题型七:短文填空 (1) 初中英语2024年中考专题练福建专版(含解析)

Do you know Liu Xiuxiang This name might be strange to you, but you must have heard about the s 1 of him. He “carried” his s 2 mom to his university 3 studied in Shandong. His mom wasn’t able to look after herself after his dad passed away. He had to support the whole family. Life was difficult, but he went on 4 (study) hard. F 5 he got into the university.
Many years later, Liu was noticed 6 public again. He won the 7 [ n (r)]—the “May 4th” Medal of Chinese Youth. 8 he g 9 from university in 2012, Liu refused many 10 (high) paid jobs and returned to his hometown, Guizhou Province. There he has been working 11 a teacher for 9 years. He said, “I hope to do something for more children whose 12 (life) are similar to 13 (I).”
In fact, he has helped more than 1,700 students and given more than 100 speeches. His story has warmed many people. As the song 14 “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” There is no 15 (疑问) that he will give more hope to more children in the future.
It was one of the 16 (hot) days of the dry season. If we didn’t see any rain soon, we would lose everything.
One day when I was in the kitchen, I 17 (see) my six-year-old son, Billy, walking towards the forest. He was clearly trying to be as still (平静的) as possible. Several minutes later, he disappeared into the forest, and then he ran out again, towards the house. This activity went on for an hour, walking carefully to the forest and 18 (run) back to the house. I really wanted to know 19 Billy was doing.
Finally, I followed him into the forest. I found that he was holding a cup of water. He walked very carefully not to 20 (drop) the water.
I saw a baby deer (鹿) lying on the ground. It lifted its head to drink the water in my 21 (son) cup. After 22 deer drank up, Billy jumped up and ran back to the house to get more water. When he saw me, he said, “I’m not wasting, mother.” I found that his eyes were filled with tears.
“I know.” I watched the most beautiful heart working 23 hard to save another life. Tears ran down my face. As my tear drops began to hit the ground, more drops suddenly joined them. I looked 24 at the sky. It was raining.
The actions of one little boy saved a life, and the r 25 saved our farm.
The World Skills Competition, which t 26 place every two years, is the world’s largest technical and vocational(职业的)competition. 27 October 2022, it will be held in Shanghai. Over 1, 400 young people from more than 60 countries and regions will 28 (竞赛)in 63 skills, such as car painting, cooking and hairdressing. To encourage the 29 (develop)of new industries, nine new skills have been added to the competition, including renewable energy(可再生能源), robotic systems integration(机器人系统集成)and rail vehicle(轨道车辆)technology. The competition wants to promote(推进)global vocational education, as well as help young people 30 want to change their lives.
We all believe that it’s necessary to have dreams. However, to make dreams into reality (现实) is not 31 easy thing. A young man called Frank would like to work hard to make his dreams come 32 .
Frank went diving (潜水) in Australia 33 he was 16. He was shocked to see 34 (much) plastic bags than fish in the sea. Frank made up his mind to clean up the ocean. However, everyone told him that there was nothing he could do to stop plastic bags from 35 (go) into the ocean. But the young man didn’t give 36 . He spent several months studying plastic pollution. Finally, he came up with a science project using floating barriers (漂浮的栅栏) for collecting the waste. That is to say, instead of using nets and ships to collect the plastic bags, the barriers can make the plastic bags 37 (come) together with the help of natural ocean currents (洋流) and wind. What’s more, the collected plastic bags can 38 (recycle) and made into products or oil.
Finally, Frank 39 (win) prizes for the project, but that was not enough for him. He wanted to make it a reality. In 2013, he set up The Ocean Cleanup. Together with scientists, engineers and volunteers, the young man is working hard to clean up the ocean. In the 40 , this great project will help make our world a better place.
Mr. Martin, my teacher, handed each student a list of topics, and asked us to write one of those topics on paper. I 41 (选择) the topic I wonder why things are the way they are.
