
2023~2024 学年(上)期中学业水平质量监测
二、单项选择(本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
B21. —Do you know The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
—Yes. It's ▲ interesting book. I like it very much.
A. a B.an C. the D./
C22. Which of the underlined (画线)letters has a different sound from the other three
A. uncle B. club C. music D. study
C 23. —Hi, Mike. When is the Space Day of China
—It is ▲ April 24 every year.
A. at B.in C. on D. for
CD24. ▲ like doing sports very much. We often play table tennis after school.
A. She and me B. I and her C. Me and she D. She and I
B 25. —Is your brother free at weekends
—Yes. He ▲ has much work to do.
A. often B. seldom C. usually D. always
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D) 中,选出可以填入空白
Dear Lucy,
First, I'd like to say that I love your name. When my teacher asks 26 to choose (选择) a pen friend, I choose a girl called Lucy. I think the 27 is very friendly.
I have a happy family. My father works in a company near our home. It only 28 about 10 minutes to ride there. Mom is a 29 . She teaches English at a primary school. In her free time, she 30 us nice food. My father always says that Mum is the 31 cook in the world. I have a sister. She is older than me. She thinks she 32 more than I do, so she can always tell me what to do. It really makes me mad(生气的).
I live in Chongqing. People 33 it the Mountain City(山城). It is a “hot” city, too. It is famous (著名) for its hot pot and noodles. And it is really hot in 34 here. The people here are kind and hard-working. Every year many people come to have a visit. Welcome to Chongqing. If you come, I'll be glad to be your guide(向导).
I 35 you can write back soon.
Your pen friend,
B26. A. we B. us C. our D. my
C27. A. age B. number C. name D. date
B28. A. spends B. takes C. costs D. has
A29. A. teacher B. nurse C. doctor D. driver
C30. A. plants B. starts C. cooks D. shows
A31. A. best B. nice C. good D. well
D32. A. eats B. needs C. talks D. knows
B33. A. tell B. call C. speak D. say
B34. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
A35. A. hope B. dream C. think D. want
There is a boy called Meng Ke. His dad dies, so he lives 36 his mum.
Mum wants her son to study and be good at lessons, but little Meng Ke is naughty(顽皮).
37 follows the other children to climb the tree to catch birds, jump into the 37 to catch fish, and steal(偷)melons in fields. Mum thinks, “My 39 doesn't study hard because the living environment(环境) isn't good.”
Then they move to a house next to a 40 . People walk around the market chatting and bargaining, while sellers(卖家) shout to attract customers(吸引顾客), Meng Ke sees this and has fun by acting like a seller. Mum is sad to see this and tells herself, "No, this is not the 41 place to raise(养育) my child either.” So she takes Meng Ke 42 from the market.
At last, they live near a 43 .There Meng Ke sees the good students. He 44 from them. He sees the students 45 books and he does so. Soon he loves reading books. Mum thinks the school is the right place she is looking for.
Later Meng Ke grows up to be a great man, and we know him as Mencius(孟子).
B36. A. on B. with C.by D. for
B 37. A. She B. He C. They D. You
B38. A. forest B. river C. garden D. park
C39. A. brother B. sister C. son D. cousin
D40. A. shop B. library C. restaurant D. market
C41. A. beautiful B. clean C. right D. large
B42. A. out B. away C. up D. down
A43. A. school B. bank C. hospital D.museum
B44. A. hears B. learns C. shops D. plays
C45. A. buying B. selling C. reading D. making
四、阅读理解 (本题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 、D)中,选出最佳选项。
Chinese Traditional Culture Courses(中华传统文化课程)
Traditional Chinese Art Activities: ● learn about paper cutting (剪纸) ● learn to make clay art piece Time:8:00 a.m.—9:30 a.m. Place: Art Room Teacher: Ms. Wang Traditional Chinese Music Activities: ● learn to play erhu, dizi and pipa ● enjoy traditional Chinese music Time:10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Place: Music Room Teacher: Mrs. Li
Traditional Chinese Books Activities: ● learn about Journey to the West and A Dream of Red Mansians ● act out the stories in groups Time:1:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. Place: School Library Teacher: Mr. Cheng Traditional Chinese Food Activities: ● taste traditional Chinese food ● learn to make jiaozi and zongzi Time: 8:00 a.m.—9:30 a.m. Place: School Hall Teacher; Mr. Lu
A46.Who teaches paper cutting
A.Ms.Wang. B.Mrs.Li. C.Mr.Cheng D.Mr.Lu.
