
[M:What did you do last weekend
W:Well,I wanted to go to the park.But it it was raining all day.I had to stay at
2.W:You like climbing the mountains very much,don't you
M:Yes,I go climbing once a week
3.W:What do you often do on the Internet,Eric
M:I often watch different kinds of movies on it
4.M:Do you know about Mr.Wang,Mr.Zhao and Mr.Lee
W:Of course.Mr.Wang and Mr.Zhao are famous artists in our town.
M:And Mr.Lee Is he famous,too
W:No.But he is rich.
5.W:I think mobile phones are more useful than telephones.
M:Maybe you're right.But I think computers are the most useful.
M:What are you doing,Lisa
W:I'm reading a story.
M:What do you think of it
W:I love the story.But I can't stand the girl in the story.
W:She always puts her mother's purse under the bed.
W:Look at the paper,Wang Wei!Your English got 50 points.
M:Sorry,Miss Liu.I did my best,I think.
W:Maybe you did.But I think you're the cleverest in our class.Maybe you don't study
M:I agree.I'm the laziest in our class.I must study harder from now on.But I don't
know how to learn.
W:Do you read English every morning
M:No.I can't read English words.
W:Why don't you get the help from your partner Hui Fang Her English is the bes2023-2024学年度第一学期期中考试卷
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。
( )1.What did the girl do last weekend
A.Went outside.
B.Stayed at home.
C.Went to the park.
( )2.How often does the man go climbing
A.Once a week.
B.Once a month.
C.Twice a month.
( )3.What does Eric often do on the Internet
A.Watch movies.
B.Collect information.
C.Play computer games.
( )4.Who is rich
( )5.What does the man think are the most useful
C.Mobile phones.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填人题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。
( )6.What does Lisa think of the girl in the story
A.She loves her.
B.She can't stand her.
C.She thinks she is beautiful.
( )7.What does the girl in the story put under the bed
A.Her watch
B.Her homework
C.Her mother's purse.
( )8.How is Wang Wei's English
A.It's poor.
B.It's good.
C.He got 15 points in the exam.
( )9.What do you think about Wang Wei
A.He studies hard.
B.He reads English every morning.
C.He is clever but doesn't study hard.
( )10.Who does best in English in Miss Liu's class
A.Wang Wei.
B.Hui Fang.
C.His deskmate.
( )11.What place did Fu Yuanhui get at 2016 Rio Olympic Games
A.The first place.
B.The second place.
C.The third place.
( )12.What can we learn from her
A.She never eats junk food.
B.She is cute and hard-working.
C.She felt sad that she couldn't win the game.
( )13.What is Blue Ocean
A.A zoo.
B.A movie.
C.A restaurant.
( )14.Where will they visit next day
A.A museum.
B.A park.
C.A beach.
( )15.What's the man probably
1.A guide.
B.A visitor.
C.A teacher.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容,找出与每个人物活动内容相符的图片,并将
Can you sing, dance, play the guitar or the piano Come and join in the talent show, and you may get a prize.It's on Friday, November 16,2023.It's from 8: 30 pm to 10: 30 pm on the school playground.
First place Second place Third place Fourth to sixth place
A bicycle A schoolbag A pen A book
Rules: ※It's only for students in Sunshine Middle School. ※Please make sure your show is no more than 6 minutes long. ※In a group show there are no more than 6 students. ※You can give a show by yourself and join in a group show at the same time.
#Hand in your entry form(报名表) between November 8 and November 12. #You can get an entry form from our school website.
Price: * Free for the students and teachers in Sunshine Middle School. * If you want to ask your family to enjoy the show, you need to pay ¥3 for each adult (成人) and ¥2.5 for each child aged 6--15.
Any questions, please call 806-256-32.
( )21.What will you get if you win fifth place
A.A bicycle.
B.A schoolbag.
C.A pen.
D.A book.
( )22.Jim can't join in the show because ______ .