I wrote 42 all the questions that puzzled (困扰) me about life. I 43 (认识到) that many of them were hard to answer, and perhaps 44 could not be answered at all. When I handed in my paper, I was afraid that I might f 45 because I did not answer the questions.
The next day, Mr. Martin handed me the paper and asked me to read it for the class. The other students became q 46 as I began to read my story:
Mum, why are the roses red Why is the grass green and the sky b 47 Why do I have to graduate Why do I have to grow up Why do I have to be called Grandma one day Dad, why can’t I stay out 48 12:00 Why do I miss my old friends Why do I miss being at home Why do you love me so much Mum, Dad, why did you have to leave me I need you.
At the end of my story, I looked at Mr. Martin, and I saw a tear slowly c 49 down his face. Then I knew life is not built on the answers we 50 (收到) but on the questions we ask.
South Korea is a very ordered society. The 51 (影响) of Confucian principles (儒学) runs through every part of living. As a r 52 , one way to avoid any unpleasantness is to be on time, all the time.
It is often said that people in Malaysia are pretty relaxed about time. They are not on time in both personal occasion (场合) 53 professional occasion. Talk to any foreigner who has spent time there and they might complain (抱怨) in a 54 (一致).
It has been said that in Brazil, it doesn’t matter for being late. 55 example, it is considered impolite to arrive on time for a social occasion. The hosts would probably not even be r 56 to receive their guests! Having said that, if you are a visitor to the country and have an important business meeting, it’s probably 57 (最好) not to do as they do.
When in Greece (希腊), time is something to be enjoyed rather than worried over. So it is not unusual to arrive 30 58 (分) later for a dinner party. H 59 , this does not fit business meetings where visitors are expected to be on time. As you might have guessed, the s 60 rule doesn’t always fit your hosts.
All in all, people from different countries have different ideas and customs about being on time.
“I will think of it.” It is easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come from thinking We can’t see our thoughts, and yet 61 powerful they are!
James Ferguson was 62 English boy. Once seeing the inside of a watch, he 63 (fill) with wonder. “Why should I not make a watch 64 (I) ” he thought.
He soon found out how to make a watch and made a wooden clock 65 kept good time. He also began to copy pictures 66 a pen. In a few years, while still a small boy, he made enough money 67 (support) his father.
When he became a man, he went to London to live. Some of the 68 (wise) men in England, and the king himself, used to attend his speech. He always said, “I will think of it.” And 69 (final), he made his thoughts useful in the world.
Everybody, don’t feel upset and don’t ask someone to help you before 70 (help) yourselves when you have a difficult lesson to learn. Think and by thinking you will learn how to solve problems.
Why do plants grow in some places and not in others To grow, plants need several things.
One is 71 (warm). In very cold places almost nothing 72 (grow).
Plants also need water. In very dry parts of the Earth only a few unusual plants can grow. That’s why dry deserts everywhere are almost not 73 (cover) by trees or grass. Plants must also have 74 place in which to put down 75 (they) roots and grow. They find 76 difficult to grow on hard land. The town is built 77 hard land. The plants here have only the soil(土壤) found between the cracks(缝隙) of the stones to grow in.
Another thing plants must have before they can grow is food. What will happen if we try to make things grow on the 78 (sand) beach A few plants, such 79 beach grass, will grow in sand, but most plants won’t. Even if the weather is warm enough and we water the plants each day, many of them will die 80 the sand on this beach has almost no food for plants.
One night, our car 81 (break) by a thief. Even worse, all of the things in the car were missing including my schoolbag. There was my drawing board, school textbooks and notebooks in it. I was really sad.
I had to go to school 82 nothing the next day. My teacher, Miss Taylor, was very kind to me. She gave me 83 new drawing board after I told her what 84 (happen). She also handed me some crayons.
I didn’t start to draw anything yet, something even 85 (good) happened. Miss Taylor 86 (receive) a call from the office. After she put down the phone, she said with 87 (excite), “Helen, a miracle(奇迹)has happened! Someone found your bag!”