C47.The book A Dream of Red Mansions is ▲ in Chinese.
A.《 西游记》 B.《三国演义》 C.《红楼梦》 D.《水浒传》
D48.Where do students make zongzi
A. In the art room. B.In the music room.
C.In the school library. D.In the school hall.
Mrs. Brown is a farmer. She lives a happy life with her family on the farm. Every day she gets up at six o'clock in the morning and then starts her work: water the plants, clean the yard(院子); pick some vegetables from the garden for lunch, .……, a lot of work to do!
Mr. Brown usually makes noodles and eggs for breakfast. But today Mr. Brown isn't in the
kitchen. She looks at the table. There is no food for her. “Tom!” she calls her son loudly (大声的)
But there's no answer. “That's strange(奇怪的),” she thinks. Mrs. Brown goes outside to the yard and calls Max, her dog. Max doesn't come. Mrs. Brown goes to feed(喂养) the chickens. She looks in the backyard. No chickens. Mrs. Brown goes to see the cows. She looks in the barn, a place for housing her cows. No cows. Mrs. Brown looks in the field(田地). No animals. Just at that time, Mrs. Brown hears a noise(声音) behind the house. She goes to look. Everyone's in the garden: Mr. Brown, Tom, the dog, the chickens, the cows, the pigs and the horse. “Surprise!”
“Where's my breakfast, honey ” “Today's breakfast is cake. Birthday cake! Happy birthday,
my love!”
A49. Mrs. Brown's morning is often ▲
A. busy B. free C. slow D. sad
B50.How many people are there in Mrs. Brown's family
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
A51.What does Mr. Brown do this morning
A. Get ready for his wife's birthday. B. Do morning exercise.
C. Make breakfast for his family. D. Pick some vegetables.
B52.Where are the animals now
A. In the kitchen B. In the garden. C. In the yard. D. In the field.
The Chongyang Festival is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar(农历)month every year. Do you know how it starts Here is the story about it.
Once there is a man called Huan Jing. He learns from his teacher Fei Zhangfang.
One day, Fei Zhangfang tells Huan Jing, "On the ninth day of the ninth month, your parents are going to be very ill. You must go home now. Make two red bags for your parents and put some dogwoods(山茱萸)on the door. Then take the red bags in your hands, and climb the mountain(山) near your house. You must stay on the mountain until(直到) the next day Then your parents will be OK” Huan Jing listens to his teacher and goes home. He does all those things. This saves(拯救) his parents. Huan Jing is very happy.
Many people hear of it. They also do those things on this day. Then it becomes a tradition(传统 )now.
B53.Fei Zhangfang is Huan Jing's ▲
A. doctor B. teacher C. friend D. brother
C54.From the passage(文章), we know the Chongyang Festival is a day for children to ▲
A. be very ill B. make red bags
C.do something for their parents D. stay on the mountain
D55.Which order(顺序)is right
① Take the red bags in hands. ② Put some dogwoods on the door.
③ Make two red bags. ④ Climb up the mountain.
A.①②④③ B.②③①④ C.④②③① D.③②①④
A56.What's the best title(标题)for the passage
A. History of the Chongyang Festival B. Huan Jing's Family
C. A Happy Man D. A Story about a Good Teacher
Mum always tells you to wash hands before eating. You know you must wash hands after going to the bathroom. You should wash hands many times during the day. Do you know how to wash your hands
Always use soap(肥皂) to wash hands. After turning on the lap (水龙头)and wetting your ands, you can rub(摩擦)your hands with soap. Soap may not kill (杀死) all the germs (细菌) , but can wash away the oil(油)on your skin. As the oil is washed away, the germs will leave your ands and go away.
