
1-5CACAB 6-10 BAACB l1-15CBACB
16-20 BCBCA 21-25BABCB
26.parents 27.happier 28.talk 29.interested 30.carefully
31-35 DAABD 36-40 CCCBC
41-45 BABAA 46-50 BACBA
51-55 CBDCD 56-60 DCDBA 61-65 BDCBA
66. lots of old buildings
67. the people are friendly
68.They usually rode bikes,climbed hills or played baseball on weekends
69. My lovely hometown is Westwood and I love it.
71. an 72. quickly 73. if 74. But 75. more popular
76. hundreds 77. to 78. explains 79. have been 80.to eat
81. Have you ever visited the science museum?
82. What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily
83. China is one of the oldest countries in the world.
84. I can do what I love to do.
85. Don’t eat until you get there.
Dear Leslie,
I'm glad to receive your email. You want me to share with you what I did during the pandemic. Here are my experiences. During the epidemic period, the school insisted on the principle of not stopping classes,and all students needed to take online classes according to the timetable. During that period,I read a lot of famous works. In order to have a healthy body, I keep exercising for an hour every day, which helps to strengthen my immunity. Usually,I would get to know the epidemic situation through the Internet or watching TV news, it has become a daily thing for everyone to do.
I am deeply moved by the selflessness and bravery of the medical workers, and I am determined to be just like them in the future.
Thank you for your concern.I'm looking forward to your reply.香河县2022—2023学年度第二学期八年级期末质量监测
1. A. taking B. talking C. working
2. A. WE7596 B. WE7956 C. EW7956
3. A. cut off B. take off C. put off
4. A. Jenny is as outgoing as me.
B.I am more outgoing than Jenny.
C. Jenny is more outgoing than me.
5. A.I like coffee better than tea.
B.I like tea better than coffee.
C.I like tea as mach as I like coffee.
6. A. Don't worry. B. It doesn't matter. C. You are welcome.
7. A. She is tall. B. She is nice. C.She likes singing.
8. A. Good idea. B. No,I didn't. C. Never mind.
9. A. That's nothing. B. It doesn't matter. C. It's my pleasure.
10.A. In two weeks. B. Twice a week. C. On Sunday morning.
11. What sport does the boy like best
A. B. C.
12. What is in the sky
A. B. C.
13. What does the woman want
A. A sweater B. A hat C. A coat
14. What is the boy going to do tomorrow
A. Ge to the cinema. B. Have a basketball match. C. Have an English exam.
15. Where will the girl have the match
A. In the gym. B. On the playground. C. In the classroom.
16. When did Peter go to the Great Wall
A. Last Tuesday. B. This Monday. C. Last Friday.
17. What did Peter do on the train
A. He talked a lot. B. He read books. C. He slept.
18. What's Peter's favorite Chinese food
A. Peking noodles. B. Beijing Duck. C. Beijing Dumplings
19. Where is the school
A. Behind a post office. B. Beside a museum. C. On the side of a park.
20. How many hours of homework do they have every day
A. Half an hour. B. An hour. C. One hour and a half.
21. How often do they so on a school trip
A. Every week. B. Every month. C. Once a year.
22. When is Friendship Day
A. On the first Sunday of August every year.
B. On the fourth Sunday of September every year.
C. On the fourth Monday of October every year.
23. When did Friendship Day celebration begin
A. In l930. B. In 1935. C. In 1953.
24. Who will people spend time with
A. Their family. B. Their classmates. C. Their friends.
25.What is an idea to celebrate Friendship Day?
A.Have a party. B.Have a picnic. C.Have a dinner.
Information Sheet 26.Some children don't like talking with their much. 27.But they will be if they can be friends. |Ways: 28.First,find a good time to when eating dinner,walking or watching TV. 29.Second,tell them something you are in. 30.Third,listen to them and look them in the eyes.
VI.单项选择(共10小题: 每小题1分,满分10分)
31.—The song “Where did the time go ” _______ the old days and the love of my family.
—Sure. It’s my favorite song.
A. helps me out B. cheers me up C. regards me as D. reminds me of
32.—Tom plays football well.
A. So he does B. So does he C. So he is D. So is he
33.The bank is _______ the supermarket, on the other side of the road.