I ran to the office 88 (get) my schoolbag. When I opened it, I saw all my things were still inside. A teacher in the office said, “You are 89 (luck). A couple found your schoolbag on the side of the road, and they found the address on your drawing board. So they brought the bag to school just now.”
It shows that there are lots of people 90 are kind. There is no need for us to lose faith just because of one bad apple. The world is still so beautiful.
I’m happy to be here today to share my experience with you. Three years ago, my doctor told me that I had to lose weight to s 91 healthy. So I made up my 92 that I would change my lifestyle.
I believe that the key to losing weight is having a positive (积极的)mind. During the past three years, whenever I faced difficulties, I would 93 (鼓励)myself. That’s how I could keep going.
Next, I had to change my diet. I threw 94 all of the junk food in my house. When I went shopping, I only bought healthy food for 95 . I suggest that when you get home, you should 96 (检查)the food in your fridge. Will it help you 97 (变成)the healthy person you want to be
Lastly, I also started e 98 . I tried to get out of my room and spent more time o 99 . At first, it was different for me. But as time went by, I started doing more and more exercise. Now, I’m able to run 5 km every day.
Losing weight is all about making the right choices for your health. I’ve m 100 it. And I want to tell you that you can, too!
1.(s)tory 2.(s)ick 3.when##while 4.studying 5.(F)inally 6.by 7.honor 8.After 9.(g)raduated 10.highly 11.as 12.lives 13.mine 14.sings 15.doubt
1.句意:你知道刘秀祥吗?这个名字可能对你来说很陌生,但你一定听说过他的故事。根据“but you must have heard about the s...of him”可知,听说过刘秀祥的故事,the story of...“……的故事”,故填(s)tory。
2.句意:他“背着”生病的妈妈去山东上大学。根据“He ‘carried’ his s...mom to his university”可知,刘秀祥的妈妈生病了,用sick作定语修饰mom,故填(s)ick。
3.句意:他在山东读书时,把生病的妈妈“背”到了大学。根据“He ‘carried’ his s...mom to his university...studied in Shandong.”可知,当他上学时“背”着妈妈,用when/while引导时间状语从句,故填when/while。
4.句意:生活是困难的,但他继续努力学习。go on doing sth“继续做某事”,故填studying。
5.句意:最后他考上了大学。根据“F...he got into the university.”可知,最后他考上了大学。finally“最终,最后”符合语境,句首需大写首字母,故填(F)inally。
6.句意:许多年后,刘秀祥再次受到公众的关注。根据“Liu was noticed...public again”可知,他被公众注意到,by“被”符合语境,故填by。
7.句意:他荣获中国青年“五四”奖章。根据音标“[ n (r)]”可知,此处是honor,意为“荣誉”,故填honor。
8.句意:2012年大学毕业后,刘拒绝了很多高薪工作,回到了贵州老家。根据“...he g...from university in 2012”可知,毕业后拒绝了很多工作,after“在……后”符合语境,句首需大写首字母,故填After。