You should wash your hands for 15-20 seconds(秒). How do you know the length (长度) of washing hands You can sing ABC Song. By the time you get to the last note, your hands will be clean!
Rub your hands together. You can use one hand to rub the back of the other hand and then exchange(交换) two hands. You also need to rub between your fingers (手指). Don't forget to rub under and around your fingernails(指甲).
Maybe your hands don't look dirty, but there are germs on them. Germs are too small for you see. They are on your hands all the time. Many illnesses(疾病) are from germs, so you should often wash your hands.
D57.Why do you sing ABC Song
A. To learn more songs.
B. To sing this song very well.
C. To make washing hands easy.
D. To know the length of washing hands.
A58.What does the underlined word “note” mean in the passage
A.音符 B.注释 C.笔记 D.便条
A59.Which of the following is mentioned(提到)in the passage
A. Using soap to wash your hands.
B. Using a towel (毛巾)to dry your hands.
C. Washing hair once a day.
D. Brushing teeth often.
C60.What is the passage about
A. How to be strong B. How to use the soap.
C. How to wash hands. D. How to sing a song.
五、综合填空 (本题共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
61.During the Hangzhou Asian Games, many Chinese ▲ (运动员)do a good job.
62.These days, our city has more ▲ (现代的) buildings, like Nantong Great Theatre.
63.We go running in the playground ▲ (two times)a day when it is sunny.
64.They often ▲ (do an activity again and again)playing volleyball in the Sports Club.
65.—There will be a football match between Class 1 and our class.
—Wish you good ▲
sportsmen modern twice practice luck
Of all my subjects, I like PE best. We have PE lessons three (66) ▲ a week. When I do sports in the playground, I feel free and happy. My PE teacher looks young. He teaches
(67) ▲ how to play ball games. From (68) ▲ lessons, I learn a lot. We like him so much that we see him as our hero.
Our school has a sports meeting once a year. This year, we had it on the (69) ▲ of
November. Everyone (70) ▲ enjoyed it.
times us his eighth really
C. 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使短文通顺。
Hello, I'm David. I come from Jiangsu and I'm 12 years old. Now let me tell you about our weekend life.
On Saturday morning, my grandparents (71) ▲ walking in the park. My mother
(72 ) ▲ breakfast ready for us. My father usually (73) ▲ us car in the garden. And my sister and I often do some reading. On Sunday afternoon, my parents and I (74) ▲ glad to do some shopping in the supermarket. Then we go home and have a big dinner.
Everyone (75) ▲ a good time at weekends.
have gets washes are has
D. 小中和小华在进行 Unit 3 Reading Welcome to our school 的一部分对话中,忘记了五个单词,请认真阅读对话,帮助他写出合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使对话合理通顺。
Millie: Hi, Mum.
Mum: Hi, dear. Your school looks beautiful. The playground is (76) s ▲ big.
Millie: Yes, it is. Let me(77) s ▲ you around. We're now in front of the classroom building. There are 18 classrooms in it. My classroom is on the (78)g ▲ floor
Mum: The classrooms are clean and (79)b ▲
Millie: Yes, they are. This (80)w ▲ , Mum. We also have an art room, a music room and two computer rooms.
Mum: That's wonderful!
so show ground bright way
六、阅读与词组选择 (本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
My name is Chen Li. My house is very beautiful.
There is a nice garden (81) ▲ .My grandparents take good care of it. So we can see
(82) ▲ in the garden. Near my house there is a big apple tree. On the first floor, there is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. I like (83) ▲ in the living room. It makes me feel great. There are three bedrooms and a study (84) ▲ .The study is (85) ▲ . I like reading books and writing stories in it. I like my house very much.
A. listening to music B.in front of my house C. getting ready for
D. on the second floor E. have fun F. small but clean
G. all kinds of flowers
Students study lots of subjects at school. Most students think it's hard to do (86)w ▲ in
Maths. They say it's boring(枯燥). (87)W ▲ do they say so Here are the reasons.
(88)F ▲ ,some Maths problems are so hard that they can't work them out. Second, they are afraid to ask their teachers for (89)h ▲ .Third, they think Maths classes are very
tiring (累人的)as they need to use their brain(大脑)to work out the answers.