A.his show is 8 minutes long
B.there are 6 students in his group
C.he wants to give a show by himself
D.he wants to join in two shows at the same time
( )23.When can you hand in the entry form if you want to join in the show
A.On November 4.
B.On November 10.
C.On November 21.
D.On November 14.
( )24.How much do you need to pay if you want to ask your parents and 7 - year - old sister to watch the show
( )25.What can you learn from the text
A.The talent show will last three hours.
B.The talent show will be in the school hall.
C.You can call 906-256-325 to get the entry form.
D.Only students in Sunshine Middle School can join in the show.
Do you argue(争吵) with your parents about making the bed or cleaning your room Are your parents unhappy because you spend much time chatting with your friends on the Internet If your answers are yes, our new Family App can help you a lot.
With the app, students and parents look at family arguments from both sides.The app gives you tips to help you solve problems.It also helps your parents see things from your side.
How does the app work After you read different kinds of problems, choose an answer from different options(选项).The app tells you why the answer is the best and why the other options aren't so good.For example, you plan to go out with friends, but your parents want you to visit your grandparents.You may say, "We always go there on weekends.I want to go out with my friends today." You can also give another answer, "OK! We can go there today, but can I spend some time with my friends tomorrow " The first option may make you or your parents unhappy but the second one can make everyone happy.
The Family App is very useful.It can help you live an easy life.
( )26.How does the writer start the text
A.By giving facts.
B.By telling a story.
C.By asking questions.
D.By showing an example.
( )27.What does the underlined word“tips”mean in Chinese
( )28.What can students do with the app
A.Take online classes.
B.Send e-mails to their parents.
C.Read messages from their parents and friends.
D.Choose better answers to different problems.
( )29.What is the third paragraph mainly about
A.How to make a new app.
B.How to use the app.
C.Who found the app.
D.Who like using the app.
( )30.What can you know about the app
A.It shows why parents get unhappy.
B.It teaches students how to do the house-work.
C.It gives parents some ideas for free-time activities.
D.It helps students get on well with their parents.
Our parents love us very much.However, how much can we know about our parents And what do parents have in common
First, parents encourage their children to express(表现) themselves.Self - expression is very important when children are young, because children can find who they really are.If children can't express them selves freely, they may act like what their parents or teachers want them to be.
Second, parents spend time with their children as much as possible.In the busy world, few parents can be together with their children all the time.However, parents try to talk with their children each day, although they may feel tired after work.Then children can be close to their parents.At the same time, parents can learn more about their children, such as their habits, interests and school life.
Finally, parents make their children feel warm and comfortable.They're always patient(有耐心的) with kids.However, this doesn't show that parents let their children do or say anything.
( )31.What does the underlined word "encourage" mean in Chinese
( )32.The children with self -expression can.
A.do what their teachers ask them to
B.be friendlier to their parents
C.follow their parents in life
D.know who they really are
( )33.Which of the following is NOT true about parents according to the text
A.They let their children show themselves.
B.They show their children how to play games every day.
C.They make children feel warm and comfortable.
D.They spend time with their children as much as possible.
( )34.How do parents know about their children's habits and school life better
A.They get them from teachers.
B.They let their children do what they like.
C.They spend more time talking with their children.
D.They teach their children to join in some activities.
( )35.In which part of a magazine can you read the text
Just like food or water, sleep is also important in your life.An easy way to help you keep healthy is to sleep eight hours or more every night.
Sleep is more important than what you may think.36______You need to go to school, play sports, join in activities and do your homework.By the end of the day, your body needs a good rest.37______
In our country some students don't get enough sleep.38______ Our country has done something to help them.It says primary school students should go to bed before 9: 20 pm.Middle school students should go to bed before 10: 00 pm.39______ To have a good sleep, you may follow these ideas:
※Go to bed at the same time every night.
※Don't put a TV in your room.
※40 Take exercise in the morning or in the afternoon.It helps you relax and sleep better.