9.句意:2012年大学毕业后,刘拒绝了很多高薪工作,回到了贵州老家。根据“...he g...from university in 2012”可知,是毕业后的事情,graduate“毕业”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(g)raduated。
11.句意:他在那里当了9年的老师。根据“There he has been working...a teacher for 9 years.”可知,作为一名老师,as“作为”符合语境,故填as。
13.句意:他说:“我希望为更多和我生活相似的孩子做点什么。”此处表示“我的生活”,用mine代替my life,故填mine。
14.句意:正如这首歌所唱的那样,“杀不死你的,只会让你更强大。”本句时态是一般现在时,主语是“the song”,动词用三单,故填sings。
15.句意:毫无疑问,未来他会给更多的孩子更多的希望。doubt“疑问”,“There is no doubt that...”是固定句型,表示“毫无疑问”,故填doubt。
16.hottest 17.saw 18.running 19.what 20.drop 21.son’s 22.the 23.so 24.up 25.(r)ain
16.句意:这是旱季最热的一天。根据“ one of the... days of the dry season”可知,此处是“one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数+比较范围”的句型,hot的最高级是hottest。故填hottest。
23.句意:我看到最美丽的心如此努力地拯救另一个生命。空处应填副词修饰形容词hard,结合“working ... hard to save another life”可知,so“如此”符合语境。故填so。
24.句意:我抬头看了看天空。根据“looked..the sky”可知,应是抬头看天空,look up“仰望”。故填up。
25.句意:一个小男孩的行动拯救了一条生命,而这场雨拯救了我们的农场。根据上文“It was raining.”和上文“If we didn’t see any rain soon, we would lose everything.”及首字母可知,此处指“雨”拯救了农场,rain“雨”,不可数名词。故填(r)ain。
26.(t)akes 27.In 28.compete 29.development 30.who##that
26.句意:世界技能大赛每两年举行一次,是世界上最大的技术和职业比赛。根据“place every two years”及首字母可知,此处介绍举行的时间,take place“举行”,根据every two years可知,此句是一般现在时,主语是单数形式,动词用三单,故填(t)akes。
31.an 32.true 33.when 34.more 35.going 36.up 37.come 38.be recycled 39.won 40.future
31.句意:然而,将梦想变为现实并非易事。“easy thing”是元音音素开头,thing是可数名词单数,可知用an,表示“一件容易的事情”,故填an。
32.句意:一个叫弗兰克的年轻人想努力工作,实现他的梦想。根据“would like to work hard to make his dreams come…”可知空格处填true,表达通过努力工作实现梦想,come true“实现”,固定短语。故填true。
33.句意:弗兰克16岁时去澳大利亚潜水。后句“he was 16”表示时间,意思为“当他十六岁时”,故填when。
35.句意:然而,每个人都告诉他,他无法阻止塑料袋流入大海。由介词“from”可知动词用ing形式,stop sth./sb. from doing sth.“组织……做某事”,固定搭配。故填going。
36.句意:但年轻人没有放弃。根转折词“But”可知年轻人没有放弃清理海洋垃圾的梦想,give up“放弃”,固定搭配,故填up。
37.句意:也就是说,障碍物可以在自然洋流和风的帮助下使塑料袋聚集在一起,而不是使用网和船来收集塑料袋。make sb./sth. do sth.“使……做某事”,make是使役动词,后面跟不带“to”的不定式,故填come。
38.句意:更重要的是,收集的塑料袋可以回收并制成产品或油。根据“the collected plastic bags can…(recycle)”可知,主语和谓语动词之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填be recycled。
40.句意:在未来,这个伟大的项目将帮助我们的世界变得更美好。这件事发生在将来,in the future“在将来”,固定短语,故填future。
41.chose 42.down 43.realized 44.others 45.(f)ail 46.(q)uiet 47.(b)lue 48.until 49.(c)oming 50.receive
42.句意:我写下了生活中所有令我困惑的问题。根据“I wrote … all the questions that puzzled (困扰) me about life”可知,写下了所有问题,write down“写下”,故填down。
44.句意:我意识到,其中许多问题很难回答,也许还有一些根本无法回答。根据“many of them were hard to answer”可知,剩下的问题很难回答,others“剩余的”,泛指剩余的一部分,故填others。
