a young man from a nearby school respectfully said to the man that there was
something which could beat even a wall — the _________46_________ that bit a hole through it.
“That is _______47_______,” said the man. “I will name my most unusual cat Mouse.”
Just then the gardener’s little son happened by. “Mouse!” ________48________ cried out. “Aha,
I know something much stronger than a mouse. I mean the cat that _______49_______ the mouse
and eats him up.” At this the man realized his _______50_______ . And from then on he called the
animal by the most beautiful name that anyone had been able to give it — the name of Cat.
36. A. carry out B. point out C. put out D. find out
37. A. hide B. fill C. clean D. decorate
38. A. asked B. added C. replied D. doubted
39. A. When B. Where C. How D. Why
40. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
41. A. as a result of B. instead of C. in front of D. because of
42. A. scared B. proud C. tired D. sure
43. A. sport B. subject C. weather D. name
44. A. look B. blow C. walk D. wash
45. A. owner B. seller C. buyer D. hunter
46. A. fish B. dog C. mouse D. bird
47. A. true B. wrong C. necessary D. interesting
48. A. I B. you C. he D. she
49. A. touches B. finds C. hits D. catches
50. A. kindness B. foolishness C. cleverness D. sadness
四、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)南京中考
阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
Winter sports in China
● 347 million people across the country take part in winter sports.
● 46 million of them are under 18.
A survey about winter sports Some important years
China Youth Daily surveyed 1,212 people: 1953: China’s first National Ice Sports
①Cheering for players at the Beijing Games took place in Harbin.
Winter Games 1957: China’s first National Ski Games
②Trying out skiing or skating were held in Tonghua, Jilin.
③Buying winter sports clothes and tools 2002: China won its first gold medal in
④Taking winter sports trips around China the Winter Olympics.
⑤Taking part in winter sports training 2022: China held the Winter Olympics
in Beijing and Zhangjiakou for
the first time and won 9 gold
51. How many people take part in winter sports in southern China
A. 46 million. B. 186 million.
C. 161 million. D. 347 million.
52. According to the survey, the most popular activity among people is to ________.
A. buy winter sports clothes and tools
B. cheer for players at the Beijing Winter Games
C. take winter sports trips around China
D. take part in winter sports training
53. When did China win its first gold medal in the Winter Olympics
A. In 1953. B. In 1957. C. In 2002. D. In 2022.
As a 10-month-old boy, Peter got cancer. He was given strong medicines to treat his cancer.
Because of that, he lost his hearing. “Give him the best you can,” his doctors said to Peter’s parents,
giving him two months to live. Amazingly, several months later a doctor succeeded in cutting out the
cancer. Peter was sent home. Sadly, it was not over. After a few years, another cancer grew in his leg.
The choice was clear: Lose the leg, or lose the boy. Peter’s leg was cut off.
However, it does not stop him from doing what he wants. Peter is 12 years old now, and he has
turned his powers to helping others. He saw that most books about children losing their hearing “are
really bad”. He decided to write his own, called Peter Learns to Listen. His book offers tips to children
with hearing problems. Moreover, to help the young patients at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Peter
started the Peter Powerhouse Foundation (基金会). The foundation has raised thousands of dollars.
The money bought 100 wagons (推车) for the children at the hospital. Peter is hoping to raise even
more money.
Peter will go to middle school in the fall. He still goes to tests for cancer every year. “So far, so
good,” his mother says. As for his future, he dreams of going to college and studying computers.
54. When another cancer grew in Peter’s leg, doctors ______ to save his life.
A. had no way B. sent him to a health center
C. cut off his leg D. gave him strong medicines
55. Peter helped young patients at Nemours Children’s Hospital by ______.
A. offering tips to them B. writing his own book
C. raising money to buy wagons D. working in the hospital
56. The writer wrote the article to ______.
A. help people know more about cancer
B. let people pay attention to health problems
C. tell people to live an active life when facing difficulties
D. ask more people to donate money to help children with serious diseases
What’s your dream job How much do you know about it A group
of students from Tianjin found a very common problem among young
teenagers: Most of them have little idea about their career plans as there
is too little help from school or family.
To offer teenagers helpful advice on career, the students from
Tianjin TEDA NO.1 Middle School started a project called “Dian Zhi Cheng Shi (点职成诗)”. “Our
survey shows that 72% of students want to know more about different jobs. Doctors, accountants and
lawyers are the top three,” said Wang Xinran, 16, the project leader.
According to students’ needs, the team interviewed 32 excellent workers with different jobs and
put their interviews on the Internet. These workers shared true stories behind each job, allowing
students to learn about the jobs further.