A. opposite B. among C. against D. through
34.China has a much_______ history than the US. It is one of _______ in the world。
A. long;the oldest country B. longer;the oldest countries
C. longest;the oldest countries D. longer;the oldest country
35.—Volunteers are raising money to set up a special hospital for _______ old and sick.
—What _______ unbelievable idea they’re coming up with!
A. an; an B. the; a C. an; the D. the; an
36.—Excuse me, could you please show me the time
—Sorry, I _______. My watch doesn’t work.
A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. can’t D. needn’t
37.—Where is Mrs. Wu
—She _______ the countryside to be a volunteer teacher. She will stay there for a year.
A. has been to B. came to C. has gone to D. has come to
38.—Whose trousers are these
—_______, I think.
A. They B. Their C. Theirs D. Them
39. They ________ the maths problem when I came in.
A.worked on B.were working on
C.were working D.were working for
40.---Do you know yesterday
---- About one hour and a half.
A. What he did B. when he did his homework
C. how long it took him to do his homework D. where he did his homework
VII. 完形填空。(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
When I was studying at university, I tried my best to win the Beto Award (贝托奖),which was given to those who finished their schooling with the highest.grades. I got very high marks on every __41__. I just missed 100 marks by one or two every single time. I did get a few 100 marks but the one 96 and the 97.5 marks hit me like a big hammer (锤子).
Why was I so crazy about getting __42__ grades Perhaps I was a perfectionist. I was the kind of person who didn't __43__ anything less than perfection while my classmates would be full of joy to get 85 marks. Finally, I didn’t win the award. I missed it by an inch that might as well have been a mile.
What standards (标准)do we set for __44__ What's the biggest and most important thing in our life I didn’t have the answer.
One day I walked out to the riverside to do exercise. Our neighbors don’t __45__ show up to walk along the river, maybe once or twice a year. I was exercising under a tree when a woman, one of my neighbors, went out of her house. She fixed her eyes on me __46__. I guessed she had never seen anyone kicking (踢)his legs 6-7 feet high.
I apologized if I had woken her, for I got up a little bit early. Then the woman asked me, “How high can you kick your legs ” I said, “I have no __47__.” I saw a lower branch on the tree (perhaps close to 7 feet) and I __48__ to kick it. I tried hard but missed.
What a shame! However, the woman didn’t __49__ me. She just said,“Miss it or not,that is impressive (感人的).” I thought about that __50__ I was sitting alone in my room. I didn’t feel so bad any more. And I remember her words for long. It is a new saying I learned from her.
Life is all about learning! We learn from our mistakes and misses. You’re right in the ball park if you get close. Just keep trying!
41. A. sign B. test C. step D. side
42. A. perfect B. popular C. poor D. proper
43. A. share B. accept C. question D. predict
44. A. ourselves B. yourselves C. itself D. themselves
45. A. usually B. heavily C. suddenly D. completely
46. A. in person B. in surprise C. in order D. in time
47. A. idea B. future C. excuse D. result
48. A. refused B. remembered C. decided D. continued
49. A. look after B. laugh at C. wait for D. worry about
50. A. while B. unless C. because D. though
VIII.阅读理解(共15小题: 每小题2分,满分30分)
Mary and Michael have faced some problems recently and asked Anna for help. Let’s take a look at some advice from Anna.
Dear Anna, I’m really worried about my daughter. I think some of the older boys in her school are bullying her. Every day she comes home from school in tears(眼泪). And every morning she says she doesn’t feel well because she doesn’t want to go to school. Can you give me some advice Mary
Hi Mary, I think you should go and talk to your daughter’s head teacher. Bullying is a serious problem in many schools, and every school must have a rule to stop it. Perhaps you could also have a talk with your daughter, and advise ways she could keep away from these boys in her break time. Anna
Dear Anna, My neighbors keep playing loud music late at night. I’ve been there a couple of times to complain(抱怨), and they turn it down for a few minutes. But ten minutes later, they turn it up again. It’s making me very stressed, and my children can’t sleep. What do you think I should do Michael
Hi Michael, I think you should speak to them one more time. Perhaps you could go during the day, when it’s quiet and you feel calm(冷静). Try to be polite and explain how their music is making you feel and has a bad influence(影响) on your children. Tell them that you would really like to be friendly with them, but if they keep making noise at night, you will call the police. Before you do this, you should write down all the dates and time when your neighbors make too much noise. Anna
51.Why is Mary’s daughter sad when she returns home
A.Because she gets bad grades.
