广西桂林市国龙外国语学校2023-2024九年级上学期期中英语试卷(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

48:be delayed
55:to delay
69:to make
Because of the outbreak of COVID-19, students have been studying online for a long time. I think studying online has two sides.
First, there are rich learning resources on the Internet to help with our study. We are able to improve our abilities to learn independently and manage ourselves by studying online. But at the same time, sometimes the network is unstable, students may miss what teachers have taught. What’s more, sitting in front of the computer or the mobile phone for a long time is very bad for our eyes and health.
I don’t like studying online because I prefer having a face-to-face communication with teachers and classmates. But when we have to study online, we should be strict with ourselves so that we can go on getting good grades.
①at the same time同时
②be bad for对……有坏处
③be strict with对……严格
①But at the same time, sometimes the network is unstable, students may miss what teachers have taught.(what引导的宾语从句)
②But when we have to study online, we should be strict with ourselves so that we can go on getting good grades.(so that引导的目的状语从句)初三期中测试卷(国龙)
姓名:__________ 得分:__________
1.—Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired
—Thank you. ________.
A.It’s your duty. B.Don’t mention it
C.Do as you like D.It couldn’t be better.
2.—Are ______ sick taken good care of in this hospital
—Yes. They take good care of everybody here, especially ______ old.
A.a; an B.a; the
C.the; the D.the; an
3.She was ________ angry ________ she couldn’t say a word.
A.too, to B.so, that C.very, that D./, that
4.—______ is allowed to use this room. Can’t you see the sign “No entry” .
A.Nothing B.No one C.anyone D.everyone
5.-The accident was _______to one that happened in 1973.
-Yes,the have a lot in common but they were not all the_____
A.various;same B.talented;different
C.memorable;important D.similar;same
6.---Hi, Johnson, any idea where Susan is
---It is class time, so she __________ in the classroom now.
A.can be B.must have been
C.might have been D.should be
7.Thousands of trees ________ along streets last year to make our city more beautiful.
A.planted B.were planted C.plant D.are planted
8.James ________ to school by bike, but now he ________ to school on foot.
A.used to going; gets used to go B.used to go; gets used to going
C.used to go; gets used to go D.used to going; gets used to going
9.After finishing his homework he went on _______ a letter to his parents.
A. write   B. writing  C. wrote  D. to write
10.I shall never forget those years _______ I lived on the farm with
the farmers, _______ has a great effect on my life.
A. when; who B. that; which C. which; that D. when; which
A: Hi Lara! Weekend is coming! 11
B: Hi Jonah! I’m thinking about going to the library.
A: 12 Is there anything special there this weekend
B: Yes. A famous writer will give a speech about the poems of the Song Dynasty. I’m very interested in it.
A: Wow! 13 I’m also interested in the Song Dynasty.
B: Why not go with me then
A: Good idea! 14
B: How about 9 o’clock on Saturday morning
A: OK! 15
B: See you.
A.Is it the library on Church Street
B.See you then!
C.Sorry, but I can’t go with you.
D.When shall we meet
E.It sounds great!
F.Do you have any plans
Some people sniff their socks to see if they might wear them another day, it might seem like a 16 habit. But what if a dangerous fungus (真菌) has 17 in your socks
A man from Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, was 18 to a local hospital. He had a 19 in his chest and frequently coughed. An X-ray 20 that he was suffering from a serious lung infection (肺部感染). Much to everyone’s 21 , the following tests showed that the infection was caused by a fungus. The fungus is usually found in shoes or boots.
In order to 22 the truth, doctors had a long talk with the man. They finally found that he had been used to 23 his dirty socks when he got home from work every day. They believed when the man 24 a deep breath to sniff his smelly socks, he breathed in the fungus as well. When the fungus entered his lungs, it 25 an infection.
Can people actually develop an infection from smelling their dirty socks According to the doctors, this kind of infection does not happen very often. In this case, it might also have been linked to the man’s 26 health system. He had been 27 heavy stress for a long time. He went to work every day and had to 28 several times a night to take care of his baby. All of these things were affecting his health system.