How can you do well in Maths Here is some advice from a teacher、
●Listen to your teacher carefully in class and do more exercises (90)a ▲ class.
● Ask your teachers for help if you don't understand anything.
● Don't forget to go over your lessons
well Why First help after
Dorothy picks up Toto, her dog and runs into the house. Poor Toto! He's afraid too. He jumps
out of Dorothy's arms and runs under the bed. Dorothy runs after him and pulls him out.
“Dorothy!” Uncle Henry calls. “Quick! Come into the cellar (地下室)!The cyclone(龙卷风)
is coming!”
Dorothy starts to run to the little door in the floor but the cyclone hits the house before she can get there. Everything in the room is shaking(摇晃).The cups and the plates fall on the floor.
Dorothy falls on the floor too. BUMP! She can't stand up again.
Then the wind picks up the house and carries it away. The little house spins (旋转) slowly round and round in the conc of the cyclone. Up and up it goes. Soon it is high in the sky. Dorothy and Toto are very frightened (害怕的).Toto starts barking.
“It's alright, Toto," Dorothy says to him." I'm here.” (请将答案写在答题卡上)
91.Who is Toto
Dorothy’s dog.
92.Where does Uncle Henry ask Dorothy to come into
Come into the cellar.
93.What hits the house
The cyclone.
94.What is shaking
Everything in the room is shaking.
95.What do you think of Dorothy
She is brave.
96. 我经常向图书馆借书。
I always borrow books from the library.
97. 我们从周一到周五去上学。
We go to school from Monday to Friday.
98. 阅读对我们有好处。
Reading is good for us.
99. 汤姆每天踢足球。
Tom plays football everyday.
We have meetings in our school hall.
101.杭州亚运会成功举办的背后是许多“小背荷”志愿者的无私举献。假如你是Suzy,热情友善、积极乐观的品质让你脱颖而出,成为一名“小青荷”。小伙伴们很羡蒸,到底是什么样的口常生活状态造就了现在的你呢 请你用一般现在时介绍自己的多彩生活,并谈谈自己的感受。
4.参考词汇:在…期间:during; 加入:join; 多彩的: colourful
My colourful life
I'm Suzy, a shiny girl from Zhejiang University.2023~2024 学年(上)期中学业水平质量监测
二、单项选择(本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
21. —Do you know The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
—Yes. It's ▲ interesting book. I like it very much.
A. a B.an C. the D./
22. Which of the underlined (画线)letters has a different sound from the other three
A. uncle B. club C. music D. study
23. —Hi, Mike. When is the Space Day of China
—It is ▲ April 24 every year.
A. at B.in C. on D. for
24. ▲ like doing sports very much. We often play table tennis after school.
A. She and me B. I and her C. Me and she D. She and I
25. —Is your brother free at weekends
—Yes. He ▲ has much work to do.
A. often B. seldom C. usually D. always
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D) 中,选出可以填入空白
Dear Lucy,
First, I'd like to say that I love your name. When my teacher asks 26 to choose (选择) a pen friend, I choose a girl called Lucy. I think the 27 is very friendly.
I have a happy family. My father works in a company near our home. It only 28 about 10 minutes to ride there. Mom is a 29 . She teaches English at a primary school. In her free time, she 30 us nice food. My father always says that Mum is the 31 cook in the world. I have a sister. She is older than me. She thinks she 32 more than I do, so she can always tell me what to do. It really makes me mad(生气的).
I live in Chongqing. People 33 it the Mountain City(山城). It is a “hot” city, too. It is famous (著名) for its hot pot and noodles. And it is really hot in 34 here. The people here are kind and hard-working. Every year many people come to have a visit. Welcome to Chongqing. If you come, I'll be glad to be your guide(向导).
I 35 you can write back soon.
Your pen friend,
26. A. we B. us C. our D. my
27. A. age B. number C. name D. date
28. A. spends B. takes C. costs D. has
29. A. teacher B. nurse C. doctor D. driver
30. A. plants B. starts C. cooks D. shows
31. A. best B. nice C. good D. well
32. A. eats B. needs C. talks D. knows
33. A. tell B. call C. speak D. say
34. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
35. A. hope B. dream C. think D. want
There is a boy called Meng Ke. His dad dies, so he lives 36 his mum.
