Module 11 Unit 1 In China ,we open a gift later.课时练(2课时含答案)

Module 11 Way of life Unit 1(共2课时)
stay up, clean up, wash, look up, take off
1.What a mess! You should         your bedroom first.
2.We should         hands before eating. It’s a good habit.
3.You can         new words in the dictionary.
4.Jane         late and felt sleepy the next day.
5.The radio says the plane will         in ten minutes.
wait for, get on, stand in a line,
take away, for the first time
6.That green tree         all the light. Let's find another place!
7.Three years ago, I met Jack         at a party. Then we made friends with each other.
8.As soon as I         the bus, it began to rain.
9.Stop         things to happen. Go out and make them happen.
10.Mrs Zhang asked us to         over there. She was coming soon.
11.milk, Tony, like, tea, does, with, drinking(托尼喜欢喝加牛奶的茶吗 )
____________________________________________________________________________ sister, is, my, Rose, not, but, best friend, just(露丝不仅是我姐姐,还是我最好的朋友。)
13.get to know, think, each other, new, I, should, neighbours(我认为,新邻居之间应该互相了解。)
14.just now, a man, onto, push his way, the station, at, the train, noticed, I(我刚才注意到一个男人在火车站挤上了列车。)
15.when, you, the baby, had better, the radio, not, is sleeping, turn on(当小宝宝正在睡觉的时候,你最好不要打开收音机。)
In many countries people give gifts for special occasions. For example, in the US, people give 16.     for birthdays, weddings, and when someone graduates from high school or college. In Japan many people give gifts at special times in summer and 17.    . But how do you choose the 18.     gift
It's not always easy to find a great gift for everyone, especially when you are buying a gift for someone from another 19.    . In many Western countries watches and 20.     are nice gifts. 21.    , Chinese people do not like clocks as gifts. In China, giving a clock is similar to the words for to die. So many Chinese people think that a clock as a gift is bad 22.    .
Many people around the world think that flowers are always a 23.     gift. But even flowers can be a 24.    ! In Russia a gift of an odd number(1, 3, 5, etc) of flowers is okay. But a gift of an even number (2, 4, 6, etc) of flowers is not okay. It's only for funerals! And don't 25.     red roses to a stranger from Germany. They may think you love them!
(  )
(  )17.A.person C.winter
(  )18.A.right  B.wrong  C.good
(  ) C.village
(  ) B.books C.clocks
(  )21.A.If B.So C.However
(  )22.A.luck B.lucky C.unlucky
(  )  B.bad    C.ugly
(  ) gift B.problem C.good idea
(  )25.A.receive B.accept C.give
Module 11 Way of life Unit 1(共2课时)
1.Mr Zhong is a great doctor. I'd like to be     (某人) like him in the future.
2.Jerry travelled around the world by ship, so he had much     (经验) on the sea.
3.My parents tell me that it's not right to touch an old man on the     (肩膀).
4.Would you like some     (三明治) with meat
5.I don't want to make a long     (逗留) here. It's too noisy.
Most children begin to learn to speak                 one.
He found a job to         in a restaurant after school.
The teacher asked the students                     .
She is thinking about             to go to the party.
Many students             go to school after staying at home for so long.
(  )11. —What a lovely present! Who sent it     it be your brother
—It     be my brother. He doesn’t know today is my birthday.
A.Can; can’t B.Can; mustn’t
C.Must; mustn’t D.Must; can’t
(  )12.—Mum, it’s too hot!     I swim in the lake
—No, you     . That’s too dangerous.
A.Should; can’t B.Need; mustn’t
C.Must; needn’t D.Could; mustn’t
(  )13. —Mr Smith teaches maths best in our school.
—Yes. He has more than ten years’ teaching     .
A.temperature B.experience
C.difference D.discussion
(  )14. Guan Dong saved an old lady out of the Yangtze river.     great courage he showed!
A.What a B.What
C.How a D.How
(  )15.—Michael, how much do you know about     
—People usually eat rice dumplings to remember Qu Yuan.
A.the Mid-Autumn Festival
B.the Spring Festival
C.the Dragon Boat Festival
D.the Lantern Festival
  Have you ever been to Japan Everyone said Japan’s culture is different from that of other parts of the world, 16.b     I did not believe it. I decided to find out for myself.
However, on 17.m     first day in Tokyo, I knew everything I 18.h     about Japan was true. I remember arriving at the airport in Tokyo and having to take the train into the city. I wasn’t 19.s     how and where to take the train. So I walked up to a man in uniform and asked, “Sir, where can I take the train ”
To my 20.s    , he could not speak English. He spoke something quickly in Japanese. When he saw my confused(困惑的) face, he smiled and bowed. I 21.f     very strange at the time.
Finally, I found someone who helped me buy a ticket for the train. When I went over to the timetable, I found out the train would not arrive in five minutes. In my head, five minutes was like at least ten minutes. But in exactly five minutes the train arrived. Are trains ever on 22.t     in your country When I got 23.o     the train, I found nobody talked. It was just the
24.s     of the train travelling at high speed. Later I knew it is 25.r     to talk on the trains in Japan.
Module 11 Way of life Unit 1(共2课时)
Ⅰ.1.clean up 2.wash 3.look up
4.stayed up 5.take off
Ⅱ.6.takes away 7.for the first time on 9.waiting for
10. stand in a line 
Ⅲ.11.Does Tony like drinking tea with milk
12.Rose is not just my sister but my best friend.
13.I think new neighbours should get to know each other.
14.I noticed a man push his way onto the train at the station just now.
15.You had better not turn on the radio when the baby is sleeping.
Ⅳ.16—20 BCAAC 21—25 CAABC
Module 11 Way of life Unit 1(共2课时)
Ⅰ.1.someone 2.experience 3.shoulder
4.sandwiches 5.stay
Ⅱ the age of 7.wash up stand in a line
9.what to wear
10.can’t wait to
12.D 句意:“妈妈。太热了。我能在湖里游泳吗 ”“不,不可以。太危险了。”should 意为“应该”;need 意为“需要”;must 意为“必须”;could 意为“能,会”。根据句意可知,第一空表示询问“我可以做某事吗”,故用could;第二空用mustn’t 表示 “禁止做某事”,故选D。
13.B 14.B 15.C 
18.heard 19.sure
20.surprise 21.felt
22.time 23.on
24.sound 25.rude




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