B.Because she has a stomachache.
C.Because she gets hurt by older students.
D.Because she can’t get on well with her mother.
52.What is the trouble with Michael
A.His neighbors often complain about him.
B.His neighbors often make much noise at night.
C.His neighbors often throw rubbish everywhere.
D.His neighbors’ children often fight with his kids.
53.According to Anna, what should Mary or Michael do
A.Mary should take her daughter to see a doctor.
B.Mary should have a talk with the older boys’ parents.
C.Michael should talk with the neighbors when he feels clam at night.
D.Michael should collect enough information before he calls the police.
What is a “cat coffee shop” Well, it is a cafe that has cats. People can touch the cats, play with the cats and drink coffee there.
It seems that there are more pet cats around us today. And that’s true. There are 58,100,000 pet cats in China according to the National Bureau of Statistics. The number of cat owners in China is the second largest in the world after the United States. One important reason is that more young people are taking cats as pets. Maybe that’s because cats are clean pets and you don’t have to walk them. More cats bring more jobs. Many people now work at pet shops and hospitals.
But cats can be problems, too. Some people throw their pet cats away. The cats become homeless. They can pass on diseases. They also hunt and kill other animals like birds and frogs. So in Japan and Australia, the governments take homeless cats to animal hospitals. Doctors operate on them. So the cats can’t have babies. In this way, the number of cats will not go up.
54. Which country has the largest number of cat owners
A. Japan. B. China. C. America. D. Australia.
55. Why are there more pet cats in China today according to this passage
A. Because more cafes have cats.
B. Because cats are lovely and friendly.
C. Because more people work at pet shops.
D. Because cats are clean and easy to keep.
56. What might be the main idea of the last paragraph
A. To keep pet cats or not.
B. Popular cat coffee shops.
C. Why not take cats as pets.
D. More cats more problems.
In 2010,six people made history when they sailed across the Pacific Ocean in a boat. Why was this special?Because the boat was made from 12,500 used plastic bottles,and its name was Plastiki.
The journey wasn't easy. They took 128 days to sail 9,000 miles across the ocean from California,USA to Australia. During this time,they lived on the boat,ate food from cans and took showers in sea water. So why did they do it?Because they wanted to draw people's attention to the problem of plastic waste.
The Plastiki project was started by David de Rothschild. In 2006,he read about plastic pollution in the seas and oceans,and learnt that one plastic bottle lasts for 450 years!
Plastic waste causes 80% of ocean pollution,kills a million seabirds and 100,000 fish and other sea animals. Many people think that this plastic waste comes from ships,but they're wrong. The amazing fact is that 80% of the plastic in the oceans is made of the rubbish we drop in our streets,parks and beaches.
The easiest way to make a difference is to stop using plastic shopping bags and disposable(一次性的) water bottles. The great thing is that now millions of people are "doing their own Plastiki " in their homes,schools and offices.
As David de Rothschild said, "We aren't scientists,we're ordinary people. We want to show that if we work together,we can do something".
57. Which of the following is right about six people's journey? ______
A. They took about two months to sail across the ocean.
B. They sailed across the ocean from Canada to Australia.
C. They went on the journey by taking an unusual boat.
D. They ate sea food and drank sea water in the journey.
58. What is the purpose of the journey over the sea? ______
A. To pick up rubbish like plastic bottles under the sea.
B. To carry out a scientific research on the sea animals.
C. To help people learn some tips for an enjoyable sail.
D. To make people know the problem of the plastic waste.
59. How does the writer organize Paragraph 4? ______
A. By telling a story. B. By listing numbers.
C. By showing opinions. D. By asking questions.
60. What may people do if they are "doing their own Plastiki"? ______
A. Turn used plastic into everyday objects and put into use.
B. Buy some plastic bags when shopping in the supermarket.
C. Use disposable plastic bottles to drink water in their office.
D. Stop people from dropping much food waste in the street.
China’s Zhurong rover (祝融号) has found evidence (证据) showing that water has been on Mars (火星) much longer than expected.
