仁爱版七年级英语上册Unit3 Getting together单元话题语法填空练习(含解析)

Unit 3 Getting together
It is Sally’s 1 (nine) birthday. What does Sally do for her birthday
Sally 2 (have) a new blue dress. It is a birthday gift from her mother. The blue ring is 3 her sister. The blue pencil box is from 4 (she) brother. The blue radio is from her father. They all know her favorite color. The ping pong ball and the bat 5 (be) from her friend, Cindy. Sally 6 (not) know how to play ping pong, but Cindy 7 (say) it is easy.
Sally’s friends 8 (like) sports. They play basketball and volleyball with her. Then, they eat lunch.
Sally has good habits. She likes to eat right food. Sally doesn’t want to be fat, so she doesn’t eat hamburgers or ice cream. Sally likes 9 (health) food like fruit and vegetables. They are good for her.
After lunch, Sally and her friends watch TV. They have a 10 (relax) afternoon!
(2023上·河北石家庄·七年级石家庄市第四十中学校考期中)I have 11 uncle. He likes sports very much. He 12 (love) soccer, baseball, volleyball, basketball and so on. He plays baseball and basketball very 13 (good). He likes watching the sports games 14 TV. He plays sports with some 15 (friend) every day. He often 16 (say), “Let’s play…” he joins two clubs: a basketball club 17 a baseball club.
He 18 (have) 12 tennis rackets, ten baseballs, three volleyballs, two 19 (basketball) and one soccer ball. He likes 20 (they) very much.
My name is Bill. I have two good 21 (friend). They are Bob and Sandra. We eat many different foods every day. I like different kinds of food. For 22 , I eat eggs and some fruit. I like oranges and bananas. For lunch, I have hamburgers and some salad. 23 dinner, I have chicken and vegetables. I like carrots very much.
Bob eats lots of 24 (health) food every day. He 25 (have) milk, two eggs and 26 apple for breakfast. He has chicken and salad for lunch. And he 27 (like) fish and rice for dinner.
Sandra is different from 28 (we). She doesn’t eat fruit or vegetables. She only 29 (eat) unhealthy (不健康的) food. She likes hamburgers and ice-cream. For breakfast, she has some hamburgers. And for dinner, she eats French fries (炸薯条). 30 dinner, she eats ice-cream.
I am Cindy. My parents and I 31 (be) in China now. I am 32 student of Shanghai No. 18 Middle School. My parents are teachers in 33 (we) school. They both (两者都) teach English. This morning, I 34 (find) a pencil box in the school library. It is black 35 white. There is an eraser, three 36 (pen) and a ruler in the pencil box. There is a photo 37 a family in it, too. Is it 38 (you) You can 39 me at 518-3697. You can also 40 me at Cindy8118@.
I have a good friend. He 41 (come) from Canada. 42 (he) Chinese name is Li Ping. He can 43 (speak) English and French(法语). And he 44 (know) a lot of 45 (China).
He likes China very 46 . Now he teaches English in Beijing. Li Ping 47 (have) a big nose and a small mouth. But his eyes 48 (be not) small. He has short brown hair. He has a happy family. His wife(妻子) is from Sichuan, China. They have three children(孩子), a girl and two 49 (boy).
Li Ping’s dad and mom are in Canada. But they like China, 50 . And they often(经常) come to China.
(2023上·辽宁锦州·七年级统考期中)阅读短文,然后在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用短文括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文内容完整、正确,并将答案填在答题卡 (纸) 的相应位置。
Hello, my name is Cindy White. I’m a middle school student. My phone number 51 (be) 334-4890. Here are two 52 (photo) of my family. My grandparents are 53 the first photo. These are my 54 (parent). My mother works in a school. 55 (she) is a good teacher. My father is a doctor. In the next photo are my cousin Linda and my 56 Bob. Bob and I are twins (双胞胎).They are in my 57 (sister) room. Linda’s radio is in the photo. And the toy dog is 58 (her), too. It’s under the table. Can you 59 (see) it Coco is the name 60 her toy dog.
I love my school very much because I have some great classmates there. They can all do 61 (difference) things.
This is Helen. She is good at 62 (sing). She can play the guitar very well, and we all like watching 63 (she) making great music. Every day, she has to take part 64 the school band practice.
Tom is really cool. He is happy to make 65 (friend) with young people. He says he wants 66 (help) me with my English.
Charles 67 (do) well in sports. He can swim 68 play tennis. He can run fast, too.
Then this is my elder sister Alice. We are twins. Alice and I are in the same class. She can run 69 (real) fast, and she can play basketball and soccer.
I always have 70 good time with them at school.
Hi,I’m Gina Smith. Gina is my 71 (one) name and Smith is my last name. I’m 72 English girl, but now I’m in China with my parents. My parents are 73 (teacher) and they are at the same middle school. I’m 74 (they) only daughter. I’m 12 years old. They love me very much and I love them, 75 . My parents like sports. My father likes basketball. He often plays basketball and sometimes he 76 (watch) basketball games in the evening. Basketball is fun but difficult 77 me. I can’t play it. I only watch it on TV with my father. My mother loves tennis. She thinks it’s easy 78 fun. But my father doesn’t like it. So my mother wants me 79 (play) with her. Now I can play tennis 80 (good).
Let’s play together if you also like it.
Hello, I’m Lin Fei from Hangzhou. Now I’m 81 New York. I go to a middle school here and live with the Whites. They are 82 (real) nice and it’s good to be with them. Now let me tell you something about them.
There 83 (be) three people in the family, Mr and Mrs White, and 84 (they) son Peter. Mr White is 85 manager(经理). He is very busy (忙的) from Monday to Friday. Mrs White is a teacher, and she is busy, 86 . She has many 87 (student) and she loves them. Peter is nice to me and he is like my brother. He often helps me with my 88 (England). We are in the same school, 89 we are in different (不同的) grades. He is in Grade 9 and I’m in Grade 7. So I can’t 90 (see) Peter very often at school.