“We also invited the workers to give speeches in our school. In this way, students could have a
chance to talk to them face to face,” said Wang.
Team member Lu Jinyan said his most impressive interview was with a photographer. “I used to
think being a photographer was cool and romantic (浪漫的). But now I realize that they need to deal
with lots of problems, such as a sudden change of weather or broken cameras. They also need to
communicate with different people. This is not easy.”
But the project doesn’t mean to disappoint (使失望) students by telling them the truth. “We want
to show the workers’ love and spirit of never giving up instead of the bad sides,” said group member
Zhao Yajie. “The project’s name means to turn a career into a poem. We believe working is not just
about bread and butter. It should be like a poem, full of love and beauty. And we hope our project can
let students know that.”
57. Why did the students start “Dian Zhi Cheng Shi”
A. To turn students’ dream jobs into beautiful poems.
B. To provide useful career advice for teenagers.
C. To deal with problems students may meet in family.
D. To help students communicate with different people.
58. The project can help students do the following things EXCEPT ________.
A. learning about the true job situation
B. getting chances to talk to excellent workers
C. interviewing team members face to face
D. having a better understanding of different jobs
59. What does the project member Lu Jinyan think of being a photographer now
A. Cool and romantic. B. Exciting and amazing.
C. Hard and challenging. D. Practical and meaningful.
60. What is the best title for the passage
A. Helping teenagers have interviews B. Dealing with your study problems
C. Communicating with people D. Knowing your dream jobs
Feeling upset (沮丧的) is part of life. Sometimes stress happens
at home or school. It may leave us feeling angry or worried. We
cannot control (控制) everything that happens around us. However,
we can learn to calm ourselves down. With practice, we can learn
useful ways to keep cool when we feel upset.
Remove yourself from the situation
Disagreements with other people can be hard to deal with. They
can lead to upset feelings. Sometimes we need to get away from the
situation. It is OK to say, “I’m going to take a break.” Then you can go for a walk. Or you can find a
quiet place to sit. The purpose is to give yourself some space to calm down.
Accept your thoughts
Feeling upset is natural. Everyone gets upset sometimes. Accepting that we are upset is healthy. If
we accept it, we can choose what to do about it. We can even talk to ourselves about how we’re
feeling. When you are upset, say something like this in your head, “I’m feeling really upset right now.
That is OK. I can control what I do next.”
Change your language
When we’re upset, sometimes we use unkind words to punish ourselves. We don’t have to do that.
To calm down, we can try to say something to make ourselves feel comfortable. For example, instead
of saying, “I am always in trouble,” we might say, “I made a mistake. It happens to everyone. Next
time I’ll do it differently.”
Do breathing (呼吸) exercises
When we feel upset, the heart beats faster. The body prepares as if it is going to be in a fight. You
can use breathing to calm down. If possible, find a place where you can sit comfortably. Then focus
on (专注于) your breath, breathing deeply and slowly. This practice slows down the heart and helps
us calm down.
61. The underlined expression “give yourself some space” in Paragraph 2 means ______.
A. spending time alone B. going for a walk
C. working with others D. stopping being friends
62. If you try to accept your thoughts, you can ______.
A. keep quiet to relax yourself
B. find it’s OK to be upset sometimes
C. get away from the situation
D. talk with your best friends to ask for advice
63. How can we do breathing exercises according to the article
①Pay attention to our breath.
②Try to take a deep and slow breath.
③Talk to ourselves to slow down the heart.
④Find a comfortable place to sit if possible.
A. ①②③ B. ①③④ C. ①②④ D. ②③④
64. From the article, we can know that ______.
A. we are able to control everything that happens around us
B. it’s necessary to use unkind words to punish ourselves
C. disagreements with others can lead to upset feelings
D. doing breathing exercises helps to make the heart beat faster
65. The article is mainly about ______.
A. how to take a break when feeling upset
B. how to talk to others about being upset
C. how to calm down when you are upset
D. how to ask for help when you feel upset
五、 词汇运用 ( 共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
A) 用方框中所给词或短语填空,其中有一个单词或词组使多余的,
medal, musical instruments, bell, without boundaries, composer
66. When the ____________ rang, the students went out of the classroom.
67. —What do you know about Tan Dun
—I just know he is a world-famous ____________.
68. The teacher presented him with a gold ____________ at yesterday’s party.
69. His music is to dream ____________.
70. The music lover spent a lot of money buying different kinds of ____________.
B 用括号里面所给的单词正确形式填空,使短文内容,正确完整。
One day, I 71 (play) with some paint as usual in Ms Luo's art lesson. I 72 (mix) the
paint with water. As I took the brush away, I 73 (drop) some paint onto the paper.
Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it. The paint began to run, so I 74 (blow) | harder.
The paint ran in all directions and 75 (make) a very interesting picture! I 76 ( forget)
that I was in class until Ms Luo came by my desk. "That's a very good picture, Sandy," said Ms Luo.
She encouraged me 77 (keep)trying and make more wonderful pictures.
I 78 (do) make some wonderful pictures later. Since then, I 79 (be) crazy about crayons
and paints. I enjoy 80 (I) in the world of colours every time I paint.
六、任务型阅读 (共 10 小题,81-85每空 1分,86-90每空 2分,满分 15分.)
A 根据短文对话首字母提示,写出所缺单词,使内容完整正确。
Daniel: Tan Dun is one of the greatest c____81____in the world. Could you tell me more about him
Sandy: Sure. He wrote the a___82____ music for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
Daniel: I know he loves the sounds of n____83_____. Have they influenced his works
Sandy: Yes. He uses them a lot in his music, and in one of his works, Water, he doesn't use any
musical i__________84__.
Daniel: Really How does he make music, then
Sandy: He makes over 50 sounds from water by c______85___ the speed of water flow
Daniel: That's really amazing!
The Chinese have a long tradition of art, and painting is one of the major art forms. It is still
popular nowadays.
Figure(人物) painting
Starting from the Han dynasty, artists made people as the main subject of their painting. These
paintings are called figure paintings.
Gu Kaizhi(345—409) became famous for his figure paintings during the Jin dynasty. He used
fine brushes to outline the people in black. Then he filled them with colour. This detailed, realistic style
of painting was known as gongbi. The use of gongbi style resulted in more lifelike figure paintings.
Wu Daozi(680—759)was known as the Sage of Painting for his unique painting style. He was
very good at painting human figures and created special techniques for painting clothes that seemed to
flow with the light wind.
Landscape painting
Between the Tang and Song dynasties, landscape painting became popular. Artists did ink wash
painting with a brush and ink. Many landscape painters were scholar artists. They liked to express
themselves through painting. Instead of painting what they saw, they painted the landscapes from their
imagination. They also added poems to their paintings.
Modern Chinese painters have inherited(继承)the long tradition of Chinese painting and brought
this form of art to the world. Zhang Daqian (1899—1983) is regarded as “the Picasso of China” and
Wu Guanzhong (1919—2010) was the first Chinese painter whose works were shown at the British
注:每题答案不超过 5 个词。
86. What is the main subject in a figure painting
87. What's the characteristic of gongbi style
88. Which did landscape painters prefer, painting what they saw or painting from their imagination
89. How many famous Chinese painters are mentioned (提及)in this passage
90. Please write a proper title(标题) for this passage.
七、书面表达(满分 20 分)
成员 喜爱的节目 内容和特点 原因
Sandy Animal World 各种动物;节目生动有趣 喜爱动物;获得有关动
Simon CCTV News 中国新闻和世界新闻;每晚七点 获知国内外新闻
Amy Comedies 演员滑稽;故事有趣 放松自己
我 ……(自拟) ……(自拟) ……(自拟)
1. 文章内容须包括表格中的所有提示内容,并自拟相关内容;
2. 条理清晰、语意连贯、字迹工整;
3. 不少于 90 词,文章的开头已经给出,但不计入要求词数。
There are many different types of TV programmes now. Different people have their favourite
一 听力30
1-5 BBB CC 6-10 BCABC 11-15 ABBAC 16-20 AACBC
二单项选择 15
21-25 CCBAA 26-30 DCBCC 31-35 DAACB
三 完型填空15
36-40 BACDA 41-45 CBDBA 46-50 CACDB
四阅读理解 30
51-55 CBCCC 56-60 CBCCD 61-65 ABCCC 90
五 词汇运用 15
66-70 bell composer medal without boundaries musical instruments 50
71-75 was playing mixed dropped blew made
76-80 forgot to keep did have been myself
81-85 composers award nature instruments controlling
86. People.
87. Detailed and realistic.
88. Painting from their imagination.
89. Four.
90. Chinese paintings.
七书面表达 20
There are many different types of TV programmes now. Different people have their favourite programmes.
Sandy likes Animal World because she loves animals and she can learn more about them. This programme is lively and interesting and shows people different kinds of animals. Simon loves CCTV News best because he can learn news both in China and abroad. It starts at seven o’clock every evening and covers news from China and the world. Amy’s favourite TV programme is comedies because the stories of them are very interesting and the actors are funny. She can get relaxed when she watches them.
I like Sports World best because I am interested in sports and the programme covers different sports, such as swimming, basketball and football. Some basketball and football players are my heroes. I dream of becoming a basketball player when I grow up.