29 , the man was treated immediately at the hospital. He is expected to make a full recovery. We can only hope that the 30 will help him reconsider his strange habit. This story is a warning to us all!
16.A.good B.harmless C.painful D.dangerous
17.A.developed B.found C.died D.grown
18.A.carried B.put C.sent D.took
19.A.gain B.pain C.headache D.fever
20.A.said B.showed C.appeared D.proved
21.A.sadness B.surprise C.happiness D.anger
22.A.find out B.run out C.turn out D.go out
23.A.dropping B.wearing C.smelling D.washing
24.A.took B.bought C.brought D.made
25.A.led B.reached C.caused D.got
26.A.low B.powerful C.weak D.strong
27.A.over B.below C.under D.above
28.A.stay up B.wake up C.grow up D.put up
29.A.Luckily B.Sadly C.Finally D.Quickly
30.A.information B.expectation C.experience D.introduction
Rivers are the cradles (摇篮) of human civilizations (文明). Let’s have a look.
Length: 4,132 miles (about 6,650 kilometers) Location: Sudan, Egypt The Nile River is the longest river in the world. It’s famous for being the lifeblood of Ancient Egypt and is still important to Egypt today. This river is famous because it was an important body of water for the dynasties of Ancient Egypt. Also the Nile River is significant for agriculture (农业), transportation and drinking water.
Length: 3,977 miles (about 6,400 kilometers) Location: Peru, Colombia, Brazil The Amazon River is the second-longest river in the world, but it makes up for that place in other ways. The Amazon River has the largest discharge (流量) of any river in the world. The river with the second largest discharge, the Congo River, discharges one-fifth of that! The Amazon River is also famous for having no bridges crossing it.
Length: 373 miles (about 600 kilometers) Location: Australia You may not have ever heard of the Finke River in Australia. It’s not very long and it doesn’t even flow all the time. However, scientists have recognized this as the oldest river in the world. That’s why this river is famous.
Length:1,560 miles (about 2,511 kilometers) Location: India Although it is not the largest river in Asia, the Ganges River is still very important and famous. This river has religious (宗教的) and cultural significance to Hindu people. Also, the river supplies water for those in its basin (流域), providing millions of people with water needed for agriculture. There are nearly 150 species of fish living in Ganges River today.
31.The longest river in the world is ________.
A.the Nile River B.the Amazon River C.the Ganges River
32.The oldest river in the world lies in ________.
A.Egypt B.Australia C.India
33.Which of the following sentences is NOT true
A.There aren’t any bridges crossing the Amazon River.
B.The Congo River has the second largest discharge in the world.
C.The Amazon River is only in Colombia and Brazil.
34.Being different from the other three rivers, the Ganges River ________.
A.provides water for agriculture B.is home to many species of fish C.has religious significance
35.In which column (栏目) can you read this passage
A.Physics. B.Geography. C.Music.
When your pen is broken, the battery in your toy runs out, or you have some leftover food, what do you do with these things You will probably throw them all into one bin. But actually, all of these pieces of trash need to be sorted separately.
Garbage sorting is a big issue worldwide. In recent years, some Chinese cities have been working hard on it.
Shanghai has worked with Alipay to create a “green account ” service for its residents. Account holds get points by correctly sorting their garbage. Through the Alipay app, they can exchange the points for milk, phone cards and other products. The city is asking all of its residents to sort their garbage into four groups: wet, recyclable , harmful and dry.
Wet waste is also known as household waste. “They are things you don’t want but that pigs can eat.” Guangzhou Daily explained.
Paper, metal , glass and other things that can be reused are recyclable waste. Harmful waste includes things like medicine, batteries and fluorescent bulbs.
Finally, any waste that is not wet, recyclable or harmful will go in the “dry waste” bin. Many other Chinese cities are also using this method to sort their garbage. For example, Shenzhen has been sorting its garbage into the same four groups since 2012. Students there also receive waste-sorting guidebooks that they must study.