※Use your bed just for sleeping - not for reading or talking on the phone.
A.That's not good for their health.
B.Don't exercise just before going to bed.
C.Sleep helps your body get ready for the next day.
D.For high school students, the latest time should be 11: 00 pm.
E.As a middle school student, you're usually busy every day.
36._______.37.______ .38.______ .39.______ .40.______ .
Do you like watching cartoon movies I do.One of my favorite cartoon 41______ is The Lion King.The movie is so 42______ that I have watched it again and again.
The story 43______ in Africa.Simba is one of the 44______ characters in the movie.He's a 45______ lion and he 'll be the next king(国王) of the animals.46______, Simba's uncle always wants to run the kingdom.He makes a 47______ to become the king.As a result, Simba's father, the old king 48______ when he is trying to save Simba.Then his uncle takes his father's 49______ and Simba can do nothing but run away.
On the way, Simba meets two new friends.They 50______ Simba a lot and give him great courage(勇气).With the courage and the help of his friends, Simba 51______ to go back home.He defeats(打败) his uncle and 52______ the king of the animals in the end.
53______ the film came out in 1994, it won the hearts of many people.I have learned a lot 54______ this movie.Life is hard sometimes, but that doesn't mean we have 55______ to do.When we meet difficulties in life, we must learn to face them and try to move on.
( )41.A.books B.movies C.magazines D.animals
( )42:A.simple B.boring C.fantastic D.similar
( )43.A.happens B.appears C.stands D.reaches
( )44.A.full B.funny C.richD.main
( )45.A.new B.big C.baby D.poor
( )46.A.Still B.Luckily C.Easily D.However
( )47.A.plan B.menu C.point D.joke
( )48.A.leaves B.wins C.dies D.loses
( )49.A.place B.idea C.diary D.mind
( )50.A.ask about B.care about C.talk about D.hear about
( )51.A.needs B.waits C.chooses D.forgets
( )52.A.acts B.expects C.dislikes D.becomes
( )53.A.When B.Before C.Though D.Because
( )54.A.in B.for C.on D.from
( )55.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完
Because hall join look usual in interest good friend you
It's hard when your best friend isn't around.It may be 56 you go to a new school.You might feel lonely(孤独的) 57__________ your free time.You want to have new 58__________, but how can you do it
Start by 59__________ around your classroom.Think about which kids you'd like to play with after class.Say "hi" to them, smile and be friendly.You may walk over to them and say "Can I play, too "or just 60__________ them.Ask them to enjoy something or talk about something they are 61__________.Say "Would you like to sit here "in the school dining 62__________ .
If you feel shy, ask 63__________ teachers to help you make new friends.Teachers are 64__________ good at looking for friends.The 65__________ way to make friends is to be a friend.Be kind, say nice things and help others.In this way, you'll have new friends soon.
第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺,意思完整,每空限填一词。
I have a sister.She is just ten minutes older than me.Every time I see her, I feel that I am looking at myself in a mirror.66 often hard for our friends to tell the difference between us.
My sister is much more outgoing 67 me.When we play with other students, she talks much and speaks loudly.68 she is also a kid, she often cares about me.She wakes me 69 in the morning.She always gets good grades in the tests, so she often helps me 70 my homework after school.When I'm unhappy, she tells me interesting stories to make me laugh.I love my sister.
A: Hi, Liu Ying.Were you out last month
B: Yes, Shang han.71.________________________________________.
A: Where did you go on National Day holiday
B: I went to some mountains near our city.
B: I went with my parents.We climbed the mountains happily.
A: Sounds wonderful!73.________________________________________
B: It was sunny and cool.
A: Did you take any pictures
B: Yes, of course.74.______________________________________.By the way, did you go anywhere interesting last month
A: No, because I had to learn dancing.
B: Oh, I see.75.________________________________________.
A: Yes, I like it and I want to be a good dancer.



