Unit 5 Dinner is ready综合提升检测A卷(含听力原文和答案 无音频)

( ) 1. A.beef B.vegetables C. chicken
( ) 2. A.knife B.fork C. chopsticks
( ) 3. A.fish B.soup C. bread
( ) 4. A.rice B.noodles C. egg
( ) 5. A.spoon B.plate C. bowl
( ) 1. A.I would like a knife. B.I can use a knife and fork.
( ) 2. A.You’re welcome. B.Thanks.
( ) 3. A.No, I can use a spoon. B.Yes, please.
( ) 4. A.I like soup. B.Some beef, vegetables and eggs.
( ) 5. A.Sure. Here you are. B.Yes, thank you.
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
rice red He She We
1. are good friends.
2. can play football.
3.I’d like some .
4.Don’t go. It’s .
5. can sing very well.
1、 I’d like some . (i-e)
2、 I’d like some s .
3、 Tom would like some (chicken / soup).
4、 What would you like (of / for) dinner
5、 Let (I / me) show you.
1、 Would you like some water ( )
______ I’d like some Coke, please.
A.Yes, please. B.No, thanks. C.Great.
2、 I’d like some _______ and _______.( )
A.beef; noodle B.rice; fish C.bread; grape
3、 I’d like some _____ for dinner.( )
A.notebook B.egg C.fish
4、 I’d like some soup. Please pass me a _______.( )
A.fork B.chopsticks C.spoon
5、 Can you use chopsticks, Tom ( )
A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, I can.
6、 Can you try ______ for noodles ( )
A.bowl B.chopsticks C.chopstick
7、 I’d like some _______ and _______.( )
A.beef; egg B.bread; noodle C.rice; chicken
8、 What’s ______ dinner ( )
A.and B.to C.for
9、 Dinner’s ________.( )
A.ready B.really C.right
10、I’d like some ______.( )
A.vegetable B.chickens C.vegetables
1、 Here is today’s special.(变复数句)
today’s specials.
2、 I'd like some noodles. (对画线部分提问)
3、 What would you like for lunch (根据实际情况回答问题)
4、 Would you like some beef for dinner (作否定回答)
5、 I would like some soup. (变为一般疑问句)
like some soup
1、 I’d, rice, vegetables, please, some, and, like (,.)
2、 some, I’d, chicken, like, please (, .)
3、 I, some, have, please, Can, rice (, )
4、 like, I’d, noodles, some (.)
5、 for like I’d breakfast soup some (.)
Zip: Hello, Zoom. What would you like
Zoom: 1
Zip: OK. Would you like some chicken, too
Zoom: 2 I’d like some vegetables and juice.
Zip: 3
Zoom: Can I have chopsticks 4
Zip: Sure, here you are. 5
Zoom: Thank you.
A.No, thanks.
B.I can use chopsticks for noodles.
C.Have a nice dinner.
D.I’d like some noodles and beef.
E.Anything else
Miss White: Children, it's lunch time. What would you like
Mike: I'd like some bread.
Tom: I'd like some noodles.
Sarah: I'd like some soup.
Miss White: Here you are. Would you like some fish, children
Tom: Yes!
Sarah: Me too.
Mike: No, thanks. I don't like fish. I'd like some beef.
( )1. It's lunch time.
( )2.Mike would like some bread and beef.
( )3.Sarah would like some noodles.
( )4.Tom would like some soup.
( )5.Tom and Sarah would like some fish, too.
Hello, everybody! My name is Amy. I’m ten years old. I go to school everyday. I get up at 7 o'clock. I have milk and bread for breakfast. I like milk. Milk is good for us. Then I go to school. I have lunch at school. At 3:40, school is over. I go back home. Dinner is ready, there’s some soup, chicken, vegetables, fish and rice for dinner. I am so happy.
( )1.What time does Amy get up
A.At six. B.At seven. C.At eight.
( )2.What’s for Amy’s breakfast
A.Milk. B.Bread. C.Milk and bread.
( )3.Where does Amy have lunch
A.At home. B.At school. C.Not mentioned(没提到).
( )4.When is class over
A.At 7 o'clock. B.At 11:30 o'clock. C.At 3:40 o'clock.
( )5.What’s for Amy’s dinner
A.There’s some soup, chicken, vegetables, fish and rice for dinner.
B.There’s some soup, meat, vegetables, fish and rice for dinner.
C.There’s some soup, chicken, vegetables, fish and bread for dinner.
一、答案: C B B A C
听力原文:1. chicken 2. fork 3. soup 4. rice 5. bowl
二、答案:A B B B A
听力原文:1. Would you like a knife or a fork
2. Dinner’s ready. Help yourself.
3. Would you like a spoon
4. What’s in your soup
5. Can I have chopsticks
三、答案:2 1 3 5 4
听力原文:1. phone 2. bedroom 3. bathroom 4. beef 5. vegetables
四、We; He; rice; red; She
1、 rice
2、 soup
3、 chicken
4、 for
5、 me
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
答案 B B C C B B C C A C
1、 Here are
2、 What would you like
3、 An egg.
4、 No, thanks.
5、 Would you
1、 I’d like some rice and vegetables, please.
2、 I’d like some chicken, please.
3、 Can I have some rice, please
4、 I’d like some noodles.
5、 I’d like some soup for breakfast.



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