45.句意:当我交作业的时候,我担心我可能会因为没有回答问题而不及格。根据“because I did not answer the questions”及首字母可知,担心没有回答问题而不及格,fail“不及格”,might后接动词原形,故填(f)ail。
46.句意:当我开始读我的故事时,其他学生都安静了下来。根据“I began to read my story”及首字母可知,当作者开始读故事的时候,其他学生都安静了,quiet“安静的”,形容词作表语,故填(q)uiet。
47.句意:为什么草是绿色的,天空是蓝色的?根据“the sky”及首字母可知,不明白为什么天空是蓝色的,blue“蓝色的”,故填(b)lue。
48.句意:爸爸,为什么我不能在外面待到12点?根据“why can’t I stay out …12:00”可知,此处用not…until表示“直到……才”,故填until。
49.句意:我看见一滴眼泪慢慢地从他脸上流下来。根据“I saw a tear slowly …down his face”及首字母可知,眼泪从他的脸上流下来,come down“下来”,see sth doing sth“看见某物正在做某事”,故填(c)oming。
51.influence 52.(r)esult 53.and 54.(a)greement 55.For 56.(r)eady 57.best 58.minutes 59.(H)owever 60.(s)ame
52.句意:因此,避免任何不愉快的一种方法就是一直准时。根据所给单词首字母和固定搭配as a result“因此”可知,应该是因此,用名词result“结果”,故填(r)esult。
53.句意:他们在个人场合和职业场合都不准时。根据固定搭配both…and“……和……都”以及空前的“they are not on time in both personal occasion”可知,应该是他们在个人场合和职业场合都不准时,用连词and,故填and。
54.句意:他们可能会一致抱怨。根据所给汉语意思和固定搭配in agreement“一致”可知,应该填的是名词agreement,故填(a)greement。
55.句意:例如,在社交场合准时到达被认为是不礼貌的。根据固定搭配for example“例如”和空后的“it is considered impolite to arrive on time for a social occasion”可知,应该是例如,在社交场合准时到达被认为是不礼貌的,用介词for,首字母大写,故填For。
56.句意:主人甚至可能还没有准备好接待他们的客人。根据前文的“It has been said that in Brazil, it doesn’t matter for being late”和固定搭配be ready to do sth“准备做某事”可知,应该是主人甚至可能还没有准备好接待他们的客人,用形容词ready“准备好的”,故填(r)eady。
57.句意:如果你是这个国家的游客,有一个重要的商务会议,最好不要像他们那样做。根据空前的“it’s probably”并结合所给汉语意思可知,应该填的是best“最好的”,故填best。
59.句意:然而,这不适合要求访客准时出席的商务会议。根据前文的“So it is not unusual to arrive 30 minutes later for a dinner party”和空后的“this does not fit business meetings where visitors are expected to be on time”并结合所给单词首字母可知,用however“然而”表转折,故填(H)owever。
60.句意:正如你可能猜到的,同样的规则并不总是适合你的主人。根据空前的“As you might have guessed”和空后的“rule doesn’t always fit your hosts”并结合所给单词首字母可知,应该是正如你可能猜到的,同样的规则并不总是适合你的主人,用形容词same“相同的”作定语,故填(s)ame。
61.how 62.an 63.was filled 64.myself 65.which/that 66.with 67.to support 68.wisest 69.finally 70.helping
61.句意:然而他们是多么的强大!根据标点可知,句子是感叹句,根据空后“powerful (形容词)they(主语) are(谓语)”可知,空处应用how引导感叹句。故填how。
63.句意:曾经看到了表的内部,他就充满了惊奇。根据句意可知,主语和动词之间是动宾关系,故应用被动语态;结合一般过去时可知,句子应用一般过去时的被动语态,构成形式为:was/were done;主语“he”是第三人称单数形式,故be用was;fill的过去分词是filled。故填was filled。
64.句意:“为什么我不能自己做一块手表呢?”他想。承接前句“Once seeing the inside of a watch, he…(fill) with wonder.”语境可推知,后句应是:“为什么我不能自己做一块手表呢?”他想;I,我,主格代词,对应的反身代词是myself。故填myself。
65.句意:他很快就发现怎样做手表,并做了一个准时的木钟。分析句子结构可知,空处的词是定语从句的引导词,先行词“a wooden clock”是物,故应用which/that。故填which/that。
67.句意:几年后,当他还是个小男孩的时候,他赚了足够的钱来养活他的父亲。根据句子结构可知,空处是动词不定式作目的状语,其结构为:to do。故填to support。