1.ninth 2.has 3.from 4.her 5.are 6.doesn’t 7.says 8.like 9.healthy 10.relaxing
3.句意: 蓝色的戒指是她姐姐送的。根据后文“The blue radio is from her father.”(蓝色的收音机是她父亲送的。)可知此处用介词from。故填from。
5.句意:乒乓球和球拍是她的朋友辛迪送的。主语The ping pong ball and the bat是复数,时态为一般现在时,be动词用are。故填are。
8.句意:莎莉的朋友们喜欢运动。主语Sally’s friends是复数,时态为一般现在时,主谓应一致。故填like。
11.an 12.loves 13.well 14.on 15.friends 16.says 17.and 18.has 19.basketballs 20.them
14.句意:他喜欢看电视上的体育比赛。on TV“在电视上”,此处指看电视上的体育比赛,故选on。
17.句意:他参加了两个俱乐部:一个篮球俱乐部和一个棒球俱乐部。a basketball club和a baseball club之间是并列关系,所以用and连接,故填and。
21.friends 22.example 23.For 24.healthy 25.has 26.an 27.likes 28.us 29.eats 30.After
21.句意:我有两个好朋友。根据“two good...”可知,此处指两个好朋友,friend“朋友”,其复数形式为friends。故填friends。
22.句意:例如,我吃鸡蛋和水果。根据“I like different kinds of food.”和“For...”可知,此处为举出我喜欢不同种类食物的例子,for example“例如”。故填example。
23.句意:我晚餐吃鸡肉和蔬菜。根据“...dinner”可知,此处指我吃鸡肉和蔬菜作为晚餐,for dinner“作为晚餐”,位于句首,首字母大写。故填For。
30.句意:晚饭后,她吃冰淇淋。根据“And for dinner, she eats...dinner, she eats ice-cream.”可知,她晚餐吃炸薯条,晚饭后,她吃冰淇淋。after“在……之后”,介词,位于句首,首字母大写。故填After。
31.are 32.a 33.our 34.found 35.and 36.pens 37.of 38.yours 39.call 40.email
34.句意:今天早上,我在学校图书馆发现了一个铅笔盒。根据“This morning”可知,是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填found。
37.句意:里面还有一张全家福。a photo of“一张……照片”,故填of。
38.句意:是你的吗?根据“There is a photo”可知,此处表示“你的照片”,用yours代替your photo,故填yours。
39.句意:你可以打518-3697给我。根据“You can...me at 518-3697.”可知,是打电话,call“打电话”符合语境,can后用动词原形,故填call。
40.句意:你也可以发邮件给我到Cindy8118@。根据“You can also...me at Cindy8118@.”可知,是发邮件,email“发邮件”符合语境,can后用动词原形,故填email。
41.comes 42.His 43.speak 44.knows 45.Chinese 46.much 47.has 48.aren’t 49.boys 50.too
46.句意:他非常喜欢中国。此处是程度副词very much“非常”。故填much。
50.句意:但他们也喜欢中国。根据前文“He likes China very ”可知,李平喜欢中国,李平的父母也喜欢中国,应用too“也”。故填too。
51.is 52.photos 53.in 54.parents 55.She 56.brother 57.sister’s 58.hers 59.see 60.of
51.句意:我的电话号码是334-4890。根据文章可知句子时态为一般现在时,而主语My phone number为第三人称单数,故填is。
53.句意:我的祖父母在第一张照片里。根据“My grandparents”和“the first photo”可知此处介绍第一张照片的内容,所以in the first photo“在第一张照片里”符合语境,故填in。
56.句意:在下一张照片里是我的表姐Linda和我的哥哥Bob。根据“ Bob and I are twins”可知Bob是Cindy的兄弟,故填brother。
58.句意:并且玩具狗也是她的。根据“the toy dog”可知此处代指她的玩具狗,而其后无名词,所以此处应填名词性物主代词,故填hers。
60.句意:Coco是它的玩具狗的名字。根据“the name”和“her toy dog”可知此处应填表所属的介词,故填of。
61.different 62.singing 63.her 64.in 65.friends 66.to help 67.does 68.and 69.really 70.a
64.句意:每天,她都要参加学校的乐队练习。take part in“参加”。故填in。
65.句意:他很乐意和年轻人交朋友。make friends with sb.“和某人交朋友”。故填friends。
66.句意:他说他想帮助我学习英语。want to do sth.“想要做某事”。故填to help。
68.句意:他会游泳和打网球。根据“swim...play tennis”可知此处表示并列,用and连接。故填and。
70.句意:我在学校总是和他们玩得很开心。have a good time“玩得开心”。故填a。
71.first 72.an 73.teachers 74.their 75.too 76.watches 77.for 78.and 79.to play 80.well
71.句意:吉娜是我的名字,史密斯是我的姓。first name“名”,符合句意,故填first。
75.句意:他们非常爱我,我也爱他们。根据“They love me very much and I love them,...”可知,作者自己也爱父母,位于肯定句句尾,应用too表示“也”。故填too。
77.句意:篮球很有趣,但对我来说很难。be difficult for sb“对某人来说很难”,故填for。
79.句意:所以我妈妈想让我和她一起玩。want sb to do sth“想要某人做某事”,是固定搭配。故填to play。
81.in 82.really 83.are 84.their 85.a 86.too 87.students 88.English 89.but 90.see
86.句意:怀特太太是一位老师,她也很忙。根据“He is very busy (忙的)”和“and she is busy, ”可知,怀特太太也很忙,应用too。故填too。



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