Mum wants her son to study and be good at lessons, but little Meng Ke is naughty(顽皮).
37 follows the other children to climb the tree to catch birds, jump into the fish, and steal(偷)melons in fields. Mum thinks, “My 39 doesn't study hard because the living environment(环境) isn't good.”
Then they move to a house next to a 40 . People walk around the market chatting and bargaining, while sellers(卖家) shout to attract customers(吸引顾客), Meng Ke sees this and has fun by acting like a seller. Mum is sad to see this and tells herself, "No, this is not the 41 place to raise(养育) my child either.” So she takes Meng Ke 42 from the market.
At last, they live near a 43 .There Meng Ke sees the good students. He 44 from them. He sees the students 45 books and he does so. Soon he loves reading books. Mum thinks the school is the right place she is looking for.
Later Meng Ke grows up to be a great man, and we know him as Mencius(孟子).
36. A. on B. with C.by D. for
37. A. She B. He C. They D. You
38. A. forest B. river C. garden D. park
39. A. brother B. sister C. son D. cousin
40. A. shop B. library C. restaurant D. market
41. A. beautiful B. clean C. right D. large
42. A. out B. away C. up D. down
43. A. school B. bank C. hospital D.museum
44. A. hears B. learns C. shops D. plays
45. A. buying B. selling C. reading D. making
四、阅读理解 (本题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 、D)中,选出最佳选项。
Chinese Traditional Culture Courses(中华传统文化课程)
Traditional Chinese Art Activities: ● learn about paper cutting (剪纸) ● learn to make clay art piece Time:8:00 a.m.—9:30 a.m. Place: Art Room Teacher: Ms. Wang Traditional Chinese Music Activities: ● learn to play erhu, dizi and pipa ● enjoy traditional Chinese music Time:10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Place: Music Room Teacher: Mrs. Li
Traditional Chinese Books Activities: ● learn about Journey to the West and A Dream of Red Mansians ● act out the stories in groups Time:1:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. Place: School Library Teacher: Mr. Cheng Traditional Chinese Food Activities: ● taste traditional Chinese food ● learn to make jiaozi and zongzi Time: 8:00 a.m.—9:30 a.m. Place: School Hall Teacher; Mr. Lu
46.Who teaches paper cutting
A.Ms.Wang. B.Mrs.Li. C.Mr.Cheng D.Mr.Lu.
47.The book A Dream of Red Mansions is ▲ in Chinese.
A.《 西游记》 B.《三国演义》 C.《红楼梦》 D.《水浒传》
48.Where do students make zongzi
A. In the art room. B.In the music room.
C.In the school library. D.In the school hall.
Mrs. Brown is a farmer. She lives a happy life with her family on the farm. Every day she gets up at six o'clock in the morning and then starts her work: water the plants, clean the yard(院子); pick some vegetables from the garden for lunch, .……, a lot of work to do!
Mr. Brown usually makes noodles and eggs for breakfast. But today Mr. Brown isn't in the
kitchen. She looks at the table. There is no food for her. “Tom!” she calls her son loudly (大声的)
But there's no answer. “That's strange(奇怪的),” she thinks. Mrs. Brown goes outside to the yard and calls Max, her dog. Max doesn't come. Mrs. Brown goes to feed(喂养) the chickens. She looks in the backyard. No chickens. Mrs. Brown goes to see the cows. She looks in the barn, a place for housing her cows. No cows. Mrs. Brown looks in the field(田地). No animals. Just at that time, Mrs. Brown hears a noise(声音) behind the house. She goes to look. Everyone's in the garden: Mr. Brown, Tom, the dog, the chickens, the cows, the pigs and the horse. “Surprise!”
“Where's my breakfast, honey ” “Today's breakfast is cake. Birthday cake! Happy birthday,
my love!”