Zhurong, named after the Chinese god of fire, landed safely on Mars on May 15th, 2021, making China only the second behind the United States to fully succeed.
Zhurong, the Mars rover, is 1.85 meters high and weighs about 240 kilograms. It has six wheels and four solar panels (太阳能面板) and it can move at 200 meters an hour on Mars.
The rover’s three-month primary mission (任务) was to search for signs of ancient life. It has done research on the minerals, environment and location of water and ice in the plain. The rover continues to research into its landing place and send information back to the Tianwen-1. The rover returned some information from its primary survey of the basin. It shows that Utopia Planitia basin had water during a time, but many scientists used to believe Mars to be dry and cold.
“Mars is the planet we are most likely to live on in the future. That’s why we want to understand it,” said Ge, a scientist in China’s space program. “Zhurong’s evidence of water on Mars makes great progress in future Mars missions!”
61 China becomes only the ________ to land a rover successfully on Mars according to the passage.
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
62. Which picture does Zhurong rover look like
A. B.
C. D.
63. According to the passage, we can infer (推断) that ________.
A. the news came out on May 15th, 2021 B. the rover returned three months ago
C. the rover may send pictures back to the Tianwen-1 D. Mars used to be dry and cold in the ancient time
64. What does the underlined word “it” refer to (指代) in the last paragraph
A. Tianwen-1. B. Mars. C. Future. D. Zhurong.
65. Which of the following titles can be put in ____▲____
A. The new findings on Mars B. The future life on Mars
C. The appearance of Zhurong Rover D. The landing of Zhurong Rover
My lovely hometown(家乡) is Westwood and I love it. I would like to call it an old town because there are lots of old buildings. And people here are trying to keep their history and culture. The greatest place in Westwood is Westwood Village. It has many good theaters, museums, restaurants and shops. Most visitors would like to visit Westwood Village.
I grew up in Westwood and my parents grew up here, too. Westwood has three primary schools. There is also a middle school but I didn’t study in it.
I love Westwood because the life here is easy and the people are friendly. Growing up in Westwood was fun and exciting. I had many friends here. They came from different countries. So I could learn different languages from them. We loved to do different activities together. We usually rode bikes, climbed hills or played baseball on weekends.
Living in my hometown is never boring though it is a quiet place. It is beautiful and relaxing.
66.The writer calls Westwood an old town because it has ________.
67.The life in Westwood is easy and ________ so the writer loves his hometown.
68.What did the writer and his friends usually do on weekends
X.词语运用(共10小题: 每小题1分,满分10分)
In the Western world, Chinese takeout is 71 unusual kind of food. Sent to your house in small square boxes 72 (quick), it comes with rice and lucky cookies. It will be a great choice 73 you feel lazy and don't want to cook or eat out.
74 this kind of Chinese food isn’t very authentic(正宗的). In fact, it is very different from real Chinese food. Nowadays, real Chinese dishes have been much 75 (popular) in foreign countries than before. In the United States, people like having hotpot and roujiamo. In Russia, 76 (hundred) of tanghulu may be sold in just a few hours. Latiao is even appearing in overseas classrooms. A lot of these foods are similar 77 Western foods. This 78 (explain) clearly why they interest foreigners so much.
Chinese people who live abroad introduced most of these foods long time ago. Some of them are new, like latiao. Some of them 79 (be) popular in the past few years.
Some foreigners try many kinds of Chinese dishes. Some of these dishes are familiar(熟悉的)to them, while others are new. But one thing is for sure: it is really great fun for them 80 (eat) Chinese food with their friends and families.
连词成句(共5小题: 每小题1分,满分10分)
度过方式 1. 停课不停学——每天上网课,阅读了很多名著;2. 坚持锻炼——每天锻炼一小时保持健康; 3. 了解疫情——通过上网或看电视新闻了解疫情;
你的感受 1. 医务工作者表现英勇,深受感动;2. 下定决心……
1. 推荐信的内容必须包含所给要点,可适当发挥,不能简单翻译;
2. 词数90左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;
3. 表达中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
Dear Leslie,
I'm glad to receive your email. You want me to share with you what I did in the epidemic situation. Here are my experiences.
Thank you for your concern. I'm looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua.