68.句意:英格兰一些最聪明的人,以及国王本人,过去常常出席他的演讲。根据空后比较的范围“in England”以及空前the的提示可知,空处的形容词应用最高级;wise,聪明的,其最高级形式为wisest。故填wisest。
71.warmth 72.grows 73.covered 74.a 75.their 76.it 77.on 78.sandy 79.as 80.because
71.句意:一是温暖。“warm”是形容词,表述“温暖的”。根据“To grow, plants need several things”可知讲述的是植物成长需要的其中一项,用名词“warmth”表示“温暖”。故填warmth。
73.句意:那就是为什么干燥的沙漠到处都几乎没有树木或者草覆盖。主语“dry deserts ”与谓语动词之间是被动关系,表示“被覆盖”用“are covered by”。故填covered。
74.句意:植物也必须有一个地方可以在那里放它们的根并且生长。根据“place in which to put down”可知表达泛指“一个地方”,“place”是辅音音素开始的单词,用不定冠词“a”。故填a。
75.句意:植物也必须有一个地方可以在那里放它们的根并且生长。名词“roots”前用形容词性物主代词,表达“它们的根”用“their roots”。故填their。
76.句意:它们发现在坚硬的陆地上生长是很难的。句子用“find it形容词 to do”的结构,“it”是形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式“to grow”。故填it。
77.句意:城镇建在坚硬的陆地上。根据“hard land”可知表达“在陆地上”用介词“on”。故填on。
79.句意:少量的植物,例如海草,会生长在沙子上,但是大多数的植物不会。根据“A few plants”及“beach”可知是在举例子,用短语“such as”。故填as。
80.句意:它们很多将会死亡因为海滩上的啥子几乎没有食物给植物生长。根据“the sand on this beach has almost no food for plants”可知解释的是“die死亡”的原因,用连词“because”表示“因为”。故填because。
81.was broken 82.with 83.a 84.had happened 85.better 86.received 87.excitement 88.to get 89.1uck 90.who
81.句意:一天晚上,我们的车被小偷弄坏了。根据后文的by可知,此处用被动语态,陈述过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was broken。
83.句意:我把发生的事告诉她后,她给了我一个新的绘图板。空处修饰后文的new drawing board,表示泛指,且new的发音以辅音音素开头,故填a。
84.句意:我把发生的事告诉她后,她给了我一个新的绘图板。空处表示的动作发生在told之前,即“过去的过去”,所以用过去完成时,故填had happened。
88.句意:我跑到办公室去拿书包。空处表示目的,所以用不定式,故填to get。
91.(s)tay 92.mind 93.encourage 94.away 95.myself 96.check 97.become 98.(e)xercising 99.(o)utside 100.(m)ade
91.句意:三年前,我的医生告诉我必须减肥才能保持健康。根据“my doctor told me that I had to lose weight”和首字母提示可知,空格处表达“保持”健康,stay保持,“to”后接动词原形。故填(s)tay。
92.句意:所以我下定决心要改变我的生活方式。根据“I would change my lifestyle”可推断,作者应该是“下定决心”减肥,make up one’s mind下定决心。故填mind。
94.句意:我把家里所有的垃圾食品都扔掉了。根据“Next, I had to change my diet.”和上文可知,作者应该是“扔掉了”垃圾食品,throw away扔掉。故填away。
95.句意:我去购物时,我只为自己买健康食品。根据“When I went shopping, I only bought healthy food”可推断,作者应该是给“自己”买健康食品,主语是“I”,所以反身代词用“myself”。故填myself。
97.句意:它能帮助你成为你想成为的健康人吗?become变成,help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事。故填become。
98.句意:最后,我也开始锻炼。根据“But as time went by, I started doing more and more exercise.”和首字母提示可知,作者开始“锻炼”,exercise锻炼,start doing sth.开始做某事。故填(e)xercising。
99.句意:我试图走出我的房间,花了更多的时间在外面。根据“I tried to get out of my room”和首字母提示可知,空格处表达在“外面”,用“outside”。故填(o)utside。
100.句意:我成功了/我做到了。根据“And I want to tell you that you can, too!”和首字母提示可知,作者成功了/做到了,用“make”,“have”后接动词的过去分词,“make”的过去分词是“made”。故填(m)ade。