49. Mrs. Brown's morning is often ▲
A. busy B. free C. slow D. sad
50.How many people are there in Mrs. Brown's family
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
51.What does Mr. Brown do this morning
A. Get ready for his wife's birthday. B. Do morning exercise.
C. Make breakfast for his family. D. Pick some vegetables.
52.Where are the animals now
A. In the kitchen B. In the garden. C. In the yard. D. In the field.
The Chongyang Festival is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar(农历)month every year. Do you know how it starts Here is the story about it.
Once there is a man called Huan Jing. He learns from his teacher Fei Zhangfang.
One day, Fei Zhangfang tells Huan Jing, "On the ninth day of the ninth month, your parents are going to be very ill. You must go home now. Make two red bags for your parents and put some dogwoods(山茱萸)on the door. Then take the red bags in your hands, and climb the mountain(山) near your house. You must stay on the mountain until(直到) the next day Then your parents will be OK” Huan Jing listens to his teacher and goes home. He does all those things. This saves(拯救) his parents. Huan Jing is very happy.
Many people hear of it. They also do those things on this day. Then it becomes a tradition(传统 )now.
53.Fei Zhangfang is Huan Jing's ▲
A. doctor B. teacher C. friend D. brother
54.From the passage(文章), we know the Chongyang Festival is a day for children to ▲
A. be very ill B. make red bags
C.do something for their parents D. stay on the mountain
55.Which order(顺序)is right
① Take the red bags in hands. ② Put some dogwoods on the door.
③ Make two red bags. ④ Climb up the mountain.
A.①②④③ B.②③①④ C.④②③① D.③②①④
56.What's the best title(标题)for the passage
A. History of the Chongyang Festival B. Huan Jing's Family
C. A Happy Man D. A Story about a Good Teacher
Mum always tells you to wash hands before eating. You know you must wash hands after going to the bathroom. You should wash hands many times during the day. Do you know how to wash your hands
Always use soap(肥皂) to wash hands. After turning on the lap (水龙头)and wetting your ands, you can rub(摩擦)your hands with soap. Soap may not kill (杀死) all the germs (细菌) , but can wash away the oil(油)on your skin. As the oil is washed away, the germs will leave your ands and go away.
You should wash your hands for 15-20 seconds(秒). How do you know the length (长度) of washing hands You can sing ABC Song. By the time you get to the last note, your hands will be clean!
Rub your hands together. You can use one hand to rub the back of the other hand and then exchange(交换) two hands. You also need to rub between your fingers (手指). Don't forget to rub under and around your fingernails(指甲).
Maybe your hands don't look dirty, but there are germs on them. Germs are too small for you see. They are on your hands all the time. Many illnesses(疾病) are from germs, so you should often wash your hands.
57.Why do you sing ABC Song
A. To learn more songs.
B. To sing this song very well.
C. To make washing hands easy.
D. To know the length of washing hands.
58.What does the underlined word “note” mean in the passage
A.音符 B.注释 C.笔记 D.便条
59.Which of the following is mentioned(提到)in the passage
A. Using soap to wash your hands.
B. Using a towel (毛巾)to dry your hands.
C. Washing hair once a day.
D. Brushing teeth often.
60.What is the passage about
A. How to be strong B. How to use the soap.
C. How to wash hands. D. How to sing a song.
五、综合填空 (本题共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
61.During the Hangzhou Asian Games, many Chinese ▲ (运动员)do a good job.
62.These days, our city has more ▲ (现代的) buildings, like Nantong Great Theatre.
63.We go running in the playground ▲ (two times)a day when it is sunny.
64.They often ▲ (do an activity again and again)playing volleyball in the Sports Club.
65.—There will be a football match between Class 1 and our class.
—Wish you good ▲
Of all my subjects, I like PE best. We have PE lessons three (66) ▲ a week. When I do sports in the playground, I feel free and happy. My PE teacher looks young. He teaches
(67) ▲ how to play ball games. From (68) ▲ lessons, I learn a lot. We like him so much that we see him as our hero.
Our school has a sports meeting once a year. This year, we had it on the (69) ▲ of
November. Everyone (70) ▲ enjoyed it.
C. 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使短文通顺。
Hello, I'm David. I come from Jiangsu and I'm 12 years old. Now let me tell you about our weekend life.