China is improving its waste-sorting efforts. There is still a long way to go. But it’s never too late to learn how to sort your trash properly and protect the environment. If you don’t sort your garbage, all of it will go to a landfill and be buried together. These landfills can take up large areas of ground that could have been used for planting trees or crops. The electronic waste you throw away, such as batteries, can pollute the soil and groundwater. Other pieces of garbage like the metal part of a pen, can be used to make other things if they are properly recycled.
55.How is Shanghai encouraging people to sort their garbage
A.Creating a “green account” service with the help of Alipay.
B.Paying people to sort their trash correctly.
C.Allowing people to exchange garbage with each other.
56.Which of the following would be classified as wet waste
A.Batteries. B.Glasses. C.Leftover food.
57.What do we know about garbage sorting in China
A.It started its garbage sorting system in 2012.
B.Students have to take waste-sorting classes in school.
C.There is still a lot of work to be done in this area.
58.What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “landfill” in the passage
A.垃圾填埋场 B.草地 C.容器
59.What is the man idea of the last paragraph
A.Where we can bury our waste.
B.Why we should sort our garbage properly.
C.What kinds of waste can pollute the environment.
41.It’s no w_______ that people fear of living closed to a volcano。
42.With the number of the population deceases, the greenhouse gas_______(排放) will be less.
43.Maybe there will be another disaster happen in the small island and _______(威胁) their safety, such as a tsunami and a hurricane.
44.Children shouldn’t be allowed to watch v__________movies.
45.These stuffs were __________(分别地,单独地) put in order.
46.He found this building which was a p__________cottage and there were many strange and luxurious stuffs in it.
47.My car __________(发生故障)as soon as I completed my long journey.
48.The spots meeting will __________(推迟)because of the rainstorm.
49.They were i_________by falling rocks and then they were sent to hospital.
50.These _______(古老的)t woodlands are under threat from new road developments.
51.Now, Japanese are_______(confuse) whether they should stay or leave.
52.After his grandpa’s________(die), his grandma has been alone for years.
53.This _______(eventual) does good to the well-being of all mankind.
54.The man was surprised by the unique _______(charm)of the cottage.
55.In order to take more photos, I decided_______(delay)my leaving.
56.In the days when people knew very little about medicine, some very strange and horrible_______(cure) were tried.
57.You’d better go to hospital at once, or you’ll get even _____(ill) later on.
58.10.He is receiving medical________(treat) in the hospital now.
59.If prepared many hours ahead, the_______(mix) may separate out.
60.The________(operate) was Kelly's only hope of survival.
because bring city easy even goal important make repeat they
Chile is a long and beautiful country with ocean to the west and mountains to the east. Some of the villages are a very long way from____61_____and some of the schools are very small.
It is difficult for small schools to teach science 62 they don’t have enough teachers or equipment . This is where the Science Bus Project can help. The bus 63 special science teachers, new ideas and equipment to schools in different parts of the country. Sometimes the children go inside the bus for 64 science lessons or clubs. Sometimes the teachers ___ 65 bring the equipment inside the classroom. The children do experiments. The materials used in the experiments are 66 to find, for example recycled plastic bottles, so that the class teacher can 67____ the experiments with the class when the bus has gone.
The 68 of the Science Bus Project is to bring science to children all over Chile. Since 2012, the bus has visited lots of schools in Chile, and hundreds of teachers have learned how 69 their science classes fun and exciting.
Science is 70 for all of us, as it helps us understand our world and we can learn about it inside or outside of the classroom.
71.与疫情奋斗的这几年时间里,我们对网课有了深入的体验和了解。如何高效地进行线上学习,与我们每个人息息相关。请以“Be Smart Online Learners”为题,写一篇不少于 80 — 120 字的短文。
要点:1. 线上学习的优势是什么?2. 线上学习的弊端是什么?3. 你有哪些不错的线上学习经验?
Be Smart Online Learners



上一篇:上海市闵行区六校联考2023-2024六年级上学期期中考试英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)
