Unit 5 Dinner is ready语法培优检测卷(含答案)

sofa fork study spoon kitchentable bread noodles bedroom bowl
1、 (Who / What) would you like
2、 What would you like (for / to) lunch.
3、 Would you like some (beef)
4、 What’s f (介词) dinner, Dad
5、 I’d like some (fish).
6、 ass me the (plate / bowl), please.
7、 I can use (chopsticks, chopstick).
8、 Dinner (is / are) ready.
9、 I like eggs and (candy).
10、I’d like some s .
11、Eat more (ble, ve, ta, ge, s). They’re healthy.
12、Pass (me / my) the knife.
13、I’d like some (chicken / beef).
14、I’d like some .
15、I’d like (a / some) bread and soup, please.
1、 Would you like a spoon ( )
A.Sure, here you are.
B.No, thanks. I can use chopsticks.
C.Good job!
2、 Dinner’s ready! ______!( )
Thank you!
A.Help yourself B.Yes, please C.You’re welcome
3、 Can I ______ some fruit ( )
A.has B.have C.having
4、 _____( )
OK. Five yuan, please.
A.Come and meet my family. B.I’d like some vegetables, please.
5、 What would you like for dinner ( )
A.I like some vegetables. B.I’d like some fish and chicken. C.I have some noodles and beef.
6、 Help yourself.( )
A.What B.No. C.Thanks.
7、 I’d like some ______.( )
A.vegetable B.chickens C.vegetables
8、 ______( )
Some noodles and soup.
A.What’s for dinner B.What’s in your bag C.What colour is it
9、 Help yourself.( )
A.Help yourself. B.Yes, please. C.Thank you.
10、I’d like some juice and ______. ( )
A.rice B.noodles C.soup
11、Pass ______ the fork.( )
A.me B.my C.I
12、What’s ______ dinner ( )
A.and B.to C.for
13、I’d like some ________ for dinner. ( )
A.beef B.orange C.vegetable
14、What would you like ___________ lunch ( )
A.of B.on C.for
15、I’d like some noodles. Please pass me the ________.( )
A.chopsticks B.spoon C.knife
16、Can you try ______ for noodles ( )
A.bowl B.chopsticks C.chopstick
17、I’d like some soup. Please pass me a _______.( )
A.fork B.chopsticks C.spoon
18、What ________ you like ( )
I’d like some soup and bread.
A.do B.are C.would
19、I’m hungry. I’d like some ______.( )
A.egg B.apple C.soup
20、Would you like ______ bread ( )
No, I don’t want to eat ______ bread.
A.some; some B.some; any C.any; any D.any; some
21、I can cut the vegetables with a ______.( )
A.spoon B.fork C.knife D.chopsticks
22、Zip can ________ the chopsticks very well.
A.use B.pass C.cut
23、I can use the ______ to eat noodles.( )
A.spoon B.knife C.chopsticks D.fork
24、What do you want An apple ______ an orange ( )
An apple.
A.and B.or C.but
25、Can you use chopsticks, Tom ( )
A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, I can.
26、I can use the ______ to drink chicken soup.( )
A.spoon B.fork C.chopsticks D.knife
27、Come here, children. Dinner’s ready!( )
A.You’re welcome. B.Thanks. C.Excuse me.
28、I’d like some ______ and ______ for dinner.( )
A.chicken; noodles B.chicken; noodles C.chicken; noodle
29、Have some _______.( )
Thank you.
A.vegetables B.bowls C.beefs
30、Dinner’s ________.( )
A.ready B.really C.right
31、I ______ like some beef, please.( )
A.would B.am C.have
32、What would you like for dinner ( )
________, please.
A.Some fish B.The knife C.My uncle
33、Would you like some water ( )
______ I’d like some Coke, please.
A.Yes, please. B.No, thanks. C.Great.
34、Look at the woman. Is she your aunt ( )
_______ She is my mother.
A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn’t. C.Yes, it is.
35、Would you like _____ soup ( )
A.a B.some
36、Can I have some beef for dinner ( )
A.Yes, I can. B.Sure. C.No, I can’t.
37、I’d like some _______ and _______.( )
A.beef; egg B.bread; noodle C.rice; chicken
38、My uncle is a _____. He drives No. 6 Bus in Yingcheng.( )
A.teacher B.doctor C.driver
39、I’d like some _______ and _______.( )
A.beef; noodle B.rice; fish C.bread; grape
40、What’s ______ dinner ( )
Some soup and fish.
A.at B.to C.for
bread,noodles; study,kitchen,bedroom; fork,spoon; sofa,table
1、 What
2、 for
3、 beef
4、 for
5、 fish
6、 bowl
7、 chopsticks
8、 is
9、 candies
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
答案 B A B B B C C A C B
题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
答案 A C A C A B C C A B
题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
答案 C A C B B A B B A A
题号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
答案 A A B B B B C C B C



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