On Saturday morning, my grandparents (71) ▲ walking in the park. My mother
(72 ) ▲ breakfast ready for us. My father usually (73) ▲ us car in the garden. And my sister and I often do some reading. On Sunday afternoon, my parents and I (74) ▲ glad to do some shopping in the supermarket. Then we go home and have a big dinner.
Everyone (75) ▲ a good time at weekends.
D. 小中和小华在进行 Unit 3 Reading Welcome to our school 的一部分对话中,忘记了五个单词,请认真阅读对话,帮助他写出合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使对话合理通顺。
Millie: Hi, Mum.
Mum: Hi, dear. Your school looks beautiful. The playground is (76) s ▲ big.
Millie: Yes, it is. Let me(77) s ▲ you around. We're now in front of the classroom building. There are 18 classrooms in it. My classroom is on the (78)g ▲ floor
Mum: The classrooms are clean and (79)b ▲
Millie: Yes, they are. This (80)w ▲ , Mum. We also have an art room, a music room and two computer rooms.
Mum: That's wonderful!
六、阅读与词组选择 (本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
My name is Chen Li. My house is very beautiful.
There is a nice garden (81) ▲ .My grandparents take good care of it. So we can see
(82) ▲ in the garden. Near my house there is a big apple tree. On the first floor, there is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. I like (83) ▲ in the living room. It makes me feel great. There are three bedrooms and a study (84) ▲ .The study is (85) ▲ . I like reading books and writing stories in it. I like my house very much.
A. listening to music B.in front of my house C. getting ready for
D. on the second floor E. have fun F. small but clean
G. all kinds of flowers
Students study lots of subjects at school. Most students think it's hard to do (86)w ▲ in
Maths. They say it's boring(枯燥). (87)W ▲ do they say so Here are the reasons.
(88)F ▲ ,some Maths problems are so hard that they can't work them out. Second, they are afraid to ask their teachers for (89)h ▲ .Third, they think Maths classes are very
tiring (累人的)as they need to use their brain(大脑)to work out the answers.
How can you do well in Maths Here is some advice from a teacher、
●Listen to your teacher carefully in class and do more exercises (90)a ▲ class.
● Ask your teachers for help if you don't understand anything.
● Don't forget to go over your lessons
Dorothy picks up Toto, her dog and runs into the house. Poor Toto! He's afraid too. He jumps
out of Dorothy's arms and runs under the bed. Dorothy runs after him and pulls him out.
“Dorothy!” Uncle Henry calls. “Quick! Come into the cellar (地下室)!T he cyclone(龙卷风)
is coming!”
Dorothy starts to run to the little door in the floor but the cyclone hits the house before she can get there. Everything in the room is shaking(摇晃).The cups and the plates fall on the floor.
Dorothy falls on the floor too. BUMP! She can't stand up again.
Then the wind picks up the house and carries it away. The little house spins (旋转) slowly round and round in the conc of the cyclone. Up and up it goes. Soon it is high in the sky. Dorothy and Toto are very frightened (害怕的).Toto starts barking.
“It's alright, Toto," Dorothy says to him." I'm here.” (请将答案写在答题卡上)
91.Who is Toto
92.Where does Uncle Henry ask Dorothy to come into
93.What hits the house
94.What is shaking
95.What do you think of Dorothy
96. 我经常向图书馆借书。
97. 我们从周一到周五去上学。
98. 阅读对我们有好处。
99. 汤姆每天踢足球。
101.杭州亚运会成功举办的背后是许多“小背荷”志愿者的无私举献。假如你是Suzy,热情友善、积极乐观的品质让你脱颖而出,成为一名“小青荷”。小伙伴们很羡蒸,到底是什么样的口常生活状态造就了现在的你呢 请你用一般现在时介绍自己的多彩生活,并谈谈自己的感受。
4.参考词汇:在…期间:during; 加入:join; 多彩的: colourful
My colourful life
I'm Suzy, a shiny girl from Zhejiang University.



上一篇:1.2.1盖斯定律 同步练习(答案) 2023-2024高二上学期化学人教版(2019)选择性必修1
